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Season 6: Speculation

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We'll finally get to say RIP, Balon Greyjoy.


Since they're casting a Greyjoy brother they could be doing the Kingsmoot, but the fact that Sam's trip to Oldtown will even be included and the casting of so many Tarlys immediately made me think of the speculation that Euron will strike a major blow at the Tyrells and the Reach.


Bran must have a vision of young Ned; I'm guessing the boy who's big for his age and the older Northern boy are Robert and Brandon. Will that eventually lead to a Sean Bean flashback where he reveals Jon's parentage?


Would they cast Septon Meribald just for a scene between him and the Hound? Since Brienne is in the North, I don't think she's likely to return to the Riverlands unless Sansa is with her. It would be strange to see a Sansan reunion when the speculation is that if he reappears it'll be to fight Ungregor, but then, the Walder Frey actor supposedly said he's returning in season 6 (don't know the original source of that information). Without Stoneheart and with Show Jaime likely going back to the KL plot with Myrcella, only Sansa seems like she could be headed for a confrontation with Walder.


The leading actress might be part of Arya's next job. No idea which specific characters the priestess and the fierce warrior could be, but mixed/any ethnicity suggests Essos. Could they have decided to spend some of Dany's time on gaining a Dothraki army?

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I hope if they do the Queensmoot, they go a different path from the books and let Yara (?) win and rule house Greyjoy.  I'd rather Euron be the pirate and his response to her winning is just to raid the Reach and cause issues. 


I wonder since it looks like they are focusing on House Tarly next season if House Tywell is going to fall and the Tarly's will become the dominant House in the Reach.  It would be nice if Sam can bring them around to Jon's side once the War in the North becomes a real thing.  Plus given Stannis line about Tarly defeating Robert, I wonder if that is a House that would support Dany when/if she ever comes back to Westerous.

Edited by nksarmi
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Hopefully I'm wrong but I'm already a little worried that Sam's family might end up getting treated like that one family from the Shield Islands was treated. 


I like the idea of Euron winning the Kingsmoot because I think it would give the character of Yara an excuse to head back North assuming that Euron tries to force her to marry someone she isn't interested in. I also think that Euron could potential unsettle things in the show the way that it seems like Faegon is going to in the books. Whether Euron somehow nabs Storm's End, Dragonstone, or just heads straight for the capital, I feel like whatever is left at KL after the trials is going to see him as a legitimate and immediate threat. 


I think we are definitely getting flashbacks aplenty next season and I am so excited about that. I know Sean Bean has said he's open to returning so I'd like to see that happen. 

I'm not sure how I feel about flashbacks because I just don't care about most of the "adults" on this show lol.  I want Jon's parentage revealed, but I was kind of hoping they would do that this season.  I'm so looking forward to next season because it's 100% new territory.  I don't even think I'll read the new book if GMMR somehow manages to get it out before season six airs.  I'll probably watch the season first and then read it when I'm going through withdrawals waiting for season seven.

Euron and his men humiliate the family in their hall by forcing the lady of the castle and her daughters to serve the men while their lord and father is tied up and forced to watch. This guy has a bastard daughter and I can only suspect that her family didn't treat her terribly well because she hooks up with Euron and gives him the idea to force the women and girls to start serving naked. (The excuse is that she doesn't want them to stain their dresses since Euron told her that she could have the clothes of her half sisters.) It's some time after this that Euron's men begin raping the women and the situation deteriorates rapidly.


Victarion even feels bad about what the family is being put through and thinks that Euron is wrong for going so extra on his enemies. That tells you how bad it is when even Victarion is disgusted.

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The leading actress might be part of Arya's next job. No idea which specific characters the priestess and the fierce warrior could be, but mixed/any ethnicity suggests Essos. Could they have decided to spend some of Dany's time on gaining a Dothraki army?


Dany's ships would still have to make stops along the way to Westeros and they might pick up travelers.  For that matter characters of mixed ethnicity could be found aplenty in Braavos. 


I want Jon's parentage revealed, but I was kind of hoping they would do that this season.


It looks like that's what they're setting up.  But next season they could be doing some exposition about it all as well, and of course they'd be spending a LOT of time dealing with the fallout.  They're certainly setting it up for us to see Sansa/Jon interaction sometime soon which is interesting especially given my theory about who really is the YMBQ.


I wonder since it looks like they are focusing on House Tarly next season if House Tywell is going to fall and the Tarly's will become the dominant House in the Reach.


I've wondered about that myself from time to time. 


Also, with the Iron Born part of the plot again, it's very likely we'll see Yara/Asha return to re-unite with Theon. 


And if we get Septon Meribald then does that mean the return of the Hound?!?  Or possibly the Blackfish...

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I think I was the only person to really enjoy the Queensmoot chapters.


Not entirely.  I can't stand Vic or Damphair, but I did get a sick fascination of watching the Iron Born's internal dynamics and how they all rose up to cheer on the candidate who was clearly the most bat shit crazy.  It apparently was a bit of an eye opener to Asha/Yara as well.

  • Love 1

I hope if they do the Queensmoot, they go a different path from the books and let Yara (?) win and rule house Greyjoy.  I'd rather Euron be the pirate and his response to her winning is just to raid the Reach and cause issues. 


I wonder since it looks like they are focusing on House Tarly next season if House Tywell is going to fall and the Tarly's will become the dominant House in the Reach.  It would be nice if Sam can bring them around to Jon's side once the War in the North becomes a real thing.  Plus given Stannis line about Tarly defeating Robert, I wonder if that is a House that would support Dany when/if she ever comes back to Westerous.


I'd be interested in seeing that storyline with House Tarly and even Ser Kevan wondered in ADWD if Randyll would betray Mace.  Given the state of House Tarly now with their two heirs in custody and Mace in Braavos under less than ideal circumstances, it wouldn't be too hard to overthrow them.  Especially with no Willas and Garlan on the show.  We'll now how five Tarlys cast, which is one more than Tyrells on this show.

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There was speculation that Randyll would side with the more martial Aegon over sweet Tommen, especially since, IIRC, Garlan was awarded lands to which his wife had a claim. Right now the Baratheons are the only major house that looks to be in danger of extinction, IMO. The last time we saw Robin Arryn on the show he was left with Royce to get some proper training, which suggests that he survives. The Tullys have Edmure and the Blackfish, who might resurface in season 6 if Walder does, and their heirs are the Stark kids. It would be interesting if the show is including the Tarlys and Euron's attack on the Reach because the Tyrells fall in the books due to some combination.of Aegon, Margaery's trial and their failure to protect the Reach. I admit I'm hoping for it, because I think it makes sense based on what's been said about the Tyrell history and their current situation in the books.

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Not entirely.  I can't stand Vic or Damphair, but I did get a sick fascination of watching the Iron Born's internal dynamics and how they all rose up to cheer on the candidate who was clearly the most bat shit crazy.  It apparently was a bit of an eye opener to Asha/Yara as well.

I enjoyed the chapter. I don't even remember whose POV it was but I remember being chilled by Euron and the horn. I wondered where he got it from because I thought then that he was lying his ass off about having been there but now that we've visited Valyria in the show the idea isn't as farfetched as I once thought it was. I also think that the Ironborn came across like idiots in general what with the distaste they have for books and knowledge. Then you have somebody like Euron who thinks that cutting the tongues from the mouths of his crew members is a foolproof way of keeping them from communicating with people even if they were compelled to do so. And on top of all of that you have Asha making this sensible argument about how they didn't get anything apart from sand, pine cones and loss of life from their most recent activities and under her it would be different but these guys just don't get it. Instead they want to follow the mad man who wants to take on the Iron Throne when entire realm saw how that worked out for Stannis. 


Right now the Baratheons are the only major house that looks to be in danger of extinction, IMO. The last time we saw Robin Arryn on the show he was left with Royce to get some proper training, which suggests that he survives. The Tullys have Edmure and the Blackfish, who might resurface in season 6 if Walder does, and their heirs are the Stark kids.

I think House Arryn is done as far as the main line. Same with the Baratheons and possibly even the Martells. Quentyn is out, Trystane's life is definitely in danger, and Arianne seems like she's going to go down with Faegon. I'm not even sure if the Greyjoys are going to go on. Aeron is a priest, Theon is done, Victarion doesn't want to marry again because of what happened last time and is likely going to die in Meereen anyway, and Euron only thinks he's good enough for Dany and we know that shit is unlikely to happen unless Euron gets some sort of personality transplant by the time he and Dany come into contact, if they even come into contact. Oddly enough I think the Tullys are going to make it. Maybe it's because the chances aren't in their favor but I think Roslin Frey is going to have a boy and I think he'll live somehow. 

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There was speculation that Randyll would side with the more martial Aegon over sweet Tommen, especially since, IIRC, Garlan was awarded lands to which his wife had a claim. Right now the Baratheons are the only major house that looks to be in danger of extinction, IMO. The last time we saw Robin Arryn on the show he was left with Royce to get some proper training, which suggests that he survives. The Tullys have Edmure and the Blackfish, who might resurface in season 6 if Walder does, and their heirs are the Stark kids. It would be interesting if the show is including the Tarlys and Euron's attack on the Reach because the Tyrells fall in the books due to some combination.of Aegon, Margaery's trial and their failure to protect the Reach. I admit I'm hoping for it, because I think it makes sense based on what's been said about the Tyrell history and their current situation in the books.

You know never thought about the fact that the Baratheons are only a Stannis away from extinction.  I mean even Shirleen would probably end up taking a husband's name.  These people need Gendry to be legitimized really badly.


I think on the show House Tyrell is in trouble.  Loras is the heir of Highgarden and assuming he isn't about to die, he doesn't seem inclined to produce an heir.  And while I have wondered if one of the reasons they had her and Tommen consummate their marriage was so they could save her via pregnancy - I'm not sure any child she has won't be recognized as a Lannister at best when its all said and done. 

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I think on the show House Tyrell is in trouble.  Loras is the heir of Highgarden and assuming he isn't about to die, he doesn't seem inclined to produce an heir.


I wonder about that too.  If Loras dies they're finished at least on the male line, and poor Margaery might not survive either.  For that matter Mace may be in trouble as well so Randyll might not even have to stage a coup to take control of the Reach.


Unless Gendry on the show (or Edric in the books) is legitimized then the Baratheons are extinguished on the male line.  The Martells may survive through Trystane (or even a legitimized Sand Snake since women can pass on the family name in Dorne,) but I agree Arianne at least will be ruining herself on fAegon.


As for the Greyjoys their only hope is Asha

a. Survives and

B.  Takes a page from the Mormont women and has a child 'fathered by a kraken.' 


If Asha doesn't make it though, the Greyjoys are done for.  For that matter so may be the Iron Islands as an independent kingdom.

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Given the million, billion, zillion years that people have been around in Westeros, or thousands or whatever, you'd think some of the older or more important houses might have a few more heirs, even if distant ones.


To be sure, titles go extinct, but the 18th Earl of Shrewsbury was, I'm told, the 10th cousin once removed of the 17th Earl.


Until he had a son a few years ago, the 18th Earl of Pembroke's heir was a distant cousin, the 8th Earl of Carnarvon, better known as the guy who owns Highclere Castle a.k.a "Downton Abbey".


Then there's the 75 year old retired Australian welder who became the 18th Earl of Lincoln.


But maybe it's just a fluke thing regarding 18th Earls of something or other.

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Constantinople - you would think, but the only family that seems to have cousins enough to take over the line is Lannisters.  Even with Kevin biting it, they seem to have enough Lannisters floating around that though the House might diminish, it won't go extinct.  Whereas we just don't hear that much about Baratheon or Tywell cousins, nephews, etc....


Even the Starks - who have four legitimate children running around - also happen to be cousins with Kastarks who could just alter their names and take on the Stark dynasty since they are in fact kin.  I guess between the Mad King enjoying burning people, Robert's Rebellion, and the more recent War of 5 Kings, the main family lines have been dwindled quite a bit.


Constantinople - you would think, but the only family that seems to have cousins enough to take over the line is Lannisters.  Even with Kevin biting it, they seem to have enough Lannisters floating around that though the House might diminish, it won't go extinct.  Whereas we just don't hear that much about Baratheon or Tywell cousins, nephews, etc....


There's no particular reason we would hear about them, though. The Baratheon lineage is only important to the story inasmuch as it puts people in line for the Iron Throne, and after the Baratheon who was only one place removed from inheriting tried to jump the line and was immediately murdered, I wouldn't expect distant cousins with lesser claims to press their luck.


With the Tyrells -- the show version, at least -- the only issue with the line of succession is that Loras is Mace's only son, making Margaery or her children next in line to inherit Highgarden. But I don't see any reason to believe that there aren't other Tyrells in line behind Margaery who would inherit if both of Mace's children were out of the picture. (And Margaery does mention her cousin Alanna at one point, though of course we don't know what side of the family she's on.)

Edited by Dev F
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As far as speculation for next year, by region:


- Braavos:  No idea whatsoever, honestly.  Arya's story is the biggest wildcard in the narrative, as it really feels like she could go almost anywhere (and there's a wide variety of hints as to where that could be, as she has unfinished business in several places).


- Meereen:  I think that the Sons of the Harpy stuff may be largely dealt with at the end of this season, but how exactly they proceed for there is open to question.  That priestess character sounds like she'd most readily fit in the Meereen narrative, and I think the "mixed ethnicity" warrior is the sort of casting they've previously done for the Dothraki, so people thinking Dany wouldn't be spending time amongst the horse lords may be wrong (and besides which, Dany has to have something to do other than invade, because all the other plots have to have room to proceed).  I'm also expecting Doran to send some of the Dornish characters here to meet with Dany.


- King's Landing:  Jaime will probably return here with Myrcella and some other Dornish characters, after leaving at the end of season 5.  The trials, etc. will play out.  What happens beyond that is open to question, and I'm not sure whether Jaime is going to stick around here or go somewhere else.


- The North:  Littlefinger is going to be showing up with Vale troops, which seems like how they're going to reintegrate him into Sansa's plot, something that I had a very hard time making sense of based on the changes they were making in early season 5.  It seems like characters like Brienne and Pod should be in this setting too, unless/until there's some kind of general evacuation, but at the same time it seems like Brienne really should meet up with Jaime again.  Now that I think about it, since Sansa's location is now public, I suppose Jaime could come up here -- but then, he has to kill Cersei, so that doesn't really feel like it works either.


- The Riverlands:  We've been told in the past that we will see the Freys again, and this seems like when it would be, but I have no idea how that will work on a narrative level.


As far as speculation for next year, by region:


- Braavos:  No idea whatsoever, honestly.  Arya's story is the biggest wildcard in the narrative, as it really feels like she could go almost anywhere (and there's a wide variety of hints as to where that could be, as she has unfinished business in several places).


- Meereen:  I think that the Sons of the Harpy stuff may be largely dealt with at the end of this season, but how exactly they proceed for there is open to question.  That priestess character sounds like she'd most readily fit in the Meereen narrative, and I think the "mixed ethnicity" warrior is the sort of casting they've previously done for the Dothraki, so people thinking Dany wouldn't be spending time amongst the horse lords may be wrong (and besides which, Dany has to have something to do other than invade, because all the other plots have to have room to proceed).  I'm also expecting Doran to send some of the Dornish characters here to meet with Dany.


- King's Landing:  Jaime will probably return here with Myrcella and some other Dornish characters, after leaving at the end of season 5.  The trials, etc. will play out.  What happens beyond that is open to question, and I'm not sure whether Jaime is going to stick around here or go somewhere else.


- The North:  Littlefinger is going to be showing up with Vale troops, which seems like how they're going to reintegrate him into Sansa's plot, something that I had a very hard time making sense of based on the changes they were making in early season 5.  It seems like characters like Brienne and Pod should be in this setting too, unless/until there's some kind of general evacuation, but at the same time it seems like Brienne really should meet up with Jaime again.  Now that I think about it, since Sansa's location is now public, I suppose Jaime could come up here -- but then, he has to kill Cersei, so that doesn't really feel like it works either.


- The Riverlands:  We've been told in the past that we will see the Freys again, and this seems like when it would be, but I have no idea how that will work on a narrative level.


My hopes and semi-speculation:


Meereen: I hope that Dany is done with it this season and that she makes one last stand inviting all who want to come with her.  My hope is that season six will be her journey to Westerous with the entry way being Dorne.  I expect this troop to include whatever Dothraki and Unsullied she still has loyal to her, her Dragons, and at the very least Tyrion (and at some point Varys).  I hope Jorah can live long enough to see her through some of this journey but since we know he will die - I don't think we can predict how long he has left.


Braavos: I hope that if Dany's journey takes her through Braavos, she will for whatever reason pick Ayra up along the way.  I'm even ok if Ayra doesn't reveal herself right away, but I want Arya to decide that she wants to reclaim needle and her Stark name and catch a ride back to Westerous with the Mother of Dragons.


Dorne: Now that he's there, I'm kind of hoping Jamie stays in Dorne for at least the start of season six.  I am still hoping they do the Queenmaking plot with Marcella and that Jamie somehow gets sucked into supporting it.  Then when word comes that Dany is coming to Westerous through Dorne, I want Jamie to meet up with her and Tryion.  Whatever the outcome, I think it could be interesting to see Jamie explain to her why he became the kingslayer and see him decide if she would be a good ruler or not.  Plus I want to see Tryion and Jamie interact once more before Jamie rides off to meet his doom with Cersei (which is what I think is coming). 


King's Landing: I suspect what will play out here will be minor compared to everywhere else, but I think we will see the results of the Queen Trials and possibly the setup of a batshit crazy Cersei preparing to burn the city to the ground.  If the show is set to go only seven seasons, I believe they'd want Dany in King's Landing by either the end of season six or the start of season seven.


The Reach: I think this will be where they add some drama in and make the Iron Borne a problem that King's Landing, the Lannisters, and the very weak King Tommen can't handle.  I think we could also see a transition from House Tywell being the dominate family in the Reach to House Tarley taking over simply because of the recent reminder that Randall Tarley was a good war leader and I suspect he will end up fighting the Iron Born on behalf of the Reach since High Garden will have either lost their heir at that point or be wrapped up in trying to save Loras/Marg.


The Riverlands: While I wouldn't mind seeing them again, the only way I see them coming back into play is if Stannis wins at Winterfell and marches south to King's Landing in season six. Perhaps if he does, Sansa makes sure some Freys pay for the Red Wedding along the way.  I would love to see the Blackfish again.


The Vale: I don't think we'll see it again, but we might see Vale soldiers or references to them.


Winterfell: I think/hope the show will give us the victor to the Battle at Winterfell this season and I highly suspect that Littlefinger and the Vale soldiers will either arrive too late to make an impact or will come in just in time to save Stannis (I've been back and forth about who Littlefinger would side with - Stannis or the Boltons - but now that he sees the Lannisters crumbling in KL and knows he has to rid the North of the Boltons to be named Warden of the North - I think he will support Stannis).  I believe he will expect Sansa to become his bride, but I hope she refuses him and makes her own bargain with Stannis. Or she does agree to the marriage for now, but secretly dispatches Brie to find Rickon so that he can reclaim Winterfell in the Stark name.  I really want Sansa to be the end of LF - it would be true poetic justice since in his own way, he began the downfall of her family.


The Wall: This seems hard to predict, but I hope we will see Jon return to lead a battle against the whitewalkers sometime in season six - setting us up for the ultimate war in season seven when Dany and her dragons join him.


Beyond the Wall: I fully expect them to show Bran and get into the mystery of the whitewalkers a bit more next season.

Edited by nksarmi

My thoughts for next season....


Mereen-I think we're just about done there and Dany's heading to Westeros next season.


Braavos-Dany might well stop there and pick up Arya on the way. 


The North:  Littlefinger is going to be showing up with Vale troops, which seems like how they're going to reintegrate him into Sansa's plot, something that I had a very hard time making sense of based on the changes they were making in early season 5.


And then my bet is that Sansa is the one to take down Littlefinger...who may arrive just in time to hear some revelations about Jon.


I think Brienne summons Jaime and they meet up North or in the Riverlands.

I hope that Dany's time with the Dothraki is a mercifully brief two-episode thing before she returns to Meereen and gets on a ship around 6x03 or 6x04.


If Show Arya spends time with actors instead of returning with Mace, I have no idea how she gets back to Westeros.


If Show Jaime returns to KL with Myrcella, it's going to be tough for him to leave the city without looking like an idiot who abandons his kids when they're in a dangerous, volatile situation.


Maybe they'll merge the North/Vale/Riverlands storylines by having Littlefinger's army seek Walder's permission to move north to fight Stannis just when a "Bolton" army arrives south. Littlefinger and Walder discover it's actually Sansa's new army, but it's too late for them to save themselves.

You know for some reason in the books, not even Kevin's death made me realize how much everything is crumbling for Tommen's reign, but on the show I feel like it's very clear that he isn't going to be king for much longer.  I have said I thought they still might do the queenmaking plot with the Dorne and now I wonder if Tommen doesn't get straight up killed at some point or if he has to flee KL (or if the HS doesn't try to full on seize power through him). 


Depending on how things play out over the next three episodes, I think a major plot point for season six could be several people trying to make a play for a weak or empty Iron Throne even as Winter sets in.  From the casting news, if Stannis survives the Battle at Winterfell (which I feel more and more like he isn't going to make it out, but we can't rule him out yet), he will be coming from the North.  Euron and the Iron Born could come through the Reach.  And Dorne could come up through the South with Marcella and Jamie on their side. 


Of course, I feel like Dany must - MUST - get to Westerous by the end of season six (enough is enough already) and perhaps she will come in and make them all bend the knee and settle the fight.  But I firmly believe now that Tommen will not be king for much longer and season six will focus on who is going to replace him.

What do you think of this?



Despite the high body count among the heroes of Game of Thrones, most readers have never believed that cliffhanger or Jon Snow’s death would stick. There are a few options when it comes to bringing a human back from the dead on Game of Thrones. We can assume Melisandre is capable of something like that. She might need to burn a lot of royal blood to pull it off, but I wouldn’t put it past her. Carice Van Houten said she has another big scene with Kit Harrington in Season 5, so the Red Woman is a possibility. We also know, from Season 3, that the red priest Thoros of Myr can bring people back from the dead. He’s done it several times with Beric Dondarrian. One theory as to why the show hasn’t given us Thoros of Myr resurrecting Lady Stoneheart (a.k.a. Zombie Catelyn Stark) is that creators Dan Weiss and David Benioff didn’t want to ruin the surprise behind a Myrish resurrection of Jon Snow.


But what if it’s neither of those options? What if it’s the Night’s King who brings Jon Snow back from the dead? I’m not talking about bringing him back as a mindless wight destined to go all skeletal. What if the Night’s King sees something special in Jon Snow? Maybe he sees an heir to his icy throne? What if this season ends with Jon Snow opening an icy blue eye and going to the dark side? (It might make a nice visual parallel to what I presume will be an eye-heavy final shot for Maisie Williams this season.) He might be an evil Jon Snow for a bit before being redeemed by the magic of his brother Bran. He might stay evil and lead the forces of the dead against Daenerys Targaryen. (Ice vs. Fire, anyone?) Or he might retain his character and just have an alluring new eye color next year. But one thing is for certain, the Night’s King has a major role to play in all this and that “ARISE!!!” scene can’t be a coincidence.


That would be a shocker! 


More at link.

I'm not big on the cult of Jon Snow, so I'd be down with him dying. I don't think he will die, mind you, but I wouldn't care if he did.

There are characters who are going to make it through from the pilot through the finale, although they might die in the finale. I think Jon is one who makes it all the way. If I were a betting person, and I'll be honest, I am, I'd say this: Tyrion survives. Sansa survives. Bran is a tree. Rickon survives.

My season 6&7 death predictions: Dany dies in the finale. Cersei goes out in the burning of KL, which she instigates. Arya dies after killing someone important on her list. Theon sacrifices himself for Sansa. Jorah sacrifices himself for Dany. Jaime sacrifices himself for the realm (Brienne). Tommen is so so dead. Myrcella dies too.

Have I hit all the living characters from the pilot? Just to clarify more, I think Tommen, Jorah and Arya all die in S6. Myrcella early in S7. Cersei mid S7, Jaime and Theon in the episode before the last. Dany is the big dramatic finale death.

Have I hit all the living characters from the pilot? 


Illyrio, Benjen (maybe) and the Hound (maybe).



I think Theon will be dead long before the penultimate episode of the series, could see him going this season to be honest.


I don't think Arya will die. She'll either end up as Queen, a Faceless man permanently  or some wandering vagabond.

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I think Jon and Dany make it through until the very last episode and either go down together to save the realm or survive and rule.  I know that sounds cliché, but I so believe their fates are tied to one another.


I believe Tyrion and Sansa survive the whole story as does Rickon.  I have no idea who would rule if Jon and Dany are both toast - perhaps the 7 Kingdoms separate?


Cersei is going to go out like a villain and Jamie is going to go out like a hero.  I think Brie could survive, but I'm not betting on it.


I think Theon will die and Ayra might be the one to do it, but when she does, it will be a mercy, not revenge.  I believe in the end Ayra might die, but "a girl" will live.

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One of the Spanish locations must be Oldtown, but the Casterly Rock speculation is interesting.


Rickon is the only character I'm 100% sure will survive because fathering the next Starks seems like his reason for existing. The other Starks/Dany/Tyrion will survive until it's time to fight the Others, then any of them could die. But I don't think the showrunners would be so happy with GRRM's ending if Tyrion died, so he probably gets the Rock.


I have no idea who would rule if Jon and Dany are both toast - perhaps the 7 Kingdoms separate?


Cersei is going to go out like a villain and Jamie is going to go out like a hero.


The end of the Iron Throne seems like a possibility, but at the moment only the North, the Iron Islands and Dorne seem to be in a position where they have both potential monarchs and a sense of themselves as different from the rest of the realm.


I think it's likely that Jaime dies after killing Cersei. Even if she's burned King's Landing that will still be kinslaying and will follow the kingslaying, incest, etc., so it could be a situation where only readers, not people in Westeros, see any reason to not consider Jaime a villain.

Davos can't continue supporting Stannis, so if he lives he'll probably join the Wall or Sansa plots or be sent to find Rickon.


So the last legitimate Baratheon heir is dead, Edric Storm doesn't exist on the show, and Gendry is still rowing. Things aren't looking good. Also in danger: house Martell. Who could think that sending an inexperienced teen to represent you in King's Landing would be a good idea? The show is probably going full Romeo and Juliet with Trystane and the doomed Myrcella. Doran's only option will be legitimizing a Sand Snake.


I said this in the episode thread, but since I don't think it will be revealed until season six - I will say here that I think the Aegon plot is in after all and he isn't fake.  Unless someone can point it out, I don't recall anything specifically saying Doran only has one child on the show.  I think they could still give us his daughter (and I hope they do) AND I think she is his only heir.  I think the son engaged to Marcella is really Aegon on the show.  He was a baby when he was supposedly killed which should place him at approximately the same age as both Dany and Jon and the actor does appear to be in that age range on the show.


So we have Dany born in the worst storm of history right about the time of the rebellion, Aegon who was just a baby himself when this all happened, and Jon who was born amidst the rebellion - all about the same age, the dragon has three heads. 


I've seen GRRM mention how he wishes the show had included Lady Stoneheart or Loras' brothers because they are important. But he doesn't mention the missing secret Targ?????? I think Aegon is in as Doran's "son." 


And if Doran took Elliara into his confidence once she kissed his ring, that would explain her change of attitude toward Jamie in the last scene.  Doran is playing the game and we are going to see it amp up in season six - big time.

Edited by nksarmi
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I said this in the episode thread, but since I don't think it will be revealed until season six - I will say here that I think the Aegon plot is in after all and he isn't fake.  Unless someone can point it out, I don't recall anything specifically saying Doran only has one child on the show.  I think they could still give us his daughter (and I hope they do) AND I think she is his only heir.  I think the son engaged to Marcella is really Aegon on the show.  He was a baby when he was supposedly killed which should place him at approximately the same age as both Dany and Jon and the actor does appear to be in that age range on the show.


So we have Dany born in the worst storm of history right about the time of the rebellion, Aegon who was just a baby himself when this all happened, and Jon who was born amidst the rebellion - all about the same age, the dragon has three heads. 


I've seen GRRM mention how he wishes the show had included Lady Stoneheart or Loras' brothers because they are important. But he doesn't mention the missing secret Targ?????? I think Aegon is in as Doran's "son." 


And if Doran took Elliara into his confidence once she kissed his ring, that would explain her change of attitude toward Jamie in the last scene.  Doran is playing the game and we are going to see it amp up in season six - big time.

This theory gave me the chills. Crap.

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They could show a very quick scene in the finale of Doran revealing to the Sand Snakes or better Ellaria that he had sent the message to Cersei to bring Lannisters to Dorne. I really like this speculation.

Is Davos jut going to take Sam and Gilly the hell out of dodge and be wrapped into Old Town plot or will they just meet up with Arya in Braavos? I feel like other than King's Landing they never have too many characters together too long so maybe Arya will be on her own for longer. Many characters meeting up didn't work out very well in Dorne.

I now think that the show is leading up to Daenerys ruling at the end, something that I thought possible but not the most likely ending. I felt like it was strange that she was talking about doing great things without violence when she is planning on conquering a continent she has never set up foot on with giant, flame throwing dragons. It is like the show keeps telling us she means well no matter the results or her actual decisions.

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