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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Becky's interview was interesting. She's gonna get the JH thinking about the twins as well as Vanessa.

I think everyone (Austin, Steve, James) will drop like flies once Vanessa is out.

Edited by mooses
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I actually really like this comp. a) they haven't done it before, b) running is just a small part of it, and c) just watching them wait is stressing me out.

And Vanessa twitched and is out. I don't think BB rigged that to happen. Honestly, if any rigging is done, I would think it's to keep Vanessa. She's a huge part of everything happening in the house, why wouldn't they want to keep her for the drama? Except I don't think they actually give a fuck who stays or goes. They have plenty of options to show.

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Van out. Damn it. Another boring week ahead with everyone on board to vote her out. And with the jury house gunning for her too, she's done. I still think we're just heading for an Austwins F3. But I hope James can pull a win out soon.

Edited by CrazyDog
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A race definitely favors dudes, I will straight up call rigging, but that's fine that is the damn game.

I see this comp as more about reaction time and the ability to maintain an awkward position for extended periods of time. They're racing all of 30 or 40 feet.

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Vanessa false started. So all men left. But Steve also got out of his stance, so he might have thought it was him. We'll see.

Steve accidentally winning a competition again would be great. I think he'd throw up from nervousness.

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Julia seems more concerned with her nails than who is going to win the competition. The twins are feeling just a little too safe for my liking. I'd love to see one of them on the block next to Vanessa, just for shits and giggles.

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which had nothing to do with running.



I'm telling you Austin is going to win this and I am going to BARF, but this being sprint makes it entirely about his freakish physicality, it's at most three strides for him mabe two and half. He better throw it. 

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I'm rooting full on for James at this point. I think Johnny Mac would be up against Vanessa, and could be in trouble, but I don't care. I don't need to see Austin mauling Liz for another week, and Steve would lose his mind if he had to be HOH for a whole week.

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Steve would lose his mind if he had to be HOH for a whole week.


This almost makes me wanna root for him to win tbh. There's no hope of any of these fools targeting Austwins so at least I would be entertained by Steve crying all week.


I just really need Austin to lose. I can't take another week of him and Liz in the HOH room.

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PLEASE just not Austin!! I slo mo'ed the first heat and he was the fastest runner. Just keep him crouched down for 30minutes and he'll lose. I think James has a good shot. Being short, he doesn't have as far to stand up and run. I remember in gym class the shorter girls were the best at those kind of starts. 


Back spasm Austin! Back spasm Austin!!

Edited by aurora296
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Part of me wants Austin to win cause hopefully it would make the other hg get a freaking clue that Liztin is the new Clelli and they will be the targets next week.


Also want to see if Austin would have the balls to put up Vanessa.

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It's down to Austin and James. Now it's like watching paint dry. To guys crouching on blocks and everyone else behaving like they're at a golf tournament - so of course we get to watch now.


Looks like Austin won.

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If Austin won and is willing to get blood on his hands...I just can't even.


I'm in the place where I'd be forced to acknowledge that he has played a pretty good social game and is finally competing now. Austin might be good at big brother? Barf. Just barf.

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Ugh, ugh. On the plus side, maybe he'll use the HOH shower?


Did he this past week? I had trouble watching the feeds. Mainly because every time I turned them on, Liz and Austin were kissing or making out, so I'd just turn them off again.

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I love that word!



. On the plus side, maybe he'll use the HOH shower?


I'm just hoping he finally learns the benefits of soap and shampoo.


Look, there's lots of things to dislike about him and Liz, but to this point, I do have to admit they are playing a good game, with Austin in the lead.

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Austin is aligned with everyone in the house. Why would he try to win that?

I think his brain malfunctioned and all he's thinking about is another week in the HOH room alone with Liz.

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Ugh yes this is going to be a very gross week (glad I don't have feeds)... BUT as mentioned he has deals with EVERYONE. This will blow up his game one way or the other. Good, because I want him gone before either twin. Actually I want him gone more than anyone left, but alas it won't be this week...

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Ugh yes this is going to be a very gross week (glad I don't have feeds)... BUT as mentioned he has deals with EVERYONE. This will blow up his game one way or the other. Good, because I want him gone before either twin. Actually I want him gone more than anyone left, but alas it won't be this week...

If he targets Vanessa, though, it won't blow up his game at all. He puts her up with a pawn, and all that happens is a lot of Vanessa histrionics and her eviction. 

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