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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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X3 was horrifically bad. I think the only thing I liked about it was Kitty Pryde, because I like Kitty Pryde and I like the actress who played her. Oh, and Iceman's moment.

I like Vinnie too, and he's practically born to play a street thug, but a cheesy street thug. I am not sure he fits.

Is Eurotrip seriously not one of the funniest movies ever? Love it so much.


Had to like this for the Kitty Pryde/Ellen Page love. 


Wasn't crazy about Brick myself but he's really the least of season three's problems considering how little he was on the show. I didn't mind the episodes he was in, actually. Compared to some others, anyway.

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Well, consider this my lesson learned. Next time don't try to reader's digest a reply. I used "freedom of speech" instead of typing out "it is Amell's freakin' social media and he is allowed to share his opinions regardless of who agrees with him." I don't have the patience to tap out "he shouldn't have to defend himself nor explain his point because it is his Twitter/Facebook/etc" on my phone. I figured I'd explain that since I'm being policed by the "freedom of speech" enforcers. The correct way to phrase it may have been "freedom of social media." Although I think I prefer my normal slogan for Twitter. "140 characters to prove how much of a twit you are." 


Everyone should use social media responsibly. Who is tasked with ensuring users maintain the proper level of responsibility? What percentage of his followers should he try to prevent insulting? The vocal fans who worship the ground he walks on? The fans who follow him just to troll? Should he avoid it all together to avoid insulting someone? Should his followers who not agree just browse through instead of congregating on a message board and crying in their tea? Again it is his damn page so if he wants to insist the sky is green, grass is purple, and unicorns are the next wave of transportation he has every right. He isn't trolling all over other's pages. It wasn't his finest hour by any means. I personally wouldn't ever tell someone to stop responding as conversation is a give-and-take. However, I can see his frustration if the CW requires an online presence and he'd rather only be in communication with people who know him and how his mind works. After all no one here really "knows" Stephen Amell. Everyone knows the persona. Perhaps the anger lies in being duped about how "real" he is. He shows a bit more of himself and it doesn't live up to the standard the fans have set for him. He's human and has a thought which might not be PC enough to please the masses.


His unpopular opinion was met with blow back. No one can say how he was feeling, but maybe the disrespect thrown his way set him on the defensive. I imagine he tweeted his original tweet and went about his day. An hour later he's got two minutes and hell broke lose on his social media. i sympathize with the man if he rushed a thought and he returned to nastiness. After all it can happen to anyone attempting to formulate a thought across the internet.

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He's human and has a thought which might not be PC enough to please the masses.

Sure, the problem was that he wasn't "PC enough." Not that he denigrated and dismissed all countervailing opinions and behaved like a childish douchenozzle. Sure.

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SA replied to this video post at his Facebook page --








He's so hung up on Twitter hatred and anonymous commenters hiding behind their computer screens, that he really needed to see an actual person explain it to him. Actual people that you can see you've upset who are explaining to you why what you've said is harmful and upsetting are difficult to ignore and brush off. .... Jennifer is incredibly brave for posting that video, and I'm glad he listened to it. Too bad he couldn't have done that a couple of days ago.


I appreciate his reply to the video a lot and it fits with my impression, that he wasn't taking the time to think things through and understand what was going on (why people were upset and what he did wrong)  I see him now as someone that isn't great at getting it, if it isn't something easy for him to relate too.  At least not quickly or on his own.  But his response felt to me that he is starting to get it. 


He points out that he doesn't feel like he is the best educated guy which isn't a requirement for understanding IMO, but if he just hasn't had any personal experience and isn't the sort of person that pays attention to the realities that Ahmed was facing, then it at least helps me understand what's going on with him.  I'm not offering excuses, just comprehension. 


 I do judge him somewhat for not have taken the time earlier to try and understand one of societies biggest ongoing issues.  Likely nothing in his life has ever forced him to do so and therefore like many people, just has gone forward with his life knowing at the corner of his awareness there is a problem but clinging unconsciously to his sheltered experience.  It's doesn't make him bad but it does IMO make him a more self-centered and immature than I would have liked to believe.   


I'd like to believe that he won't be able to ignore the issues as well as he might have in the past and I'm also hopeful that the good qualities we've seen in him, compassion and engagement, will continue to expand and broaden as he does mature. 

If he's going to be exalted for the good he does, he's going to be taken down a few pegs when he shows his ass on social media, like he has been for the past few days. His initial comments were bad, but not insurmountable. It was him behaving like a complete douchebag in response to people's criticism of what he wrote that escalated the situation, so he has no one to blame but himself for that.

True.  He does though own up to pride getting in his way and it's admissions like this that allows me not to just write him off.  I think SA may always have to fight an initial instinct to be reactionary and defensive but we do gain wisdom as we grow and I know when I got further away from my twenties and early thirties that it's become easier to recognize that admitting to being wrong really doesn't have to ding your pride which makes keeping it in check a little easier. 



Freedom of Speech is probably the best known and most misunderstood Amendment.



That really is so disheartening. It's not that difficult...it only applies to THE GOVERNMENT.

As an interesting aside, prior to the 14th Amendment post-Civil War, the Bill of Rights didn't apply to state governments, only the federal government. Many, if not most, states had official state religions, etc. Dark times.

I am not trying to start a argument but while legally Freedom of Speech is something specifically the government is required to not impinge, society has embraced the ideal behind it with certain exceptions.  I guess I'm saying I find it understandable that there is confusion.   

Edited by BkWurm1
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Sure, the problem was that he wasn't "PC enough." Not that he denigrated and dismissed all countervailing opinions and behaved like a childish douchenozzle. Sure.

I agree that SA behaved very foolishly and then keep digging a hole deeper and deeper and I really wish he would have caught on a lot earlier to what was behind the anger online but I also think that he isn't totally wrong in general about the internet reacting in extreme ways.  Again, not disagreeing with any upset toward his comments or behavior but I personally think it is easier to get really angry really quickly based on something I've read on line than it is for me to do in person with someone. 


In person I can immediately call for an explanation or point out exactly why the statement is wrong or how it implies something awful and most of the time, in real life people are able to clarify what their actual intentions are when saying something and at the same time usually are willing to hear what I am thinking and usually some kind of consensus comes about.  To often on the internet I read something and all I can do is respond with how it made me feel and think and I do think the frustration of not being able to communicate instantly back and forth and with all our senses somehow magnifies or at least accelerates what I'm feeling and thinking.  In person I'm not quick to judge intentions but on line something is said and then it's just there.  A one sided conversation that I think I feel subconsciously shut out of. 


Ah, but twitter is a back and forth.  


True, but I am a strong believer that you have to be very careful about tone in twitter or texts. And some people can't manage it. (And that's before they get defensive when suddenly a bunch of people are mad - and often it seems like zero to sixty kind of mad)  Even with my best friends and closest family I'm constantly using the silly emoticons to make sure they know HOW to take a comment and even then it's only 50/50.  I've learned to not have serious conversations via text but also even the non serious ones have gone wrong. 


Which I only point out as probably SA's reason for dismissing the upset he caused.  He's used to dismissing the rage on Twitter.  He should be able to discern the difference between people hating on a TV show and by extension the actor and people being upset about his terribly insensitive defense of Texas when the bigger issue deserved continued attention but turns out, nope, he can't. 


Is it a defense that he automatically puts up against the usual nastiness that always floats about and thus him doubling down on it when the complaints take a sharp uptick??  It's certainly not the whole explanation but I have to think it contributes to the problem.


We need him (or anyone like him) to dismiss the crazy on the internet most of the time if we want them to continue interacting with the public.  How though do we round everyone up and teach them how to tell the difference between when they should assume it's just the expected crazy vs a genuine response of dismay and disapproval?  I think I sit here and think it should be easy to tell but I wonder if as an actor or anyone that is in the public it's a lot harder.  They HAVE to build up such walls to survive.  To keep out the constant stream of criticism that is always coming from somewhere.  If you spend ten years dismissing negative tweets and posts and articles about what you do or say (because typically it's all bunk) then how do you turn off that voice that says it's not you, it's them?  That's the voice that is there normally to keep them sane, but it also I think is the very thing that causes further harm when they do make a misstep. 


That's when it's so important to have genuine people around you that aren't just there to feed your ego, someone to call you on your crap (something we all probably need sometimes).  I'm not saying SA has yes men around him but in this case his support system probably failed him since they too were likely caught up in the wrong part of the narrative in the Ahmed incident.  Which in summation all I am trying to say is a great pity. 


Here's hoping for better in the future.    

Edited by BkWurm1
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Brick wasn't my complaint, it was how they wove the story around him and then in the end made taking him down a lot easier than it should have been.  I mean, this guy was supposed to be soooo scary the local government just said, sure, you can have the glades, we won't even try to stop you. 


I can accept magic and flying suits easier than a US city ceding control of the city to a criminal (publically) and not even calling in the National Guard or something.  It just wouldn't happen.  A few lives of city leaders shouldn't have been enough to keep them out.  Brick should have had a way to threaten all the other citizens (like with missiles) before the city then pretended to give him what he wanted while they got back up from the Feds. 


Brick gets tarnished with the crap storyline.  Makes it hard to judge how "good" a bad guy he was or wasn't. 

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I know someone who has a browser extension that changes the phrase 'political correctness' to 'treating people with respect'.

Amell's free to says what he likes, and I'm entitled to think of him what I like. But he mentions not being educated, this is the 21st century, he has no excuse for not being educated. There are plenty of examples online of islamaphobia (or everyday sexism for that matter), he can easily read about, he chose to stay in his white privileged ivory tower and complain about the treatment of white people. If he wants this not to happen again he needs to educate himself so he's part of the solution, not part of the problem.

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As a rule, I like Vinnie Jones. He was in Eurotrip, and I love Eurotrip. But he's not much of an actor, and he's very cheesy, so he really doesn't fit on a supposedly realistic show like Arrow. He was totally cheesy and not at all scary as Juggernaut, too.

He was even great in She's the Man & Galavant. Both roles were a cheesy. I think Vinnie Jones can channel either really cheesy/campy or angry/mean. He might have more of an acting range, but I would cast him as campy or very angry mean. I remember some of his performances on the soccer field, that man can channel anger when he needs to. I think ARROW didn't know if they wanted full tilt campy thug or utterly mean thug, which is why we got a middle of the road performance that was meh. I feel like I wanted Vinnie to be more campy in the role. I thought that would have served the role better and s3 of ARROW.


Part of the reason earlier season episodic villains were so good was because they were allowed to go full tilt, and even be a little cheesy with that dry dark humor that ARROW had in s1&2. S3 was humorous for all the wrong reasons, but it lacked that genuine intentional dark humor it had in s1&2. VJ & Brick needed to be more comicy & less realistic, considering the whole unrealism that was taking place in s3b during those 3 eps. It also didn't help that Galavant had just recently aired, so I remembered just how cheesy he can be. Cheesy isn't always bad. I like over the top villains if they are able to capture that dry sarcastic cheesy that says IRL this is BS, but its TV so its completely going down.


Brick wasn't my complaint, it was how they wove the story around him and then in the end made taking him down a lot easier than it should have been.  I mean, this guy was supposed to be soooo scary the local government just said, sure, you can have the glades, we won't even try to stop you. 


I can accept magic and flying suits easier than a US city ceding control of the city to a criminal (publically) and not even calling in the National Guard or something.  It just wouldn't happen.  A few lives of city leaders shouldn't have been enough to keep them out.  Brick should have had a way to threaten all the other citizens (like with missiles) before the city then pretended to give him what he wanted while they got back up from the Feds. 


Brick gets tarnished with the crap storyline.  Makes it hard to judge how "good" a bad guy he was or wasn't. 

Exactly, I thought the casting was a good choice. I enjoy the idea of an over the top, perhaps cheesy thug, but they restricted his campiness & made him play middle of the road which did neither the story or him justice. That comes down to writing, story & plot. It was a crappy storyline, that felt very unrealistic. In times of extreme tension, thugs/groups/gangs/communities/organizations have taken over city blocks with generally violent means or serious threats of violence & fear. But city/state/local government doesn't just sit back & let the areas be taken. They don't publicly declare those areas as taken. They strategize and call in for help from state, federal and other governments/groups to help regain control & safety for the residents. But it wasn't May, so maybe they had lost the phone numbers. :)


IN ARROW they called in RP & FS to help figure out the situation. Now, I'm not saying governments don't call in local businessmen to help - but realistically most government's first call would be to other government agencies. It was a forced for plot story that was used to make RP look better, TA look directionless without OQ & provide ample time for an untrained BC to be in the field because its CRAZY times. It sacrificed a decently cast villain for a plot & story arc that made him neither cheesy/campy thug or complete realistic badass thug. Add to that the fact that they somehow then forced it all to be linked back to MM & the undertaking for reasons. It was just poorly crafted writing that reflected poorly on the casting.

Edited by kismet
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The response to the video was good, but he should try it without the "please stop talking about this.". He can decide to stop responding to people talking about it (he should have decided that A WHILE AGO, frankly), but including the "stop talking" looks like 1. silencing minorities and 2. like he's just apologizing to get people to shut up.

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 Again it is his damn page so if he wants to insist the sky is green, grass is purple, and unicorns are the next wave of transportation he has every right. 


He can type what he wants and think what he wants. But when he weighs in on something he doesn't know much about (as he said in his response to that video), and people try to educate him about why he is wrong, the best thing to do is to not tell them that they're bored and irrationally outraged, or to be a sarcastic asshole about being an "oppressed white male." If he had taken his little break after that video he posted instead of continually being dismissive, he wouldn't have had that problem. He can type whatever in the hell he wants - if he blasts that out to over a million people, he's going to get some blowback. It is naive and ridiculous to think otherwise.



His unpopular opinion was met with blow back. No one can say how he was feeling, but maybe the disrespect thrown his way set him on the defensive. I imagine he tweeted his original tweet and went about his day. An hour later he's got two minutes and hell broke lose on his social media. i sympathize with the man if he rushed a thought and he returned to nastiness. After all it can happen to anyone attempting to formulate a thought across the internet.


That's not what happened at all. This unfolded in the span of about a half an hour - he didn't take a break, he didn't go about his day. If he had actually taken a break when he said he was going to and let it drop, instead of stirring the pot with his antagonistic follow-up tweets, people still would've been mad, but this probably would've eventually blown over. 

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I do think SA is entitled to his own opinion, as is everybody, but I didn't like how he dismissed everyone else as being bored for having a differing viewpoint. And then he exacerbated the issue by refusing to educate himself about why people were upset. For me personally it wasn't so much what he said initially (even though I massively disagreed with him and that was bad enough) but how he handled himself and the fallout afterwards. The whole thing was messy and he only made it worse.

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 I'm not saying SA has yes men around him but in this case his support system probably failed him since they too were likely caught up in the wrong part of the narrative in the Ahmed incident.  Which in summation all I am trying to say is a great pity. 


Here's hoping for better in the future.    


It is unfortunate and rather strange that he and everyone around him latched onto the wrong end of the stick. Did SA offer words of support to Ahmed before taking this stance? Doesn't one usually react to the obvious before addressing secondary issues? Always assuming the empathy is there for both aspects.

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His first comment was that stereotyping Texas wasn't any better than stereotyping Texas. Someone replied that one ends up with a 14 year-old boy getting arrested for making a clock, and one doesn't, to which he asked the commenter how many times he'd been to Texas. He mentioned that what happened to Ahmed was awful a couple of tweets later.

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True, true.


My constitution was written in 1988, hahaha. It was televised. [it's an awesome constitution, tho. The UN uses it as example text for new countries looking to write their own. <3]

nearly 70 year since independence and we're still waiting for mine to write one.. I think it may be one of handful of democratic country who doesn't have one.. and in our case it's screwing us up.

Although to be honest with the fact that the right wing party is currently in power and with how orthodox religious folks have the government by the balls in so many ways, i'm fearful of how they will influence it.. they're already doing enough damage. -_- :-\

Edited by foreverevolving
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DIGGLE'S ARMS. Bless DR. Bless his everything.

I want them to ditch the new jacket and just have those blessed arms on display. :)

Until GA gets some sleeves, I don't see why Dig needs to hide his arms under that new ill fitting jacket that looks like it came from a bad sci-fi clearance sale.

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The response to the video was good, but he should try it without the "please stop talking about this.". He can decide to stop responding to people talking about it (he should have decided that A WHILE AGO, frankly), but including the "stop talking" looks like 1. silencing minorities and 2. like he's just apologizing to get people to shut up.

His "stop talking about it" plea didn't come off as silencing minorities to me mostly because asking people to stop talking about some hot button issue is a fantastic way of keeping the conversation going .  I think he's sincere in his apology but wants it all to go away immediately because it's unpleasant and he's not comfortable with it being unpleasant for him with his interaction with the fans and yeah, he probably feels since he didn't intend to be an asshat, he deserves clemency.   


It's good though that he feels uncomfortable because it's going to IMO make him think twice in the future.  It also might teach him that the only one he can really get to stop talking is himself. 

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I do think SA is entitled to his own opinion, as is everybody, but I didn't like how he dismissed everyone else as being bored for having a differing viewpoint. And then he exacerbated the issue by refusing to educate himself about why people were upset. For me personally it wasn't so much what he said initially (even though I massively disagreed with him and that was bad enough) but how he handled himself and the fallout afterwards. The whole thing was messy and he only made it worse.


Exactly.  It was his reaction to people's reaction to his initial comment that started this wave upon wave of continuing disappointment with him as a person  He called his fans bored, lazy, and blew them off, and these are the people that have truly launched his outside Arrow career on shows like Jimmy Kimmel, Seth whatever, and even the WWE,   You can't use fans to expand your career (wasn't it on the Kimmel that he said their twitter blew up because people wanted him) and then treat them like crap when they share their disappointment in you.


I'm glad that he is starting to see the light, and I hope that he learns from this harsh lesson that as a public figure, you have to really consider how you discuss non-entertainment topics with your fanbase.

Edited by BumpSetSpike
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After the kerfluffle about ensemble poster last year, I'm perfectly fine with the official poster of just Oliver in the new suit. Especially if they didn't do new photoshoots and were going to create a poster by Photoshopping old pictures anyway.

Edited by lemotomato
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Im fine with them spending the money on the actual show than on a new photo shoot. The trailers have been good enough for me. Why spend money when tumblr & Twitter will do the work for you? Plus we all know the cw has some pretty weak skills when it comes to promotional materials.

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Photshoots are covered by the network, they aren't part of the production budget of the show.

With the CW, unless you're the vampire diaries, you get new photshoots s1, s2 and then every 2-3 years. If you're SPN you get them once in a blue moon and fans have to make a sacrificial offering. ..

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Reportedly, last year's big November layoffs targeted the marketing/public relations departments of Time Warner, and ended up slashing the marketing/PR budgets of WB and CW. I've seen nothing since to dispute that. 

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I wish the CW would just hold a competition among viewers and the best offering gets to be the promotional poster. I know their pride wouldn't let them do it, but the sucky pr isn't helping any.


Seeing WH and KC in the same picture with their costumes on makes me think KC should have gone for the eye blacking too..


nearly 70 year since independence and we're still waiting for mine to write one.. I think it may be one of handful of democratic country who doesn't have one.. and in our case it's screwing us up.

It took Canada 115 years (1867 - 1982) to get one and Quebec still hasn't signed on.


(For the US constitution, Thomas Jefferson originally wrote "we hold these truths to be granted by God" and Benjamin Franklin, a good scientist, changed the wording to say "we hold these truths to be self-evident".)

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I still don't get why they don't just put a call out to the fans to come up with stuff and then just pick from that. 


I mean, they actually used a fan created opening credit sequence for the eighth season of Dr. Who.  I'd think the CW could "lower" their standards for a poster. 


Edited:  Ha!  Or what Statsgirl said. 

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I wish the CW would just hold a competition among viewers and the best offering gets to be the promotional poster. I know their pride wouldn't let them do it, but the sucky pr isn't helping any.


Seeing WH and KC in the same picture with their costumes on makes me think KC should have gone for the eye blacking too..


It took Canada 115 years (1867 - 1982) to get one and Quebec still hasn't signed on.


(For the US constitution, Thomas Jefferson originally wrote "we hold these truths to be granted by God" and Benjamin Franklin, a good scientist, changed the wording to say "we hold these truths to be self-evident".)

mmm.. didn't Canada only finally became a fully fledged independent country, separating itself from the UK union, around that time?


Pluto bless Franklin.

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I wish the CW would just hold a competition among viewers and the best offering gets to be the promotional poster. I know their pride wouldn't let them do it, but the sucky pr isn't helping any.


I'm married to a designer and used to work for an agency, so I hear about this stuff a lot. The professional organizations that represent people who do this kind of work--design, advertising, etc.--are generally against crowdsourcing/design contests as it devalues this kind of work and is near free labor, which eliminates jobs. So while I agree that fans have often made nicer looking stuff than the CW produces, it's not ideal to put it on fans to create a bunch of free work and then "reward" only one of them with the win (and maybe a prize of some sort). It tells the CW they don't need to employ photographers, designers, etc., because fans will do all their work for them for free.


That doesn't mean they couldn't employ fan artists, though. The ideal would be for the Marketing department to keep an eye on the fans who are producing nice work and reach out to one with a contract for a specific piece (like the poster, or some of their social media images like the weird ones they've put out to promote the DVDs). Then they could take the PR win of saying that they used a fan artist, while also paying the person who produced the work (while not also asking others to produce work unpaid).

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I'm a big soccer fan, and our team started a Posters by the People campaign this year.  Fans submit self made posters and are then chosen to represent the game, and fans can purchase them (I believe).  It's been relatively successful, but it's sports not TV.  May be differences there.  

And here I go replying to myself (hit reply too soon!).  I really enjoyed the comic art that was done for episodes in S3 - although not sure it was consistent.  That seems like a great opportunity to have fans submit original artwork every week, while not taking away from the CW marketing department.

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I'm married to a designer and used to work for an agency, so I hear about this stuff a lot. The professional organizations that represent people who do this kind of work--design, advertising, etc.--are generally against crowdsourcing/design contests as it devalues this kind of work and is near free labor, which eliminates jobs


.I get the concerns but what about in cases where they are just not doing the job?  Like this year when it looks like they plain are not going to produce the full cast poster.  It's not taking the job away since there is no job allowed in the first place. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I'm married to a designer and used to work for an agency, so I hear about this stuff a lot. The professional organizations that represent people who do this kind of work--design, advertising, etc.--are generally against crowdsourcing/design contests as it devalues this kind of work and is near free labor, which eliminates jobs. So while I agree that fans have often made nicer looking stuff than the CW produces, it's not ideal to put it on fans to create a bunch of free work and then "reward" only one of them with the win (and maybe a prize of some sort). It tells the CW they don't need to employ photographers, designers, etc., because fans will do all their work for them for free.

I worked in marketing at Warner Bros. (not in TV) and our division didn't employ actual artists and designers who produced work in-house. Our creative services department farmed the actual creative work out to various agencies. I would give creative services a creative brief, they would hire an agency to perform the work, and then creative services would present the results to us for feedback.

Needless to say, the creative services department was very insecure and tried to minimize any interaction between the agencies and us marketing folk. If the CW or WBTV operate similarly, there's no way their creative services people would get behind crowdsourcing artwork. The only way I could see it happening is if marketing were to hold some sort of artwork contest for "publicity."

Disney, on the other hand, was filled to the rafters with talented artists and designers. It was a treat sitting next to them in meetings and watching them doodle.

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So I can't hear most of that but it seems that him saying he would be coming back (especially on LOT and Flash) was not quite truthful? Seems he's a lot like KC in asking fans to tweet that they want something. It most he encouraged by the team to do that. 


:p at him saying Emily was from one day bit part to show lead.

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So I can't hear most of that but it seems that him saying he would be coming back (especially on LOT and Flash) was not quite truthful? Seems he's a lot like KC in asking fans to tweet that they want something. It most he encouraged by the team to do that. 


:p at him saying Emily was from one day bit part to show lead.

He's said in a few interviews that him coming back is one call away. I took that to mean the Arrow people only have to call and set something up and he'd come. They've probably kicked some ideas around but made no commitments. Hope they aren't just jerking him around.

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He seems to really want to come back. This coupled with his sad tweet about not going to SDCC 2015 and his sad tweets post filming 319 makes me call BullShit on Berlanti saying they only had CH for 2 years and always new he'd be leaving at the end of S3.

I'd sooner buy contract negotiation/demand for more money or something else that broke down between Berlanti Co. and Colton's people.

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