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I'm less concerned with the reaction and more concerned with the timing of it all. Initially I was concerned because my Diggle loving hear had a moment of weakness. But the timing is more interesting to me and it's more and more of a confirmation that the death will happen in 419/420. Now all we need to look out for is who is writing these episodes... I think that, that info will be revealed in the next 3 weeks -- possibly even sooner if we know CR is heading back to Vancouver (after she films 417) during that time. 

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419/420 is really the only place they can have the death and still leave enough time in the season to wrap things up.


I'm rather grateful that Arrow doesn't end in the usual cliff-hanger end-of-season tropes, actually.  (Amanda Tapping said that she never had a chance to grow her hair longer because Stargate SG1's season openers always took place right after the previous season's finale.)

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I definitely think SA would be upset about anyone leaving now because whoever it is they've been working together for 4 years. But IDK, I'm really worried about Diggle. SA and DR are the bromance guys! :(

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If they kill Diggle and keep these other useless characters like Malcolm, Laurel, Lance, and Thea...I seriously don't even know what I would do. Maybe turn to another channel and never return. I can watch the Olicity scenes online but...yeah. They better not fucking kill Diggle is all I have to say. 

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Diggle was my first choice in the grave. I still say it would be the one he would shed a tear for and be angry for.  Diggle, sadly, remains my choice.  :( I don't want it, but I totally can see them doing it. 


IMO all the love show towards OTA is the foreshadowing of it's destruction.

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Diggle was my first choice in the grave. I still say it would be the one he would shed a tear for and be angry for.  Diggle, sadly, remains my choice.  :( I don't want it, but I totally can see them doing it. 


IMO all the love show towards OTA is the foreshadowing of it's destruction.

They destroy OTA then it's basically in a way telling viewers "Fuck you". I can't even describe the anger I will feel if Diggle is killed instead of Buckles or even Lance. They kill Diggle they better reunite Olicity and fucking keep them together cause it would be the only way id watch on a regular basis.

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Screen times:

412 - Unchained:

Oliver: 25.26

Felicity: 14.12

Laurel: 8.52

Diggle: 8.43

Thea: 7.33

Malcolm: 3.35


Season to date:

Oliver: 4h46m04

Felicity: 2h31m23

Diggle: 2h06m48

Thea: 2h00m07

Laurel: 1h51m13

Lance: 53m35

Malcolm: 23m47

Damien: 20m12

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Charlotte posted a pic with Willa that makes me think Donna, Thea and Felicity might be in scenes together in 4x17


I would love it if it came true, but I won't be holding my breath. Cute photo.


Mr. Ramsey looks as debonair as always. That last pic made me google Wrist Boom. Huh, a wearable speaker. That's new to me. The swag at these things is nuts.


Oh-kay. Thanks for doing the work for me. Ray's smartwearables are a lot more appealing to be honest.

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I would love it if it came true, but I won't be holding my breath. Cute photo.

I normally wouldnt either. But cant help myself after the Wednesday shoot with SA, KC, DR, PB and Echo in the lair, but without EBR and Willa.

And then Stephen saying he might be hurt in 4x17. I would understand Felicity maybe missing from lair scenes, but Thea missing makes me wonder. Especially if they brought in Curtis to the lair, something must be happening.

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Would it qualify as damseling seeing as (I think all) the men from the team have been captured as well?

Imo "damseling" only applies when someone is captured/hurt/put in danger because the villain wanted to victimize them so the hero would react somehow. It's not about the vitcim, it's about the villain taunting the hero.

If someone is captured because of something they did themselves, then it's just regular kidnapping, even if they do need saving.

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I hope we get at least ONE little innocuous shoutout like they did with Oracle :p


"Daisy, we need you to cover the security for us so we can get into this Hydra building" "Do I look like an Overwatch to you? Give me a minute!"


"Cisco told me about that metahuman that they had in Central City last Tuesday, Geomancer. He wanted to name it Quake, which I had a problem with personally-it's a friend's nickname, long story- so he decided on Geomancer instead..."

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Some non-spoilery MG tumblr responses at http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/...

maggneat-o asked:
Do you think there is even a remote possibility that scripts from any episodes of Arrow other than the pilot will be made publicly available? The show as is is incredible but there is always a nice added richness to be gleaned from a great script. Thanks for all the wonderful work!

Thank YOU for watching.
We’d love to publish a book of Arrow scripts one day.  There just needs to be a demand that convinces a publisher it’s a worthwhile investment.

hotsforlaurel asked:
Fire Bamford or tell him to up the game! Increase the intensity and length of the fucking fight scenes man. They all have been too short. Also Oliver was trained by Ra's himself so how the fuck did anarchy singlehandely beat him in the recent episode????

Bam isn’t going anywhere.  Sorry.  I’d quit the show before I saw him fired.

hotsforlaurel asked:
If you type 'Arrow fight' on youtube, you will see a ridiculous amount of views of videos in figures of 100,000 for season 1 and season 2. For season 4, the view count is almost at 100 at best. That should fucking tell you something Marc.

It tells me that Season 1 has had four times as long on YouTube to rack up views as Season 4.

jim-the-editor asked:
Hey Marc, Love the show and all the great work your team, the cast and crew do. I was wondering, now you're 3.5 seasons in, if there was anything you'd want to write differently in the early seasons? A change in characterisation or tweak to a story?

We haven’t produced a single episode to date I haven’t wanted to go back and tweak in some way.  It’s the nature of network television.

badass-bookworm asked:
I LOVE OLICITY STORYLINE THIS SEASON!!! but i have a very trashcany question: can oliver and felicity have sex in felicity's present state? I need to know for fanfiction reasons .... [hides face in shame] thank you!

Yes, they can still have sex.  Lots of people in Felicity’s condition enjoy very active sex lives.

smoakandarrow asked:
Hey Marc! I found Brian Sullivan's explanation of how the Felicity/Goth Felicity scene on last night's episode fascinating. Any chance we could get a breakdown explanation of it on the Season 4 DVD as an extra? Thanks! Oh, and Overwatch? Great pick for Felicity's code name. *thumbs up*

I’ll check with Home Entertainment.
And thanks re Overwatch – a few people tweeted the suggestion to me.

gehendj asked:
How do you respond to those that think that the show is no longer about Oliver Queen and his journey, but rather "The Felicity Smoak Show"?

I’d probably refer you to Stephen’s workload/shooting schedule.

smoakandarrow asked:
Hey Marc! Just saw Arrow ranked #1 on the Nielsen TV Twitter ratings for last night's episode. That's two week in a row! Congratulations!

Thanks to all of you guys!

mymusiclove101 asked:
Two questions. 1- Why doesn't Felicity (the tech expert) use an electric wheelchair?? 2- Will we ever see any of their birthdays?? I am in love with this show and 4x11 was seriously amazing! Emily is phenomenal! Thanks!

1 - Great upper body workout.
2 - When a story calls for it, sure.
Thanks so much for watching!

smoakandarrow asked:
Hey Marc! With Oliver a kid, Oliver & Felicity looking at marriage, is there going to come a point soon where we hear Felicity's thoughts on having kids? Because so far, we have no idea where her head is, really, on kids. Does she want them? Does she want to be a mom? Is she ready for kids? It would be nice to get some perspective on it from her.

I agree, but Felicity is really young.  Emily is in her 20s.  I think it’s too early for her to be thinking about kids.  (He says, bracing himself for backlash.)

Edited by tv echo
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More non-spoilery MG tumblr posts at http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/...

truemascara asked:
Was the codenames for Oliver, Diggle and Felicity having the acronym OGS for their codenames intentional? If it was, impressive!!!! I really love how much thought you guys put into Original Team Arrow.

Hah!  I wish we were that clever.

perfectlyandrogynousbitch asked:
Hello sir! I'm so happy to finally see Felicity's father tonight and I can't wait for next week. My question however has more to do with her presentation. It was supposed to be 6 months from now but, according to Felicity, it was moved up. Was it always meant to be revealed now? Or are you running out of time for story lines and moving things up in general? Just curious. Thanks.

We just took advantage of what felt like an organic opportunity.

smoakandarrow asked:
Hey Marc! With Arrow clearly delving in to magic and "impossible things," I had to chime in a quick note of: Felicity Smoak needs to regain use of her legs. I doubt you plan on leaving her paralyzed forever but... ya know... just in case. To cover bases. I would be forever crushed (and frustrated, annoyed, angry, etc) if she was permanently paralyzed, out of action, out of field, out of stunts, zipline-less forever, etc. So... looking forward to seeing how and when she walks again.


ultrafantasticsheepcollection asked:
Hey Marc, Oliver's line from last night about running back and forth to Central City left a very bad taste in my mouth. I'm taking Felicity's lack of reaction as knowing he was going to CC, which means Oliver is now lying about his reason for going there. I really hope there's a way to salvage this story line that doesn't make Oliver an utter asshole and Felicity a shrew or a martyr. I hate stupid Oliver. Stupid Oliver is not a compelling protagonist. Fix it, please.

We’ll have to agree to disagree.  As a father of two, I can forgive Oliver for lying in order to have a relationship with his child.

myolicityuniverse asked:
Marc! Where are you? we miss you here!1- Oliver went back to Central City again? 2-How can it be that "Felicity hacker" don´t know absolutely nothing about Oliver's son? I mean, she knows him, knows when he lies or keep secrets.

1 - Yup!
2 - I don’t think Felicity is cyber-stalking her fiancé.

johnfrackingdiggle asked:
Marc, why does Arrow make it so hard to root for Oliver? It took several episodes (and the help of Diggle and Felicity) to make me start rooting for Oliver in Season 1. You made it very challenging in Season 2 when he started lying, sleeping with his ex's sister, being stupid against Slade. Then you made him stupid again in S3, not trusting his team. But this Baby Mama lie is making Oliver slide back to S1 douchiness again. Please. STOP. He's the protagonist. You need the audience to like him.

Oliver is a flawed hero.  He makes mistakes.  And I disagree with you that a lie he’s telling in order to be able to have a relationship with his son makes hm a douche.

mrsoliverjonasqueen-love asked:
Good morning! You promised at the start of the season that you'll have an interesting story for the flashbacks. And yet, they, except for the one with Constantine and the one with the Diggles last episode, have been incredibly yawn-inducing. Isn't Oliver supposed to be turning dark, moving toward the cold-blooded killer of Season 1? Suggestion? Have him kill off that useless female character, pls. That'll turn him dark faster than you can spit and give us viewers relief from the bad acting.

Sorry they’re not to your liking.

righteousatlas asked:
It seems like all three shows Arrow, Flash, and LoT are pushing the special effects more than previous years. I can't believe that all this is done on a TV budget. Is there a specific reason why the shows are looking so much better this year?

We’re always trying to push the envelope on all the shows.  We’re constantly trying to raise the bar for ourselves.  Specific to Arrow, I felt that our stunts became less ambitious last year due to budgetary limitations and we’ve all redoubled our efforts to make them spectacular.

fight--for--now asked:
Great season of Arrow so far but missing a few things fans are begging to see: Felicity and Thea bonding. Olicity stunts Felicity training (after she gets better of course) And a hot love scene up against a wall between Olicity. If you make any or all of these happen before this season is over I'll love you for life.

We will try.  That said, we don’t devise the episodes by coming up with moments and working back from them.  The moments that you love from past episodes came organically out of the story we were telling at the time.  We’ve never worked backwards from a particular “stunt,” y’know?

greenarrow-bbb asked:
Will Felicity be self-defense training when back up on her feet to at least fight off the weakest of a criminal? #Arrow

Who says she’s getting back up on her feet?

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These MG tumblr responses deserve their own post...

lawrrence asked:
okay, so since you are making the olicity fandom happy all the time, why not give us, lauriver fandom, a scene of an alternate universe which has Laurel and Oliver as a married couple just like in the comics? since your audience is not just the olicity fandom, you should show respect to the other ones who watch it for the other elements in the show but not for the olicity.

I know you won’t believe me, but we really don’t make creative choices based upon the will of the internet.  Nor do we base those choices on the comics.

That said, if it were organic, true to the show, and we had a great idea for an episode – sure, we’d do an alternate universe story.

But it’s not about satisfying one particular fandom over another.  Really.


ilikemybutterfrozen asked:
will we see Laurel get her metahuman Canary Cry? i love the mechanical one but it seems like its losing it's effect. Like in episode 4x10, Laurel uses it right in front of Anarky, but it barely does anything. I would love to see the canary cry that causes people to go unconscious/ makes ears bleed. That would be so awesome

If we had some story reason to make Laurel a metahuman, we’d absolutely do it.  But we never craft a storyline for any of the characters because of, or in order to bring them into line with, the comics.


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He didn't lie, he was saying that S1 videos had 4 years worth of views.

I wasn't saying it was a lie, just sticking his head in the sand. I cannot vouch for the numbers the askes stated, but just the passage of time is not explanation enough a- 100 to 100,000 is a huge gap. Especially since I believe the scenes would get most views soon after they were aired, not a few years down the line.

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This MG tumblr response also deserves its own post...

stilettoroyalty asked:
What's the deal with booking Lexi Alexander for a return to Arrow? You've said recently you're trying to work around her schedule. Which is weird considering she's tweeted that she has yet to be invited back. What's up? Which is it?


Here’s something you don’t know:  We book all of our 23 episodes in advance.  If someone has never directed the show before, we only book them for one episode in that season.  (Why double down on an unknown quantity?)

That said, we developed an opening in one of Season 4′s later episodes after a director dropped out and I inquired into Lexi’s availability.  But she was already committed to directing an episode of Supergirl, so we had to hire another director.

I don’t mind your judgmental question, but I wish it was grounded in a better understanding of how television shows are produced and how directors are booked.

Actually, looking at your other questions to me, I DO mind.  If you think the show is being written and produced by people – based on your posts – who are misogynist, racist and possessing some prejudice in favor of the LGBT community (guilty as charged on that last point), then please don’t watch the show.  We don’t need/want your viewership.


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I wasn't saying it was a lie, just sticking his head in the sand. I cannot vouch for the numbers the askes stated, but just the passage of time is not explanation enough a- 100 to 100,000 is a huge gap. Especially since I believe the scenes would get most views soon after they were aired, not a few years down the line.

I think it is more the opposite, people watch something new I don't think they are going to rush to youtube to watch it again within a month as opposed to re-watching something they haven't seen in a while. 

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While some question are actually asked in a polite manner, I wonder why some people seem to think it is ok to be rude. Sure, some storylines might irritate you and not be to your liking and you might have strong feelings about it but that shouldn't stop you from being polite when talking to a stranger basically. 


Sure his answers aren't the nicest sometimes either but I guess he doesn't have to answer. I sometimes wonder why he does it at all. As far as I can tell, it just causes more animosity. He sure likes to mess with people, likes to get the praise but doesn't really like valid criticism so therefore he is bound to be called out on his behavior. But you can remain polite while doing so. It just baffles me. 

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I think it is more the opposite, people watch something new I don't think they are going to rush to youtube to watch it again within a month as opposed to re-watching something they haven't seen in a while. 


True. But also, I find that some might actually rush onto Youtube after an episode to rewatch a specific scene over and over again, especially if it's a really good scene in an overwise average/boring episode. For example, the Olicity sex scene. I find that sometimes, I don't want to rewatch a whole scene, so I'll go onto Youtube first to see if a said scene is uploaded. So the fact that people choose not to rewatch just the season 4 fight scenes says something. 

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Two sure fire ways to get attention. You suck up to him or insult/piss him off. If all you want is answer I suppose it doesn't really matter what method you choose

Probably true. I just have a hard time with that. Maybe my mom's voice in my head saying 'always be polite' is too strong for the internet or the world :-) 

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We’d love to publish a book of Arrow scripts one day.  There just needs to be a demand that convinces a publisher it’s a worthwhile investment.

With the incredibly cheap costs of publishing these days, why would they even need to go to a publisher?  Put out the call and I bet there are some fans who would be willing to put in the work and sell them, giving the writers their due royalties.



okay, so since you are making the olicity fandom happy all the time, why not give us, lauriver fandom, a scene of an alternate universe which has Laurel and Oliver as a married couple just like in the comics?

And the question is What is fanservice?

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A question about spoilers has arisen. Just to clarify, even though I know the stars may be posting on social media information on their current shoots, spoilers go in the spoiler or spoiler discussion threads with appropriate sourcing. 

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A question about spoilers has arisen. Just to clarify, even though I know the stars may be posting on social media information on their current shoots, spoilers go in the spoiler or spoiler discussion threads with appropriate sourcing.

Just quoting because i totally missed this note before.
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It's got to be hard for a parent who will always want the best for their children.  At the same time parents, especially of celebs, should err on the side of caution and stay off social media (in regards to her children/co-workers/employers, etc).  


Ah well, she's entitled to her opinion like everyone else.

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