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Speculation WITHOUT Spoilers: Lalalalala! I can't hear you!

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So where did this new Dagger come from? Maybe this was the fake Dagger he gave Belle? It would be fitting if the lie became the truth in a twisted way.

That's what I don't get.


Rumple said that he basically magic'ed Excalibur to become a conduit for the darkness, Instead of destroying the darkness, Hook only transferred into Rumple? 


We saw the sword turn to dust, so did Rumple go back and collect the dust? And why would he want the dagger back if he has all that Dark Ones power inside of him. Why would he want a tether?


And if the dagger stills exists, does that mean Excalibur is somewhere? And would Hook be able to hear it since his name was on that half?

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The weird thing is that when Emma and Hook heard it before, it was because the Dagger was singing to its other half.

Hopefully that means that the other part of Excalibur is somewhere so there's potential to kill Rumple with it.

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So how will the flashbacks work?  Regina meets Cora, and has yet another flashback with these two?  Haven't we seen enough?  Rumple meets Peter Pan and we flashback to Pied Piper Part II?  


Honestly, I hope it's not the same straight up flashback formula. I'm hoping for something different, like interactive flashbacks or something where the other characters view these moments too. 


I hope the "flashback" parts are different too. Maybe they'll do alternate reality scenes in which the characters see what could have been if they had made the right choices. 

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I still think Rumple purposely wanted to visit the Underworld. There just seems to be a different plan at play, what with him being so compliant to Emma's blackmail. He didn't have to go through the portal, either. He could have just given them the blood and head home to Belle. If he wanted to keep it all hush-hush, why would he draw suspension by not telling Belle where he was going? His strategy is difficult to reconcile.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Rumple is clearly going to the UW to get Neal back. otherwise he would have opened the portal and left. He's back to his original motivations.

The one-for-one trade will be Emma. Snowing share a heart, so they are no use to him. Hook is already dead. Henry's heart can't be taken. Regina's heart is battered (sorry--resilient). That leaves Robin and Emma. Of the two, Gold will obviously choose Emma. He will bide his time until the moment Emma takes her heart out, then immobilize her and use it to get Neal out of the UW. Without Emma, Hook won't leave rhe UW. So win/win for Rumple. Once he gets Neal back to the world if the living, Rumple can do any number of things. He can wipe Neal's memories, or deage him back to when he was a boy. It's always been about Baelfire for Rumple. He doesn't even want to remember him as Neal.

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I watched the finale the morning after it aired and I inadvertently saw one spoiler just before I started it, which was that "someone died but maybe not really, let's go to the underworld!" And that got me thinking that maybe it would be Emma! In my mind Dark Hook would have had to kill her to snuff out the light / destroy the darkness / reasons, and then after she died and he was back to being regular Hook he would feel so guilty that he would go into the Underworld to bring her back. Kind of like Buffy/Angel in reverse, where the person who was doing the killing would be the one to change halfway through. I think this version had some potential. Even though on one hand it would isolate Emma, on the other hand I feel this would have given us the opportunity for some real character development, seeing how she was getting by and who she would interact with while in the Underworld. Would she accept her fate? Would she blame Hook? Would she try to escape?


I don't know, my speculation lasted for all of 2 seconds, but at least it would have been different than "Emma rounds up the fam and goes to another world to save someone. again"

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Even though on one hand it would isolate Emma, on the other hand I feel this would have given us the opportunity for some real character development, seeing how she was getting by and who she would interact with while in the Underworld. Would she accept her fate? Would she blame Hook? Would she try to escape?

I don't know, my speculation lasted for all of 2 seconds, but at least it would have been different than "Emma rounds up the fam and goes to another world to save someone. again"


It was literally this Dark Swan arc where Emma's family and friends had to band together and go to Camelot to save her. Emma refused to accept "fate" in Hook's death, and was pretty much isolated in Storybrooke. :-p

Edited by Rumsy4
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I like the idea that Lance's mom is guarding Fairytale Land's Well of Wonders. This is supposedly healing water that flows beneath all lands. We've seen Wonderland's and Agrabah's, but perhaps the Enchanted Forest has its own. I thought it might be Lake Nostos, but the properties of the water in Wonderland seemed different. You must get permission from the Well's guardian to use the water or you will be punished. 

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There could be some fun reunions.


URSULA: Hey you guys, what you're doing here?!  Uh, oh wait... you all died?

EMMA: No, we're here to fetch Hook.  He did die, but not for long!  What are you up to?

URSULA: I came with my dad for a meeting with Hades and the other Gods.  Well, SO nice to bump into y'all.  Sorry, I didn't help even though I knew you could all die.  My heart has no more darkness, you know.

REGINA: I know, you're not *that* person anymore.  Ditto with me.

RUMPLE: And I just got my brand new shiny healthy heart.  Now I can do evil for another few millennia.

EMMA/REGINA/RUMPLE: If we weren't family, we'd all have to kill each other.

*Insert Group laugh*


Meanwhile, off in the corner beside a pile of skulls... SNOW/CHARMING/HENRY: Err... we came along because... ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 

Edited by Camera One
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Meeting Eva would be something like:


Snow: "Mother... why did you hurt Cora all those years ago?"

Eva: "What do you mean, my darling?"
Snow: "You told father about Cora being pregnant with another man's child before he could marry her!"
Eva: "I saved him from her deception. I couldn't let my betrothed be misled."
Snow: "Because you told a secret, you ruined Cora's life. You must have had a black spot on your heart."

Eva: "A what?"


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Don't forget...


Emma: Eva, when I heard what you did, I realized our family weren't the good guys.  

Henry: Grandma Snow, I went to Cora and I apologized to her on your behalf for killing her.  You weren't acting like a hero.

Snow: Thank you, Henry.  We are all so evil, let's sing a song about scrubbing blackness out of our hearts, as we're surrounded by multiple mass killers.

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Rumple is clearly going to the UW to get Neal back. otherwise he would have opened the portal and left. He's back to his original motivations.

The one-for-one trade will be Emma. Snowing share a heart, so they are no use to him. Hook is already dead. Henry's heart can't be taken. Regina's heart is battered (sorry--resilient). That leaves Robin and Emma. Of the two, Gold will obviously choose Emma. He will bide his time until the moment Emma takes her heart out, then immobilize her and use it to get Neal out of the UW. Without Emma, Hook won't leave rhe UW. So win/win for Rumple. Once he gets Neal back to the world if the living, Rumple can do any number of things. He can wipe Neal's memories, or deage him back to when he was a boy. It's always been about Baelfire for Rumple. He doesn't even want to remember him as Neal.

I am right there with you. ..did you sneak a peek at the writer's whiteboard 'cos this looks about exactly what they'd come up with!

.....i don't want to remember Neal, either. ..

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It was literally this Dark Swan arc where Emma's family and friends had to band together and go to Camelot to save her. Emma refused to accept "fate" in Hook's death, and was pretty much isolated in Storybrooke. :-p


Indeed Rumsy4, and what a waste that was! They find Emma within one episode. Emma interacts pretty much with Hook alone. And she was isolated but we were denied any insights into her actions to prop up the Dark Hook twist. Meh

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Any theories as to why Merlin's voicemail said that they needed Nimue?


His mother dropped him on his head when he was a baby. Coupled with his age, being stuck in a tree, I'd say it was likely an early onset of dementia.


Since we will never get an explanation, that's what I'm going with.


My big bugging thing right now is what were really his plans for Emma? Seeing how Hook died, I'm not certain he was planning on Emma surviving the destruction of the darkness.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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And also Lancelot's hourney to see his mother, the Lady of the Lake.

What we considered on the Continuity and Unanswered Questions thread was that it had nothing to do with the actual plot and was all about keeping Lancelot out of Storybrooke because otherwise he could have told everyone that Arthur was shady from the start, and even there it wasn't so much that the plot wouldn't worked if the characters hadn't known about it as it was about hiding his shadiness from the audience until they were ready for them to reveal that in Camelot. They had to keep Lancelot away in order to have their Surprising!Twist! moment.

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This is coming from the Rumple thread, regarding his reaction after Hook's sacrifice, and then him drinking alone in the back of his shop. I've been wondering about those reaction they've give us for him. So I posed the question, and this was the reply;


I was wondering if maybe he's not thinking he miscalculated. He wasn't counting on Hook sacrificing himself, leaving Emma the Saviour behind. He was planning on there being no more Saviour. I think he is scared of Emma. He plays like he thinks he's unbeatable, but we know Emma has magic that works in the real world and his doesn't. That implies Emma is much more powerful than him. Now Emma is super pissed and unwilling to give him a pass for his evil deeds. She wants Hook back, but what happens once they're successful with that? Does he think Emma will just be okay with what he did? This wasn't Rumpel the Dark One, this was Rumpel the regular man who cold bloodedly planned to let Emma die for nothing while he gained immeasurable power. That's really messed up.


Back in season 1, Rumple mentioned the final battle against the darkness. He even went as far as to predict that the baby Snow was pregnant with would be the one to defeat the darkness.


And yes, Rumple has always been worried/scared regarding Emma and her magical powers. So I do wonder if we're not heading that way. 


I thought the destruction of the darkness was a bit premature, and that it was something that would be really dealt with in the last season of the show.



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I thought the destruction of the darkness was a bit premature, and that it was something that would be really dealt with in the last season of the show.

You can tell a story without the Dark One, but the writers can't create an original threat to succeed it at this point. Basically they would have to one-up Rumple with someone even darker than the darkest people who ever lived. More than likely this would entail Greek mythology or revealing Blue as the Biggest Bad all along. I'm sure in the multiverse there are greater dangers than what the Enchanted Forest has to deal with. However, this late in the game, I feel A&E don't want to spend time on ramping up a strong enemy for longer than five minutes. It would require quite a bit of build-up to outdo something that's been touted as the greatest evil since the beginning of the show.


Like I said, it's possible but TS,TW. Large amounts of effort would be needed to keep a new overall threat from looking extremely contrived. If they end the darkness and just bring up smaller baddies like Zelena or Cruella, that'll just look pointless. Since intimidation is fixated more on raw power than cleverness or emotional manipulation, I don't believe they can write compelling villains without the aid of overpowered magic. Once you've defeated the darkness or Rumple, everything else is too manageable for the heroes.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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My big bugging thing right now is what were really his plans for Emma? Seeing how Hook died, I'm not certain he was planning on Emma surviving the destruction of the darkness.

But did Hook die from the stabbing or the neck wound? It's too unclear to say what would happen with Emma.

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But did Hook die from the stabbing or the neck wound? It's too unclear to say what would happen with Emma.


If Emma was going to sacrifice herself, then she was going to die. That's what Hook himself said. 


I don't know what he died from. I think it was the stabbing, and the wound re-opening was because he was no longer tethered to Excalibur since his name disappeared from it, and it turned to dust.


They left so many things up in the air. Loved Captain Swan, hated ALL the plot holes, and 5A was filled with them.

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big bugging thing right now is what were really his plans for Emma? Seeing how Hook died, I'm not certain he was planning on Emma surviving the destruction of the darkness.

I think Emma would have been fine if she had not gone "full leather". Merlin warned her that if she used Excalibur to save Hook's life, she would have to pay the steepest price to ger rid of the Darkness.

I thought the destruction of the darkness was a bit premature, and that it was something that would be really dealt with in the last season of the show.


This season very much had a final season vibe. A&E had originally mapped out the show for 5 seasons. If this had been the final season, getting rid of the Darkness, followed by a trip to the Underworld, would have been a grand way to end the Show.

But the show is going to have another season or two. That's why Rumple had to become full on Dark multipled infinity. The DO mythology is too closely tied to the Show for the DO to be destroyed until the very end.

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so...if Killian pulled all the Darkness into the sword. ..does that mean he no longer has any darkness in him of any kind, now....? I'm not sure he had any choice in how much or what type of darkness got hoovered up by the sword....maybe pre pirate Killian is back...would Emma feel the same about a dark-free Kilian?

Edited by PixiePaws1
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maybe pre pirate Killian is back...would Emma feel the same about a dark-free Kilian?


Dark-free Killian sounds a lot like Deckhand Hook from the Alternate Universe, and Emma seemed to like that version, too.

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so...if Killian pulled all the Darkness into the sword. ..does that mean he no longer has any darkness in him of any kind, now....? I'm not sure he had any choice in how much or what type of darkness got hoovered up by the sword....maybe pre pirate Killian is back...would Emma feel the same about a dark-free Kilian?


this is what's so stupid with this show.


Everyone has dark impulses, some people lie, some people cheat, some people steal, some people kill.


This whole let's hoover the darkness out of someone is just plain stupid. I mean Rumple got the darkness hoovered out of him, and it did not change him in the least, so that for me doesn't say much about the character.


I don't think Hook got that darkness taken out of him by the sword, because it's always been part of him. If it did, then why, especially since being good or bad is a choice.

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I don't get the Henry thing either. Last season he was calling Hook a dirty pirate. Now he's headed to the Underworld. What kind of excuse is Regina going to have to write to the school? "Please excuse Henry from class. He was in hell." I know Mary Margaret is a teacher, but still.


Hello everyone, I'm Mrs. Applebee, and I'm here for Mrs. Blanchard, who went to Hell.  Now, I would like you to pair up with your partner.  Oh right, Susie, I forgot your partner Henry went to Hell too.  Now, we should all be glad they went to Hell and Hell didn't come to us like you'd usually expect here in Storybrooke.  Now everyone open your textbook, "One Hundred And One Ways to Cross Realms That The Dark One Didn't Know".  Tsk tsk, who dropped a bunch of magic beans in the cloakroom again!  

Edited by Camera One
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I don't hate the idea of the Underworld. There are many opportunities there for character development, even with A&E at the helm. It looks fun and it'll be great to see some of my favorite characters again interacting with our mains. After all the hair-raising drama in 5A, an adventure with a simple goal could be refreshing. (Much like how 3A reset the palette after 2B.) Even though it's a dark setting, much like Neverland, it'll be a nice break.


What I do take issue with is how and why we're going there. 5x11's plot holes were the requirements, and similarly to Zelena's return, the end is probably better than the means. As much as I'm happy to see Emma determined to get her man back (like Snow in S1 with Charming), the #SaveHook storyline already feels tired and overdone. Hook has "died" and come back multiple times. We've already had #SaveHenry and #SaveEmma. The structure follows 3A in nature a little too much, if you ask me. That's not necessarily a bad aspect, but again you have to jump through illogical hoops to make it work.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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 The structure follows 3A in nature a little too much, if you ask me. 

From the promo, it even looks like Rumple branches off on his own and interacts with Peter Pan, just like 3A. Which, yeah, I don't think Rumple will ever be an active participant in a rescue Hook mission, nor do I want him to be, but it is the same structure as Neverland. 

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With all the power Rumple has now, I don't think he'll make it back from the UW. With Emilie pregnant, I bet either Rumple dies in there or is trapped there. Then Belle will have to raise the baby and name it after its father. That way Rumple can "live on" in a positive sense like Neal did. 

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With all the power Rumple has now, I don't think he'll make it back from the UW. With Emilie pregnant, I bet either Rumple dies in there or is trapped there.

I would be very surprised if Emma has to share her heart to get Killian back....i think that's her backup plan if she can't go with secret real plan #1which is trade-in Rumple's lying manipulative arse.
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I don't think they'll do the sharing-heart again.  A&E&J will pull something new out of their you-know-where.  You could probably bring someone back from the Underworld with a special spell that requires the saliva of a teenager in a long-distance relationship.  They could even do some product placement with the Adele song "Hello" as Henry sings to Violet via the Underworld version of a phone... the sound waves of the first love song is probably needed to open the ceilings of Hell.

Edited by Camera One
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I'd feel a lot better about the team going to rescue Hook from the Underworld if there was some sort of loophole they could exploit to get him out. The easiest way would have been for his body to have gone to the Underworld, but they chose not to do it that way. They would have had to do away with the extremely affecting scene of Hook being pulled away on the gurney and Emma not wanting to let go of his hand, but it would have given them an easy loophole to get him back. Like Rumple, no body equals no clear death. Right now, the only sort of loophole I could see them going with is that Hook's original mortal wound was caused by Excalibur, which was made from the Holy Grail, a gift from the gods, and an unworthy dude pulled it out of the stone and used it to would Hook. Then another unworthy dude pulled it out again and used it to trick Hook. But then everyone who's ever been killed by a Dark One or Excalibur should be able to get out of the Underworld too, infecting realms with a bunch of decayed bodies. They better be keeping Hook's body fresh is all I'm saying.


I don't see them going with the heart splitting method by the time this is done, but they should have had Emma give another reason as to why she thinks this would work. At least have them find out they have a certain time window before his soul is permanently moored in the Underworld or something. 

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Yes, I don't quite see how they're going to bring Hook back from actually being dead...body and all, just thinking about it logically. With magic you can just handwave it, really. But as Rumple told Regina when she wanted to use magic to bring back Daniel, "There are some things even magic cannot do. Dead is dead."

I would love to see a scene like we did with Snowing where Emma goes to Killian's coffin and wakes him up with a TLK. I don't understand how going to the UW to save him is going to work unless they have his body healed and in magical suspended animation. Are they retrieving only his soul from the UW? Does it have to be joined with his old body, or will bringing him back somehow grant him a new and healed body? Actually, I wouldn't put it past the show to have them utterly fail to get Killian back from the UW, and have Emma instead awaken him with a TLK somehow. That would render the UW trip pointless basically (except for some really great character moments with the mains and people who have passed on), but we'd still get a TLK at the end of it. Nevermind that TLK's only seem to break curses. I can handwave that if I must.

It's interesting that both times Hook has died, he was "gutted lika da fish" as Rumple told him he would do when he first challenged Hook to a duel in S2. However, he is a pirate, so swords would always likely be involved, I suppose.

I really don't expect plausible answers to my questions, but these are things I think about anyway!

Edited by OnceUponAJen
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They better be keeping Hook's body fresh is all I'm saying.



I think they leave for the UW like 24 hours after the whole thing with Hook has gone down. I'm thinking he hasn't been buried yet. 


I have a problem with the heart splitting just because death has to do with the soul, and not the heart. Emma splitting her heart with him isn't going to bring him back since he still has his heart, whereas David's heart was actually crushed.


Maybe they pull a Marge Simpson, and she tells Hades that Hook's soul belongs to her. We'll just have to find a letter that Hook wrote Emma pledging his soul to her.


Problem solved! 


I really hope the show slows down a bit with the crisis, crisis, there's a crisis. It's exhausting.

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They would have had to do away with the extremely affecting scene of Hook being pulled away on the gurney and Emma not wanting to let go of his hand, but it would have given them an easy loophole to get him back.


The writers could have had Emma clinging to Hook's body before making it poof away or crumble to dust something. Rumple was able to revive Mal using the blood of the Evul Charmings on her mortal remains. They could have done any number of things to make Emma's plan look less delusional. 


So, what happens now? Emma goes to the UW. Retrieves Hook's soul, then has to come back to Storybrooke and put it in his body? What happens to his heart? Sounds more like a horror movie than fairytale! 

Edited by Rumsy4
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Since this is the Underworld, I wouldn't be surprised if they paralleled Hercules saving Megara from the movie. I don't see Emma becoming an immortal god any time soon, but her story isn't dissimilar from Hercules'. Through childhood and adolescence, she felt like an outcast and she had special powers. Later, in her adult life, she finds out her parents are important figures and that she must save them. But in order to do that, she must perform a heroic act of True Love. Her need for belongingness is a direct similarity to his.


Hook's parallels with Megara are not as obvious, but they're there. He gets involved with some wrong people, lost his original love, and sacrificed himself to save his current love. (Megara pushed Hercules out of the way of a falling pillar, thus ending her life for his.) Now he's been taken to the Underworld and his love has gone in to save him. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I've been wondering ... if they do manage to revive Hook, would that make him like Maleficent, where he can only survive in a place where magic exists? Not that this would be a huge issue on this show, since they seem to be allergic to doing much with the real world.

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I think that would be too restrictive for a main character.  Since he would need to travel with everyone else for #Savewhoever in 6A.

But that would still likely be a magical place. They're not going to go #Savewhoever in a place where Regina and Rumple don't have magic and only Emma's magic does anything. The only restriction would be our world outside Storybrooke.

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I would love it if because of his rejecting the darkness and sacrificing himself to end it, that Hook is immune to Dark One's Magic and Excalibur. I think that would be fun twist.

I still want to see some really negative side affects fir Rumole taking in all that darkness.

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Anyone else have the feeling Regina will be the one defeat Rumple? I could see her ditching him the Underworld like she did to Jefferson. They've always had a power struggle and I can't see her letting him return to Storybrooke... At least from a character POV. He upstages her, and she has never liked that concept. It's the perfect opportunity for the writers to make her "dark and heroic" at the same time.

There was a little foreshadowing. She chewed him out during his coma in 5A and blamed him for everyone not trusting her. In 4B, when she said, "You turned me into a monster... I won't let you do the same to Emma!" she looked ticked.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I'm wondering how long they'll stay in the Underworld.... so do we think midseason they return and the back half is Dark One vs Saviour while the other main plot is Regina v Zelena.


Just taking the above from the Spoiler thread, since I guess I really shouldn't be there, LOL.  


None of those possibilities make me very interested, so I guess I'd rather they stay in Hell for most of the arc.  It might be interesting if they travelled through different levels of Hell, with different environments.  But of course, the writers will insist on sticking with the flashback structure, so I don't know how they could remain in Hell and still keep that, without replicating everyone ends up back at Granny's with amnesia.  Again.  Like Hook is back in Current-day Storybrooke by the end of the first episode back, but they don't remember how he got there, and we take half a season to find out.  Would that be frustrating or what.

Edited by Camera One
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I was wondering if maybe Walsh would return. We could get confirmation that he died if he's in the Underworld or perhaps he returned to Oz and has been wizarding it up while Zelena's been gone. If the Underworkd is meant to provide closure and Graham's too busy with bad Twilight fanfic, I'd like Emma to get some closure with Walsh. If nothing else, I'd like her to know she wasn't with some random flying monkey, but the actual Wizard of Oz.

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