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41 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Why do they keep saying O/F fans are bots? What exactly is a bot? How does one obtain a bot? Haha

They think the Olicity fandom is a small number of people with lots of dummy Twitter accounts for trends and who use bots to spam boards and vote in polls to make Felicity and Olicity look like it has a much bigger fandom than it actually does. 

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6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

They think the Olicity fandom is a small number of people with lots of dummy Twitter accounts for trends and who use bots to spam boards and vote in polls to make Felicity and Olicity look like it has a much bigger fandom than it actually does. 

Oh, so it is as dumb as it sounds. Gotcha! 

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8 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

They think the Olicity fandom is a small number of people with lots of dummy Twitter accounts for trends and who use bots to spam boards and vote in polls to make Felicity and Olicity look like it has a much bigger fandom than it actually does. 

Its ironic since they are doing these stuff themselves. I think they know they are as much of a small minority as Olicity fans,only they try to present the idea that they represent the majority's opinions,unlike Olicity fans.

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2 hours ago, theOAfc said:

Its sad that MG is trying to earn back their good grace,especially since these are the same people who were harassing him months ago,trying to get him fired making gross posts about his appearance. But oh well,i dont expect  anything else from comic purists  like himself. He targets the same audience he represents. Kinda embarassing kissing the ass of the people that straight out wished for your death. 

This is the kind of thing that turns me off about the show. I mean, they literally had no Oliver/Felicity stuff happening for the better part of the season and it is one episode. Shouldn't people be allowed to be happy about it if that is why they like the show. It always feels to me like you have to defend yourself because you don't like the 'right' thing. If they are such a big group, couldn't they just let the smaller one be? Why do they feel so awfully threatened. They are going to get KC back and the whole season felt geared towards them. Why would you still need to kiss their behind?

Edited by Belinea
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It's kind of funny 'cause that same group that demands Olicity to be dismissed as a tiny group is convinced that MG only likes and responds to Olicity fans.  

When it come to Tumblr questions, it does seem like MG more often responds to Olicity positive questions than BS or BC ones, (careful what you wish for; he loves his snark) but he himself has explained a few times that more frequently posts from that group either are asking for spoilers (when will BC do this or that or have this happen?) or the post is just a rant or statement and there is no question.  

I'm not claiming that Olicity fans are smarter, (cause some of those Tumblr asks are mortifying)  but I will say I'm glad so many have figured out how to work within the system.  

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Another reason why we shouldn't listen to the EPs:

EPs: Felicity is doing all this because she's mourning Billy
The Show: She does it to help relieve Oliver from some of his burdens

Edited by wonderwall
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10 hours ago, Angel12d said:

It's kind of hilarious reading some of these asks. You have both sides thinking they're the majority and the other side is the vocal minority. Stop embarrassing yourselves! LOL. 

Why do they keep saying O/F fans are bots? What exactly is a bot? How does one obtain a bot? Haha.

Also, I agree, it's such a weird thing to say. And since when is posting positive things a spam campaign? IDGI.

Because that other side doesn't know how to do a positive campaign for themselves and what they like. So they tend to shit on the others who do it right by talking about what they love and you know ACTUALLY trending. Where as that other side is too busy talking to MG about bots. LMAO

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11 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

They think the Olicity fandom is a small number of people with lots of dummy Twitter accounts for trends and who use bots to spam boards and vote in polls to make Felicity and Olicity look like it has a much bigger fandom than it actually does. 

Also: because THEY can't trend or win awards or do anything of substance and are annoyed/jealous that a fandom they actively dislike DOES while getting a lot of buzz and attention.  It must be some secret Olicity bit factory run by one person. Obviously.

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20 minutes ago, MaisyDaisy said:

What really pisses me off is the repeated use of dismissing fans as just shippers, or vapid teen girls unable to view content at a 'deeper' level. I am so sick of young girls being used as an insult. Seriously, as the mother of a young girl, these mysoginistic comic fuck boys can piss off constantly trying to promote their agenda that being a girl and being young somehow makes a person less worthy to have an opinion or value. 

I agree. I wonder if it has to do with the fact that most of the time, what gets made on TV is more geared to male demographics than female (not to mention mostly written, produced, and directed by men) It's just the way most shows are framed.  Even many shows that are meant to appeal to women.  

Arrow is a Drama/Action show, but it occurred to me that the action fans never have to hold out hope that maybe in a few years finally there will be some focus on action or a stunt, they are going to get their "moments" in every episode, multiple times an episode probably for an extended period.  They have a whole department devoted to making them happen.

 But even though romance is built right into the DNA of Drama, shippers are accustom to and really expected to keep hanging on for years hoping that finally there might be some real progress with a pairing.  And if one is lucky enough to get for example Olicity moments, you know they will be only fractions of what is slotted for ACTION!! And even so, there will be complaints that the show is being taken over and ruined.  That's pretty much what happened in season 3 and 4.  

It's probably a form of institutional entitlement that passes as what is "normal."  But it's all about perspective.     

Edited by BkWurm1
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20 minutes ago, MaisyDaisy said:


What really pisses me off is the repeated use of dismissing fans as just shippers, or vapid teen girls unable to view content at a 'deeper' level. I am so sick of young girls being used as an insult. Seriously, as the mother of a young girl, these mysoginistic comic fuck boys can piss off constantly trying to promote their agenda that being a girl and being young somehow makes a person less worthy to have an opinion or value. 

This. Made especially worst when people involved in the show also reinforce or share similar rhetoric on female "shippers".

But honestly I don't see that as an Arrow specific problem. I think there are many mediums where women's veiwership and opinions are undervalued and treated as less then. It's no girls welcome in the clubhouse playground bullying.

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3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

 I wonder if it has to do with the fact that most of the time, what gets made on TV is more geared to male demographics than female (not to mention mostly written, produced, and directed by men) It's just the way most shows are framed.  Even many shows that are meant to appeal to women.  

There was a very interesting article i read once(dont rememebr the link) that said that based on a research they did for imdb's ratings of tv shows, they realised that many male fans have a tendency of trying to force their opinions on others and not accepting different views. Based on the article,a female fan is more likely to ignore something she doesnt like,for example a show that is mainly loved by men,while male fans are more likely to try to voice their negative opinion regarding a show they dont like instead of watching something else. Which is why many male centric tv shows that are not watched much by women get high ratings on imdb(because most women wont bother to vote for something they didnt like) while the female centric shows that men dont like much,will be getting awful ratings on imdb(because men will make sure to vote their pitty vote). 

Male fans tend to be much more loud,entitled and agressive,also often using sexist or dismissive terms to put down female fans opinions', so the internet seems to value their opinions more,confusing internet loud minority as representatives of overall audience. Shows like Gossip Girl are often loved by women and hated by men,but many male fans will make sure to insult or put down those women in order to invalidate their opinions. They wont just state their opnions on the show itself(most wont even check it out to form an opinion). 

Of course,i think the main issue here is that male fans are just valued more because they are men. And thats because men dominate the tv/movie industry(regarding writing ,directing etc) like you said.

Edited by theOAfc
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19 hours ago, tv echo said:

epichawk asked:
Hey, so I don't know if you've heard, but some hardcore Olicity/OTA fans have started a "campaign" to spam good things about Felicity on r/arrow and Facebook/Twitter in order for you guys to add her more onto the story. I personally find it ridiculous, because she's just a fictional character. They mostly use a lot of bots, however. Just wanted to tell you. BTW, loving Arrow S5. Continue the great work! (Also, boxing glove arrow or grappling arrow?)

First, thanks.
Second, I swear to you, we don’t make story decisions based on the internet.  I think we’ve shown than time and time and time again, but in case there’s any doubt, all the work put into bots or spam of any stripe are wasted on us.

MG has clarified his response to this tumblr post via tweet...

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Does the data/research still hold that the 18-34 male demo is still the most important for advertisers or is this an outdated convention? I wonder how that works with the influx of reality TV which I believe is watched by more women? 

7 hours ago, MaisyDaisy said:

What really pisses me off is the repeated use of dismissing fans as just shippers, or vapid teen girls unable to view content at a 'deeper' level. I am so sick of young girls being used as an insult. Seriously, as the mother of a young girl, these mysoginistic comic fuck boys can piss off constantly trying to promote their agenda that being a girl and being young somehow makes a person less worthy to have an opinion or value. 

I can only give you one like but here are some more: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

It infuriates me, probably more than it should, the way these people toss the words "real fan" or "true fan" when what they mean is "male fan". It also is just a baffling argument, someone who watches the show because their remote is stuck on the CW and they want background noise while they organize their shoes is NO different than someone who owns every single GA comic and puts on a fake goatee to watch the show. It's just so stupid. 

I do think it's interesting how Felicity Smoak in particular sets them off. Is it just that she has a large and vocal female fan base? That she's not Laurel? Would they have been ok if say Helena had taken over the LI role? 

Regardless of what MG says about valuing all fans, he entertains those comic book complaints while telling shippers to just ignore it. He mocks domesticity while validating these fairly aggressive comments from others. I mean he's the ultimate comic book fanboy but you'd think he'd want to get every single eyeball possible just as good business. 

(Also still can't believe this dude is married to the person responsible for Agent Carter!) 

Edited by leopardprint
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They hated Laurel when she wasnt Black Canary and was the love interest role instead to. Stupid women and their stupid girl feelings getting in the way of their action show, they are only worthy if they are pigeon holed in a sexualised costume and mask with little input but the odd "cool girl" line and don't take up excessive screen time. 

They also use to like Felicity when she was pigeon holed as the pretty IT girl who flirted with/admired the hero in early season one. So I honestly don't think Felicity is the problem.

To be honest had Emily not got a look in past Ep 3 and the show carried on with Laurel in the same role as Felicity I really don't doubt that that she wouldn't receive the same level of hate even though she has the comic moniker- look at Iris. I've seen her get the same rhetoric and hate as Felicity does.

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4 hours ago, leopardprint said:

Does the data/research still hold that the 18-34 male demo is still the most important for advertisers or is this an outdated convention? I wonder how that works with the influx of reality TV which I believe is watched by more women?

I do think it's interesting how Felicity Smoak in particular sets them off. Is it just that she has a large and vocal female fan base? That she's not Laurel? Would they have been ok if say Helena had taken over the LI role? 

I think it's partly that she doesn't have a mask and isn't a fighter (because physical fighting is the only thing that counts) but mostly because she got uppity and stepped out of her comic relief role.  They most accepted her when she was a minor character supporting and having a crush on the hero, like Garcia on Criminal Minds, although I don't think they ever liked her as much in the first two seasons as they say now they did. They still won't acknowledge that Oliver had any feelings for her until female Olicity shippers hijacked the show in season 3.

I think CW values the male demo because it's known for being a teen soap network and they're trying to rebrand.  I don't know if advertisers still rely on the 18 - 49 demo overall but ironically, it was never true that these are the important people to advertise to.  It was a story put out by ABC when they had fewer overall viewers but most of the  younger ones. There has never been any research that showed that younger people are  more likely to change brands because of advertising. (This came from Terry O'Reilly, adman and writer.)  Today, when most young people have precarious employment and huge costs for their young families while baby boomers are downsizing and are the ones with money to spend, it makes even less sense.

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Did anyone see this article from Harry Styles (that guy from one direction), here is what he said about young female fans;

“Who's to say that young girls who like pop music -- short for popular, right? -- have worse musical taste than a 30-year-old hipster guy,” Styles questioned. “That's not up to you to say. Music is something that's always changing. There's no goal posts. Young girls like the Beatles. You gonna tell me they're not serious?”
“How can you say young girls don't get it?” Styles pointed out. “They're our future. Our future doctors, lawyers, mothers, presidents, they kind of keep the world going.”
“Teenage-girl fans -- they don't lie. If they like you, they're there. They don't act 'too cool.' They like you, and they tell you. Which is sick."

I compare this to Bam placating people that tweeted hate about 'Felishitty', about the plethora of tweets from showrunners and writers that went out of their way to be dismissive towards female fans, to SA and his blind eye when it comes to some pretty disturbing behaviour towards female fans on his social media page.

Its not just that they feed the stereotype that certain fans have more worth, it's that they take the time to answer and show respect to people who are pretty much just posting hate towards other fans.

Was there an agenda behind MG answering posts that were super mysoginistic and patronizing to female fans? And another that tried to erase a female centric fandom by declaring them to be bots? He gets hundreds of asks, why post ones that hate on other fans and fail to address that? Because he just validates those opinions.

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55 minutes ago, MaisyDaisy said:

Was there an agenda behind MG answering posts that were super mysoginistic and patronizing to female fans? And another that tried to erase a female centric fandom by declaring them to be bots? He gets hundreds of asks, why post ones that hate on other fans and fail to address that? Because he just validates those opinions.

Additionally, the problem is, I'm pretty sure, much of the time he doesn't get that he is validating them. 

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2 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

Can't say my jaw didn't drop at SA's latest post. Get those likes, Steve! 

Is he saying Felicity is his favorite superhero? Cuz if so, I agree.

Ha! He made the infamous picture his icon haha.

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11 hours ago, MaisyDaisy said:

Did anyone see this article from Harry Styles (that guy from one direction), here is what he said about young female fans;

“Who's to say that young girls who like pop music -- short for popular, right? -- have worse musical taste than a 30-year-old hipster guy,” Styles questioned. “That's not up to you to say. Music is something that's always changing. There's no goal posts. Young girls like the Beatles. You gonna tell me they're not serious?”
“How can you say young girls don't get it?” Styles pointed out. “They're our future. Our future doctors, lawyers, mothers, presidents, they kind of keep the world going.”
“Teenage-girl fans -- they don't lie. If they like you, they're there. They don't act 'too cool.' They like you, and they tell you. Which is sick."

I compare this to Bam placating people that tweeted hate about 'Felishitty', about the plethora of tweets from showrunners and writers that went out of their way to be dismissive towards female fans, to SA and his blind eye when it comes to some pretty disturbing behaviour towards female fans on his social media page.

Its not just that they feed the stereotype that certain fans have more worth, it's that they take the time to answer and show respect to people who are pretty much just posting hate towards other fans.

Was there an agenda behind MG answering posts that were super mysoginistic and patronizing to female fans? And another that tried to erase a female centric fandom by declaring them to be bots? He gets hundreds of asks, why post ones that hate on other fans and fail to address that? Because he just validates those opinions.

I think this is part of a larger issue where even children are somehow conditioned to think that girls are inferior to boys, and therefore their opinions are less legitimate and their likes are less reasonable. That's certainly the case in some cultures, but even in the U.S. this dangerous belief persists.  I just read this very disturbing article about a study that showed gender stereotypes emerging as early as age 6 (namely, the biased belief that boys are smarter than girls, despite the fact that girls were generally outperforming boys in school at that age)...

6-Year-Old Girls Already Have Gendered Beliefs About Intelligence
ED YONG  JAN 26, 2017  

I remember hearing this statement once, and it's really stuck with me: "Men are presumed competent until proven incompetent, while women are presumed incompetent until proven competent."

Edited by tv echo
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Thanks for that link @tv echo.  There was a really great cartoon from Punch back in 1989 of a board meeting where the boss says "That's an excellent suggestion, Miss Triggs.  Perhaps one of the men here would like to make it."  Sad that things haven't changed in the past thirty years.

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SA is scheduled for Planet Comicon (today only). However, I can't find a panel for him in today's schedule...

He might be part of this DC group panel at 4:30pm (Kansas City time), but his name isn't mentioned in the panel description:


DC Comics TV: Actors take characters from Page to Screen
Saturday April 29, 2017 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
The DC television universe is full of action and drama that delights fans every week with shows such as Arrow, The Flash, and Gotham. In a special fan event, hear what some of the most talented actresses/actors to grace DC Comics TV have to say about being part of such infulential shows. Join Michael Rowe (Deadshot), Maggie Geha (Poison Ivy), and Teddy Sears (Zoom) for a fun filled Q&A.


Or maybe he's just showing up to sign autographs.

(JB's panel was earlier today at 12pm local time.)

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Marc had a very embarrassing (for him) back-and-forth with one-time Arrow director Lexi Alexander on Twitter today (among others in her mentions). He is one of those guys who thinks men can be victims of sexism, which I think I knew based on other things he's said, but really didn't expect him to lay out so clearly. Especially when it's on a subject on which he should be a little embarrassed to speak, as someone whose set is allegedly not friendly to women directors, or at least did a piss-poor job of hiring them until GB made a stronger commitment to diversity before this last season. Anyway, he goes into more detail about what feminism and sexism really mean, if you follow the link. There's a screenshot of a dictionary definition and everything!

Edited by Carrie Ann
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1 hour ago, Carrie Ann said:

Marc had a very embarrassing (for him) back-and-forth with one-time Arrow director Lexi Alexander on Twitter today (among others in her mentions). He is one of those guys who thinks men can be victims of sexism, which I think I knew based on other things he's said, but really didn't expect him to lay out so clearly. Especially when it's on a subject on which he should be a little embarrassed to speak, as someone whose set is allegedly not friendly to women directors, or at least did a piss-poor job of hiring them until GB made a stronger commitment to diversity before this last season. Anyway, he goes into more detail about what feminism and sexism really mean, if you follow the link. There's a screenshot of a dictionary definition and everything!

JFC, this is embarrassing. He is full on mansplaning feminism to woman. How humiliating he is. The replies are gold.

How funny that a couple dude bros turn up to defend him and start throwing around more sexist crap dismissing female opinions by 'just give them more Felicity and that will shut them up' and calling people 'Olicitards' (look MG the fans that identify with you can multitask to be offensive to both woman and the disabled). 

Someone needs to send MG a #not all men, T-shirt. 

Edited by MaisyDaisy
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I haven't read the rest of the exchange, but that first comment just shows how Lexi Alexander's remark went completely over his head. That was her entire, concisely put point, that it's sexist to judge a gender based on individuals.

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From what I gathered, Lexi Alexander was making a comment that is lobbed at female directors anytime they have a movie that doesn't make tons of money, so her comment was a joke that MG got all offended and huffy over.  She then tried hard to let him back down but he kept digging the hole.  This was her final comment to him.  I don't know how to inbed tweets but here is the quote.



 Kind of amused at you picking a fight with me on Twitter out of nowhere. Is this the best you can do with the power you have?

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I like that if you look at the whole thread two male Twitter handles actually stick up for Lexi and accuse Marc of being tone deaf.

But seriously Marc don't call yourself a feminist if you don't know what it means.

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4 hours ago, Carrie Ann said:

Marc had a very embarrassing (for him) back-and-forth with one-time Arrow director Lexi Alexander on Twitter today (among others in her mentions). He is one of those guys who thinks men can be victims of sexism, which I think I knew based on other things he's said, but really didn't expect him to lay out so clearly. Especially when it's on a subject on which he should be a little embarrassed to speak, as someone whose set is allegedly not friendly to women directors, or at least did a piss-poor job of hiring them until GB made a stronger commitment to diversity before this last season. Anyway, he goes into more detail about what feminism and sexism really mean, if you follow the link. There's a screenshot of a dictionary definition and everything!

The sad part is that he is completely unaware he is embarrassing himself, LOL. He is such a feminist he feels threatened every time someone says men aren't the best of the best in everything.

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It's cringe worthy that he will like tweets and answer asks that are outright mysoginistic, that are straight up hate, thanking the person sending it to him, and ignore the hate thats being directed towards woman- he posts something that has sexist hate in it, and just ignores the hate to address the compliment, indicates a tacit agreement to the content he has allowed on his social media.

He straight up enables hate towards female fans on his personal social media, but turns around to become a social media warrior when he misconstrues the meaning of a tweet from a female producer, one that he wasn't even tagged in. Because men are not to be questioned.

The more I see, the more I believe those rumors about Arrow being a sausage fest boys club BTS.

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MG is part of this culture...

(To clarify, this is not a statement on comic book fans, but on the depiction of male superheroes vs. the depiction of female superheroes in the above pic - including the 'classic' butt shot.)

MG doesn't want to alienate potential buyers of the X-Men comics and other comics that he writes.

Edited by tv echo
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Kind of amused at you picking a fight with me on Twitter out of nowhere. Is this the best you can do with the power you have?

It's an interesting subtext, that she feels that he has a lot of power, and he does as an EP in Arrowverse, but instead of making things better in reality, he's doing a fake support .

5 hours ago, MaisyDaisy said:

The more I see, the more I believe those rumors about Arrow being a sausage fest boys club BTS.

While it's better in terms of the writing for the women characters than The Flash (thank goodness!), you only have to look at who they promote from within to get confirmation.

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