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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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All three like a boss. This week is going to be fun. Because another plan I see Vanessa trying is operation : Johnny Mac is responsible for everything. Oh, I cannot wait to see what Vanessa pulls. And Shelli. Yay!!


No way will Vanessa throw Johnny under the bus to Becky. Just no way. She is way too smart for that. I can see her using one of the campers but she would have to deaf and blind to trash JMac to Becky.

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I just realized that she's probably gonna nominate Steve. Yay! This is so great for me.


No way will Vanessa throw Johnny under the bus to Becky. Just no way. She is way too smart for that. I can see her using one of the campers but she would have to deaf and blind to trash JMac to Becky.


It's Vanessa! She's fucking nuts! I wouldn't be surprised at all if she tries to do this. She'll bust out her fake cry face/voice and be so distraught over it all. She's solo dolo, don't ya know!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I want someone to lay out what happened after the feeds went off this afternoon!

ETA: I forgot about Becky versus Steve! But John liked Steve, so I think he'll be safe.

Edited by mooses
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Oh and also mad props to Becky for being the first woman to win this comp.


I'm not too worried about that Peach. She seemed to have dropped down pretty firmly on the ADC side of the fence by midweek.


Good! I definitely think her main target will be Vanessa with Steve as her #2, but I could see her putting Meg up as a pawn.

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It's Vanessa! She's fucking nuts! I wouldn't be surprised at all if she tries to do this. She'll bust out her fake cry face/voice and be so distraught over it all. She's solo dolo, don't ya know!


Oh the tears will be flowing this week, that's for damn sure. I can't wait.

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The stupid thing is even if they get Vanessa out this week she will have a chance to get back in the game. Julie teased it tonight. I hate the juror comp.


Hopefully it's an "America votes" who goes back in.

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I can't wait to see Vanessa try to sell out John to Becky. LMAO!

But ngl I'm a little scared. It's Becky, I feel like there's still a chance she's gonna nominate like Meg and James or something.

I have a feeling she will nominate the ADC crew... I'm praying she goes after S6
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*Points and laughs at you, @Ceeg, and whoever else doesn't like her*


YAY, BECKY!  Okay, girl!  Do us fans of you proud and be smart about nominations!

It's not nice to kick people when they're down :(


I will say this - if Becky manages to get rid of Austin this week I may upgrade her from strong to mild dislike.  But it won't happen.

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Well, Steve did trash Becky in the DR when voting her out. Not that Becky heard it but maybe there is a reason for his dislike of Becky. That said, would or does Becky consider Steve a big target?

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Twitter is saying Becky is the first female to win this comp, is that true?


I hope she doesn't take all three prizes. They were encouraging her to but they'll use it against in the future.


Yes to the first question (although Aaryn won with Jeremy in BB15). Also, she did take all the prizes.


Shelli sitting alone, crying. It's so beautiful!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Becky is definitely going to put up Steve. Those two just really can't stand each other. I think noms will be Vanessa and Steve, with a Austin nom if veto is used. Or maybe that last part is just wishful thinking.

ETA: Maybe Shelli is using her tears to make everyone feel bad for her and show that she's all by her lonesome now. Becky may fall for that.

Edited by Arya
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I like the idea of a Juror Comp, I just didn't like the actual comp they played. Julie couldn't even tell who won, it was terrible for a live show. They should do something like the clown shoe one.

It's too easy to rig that one.... but they would need to do something quick like that.  A question comp would be a safe bet.  Unless they did like BB Canada and had an endurance going on while the remaining HGs watched.  That would be fun.  


I'm not going to get too invested/worried (depending on who it might be) about a juror coming back since all Julie said was something like "you're not NECESSARILY out of the game" or some shit.  It may just mean a juror gets some sort of power or say in what happens in the house once they're gone.  That would actually be fun - like a juror controlling a veto or something.  

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Becky's HoH and safe this week.  Jackie's safe this week.  Meg's safe this week.  James's safe this week.


That's all I care about. :)


Now I just need to learn whether or not Liz and Julia will also be safe, and I'll be a happy camper.


I still like Vanessa and, despite her entitlement issues, Shelli well enough, but I won't shed a tear if they go since they put themselves in their current position.

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LMAO at Jackie looking in the mirror and simulating running to see what she looked like on the feeds. I was going to comment earlier on why it seemed all the other females were wearing shorts while Jackie opted for underwear. ;)

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The twins think Becky will honor the bullshit deal and target Shelli. 

The Austwins have been harping on this deal for a few days. It's ridiculous. 

I think Vanessa made sure the deal was still in place with "the other side" today just so she can go wild about liars this week.

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Or he's thinking about whatever game he was playing completely went to shit today. Yeah, he's safe THIS week, but he now knows he's a target.

Yeah, his game essentially began and ended today. HOWEVER, his biggest ally won HOH so if he was a good player he'd dry his tears and get to work. You know you're on Vanessa's radar, so do your best to get her out!

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I thought the deal only related to double eviction, which this is not. And that the agreement was cotigent on booting Shelli, which they did not. Why would they think any deal is still in play? Did I miss a second ridiculous, bullshit meeting?

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LMAO at Jackie looking in the mirror and simulating running to see what she looked like on the feeds. I was going to comment earlier on why it seemed all the other females were wearing shorts while Jackie opted for underwear. ;)


She seems to belong to the club of never miss an opportunity to show T&A. 

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I honestly don't know why they don't allow hair dye, maybe for continuity reasons (because this show is known for its stellar editing) but it only ever seems to be for HoH winners and sometimes they don't get it even when they ask.


I wouldn't let them have it just because they already have problems keeping the bathrooms clean. Imagine hair dye splashed around on top of the rest of the mess.

Maybe Shelli is using her tears to make everyone feel bad for her and show that she's all by her lonesome now. Becky may fall for that.

Shelli, you doofus, you should have been shedding those tears earlier, every time you reached your tank.

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Why on earth would James and Jackie look sad? Are they faking it for some reason? Jmac was an early fav but I don't know what his deal is.

Shoot on the Becky win. She's a comp beast but that puts a target on her too (yay).

James, Becky, Shelli, Jmac, maybe Jackie are definitely the comp threats going forward. Austin and Meg are useless.

Go Julia! Or something. If Van goes, I don't really hate anyone left but I'm not really rooting for anyone either.

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OK, I have to do this, because we have a long history of being feeds obsessed. Peachmangosteen, you were so sure Austin would dominate this comp, and he finished tied in dead last! With Meg! Hah!! Aren't you so happy you were so wrong?

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I wish Vanessa would burn that green beanie. It's so awful. Don't get me started on the harem pants, or as they're known amongst my generation: MC Hammer pants. Cropped no less!

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Johnny Mac, now that Clay is gone, you need to "confess" to Vanessa that she was right about the two of you being related. I have no idea if that would help or harm your game, but it would be fun to watch Vanessa's head spin some more.

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I get nervous when Johnny is talking to Steve but if Vanessa leaves, it won't matter.


Becky just told Jackie the fight earlier today will make her nominations easier. Sounds like she's going after Vanessa.


She was already going after her.


Vanessa gave her the REASON.

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Congratulations, Vanesssa, you managed to get Johnny Mac to start playing this game. He wants her out. Unfortunately, he's telling all of this to Steve, who will immediately tell all of this to Vanessa. Or maybe fortunately. It's all about the drama!

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Congratulations, Vanesssa, you managed to get Johnny Mac to start playing this game. He wants her out. Unfortunately, he's telling all of this to Steve, who will immediately tell all of this to Vanessa. Or maybe fortunately. It's all about the drama!


Yeah, exactly.


Steve is hilariously bad at Big Brother. Just inept in every way as a player. And he actually thinks he's a big target.

Edited by Cutty
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Yeah, exactly.


Steve is hilariously bad at Big Brother. Just inept in every way as a player. And he actually thinks he's a big target.

I actually think it's the opposite - John is hilariously bad.  Steve has managed to keep his alliance with Vanessa a secret, and John has NO IDEA who is with whom, and hasn't since day one.  Steve actually is a target too, why I have no clue, but his name seems to come up a lot.  

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I think it's pretty well documented why Steve is a target. He's socially awkward to the point of being completely off putting. He knows so much about Big Brother and is so smart that everyone thinks he is just throwing comps and could start winning at any time. John trusts him because John has been one of the only people to truly talk to him and get to know him this entire game. John is not awake when Vanessa and Steve meet for their 3am conferences, so I don't know why he would be expected to know Steve is firmly with Vanessa.

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(Arms folded, giving side eye)....umm-hmm.


Don't care what ya'll saying about her going to ADC, the only way Becky can redeem herself in my eyes is to put up the beanie wearing slackjaw and her lackey Steve, with a Liz backdoor.


Do this Becky, and I just may like you again.


ETA:  Until Derrick mentioned it tonight, I didn't know Becky was in an accident....I have been calling her Two-Face from the Batman series.  Just like I thought Andrea Barcelli was a snob due to his always singing with his eyes closed until Mr. Vixenstud told me that the man was blind....and I was an asshole!


Once again, extract foot from big mouth!


(Backs out)

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I think it's pretty well documented why Steve is a target. He's socially awkward to the point of being completely off putting. He knows so much about Big Brother and is so smart that everyone thinks he is just throwing comps and could start winning at any time. John trusts him because John has been one of the only people to truly talk to him and get to know him this entire game. John is not awake when Vanessa and Steve meet for their 3am conferences, so I don't know why he would be expected to know Steve is firmly with Vanessa.

I don't think he would be expected to know, but he doesn't know much about what's going on, period.  Steve at least HAS an alliance and knows how the house is divided.  And I'm just surprised he's a target because he hasn't won much and doesn't APPEAR to be aligned with anyone.  John spilling to Steve is going to bite him in the ass.  At least I hope it does.  

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