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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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Okay, I partially hate and love the person who edits Arrow!

the deleted scene from State vs. Queen! seriously, how could they have deleted that. i needed that scene in that episode. it would have been perfect!


on the other hand, i am fine with the scenes they cut from Identity.


more to come once i watch them all.

I understand why the Felicity/Sara scene was cut. Fans were upset that Oliver and Sara were having sex there for weeks, in the place Felicity considered and called home, back in 2.11 (I'm talking about the place itself and not the act). This would have added fire to the situation. 


There was such a good Oliver/Thea scene from 2.07. It shouldn't have been cut.

Edited by rainydawn
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Okay I think Kevin Alejandro's "Blah blah blah" speech was the best thing after Deathstroke's dance

I expected more from that gag reel. Manu dancing was the best part. Seriously loved that. It's always cute to see the cast laughing and breaking character but they must have loads more than five minutes. Give me it all!


I am pretty spoiled by SPN's gag reels because theirs are like 6 to 8 minutes long and generally pretty damn funny. 

First i would like to say how much i love the auto saved feature of P-TV. my chrome froze mid-way to writing the scenes and when i reopened my browser and came here to tell you all about it, it asked me if i wanted to restore the previous saved info.

so yay to nearly an hour of watching and writing not going down the electronic drain!!



Deleted scenes:

City of Heros: Laurel and Lance- Lance talking about cause & affect, about the appearance of the vigilante and accidentally brings up Tommy and how he and Laurel hadn't really set down to talk about how she's dealing with everything. it's a pretty good scene, especially Lance bits- gets the brain thinking, and its in a way a good way to plant the seed to him realizing who the Arrow is (because we all know he knows). I wish they haven't cut it. Also once again PB is able to actually make KC watchable, i would have left it if only for that.



1st- Starts with Blood and Oliver talking about the fundraiser, Isabel walks in and they agree to join forces in order to save QC. Oliver mentions that he knows he has been late and such but then adds how QC is important to him because it's his family legacy, isabel says that if he won't take this seriously she wants to see him out of the CEO chair and out of the company. it's a pretty good scene lots of tension (some of it is definitely sexual), the cutting of the scene is a bit weird, but i think it would have been nice if they would have kept it.


2nd scene- Laurel and that DA guy. Laurel says she's not ready to date again, he says he understand plus they'll be spending alot of time together working on the Queen case, and Laurel stares on with a shock face. I understand why it was cut; the DA guy is okay, but KC is... um KC. the acting in that, which appears to be a very basic scene, is awful.


Heir To The Demon: Roy trying to rescue Dinah and ends up fighting Nyssa. Nyssa per usual kicks (his) ass. figuratively and literally.



1st scene- Laurel is at work talking on the phone with her mom, than Thea walks in. Laurel says no charges will be filed against Roy, but Thea is asking Laurel to file them anyway because she's hoping it will make him stop with his night time activities; laurel says she can't do that and that people can't change unless they want to. than she goes on and say how she's proud of Thea like she was her own sister and that after everything she's making something of herself. and Thea is disappointed laurel won't help.

it's actually not a bad scene, but the acting is mediocre from both actresses, although Willa seems to be faring slightly better, I understand why they cut it. i'm not sure what it really adds to the episode. except maybe the ominous line from Thea saying she doesn't want to have to attend anymore funerals.

2nd scene- bronze tiger and china white talking. he's mad, and than they get down and dirty. the scene is okay, until the second they're about to get nasty with each other than it's... It was a smart move to cut it.


Keep Your Enemies Closer: Thea visiting Moira in prison. it's a cute mother & daughter scene, but i can understand why they cut it. it adds nothing to the overall episode. although in terms of characters interactions it could have been nice to have


State v. Queen: Oliver and Thea just strolling bantering a bit, and talking about Moira and Malcolm. Thea says she feels as if she doesn't know her own mom anymore and that she's not sure she can ever look at her the same way ever again. Oliver tells her that we all have more than one side to all of us and to our identity and that they have to accept her because that's only one side of her, and that the other side is their mother.

it's a beautiful scene, and in all honesty one you don't see very often on TV, where children realize their parents are in fact flawed human beings (and isn't that a rough fall for all of us when we figure that one out?). I would have loved if they would have kept it. if only for the Oliver Thea interaction. The way it's worded is also great, and you could very easily switch Moira's name with Oliver's and you get Oliver own fears, manifested in Thea's words, of his family rejecting him if they ever found out what he did/ does and who he has become. it's a clever little scene and would have added a great deal of depth to the Queen family relationship, and a nice back up for some of the decisions Oliver did since he came back and later on in the season.


Suicide Squad: starts with Thea and Roy and Roy trying to follow her per Oliver order, continues to Oliver and Roy talking about Thea becoming annoyed. than moves to Oliver and Dig talking about a security detail being attached to Thea without her knowledge than Dig tells Oliver about ARGUS asking for his help with the weapon, Oliver asks him to be safe. doesn't seem to add anything, so i guess it's good they cut it.


The Man Under the Hood: ya`ll saw that one already. Sara and Felicity, Sara and Lance.


The Promise: Oliver and Slade on the boat. I think they posted that one online a few weeks ago? Slade and Oliver and fighting, Slade is mad about Shado, Oliver tells to go ahead and kill him Slade is about to strike him with a sword, but stops, than we see Oliver being thrown into a cell and slade is looking at him throw the bars.


Three Ghosts:

1st scene- Blood and Laurel. they're in an orphanage where supposedly Blood grew up in, so i guess that ties in to the lies he told her and some future information we ended up receiving about him. KC is actually.. not bad in that scene. i'm not sure it adds anything, other than getting more BloodxLaurel interaction, and just for that reason of Laurel, Watchable. It would have been nice to keep it. KC is actually smiling, a nice happy smile, like she had around Tommy, rather than the "batshit crazy, i'm gonna steal your life" smile she had in the finale.


2nd scene- Diggle bribing someone at a front desk of some motel to get access to someones room. i'm so blanking on what that may have been related to so maybe it's good they cut? there's a funny line, where the guy keeps asking for money everytime he's about to give Dig info, and Diggle just says: "that's alright, A rich friend..." (and i can't understand the rest) but they cut to Oliver scoffing and than cut back to Dig smiling.


3rd scene- Thea, Roy and Sin in Thea's room making s`mores, Thea says she's sorry they didn't find any info about their friend. Sin about to leave to spend the night at the shelter and Thea insists she'll stay at one of the guest bedrooms. when they leave Roy looks at some file (i guess the one Laurel gave them) and takes off.



Time of Death: Dinah comes to the police station and she and Quentin have a talk. she thanks him for helping her move on last year, and tells him she hopes he'll be able to do the same thing too. it's a nice scene actually, but Alex's acting is a bit off so maybe it's good they cut.


Tremors: Thea and Roy at Verdant talking. Thea is worried about Roy over the guy he put in the hospital. Roy tells her he's actually getting help, even if half the time he can't understand what the guys wants from him.



1st scene- Oliver reliving-ish Moira's death scene, where instead of her dying he manages to cut free and take Slade down.

2nd scene - "Chocolate Puddin" need i say more? lol. Dig and Lyla come to free the squad for assistance, he's about to free Harley when Deadshot stops him. Diggle doesn't really respond to that he just turns around and leaves with the squad.



man, do i know how to procrastinate or what? :-P 

Edited by foreverevolving
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@ban1o you are welcome. In all honesty? if i had cared enough, i would have just created a single video file with all the scenes that whoever her/his name uploaded, and would have uploaded it up to youtube. but i'm lazy, and i'm sure in a day or so someone else will do it. Mea we'll see, maybe i'll do it tomorrow if i feel like it, I mean they're on my computer now, cause it wouldn't let me watch it on the website so i had to download them.

Edited by foreverevolving

I understand why the Felicity/Sara scene was cut. Fans were upset that Oliver and Sara were having sex there for weeks, in the place Felicity considered and called home, back in 2.11 (I'm talking about the place itself and not the act). This would have added fire to the situation.

Good on whoever figured out that it would not look good on Oliver and Sara to be having sex at the place Felicity thought of as home. On the other hand, it would have emphasized Laurel's behaviour when she asked Felicity and Diggle to leave so she could talk to Oliver alone.

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That Thea/Oliver deleted scene from State vs Queen is amazing. Really wish we could've seen that. Enjoyed the levity of Thea saying Oliver was "not a fighter" and how she apparently punches Roy often. 

Yep! there are a good few scenes they could have cut to add that one in.

Wow, Bex Taylor-Klaus just took to Tumblr to call out the hate-mongering among shippers:


This ... twitter account you sometimes retweet spends her time on twitter and tumblr spreading hate on Katie Cassidy and Laurel Lance, I just thought I'd mention it.



I don’t know if this is true or not but I will be checking it out to be sure.


I’m also taking this opportunity for a soapbox.


TO ALL SHIPPERS WHO SPREAD HATE FOR CHARACTERS WHO THREATEN YOUR SHIPS: shut the fuck up. Stop it. Now. The entire point of a shipping is LOVE, so stop with the HATE! Some of you will get your ships. Some won’t. Regardless, it’s just horrible to be so horrible to actors and characters others may root for. You get pissed when people hate on your ship characters! Don’t you think others feel the same? Whether you think they’re wrong or not, being hateful is a horrible way to be. So please. Stop it now.





I doubt this is going to change anything in the Arrow fandom, but I applaud her for this regardless.

Edited by strikera0
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I have to sort of disagree with her on that.


I totally agree that hating on an actress is absolutely awful, and no person should be the subject of personal attacks, but surely people should be able to hate characters? Because they're not actual people with actual feelings, so by hating a character and vocalising your feelings, you're not really hurting anyone.


I figure that as long as people don't attempt to attract the attention in any way of the actors/writers when vocalising these opinions, nor do they attempt to attract the attention of fans of those characters, it's just a discussion between a group of people (albeit a public discussion).


I do commend her though. It probably takes a lot to be quite vocal on such a topic. 

I actually disagree strongly with what Bex said. Not her sentiments, which I agree with, but that she left that persons name included in it with no evidence of whether that statement is true or not. I have no idea if someone is "spreading hate" toward an actor or not, I avoid that drama like the plague but a person has a right to dislike an actor or a character in their own private timeline on twitter or tumblr if they want to. As long as the actor or show is not included in those statements they are free to talk about what ever they like no matter what side of the story you are on. I've seen bad people on both sides. It's a shame Bex couldn't have made it a general call to be kind to one another inside of indirectly putting the spotlight on one person without evidence.


ETA: @Strikera0 would you mind removing the person's name referenced in your post? I'm very uncomfortable with a name being put out there when the person isn't able to defend themselves. :) It doesn't change the context of what Bex said, it just removes a private persons handle from a forum.

Edited by Orion
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She is pretty brave. Tweeting the actors about how much you hate them or the character they're playing won't stop with any fandom because some people just don't care. But it's still nice to see that kind of behavior called out. I hope she's ready to be put into crosshairs, though.

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ETA: @Strikera0 would you mind removing the person's name referenced in your post? I'm very uncomfortable with a name being put out there when the person isn't able to defend themselves. :) It doesn't change the context of what Bex said, it just removes a private persons handle from a forum.


Done. :)

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I completely agree with Bex. The hate that Katie Cassidy gets is excessive all because people think her character wrecks their ship. Look at all the complaints about the poster. "OMG the second billed actress on the show is beside Oliver. Why is she beside Oliver? Killer her with a Stake!" (Slight exaggeration lol) 

Edited by ban1o
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Did KC post that today?


Also, I'm not denying there are crazies out there (from all sides!) but I think it's unfair to assume KC gets hate just because of shipping. I've seen a lot of people who just don't like her character for her character. It's a shame a love of a particular ship always gets blamed. 

Edited by Guest

Did KC post that today?


Also, I'm not denying there are crazies out there (from all sides!) but I think it's unfair to assume KC gets hate just because of shipping. I've seen a lot of people who just don't like her character for her character. It's a shame a love of a particular ship always gets blamed. 

I'm not saying that everyone doesn't like KC/Laurel because of Olicity. But I 'm just going to say that on on twitter and tumblr and facebook it's pretty obvious that  that's the reason a lot of people don't like her. 

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I'm not saying that everyone doesn't like KC/Laurel because of Olicity. But I 'm just going to say that on on twitter and tumblr and facebook it's pretty obvious that  that's the reason a lot of people don't like her. 


Yeah, I get that. It's just a shame a few crazies have to give everyone a bad name. And they're always more vocal which is what everyone sees. 

You see the same from hardcore L/O fans. 

# of hardcore F/O fans>>>>>>>>> >>>>> # of hard core L/O fans lol 

Yeah, I get that. It's just a shame a few crazies have to give everyone a bad name. And they're always more vocal which is what everyone sees. 

oh yeah for sure. The hardcore crazies are very vocal which is what most people see. I know some people who are put off of Felicity just because of the hardcore Olicity fans :P 

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well i would assume so since there seem to be a larger group of F/O fans then L/O active in the social media space. i would say it depends if people tag the actor & EP to their convos. If they include them in their tweets that is when i have a problem with it. 

Edited by Velocity23

I'm sure her @ replies are a nightmare and she's probably really tired of the consistent fandom backlash against her, but it's really, really better to just stay out of it. I get why she'd post that, but it's not going to make anything better.

I checked her replies one time. Really wished I hadn't. I was disgusted at the tweets she receives from Olicity shippers.

I've tried to stay out of this but that's just pure bullshit. There are bad shippers on both side, that's a fact, excusing one group's actions because they're a smaller group is absolute crap.

don't want to get in an argument but even if you read the facebook comments on the poster or the twitter comments you see what I'm talking about. Also I don't think I excused excessive Laurel fans but EBR doesn't get nearly as much hate as KC does. Nowhere near as much. I can imagine that would be very draining for a person. I think it's very unfortunate. 

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Also I really don't understand why people are so annoyed by the placement of Laurel. The obviously just wanted a boy-girl-boy-girl aesthetic. Also she is the second billed character and is probably going to be an associate of Team Arrow. The comments on the facebook page are ridiculous.


I rolled my eyes when I saw that poster, and it had nothing to do with Laurel's placement. It had more to do with Diggle's removal from Oliver's side. Friends who texted me who are POCs say they felt like it was a marginalization. Diggle has been beside Oliver (or at least his head) in the past 2 season posters. First season had from L-R: Thea, Diggle, Oliver, Tommy, Laurel. The women were actually in front of Diggle and Tommy, but if you're just looking heads, that's the placement. Season 2 had Laurel, Slade, Felicity, Oliver, Diggle, Thea and Roy. Again, Diggle beside Oliver. So it was jarring to see this new poster and see Diggle on the far right, supplanted by a non-POC. And after all that "It's time we got back to [Team Arrow]" talk in the finale, a lot of people were expecting the main trio to stay front and center.

  • Love 10

I rolled my eyes when I saw that poster, and it had nothing to do with Laurel's placement. It had more to do with Diggle's removal from Oliver's side. Friends who texted me who are POCs say they felt like it was a marginalization. Diggle has been beside Oliver (or at least his head) in the past 2 season posters. First season had from L-R: Thea, Diggle, Oliver, Tommy, Laurel. The women were actually in front of Diggle and Tommy, but if you're just looking heads, that's the placement. Season 2 had Laurel, Slade, Felicity, Oliver, Diggle, Thea and Roy. Again, Diggle beside Oliver. So it was jarring to see this new poster and see Diggle on the far right, supplanted by a non-POC. And after all that "It's time we got back to [Team Arrow]" talk in the finale, a lot of people were expecting the main trio to stay front and center.

Eh I don't think it has anything to do with marginalization or because he's a  POC I think they just wanted a boy-girl aesthetic. Laurel is the second billed actress so her being in the front makes kinda sense. He's not even really at the back. Their all pretty much at the same level. Also I know most people don't agree but KC did say she was a part of Team Arrow so it's just a Team Arrow poster I guess. 

You mean they they dont tag EBR & MG saying they know Marc is sleeping with Emily, because he posted a pic of Felicitys apartment? 

Well I don't read every single post on twitter lol. Was this question directed towards me? Still I don't think anyone can deny that KC gets so much hate and much, much more than EBR. GO on any social media site or even on entertainment sites with Arrow news. 

Edited by ban1o

Yeah, I don't buy that anyone is free from hate tweets/FB posts or that any one fanbase is worse than another.  I've seen some pretty vile things directed at EBR and heaven knows SA has gotten A LOT of hate after his SDCC comments.  While it sucks it happens, no one is immune, but it's the price anyone pays for being a celebrity on social media and at some point you just have to put on your big girl (or big boy) pants and move on.

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I don't really understand why this is even a discussion right now. Hate is always going to happen. Its stupid but its not going to change.


I would rather talk about the show than other fans.

I think it became a discussion because someone posted Bex's comment's on shipper hate :) 

Eh I don't think it has anything to do with marginalization or because he's a  POC I think they just wanted a boy-girl aesthetic. Laurel is the second billed actress so her being in the front makes kinda sense. He's not even really at the back. Their all pretty much at the same level. Also I know most people don't agree but KC did say she was a part of Team Arrow so it's just a Team Arrow poster I guess.


I'm not saying the show or the network is consciously marginalizing Diggle, only that THAT is how it came across to many POC fans and that's why I lot of them took to social media. I wish they articulated their complaints better, though. It definitely got lost in the anger. And that's my final post on this.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva

With the anonymity of social media, I don't think it's ever going to go away because it's just too easy to replying without thinking it through.


The only thing the cast can do is ignore it.  Replying to it, whether it's Bex saying 'don't do that' or KC's "haters gonnna hate hate hate" just gives tweeters more permission to get into the battle because now it's been legitimated as a form of communication. 

Edited by statsgirl
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Ok this is my opinion. If something is put out for public view, whether it is art, tv, a book, a movie, people have the right to express their opinions on it, and those opinions are not always going to be positive. I don't agree with shutting people up because you don't like their opinions.

I do NOT agree with people on any side that send hate directly to the actors and/or writers. That's the same as going up to someone at a con and screaming your hate in their face, IMO. But it happens in lots of fandoms. I see people acting like Arrow is some sort of special case, and sadly it's not.

Edited by Starfish35
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Also the statement "I think so-and-so is a terrible actor" isn't hate. Saying "I think so-and-so should die/have a horrible car accident" is hate.  And while having a character one is playing being insulted might be confronting, it's just that.  An insult to a fictional creation.


And while yes, insults/wishes for harm to real people are bad, I would be leery of trying to use this to silence criticism - whether the criticism is justified or not.

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