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S02.E01: All Together Again

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In the season 2 premiere, the family celebrates their special tradition, 'I Love You Day,' with surprise gifts (and surprise guests) for the whole family. Gil and Kelly Jo host a special 'game night' just for the couples and everyone joins together to prepare for Alyssa's baby shower!

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How adorable is Bradley? He looks like a little doll.

I thought that date with all the couples was really cute. I feel like they were all so genuine in what their answers to the questions were.

I also like how Gil seems close to his daughters. He is not awkward around them.

The "I Love You Day" was kind of corny, but sweet at the same time.

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If they do that many presents at valentine's day - christmas must be insane!  


It was nice of them to give the kids a $25 limit.  That was a whole lot of money Gil shelled out that day.  

I don't know why they don't take the kids in shifts instead of taking them all at once to one store. At least take them to a mall or something - give each older kid a small group and some cash. 


Looks like we can expect a proposal soon - have they announced it in real time yet or are they waiting for it to be aired on the show?

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Re: the big shopping trip - IMO it is because UP wants it that way.  In "real life" with no cameras, maybe they do it differently.  A lot of what we see is staged for the show.  YMMV.

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I'm going to assume it was purely a coincidence, but it was hard not to think of the Duggars during that scene where Gil announced that families sometimes get mad at each and things happen (I'm 100% paraphrasing), but everyone should forgive and get those family relationships back on track.  


Perhaps Alyssa is reserved -- I don't know the Bates family well enough from the show to get a sense of her personality -- but there are times when it almost seems like there should be a thought bubble coming out of her head that reads, "I'm so happy that I escaped this three-ring circus."  


I have to assume that with all the previews, hints, etc., that there will be a Michaella-Brandon engagement before the end of the season.  I certainly hope for her sake there is because there's almost an air of desperation around her now.  I did think it was interesting that one of the previews (again, paraphrasing) was Brandon saying something about Valentine's Day and Gil/Kelly jumps in with "Your wedding date?" and Brandon and Michaella said no.  What I thought was interesting was that there was the possibility of an engagement/wedding date without asking the parents first.  (I'm assuming that in the preview they weren't already engaged.)  Do Gil and Kelly expect young men to ask them first before starting to court a daughter and then getting engaged?  Obviously the Duggars do (we saw both Derrick and Ben asking JB/M first), but I can't remember whether the Bates expect it


I come from a family of major planners, so the whole -- we're having a baby shower for 50 or so people tomorrow and we haven't planned anything yet -- really blew my mind.


All in all, I'm happy that the show is back.  

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I liked the reasoning behind doing the gifts for Valentine's Day. I think Kelly said that the kids get so many gifts from the rest of the family and friends at Christmastime that they would do the immediate family gifts on a different holiday and chose Valentine's Day. I know my nieces and nephew get tons of gift during Christmas, so I could see her point of waiting to do family gifts.


I also liked that Gil's gift was jeans, and that the kids mocked the jeans he currently wears. Years ago my mom and I finally got my dad to change from his old man jeans to some a bit more modern. 


I thought it was amusing that at the baby shower that Gil was on Jeb watch. Jeb looks like he can be a handful, but I think he is adorable. I do not even like kids with a few minor exceptions.

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I forgot about the baby shower - that was A LOT of people!  I don't know how how you would plan to do games with that many people and only include a small portion, seemed a little weird to me but i guess it worked for them.



I'm sure in their culture/religion is probably highly looked down upon if the man does not ask permission to marry someone's daughter. 

I think it's more common just in general society than most people realize. 

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My husband asked my father's permission to marry me  ( 40 years ago) and our son-in-law (shaking if I remember correctly), showed us the engagement ring and asked our permission ( 9 years ago).  I think it is something my daughter very much wanted, though we do not live in the south and are not fundamentalists.  It just seems like a sweet tradition.


I like the Bates family very much.

Edited by Ilovemylabs
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I forgot about the baby shower - that was A LOT of people!  I don't know how how you would plan to do games with that many people and only include a small portion, seemed a little weird to me but i guess it worked for them.

That party seemed like it would be painfully boring to those who only got to 'watch' the games being played.  And it was weird how the chairs were set up...all facing front.  The chairs should have been randomly placed around so you could sit and talk/eat if you didn't want to watch the games. 


I liked that drug store.  Lots of gifts for boys/girls and men/women plus it seemed to have something for every age.

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...I'm sure in their culture/religion is probably highly looked down upon if the man does not ask permission to marry someone's daughter. 

I think it's more common just in general society than most people realize. 


My husband asked my father's permission to marry me  ( 40 years ago) and our son-in-law (shaking id I remember correctly), showed us the engagement ring and asked our permission ( 9 years ago).  I think it is something my daughter very much wanted, though we do not live in the south and are not fundamentalists.  It just seems like a sweet tradition.


I like the Bates family very much.

I agree that it's a sweet tradition.  My brother went and talked to his (now) in-laws before proposing to his wife.  I strongly hinted that my husband should do the same with my parents, but he wanted no part of that.  (My sister's husband also did not talk to my parents beforehand, so at least my husband is in good company.)


I assumed that G/K would expect it, which is why it was interesting to me that they jumped to the conclusion that a wedding date might have been selected without their input and seemed quite excited about it.  It's nice to see that their first reaction was happiness (even if they had jumped to the wrong conclusion) and not annoyance that they hadn't been consulted first.  Contrast that to 19K&C when Jill met Derrick at the airport and ran up and hugged him.  There was then a talking head from Michelle explaining that Jill was so excited she forgot what she was doing....Michelle said it in her sweet voice, but it was clear that she was pissed.  I can only imagine the talking head on 19K&C if one of the daughters had gotten engaged without JB/M being asked first.  Which reminds me, I really appreciate that the Bates actually hug people and don't do the silly side hugs.  

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Perhaps Alyssa is reserved -- I don't know the Bates family well enough from the show to get a sense of her personality -- but there are times when it almost seems like there should be a thought bubble coming out of her head that reads, "I'm so happy that I escaped this three-ring circus."  

Absolutely.  A lot of people think Alyssa is a snob, but I don't get that vibe from her.  She's open about needing space and I admire her for that.  Not everyone who grew up in a large family wants people around them constantly.  Plus Alyssa did a lot of the cooking and event planning before she married, so she deserves a break.


LOL at Gil and his dad jeans.  


I know it's been said a thousand times, but this family is such a breath of fresh air compared to you-know-who.

Edited by IndianPaintbrush
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I thought it was amusing that at the baby shower that Gil was on Jeb watch. Jeb looks like he can be a handful, but I think he is adorable.



Yeah, some of Jeb's antics really made me laugh. I appreciated that Gil, and not one of the other children, had the responsibility of keeping Jeb out of trouble (or trying to).

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My firs,t time watching their show. I know of them from thme being acquainted with the Duggars. I forgot the daughters name who picked up her boyfriend at the airport. But my mouth was agape full frotal hugs oh my!

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Absolutely. A lot of people think Alyssa is a snob, but I don't get that vibe from her. She's open about needing space and I admire her for that. Not everyone who grew up in a large family wants people around them constantly. Plus Alyssa did a lot of the cooking and event planning before she married, so she deserves a break.

I'm very similar to Alyssa in personality: old-soul, reserved, very particular about my home. I would have gone nuts growing up in a house that was chaos and noise 24/7. I agree she's not snobby, she just likes having peace and quiet for once in her life.

I loved Brandon and Michael's full frontal, lingering hug at the airport. It was so...normal.

Baby Bradley is a cutie pie.

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I loved seeing Kelly with her grandson. She sure loves that little guy, you can see every time she holds him, she's smiling from ear to ear. I know it's a reality show, but that love is real.

The I Love You day was cute, but it would be way to much work for me....we prefer Christmas to celebrate with presents.

It's a little tough getting the know the younger kids but I think I'm getting a better idea of who they all are. 

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That party seemed like it would be painfully boring to those who only got to 'watch' the games being played.  And it was weird how the chairs were set up...all facing front.  The chairs should have been randomly placed around so you could sit and talk/eat if you didn't want to watch the games. 


I liked that drug store.  Lots of gifts for boys/girls and men/women plus it seemed to have something for every age.

I agree - that many people it's just a lot better to do a come and go as you want type of shower with no games.

Although I did like their games but would have been better if it were a small group and everyone could have participated.


I was also surprised that each couple only got 2 or less items right on the match the price/item game. 

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In some ways, (many, actually) I prefer the Bates' family dynamic because I do see Gil and Kelly parenting more than the Duggars. But, I also see them exhibiting some awkward behaviors with regard to status and money. That baby shower was really awkward. Sure. There were games. But, I hope everyone who wanted to play got to because the audience, note the term, looked bored. When you go to a shower, there shouldn't be an audience. You're not putting on an entertaining show for the people who bring gifts. You're supposed to be hosting them as friends to shower love upon the mom, dad, and baby. Perhaps I'm not as schooled in their particular culture but I think that size shower begins to be a gift grab.

I love the idea of making Valentine's Day into a family holiday. I only have one child and we are done, but I think you could easily make it a community event or extended family thing.

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I love the idea of making Valentine's Day into a family holiday. I only have one child and we are done, but I think you could easily make it a community event or extended family thing.


I loved the idea too and the way they said they tried to pair up kids who aren't close its nice that they notice that and try to work on those relationships. Bradley is very cute.


I thought the set up for the shower was weird too the way the chairs and how few were playing the games. I hope that more got to participate.

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When you go to a shower, there shouldn't be an audience. You're not putting on an entertaining show for the people who bring gifts. You're supposed to be hosting them as friends to shower love upon the mom, dad, and baby. Perhaps I'm not as schooled in their particular culture but I think that size shower begins to be a gift grab.

My experience with showers is they're for family and close friends, not every random acquaintance you've had over the last ten years. It seemed like the majority of the people there didn't even know Alyssa. I also agree the set-up was weird. The room was too small to host that many people and there was no way to circulate and make conversation. The audience looked like they were trapped in some motel conference room listening to a sales pitch for time shares. Aside from the immediate family, no one appeared to be having any fun. Edited by BitterApple
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I thought the set up for the shower was weird too the way the chairs and how few were playing the games. I hope that more got to participate.

I hope that the "weird" part of the shower was just for filming and the rest of it was more informal and enjoyable for everyone.  

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Yes, Brandon and Michael are engaged. The wedding is Aug. 15th.

And hands OFF Bradley. He's MY boo! :D

Bradley is one freaking cute kid. I just want to pinch his chubby cheeks.

I think Baby Carson is going to be gorgeous as well, he looks just like Chad.

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The I Love You day was cute, but it would be way to much work for me....we prefer Christmas to celebrate with presents.



If you think about it their I love you day was no more work than a large family would have celebrating Christmas.

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