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EBR's solo panel at HVFF-Atlanta today (the audio was not great, so I'm not 100% sure of all the words in my transcription)...

Published on Nov 18, 2017, by Prince MojoTM

-- When mod asked, in prepping for the role, how deep she dived into source material, EBR: "Okay, when I first got the audition, it was those two scenes in Episode 3 with the bullet-ridden computer and more of the bullet-ridden computer. And there wasn't much in the comics. I didn't dive too deep in because I got the audition like two days before or like an hour before, I was working at this – my dog and I used to work at this dog shop, so we got the - I was studying the lines in there and researching on – (audience member asked if the dog worked too) - yeah, the dog worked too, it's the only way I could have the job - 'cause like the dog was like six months old and then we worked at this dog shop called Wagabubba [Wagababa?]. It was awesome. Um, and I was like in - we sold dog apparel, not dogs – dog dresses and stuff… I remember like being on the computer and trying to research it, and there was barely anything on Felicity Smoak... She's [unintelligible word] to Firestorm. So there wasn't actually a whole lot for me to work from. I more was interested in the lines of Felicity's diving into Shakespeare,* which made a lot of sense to me because the night before I went to see The Taming of the Shrew, so I was... with a friend of mine over in [unintelligible word] an amazing musical theater... That was like six years ago... I was 20 when I got that audition.... Isn't that crazy?"

(* tv echo: In her second scene in Arrow 103, O&F have this dialogue - Felicity: "Look, I don't wanna get in the middle of some Shakespearean family drama thing." Oliver: "What?" Felicity: "Mr. Steele marrying your mom. Claudius, Gertrude, Hamlet." Oliver: "I didn't study Shakespeare at any of the four schools that I dropped out of.")

-- Mod asked about the physicality and physical demands of her role as Felicity. EBR: "Not as demanding as the salmon ladder." Mod said that Felicity can "kick some ass." EBR: "Yes, she can. Yes, she can. Yes, she can... Yeah, every time I actually have to hit a stunt person over the head with something, I'm always like very scared because I'm like, well, Felicity has to make like she can't do it, sort of, because she's - you know, it's chance, it's not survival instinct, it's - well, it's survival instinct, but it's not, um - what's the word? Trained. She's not supposed to be trained in that area. I think she's like done boxing stuff with - you know, fighting stuff with the gentlemen over the years because why wouldn't you train a woman to be able to defend herself especially since she's in danger all the time, that was my [take?-unintelligible word]? As should everyone." 

-- EBR then talked about her own training regimen and named the people she trains with, including Thomas Taylor and Lindsey Morgan.

-- EBR spotted another mini-Felicity in the audience and spoke to her.

-- Mod: "You and Stephen appear to have a fantastic relationship." EBR: "Who?" Mod: "Stephen. He's the guy - he has a table right in the corner over there." EBR: "Yeah, I think I met him. He was super sweet." Mod: "Yeah. Abs for days, that guy." EBR: "Does he?" Mod: "So I've heard." EBR: "Have you seen for yourself?" Mod: "Maybe I follow him on instagram a little bit... American Ninja Warrior." EBR: "Yeah. That was unbelievable." Mod: "Ridiculous. Every man in America hated him so." EBR: "The next day, we had to do this scene where he - Stephen's supposed to carry, um, me. So Oliver's supposed to carry Felicity like in this elevator shaft... I was really sore. I had injured myself from not doing American Ninja Warrior. And he had injured himself by doing American - so we were like on the same level because, you know - and he had to carry me. And there was one point where we're like, 'we both need to stop doing this' - like, we got one right... I was worried because he was the one carrying me and like, 'I can't, and you can't? how are we supposed to film this?'"

-- Mod asked about her favorite part of working with SA. EBR: "Working with Stephen? ... Um, I spend like a lot of my free time with Stephen too, so, I don't know, like, getting to work with your friend is the dream. I think that you actually can accomplish surrounding your people with people you choose to surround yourself with. Do not waste your time spending time with people that you actually don't want to spend time with. There's not enough time. Don't do it. People connect with different people. You don't need to connect with everyone. And I just think that you're super, super blessed if you find yourself in that realm where you get to work and play with the people that you genuinely your heart connects with... Honestly, I think our friendship is the reason they end up together on the show, because we do love each other." Mod: "Olicity, right? That's the hashtag." 

-- Mod asked about what it means to her to be able to come and see her fans in person. EBR said that she doesn't feel as connected to social media as most of her friends do. So she loves coming and talking to people, but it's always a "surprise" and never feels normal. She said that she didn't think it'll ever not be  a surprise and she'll never feel 'blase" about it, and that her fans are "an inspiration" to her. She thanked the fans.

-- EBR's "favorite hero of all time" is her mom, and also her dad.

-- EBR's "most hated villain" is this dog on her street that her dog doesn't like and who tyrannizes her dog. EBR: "I don't have many villains in my life. That dog, though... And the girl who took selfies in yoga the other day. That was extreme."

-- When EBR was asked what superpower she would want, she said (I think) shapeshifting.

-- Mod asked what would be the first thing she would do if a villain invasion happened "right now." EBR said that she'd probably grab as many people as she could and just run as fast as she can, because the survival instinct would kick in and she didn't have anything to protect herself with, except her hands. Mod suggested hiding behind DR, but EBR said that he was all the way over there and the villain invasion was happening right now.

-- When mod mentioned that Thanksgiving was coming up, EBR said that she's Canadian. So then mod said that Christmas was coming up and asked what she would want. EBR said that she didn't know.

-- Mod read a fan tweet asking how she felt about Felicity being voted by The Hollywood Reporter as one of the top 50 favorite female characters of all time. EBR: "Super [unintelligible words]... super proud of Felicity."

-- Mod read fan tweet expressing disappointment that Felicity's new company isn't named Smoak Technologies. EBR: "I feel like it's supposed to happen in the future... I don't know."

-- Mod read fan tweet asking if she can confirm that we'll see any flashbacks from Felicity's childhood or teen years. EBR: "Cannot confirm, but childhood years would be great."

-- Mod read fan tweet asking if she was excited about Felicity going back to work. EBR: "Yes. Um, going back to work actually means almost staying home."

-- Mod asked if she has any non-Arrow projects coming up that she's excited about. EBR: "Yes... Hopefully, I'll be back on stage very soon. Um, which will be fantastic, if that goes as planned."

Edited by tv echo
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More pics from HVFF-Atlanta today....

Published on Nov 18, 2017,by Prince MojoTM

Published on Nov 18, 2017,by Prince MojoTM

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Accept Yourself ft. Emily Bett Rickards | SHETHORITY
Published on Nov 17, 2017, by She Thority

-- EBR: "The easiest way and, I think, the best way to feel truly like you've accepted yourself is to collaborate on something with other people. Because then you feel like you are an important part, and that you are, you know, an important part of working with other people, and that you have something to offer. And you do - everyone does. Um, there's this old Canadian '90s commercial that we watched this weekend, that's like, 'not all kids are good at everything, but every kid's good at something.' And they're like - it goes off on this - we were watching it this weekend, sort of reminiscing. And I was like, 'yeah, that's a really cool way to look at it.' And it's like, if you can get together with a group of people and have a part and have a role and all work towards a greater project, I think you'll feel like you are accepting yourself in sort of a more global way. And I think that goes a long way. ... Handing out sandwiches, or something like that."

Edited by tv echo
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15 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I'm wondering if she stepped away for awhile and maybe contacted whatever family to get the low down and people assumed she had left for the day.

It's not my business, but anytime I read a comment from her dad about her he always seemed...not great. I hope they found their peace with each other for her sake if this is the end of his life.

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All these Ops are amazing. I love going thru the tag and seeing all the Olicity, OTA and Emily.

1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

It's not my business, but anytime I read a comment from her dad about her he always seemed...not great. I hope they found their peace with each other for her sake if this is the end of his life.

I was curious so I read the most recent interview where he mentions his kids (Feb of 2017). With regard to KC he was basically like 'didn't raise her, we have no contact, never had a relationship'. That no relationship comment totally contradicts what he (and she ) had said years ago. Denying a relationship at all, sucky thing to do to a child.

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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

It's not my business, but anytime I read a comment from her dad about her he always seemed...not great. I hope they found their peace with each other for her sake if this is the end of his life.

Same. Regardless of the state of their relationship, I imagine this is a stressful time for her and her family and I hope she has lots of good people around her to help her get through it.

ETA: Thanks for sharing @SleepDeprived! Despite freezing up in their presence, I hope the experience was everything you hoped it would be! And I hope Emily does a lot more cons, because the pics and quotes are always delightful.

Edited by KenyaJ
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@catrox14 I think you meant that for the SPN board, or at least the Quiver thread here?

I was watching the news last night and they mentioned David Cassidy being sick. Apparently he's been in the hospital since Wednesday and he has organ failure but, they mentioned they didn't know which Organs were failing.

I know the news broke on SM yesterday but, it seems like this was well known to family/friends in advance of this weekend. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I just got the boards mixed up. I was posting late. Sorry for the trouble. I deleted it.

Oh no worries I was just giving you a heads up. It helped me out because I probably wouldn't have seen it as quickly if it was on the SPN board ?

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