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Where Do We Go from Here? (Unspoiled Speculation)

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I want to see lots of Meredith and Alex, I think if Shonda focuses on Mer and Alex being the central part of the show, this show will survive. I do think with the loss of Cristina that it may affect GA in the ratings big time. I am not a fan of Jo, but I love  Alex. I am hoping that the writers will make me like her more or pair him with Amelia Shepherd. I am interested to see how Richard deals with finding out he has a daughter from his affair with Ellis Grey. I am not a fan of Japril, but I do like Callie and Arizona as individual characters, I am not sure if they make a convincing couple. I just really hope that I can watch despite loss of Cristina, I am very worried that not having the kick ass Dr Yang will make the show boring for me. But I love Meredith just as much and if her storylines are good then I think that's all I can ask for.

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I want to see lots of Meredith and Alex, I think if Shonda focuses on Mer and Alex being the central part of the show, this show will survive. I do think with the loss of Cristina that it may affect GA in the ratings big time. I am not a fan of Jo, but I love  Alex. I am hoping that the writers will make me like her more or pair him with Amelia Shepherd.


I also hope that we got lots of Mer and Alex, but I have a feeling that Alex is going to get pushed aside in favor of Mer bonding with one of her two new "sisters," which I have absolutely no interest in seeing.  I can tolerate the idea of the half sister only if it is a small arc and then she leaves and only if it is a story about Webber.  I don't know how it is is going to work with the timeline, unless Meredith knew all along that her mother gave a child up for adoption but never mentioned it (which doesn't make sense either).   I call bullshit on Shonda's assertion that they have had this planned since season 1. 


As far as Alex and Jo, she desperately needs a storyline of her own and I hope that they continue her partnership with Callie.  I want them to stay together, not only because I like them together, but also because I don't want his heart broken yet again and I don't want him to have to start all over with someone new.  I didn't watch PP and don't know or care about Amelia, so she can be paired up with Owen and I can fast forward them hopefully. 

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My wish is that Dr. Pierce will discover she's wrong and she's NOT Ellis Grey's daughter, and she leaves GSM in embarrassment. Not only because the retconning is just. too. stupid, but also because I thought the actress was really bland. Plus, with just a couple of seasons realistically to go, the time needs to be spent wrapping up everybody else's stories.

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To get us started, here are a few I'd like to see:


1)  Alex & Jo move into their loft

2)  Some individual doctor storyline for Alex & Jo. Actually, make that all the characters. I'd like to see them all succeed. We're told how they are all the best, show us. I'd love to see SGM try to build back to being one of the best, with all doing their part.

3)  Maggie & Richard building a relationship.  I think this would be a great story for both characters.

4)  I'd like the COS to be a new character. Nothing against Bailey but I've always thought the show needed a COS who isn't a pushover for all their crap. He/she doesn't need to be a bastard, just someone not easily swayed by all the personal connections.

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At this point I don't even know what I want to see on this show anymore. I know what I don't want though.


- No more footage from previous episodes being spliced into the show. It worked pretty well initially this season but they really overdid it after they killed off Derek. I've seen those scenes before. I love Grey's Anatomy. I know I'll watch those episodes again. Stop showing me them in new episodes.

- No more reusing songs or covering songs. Again, worked well initially and it was nice seeing Cristina and Meredith dance to Tegan and Sara last season, but they definitely overdid it in these last few episodes of season eleven.

- I know reaction to the "gimmick" episodes has been mixed, but apart from the musical I've liked or loved all of them, so I'd like to see the show continue to experiment in this way, particularly since it's a network show with anywhere from 22 to 24 episodes a season. I like the variety.

- A good, multi-episode patient storyline. I don't need it to be a huge, dramatic thing, either. Something low key, like someone with a generic medical problem who has to stay around to recover properly. I don't need it to take up a huge amount of screen time, either. I just think it would be a nice change of pace, I guess.

Edited by manbearpig
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- Meredith, Maggie and Amelia supporting each other; 
- People living at their own freaking house (I'm talking to you Arizona and Amelia!!!);
- Someone interesting running for the chief position;
- No more drama for Richard and Catherine;
- April and Jackson being mature to work things through without getting a divorce;
- More character development for Jo;
-More character development for Arizona;
- Cases that I actually care about, no more forced drama and no more massive babies;
- Meredith struggling as a mother of three little children (yes, I want to see the children);
- Nazi Bailey back;
- More scenes of April and Arizona because I love their friendship;
- Maggie and Richard having a good relationship.

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More character development for Jo such as choosing a specialty, insight into her past and some integration with the rest of the cast.

Meredith to either have a moment of understanding with Jo of some kind or else someone to call her on her blatant disrespect for Jo and her relationship with Alex.

Alex and Jackson to start hanging out and for Alex to stop being one of the girls. In fact I wouldn't mind less scenes with Him and Mer as well after this season.

Stephanie to get some natural progression and the writers to stop forcing her into random storylines.

Amelia to go away.

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I second that. Amelia to go away. My biggest wish. She is one insufferable woman.


I don´t know why they dropped Maggie/Richard relationship all of a sudden,it has so much potential.


It would be nice to see how Meredith handles single parenting.


Yes, no more of Alex listening to women talking about their orgasms and vaginas!


Owen is screwed, but maybe there is a chance like one in a million he won´t end up with Amelia.


This show really needs a cool new male doctor,with brains,smart,intelligent (as Owen from S5 who is now a whiny puppy).Maybe as the new chief of surgery. I don´t want to offend MerDer fans,but it will be either this new male doc or that Derek wannabe intern as Meredith´s love interest,I´d go with this new male doc who we haven´t seen yet,someone mature,maybe with a similar life story as Meredith. That kind of bond might be interesting to watch.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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At this point I don't even know what I want to see on this show anymore. I know what I don't want though.


- No more footage from previous episodes being spliced into the show. It worked pretty well initially this season but they really overdid it after they killed off Derek. I've seen those scenes before. I love Grey's Anatomy. I know I'll watch those episodes again. Stop showing me them in new episodes.

- No more reusing songs or covering songs. Again, worked well initially and it was nice seeing Cristina and Meredith dance to Tegan and Sara last season, but they definitely overdid it in these last few episodes of season eleven.

- I know reaction to the "gimmick" episodes has been mixed, but apart from the musical I've liked or loved all of them, so I'd like to see the show continue to experiment in this way, particularly since it's a network show with anywhere from 22 to 24 episodes a season. I like the variety.

- A good, multi-episode patient storyline. I don't need it to be a huge, dramatic thing, either. Something low key, like someone with a generic medical problem who has to stay around to recover properly. I don't need it to take up a huge amount of screen time, either. I just think it would be a nice change of pace, I guess.


If only writers read these posts,just to see some feedback,they are all living in their happy pink bubble of how great they are.

I mean can they even say or voice their opinions to Rhimes? I see Rhimes as a dictator sitting at the head of the table when they have meetings going like "I want (name of character) to do this (action). You (a writer) will write it, if I don´t like it, I´ll rewrite it. Or something along those lines.


Yes, a good multi-episode patient storyline but not like McNeils kids which was so overdone and poorly done,something really captivating.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

As a MerDer shipper I don't want a love interest for Meredith, but I know that eventually it's gonna happen.

If I could choose I'd bring Chris O'Donnell back. I think Finn would be perfect for Meredith, he lost his wife, so they both share the same pain and he knew how much Meredith loved Derek, so it wouldn't be like he was replacing Derek.

I also think he would respect her like he did the first time. I think that at first they could become good friends and then eventually have a romantic relationship and  I'd be okay with it. 

I can imagine Meredith buying a dog for the kids and one day they have to take the dog to the vet, so she takes it to Finn and then they start talking again and so on. Plus, it would be a relationship outside Seattle Grace Mercy Death, so perhaps he'd be safe. 

I know Chris O'Donnell won't come back, I'm just pointing out that if he did it'd be good.

  • Love 3

As a MerDer shipper I don't want a love interest for Meredith, but I know that eventually it's gonna happen.

If I could choose I'd bring Chris O'Donnell back. I think Finn would be perfect for Meredith, he lost his wife, so they both share the same pain and he knew how much Meredith loved Derek, so it wouldn't be like he was replacing Derek.

I also think he would respect her like he did the first time. I think that at first they could become good friends and then eventually have a romantic relationship and  I'd be okay with it. 

I can imagine Meredith buying a dog for the kids and one day they have to take the dog to the vet, so she takes it to Finn and then they start talking again and so on. Plus, it would be a relationship outside Seattle Grace Mercy Death, so perhaps he'd be safe. 

I know Chris O'Donnell won't come back, I'm just pointing out that if he did it'd be good.


Chris O´Donnell!!!! YES!!!!  If only, if only...

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Looks like a lot of us are hoping for the same things. Which, of course probably doesn't bode well for us.

Two thumbs way up for Chris O'Donnell! I loved Finn and always thought that he was given a crap deal in the triangle.

I also second the Jo and Alex sentiment. I want Jo to be fleshed out, personally and professionally. I really liked her in Ortho and I loved her mentor/mentee relationship with Callie. And I want her past to be put into some kind of context, rather than the writers dropping some mention of criminal activity every few episodes and then dropping it.

Alex needs a good medical case and I would love to see him working on the loft and reconnecting with his guy friend(s). The couple of scenes with some of the guys together at the wedding and them arguing over stopping that boy's heart really stood out to me because it had been SO long since we have any significant male interaction and I miss it. We haven't had a good bromance on the show in years!!

My biggest wish is for no more backstage drama and that can't be stated enough. I know that a bunch of contracts expire next year and I really, really hope that we will know who is leaving sooner rather than later. I hope those who may be leaving take a lesson from Sandra Oh and give the writers plenty of time to prepare.

Edited by Deanie87
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My biggest wish is for no more backstage drama and that can't be stated enough. I know that a bunch of contracts expire next year and I really, really hope that we will know who is leaving sooner rather than later. I hope those who may be leaving take a lesson from Sandra Oh and give the writers plenty of time to prepare.

On the one hand, I agree with you. On the other hand, Sandra Oh giving them an early heads up meant way too much Yang, IMO. They need to learn to handle exits while keeping all of the storylines afloat. And without an absurd time jump/info dump.

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My biggest wish is for no more backstage drama and that can't be stated enough. I know that a bunch of contracts expire next year and I really, really hope that we will know who is leaving sooner rather than later. I hope those who may be leaving take a lesson from Sandra Oh and give the writers plenty of time to prepare.

This is about the only thing I can hope for this coming season. This crop of writers seem to be incapable of good, fleshed out storytelling, and most of that is because the show's been on for so long. Therefore, the longer the show goes, the more mediocre the storylines will be.

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I don't want Finn (or someone Finn-like) for Meredith -- not even a little bit. Meredith doesn't need someone who will gracefully take on her baggage -- she will steamroll over them. Look at what original Meredith -- who only had a sick mother and an absentee father -- did to original Finn. This Meredith, with her dead mother, dead half-sister, three live kids and a dead husband, who's lived through a drowning, a shooting, a miscarriage and a plane crash, is no match for Finn. She needs someone who will challenge and interest her, but still be kind to her, like Derek was. Look for a guy that doesn't give Meredith the time of day. That's her new love interest.


And I want to see Owen adopt a child, because if I have to watch him moon over a kid one more time, I'm going to... :insert Gary Clark analogy here: I say "adopt a child" because I don't want a "oopsies, the woman got pregnant" story, like we've been dreading since the end of Owen and Cristina. Just give the poor man a child so he can drop it off at the 24 hour daycare, never to be seen again.

I see your point, Eolivet, but do you really think this show can bring a new love interest not only interesting but also challenging? I doubt. If you think about it they failed to make Derek interesting a lot of times, so I doubt they can do it now. Grey's Anatomy has always focused on the female point of view so it's always going to be difficult to actually have interesting male characters, because most of the time they bring new males they are just made as love interests. IMO Jackson is an example of a highly uninteresting male character, he's just there.

And when I said I'd like to see Finn coming back I meant that I'd rather see Meredith in a relationship with somebody that we already know than having a relationship with some random guy without any build up.

At this point I'm just hoping I'll never watch Meredith with somebody else again. I don't see anything good coming from a new relationship, but I hope I'm wrong. What I truly want is to watch Meredith as a mother, that is something that I'm very interested in..

Let's see what Shondaland can do since apparently the show will last forever.

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And I want to see Owen adopt a child, because if I have to watch him moon over a kid one more time, I'm going to... :insert Gary Clark analogy here: I say "adopt a child" because I don't want a "oopsies, the woman got pregnant" story, like we've been dreading since the end of Owen and Cristina. Just give the poor man a child so he can drop it off at the 24 hour daycare, never to be seen again.


Haha, you are so cool,very true indeed.

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I see your point, Eolivet, but do you really think this show can bring a new love interest not only interesting but also challenging? I doubt. If you think about it they failed to make Derek interesting a lot of times, so I doubt they can do it now. Grey's Anatomy has always focused on the female point of view so it's always going to be difficult to actually have interesting male characters, because most of the time they bring new males they are just made as love interests. IMO Jackson is an example of a highly uninteresting male character, he's just there.

And when I said I'd like to see Finn coming back I meant that I'd rather see Meredith in a relationship with somebody that we already know than having a relationship with some random guy without any build up.

At this point I'm just hoping I'll never watch Meredith with somebody else again. I don't see anything good coming from a new relationship, but I hope I'm wrong. What I truly want is to watch Meredith as a mother, that is something that I'm very interested in..

Let's see what Shondaland can do since apparently the show will last forever.


Very true, they are just props.There will never be a balance of male and female perspective on this show.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I see your point, Eolivet, but do you really think this show can bring a new love interest not only interesting but also challenging? I doubt. If you think about it they failed to make Derek interesting a lot of times, so I doubt they can do it now. Grey's Anatomy has always focused on the female point of view so it's always going to be difficult to actually have interesting male characters, because most of the time they bring new males they are just made as love interests. IMO Jackson is an example of a highly uninteresting male character, he's just there.

And when I said I'd like to see Finn coming back I meant that I'd rather see Meredith in a relationship with somebody that we already know than having a relationship with some random guy without any build up.

At this point I'm just hoping I'll never watch Meredith with somebody else again. I don't see anything good coming from a new relationship, but I hope I'm wrong. What I truly want is to watch Meredith as a mother, that is something that I'm very interested in..

Let's see what Shondaland can do since apparently the show will last forever.


I admit, I'm going on two prior TV experiences with dead male love interests in Glee and Downton Abbey. Both had a dynamic woman character as the lead, and both chose to pair her with someone who challenged her intellectually/career-wise as opposed to some guy who worshipped the ground she walked on. One show doing that is an anomaly, but twice is a pattern, and I'm guessing Grey's will make it three. Granted, it's been years since I saw Finn, but from what I remember, he thought Meredith hung the moon. I don't want to see Meredith with a guy like that, and based on TV show history, I don't think she will be. And I only think it will be someone new because there is no existing character who challenges Meredith and had a spark to their relationship (like Jesse with Rachel on "Glee").


(Interestingly, that before this year, the guy who might've made the most sense from a "challenges Meredith intellectually and doesn't take her crap" standpoint is Alex, but with Cristina gone, I can't see that happening now)


And yes, I think they will bring in someone new and I think they will have to make him interesting, because the Downton Abbey fanbase was about a tenth the size of Grey's and their displeasure with the new love interests was enough for that show to do something. I think Grey's knows they have big shoes to fill with Derek (er...weird off-color pun intended maybe?) and they have to, in order to keep the fanbase happy. Actually, forget the fanbase -- to keep the TV writers happy. The TV writers will rake the show across the coals if they bring in a limp dishrag (again with the weird off-color puns) for Meredith after the McDreamy phenomenon. Even Shonda knows she can't slack off with this one. If she wants to prove that yes, Grey's can survive without Derek Shepherd, his Meredith-love-interest replacement cannot just be an afterthought.


I wouldn't mind if Meredith didn't date at all, but I'm a realist and I just can't see Grey's being content to leave a character single for very long.

Edited by Eolivet
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They need  to hook up people for silly on-call room make-out scenes. The faster, the better, look at Owen and Amelia last season.From total strangers to sharing a bed in like 3 or 4 epis.


There is really nothing interesting for a mature person, like they won´t show any parenting stuff or how trouble with bringing up kids are solved,kids are nowhere to be seen,and the wish to see Meredith as a mother will most likely be not fulfilled.Kids are ignored,what a message for the audience that is. Put your kids in day care 24/7 for sb else to raise them and life is just beautiful.


I´d really like to see Meredith as a single mum living on her own, but how on earth will that be possible when she will most likely share a house with Amelia as well as Maggie? Will they both be her kids´ babysitters from now on?

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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I understand, Eolivet.
As for Glee, any guy would be more interesting than Finn (I'm sorry if you are/were a Finchel shipper, but I hated it).
At this point they can pair Meredith up with a scarecrow and I won't mind it, I won't ship it anyways so I just don't care.  As long as they NEVER pair her up with Alex I won't lose sleep because of it.

I think it's possible for Meredith to eventually get a new love interest, and do it well.  Back in the day, Karen and Sid were the super couple of Knot's Landing.  Sid was the love of Karen's life, as well as the moral center of the show.  He died early in the third season.  Karen grieved throughout season three, then joins forces with Mack in season four to find Sid's killer.  They fell in love and married that season.  I was really young during that period, but I remember the show handled it well.  Karen and Mack ended up being as popular as Karen/Sid.  It helped that they spent a great deal of time together organically.


My greatest wish for next season, is that they take all the money they're now saving from PD's salary, and lure back Sandra Oh, Kate Walsh, or Katherine Heigl.  I'm watching season three right now, and I forgot how much I loved the flirtation between Addison and Alex.  I'm also remembering how much I loved Izzie.  Either of those two actresses would be ten times more interesting with Alex than Jo.  If they managed to bring back two of the three I listed, I feel the show could really rebound.


I want more Alex and Meredith, and I want Alex to be a father figure to the kids - but without sacrificing his own life.  I would prefer they stay platonic.


I wish they would cut out some dead weight, and to me that would be Stephanie, Jo, and/or Amelia.  All three have minimal connection to the cast at large, and I don't feel those characters ever clicked.


And I say no to Finn or a Finn-like character.  My God he was the most white bread, milquetoast, boring character - and I'm predisposed to love veterinarians.  Meredith would have eaten him alive, and he would have bored her to tears.


I'd prefer Callie/Arizona to stay apart, and behaving like friendly co-parents.  (BTW, just watched the scene where Callie and Mark were talking about Addison's abortion, and what type of parent he would be.  Too cute that they end up making a baby together.)


After Amelia leaves, Owen will realize that she was the rebound who helped him get over Cristina, and he moves on to a more interesting woman, who he shares real chemistry with.


Jackson and April go to therapy and April realizes she needs to stop running from the grieve.  And I hope that they end up together.


I don't mind too much the idea of Bailey becoming chief.  There's a scene in season three where Webber tells her she's chief material, but she needs more time before getting the job.  I like that he's always been her mentor, and he could help her transition to the job.

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I wish they would cut out some dead weight, and to me that would be Stephanie, Jo, and/or Amelia.  All three have minimal connection to the cast at large, and I don't feel those characters ever clicked.


After Amelia leaves, Owen will realize that she was the rebound who helped him get over Cristina, and he moves on to a more interesting woman, who he shares real chemistry with.




You are so right,in every aspect. Both Stephanie and Amelia take up valuable screentime,and I´m afraid will continue to be doing so, except Jo, I guess Camilla doesn´t kiss Rhimes´s ass enough as Jo does not have a proper character development at all and at times seems like a person who is dressed in scrubs by mistake.  However,of all three actresses Camilla has the most talent if given an opportunity.


If only Amelia left, if only. May it happen. If not, then I hope and pray this will be McKidd´s last season and he does not renew his contract.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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This is about the only thing I can hope for this coming season. This crop of writers seem to be incapable of good, fleshed out storytelling, and most of that is because the show's been on for so long. Therefore, the longer the show goes, the more mediocre the storylines will be.


I agree. On the one hand it´s extremely hard to be creative after so many seasons, but these writers do not even attempt to provide an inch of effort to be creative at all.


They write clichés 90% of time.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

1) An off-screen death for Amelia before the season begins. 

2) A happier, more playful show. I want to experience the every day lives of these doctors again, not just huge, ridiculous, forced stories. 

3) Bailey as Chief. Let's just get to it. 

4) Some independent, fleshed-out stories for Alex. I love him as Meredith's friend, but he's so much more than that. 

5) More connection between characters. The show used to feel like it focused on a unique group of connected doctors; it was the story of Meredith and people she is connected to - now it just feels like we're jumping all over the hospital. 

6) Teaching! Let's see Callie mentor Jo, and Alex mentor someone. 

7) Trim the fat. The cast is too damn big, and we're just adding more. Richard and Catharine should have been written off at the end of S11 and had recurring guest spots going forward. Owen should have left when Cristina did. Stef and Amelia should never have been made regulars. 

8) I hope the new male surgeon is unlike any character we've seen before. I don't want McDreamy 2.0 or Owen 2.0... let's shake things up. 

9) Parenting! We have so many kids on the show, and I don't necessarily need them to be a main focus, but lets seem some struggle. Arizona and Callie are co-parenting and Meredith is a single mother of 3. Lets see the conflict there. 

10) Sexytime. This goes with making the show a bit more fun again. Lets see some fun, sexy couplings. We've been watching the same pairings for years, aside from Owen / Amelia who are the exact opposite of sexy together. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 3

I would like them to wrap up the story of Grey's Anatomy.  Give us a great final season. 


#1.  I want to see Alex be awesome.  ON HIS OWN.  I want him to grow up, and I want him to end up as a big sucess

#2.  I want Bailey to be "the Nazi" or shut her face. 

#3.  I would love for Izzie to show up, in the beginning of the season...not as a FINALE! MUST! SEE! TV!, but just to say hello, very minimal shots...just to let us know she's alive & what she's up to.  Maybe also to apologise to Alex for being a giant anus.  Her story wasn't done well. 

#4.  I want to see Mama O'Malley visiting with Callie

#5.  I want Arizona to do her volunteer work, and make it permanent. 

#6.  I want Amelia to get it together, and shut her face. 

#7.  I want Owen to take April over to the HERO! MILITARY! BOMBS! SCARY! HERO! COMPLEX! SURGERY!  place and have awkward ginger babies together...awkwardly.  During combat.  Bombs.  They all die. 

#8.  I want Jackson to take a job in Miami making the world a bigger place, one boob at a time. 

#9.  I want Webber and crazy lady to retire and live in Peru together. 

#10.  I want Addison to show up to say Hi/Goodbye

#11.  I would love for Thatcher/Mer to have some healing. 

#12.  I want to see the single mom struggle. 

#13.  I want Meredith to choose the kids.  She could easilly raise them & work part time.  That's the end of the show.  I want Meredith to choose a different path from Ellis.  I want her to choose family, to work as much as she needs to work, and to parent as much as she possibly can parent.  I want the final shot to be of Meredith and the kids playing at home. 

  • Love 1

1) An off-screen death for Amelia before the season begins. 

2) A happier, more playful show. I want to experience the every day lives of these doctors again, not just huge, ridiculous, forced stories. 

3) Bailey as Chief. Let's just get to it. 

4) Some independent, fleshed-out stories for Alex. I love him as Meredith's friend, but he's so much more than that. 

5) More connection between characters. The show used to feel like it focused on a unique group of connected doctors; it was the story of Meredith and people she is connected to - now it just feels like we're jumping all over the hospital. 

6) Teaching! Let's see Callie mentor Jo, and Alex mentor someone. 

7) Trim the fat. The cast is too damn big, and we're just adding more. Richard and Catharine should have been written off at the end of S11 and had recurring guest spots going forward. Owen should have left when Cristina did. Stef and Amelia should never have been made regulars. 

8) I hope the new male surgeon is unlike any character we've seen before. I don't want McDreamy 2.0 or Owen 2.0... let's shake things up. 

9) Parenting! We have so many kids on the show, and I don't necessarily need them to be a main focus, but lets seem some struggle. Arizona and Callie are co-parenting and Meredith is a single mother of 3. Lets see the conflict there. 

10) Sexytime. This goes with making the show a bit more fun again. Lets see some fun, sexy couplings. We've been watching the same pairings for years, aside from Owen / Amelia who are the exact opposite of sexy together. 


Alot of what i want to see has been said.  This is a great list from BaseOps.  The bolded ones are what I really want to see for S12.  I think the show really needs to get back to its "roots" focusing on the character connections, more teaching/mentoring and I agree more sex!  This show was just fun back in season 1-3 with the romantic relationships, the friendships, etc.  I would love to go back to that again.  

  • Love 1

1) An off-screen death for Amelia before the season begins. 

2) A happier, more playful show. I want to experience the every day lives of these doctors again, not just huge, ridiculous, forced stories. 

3) Bailey as Chief. Let's just get to it. 

4) Some independent, fleshed-out stories for Alex. I love him as Meredith's friend, but he's so much more than that. 

5) More connection between characters. The show used to feel like it focused on a unique group of connected doctors; it was the story of Meredith and people she is connected to - now it just feels like we're jumping all over the hospital. 

6) Teaching! Let's see Callie mentor Jo, and Alex mentor someone. 

7) Trim the fat. The cast is too damn big, and we're just adding more. Richard and Catharine should have been written off at the end of S11 and had recurring guest spots going forward. Owen should have left when Cristina did. Stef and Amelia should never have been made regulars. 

8) I hope the new male surgeon is unlike any character we've seen before. I don't want McDreamy 2.0 or Owen 2.0... let's shake things up. 

9) Parenting! We have so many kids on the show, and I don't necessarily need them to be a main focus, but lets seem some struggle. Arizona and Callie are co-parenting and Meredith is a single mother of 3. Lets see the conflict there. 

10) Sexytime. This goes with making the show a bit more fun again. Lets see some fun, sexy couplings. We've been watching the same pairings for years, aside from Owen / Amelia who are the exact opposite of sexy together. 


YES to all 10. Excellent, I wish the same. Just not sure so much about Bailey as chief, I would prefer the new guy to be the chief.


Like you said Owen should have left with Cristina. I wonder if McKidd has already realised it or not. The way he promotes the show it seems he has no clue how terrible writing for Owen is. Why hasn´t he left the show yet? I´m sure he would get a decent job somewhere else. My biggest wish for S12 is that it is his last and to make it like Owen follows Cristina to Zurich for viewers to see his love for her were not only words and grand speeches full of lies but to prove he is a decent man.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I've been thinking about this more since my last post. A few more specific things I'd like to say; 


1) Fun, happy Callie. I want to see her swept off her feet with a fun, sexy, drama-free relationship. It doesn't have to be forever, but at least a good arc. If endgame is her and Arizona then fine... but she deserves some stress-free happiness and a spouse who doesn't cheat on her. Off the top of my head, why not a Callie / Jackson romance? That'd be a) totally unexpected b) interesting because April and Arizona have become such good friends. Not to mention hot

2) Meredith to continue to talk about Derek and keep his spirit alive. I hope when we return he's not simply forgotten. 

3) Meredith as the centre of the show again. With Derek gone there is huge opportunity for this. Meredith is single for the first time in years. Maybe she can hook up with Jackson for some one-time sex? 

4) The reason I want Bailey as chief is because it's been hinted at and talked about for YEARS. I want more pay-off for early stories. 

5) Alex's family! Lets meet his sister or bring his brother back. How about his mom??? 

6) Better integration of Jo with other doctors. That's why I'd love to see her be mentored by Callie. Her only real connections are Alex and Stef, and Stef is so damn boring and disconnected from everyone else that I just don't care. 


The big one: 


Cohesive storylines!!! No more starting stories then dropping them. My biggest issue with the huge cast is seeing stories play out for a few weeks in small bits and then having them either disappear for weeks or fizzle out altogether. It destroys character development. The early seasons were so well developed, storylines would progress organically and snowball into something great. Now it just feels all over the map, episodes have barely any distinction; it's like a big blur. Season 9 - 11 especially have suffered from this. I want payoff for stories and emotional, realistic resolutions. 

Edited by BaseOps

Like you said Owen should have left with Cristina. I wonder if McKidd has already realised it or not. The way he promotes the show it seems he has no clue how terrible writing for Owen is. Why hasn´t he left the show yet? I´m sure he would get a decent job somewhere else. My biggest wish for S12 is that it is his last and to make it like Owen follows Cristina to Zurich for viewers to see his love for her were not only words and grand speeches full of lies but to prove he is a decent man.

Yes! By this point, he and Cristina are really kind of a mess, but they're a mess with the most insane chemistry that makes me want them to figure it out, even if it happens off the show.


I would also like him to leave because every new job he gets is one more time I get to have the dream (usually dashed) that he'll get to play a Scottish character.

  • Love 2

BaseOps- you are like my Grey's Anatomy soul mate or something.  I 100% agree with your second list as well.  You have managed to convey all of my thoughts of what went wrong in season 11 ESPECIALLY the cohesive storylines.  I am willing to give the writers a bit of a break with season 11 because it seems pretty clear they were thrown for a loop and had to abandon a bunch of storylines because of whatever went down between PD and SR.  

  • Love 2

Yes! By this point, he and Cristina are really kind of a mess, but they're a mess with the most insane chemistry that makes me want them to figure it out, even if it happens off the show.


I would also like him to leave because every new job he gets is one more time I get to have the dream (usually dashed) that he'll get to play a Scottish character.


Sorry, I´m late, I missed this.  I so appreciate your words. It seems Kevin will be directing more episodes next season than he ever did, I only hope he is doing that to get enough skills as a director to direct and star in an indie movie wih Sandra OH one day. My only hope.

The big one: 


Cohesive storylines!!! No more starting stories then dropping them. My biggest issue with the huge cast is seeing stories play out for a few weeks in small bits and then having them either disappear for weeks or fizzle out altogether. It destroys character development. The early seasons were so well developed, storylines would progress organically and snowball into something great. Now it just feels all over the map, episodes have barely any distinction; it's like a big blur. Season 9 - 11 especially have suffered from this. I want payoff for stories and emotional, realistic resolutions. 


Great insight.

I've been thinking about this more since my last post. A few more specific things I'd like to say; 


1) Fun, happy Callie. I want to see her swept off her feet with a fun, sexy, drama-free relationship. It doesn't have to be forever, but at least a good arc. If endgame is her and Arizona then fine... but she deserves some stress-free happiness and a spouse who doesn't cheat on her. Off the top of my head, why not a Callie / Jackson romance? That'd be a) totally unexpected b) interesting because April and Arizona have become such good friends. Not to mention hot

2) Meredith to continue to talk about Derek and keep his spirit alive. I hope when we return he's not simply forgotten. 

3) Meredith as the centre of the show again. With Derek gone there is huge opportunity for this. Meredith is single for the first time in years. Maybe she can hook up with Jackson for some one-time sex? 

4) The reason I want Bailey as chief is because it's been hinted at and talked about for YEARS. I want more pay-off for early stories. 

5) Alex's family! Lets meet his sister or bring his brother back. How about his mom??? 

6) Better integration of Jo with other doctors. That's why I'd love to see her be mentored by Callie. Her only real connections are Alex and Stef, and Stef is so damn boring and disconnected from everyone else that I just don't care. 




Do you suggest Jackson might cheat? Interesting, I tend to think the same, either it´s him or April, but if it is him, I see Jo with him if she and Alex are unable

to progress with their relationship or if he is unable to detach himself from Meredith.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Do you suggest Jackson might cheat? Interesting, I tend to think the same, either it´s him or April, but if it is him, I see Jo with him if she and Alex are unable

to progress with their relationship or if he is unable to detach himself from Meredith.


It doesn't have to be cheating... he and April were pretty near breaking up at the end of S11, so if they go ahead with that I'd like to see them both develop other relationships. What's annoying to me at this point is that the writers are so wishy-washy with their couples - we've had the same pairings for years, and when they break them up, they never really develop them with anyone else. It takes one actor leaving the show (for example, Sandra Oh) for Shonda to actually play with pairings. Jackson / April have been on-and-off for years, and even when they broke up and dated other people, those other people (Stef + Matthew) were merely props to get Jackson / April back together. Cristina and Owen should have been broken up for years, but it took Oh leaving to get Owen in a new relationship (one which I hate, btw). Arizona and Callie were stuck in such a strange, boring holding pattern this season: separated, but not really moving on. 


I'd like to see more fun pairings this season, and some more realistic representations of sex and dating. Owen and Amelia came out of nowhere, and they're so overwrought and "invested" already, it just makes no sense. 

  • Love 1

Very interesting observations. I agree Grey's characters don't really date casually, they go from zero to MFEO in thirty seconds. It was refreshing to see Callie and Maggie awkwardly dating this season. I think it was a good choice to not put Maggie in a serious relationship quickly and instead develop her personality and friendships first.


However I disagree this is the case for April and Jackson, they have been apart more than together. They were on the show for nearly three seasons and dated other people before getting together. Jackson and Stephanie were seeing each other for 27 episodes (9x10-10x12) and April and Matthew for 25 (9x12-10x12). Although there were hints they had feelings for each other through out, I think they were both substantial relationships and effectively explored them in relationships with people who were better suited for them on paper.


I find Grey's exhausting because the stakes in fights between couples is always breaking up and most of their problems could be solved by communicating. April and Jackson are in their thirties, married and had a child. They are grownups who love each other and made a commitment. Relationships are hard but people don't just bail, it would be unrealistic if they didn't try everything to save their marriage, especially considering April's religious beliefs.


I think we have seen them dating other people and fighting enough. Next season I want to see new things for them. I would like to see:

- April and Jackson communicating and working out their issues

- Less Jackson on the board and more of him as a doctor

- Both of them as teachers/mentors

- Newly confident April being more assertive with her coworkers and taking charge 

- Both of them to have a big case of their own

  • Love 3

However I disagree this is the case for April and Jackson, they have been apart more than together. They were on the show for nearly three seasons and dated other people before getting together. Jackson and Stephanie were seeing each other for 27 episodes (9x10-10x12) and April and Matthew for 25 (9x12-10x12). Although there were hints they had feelings for each other through out, I think they were both substantial relationships and effectively explored them in relationships with people who were better suited for them on paper


But as soon as April and Jackson first hooked up, they were 'meant to be'. Even when she spent a full season with Matthew, her story was always connected to Jackson - we knew her and Matt wouldn't end up together, just like we knew Stef and Jackson wouldn't (I literally don't remember a single thing about their relationship other than him leaving her at April's wedding.) It was the same as Finn in season 2 + 3 or Rose in season 4 - they were mere distractions. Which is why I've always been so surprised that they kept Stef around for so long. Even NOW her biggest stories are connected to Jackson / April (having to tell them about their baby.) 


Very interesting observations. I agree Grey's characters don't really date casually, they go from zero to MFEO in thirty seconds. It was refreshing to see Callie and Maggie awkwardly dating this season. I think it was a good choice to not put Maggie in a serious relationship quickly and instead develop her personality and friendships first.



What´s your take on Maggie and this Ethan guy? What is his purpose? We never saw them dating only talking about it along with that awful vagina and orgasm speeches Maggie gave to Alex.


I sort of started to dislike her after this along with her finale episode where she cried like a child and was so so unprofessional as the chief of cardio at work.


I had really high hopes for Maggie but these two aspects of her character which I described make me dislike her a lot. She can be unprofessional and really immature. The post of chief of cardio - if they wanted a woman - should have been given to a mature professional,

sb who is like Cristina, Alana Cahill (S9) or Addison. All badass ladies.


I think both chiefs of cardio and neuro are non-believable.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Sorry, I´m late, I missed this.  I so appreciate your words. It seems Kevin will be directing more episodes next season than he ever did, I only hope he is doing that to get enough skills as a director to direct and star in an indie movie wih Sandra OH one day. My only hope.

Be still my beating heart. That would be so amazing I don't even know how I would handle it.

  • Love 1

But as soon as April and Jackson first hooked up, they were 'meant to be'. Even when she spent a full season with Matthew, her story was always connected to Jackson - we knew her and Matt wouldn't end up together, just like we knew Stef and Jackson wouldn't (I literally don't remember a single thing about their relationship other than him leaving her at April's wedding.) It was the same as Finn in season 2 + 3 or Rose in season 4 - they were mere distractions. Which is why I've always been so surprised that they kept Stef around for so long. Even NOW her biggest stories are connected to Jackson / April (having to tell them about their baby.) 


There were nearly three seasons of them before that when Jackson had a kiss with Cristina, a relationship with Lexie and a hook up with Mara Keaton. They explored April with Stark and Alex a little. Also I do think Stephanie and Matthew were more substantial relationships then Rose or Finn. 


I definitely get your point but they have so little screen time, personally for those characters medical storylines feel fresher than another romantic relationship. They have been on the show for six seasons now and neither has had a big case of their own. Jackson is more of a board member then a doctor and April seems like an administrator that is often treated like an underling by her colleagues. I really enjoyed seeing her take charge in the finale. I want more of that next season, also possibly mentoring someone. 

  • Love 1

I'd love a storyline for Jo, any sytoryline for Jo. All she gets are random scenes with Alex every 4 episodes while every intern related storyline goes to Stephanie.

Since baileys husband is now a regular maybe they could even out the career related storylines for the interns. Does he have a specialty? I know Jo hasn't whereas Stephanie has been shown to work and excel in more then one.

  • Love 2

There were nearly three seasons of them before that when Jackson had a kiss with Cristina, a relationship with Lexie and a hook up with Mara Keaton. They explored April with Stark and Alex a little. Also I do think Stephanie and Matthew were more substantial relationships then Rose or Finn. 


I definitely get your point but they have so little screen time, personally for those characters medical storylines feel fresher than another romantic relationship. They have been on the show for six seasons now and neither has had a big case of their own. Jackson is more of a board member then a doctor and April seems like an administrator that is often treated like an underling by her colleagues. I really enjoyed seeing her take charge in the finale. I want more of that next season, also possibly mentoring someone. 


I agree with wanting to see them more fleshed out as doctors. I'd like to see April continue to excel at trauma, and plastics opens so many possibilities, I'd like to see Jackson be a great surgeon too. You're right about having too little screen time - it's true for every character on the show right now. There are simply too many characters to properly develop each one, and all of their individual stories suffer because of it. I think a focus on mentoring would be great for S12 so that we can get more scenes of actors with different pairings, but they always drop those stories. Unfortunately, as it stands, I'm so uninvested in so many cast members. I used to really be interested in every character on the show. 


I really, really want an interesting - and happy! - story for Callie this year. She was very underused in S11, especially the back half. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 2

I really hope that if Bailey becomes chief there is a return of her Nazi persona, more of her being tough and direct. It feels like the writers haven't really known what to do with Bailey for a while now and I think she worked best in the early years.


Also I think the show feels like a more realistic hospital when there is a clear hierarchy and actual consequences for mistakes. Having half the characters on the board and in charge also effectively makes it so no one is in charge. I miss the tension created from worrying about getting in trouble. I think of Izzie cutting Denny's LVAD wire and some of the tension came from worrying about Denny's health but it also comes from the audience and the interns stressing about the consequences of what they are doing. It currently doesn't feel like there is any real threat of getting in trouble so it immediately defuses the tension from storyline (e.g. Bailey injecting the HIV virus, Owen putting the patient in suspended animation, Herman keeping her tumour a secret). I don't know if it is possible considering the board, but I hope Bailey can bring back the fear.

Edited by Marni
  • Love 1

I'd like to see the show return to a format more like they used in the beginning.

It used to be a show about young doctors treating interesting patients, performing difficult operations, and, yes, making mistakes (but learning from them). That was the core of the show. The interpersonal drama just flowed along with that. Of course, there was romance and there were problems between some of the interns, etc. But at the end of the day, it was a show about dedicated people whose main focus was making sick people better.


Now, they don't seem to 'waste' much time on patient care and surgeries. Now, the show seems like more of a soap opera, with its main focus about who's together and who's breaking up (and why). The hospital is mostly just the stage setting, now, and the patients they treat are usually just playing minor parts.

  • Love 3

I'd like to see the show return to a format more like they used in the beginning.

It used to be a show about young doctors treating interesting patients, performing difficult operations, and, yes, making mistakes (but learning from them). That was the core of the show. The interpersonal drama just flowed along with that. Of course, there was romance and there were problems between some of the interns, etc. But at the end of the day, it was a show about dedicated people whose main focus was making sick people better.


Now, they don't seem to 'waste' much time on patient care and surgeries. Now, the show seems like more of a soap opera, with its main focus about who's together and who's breaking up (and why). The hospital is mostly just the stage setting, now, and the patients they treat are usually just playing minor parts.


Kudos to you! All true.


It has become nothing but  a silly soap opera primarily  focused on who sleeps with whom, it is not a medical drama with interesting cases anymore.


It won´t change, it will only get worse.


Sandra Oh is an artist, she knew when the right time was to get off this neverending soap opera carousel.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
  • Love 1

I'd like to see the show return to a format more like they used in the beginning.

It used to be a show about young doctors treating interesting patients, performing difficult operations, and, yes, making mistakes (but learning from them). That was the core of the show. The interpersonal drama just flowed along with that. Of course, there was romance and there were problems between some of the interns, etc. But at the end of the day, it was a show about dedicated people whose main focus was making sick people better.


Now, they don't seem to 'waste' much time on patient care and surgeries. Now, the show seems like more of a soap opera, with its main focus about who's together and who's breaking up (and why). The hospital is mostly just the stage setting, now, and the patients they treat are usually just playing minor parts.

I think the problem with that is the age of the characters. Its been 10 years (less in GA time but still years and years) and the characters have all grown into experienced doctors. In order to have the young doctors learning and making mistakes they would have needed to keep introducing interns. They tried that to some extent but (imo) it failed. Once the original interns gained experience is when the show shifted to the hospital changing instead of the doctors - changes in COS, the merger, the lawsuit, the new board, etc. 


What I don't think has changed is that Grey's has always been a soap opera set in a hospital more than a medical drama. IMO, its always been more about the bed hopping than the medicine or being a doctor.

I think the problem with that is the age of the characters. Its been 10 years (less in GA time but still years and years) and the characters have all grown into experienced doctors. In order to have the young doctors learning and making mistakes they would have needed to keep introducing interns. They tried that to some extent but (imo) it failed. Once the original interns gained experience is when the show shifted to the hospital changing instead of the doctors - changes in COS, the merger, the lawsuit, the new board, etc. 


What I don't think has changed is that Grey's has always been a soap opera set in a hospital more than a medical drama. IMO, its always been more about the bed hopping than the medicine or being a doctor.


Definitely agree with the age of the doctors causing the shift away from the medical aspect, which is why i have never been opposed to a new set of interns coming in.  They are definitely needed to bring a balance back to the show.  BUT, they do not all need to be added as regulars!!  I could do without that for sure.


Also, I think one of the reason GA was so successful in the beginning was because it had this great hybrid feel where it wasn't quite a medical show but at the same time it was more than just a typical soapy drama.  

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