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Some more video tidbits from SDCC ....


Paul Blackthorne Interview - Arrow Season 3


Colton Haynes Interview - Arrow Season 3


Colton Haynes "Arrow" Talks Arsenal Outfit & Future with Thea - Comic-Con 2014


Willa Holland "Arrow" Talks Thea's Return - Comic Con 2014

Edited by tv echo

I just heard Katie Cassidy's answer  "Did....you...read...the comics?"  I swear I think she thinks she's trying to be funny and she is just not and it comes across as nothing mean snark.


Honestly, it's a perfectly fine answer to give if she wants to be coy about her part in the upcoming season, but she needs to give that answer to a particular audience. Like, if she was talking to someone at Entertainment Weekly, or some non-comic media presence that is asking her about the show and in all likelihood hadn't read the comics, it's fine. But don't say it at a con and most definitely don't say it to Geoff Johns of all people. She should've just said that people would have to tune in to find out.

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I'm not even sure that answer works at a con or really any media because it was all in the delivery. If she had said it in a teasing way like "You haven't read the comics!? /gasp.  And then laughed and followed up with 'I really can't say under pain of death" or something it would be fine.

Edited by catrox14
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The 3 of them going and posing together feels kind of on purpose from TPTB. "Look Laurel gets along with Felicity!"

It's very exhausting to me particularly to read comments like this with no proof or fact. Cast members post pictures together and it sounds like you're saying it must be orchestrated by TPTB because everyone in the cast hates KC as much as you do? C'mon dude. The girls are having fun together, this line of reasoning with absolutely no facts behind it is really frustrating to someone like me who likes to watch all members of the cast interact irrespective of personal character and actor preferences.

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There has been barely any interaction where Emily and KAtie posted pic together in about 1 year. When we get several on one day it gets weird and people will ask questions.

But, be fair - they've hardly been on set together until this season. Quite possibly the largest amount of time they've spent together has been at media events and table reads. They were road tripping together and probably somewhat punchdrunk if they'd been working till 4am, giggly photos together seem entirely probable to me.

There has been barely any interaction where Emily and KAtie posted pic together in about 1 year. When we get several on one day it gets weird and people will ask questions.


Well, they only really interacted on the show a couple of times, and very briefly at that. Since Laurel is involved in the team this year, I'd expect a little more social media interaction between the two. I don't think it's suspect for them to be posting pics like that - they're obviously friendly and looked like they were having fun. No reason to look into it further than that.

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Of course not but it was funny that KC posted pics fresh from the set for almost every cast member other then Emily. They did have some scenes together close to the finale where KC could have snapped a quick pic with them together. But she chose a 1 year old photo from Comic Con, and it was a group photo at that. Look not everybody needs to be on best friend basis and that is ok. 

I would give you a counter argument with Emily and Colin who never shared a scene in season 1, and i think i can find at least 5-6 photos of them together. There was also a photo shared by Celina together with Emily, also never appearing in a scene together on screen. Willa and Emily also barely shared scenes together and seem to be very friendly posting quite a few photos of each other.

I am not excluding the possibility we will see more photos of them, and i wont mind it. But when i don't see any interactions between the girls and then all of a sudden i should buy best buds, i get weary. 

Edited by Velocity23
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There has been barely any interaction where Emily and KAtie posted pic together in about 1 year. When we get several on one day it gets weird and people will ask questions.

It's not that weird to me, do all cast members have to pal around off-set?

Maybe they aren't close but it's clear that they all get along. Or perhaps they are close but they don't flash it around, or maybe they are co-workers who get along and like working together.

The conspiracy theories without any proof are just starting to weigh me down simply because

everything seems to come down to the fact that KC is supposedly such a bitch and everyone hates her. I just don't think she's that evil and I don't think that her castmates hate her.

I just don't think what plays out on screen with Laurel is what plays out behind the scenes. From the pictures, it seems like they're all having fun at Comiccon and they are a happy cast. Why can't we just leave it at that?

Edited by slayer2
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I would give you a counter argument with Emily and Colin who never shared a scene in season 1, and i think i can find at least 5-6 photos of them together. There was also a photo shared by Celina together with Emily, also never appearing in a scene together on screen. Willa and Emily also barely shared scenes together and seem to be very friendly posting quite a few photos of eachother. .

There's also Katrina Law and Emily who have shared only one short scene together who seem to be really happy to see each other and Emily and Jess De Gouw, come to that. Doesn't mean that Emily and Katie don't get on, just that they don't generally hang and aren't especially close. Also Katie and Caity are friendly (CL ,when asked, said that the two people she was closest to on Arrow were Emily & Katie) so you could take it that the photos were as much about the two of them. Lord knows I'm not a KC fan but I just take the photos as three girls having fun rather than some conspiracy to make an actress/character look better.

Or, y'know, what slayer 2 said.

Edited by Tallis
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I am not saying she is evil or a bitch. I freely admit i am a fan of Emily and somethings KC said about Felicity didn't sit well with me.  I don't hate KC  but i dislike Laurel very much. I think the big conspiracy theory emerged from the combination of the last minute cancellation, that the fans actually discovered and wasn't revealed by the EPs. until last minute. Then we get like 3-4 of these photos in a few hours after a long silence. I have no doubt the girls had fun, but 1 photo or 2  would have been enough. 

Gonna stop after this (because I cannot believe I am in the position of basically defending Katie Cassidy) but the four photos were posted by, in turn, Caity, Katie, Emily and then Katie again. Do we really think the PR people said to all three of them - tweet some photos of your journey so it looks like you all get on?

I agree that Emily's (and Katie's, for those who care) absences from the Arrow panel were horribly badly handled, they should have announced it hours before.

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I can only presume that most actors have the publicity team they want. But ultimately the actor has the final say on what publicity is or is not out there. So if there are these rules about "no videos" she can nix that if she wanted too. JMHO.

Do we really think the PR people said to all three of them - tweet some photos of your journey so it looks like you all get on?


Didn't anyone here watch Dirt?! (I keed).  But all it takes is one PR person saying hey let's get a photo with the other women and the other women are not  likely to say no. It's going to look good no matter the reasons for the photo.

Gonna stop after this (because I cannot believe I am in the position of basically defending Katie Cassidy) but the four photos were posted by, in turn, Caity, Katie, Emily and then Katie again. Do we really think the PR people said to all three of them - tweet some photos of your journey so it looks like you all get on?

I agree that Emily's (and Katie's, for those who care) absences from the Arrow panel were horribly badly handled, they should have announced it hours before.

Agreed, and it's highly unlikely the PR reps were in the car with them or texting them saying do this, do that. It sounds ludicrous. They get along. They have said as much. Good for them. It really isn't our business anyway but they seem to know how to have fun together.

It's not  ludicrous to think that a PR person is texting saying "We need a photo op" whilst we are all here together at Comic-Con. I mean that is what PR people get paid to do. That also doesn't make it wrong or bad either nor does it mean that they all hate or love each other. The more photo ops the better.


They weren't at SDCC though, they were en route, on the plane traveling together, then rented a car together and they took several photos together during that 24hrs. Women who hate each could/would never spend that much time squashed together in a small space pretending to like each other because PR said so. To me the idea remains entirely ludicrous.

It's such a gigantic reach compared to the option that they just like each other and they are work friends going to a work function and having fun doing it.

Edited by slayer2
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Paul Blackthorne Interview - Arrow Season 3


I love all the interviews we're getting now.  PB looks so much younger with short hair, more like his real 45.  I like that the EPs told him to keep the shaved head, and he tries to justify it in terms of the character "because we can't just have our own personal vanities getting in the way of our characters. I did find a way."   Good acting.


The theme of the season is 'identities' and Lance is trying to justify his because he can't be out in the field any more after his injuries and  he's trying to figure out "who the hell am I?"

He's an old pro, he knows that any character can get killed off, and "you're just grateful for having it while you're having it."  He got pretty excited when talking about his favorite scene with Sara when she's thrown a guy out of the window and Lance is conflicted 'I know you're doing good but just calm down.'

Edited by statsgirl
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They weren't at SDCC though, they were en route, on the plane traveling together, then rented a car together and they took several photos together during that 24hrs. Women who hate each could/would never spend that much time squashed together in a small space pretending to like each other because PR said so. To me the idea remains entirely ludicrous.

It's such a gigantic reach compared to the option that they just like each other and they are work friends going to a work function and having fun doing it.




This is not a chosen vacation. It's work. Part of their profession is publicity of all sorts. I would imagine their schedules are pretty tightly controlled during Comic-Con with some flexibility for deviation but not much. They have signings and photo ops with fans in addition to interviews and panels. So I really doubt it's the 3 women texting each other saying  "Okay let's get this picture". I think it's far more likely to be PR people of their own and from the CW saying "Okay we need this picture of the three of them together" so as to put Arrow in the best light. Ultimately, whether they get along or not is completely irrevelant to their duties as ambassadors of the show.

Edited by catrox14
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Just expressing my personal opinion and I know I won't change anyone's mind, but I think it's more than a little mean-spirited to assert that these pics were PR to get people to like Laurel or Katie Cassidy. KC, EBR and CL were absent from the panel and the signing, and I think it was a nice way to let fans know that they were all on their way and were excited to be coming. PR plays a role in most of Hollywood, like...what do you think Stephen Amell is doing when he posts on Facebook and Twitter? He's promoting his brand. But, he knows his fans are important and he's keeping them engaged. Just because there's a strategy behind it doesn't make it any less genuine.


The whole group was there with a common purpose of promoting a show that they all work very hard on. Not everyone is going to be besties, but they seemed like they were having a good time. Why look into it any more than that?

Edited by apinknightmare
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Ok, I am by no means a Katie Cassidy fan but the constant conspiracy theories that are being posted here are starting to annoy me. It doesn't matter what she does, she can't win with some of you guys, anyway. If she doesn't post pictures with her cast-mates, it means she's a bitch that everybody hates. And if she does post pictures, it means it's all staged and she's still a bitch that everybody hates.

Edited by strikera0
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I am not bashing KC.  They must show a united front even if they don't get along at SDCC which is all about PR and nothing but PR otherwise they would not spend the time and money to promote the show at the biggest PR event for genre television and movies that exists.  If there is a bigger one, aside from Emmy's and Oscars I don't know what it is. 

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Just watched the DC panel (lots of fun). Emily and Katie were seated next to each other in the second row and they were whispering and laughing with each other all through. Whatever PR imperatives may or may not have been going on, they pretty obviously get on just fine.

Loved the enthusiasm of everyone on the panel!

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I adored Stephen's Nerd HQ panel so very much.  He really does such a great job being an ambassador for, not only Arrow, but all the DC properties.  And he's so damn genuine and likeable about it.  And he's just cute and funny, in general.  Him and his "Spoilers!" was adorable.  Loved that there were a variety of questions and I wanted to reach through the screen and hug the guy who asked about American Ninja Warrior because I've so been wondering what his thoughts were on the show (but I always figured the producers would put the kibosh on it given the propensity for injury).  Oh and his reaction to Arrow: The Musical! was hilarious (he got that No! out pretty quick).  Really fun stuff from start to finish.

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Guess he's not a singer, ah well. Maybe Joss will be back to television one day. (aside from S.H.I.E.L.D)


He actually sang during the panel (a line from a song from The Little Mermaid - and was pretty good). I think he even did musical theater at one point, but for whatever reason he seems kind of embarrassed about it.

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I adored Stephen's Nerd HQ panel so very much.  He really does such a great job being an ambassador for, not only Arrow, but all the DC properties.  And he's so damn genuine and likeable about it.  And he's just cute and funny, in general.

I've started thinking of him as the Quarterback of DC and everything new I see from him just reenforces it. But not in a jerkjock way. In the ultimate team player way who knows the strengths of the people around him and dedicates himself to getting the best performance out of everyone, including himself. And he's not a ball hog because he's gracious and complimentary of the people he works with. With just the right amount of authority and professionalism.


Basically I'm still hoping that some kind of Battle of The Network Stars thing happens. Maybe Battle of the CW Stars. The CW would be game for that surely, think of the publicity.

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I'm still sad that no one thought to tape Colin Donnell and John Barrowman when they spontaneously broke out into song and dance in s1.  I think it was something from Anything Goes since they were both in that show.


I just finished listening to Stephen Amell's Nerd IQ clip and I'm even more impressed with him than I was before (which was considerable).   From making sure he made it there on time (not just setting the alarm but having ZL's people bang on his door) to answering the guy who watched him in Hung (and letting him know he would have been interested in a gay storyline for his character) to how important it is to him to make guest stars feel welcome on the show, as well as the twitter and Facebook stuff, to knowing it was time to cut down the "caravan of women" (SA's words) that Oliver is sleeping with.  He works so hard at making the show great but he never comes off as arrogant or entitled.


On Babyon5, there was a change of the lead character at the start of season 2.  Peter Jurasik gave an interview a few years ago where he talked about the new guy coming on and how important it is to have someone who is the captain of the show as a whole as well as playing the captain on the show.  (He said that Michael O'Hare was a really nice guy but out of his depth being the lead on the TV show.) SA really does that for Arrow, and I think it's a big part of why it's a success, not just what he does himself directly but the way he encourages everyone to be the best they can be. 

Edited by statsgirl
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People's descriptions of SA at Comiccon with relation to his work ethic remind me of what people say about Kerry Washington on Scandal. That she comes in to cheer on others on her day off and is always welcoming to new cast and crew and works the hardest which sets the standard for them. I think probably SMG was like that on Buffy as well which is fantastic, it sets the tone for an amazing work ethic and really brings the quality up. It can really make all the difference when the title star of the show is so dedicated and giving and it's nice to see a Canadian set that trend as well. 

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Stephen has given a lot of credit to John Barrowman for giving him insights into what it's like to be the lead on a show and how important that responsibility is. I think it also is reinforced by being friends with JarPad and Jensen Ackles who understand their responsibilities as the leads of a popular show.  All of them know that the are the ones that set the tone of the set moreso than the director.


ETA:  And Stephen obviously realizes that being a superhero of DC comics is big responsibility of itself. 


My favorite story that Stephen has told was when he was at the Kings game, some fans were being unruly and he sort of chewed them out.  The fans turned and said "What's your problem" and another guy a few rows up pointed at SA and said "Hey.....that's the Green Arrow".  So I think SA has made a huge impact and he's not going to screw it up.

Edited by catrox14
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I loved SA's Nerd HQ interview very much - and I enjoyed the variety of questions as well.


@JayKay - great analogy of SA being like a quarterback for DC.  I think that's a role that he - and DC - relishes and embraces.  It comes with a lot of responsibility (like hosting the DC panel at SDCC) and Stephen nailed it.  I have to think that DC is very pleased with how he's doing not just for his own show but also the Flash (he's constantly praising Grant Gustin and the cast) and now, the concept of 5 DC shows on TV.  It's a great relationship for a studio and actor have.


I think a big part of SA's appeal at cons is that he's gotten enough experience to know what to expect, how to treat the media and the fans, and how to enjoy it.  considering it's only his 3rd year as a lead from a show, I think he's doing a fantastic job.


I loved the interviews with Willa, Paul and Colton as well.  I swear, CH is really endearing and is the ONLY reason that I've been able to deal with Roy so far. 


And I think Willa and Stephen co-won Comic Con.  She definitely got the fashion award!


Loved that Emily is Felicity-like in her answers, very funny.  She seemed genuinely touched by the audience reaction to Felicity, too.  Nice to see.


As for KC... I think her 'no video' rule is a good way for her to go from now on. 

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Aww, I think I'm going to really enjoy seeing the new Merlyn family.

Echoing everyone's thoughts on Stephen. I love how much he's embraced not only the show but all the awesome stuff DC was able to do probably in no small part to the success of Arrow. It's nice because if I recall correctly, he wasn't familiar with the comics before but seems to have really embraced the fandom and is treating it with a lot of respect.

One thing I noticed is that Barrowman isn't using his natural accent in some of these panels. Is that his tendency in interviews? I was under the impression he naturally had a Scottish accent?

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