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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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Oh - and he brought his mom (she's a cutie!) briefly on stage when talking about his F**K Cancer campaign because she's a survivor.



Before the Q&A started, the panel mod said that videotaping is prohibited, but who knows - maybe someone did some stealth taping for youtube.

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Maybe she needs to understand what her fans want because from what I've seen posted online they insist they don't want Laurel with Oliver. Diehard comic canon fans, on the other hand, are a different story, but they don't seem to be KC fans as much as BC fans.

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I'm glad that KC likes working the PB so much since her scenes with him have always been the scenes of hers I've enjoyed the most. Also, considering what she said about wanting the role so much and all of the working out she did, I can only imagine how much she must of loathed her early storylines--especially when they brought Caity in. Honestly, I wouldn't have blamed her.

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From reading that account, I wonder if it's KC pushing for Laurel to have everything Caity/Sara had or did. Also if she's been working out since S1, why did she look so gaunt in S2? 

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From reading that account, I wonder if it's KC pushing for Laurel to have everything Caity/Sara had or did. Also if she's been working out since S1, why did she look so gaunt in S2?

Well, if she's as method as she claims to be I would imagine it was for the addiction arc.

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She changes her statement so very often, I don't know what to believe...

She has said previously that she did not even read any comics before she became Black Canary because she did not want her performance of Laurel the lawyer be affected by that. How can she be training for her role since season 1 when she even refused to read the original source material? Considering the onslaught of duck faced gym selfies we have had since summer last year, I refuse to believe that she was working out since season 1 for her role. If that had been true, we would have seen those gym selfies since then.

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I'm not going to accuse her of misrepresenting her intentions because we honestly don't know what she thought. I personally don't have a hard time believing she wanted the role without reading the comics because hey--if you're an actress who wants a steady job and you see a lead role as a comic superhero become available, you would most likely really want it given how popular all things comic book are in movies at the moment. That's what I would have done.

As for the training aspect, I also don't find it hard to believe that she trained for the role. She likely had no idea that the EPs would take 2-1/2 seasons to finally make her BC. If she started learning about the addiction storyline back at the end of S1, she wouldn't have needed to continue her training because she wouldn't be fighting criminals for a good long while.

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Because she knew that she would eventually be Black Canary. All she would have had to do is read about the character online, not to mention that DC's standard procedure is to provide whatever background they have at their disposal to any actor playing one of their characters. There's a whole wealth of information she could learn without even picking up a comic book. I'm not saying it was a wise decision for her not to read the comics, only that she didn't need to be well-versed about BC's history in order to know that she was a character that kicked ass.

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I don't care whether she worked out before or started now. She's still failing to bring the character to life. It takes more then that and that is all she seems to be focusing on now. She still doesn't seem to understand the character she's playing. 

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But if she didn't read the comics what would she have been training for? It just doesn't make sense considering all she was doing in season 1 was being a lawyer. Don't need to train for that.


Laurel did have at least a minimal ability to fight, so maybe she was training for that? Until they conveniently dropped that so she could get damseled. 

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From SA´s Facebook page:

"We should try and line this up for Wrestlemania 32."

Sinceriously. Those. guns.

Has he bulked up (for TMNT2, maybe)?



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This article reports on what SA said at Wizard World Philadelphia regarding the DC movie and tv universes, the possibility of crossovers into other DC tv shows, and how to connect Arrow and Constantine...


Arrow's Stephen Amell Says Any DC TV Show Can Crossover, Reveals Previous Constantine Discussions
By Joe Comicbook  05/09/2015

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GB will have six shows on the air next season - I can't imagine that he will have time to do much hands-on supervision of Arrow in the future...


The Flash
DC's Legends of Tomorrow




Mysteries of Laura

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Okay, but what was the name of the sticks CL used to spare with Oliver and Diggle, and is so good at that she belieavable kicked their asses? Black Canary should be able to do more than pick up a baton without dropping it.


I'm just sayin'


CL, Oliver, and Digg used to spar with escrima sticks.  CL also used a metal bo staff as Canary out in the streets.  Too bad CL wasn't cast in the pilot, they may have given her the BC role if they'd seen her skills.  She's obviously had extensive martial arts training. 

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My friend's husband's "report" was pretty similar to others I saw on Twitter.

KC didn't really know what LLs S4 story was.

KC encouraged Lauiver fans to tweet the EPs if they wanted O/L to get back together. This was met with silence.

KC swore Laurel would do the Salmon Ladder in S4. This was met with laughter (not the good kind).

KC showed up 15 minutes late for the panel, no explanation as to why (don't know if they never said or he just forgot).

This is brought in from spoilers thread ...



She said, and I quote, she misses “making out with Stephen”


And this is from a tumblr post


And all I have to say is .... Really Katie?

If I recall correctly she has been on record saying that she feels weird and awkward making out with married men! Last I checked Mr. Amell is still very much married so what brought this change of heart? Or is Katie Cassidy really that desperate to become the love interest of the male lead again? This is so sad, I am cringing with second hand embarrassment here.

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And all I have to say is .... Really Katie?

If I recall correctly she has been on record saying that she feels weird and awkward making out with married men! Last I checked Mr. Amell is still very much married so what brought this change of heart? Or is Katie Cassidy really that desperate to become the love interest of the male lead again? This is so sad, I am cringing with second hand embarrassment here.

Oh for the love of God, it's obviously just a light hearted remark. If EBR or CL had said that you'd be laughing and giggling. It's just taken out of context to have a go at KC.

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If you have read Morrigan2575's post, you would know it was not said in jest, she was actually rallying troops for her character to become the lead actor's love interest again. There is nothing wrong with promoting your character or a particular story line you want but it is ODD considering she has said it vehemently that she feels awkward making out with a married man to dismiss her lack of chemistry with him. And she has done it many times in many cons so it was not some random throw away comment. It was much discussed on this very forum last summer.


I would not criticize with CL or EBR for it because they never make stupid statements like this one. Their public appearances have always been light and chatty and fun.

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I do look forward to hearing about the terrible interviews KC has. How has she been in the business as long as she has and still not know to handle it? She also shouldn't try to make jokes, she's terrible at those too. You'd think after her read the comics "joke" to the CCO of DC fell felt she'd have learned her lesson. 


I would've loved to been there for her trying to rally for Oliver and Laurel and the silence that followed. Even those like me who don't care about Olicity don't ever want to see Oliver and Laurel get together again. 

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Oh for the love of God, it's obviously just a light hearted remark. If EBR or CL had said that you'd be laughing and giggling. It's just taken out of context to have a go at KC.


Exactly, I hate coming in here to check up on the latest Arrow stuff to see it's turned into a KC bashing thread again. Oh KC is so stupid or she's so pathetic hahaha she says such dumb things, what a moron *sigh. I don't understand how you feel okay to do this time and again. If you hate her so much you could simply ignore her this is so offensive for people who don't want to see her bullied at every angle having to read on every thread how "stupid" people think she is. The worst part about it is that if anybody said half the things people say about KC about EBR it would be World War III in here. She's a human being and she doesn't deserve this.

Edited by slayer2
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At the end of the day when people make public appearance/posts, they leave themselves open to criticism.

If you come out with daft things, someone is bound to notice. It doesn't automatically make them hateful or overly invested by passing comment on it. Heaven knows even Stephen has had his chestnuts roasted a few times for things he's come out with or posted on Facebook.

Having video or at least audio does help though - especially when it comes to context.

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I think that someone at CW Arrow is definitely keeping track of fan complaints.

When Merlyn told the crew they were subpar actors, I about DIED laughing.

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RE: Nocking Point Party. Has there always been a no cameras policy or is that a new thing because Stephen had a really good time a couple weeks ago? LOL

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"Olicity, started.. sort of...in the early part of the second season of Arrow"


Good to have the official word on that.  He's feeling pretty good, to snark about Sara's death like that.

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"Olicity, started.. sort of...in the early part of the second season of Arrow"


Good to have the official word on that.  He's feeling pretty good, to snark about Sara's death like that.


I feel like she's coming back on the new spinoff since there's a time travel guy collecting heroes. Me I thought the Olicity started from the beginning of season 2 Arrow (wasn't that when they collected him from the island?) they've always sort of hinted at it. Unless the writers were oblivious and EBR and SA were just playing it that way, which I wouldn't put past the writers either.

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Here's video of Katie Cassidy's panel - I don't know if it's the whole thing or not. I'm only halfway through it.

ETA: I don't think it's the whole thing. It's only about 12 minutes long. There's quite a few cuts, and some of the stuff talked about here isn't there.

Edited by Starfish35
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Figured I'd post this here since it kinda falls under "behind the scenes" stuff. Sebastian Roche tweeted this link to a petition for him to play a villain on Season 4 of "Arrow," which of course got a lot of fans excited (including me). Is it possible he'd already been cast and is teasing fans as some on Twitter are speculating? I think I'll faint if he suddenly shows up in the last minute of the finale and is shown keeping an eye on Felicity/Oliver/Diggle, LOL!

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