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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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I'm not sure how she can be so far gone into Littlefinger territory to set up Rickon and Jon to potentially die.  I am trying to remember the Littlefinger scene in the trailer, he doesn't look that confident...also just watched it again (no life right now), he looks down and up over his shoulder.  Maybe Jon confronts him with Ghost.  I think I just want a ghost scene, since it doesn't sound like there's one in the battle anyways.

Also, wasn't there a rumor about seeing Nymeria and her pack?  Something about a scene with wolves filmed in a forest.  I just really want a direwolf scene that doesn't end with them dead.  

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1 hour ago, amandawoods said:

I'm not sure how she can be so far gone into Littlefinger territory to set up Rickon and Jon to potentially die.  I am trying to remember the Littlefinger scene in the trailer, he doesn't look that confident...also just watched it again (no life right now), he looks down and up over his shoulder.  Maybe Jon confronts him with Ghost.  I think I just want a ghost scene, since it doesn't sound like there's one in the battle anyways.

Also, wasn't there a rumor about seeing Nymeria and her pack?  Something about a scene with wolves filmed in a forest.  I just really want a direwolf scene that doesn't end with them dead.  

The Littlefinger scene has been speculated to take place in the godswood (background scenery seems to match certain trees used in the godswood set), so likely not until after the BOTB if LF remains aligned with Sansa.

I'm not even sure if Ghost accompanied Jon or if he's still chilling at Castle Black. Those direwolves must be really, really expensive.

Rumours are flying around about the wolfpack, but in connection with the Riverlands (as in the books), not the north.

Emilia Clarke indicated in a NY Times interview that "The next episodes might be a real turning point as she is about to make a real move toward the Targaryen in her blood." Yay?

The media seems to have realized that the Sansa pregnancy theory is a thing; it's been reported on at Esquire.com and The Independent, among other places.


I agree with SeanC that Sansa would become an out and out villain if she deliberately withholds the Vale forces from the battle to strengthen her own position and weaken Jon's army by doing to Jon exactly what Littlefinger planned to do with Stannis and Ramsay (let them weaken each other and then come in at the last minute to mop up what's left of the victor's forces). It's far too early to conclude that that's what will happen, though. 

Edited by Eyes High

Thinking on Jon's being crowned king, it looks to me like the show is giving us the Robb's will plotline...except without Robb's will.  Robb's will in the books presumably disinherits Sansa, legitimizes Jon, releases him from the Night's Watch, and names him heir to the throne.  Each of these developments significantly addresses issues that I'm sure people will raise about Jon taking the throne over legitimate siblings, as well as explaining why Northern houses wouldn't have an issue with him leaving the Watch without getting into the "I was technically dead" loophole.

I'm also wondering if Bran's asking Sam not to tell Jon about him is GRRM wanting to make sure Jon has a clean conscience re: his legitimate brothers at the moment he puts the crown on, since Robb's will obviously wouldn't address them.

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3 hours ago, SeanC said:

A few more 606 images posted on WOTW.  Nothing really strange or startling.  We see Lancel at the Sept of Baelor, and it confirms that Joffrey's death is dramatized in the play (presumably what Arya was looking at in the earlier photo, as many guessed).

The most interesting detail is that Lancel's weapon matches dents on Frankenmountain's armor in one of the trailer shots. So we can assume this throne room march happens after Cersei chooses violence.

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4 minutes ago, Lady S. said:

The most interesting detail is that Lancel's weapon matches dents on Frankenmountain's armor in one of the trailer shots. So we can assume this throne room march happens after Cersei chooses violence.

Good catch!

A guess as to how the remainder of the KL plot is going to go in Season 6 beneath the cut (informed by some pretty big spoilers as well as trailer/promo material, so be warned):



1. 6x06: Jaime assembles the Tyrell troops, headed by Mace. Meanwhile, Tommen meets with the High Sparrow. The High Sparrow, Margaery, Septa Unella, Lancel and the sparrows stand on the steps leading up to the Sept. The Tyrell army faces them. Everything looks set for a walk of atonement...until psych! The High Sparrow announces that Tommen and Margaery have converted. Violence is averted...for now. Later, Cersei informs Jaime that the Blackfish has retaken Riverrun and that the Freys want help ("Stand at the head of our army"). Cersei sends Jaime to the Riverlands, but not before they have sex.

2. 6x07-6x09 (probably not 6x09, depending on how much time the BOTB takes up): Tommen is alienated from his mother and under the High Sparrow's power. Margaery is making a pretty good show of being the penitent convert and is dressing modestly. The sparrows, led by Lancel, try to do something to Cersei (take her into custody again...?). Cersei refuses ("I choose violence"), the sparrows attack, and the Mountain kills them all. Cersei and Tommen have a confrontation in the throne room. Either Tommen denies Cersei trial by combat, or Tommen dies (by jumping out a window?) and the High Sparrow denies Cersei trial by combat. The little birds kill someone (Pycelle? Kevan? Both?). Olenna leaves KL.

3. 6x10: The stage is set for Cersei's trial, to be held at the Sept of Baelor. The High Sparrow has summoned Cersei to attend the trial and is confident she'll show up. The Sept fills up with people, and there's no sign of Cersei, but the High Sparrow is still confident she'll show up. Little does he realize that Cersei has arranged for the caches of wildfire beneath the Sept to be set off, killing not only the High Sparrow and everyone who arrived for the trial, but also Loras, Margaery, and possibly Mace. (Tommen might also die this way.)


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If there is conflict between Jon and Sansa, I wonder if it's more a result of the show's haphazard plotting than GRRM's endgame. In the books, Sansa has no idea her brothers are still alive and it seems that Littlefinger's intention is to press her claim with Vale soldiers. If she eventually meets up with Jon, it would make sense that their allies have competing agendas.  If Jon does get declared King in the North on the show, despite knowing all of his siblings are still alive, he really is kind of a usurper. The show would have to find a way of reconciling these two stories without tarnishing the characters too badly. I wouldn't be shocked if Sansa got thrown under the bus, but after the backlash to her story last season, the writers may be a little more careful with her.  It's not as if the writers don't have a long history of making major changes and then shoving the characters back into their book plots, no matter whether it makes sense or  not. 


I hope those are wrong, at least a little. I'll miss




2 hours ago, Eyes High said:

The media seems to have realized that the Sansa pregnancy theory is a thing; it's been reported on at Esquire.com and The Independent, among other places.

The media will write up every fanboard speculation with screaming headlines, for clicks, if there is enough speculation to cause several pages on said fanboards.

Edited by FemmyV
53 minutes ago, FemmyV said:

I hope those are wrong, at least a little. I'll miss

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The media will write up every fanboard speculation with screaming headlines, for clicks, if there is enough speculation to cause several pages on said fanboards.

Yeah, the Jon/Meera twins theory was making the rounds on Huffington Post and the like a while back.


DMT and truede didn't say anything about a Sansa pregnancy, and DMT seems to know what's up in the Northern storyline, so that theory is likely incorrect.

DMT also says no Jon/Sansa romance.

I think the Tyrells have run out of story, myself. They need to go to clear the way for Dany and company. Margaery has always been doomed in both the books and the show, in my opinion.

A few other thoughts on truede's spoilers:


Who else is still alive? The Hound. He is saved by some followers of some sort. They all get killed by some former Brotherhood Without Banners members while he is away. The Hound meets up with the other Brotherhood Without Banners and gets revenge.

Just from this description of events, is there another main character POV in this scene, or is it just the Hound?  It doesn't seem like there's time for Brienne to get sidetracked from her mission to Riverrun.

Jaime is forced to go to Riverrun and retake the castle from The Blackfish for the Freys. Brienne also goes to Riverrun to try and get the Tullys to join up and retake Winterfell. Brienne fails but escapes. Edmure is forced by Jaime to enter Riverrun and give it up since he is the rightful owner. The Blackfish apparently dies in battle but we never actually see it happen.

Man, Jaime's arc really is derailing.  It sounds like Brienne has to flee from the Lannister forces, even, and the Blackfish ends up dead (offscreen?).

Samwell's father doesn't approve of Gilly. Samwell decides he doesn't care and leaves. But not before stealing his father's Valyrian sword. 

So, Sam doesn't leave Gilly at Horn Hill after stealing his father's sword, right?  Because that shouldn't end well, if he does.  Also, is he not planning to stay in Oldtown, because otherwise I don't see how it makes any sense to steal Randyll's sword -- he knows where to find him.

1 hour ago, amandawoods said:

Frickdoctor has a video posted on reddit, if anyone wants to translate. Everything has been pretty much guessed right now, except Bran sees Jamie kill the Mad King.  

Does anyone have any speculation on why Bran would need to see that?

I can translate if you want, but I can't find it on Reddit. Or is it the same one he posted on YouTube today?


Man, Jaime's arc really is derailing.  It sounds like Brienne has to flee from the Lannister forces, even, and the Blackfish ends up dead (offscreen?).



These spoilers are too vague to determine what's actually happening. If Jaime tries to get Edmure to surrender RR as he does in the novels, it sounds like he tries to resolve it peacefully. Which, again, is what happens in the books. We don't know what happens after that. There have never been solid, fully formed spoilers for the Riverlands this season. There are massive holes. And do we really think that Blackfish is going to promise Brienne those forces for Sansa before things devolve? Her face and Pod's face in the S6 trailer indicates otherwise. Something's not right. Furthermore, do we really think the season just ends there, with the situation at RR? There's no way. There's something being kept massively under wraps.

Edited by Audreythe2nd
57 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

The video wasn't really a spoiler video like his previous ones, it's just speculation based on all the known articles, trailers, pictures, etc. Besides the Jaime/Mad King/Bran vision that amandawoods mentioned, the only new info is that Tommen, after converting to the Faith, adopts a new sigil that features the seven pointed star. He also says something about Drogon taking a big dump on the Dothraki as he flies over them, but I think that was just a joke.

3 hours ago, Audreythe2nd said:
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These spoilers are too vague to determine what's actually happening. If Jaime tries to get Edmure to surrender RR as he does in the novels, it sounds like he tries to resolve it peacefully. Which, again, is what happens in the books. We don't know what happens after that. There have never been solid, fully formed spoilers for the Riverlands this season. There are massive holes. And do we really think that Blackfish is going to promise Brienne those forces for Sansa before things devolve? Her face and Pod's face in the S6 trailer indicates otherwise. Something's not right. Furthermore, do we really think the season just ends there, with the situation at RR? There's no way. There's something being kept massively under wraps.



The way I see it the most likely twist is that Brienne finds Arya and the Hound and gets pulled into Arya's plan to get revenge on the Freys. Given that Walder Frey was responsible for Cat's murder and Brienne swore an oath to Cat, I could see her agreeing to sign on for that mission.

In this scenario, Arya basically takes on the role of Lady Stoneheart (in deed if not in name). This could in turn be a case of the show realigning with the books if the play causes Brienne to end up having to face Jaime Lannister.

That could end in a stalemate or even Jaime changing sides, but I think the 'go big or go home' pitch I have to make for that scenario is that either Jaime or Brienne dies by the hand of the other as duty to their respective allegiances comes before their possible feelings for each other and neither will back down. Between Jaime's missing hand, the rumors about King's Landing and the show presenting Brienne/Tormund as a possible alternate 'ship... my money would be on Brienne being forced to kill Jaime if it actually gets that far.

The bit about King's Landing is the damning bit for me, because I don't see where Jaime goes next season. Based on all accounts Tommen, Margery, Loras, Mace, Kevan, Pycelle and the High Sparrow all perish in episode 10 (Lancel and the Septa perish even sooner than that). That leaves Cersei, Mountainstein and Qybern as the only remaining characters in King's Landing with Dany's invasion force likely on the way to crush all opposition early next season. Unless he's joining forces with Arya and the Hound to mercy kill Cersei before Dany gets there, there's nothing left for him at King's Landing (he can't expect to survive Dany's wrath as the murderer of her father). Likewise if Arya pulls off her murder of the Frey leadership then he's got no support in the Riverlands either unless he pulls a complete HeelFace Turn and joins team Stark.

My hunch though is that Jaime and Cersei's stories are as close their ends as Littlefingers is (and I really expect him to die in the finale) and everyone not on Team Stark or Team Dany will be gone from the table early next year at the latest.

One other understated element in play is that if both Blackfish and Edmure die and the latter has not produced an heir then Bran and Sansa are next in line to rule the Riverlands.


12 hours ago, amandawoods said:

Frickdoctor has a video posted on reddit, if anyone wants to translate. Everything has been pretty much guessed right now, except Bran sees Jamie kill the Mad King.  

Does anyone have any speculation on why Bran would need to see that?

Well there is a theory floating around that Bran is the whispers that the Mad King heard. So maybe they are using this scene, to set up that revelation for later down the track. Just going crazy with this thought: Just like how Bran was the vessel that allowed Willas to hear Meera shouting Hold The Door! Perhaps while Bran was visting the Mad King in a vision someone from the future was shouting Burn Them All (in relation to some wrights that were attacking) and the Mad King heard them.

Edited by Bill1978
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9 minutes ago, Bill1978 said:

Well there is a theory floating around that Bran is the whispers that the Mad King heard. So maybe they are using this scene, to set up that revelation for later down the track. Just going crazy with this thought: Just like how Bran was the vessel that allowed Willas to hear Meera shouting Hold The Door! Perhaps while Bran was visting the Mad King in a vision someone from the future was shouting Burn Them All (in relation to some wrights that were attacking) and the Mad King heard them.

Good grief. If that's true then Bran really IS "Woobie the Destroyer of Worlds." Of course if that's what happened then it HAS to happen because unless the Mad King kills Rickard and Brandon Stark, Ned will never marry Catlyn and have Bran to go back in time and end up driving the king mad.

Also, if true, I think it will become a given that Bran will abdicate his rightful position as Lord of Winterfell. To his mind he ended up virtually destroying House Stark by driving the King mad and so he's not worthy of becoming its Lord.

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1 hour ago, WearyTraveler said:

I think it's more likely they are showing us Aerys to remind us the wildfire and the many hidden caches still buried underneath KL. In preparation for:

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Cersei burning it all down

That was my thought exactly. I bet Bran hears Aerys state that he's going to burn the city to the ground with wildfire under the sept, and he sees Jaime kill him after said declaration. 

1 hour ago, SeanC said:

The German Sky website has what are supposedly the episode titles for the last three episodes online.  They translate as:

608:  No One

609:  The Battle of the Bastards

610:  The Winds of Winter

Good lord, am I to take it from the title of 608 that Arya doesn't even reclaim her identity and make it out of Braavos until episode eight of this season? So much for her having any impact on the Riverlands plot.

I guess it could be that she leaves earlier and manages to assassinate Walder Frey in 608 and the utterance of the line is just an ironic echo because with her vengeance on Frey she's finally reclaimed her identity... but given the pace her stuff has been moving I'm NOT optimistic.

Edited by Chris24601
5 minutes ago, Chris24601 said:

Good lord, am I to take it from the title of 608 that Arya doesn't even reclaim her identity and make it out of Braavos until episode eight of this season? So much for her having any impact on the Riverlands plot.

I guess it could be that she leaves earlier and manages to assassinate Walder Frey in 608 and the utterance of the line is just an ironic echo because with her vengeance on Frey she's finally reclaimed her identity... but given the pace her stuff has been moving I'm NOT optimistic.

I imagine she leaves Braavos in 608, is absent from 609 (which would give Maisie 8 episodes for the season), and then shows up at the Twins in 610 to assassinate Walder Frey (hence, the Frey celebration we see in the promo).  I figured her involvement in the Frey vengeance story would be more elaborate than that, but perhaps not.

38 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Someone got a hold of the Emmy consideration package. Ian McShane's name has been put forward in the Guest Actor category, and apparently his character's name is...Ray.

Isn't it possible that's just a placeholder name because they knew this might leak? They had codenames for the ToJ Kingsguard and the Freys this season.

2 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Someone got a hold of the Emmy consideration package. Ian McShane's name has been put forward in the Guest Actor category, and apparently his character's name is...Ray.

If that's his actual name and not a placeholder, as was suggested in an above post, that's a strange choice.  It's not overly suggestive of a medieval traveling preacher.

1 hour ago, FemmyV said:

This could maybe also set Bran up, to remember Jamie & Cersie, and his fall, I hope.

I seem to remember from one of Isaac's pre-season interviews that he was trying to play Bran as if he had watched all the preceding seasons, which, if so, is both not coming across and really inconsistent with what's being written (there's honestly no sense that Bran learned much of anything in his season off, beyond the rudiments of operating the weirwood, and even then he's being guided everywhere) -- but maybe he meant more how Bran is going to be after Bloodraven's mental download?  If so, one imagines he would know that.  Though now that I think about it, how relevant is that information at this point, anyway?  Bran doesn't seem likely to have anything to do with Jaime or Cersei going forward.

Edited by SeanC
2 hours ago, ElizaD said:

Cackling at the 6x10 title. What a way to make it clear that the show is passing the books.

I laughed pretty hard, too. GRRM's been pulling a lot of passive-aggressive stunts lately--not listing GOT among his favourite shows of the moment, posting the Dorne chapter right after Trystane and Doran were killed off--but assuming these titles are correct, calling the finale "The Winds of Winter," e.g. the book that GRRM has notoriously failed to publish in time for Season 6 despite being given multiple opportunities, would be passive-aggressive check and mate. Well done, D&D.


No matter what the episode is titled, it seems from the KL spoilers that the finale is going to to be downright apocalyptic. The spoiler sources haven't said much about the finale other than talking about the KL massacre, so I'm going to guess that some shit goes down that even they don't want to reveal.

Edited by Eyes High
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I'm more amused by episode 9 possibly being called "The Battle of the Bastards" since that name and Bastard Bowl were troll titles for that battle going around the internet ever since the battle spoilers leaked.

I wouldn't worry about Arya leaving in ep 8. If Littlefinger can teleport from the Vale all the way to Castle Black in the span of one episode, Arya can teleport over an ocean in an episode too if the plot demands it.

If Ep 10 is really titled The Winds of Winter then I think it's a safe bet to suggest dat wall is finally coming down.

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

Well there is a theory floating around that Bran is the whispers that the Mad King heard. So maybe they are using this scene, to set up that revelation for later down the track. Just going crazy with this thought: Just like how Bran was the vessel that allowed Willas to hear Meera shouting Hold The Door! Perhaps while Bran was visting the Mad King in a vision someone from the future was shouting Burn Them All (in relation to some wrights that were attacking) and the Mad King heard them.

I'm glad someone brought that up because that scene of him muttering and Jaime having to kill him was literally the first thing I thought of after Hodor.



Meera Reed and Bran Stark are still being chased by a group of Wights and it seems the wights are catching up.Meera is exhausted and about to give up on Bran.We see a man on a horseback seemingly with a flaming sword who kills a couple of wights with a strike and the rest by dismounting from his horse.A close up shows the man to be Ned’s brother Benjen Stark who’d left the wall in season. Bran is still in his visions and Meera doesn’t recognize him.He says he knows what’s happened and they need to take Bran to Castle Black.A well shot scene.

The crowd at Kings landing has gathered at the Red Keep for Margaery’s atonement.The HS is recalling Margaery’s sins and Margaery confesses to lying to the Gods about Loras’s affairs and says she repents.The HS says the Gods have accepted her repentance and have taken her to be a servent of the Seven.A long speech.Just then the Tyrell army arrives but Margaery commands them to stay put.The king is impressed by the High Sparrow’s justice and agrees to use the 7 pointed star as a part of the sigil.Later a furious Cersei along with the Mountain demands a meeting with the HS but a fight breaks out b/w the Mountain and the sparrow guards.Cersei orders the Mountain to go after Septa Unella and he crushes her to death.

A vision about the death of the Mad King just as Jamie described to Brienne.Young Ned is the 1st to arrive after Jamie stabs the mad king and questions his honor.Jamie then sits on the iron throne but says he did it for Robert.

Sam and Gilly arrive at Horn Hill. His sister and mother are good people but his father is furious that he broke the vows of the Nights Watch by fathering a child.He doesnt believe Sam killed a WW and thinks the baby is his.He refuses to let Gilly stay.Sam leaves his home with Gilly and on the carriage tells her he stole his father’s Valyrian swordWalder frey is at the Twins celebrating the wedding of his son.

A raven arrives which says he can get Riverrun if he agrees on one condition.No word on whom the letter is from.Possibly LF or Jaime.Arya arrives at the play and goes backstage.She’s serving wine with the poison to the actress.The actress remarks that Arya has the looks of a lady and offers her a position in her cast.She says they’ll be going to the Twins for Walder Frey’s daughter’s wedding.Arya sees the opportunity to get a name off her list and spills the wine.

Daenerys and Daario are on the way to Mereen and converse.The khalasar see Drogon above and Dany is relieved that Drogon is coming with them.Varys says Dany is arriving with an army and they need to make provisions.The new priestesses spread the word of Dany returning as the end of Darkness.

Not ruling out Ian Mcshane’s or the Hound’s return in this episode but there was no word on it.Perhaps not to spoil. 

This was deleted on reddit, by HBO orders?  Anyway, someone copied it to another board, so here you go.  Pretty detailed, I hope it's true. Sorry if this has already been posted, I read the whole thread by could have missed it, hiding behind an unclicked spoiler tag.

Edited by Umbelina

About the possible 6x06 spoilers removed from Reddit:

Benjen's reintroduction sounds awesome. I hope that while he escorts Meera & Bran to the Wall in later episodes, he reveals what he's been up to the last few years. I don't see the point of Bran seeing Jaime kill the Mad King, but at least I'll get to see young Ned again. I love me some Ned Stark.

Arya being invited to join the theater troupe just as they're heading to the Twins is a little too convenient but if it finally gets her the hell out of Braavos, I'm all for it. But I'm sure there will be serious consequences down the line for her. And it won't be pretty. 

JFC, as if I couldn't hate the King's Landing storyline any more, I'm gonna be subjected to yet another "long speech" by the High Sparrow and Cersei exacting revenge on someone who's wronged her. King's Landing is just so damn pointless and being subjected to a KL heavy episode is not my idea of entertainment. I hate everyone in KL, except for Kevan and Loras and sometimes Margaery.

Wow, what a crazy season this has been from a spoiler perspective. I'd even be ready to call it bigger than season 5: that had the four episode leaks, which got more attention from casual fans, but for the superfans there have been major, detailed season 6 spoilers available for every plot and almost every episode, including the finale over a month before it airs (only the KL and Northern stuff, but that's still big). IIRC, only 6x07 and 6x08 are spoilerfree and we might still end up getting something for them too.

9 hours ago, Umbelina said:
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Meera Reed and Bran Stark are still being chased by a group of Wights and it seems the wights are catching up.Meera is exhausted and about to give up on Bran.We see a man on a horseback seemingly with a flaming sword who kills a couple of wights with a strike and the rest by dismounting from his horse.A close up shows the man to be Ned’s brother Benjen Stark who’d left the wall in season. Bran is still in his visions and Meera doesn’t recognize him.He says he knows what’s happened and they need to take Bran to Castle Black.A well shot scene.

The crowd at Kings landing has gathered at the Red Keep for Margaery’s atonement.The HS is recalling Margaery’s sins and Margaery confesses to lying to the Gods about Loras’s affairs and says she repents.The HS says the Gods have accepted her repentance and have taken her to be a servent of the Seven.A long speech.Just then the Tyrell army arrives but Margaery commands them to stay put.The king is impressed by the High Sparrow’s justice and agrees to use the 7 pointed star as a part of the sigil.Later a furious Cersei along with the Mountain demands a meeting with the HS but a fight breaks out b/w the Mountain and the sparrow guards.Cersei orders the Mountain to go after Septa Unella and he crushes her to death.

A vision about the death of the Mad King just as Jamie described to Brienne.Young Ned is the 1st to arrive after Jamie stabs the mad king and questions his honor.Jamie then sits on the iron throne but says he did it for Robert.

Sam and Gilly arrive at Horn Hill. His sister and mother are good people but his father is furious that he broke the vows of the Nights Watch by fathering a child.He doesnt believe Sam killed a WW and thinks the baby is his.He refuses to let Gilly stay.Sam leaves his home with Gilly and on the carriage tells her he stole his father’s Valyrian swordWalder frey is at the Twins celebrating the wedding of his son.

A raven arrives which says he can get Riverrun if he agrees on one condition.No word on whom the letter is from.Possibly LF or Jaime.Arya arrives at the play and goes backstage.She’s serving wine with the poison to the actress.The actress remarks that Arya has the looks of a lady and offers her a position in her cast.She says they’ll be going to the Twins for Walder Frey’s daughter’s wedding.Arya sees the opportunity to get a name off her list and spills the wine.

Daenerys and Daario are on the way to Mereen and converse.The khalasar see Drogon above and Dany is relieved that Drogon is coming with them.Varys says Dany is arriving with an army and they need to make provisions.The new priestesses spread the word of Dany returning as the end of Darkness.

Not ruling out Ian Mcshane’s or the Hound’s return in this episode but there was no word on it.Perhaps not to spoil. 

This was deleted on reddit, by HBO orders?

I think the general consensus on Reddit was that these spoilers were fake. Which is probably why they were deleted; the Reddit spoiler boards have been freely discussing the leaked spoilers all season, so it seems unlikely that they'd suddenly bow to HBO's pressure in this case, when the spoilers are completely innocuous, basically just repeating information already discussed elsewhere.

And the bits of new information seem pretty suspect to me; for instance


The Sept encounter is rather fecklessly plotted -- why would the writers reveal the resolution to the standoff (Margaery has converted!) before the standoff even begins? And the Walder Frey stuff is just silly; he's celebrating his son's wedding when he receives a mysterious message (much dramas!), and then the troupe conveniently decides to offer Arya a job in time for his daughter's wedding? I'd bet on this being completely bogus.

Edited by Dev F

Re: the spoilers.


The Frey stuff sounds all wrong to me.  First, "he can get Riverrun if he agrees on one condition"?  He's already Lord of Riverrun.  The stuff about the acting troupe also feels like old fan speculation, and I believe the largest roles in that story were for three episodes, so I don't see how that fits, since they've already appeared twice.

Additional Truede spoilers...  maybe...



(Spoilers Everything) Possible additional /u/truede leaks poste by a wotw user. self.freefolk Submitted 2 minutes ago by Khatib95 Treude’ has posted new info, but it keeps getting deleted. I’ll try to clear up what I can from reading his/her deleted posts…. 1- Benjen has been touched like Bran but is NOT a wight but does seem to have supernatural powers. 2- Jamie does meet Brienne at River Run, and they do part on uneasy terms, but Jamie does NOT kill Brynden Tully His fate is completely unknown by season’s end. 3- The Hound storyline is brief and really serves as nothing more than a build toward season 7. 4- Margery is NOT killed by a Qyburn ‘rat contraption’…. accordingly, she dies along with the other Tyrell’s and the High Septon in a fire(explosion?). 5- The Umbers are definitively aligned with the Boltons and Karstarks…. SmallJon is killed by Tormund, Ghost apparently goes on a Bolton/Umber/Karstark killing spree and Mel casts some kind of spell to protect Jon’s army(not exactly sure how this plays out?). 6- ‘Treude’ reiterates that Rickon is indeed killed by Ramsay via arrows after he tells him to run toward Jon. Shaggydog’s remains are neither seen or discussed. 7- Wun-Wun is NOT shot in the eye or killed by anyone. 8- Apparently Jon beats Ramsays face to a bloody pulp but relents and imprisons him. Accordingly, Ramsay’s death scene(whatever it may be) is shown in the second segment of episode 10, supposedly involving his dogs or possibly Ghost. 9- Arya kills the waif, retrieves Needle and heads for Westeros. Apparently Lady Crane is the one who informs Arya that Jon is the Lord Commander and has allied with Stannis and that Sansa was at Winterfell. 10- Jorah does NOT die this season and his greyscale has not spread any further. I can’t remember any of the Bran stuff or what ultimately happens at KL, nor do I recall any of the Essos/Dany plot.





give gold




As far as those supposed spoilers go, I don't really buy the stuff about Lady Crane telling her about Jon and Sansa (and I'm not even sure what they mean by him siding with Stannis, as that conspicuously didn't happen in the show), seeing as from all accounts Arya's first destination is the Riverlands.

I'm wondering if we aren't going to see Ramsay again before the finale, to leave people wondering what is going on with Rickon.  With Umber and Karstark's episode allotments used up other than 609, they can't appear again, and there isn't much else in the way of supporting characters available.

6 minutes ago, SeanC said:

I'm wondering if we aren't going to see Ramsay again before the finale, to leave people wondering what is going on with Rickon.  With Umber and Karstark's episode allotments used up other than 609, they can't appear again, and there isn't much else in the way of supporting characters available.

I don't think we will. As you say, Ramsey has killed off all the meaningful supporting characters he could interact with. The ONLY thing I could see Ramsey appearing for before 609 is if Littlefinger, still pretending to be his ally, stops by and plants the suggestion of killing Rickon in Ramsey's mind.

If that's not happening then I don't see Ramsey appearing again until 609 (when the Umber and Karstark die) and being executed in 610.

607 promo:

  1. Jaime confronting the Blackfish at Riverrun.
  2. Olenna telling Cersei that she is an idiot and responsible for all this (about time somebody pointed that out).
  3. Sansa and co. on the campaign trail, apparently trying to explain away one or both of her marriages, and sending a letter to somebody (Baelish, one imagines).
  4. Yara and Theon in Volantis.
  5. Tormund talking to the Wildlings to fight for Jon.
  6. Black Walder threatening to kill Edmure (and Bronn's first appearance of the season!).
  7. Davos' trailer speech about the dead coming, and Sansa looking worried about something.
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Detailed breakdown of 6x07 promo:

1. Blackfish meeting Jaime at Riverrun.

2. Frey dude from 6x06 looking around nervously in a misty field surrounded by other Frey dudes.

3. Blackfish informing Jaime "As long as I am still standing, the war is not over." Jaime riding through the Lannister camp.

4. Olenna telling Cersei "Our two houses face collapse because of your stupidity."

5. Sansa, Davos and Jon at Bear Island. Sansa saying "I did what I had to do to survive." Bearded dude I don't recognize walking up to Sansa in a courtyard (there's a banner with a fist in the background) as Sansa appears to brace herself. Sansa saying "I will always be a Stark." Sansa writing a letter and signing it "Sansa Stark."

6. Long bridge of Volantis (big ol' Greyjoy ship with the kraken sail docked nearby). Yara informing Theon "We'll take back the Iron Islands. Then we'll get revenge."

7. Tormund exhorting the wildlings to fight for Jon. "He died for us. If we're not willing to do the same for him, we're cowards."

8. Frey dude holding a knife to Edmure's throat.

9. Jaime and Bronn walking outside.

10. Someone with brown trousers and boots walking through a grassy field full of dead bodies.

11. Sansa turning around outdoors, looking apprehensive.

12. Davos' speech from the trailer about the living and dead.

Missing in action from promo/description: Tyrion, Dany, Bran, and Sam. We know Arya is in the episode thanks to the episode description ("Arya makes a plan") as well as the High Sparrow ("the High Sparrow eyes a new target").

Speculation: Sansa is writing a letter to Littlefinger to ask for his assistance after failing to get enough soldiers at Bear Island.

Edited by Eyes High
Just now, SeanC said:

The banner is the mailed fist of House Glover, who we were informed by Yara in 6x02 had retaken Deepwood Motte.

That makes sense. Sansa looks like she's expecting to get attacked, but maybe he surprises her.


Don't recall that the Glovers sided with the Starks for the BOTB from the spoilers, though.

Liam Cunningham said something about the Lyanna Mormont (e.g. Bear Island) scene that Davos has to get things on track after some people are threatening to derail the meeting (or words to that effect). Judging from the promo, I'm guessing Sansa gets dragged for marrying Ramsay, and that's what derails the meeting. It would also make sense for Jon to get chewed out for being a deserter, but I have a feeling that the show's not going to go there.

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