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Uggh I really don't like how people here trash KC all the time. We don't even have the full panel just a quote pulled from the thing that could be easily taken out of context. And she's entitled ot her opionions about the relationship. She did say "the story could go anywhere"


So she's entitled to her opinions but we shouldn't be entitled to ours?


No one here is trashing KC. People are discussing the problems they have with what she said in regards to the show. A completely valid thing to discuss on a message board devoted to it.


All characters are deconstructed and analyzed here. Some positive and some negative. If you view those quotes in a positive light please feel free to express that. I have never seen anyone here attacked for viewing things differently. I might not agree with what is said but one of the best things about this forum, over others on the internet imo, is that people will defend their positions but no one is denigrated for having a different opinion. I know others have suggested this to you but their is an ignore feature if certain posters bother you.

  • Love 8

Uggh I really don't like how people here trash KC all the time. We don't even have the full panel just a quote pulled from the thing that could be easily taken out of context. They obviously used that one quote to try and cause buzz online. And she's entitled ot her opionions about the relationship. She did say "the story could go anywhere"


She absolutely is!


And those quotes are out of context, but are not at all unlike previous observations she's made about the Oliver/Laurel relationship at other cons and in other interviews. She's called Sara and Felicity (and other women) flings and such before - the "the story could go anywhere" is actually something new coming from her. It's just interesting that she has this particular viewpoint on the relationship, because it contradicts everything that the show is actually showing us.

  • Love 1

You don't even know everything she said at the panel. Those were 2 quotes from probably like a an hour long panel purposefully used to cause buzz online. And she's obviously going to try and say positive things about the relationship when she was asked about it.  Some of the thing people say about her are like really mean. 

She might not be reading the entire scripts, but what does she do on table reads? Legit spaces out while everyone else is saying their lines?


What is she smoking? 



I think she day dreams about all the torn jeans and Birkenstocks she will be posting on her fashion blog and instagram. I bet she misses half the table reads as well.  





You guys don't just trash Laurel you trash Katie Cassidy for no reason. Not even just her acting, but everything about her. I just skimmed this thread and saw these comments. But whatever. I'll just leave this thread until you're done,. 

Edited by ban1o
  • Love 2

When you go to a con, you have to know that everything you are going to say will be put online at some point, and occasionally it will be taken out of context (especially with twitter). And as such, you should be careful about how you word things. Katie Cassidy has been saying the same things about the Oliver/Laurel relationship for the past two seasons, even though what we are seeing on screen is completely different than what she is telling us. It would be one thing if other actors and show runners had the same opinions about that relationship, but they don't. So to me (and to others) it gives us the opinion that she is disconnected with the show and what is being said about the show by those involved with it. Opinions are just that, opinions. But Katie Cassidy is putting hers out there at cons and by now she should know that she will be judged on them however unfairly that is. 


It might be unfair to judge her on them, but her opinions are affecting her acting choices which makes it hard for the audience to get a read on Laurel. If a scene is meant to be read as friendship but Katie Cassidy reads it as romantic, that is going to come through and it is going to throw the scene off from what was supposed to be portrayed. Similar to the jacket giving scene, Sara was going off to become an assassin again and Laurel may never see her again. That should be a sad scene, we should feel for Laurel that the sister she just got back is leaving again. Instead because Katie Cassidy couldn't stop smiling for some reason (as she said in an interview) the scene is off. Laurel is acting like her sister is going on vacation or going away to school or something happy. 

  • Love 16

I feel for KC. She was hired as leading lady and she's billed as leading lady, yet in last year's season finale, her role in the climactic scene was to be held off-screen, helpless while her leading man has a scene with an actress who was only meant to play a bit part, but ended up being the one who held the key to resolving the main plot and possibly our hero's heart. Then over the hiatus the buzz from the network and the EPs and the production company and her leading man is almost all about a relationship she is not a part of. That's gotta sting. I can't help but wonder if these comments are some kind of an attempt to "market" herself and her character as the premiere is coming. I mean it's al about exposure, right?

  • Love 3

What I'll say about those WW Austin comments is that I would feel the same way about them if SA said Laurel is his soulmate. It doesn't make sense based on what I've seen for 2 seasons and how L/O's back story was written. Of course, every actor is entitled to believe whatever they want about their character, but as the viewer, I can only go with what I see on-screen. And Dawson's Creek ruined the term "soulmate" for me eons ago so it's hard for me to take anyone seriously who uses that word. Thanks, Dawson!

  • Love 7

I can't help but wonder if these comments are some kind of an attempt to "market" herself and her character as the premiere is coming. I mean it's al about exposure, right?


The bizarre thing is that she has a new love interest this season. She should be promoting that storyline, not the one she wishes was happening. Her storyline with Wildcat is a chance for Laurel to make a fresh start, in more ways than one, and she should be embracing that. And maybe she did talk about him during her Q&A, but it's hard to get fans to invest in that relationship and storyline when you're still insisting that Laurel and Oliver are meant to be.  


It's also jarring to hear her say she thinks Laurel and Oliver are soulmates and Oliver needs Laurel when Amell says we'll never see Laurel and Oliver together again and Guggenheim and Berlanti both say Oliver is in love with Felicity. It's almost like she lives in a hermetically sealed bubble that everyone else's comments can't penetrate.

Edited by KenyaJ
  • Love 8

I just... I just can't anymore. I'm giving up.

I've tried, really, I did, i tried to be really nice about her.. umm, statements. but to do so i had to cage the cynic and the bitch living inside of me, *sighing deeply* and.. well it looks that just like the count from last season, they have managed to escape (let's hope they won't meet the same ending as him.. yikes).

they have a few chosen word to say:


Someone please, for the love of Arrow, pop a gag order on KC talking anything L/O and Arrow related until she has read the comics and most importantly watched the show.

and by Diggle! has she not read the scripts? has she not seen Stephen SDCC interview?!


Sometimes i have to wonder if she's doing it on purpose, because otherwise no one is really paying her character any attention. so maybe she's thinking that if she'll say stuff like it will... i don't know what she's thinking, or maybe it's the opposite that's the problem.

I don't know. i give up. i'm trying to be indifferent to her, cause reading her.. fantasized answers just raises my blood pressure.

  • Love 1

I just... I just can't anymore. I'm giving up.

I've tried, really, I did, i tried to be really nice about her.. umm, statements. but to do so i had to cage the cynic and the bitch living inside of me, *sighing deeply* and.. well it looks that just like the count from last season, they have managed to escape (let's hope they won't meet the same ending as him.. yikes).

they have a few chosen word to say:


Someone please, for the love of Arrow, pop a gag order on KC talking anything L/O and Arrow related until she has read the comics and most importantly watched the show.

and by Diggle! has she not read the scripts? has she not seen Stephen SDCC interview?!


Sometimes i have to wonder if she's doing it on purpose, because otherwise no one is really paying her character any attention. so maybe she's thinking that if she'll say stuff like it will... i don't know what she's thinking, or maybe it's the opposite that's the problem.

I don't know. i give up. i'm trying to be indifferent to her, cause reading her.. fantasized answers just raises my blood pressure.


I'd be ok if she didn't read the comics as the show is making an identity separate from the comics. She needs to stop telling people to read the comics if she hasn't. She's being hypocritical and looks ridiculous as she continues to fall back on her "but comics!" answer.


I feel for Katie as what she signed up for isn't what ended up happening. HOWEVER my compassion stops there. The continuing issues with her interviews and her performance are on her. The writers share some of the responsibility in she's never been a clear direction in which to approach her character. The producers and directors need to correct her when she has the wrong mood for a scene (smiling as her sister boards a boat after being on two which sunk in order to return to being an assassin). 


I don't dislike Katie as a person. This week I dealt with someone at work who wasn't doing their job. I still like them as a person but as a co-worker I wanted to slap them upside the head. Their failure to do their job affected my ability to do mine. My desire to see something better from that person wasn't mean. It was a matter of needing them to make more effort and do their job properly.

  • Love 3

And Dawson's Creek ruined the term "soulmate" for me eons ago so it's hard for me to take anyone seriously who uses that word. Thanks, Dawson!




I decided months ago to just laugh off and avoid taking anything KC says relating to Laurel and Oliver seriously because, otherwise, my brain will explode trying to make sense of her reasonings. When everything I'm seeing on the show and everything that almost everyone from the show is saying is strikingly disparate to what one cast member believes, it's just weird and kind of sad. But, hey, if KC really wants Laurel to be Oliver's soulmate then you do you, girl. If you're going to dare to dream then dream big, I say! Laurel can be the Dawson to Oliver's Joey. She ended up with Pacey, the one who was a much better fit for her, anyway.

  • Love 7

I hope my posts didn't seem to come off as 'KC bashing'. I'm seriously confused by her statements and seriously disappointed. 




Because it means that KC won't be playing Laurel any differently, and KCs interpretation of Laurel is one of the biggest issues I have with her (right after how they've written her character). KC will always play Laurel as this person who is in love with Oliver when that's not necessarily true. It seriously undermines everything Laurel went through and undermines future growth. This worries me greatly and even though I'm trying to keep an open mind about Laurel, this isn't really helping her case. 

  • Love 1

My problem with when KC makes comments like this is that they seem to contradict what the EPs and lead actor are saying. And while, yes, she's certainly entitled to her opinions, she has admitted to having trouble keeping her personal feelings out of some of scenes.  Hence, "The Jacket."


I agree that her acting choices are connected to her personal interpretation of the character will affect the scenes she's in - which will affect everyone else in those scenes - which then affects the show.  And my enjoyment of scenes with her in them is already non-existent to the point that I either FF or take bathroom/snack/twitter break.  The more I tune out of episodes, the less interest I have in even bothering to watch the show in the first place.

  • Love 6

Because it means that KC won't be playing Laurel any differently, and KCs interpretation of Laurel is one of the biggest issues I have with her (right after how they've written her character). KC will always play Laurel as this person who is in love with Oliver when that's not necessarily true.

I would be okay with that, KC playing Laurel as someone who is in love with Oliver because maybe Laurel still is.  Where I balk is that she's playing it that Laurel and Oliver are meant for each other and will be together in the end.  That means that she dismisses every other person who may be important to Oliver, including Sara and Diggle, because only she matters, and it makes her speeches to Oliver come off a bit like Miss Haversham.  (I can see her, forty years in the future, in the apartment where they were supposed to love, wearing the wedding gown she had planned, sending off invitations.)

  • Love 7


I'm not surprised by KC's 'L/O are soulmates' comments but I am disappointed because that is going to affect how she portrays Laurel and I want nothing more than her to move on. As she will be BC in the future I want to be able to root for her and as I've said before, playing into the idea that she belongs with Oliver makes Laurel lose all her self respect after everything he did. As I understand it, that's not who BC is.


KC is very much entitled to her own opinion but there's absolutely nothing in canon that backs up her statement and I honestly can't understand why she is still singing the same tune three seasons later when everything around her has changed. If this was early s1 I could maybe understand because she wants to promote them but now? No way. Not buying what she is selling. It doesn't even have anything to do with the path her character is on this season.


Also the term 'soulmates' makes me shudder and I hate it with a passion of a thousand suns. And yes that is partly thanks to Dawson's Creek. 

Edited by Guest

It diminishes Sara because she becomes the person who took Oliver away from Laurel, rather than the little sister who they thought was dead for 6 years and who suffered horrendous physical and psychological abuse during that time.


It diminished Tommy because he was the 'best friend' role.  Yes, he was Oliver's best friend but when she talked about the three of them together, it was Oliver&Laurel, and Tommy was Oliver's best friend, like an add-on rather than an important part of their group.  (This is why I like how they are developing Oliver/Diggle/Felicity.  Diggle and Felicity have their own friendship and support society, independent of Oliver. Or maybe in reaction to Oliver.)


With respect to Diggle, in the interview it seemed like she was thinking Oliver/Laurel-- Arrow/Black Canary.  It's true that they were asking her about Laurel and her relationships to the other characters on the show and she didn't have a scene with Diggle yet (was he in the courthouse scene? I can't remember) but her emphasis is on Oliver/Arrow rather than the show being about Oliver and his vigilante team, although to be fair at that point it was just Diggle.


I don't think she's ever talked about Oliver's relationships with anyone else on his team other than to dismiss Felicity as a love interest, but I could be missing something.

  • Love 1

I don't think she's ever talked about Oliver's relationships with anyone else on his team other than to dismiss Felicity as a love interest, but I could be missing something.

You're right. Other than saying Felicity/Oliver would be a fling, she never really talks about Oliver's relationship with anyone else, just talks about how Laurel/Oliver are soulmates. 


Although, one of my most favorite things she said in regards to Diggle was in answer to who she would think would walk her dog. It made me realize she had no clue to who Diggle was as a person, thus showed how out of touch she is with the entire show. 


Diggle walks no ones dogs unless its his own. 

  • Love 1

One thing that does concern me for the direction of Laurel's character is that no one contradicts her statements or appears to try to explain what is coming in the future.  


You  would think after KC making these sorts of statements repeatedly, TPTB  would meet with her to discuss her views of the character and where she is going if KC's statements were incorrect.  Perhaps L/O is the endgame?  Which really worries me.


I plan on going to the Portland wizcon in January and both Stephen and Katie are supposed to be there.  I would like to specifically ask her the question "After everything that Oliver has done to Laurel and how unhealthy their relationship has always been shown to be, why would a strong, educated women even want to be Oliver's 'soulmate'?"


I mean, one could argue that some of the healthiest years of Laurel's life were after Ollie and Sarah presumably drowned. She fulfilled her dream of being a lawyer and began helping others and she was dating Tommy FFS.  Not being cheated on and marginalized like Ollie seemed to do. 

  • Love 10
It diminishes Sara because she becomes the person who took Oliver away from Laurel, rather than the little sister who they thought was dead for 6 years and who suffered horrendous physical and psychological abuse during that time.

It diminished Tommy because he was the 'best friend' role.  Yes, he was Oliver's best friend but when she talked about the three of them together, it was Oliver&Laurel, and Tommy was Oliver's best friend, like an add-on rather than an important part of their group.


That's a bit of a reach since Sara wasn't mentioned.

And I think Tommy was the tag along of sorts for Laurel. Until the Queen's Gambit went down.

And I think Tommy was the tag along of sorts for Laurel. Until the Queen's Gambit went down.


For Laurel from her perspective perhaps, but certainly not from Oliver's perspective from what we've been shown.  There were plenty of comments between Oliver and Tommy and also scenes that showed us that those two were tight. And Oliver has said Tommy was his best friend.  


That is not a tag along.  And, IMO, it reinforces one thing that I feel about Laurel which is that she marginalizes anyone who she feels doesn't have anything to offer her.  See Felicity and Digg.  And even Sarah, until Sarah was a superhero.

  • Love 2

It doesn't worry me that the producers aren't directly refuting what she is saying. When she is saying they are soul mates, she is just giving her opinion. Catering to her fans. I find it annoying and disrespectful to Laurel (who I don't even like). But she is just giving her thoughts on the matter.


The show runners aren't going to pop up and say 'Hey don't listen to the lead actress she doesn't know what she's talking about.' It would just add fuel to the fire. But what they are doing is pretty important: not talking about Laurel/Oliver in any romantic sense at all. They are giving no bones to the L/O shippers. If the goal was to still make L/O endgame, you would still talk up their relationship. Basic practice in talking about romantic pairing on a show is to talk about both relationships; when you mention one, you mention the other.

Everything mentioned about Oliver and Laurel is in a business/team partnership way. They aren't even talking up a new friendship.

Besides, no actor has control over where the story goes or who ends up with who. However I'm fairly confident that SA has a better idea then KC.


As for Oliver needing Laurel, I'm pretty sure the producers have said something similar. Still don't agree, but nothing new.

  • Love 1

Sara isn't mentioned, probably because the media interviewing KC didn't know she was going to be alive, all they'd seen is the pilot episode.  My comment was about KC's statement at SDCC 2012 and how her thoughts on Laurel and the other characters may affect how she plays Laurel.  I think if the story for her is Laurel's romance with Oliver rather than who Laurel is as a person, it will affect how she acts in scenes with Caity Lotz since she will see Sara as an impediment to Laurel's relationship with Oliver.


I agree that from her comments it sounds like Tommy was the tag-along.  But from Tommy's lines in the pilot episode about how the Queen family virtually adopted him when he was eight and his mother died and Malcolm disappeared, the timeline suggests that Tommy's friendship with Oliver pre-dates Laurel.  (The "half my life" life suggests Oliver and Laurel met in high school.)


If KC sees Oliver/Laurel as the primary relationship in the group and Tommy being a tag-along, it explains how she portrays Laurel on the screen.


That is not a tag along.  And, IMO, it reinforces one thing that I feel about Laurel which is that she marginalizes anyone who she feels doesn't have anything to offer her.  See Felicity and Digg.  And even Sarah, until Sarah was a superhero.

And how she plays her scenes with Felicity, Diggle and Roy, and possibly her scenes with Thea, her future sister-in-law.


As for Oliver needing Laurel, I'm pretty sure the producers have said something similar. Still don't agree, but nothing new.

Sara said it in the jacket hand-over.


I'm good with Oliver needing Laurel the lawyer to help clean up Starling City.  But is that what KC meant when she said "Oliver needs Laurel"?

Edited by statsgirl



More of Katie Cassidy at wizard word con. I didn't know she was a gymnast.

I'm tired of her showing off her biceps... We get it, you're buff now. It's just like how tired I am of the CW basically teasing 95% Olicity, WE GET IT :p They get together (it'll be glorious) then they'll break up (and I'll probably need some xanax for it). 


I'd like to see something more from KC, unfortunately we're not seeing it. 

  • Love 4

lol I don't know most of the time she shows off her biceps it's on her instagram and I thought that was only a couple times. This is the first time I've seen her do it in a public setting. Maybe she was asked about her workout?


I wonder is she'll ever do the salmon ladder on the show lol.

Edited by ban1o

From what I understand, she did Rhythmic Gymnastics from 3 to 15, she quit because training was 25 hours a week, her coach was too strict and she wanted to have free time with her friends plus she didn't think she was good enough to seriously compete. She's mentioned that in a few interviews. I'm not sure what the difference is or if there is one between that and what I consider regular gymnastics. She's also said in the past that she's a kickboxer.

lol I don't know most of the time she shows off her biceps it's on her instagram and I thought that was only a couple times. This is the first time I've seen her do it in a public setting. Maybe she was asked about her workout?


I wonder is she'll ever do the salmon ladder on the show lol.

I've seen her do it in a few cons the past summer which is why I can't help but roll my eyes :p 


And psh, this is LAUREL, she's a precious princess and future BC (no matter how ridiculous it sounds), of course they're going to make her do the salmon ladder on the show. 


It's funny though. Whenever people ask KC about superficial things about Laurel, she seems to answer those perfectly (I've been working out is an example). But when people ask her to dig deeper and ask her tougher questions she manages to give superficial answers and in the end not really answer said questions (Have you read the comics seems to be a famous one, also when she talks about Laurel's relationship with Sara she ends up talking about her siblings instead of Laurel's relationship with Sara. It's annoying). I truly want to know what KC thinks who Laurel is, unfortunately I don't think we'll ever find out. 

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 2

From what I understand, she did Rhythmic Gymnastics from 3 to 15, she quit because training was 25 hours a week, her coach was too strict and she wanted to have free time with her friends plus she didn't think she was good enough to seriously compete. She's mentioned that in a few interviews. I'm not sure what the difference is or if there is one between that and what I consider regular gymnastics. She's also said in the past that she's a kickboxer.

oh wow. 25 hours a week is intense lol. Or maybe I'm just lazy lol. When I was in high school I played basketball and that was like 15 hours a week and I felt it took up all my time lol. And she kick-boxes too? Interesting.  .

Edited by ban1o

oh wow. 25 hours a week is intense lol. Or maybe I'm just lazy lol. When I was in high school I played basketball and that was like 12-15 hours a week and I felt it took up all my time lol. And she kick-boxes too? Interesting.  .

3-4 hours a day is actually middling it for me. But it is a lot for KC especially if she'd been doing it for 12 years.


Then again it's been 10 yearsish since she last practiced. Isn't there a statute of limitations on this sort of thing? 

From what I understand, she did Rhythmic Gymnastics from 3 to 15, she quit because training was 25 hours a week, her coach was too strict and she wanted to have free time with her friends plus she didn't think she was good enough to seriously compete. She's mentioned that in a few interviews. I'm not sure what the difference is or if there is one between that and what I consider regular gymnastics. She's also said in the past that she's a kickboxer.


Rhythmic gymnastics is more artistic - instead of competing ON apparatus (like the balance beam, etc.), they compete WITH apparatus (like ribbon, ball, etc.). They still do the tumbling and stuff, but they stick to floor exercise routines. It's actually really beautiful IMO.


That was a cute video though. I'd be interested to see if she can actually do anything on the salmon ladder, considering CL is a gymnast too, and she could only complete two rungs (IIRC).

  • Love 4

3-4 hours a day is actually middling it for me. But it is a lot for KC especially if she'd been doing it for 12 years.


Then again it's been 10 yearsish since she last practiced. Isn't there a statute of limitations on this sort of thing? 

 I'm curious to see if she could actually do the salmon ladder. Like apinknightmare said Caity could only do 2 rungs. And yeah 10 years out I don't know how gymnast-like she would be.

Edited by ban1o

Caity did two rungs on the Salmon Ladder with only a week of training after filming, that's impressive to me.


I am sick of KC showing off her muscles like that fixes the problem with her character. CL never had to show off her muscles to show us she was right for the part, most of us wanted to know who she was and found vids of her break dancing, tricking, stunt fighting and doing parkour. She never once was a show off with any of it. She proved she was right for the part on the show, which KC has failed to do after 2 seasons.

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 4

 (I can see her, forty years in the future, in the apartment where they were supposed to love, wearing the wedding gown she had planned, sending off invitations.)

ROTFLMAO!!!!! OMG there were actual tears in my eyes.

Diggle walks no ones dogs unless its his own. 

Hell, Diggle's dog walks his own damn self. That's how boss Diggle is.

I don't want to come off as hating KC. I don't know her (so spending mental energy hating her is pointless) and aside from the Arrow nonsense most of what I have seen of her showed her in a much more favourable light. However there needs to be a point where professionalism and dedication to one's work is to be expected. Most of her comments don't point to her even paying attention to the show she was cast as the Leading Lady of. That's bad. She can have an opinion as to why Laurel is good for Oliver, but saying that they are soul-mates (even if she has changed the intensity from absolutes to positing when stating said belief) shows that either she doesn't know or care what happens on the show (because even if you really like Laurel, from what we've seen so far why on Earth would you want her to be with Oliver? She can be BC without them being involved. They are separated often in the comics) or that however she is perceiving her character is not connecting with a huge part of the audience. Said perception also affects the acting choices that she makes and, if she is not on the same wavelength as everyone else on the show, that can create a disconnect or unease for the viewers which is bad for everyone. I have said many times that actually KC/Laurel fans should be the first not to want Lauriver because it is just insulting to anyone to gloss over their crappy history. I was a fan of Felicity for the longest time and when I heard whispers of Olicity I was actually disheartened because I didn't think he deserved her. In fact I still believe he has work to do in that direction.


RE: Rhythmic Gymnastics. Thanks for the full video, I absolutely love it and had only seen some parts of it. I wanted to be a rhythmic gymnast when I was younger...then I realised I was the clumsiest human being on the planet. I guess with regards to strength Rhythmic is more about core muscles strength, balance and dexterity. Also, I know quite obvious, a good sense of rhythm, tempo and timing because you have to evaluate how long you can do your moves while the items are in the air. Thinking about it in terms of musical beats helps. I guess Rhythmic gymnastics is the yoga to Artistic Gymnastics' mat Pilates strength wise. If you look at the size of the muscles for the two types of gymnast it's pretty apparent. Rhythmic gymnasts are all lean and very slender with long limbs. in Artistic gymnastics, being short is better and having more buff muscles helps with the power moves. Sorry, I am a gymnastics nerd :p.

Edited by fantique

If I am not wrong, Emily Bett Rickards also trained as a gymnast in her school, she also taught Yoga till 2012 (if you go back to her old tweets, you will see tweets about the classes she taught) and she has been working hard this summer (she and Willah share a trainer) like everyone related to that show but she never tweeted or instagramed her biceps (she has pretty well defined arms and shoulders). During one of the many interviews she did with Colton in Europe, she mentioned that she started doing pull ups and that they are VERY hard but that was it. In another one of the interviews, she was asked if Felicity gets any training on the show like they have shown her in season 1 and she said that she would like to believe that she works out behind the camera because it would be stupid of her to not have some kind of basic training.

I am assuming that she is trying to be fit so if the occasion calls for it she can deliver but she does not talk about it all the time because it would be stupid if she talks about it and it does not materialize - like KC talking the whole summer about Ollie/Laurel soulmate togetherness and then every promo and spoiler that came out since SDCC was Olicity heavy with added emphasis on Team Arrow with barely any mention of LL, if at all.

Well, to be fair, much as she may enjoy exercise for personal reasons, Emily's role as Felicity doesn't require her to be physically fit, and one of the (many) complaints being leveled at KC regarding her possibly becoming BC is that she doesn't have the physique, so I can see why she's putting those pics out there. And, I mean...just reading the signs here, but I don't think KC's working out for the hell of it. She's doing something physical this season, so, again, I can see why she's posting those pics - so she can show that she worked for it.

  • Love 6

Well, to be fair, much as she may enjoy exercise for personal reasons, Emily's role as Felicity doesn't require her to be physically fit, and one of the (many) complaints being leveled at KC regarding her possibly becoming BC is that she doesn't have the physique, so I can see why she's putting those pics out there. And, I mean...just reading the signs here, but I don't think KC's working out for the hell of it. She's doing something physical this season, so, again, I can see why she's posting those pics - so she can show that she worked for it.


Yep, I don't resent KC for playing up her physical training because in order for her character to stay relevant and for her to stay employed, Laurel will eventually have to transition to BC or some equivalent role in the series.  That's what they hired her for, regardless of the truly awful writing they've given her character for the past 2 seasons.  I get the impression that KC is bothered by the negativity surrounding her transition to BC and this is her way of demonstrating her dedication and that she's willing to give it 110%.  If that's the case, I applaud her for it.  Besides, how many bajillion training videos have we seen Stephen post of his prep to play The Arrow?  People can certainly hate that the showrunners are making her BC, but IMO it's a bit of a double standard to say it's okay for Stephen to record his training progress and not Katie when both of them were basically hired by the show to play (eventual) superheroes.  She can flex her biceps all she wants at comic cons and Stephen can flash his abs too as far as I'm concerned. 

  • Love 5

I plan on going to the Portland wizcon in January and both Stephen and Katie are supposed to be there.  I would like to specifically ask her the question "After everything that Oliver has done to Laurel and how unhealthy their relationship has always been shown to be, why would a strong, educated women even want to be Oliver's 'soulmate'?"


I mean, one could argue that some of the healthiest years of Laurel's life were after Ollie and Sarah presumably drowned. She fulfilled her dream of being a lawyer and began helping others and she was dating Tommy FFS.  Not being cheated on and marginalized like Ollie seemed to do. 

See i feel like this question is an open gate to her answering the same old practiced line "they are soulmate" or "Comics"


Personally, and I actually been thinking about it today before i read your post,  if i had the chance i would have ask her (preferably in front on the EP's and the rest of the cast) something along the lines of "in recent interviews you mentioned how you still see Laurel and Oliver as soul-mates, destined to be together, that they are still very in-love (or whatever it is she says in interviews) yet the EP's, as well as several cast members; specifically Stephen. who said so very specifically during interviews at SDCC) that the only woman in Oliver life now is Felicity, we had at least one if not all three EP's saying at one point or another for the last several months that Oliver and Felicity are truly in-love with one another. So i'm just wondering how/why, despite all of those statements you would view Laurel&Oliver as what i can only assume the show end-game, especially as we have not really seen anything on screen to indicate it."


although there's possibly a less passive aggressive and more nicely way to word it. (i'm just done with giving a fuck, plus it's been a long day.)

now I seriously wish i did cons, cause i would have loved to see the reactions of the cast and EP's to such a question, and how they would answer it.

Edited by foreverevolving
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Besides, how many bajillion training videos have we seen Stephen post of his prep to play The Arrow? 

I guess for me, the difference between KC and Stephen is that Stephen talks about other things and has a good grasp of who his character is and his trajectory. He speaks well of other characters as well as their relationship with Oliver. So while Stephen releases his million work out videos/images, it's not the main thing he talks about unlike KC. 


I just really really really want to hear something different from KC. Anything different that makes sense that makes her look like she has an understanding of Laurel, but it's always about working out, soulmates, and how Laurel's a do gooder... :/ It's frustrating because I want to know more I guess. 

Edited by wonderwall

I guess for me, the difference between KC and Stephen is that Stephen talks about other things and has a good grasp of who his character is and his trajectory. He speaks well of other characters as well as their relationship with Oliver. So while Stephen releases his million work out videos/images, it's not the main thing he talks about unlike KC. 


I just really really really want to hear something different from KC. Anything different that makes sense that makes her look like she has an understanding of Laurel, but it's always about working out, soulmates, and how Laurel's a do gooder... :/ It's frustrating because I want to know more I guess. 


I totally get people's frustration with some of the things she talks about--especially re: the soulmates thing since it completely contradicts what we've seen on the TV screen--but I see that as separate from the criticism about her Instagram workout photos or muscle flexing.  *shrugs* 

I totally get people's frustration with some of the things she talks about--especially re: the soulmates thing since it completely contradicts what we've seen on the TV screen--but I see that as separate from the criticism about her Instagram workout photos or muscle flexing.  *shrugs* 

Oh no, I really don't care about her instagram :p I'm just talking about cons and stuff. Sorry I should've clarified! 


Honestly, KC should post whatever she wants on instagram, it's her personal account and it really has nothing to do with Laurel or the show so yeah, I don't really care about what she posts there :p 

No worries...I wasn't singling you out specifically, @wonderwall.  I've seen mentions of all the various places KC discusses/posts her training stuff so my post was meant to emcompass all of it.  :)  And I don't disagree with your prior post either--there is a strange disconnect between what she says at CCs and in interviews. I can't even venture a guess as to why that's happening because it doesn't seem like her job is in jeopardy any time soon since the CW and the EPs all seem to love her.

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 I don't think KC's working out for the hell of it. She's doing something physical this season, so, again, I can see why she's posting those pics - so she can show that she worked for it.

Or else she's trying to get people to believe that she can do the physical part of the Black Canary role.


The difference for me between Stephen Amell posting his work-out videos and Katie Cassidy flexing her muscles at cons is that a year before SA starting posting  his routines, SA was doing some pretty amazing things on my screen so it's a case of once having established what he can do, we now see how he gets there.  But in KC's case, it seems more like she's trying to show everyone that she can do the Black Canary physical things so it's okay to give her the role.  No one else on the show doing fight scenes, like David Ramsey, Colton Haynes, Caity Lotz or Manu Bennett is out there flexing their muscles to show what they've got.  It's like "the lady doth protest too much".


I can believe that she can do chin-ups. But unless she can actually do the salmon ladder, which is far harder than chin-ups because you not only have to pull yourself up, you have to have enough momentum to push the bar to the next level, she shouldn't challenge the show to put her on it because it looks like boasting of what she can't deliver, again.

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No one else on the show doing fight scenes, like David Ramsey, Colton Haynes, Caity Lotz or Manu Bennett is out there flexing their muscles to show what they've got.  It's like "the lady doth protest too much".


But none of those people are receiving the level of criticism that Katie is with regards to being physically able to do the job. She's protesting because people are on her ass about pretty much every aspect of Laurel - if she can take some of the heat off of one area, why not?


Yeah, she says dumb things in Q&As and she doesn't seem to have much of a handle on who her character is, but she doesn't write the show and I really just think that she wants the job she signed on for. It's not working out, and that must be hard to come to terms with, but she can't seem to win regardless.



Or else she's trying to get people to believe that she can do the physical part of the Black Canary role.


Maybe, but I think the likelihood of her actually having a physical part this year is pretty high (otherwise, what's Wildcat on for?). While the EPs do seem to have backed off on their original plan for O/L, they don't seem to have backed off on their plan for making Laurel some kind of vigilante, whether or not she's BC.

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I actually appreciate to see some actual dedication from Katie. I do feel for her because she is trying to extinguish the fire here. Or at least do some damage control because as pointed out on this site, some people are just done with her character. Maybe she is trying to appeal to the comic book fans since they might still be attached to DLL being BC but they are hesitant because she doesn't look like she can handle it. To me though, as a person who hasn't read the comics and was never attached to her being BC, I have far more issues with her disregarding what I consider to be the biggest part of her character; her family, her love for the law and disappointment that the system doesn't work as it should. Her motivations for doing more than keeping Oliver's secret wrt her involvement with Team Arrow... In short anything outside of her value as a love interest. She should love and respect her character enough to think Laurel deserves better. I need to see Laurel on screen, not Katie. As a person and as an actor, it is absolutely rude to diminish other characters' importance, it's also unprofessional and it shows her in a very bad light... It makes it easy on people to "hate on" her if she shows to be petty and inconsiderate. I guess it's a question of too little too late here. Now all she can do is try her best and not try to drag everyone else down by only thinking of her character as a love interest and goody two shoes. Actually if she has any depth of understanding for her character she can use this situation in her acting; Laurel also needs to love and respect herself more, think outside of being Ollie's one and only, stop ignoring others' input because it doesn't fit her desires and learn when to realise there others' feelings to consider. Hopefully the writers know not to knock others down to elevate Laurel because that is a fire proof way for viewers to grab the pitchforks.

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 And Dawson's Creek ruined the term "soulmate" for me eons ago so it's hard for me to take anyone seriously who uses that word. Thanks, Dawson!

Yeah. I really hate that term as well. I think someone should tell KC now days leads don't always have to get together in the end.

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