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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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I think its really all plausible.  But I think displaying Stannis is weird.  It would make more sense for it to be Roose and Walda.  And I"m hoping that there guess on Jon coming back mid season is wrong.  I would hate that.  I feel like the north storyline would be stalling.  But Dorne/Tyrell allies fighting who???? Euron?  It seems a season too soon.  

Edited by amanda5858

I'd say the above spoilers (shall we call them super-spoilers since we're spoiler tagging them in a spoiler-allowed thread?) are definitely plausible.

As much as


being killed would sadden me, I have to admit that the character hasn't had a signicant role in events for quite some time and that the death does have some useful plot potential

by muddying up the line of succession for Winterfell... Rickon made it easy, last known living legitimate son of Ned Stark. Now either Bran needs to return as eldest legitimate son or it becomes a choice between Sansa (eldest known living child) or Jon (the eldest male of the Stark line but through Lyanna rather than Ned and potentially still a bastard regardless) that Littlefinger will certainly try to exploit. Likewise, there's the plot of who killed Rickon since it sounds like it doesn't occur in the battle... so its probably an assassination and my bet is tying it back to Littlefinger will be the key to defusing him in the following season (and likely halting any attempts by him to wed Sansa).

Similarly, divorcing myself from the books, I can't be all that sad about

Dolorous Ed

dying either because they've been much more than a recurring extra on the show.

The thing that really bothers me is

all the Wildlings getting killed by the Boltons. Here these people were barely escaping death by the Walkers and the frakking Boltons wipe them out? Very frustrating since we're running out of legit supporting forces for the good guys... especially if they now have to rely on Littlefinger's allies now.

Unrelated to the above I love the bit about Ramsey

getting taken out by a dire wolf. Personally I'm hoping its Nymeria (representing Arya) so ALL the living Stark kids have a role in bringing the thug down. Hmmm... now that I think about it though, Rickon being killed could be one final F-you from Ramsey and if so then it definitely needs to be Shaggy Dog that does Ramsey in (and perhaps a slight bright spot if Rickon warged into his dire wolf and so lives on in that way... perhaps foreshadowed if Jon's spirit went into Ghost while his body was dead, allowing for a higher quality resurrection than the ones Thoros pulled where the spirit is degraded is degraded in the books).

  • Love 1

Eh. Most of these spoilers are just building on information that has already been widely disseminated by WOTW and L7R. As I said upthread, Foiler 101 is taking a bit of known information to make your story sound credible and adding your own fake spoilers in. Writers of TV foilers for GOT also love to mix in stuff from the books to make their fake information sound more credible.


There's a lot of information that gets my foiler hackles up, though: 


1. Littlefinger riding to Jon's rescue during the battle appearing out of nowhere, when it appears that there's a scene pre-battle with Jon, Littlefinger, Sansa and Ramsay inside the walls of Winterfell.

2. Rickon dying during the battle, when no reliable sources have placed him there. (Art Parkinson wasn't present at the battle wrap party, either.)

3. A mention of a huge naval battle filmed in secret. (Okay...)

4. Meereen's plot featuring "three Graces," who were never mentioned as being cast.

5. Jaime springing Loras and Margaery from the Sept, when in fact we only see Margaery being sprung in 6x06.

6. I thought there was some information about the Umbers siding with the Boltons.


With all that said, there's some stuff which seems to align with other rumours I've heard:


1. Yara dying.

2. The cross corpses being Stannis and Roose. (This makes sense, since the cross corpses are two "known" characters, and the list of known characters who could wind up on the cross is a short one, since we know that Davos and Tormund are at least alive before the battle takes place, since their respective actors were present at the wrap party.)

3. Ramsay dying after being bitten by Ghost.

4. Dorne/Tyrell alliance.


So who knows?

Edited by Eyes High

Well the spoiled scene of those four people filming at WF was speculated to be post-battle/pre-execution so it could still work.


Regarding the major death of

Rickon. If his death happens away from the battle - an assassination makes the most sense and I would definitely put that on Littlefinger in his attempts to make Sansa Wardess of the North. If true, that could be the thing that causes her to "slay the Titan" but I suppose that won't happen until season seven. That would make me so sad for her.


Regarding the Wildlings...

While I can see Thormond dying - probably to save Jon - I rather hope they aren't all slaughtered.  I can't imagine even GRRM would kill them all, but sadly the show just might. 


Regarding WW...

If we are going to see all the dead from this battle rise before season's end - I wonder if those who said Jon, Littlefinger, and all of the North are going to have to move South to KL and beyond the finish the series were right?  That could be why despite the awful detour to Dorne, Jamie is going to end up in the Riverlands - because he is going to face off with Jon/Sansa before he becomes their ally? Though again - that's probably season seven territory.

And the guy is not claiming these are absolutely true.  Only that this is an email he received from a source he believes to be good after he requested that the spoiler sites divulge all the spoilers they had, and not just a portion, as they said themselves they were doing.


I usually don't post spoilers because other people beat me to the ones from trusted sources and the other ones are so obviously from trolls that it's not worth it.  But I did check this guy out and saw some of his other videos on youtube to gauge his need to be a protagonist and he didn't strike me that way at all.  He posts on varied things, and has gotten enough of a following in Spain that he was invited to appear on a show that is the equivalent of something like Jimmy Kimmel in the US.




Littlefinger showig up, he addresses this in a later video and speculates that since the meeting among LF, Sansa, Ramsay and Jon appears to take place before the battle. LF must have left his army hidden, pretended to try to broker the negotiations and later went and got them. That makes sense to me, knowing what we know of LF. It's just like him to wait until the last possible second so that the North, and more specifically Sansa and Jon, are indebted to him. Perhaps he's off killing Rickon while the battle rages. And hen shows up to proclaim Sansa "Wardeness" of the North until such a time as Brandon is found. Remember that on the show Jon knows that Bran went beyond The Wall, IIRC.


As for 


Rickon being in the battle, I don't think we're meant to think that he's actually in the thick of it. He's probably off somewhere close with some guards, like Catelyn was during Robb's battle against Jaimie. I doubt the production needs to film his scenes actually next to the battle, if this is the case. When we saw Catelyn witnessing the battle, I don't think we got a long shot that included her and the warriors all. We saw her watching and we heard the noises. They could do the same thing here. It's probably better, production wise to have two different sets for these and then edit accordingly, inter-cutting battle scenes with sideline scenes for maximum impact. Also, I imagine the actor is still underage, since he's supposed to be younger than Arya, so they probably had to work around the permissible hours/timelines for children, and they probably filmed his stuff separate from the battle scenes, which I understand took several days. If the actor was not actually on set during the battle, there's no reason for him to be at the battle's wrap party scene.




Loras and Margaery, he never says they are both sprung out. Only that Olenna enrolls Jaimie and gives him an army and that they find Margaery a convert. There's no corroboration of anyone getting free.


The mention of 

The Three Graces

seemed iffy to me too.  But maybe they cast them and we never found out.  It's possible if their scenes are only shot indoors.  There are many people cast of whom we don't hear anything until they show up.  Particularly if they are lesser known actors.


I think the 

Umbers siding with the Boltons could be a bit of a long con to surprise Ramsay and the audience. If they have Rickon and Ramsay doesn't know it, it makes perfect sense for them to betray Ramsay right in the middle of the battle. And if this is shown to be pre-planned with Jon and Sansa, it would re-inforce Jon's acumen in military strategy and show him as a smart contender


So, all in all, like I said before, it sounds plausible.  But it should all be taken with a grain of salt, although I think probably a smaller grain of salt than the stuff posted anonymously on 4Chan (regular salt versus sea salt? /end bad joke).

And the guy is not claiming these are absolutely true.  Only that this is an email he received from a source he believes to be good after he requested that the spoiler sites divulge all the spoilers they had, and not just a portion, as they said themselves they were doing.




So, all in all, like I said before, it sounds plausible.  But it should all be taken with a grain of salt, although I think probably a smaller grain of salt than the stuff posted anonymously on 4Chan (regular salt versus sea salt? /end bad joke).


Thank you for finding the video and 'vetting' the guy, so to speak. I agree with you, FrikiDoctor is not claiming these spoilers are 100% true nor that they are complete; he says many times that these are all just snippets of info that was shared via e-mail, and he was just sharing it with us. It's up to the individual if they choose to believe it.


As for the spoilers:


I'm really bummed out that 

the Wildlings are decimated by the Bolton army. Sure, it makes sense that they're not a disciplined as a Northern army and would be the first to fall, but, damn, the poor Wildlings can't catch a break. I figured Tormund would die but it breaks my heart nonetheless. *sigh* And I truly hope Wun Wun isn't killed shortly before the Wall falls. *gulp*


As for

Rickon's death - my poor Starks. This one is probably going to be the most devastating loss for Jon & Sansa; not necessarily the audience but for those 2 characters. To be reunited with their little brother, to be given a little bit of hope and happiness, only to have it yanked away shortly after - that's cruel. I'm leaning towards Littlefinger being responsible for Rickon's death. I can just imagine him riding to Jon/Sansa/the North's rescue only to see the true heir to Winterfell alive and well. Throws quite a wrench into his grand plans. But with the Wall falling soon after the Snowbowl, none of LF's scheming will matter. The North will be overrun with wights and White Walkers and the warden of the north will be the Night's King. So, the joke will be on that little turd Littlefinger. I wonder if Jon, Sansa, and their allies will seek shelter in WF or escape south as the army of the dead advances.


I'm annoyed

that Daenarys will not be sailing for Westeros by season's end. Ugh.


FrikiDoctor posted his video 2 weeks ago. He mentions

the Wall falling (which isn't too surprising) and Ghost being at Snowbowl and possibly being the one to kill Ramsay. Just yesterday, WotW reported that Ghost may have increased airtime in S6; which would make sense if he participates in the big battle. Last week Irish Thrones tweeted that a White Walker army was spotted filming on the Magheramorne set; and in the last few days, it was also reported that the Castle Black/the Wall set is 'lit up like a Christmas tree' with late night filming.

For me, that info seems to corroborate what FrikiDoctor said. I'll wait and see if WotW or L7R drop anymore hints in the coming weeks that are in line with the youtube video.


While I'm not completely sold on these spoilers, I give them a little more credence than all the other 'foilers' floating around.

Edited by bunnyblue
As for

Rickon's death - my poor Starks. This one is probably going to be the most devastating loss for Jon & Sansa; not necessarily the audience but for those 2 characters. To be reunited with their little brother, to be given a little bit of hope and happiness, only to have it yanked away shortly after - that's cruel. I'm leaning towards Littlefinger being responsible for Rickon's death. I can just imagine him riding to Jon/Sansa/the North's rescue only to see the true heir to Winterfell alive and well. Throws quite a wrench into his grand plans. But with the Wall falling soon after the Snowbowl, none of LF's scheming will matter. The North will be overrun with wights and White Walkers and the warden of the north will be the Night's King. So, the joke will be on that little turd Littlefinger. I wonder if Jon, Sansa, and their allies will seek shelter in WF or escape south as the army of the dead advances.

I agree on that death being devastating for

Jon and Sansa, but I could also see it being something unifying too. I mean, who else do they have left at this point? I also see it as ultimately being the END of Littlefinger if he's behind it... Sansa is to slay the titan (Baelish's coat of arms) in the ice castle after all.


As to the highlighted part, I think

between the lines about there always needing to be a Stark at Winterfell and the prophecy of Sansa killing the Titan in the Ice Castle both point to the heroes of the North holding at Winterfell (particularly since its about the furthest south you can get that still has a weirwood tree that is needed to involve Bran in the story). My guess is that something about the hot springs and godswood (and we know weirwoods can prevent wights from entering their places) at Winterfell act like a mystical barrier to the Walkers and their minions, making it actually the safest place to hole up (and perhaps hit the Walkers in the flank once they run headlong into Dany's forces that will 'eventually' come up from the South).

And the guy is not claiming these are absolutely true.  Only that this is an email he received from a source he believes to be good after he requested that the spoiler sites divulge all the spoilers they had, and not just a portion, as they said themselves they were doing.


I usually don't post spoilers because other people beat me to the ones from trusted sources and the other ones are so obviously from trolls that it's not worth it.  But I did check this guy out and saw some of his other videos on youtube to gauge his need to be a protagonist and he didn't strike me that way at all.  He posts on varied things, and has gotten enough of a following in Spain that he was invited to appear on a show that is the equivalent of something like Jimmy Kimmel in the US.


He's saying he emailed WotW and L7R and they gave him their sources? I find that kinda fishy, since Sue and Javi appear to love holding stuff back and I doubt they'd share with someone who wanted to use it as his own scoop. There's stuff in there I feel pretty confident is bullshit, (

Yara dying, the Three Graces, Jaime wanting the Freys to fight the Sparrows, an episode titled Promise me, Ned

), which makes me very skeptical of the other unconfirmed info.

Edited by Lady S.

Thank you for all the info too Weary Traveler!


I just wanted to add that Dany not coming to Westeros by the end of the season is horrible.  I'm hoping they're just keeping it way under wraps. The spoilers all sound possible.  But it looks like a lot of storylines like Brienne, Sansa, Davos and Mel are still a mystery.  

Also if 

Rickon does die, then I expect the rest of Starks to get some kind of happy ending. I don't care if it's GRRM, they deserve it.

Edited by amanda5858

I've been thinking about

Rickon dying and had a horrible thought: what of Shaggydog? If these spoilers are true, I can't imagine anyone getting close enough to Rickon to kill him if Shaggy is by his side. Sooo, that may mean that whoever kills Rickon will have to dispose of Shaggydog first. Which fills me with a white-hot rage. I will not tolerate anymore direwolf deaths.

Edited by bunnyblue

Dean Jagger has been cast as Smalljon Umber. (Source: WOTW)


On the issue of Sansa's Season 6 plot...maybe she disappears after getting separated from Theon and reappears at the head of the Vale army with Littlefinger late in the season.


Liam Cunningham praised Sansa's Season 6 storyline, which to me indicated that there would be some interaction between Davos and Sansa's storylines, but we know that Sansa is at the battle in 6x09, so maybe whatever interaction between them happens them.


There has been speculation that Sansa heads to Castle Black, but it seemed that while Kit was in Belfast, Sophie was everywhere but Belfast (filming other stuff, going on holidays, etc.). So that doesn't seem terribly likely to me at this point. Occam's Razor says that she heads south to meet up with Littlefinger.

There has been speculation that Sansa heads to Castle Black, but it seemed that while Kit was in Belfast, Sophie was everywhere but Belfast (filming other stuff, going on holidays, etc.). So that doesn't seem terribly likely to me at this point. Occam's Razor says that she heads south to meet up with Littlefinger.

There's about a month of filming left, including seemingly quite a lot of Northern stuff, so I don't think you can say that yet.  The lion's share of Kit's time in NI so far has been filming Snowbowl.


Maybe she goes to the Umbers.

The Smalljon is only in two episodes, so that really doesn't work.  It's either Castle Black or the Vale army, realistically.

More likely would be Sansa going to Castle Black first, meet up with Jon and THEN go recruit the Umbers/find Rickon (maybe throw in Davos as her escort for that one since he got the whole 'track down Rickon' quest in the books). That meet with the Umbers could be done in one episode and still have one left for the actual Snowbowl.

If Littlefinger riding to the rescue with the Vale is to be in any way a surprise, they'll need to keep Sansa as far from it as possible. With Sansa off with Jon, Littlefinger can plausibly interact with the Boltons and create the illusion that he's backing the Boltons (which makes things grim for Jon and Sansa) only to flip sides at the critical moment and turn the tide come Snowbowl itself.

About Rickon.  

I pretty much consider the rumor true.  I don't think he makes it out of this season alive, it's the how that's intriguing.  My first thought was an accident arranged by LF, since we know or have been led to believe that Rickon won't die at the Snowbowl but I'm curious and a little hesitant to believe that LF would make such a bold move with Jon in play.   I guess he could do what he did with Joffrey's murder and pin it now someone else.   I would assume he would convince Jon and Sansa that Cersei sent an assassin or something like that.


Is there ANYONE in Westeros that has done more damage to the 7 Great Houses then Littlefinger.   The only group he hasn't given a gut punch yet is House Martell.


Though it will also be interesting to see

how Jon and LF interact.  Sansa's  blindness or entanglement with LF is understandable for me since he has been so heavily involved in such traumatic points of her life.   Kings Landing and Lyssa's murder.   But Jon.....



I find the rumor that

House Tyrell and House Martell form an alliance a little hard to believe since the longstanding grudge is made such an issue in the books BUT on the other hand since there is know Aegon, and since Dame Dianna Rigg was rumored to have been seen where the Dorne films are seen, could Trystane be taking the place of Aegon and Olenna is negotiating a potential marriage pact with them.   But than I find it hard to believe Olenna would waste one of the Tyrells most "prized flowers" on a mere Great House.   I think the House is pretty dedicated in terms of the Iron Throne or bust.


 Though I can't see what other circumstances could bring such an alliance into being.

Edited by Advance35

Regarding Littlefinger

I'm not so certain Sansa is going to have warm feelings for him either. He did leave her with Ramsey after all. I'm thinking they might have more interesting story potential if neither Jon nor Sansa trust Littlefinger, but they're forced to treat with him anyway because they're going to need the support of the Vale (both in men and food) to fight the Walkers when they come.


Regarding Rickon

The biggest hurdle to overcome for any potential killer at the moment is knowing that Rickon is alive to be killed in the first place. While Littlefinger has means (any number of assassins) and motive (preserve Sansa's claim to the North), he doesn't know Rickon is still alive and can't until he hears it from someone which limits his opportunity to act. The two most likely channels are from the Boltons if he comes North to visit them before he stabs them in the back or if Jon and/or Sansa use Rickon Stark's claim to Winterfell as a rallying cry against the Boltons.

By contrast the Boltons already know Rickon is alive somewhere, have both means (Ramsy's twenty good men) and motive (preserve their claim as Wardens of the North via Ramsey's marriage to Sansa) and a much bigger window of opportunity to set something up (since they could have been looking for him ever since Theon first spilled the beans to them under torture).

Regardless of who does it though, I'm almost certain Ramsey will be the one to take the blame for it. Cersei and the Lannisters have already committed such atrocities against Sansa and are already in such chaos that there's little benefit to pinning the blame on them when it could be pinned elsewhere and if there are no good candidates to plausibly be set up then best to pin it on someone with the most to gain like the Boltons (who will all be dead anyway so can't contradict the set up).


A thought just occurred to me though and we could all be horribly off base. The rumor says

Rickon dies during the battle, but not as part of the battle and we know the battle is going badly. Could it actually be Mel who, in a cruel twist of irony given how he was believed to have died, sees the battle is going badly and burns Rickon (as King of the North he'd have King's Blood) to ensure Jon's victory (and this sparks the realization in Davos that Mel had Shireen burned as well)?

Chris, regarding Rickon


If the rumors about Rickon's death is true, I think Littlefinger will be the one to kill him and put the blame on Ramsay - that's his MO.  Ramsey doing it outright would be boring and after Mel's catastrophic failure with Stannis I don't think she'll be doing any more king's blood sacrifices.


As for the Tyrells and Martells


If they're fighting together in a sea battle then I'm guessing they've teamed up against the Greyjoys.


But barring that, in the books I can see a strange bedfellows alliance, the Targareyns made the Tyrells lords paramount over the Florents and The Martells married into the Targaryen royal family. If Tommen snuffs it soon and they both think Aegon is real they might end up on the same side, at least for a time.  As far as the show is concerned, Loras and Margaery both ending up prisoners of the Faith Militant is the fault of the Lannisters, specifically Cersei and, to a lesser degree, Tommen (for being too weak to stand up to them). The Tyrells have even more reason to have it in for the Lannisters.  Meanwhile the Martells have no love for the Lannisters either, so, again, strange bedfellows could bring Olenna and Doran together for some mutually beneficial plotting.


Edited by GreyBunny
  • Love 1
Regarding Littlefinger  Spoiler



I agree to an extent.  Though I don't think Sansa ever had any warm feelings for LF.  I think she always just looked at LF someone/something to keep between herself and reprisal from the Lannister controlled Iron Throne.   Even in 4x08, she told LF the reason she helped him was because she was sure the Lords Declarant would kill him, but she wasn't sure what they would do with her.       I often feel like LF is a confidence boost for her as well.   She thinks he's interested in her well being and he is, to an extent.   And as a result, she's more confident when around powerful people.   I wasn't surprised she wasn't as crafty when left to her own devices in Winterfell.


As for the Tyrells and Martells



But can the Tyrells detach from the Lannisters?   They are kind of shackled to the Lannisters and their self-destruction.   Even if they hate the Lannisters, Margaery is married and it's been consummated.    They've never been closer to the Iron Throne and controlling it. I can't see them ceding ground like that.   But then again, if the Faith Militant grows in power in Kings Landing, I could see the Tyrells not wanting to fight that kind of war.   

I think the Tyrells could detatch themselves pretty quickly from the Lannisters if they had to. Marriage be damned, Lady Olena has to know Tommen's days are numbered and frankly, so weak already he couldn't object if it was claimed that, after her rescue from the Faith Militant Marg had to return to Highgarden so she can recover from her ordeal. Alternately, if the rumor is true that

Marge converts and is a Septa by the time she's rescued, the Faith Militant may have already annulled the marriage in favor of Marge's new vows and she'd be free and clear to "spread the Faith to Highgarden" well away from the Lannisters.


One thing of note if Marge doesn't stick around though is that I think we'll have to rule her out as the "younger more beautiful" from the prophecy. Whoever it is has to bring Cersei so low that she never recovers... and if the Tyrells get the heck out of King's Landing to escape Cersei that can't be any of them (which puts it down to Dany; which really lacks the narrative resonance since she's not even set foot on the continent yet; or Sansa, who's been a thousand miles away for ages and doesn't seem to have any reason to come back and cast Cersei down short of both living through everything and her actually becoming queen.


As to the specific spoiler for the Tyrells and Martells

the only way I find the alliance/naval battle plausible is if Euron turns out to be an absolute wrecking ball that needs more than one house to deal with. With the Riverlands gutted, Stannis dead and his army scattered, full on winter descending in the North, the Vale's army marched north for Snowbowl and the Lannisters in disarray thanks to Cersei's incompetence, that leaves the Tyrells and Martells as the only ones even able to fight back against the Ironborn under Euron.


Given all the piles of bodies we've seen as props for the fight in the North and everything else getting gutted in general, I'm beginning to wonder if its not going to be "winners" in the inevitable clash between Dany's fire from the south crashing headlong into the Night King's ice from the north so much as its going to be "survivors" of the conflict left having to rebuild a shattered world.

Edited by Chris24601
  • Love 1

No, he's saying he made a public appeal in the video preceding this one asking for all the information and he got this email.  He doesn't say who sent it.  And he never claims WOTW or L7R sent it.

Okay, then I'll take him at his word, but I'm doubting the veracity of a lot of this secret email info. It includes stuff we already knew from WotW and/or L7R but is missing the other stuff they reported.

Okay, then I'll take him at his word, but I'm doubting the veracity of a lot of this secret email info. It includes stuff we already knew from WotW and/or L7R but is missing the other stuff they reported.


Yes, he did say some of the info was already out and he had even reported it in previous videos.  Also, the title of the video is "who lives and who dies in GoT S6?"  so, maybe the sender only focused on that.


I don't think FrikiDoctor is making up any information about how he received the spoilers or the content of the email.  But the content itself could be false.  

There’s no scene featuring Danny leaving for Westeros.


Uh, forget the other spoilers - this is the most terrible thing I've ever read, lol.


If that's true, I hope that it's because

there's a clear conversation where they say they are heading off to Westeros. Like, tomorrow. They just don't have time to show it on screen. Or the dragons are shown flying to Westeros. Or someone in this storyline is going to Westeros. Anyone. Please. For the love of god.

  • Love 6

Uh, forget the other spoilers - this is the most terrible thing I've ever read, lol.


If that's true, I hope that it's because

there's a clear conversation where they say they are heading off to Westeros. Like, tomorrow. They just don't have time to show it on screen. Or the dragons are shown flying to Westeros. Or someone in this storyline is going to Westeros. Anyone. Please. For the love of god.


LOL! I know how you feel!

  • Love 1

Didn't Javi hint at some point that he knew what Dany's last scene was but wouldn't say anything else? I'm pretty sure she is going to Westeros.


Maybe she's gathered her council, or what remains of it, and orders them to get all her forces together.  And then when someone asks "where are we going?" (Tyrion, most likely), she replies "Westeros" and then proceeds to climb on Drogon.  End S6.

  • Love 2

Maybe she's gathered her council, or what remains of it, and orders them to get all her forces together.  And then when someone asks "where are we going?" (Tyrion, most likely), she replies "Westeros" and then proceeds to climb on Drogon.  End S6.


It would be hilarious if the iconic moment the fans had been waiting for forever--Daenerys' fleet grandly and majestically setting sail for Westeros--is never actually shown.


Spoilers from L7R: Scenes are being filmed with a new Lord Commander, and it's a character known to the viewers "for several seasons." There are three separate sets at Banbridge alone filming: one with Bran, one with the White Walkers, and one with Castle Black (with no sign of Kit, who's back in London).


I think filming is supposed to go until December 20th, 2015, so there might be some more filming spoilers dribbling out.

And honestly, I don't give a flying fuck if the dragons never get to Westeros. I just cannot tolerate more of Dany's useless and stupid adventures in Essos. Fuck that noise.


While I want to see dragons take on the army of the dead, I'm fed up with Dany's neverending Essos adventures. If she doesn't set off for Westeros by the final episode of S6, I'm gonna start to wonder if she's ever going to. I mean, isn't GRRM supposed to be this great breaker of tropes?? Maybe instead of Dany & her dragons riding to Westeros's aid, maybe it'll end up being the story of how Westeros was able to save itself. Or fail on its own. Maybe instead of doing what most people expect, GRRM will be like 'LOL, nope'.


Not that I really believe that, it's just that after 5 (soon to be 6) seasons of Daenerys and her gang wandering all over Essos, I kinda want Westeros to succeed or fail without her. But if the final scene of S6 is Dany sailing or flying across the Narrow Sea, all will be forgiven.

Edited by bunnyblue
  • Love 2

It would be hilarious if the iconic moment the fans had been waiting for forever--Daenerys' fleet grandly and majestically setting sail for Westeros--is never actually shown.


Well, I didn't say they wouldn't show it, only that they might not show it this season.  In terms of dramatic punch, how do you choose to end S6? With the WW breaching the Wall or with Dany sailing to Westeros?


I think both events are so big you can't have them in the same episode.  This is why I was suggesting that perhaps they give us a conversation that establishes Dany is actually getting ready to sail, and then close with the Walkers breaching The Wall.


Season 7 can open with the majestic image of Dany, her dragons and her army heading to / arriving at Westeros, 

Is this now a thread where we have to hide all spoilers? Because I thought it was open spoiler talk.

To be fair, it doesn't actually say "spoilers" on the thread tag it says "book talk." The main topic is also "info & casting" which completely different from "let's potentially spoil the entire season's plotlines."


Different people like different levels of spoilage. Knowing that actor X has been cast to player character Y and has been shooting at location Z is completely different from knowing that certain characters are going to be killed off or that a major plot twist is coming, particularly if those things haven't happened in the books yet.


So people are just trying to be respectful by covering up spoilers not related specifically to production info & casting.


And honestly, I don't give a flying fuck if the dragons never get to Westeros. I just cannot tolerate more of Dany's useless and stupid adventures in Essos. Fuck that noise.

My honest opinion is that the longer they delay her arrival the less likely it is that Dany will be arriving as a hero and the more likely it will be that she ends up as just as big a threat as the White Walkers (with the real heroes of the story stuck between the Ice of the Others and the Fire of the Dragons both of which want to conquer Westeros for their own ends).


I'll go so far as to say that Dany's throwing a potentially innocent man to be burned alive by her dragons in order to secure her power is a scary parallel to Stannis' burning of his daughter to secure a victory. Coupled with her "break the wheel" speech and likely regaining a Dothraki horde (house motto: "murder, rape, steal") as her more disciplined forces (the Unsullied) are being spent against the Harpies are specifically setting her up for the role of mad WMD-wielding conqueror when she finally gets to Westeros. All villains are heroes in their own minds.


It would fit right in with GRRM's tendency to subvert tropes to have a good chunk of the story be told from the perspective of a budding villain protagonist. I'm even coming to believe that Dany IS Azor Ahai reborn (and dragons are the red sword) of prophecy, while simultaneously questioning whether that prophecy being fulfilled is actually a good thing... supposedly the victory of Azor Ahai brings about "Endless Summer" where the true believers of the Red God will be able to live forever (note that the priests are immune to fire and do not need to eat or drink) and visions of sun-blasted Tatooine immediately come to mind.


If Dany ends up as the ultimate villain of the story (or co-ultimate villain along with the Night King) I could certainly see holding off on her coming to Westeros until after we've gotten some terrible prophecy unveiled that should Ice and Fire meet in battle it will be the End of Days. Give the heroes some hope that they can avert this by stopping the Others before this can occur and THEN show that Dany is coming with her dragons and that the clock is ticking to prevent Armageddon (and I can't help but think that Jon Snow, as child of both Ice/Stark and Fire/Targaryan, won't end up being the key to finding some balance between the two extremes of eternal winter night and eternal blazing day that the two extremes represent).


But that's just my wild mass speculating on things.

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Spoilers from L7R: Scenes are being filmed with a new Lord Commander, and it's a character known to the viewers "for several seasons." There are three separate sets at Banbridge alone filming: one with Bran, one with the White Walkers, and one with Castle Black (with no sign of Kit, who's back in London).


I think filming is supposed to go until December 20th, 2015, so there might be some more filming spoilers dribbling out.

So what this means is that Alliser Thorne has a brief stint as LC before Tormund or Ghost or whoever finally kills him. There's hardly any other named characters left in the NW, and it's not like Edd would want the job.

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Edd may not want the job, but a risen Jon Snow may want someone he can trust in the job of LC and between executing the conspiritors and the whole 'came back from the dead' thing (not to mention an army of Wildlings whose loyalty will border on the fanatical once he's risen) he might just have the influence to get what he wants.

Also regarding Edd

of all the rumored deaths his (and Tormund) is the one I want least. I always figured the Watch was doomed, but hoped Edd would end up being sent to warn Jon that the Others were coming. As it stands though it sounds like Jon is going to be losing two of the more honorable and trustworthy lieutenants he could have while getting Littlefinger in exchange. At least he should still have Davos.

Speaking of Davos

Good grief, poor Davos. Loses his son, latches onto Shireen who gets burned alive and now he'll probably be sent to get Rickon and form an attachment to him only for Rickon to die too.

  • Love 2

Also regarding Edd

of all the rumored deaths his (and Tormund) is the one I want least. I always figured the Watch was doomed, but hoped Edd would end up being sent to warn Jon that the Others were coming. As it stands though it sounds like Jon is going to be losing two of the more honorable and trustworthy lieutenants he could have while getting Littlefinger in exchange. At least he should still have Davos.



I agree with you about

Tormund and Edd's deaths. It figures that the ones I desperately want to survive S6 and help Jon in the fight against the WW, are the ones to die right before the real battle begins. Even if the youtube spoilers are false, I think the it's pretty obvious we've reached the end of the road with Edd and Tormund. Jon's moving into the circle of other characters and I don't think there's much room for his friends.


The fact that they may be replaced by that traitorous weasel, Littlefinger, almost upsets me more than their deaths. To lose 2 actual seasoned warriors for the likes of a political schemer infuriate me. What help would he be against the WW? He can't manipulate the WW; and I wouldn't put it passed him to take the Vale army and run once the Wall falls and he sees the first wights. Plus, I'll never forgive that he got the ball rolling that lead to Ned's downfall; I don't want him in a position of influence over Ned's kids. Especially if he has a hand in Rickon's death. Ugh.

Edited by bunnyblue
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WOTW:  The main article is about an interview given by the guy who played Black Walder in season 3, asked about his odds of returning, but one of the minor notes below, which I don't think I'd ever seen before, was that back in late July there were reports that they were filming at the location where they filmed Runestone in Season 5.  It's mentioned in the context of Lino Facioli, the actor who plays Robin Arryn, being confirmed as returning.  I note that because, if they were filming at Runestone, that would suggest that we're likely to see Baelish going there to gather his army; many were speculating that he was going to have been doing that when he was offscreen toward the end of Season 5.

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New teaser is up! It's kind of interesting what clips they used...


Main characters in order of appearance after the phrase "the ink is dry" (in parenthesis the scenes that are shown):


  • Jon (stabbing)
  • Ned (beheading)
  • Cat (neck slashing)
  • Arya (going blind)
  • Meera? (fighting wight skeleton)
  • Joffrey (dying in Cersei's arms)
  • Robb (dying @ Red Wedding)
  • Jaime (hand chopping)
  • Dany (sitting with Drogon wearing her blue dress, before she chained the dragons)
  • Night's King (turning the baby into a WW)
  • Jogen (burned by CotF magic after death)
  • Cersei (naked, short hair before the Walk of Shame)
  • LF kissing Sansa (eeeeeeeewwwwwww!!!!!)
  • Night's King (raising the dead after the battle of Hardhome)
  • Jon (after the stabbing, blood pooling around him)
  • Bran (warging)


It's a Stark fest!!!  I guess they are pretty heavily hinting what the focus will be in S6. Woo hooo!!!

Edited by WearyTraveler

It's a Stark fest!!!  


Yup, that was my first thought when I watched it. And I love it!!



I guess they are pretty heavily hinting what the focus will be in S6. Woo hooo!!!


I certainly hope so because we're reaching the end and I've had more than enough of the crap in KL between the Faith, Cersei, and the Tyrells. Time for the North to shine.

Edited by bunnyblue
  • Love 3

Spoilers from L7R: Scenes are being filmed with a new Lord Commander, and it's a character known to the viewers "for several seasons." There are three separate sets at Banbridge alone filming: one with Bran, one with the White Walkers, and one with Castle Black (with no sign of Kit, who's back in London).


So what this means is that Alliser Thorne has a brief stint as LC before Tormund or Ghost or whoever finally kills him. There's hardly any other named characters left in the NW, and it's not like Edd would want the job.

Yet, when duty calls, Edd steps up. He did, after all, have charge of the Top of the Wall during the Battle of Castle Black after Jon went downstairs to kick some wildling ass.

That said it could be Alliser or Edd or someone else entirely. The quoted spoiler didn't state the new Lord Commander is currently a member of the Night's Watch, that is, a member as of the end of Season 5, only that the character has been known to viewers for several seasons.

It's a Stark fest!!!  I guess they are pretty heavily hinting what the focus will be in S6. Woo hooo!!!

Starks and white walkers/wights. I think winter is finally coming.


ETA: For those always worried about Jaime's death, I think Nicolaj just more or less confirmed he'd be back in NI for s7.

Edited by Lady S.
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I was cobbling together what information we have about parts filming in December:


A (non-Northern) lord, first reported back in September, described as the best remaining part this season, filming for the first two weeks in December.  I have a theory that this is Leyton Hightower.


Captain of the Tower, a one-scene part with leading cast that films for a week starting December 2nd.  So this is probably just finished.  The captain has dialogue in a scene where his superior is making a decision.  I'd speculate this is linked to the above part, given the filming overlap.


The guys widely believed to be Cerwyn and Manderly, both filming on December 16th.  Since we have a specific date for this one, it will be interesting to see who of the main cast is known to be in Ireland on that day.


A baby with brown eyes, needed for one day on December 17th.  Presumably baby Jon, so in turn the most likely people filming with him would be the actors playing the young Ned and Howland, I expect.

Edited by SeanC
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