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54 minutes ago, PsychoKlown said:

There was one Dateline where the three sisters looked like a funeral director did their makeup.  I also recall one of them not only taking over the interview (with Keith Morrison) but also had a permanent blinding white smile frozen on her face.  It might just be me and Maizie but I couldn't speak about my dead loved one to the media much less look like I'm going to a NY Disco to do so. 

Totally agree re: makeovers.  Pretty sure I know the exact one w/the 3 sisters you're talking about -- I think they were defending their father accused of murdering their mother.  Swimming pool?  Anyhow, PsychoKlown - since it was your idea & a damn good one, I might add, I hereby nominate YOU to do a flow chart for all of us!  haha! 

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Okay.  But first step would be to apply for a federal grant - this project is going to take some time and a lot of intense work.  I'm going to need white boards, markers, lots of post-it notes, several television screens to view all the programs - and a special team to keep up with the current goings-on of those convicted.

I will restrain myself and not ask for high-heeled sandals, leather jacket or a warehouse backdrop.  Priorities you know.

And you do know which one I was referring to Maizie - they were three sisters defending their father.  You're good. 

Are you sure you don't want to start the flow chart? 

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7 minutes ago, PsychoKlown said:

Okay.  But first step would be to apply for a federal grant - this project is going to take some time and a lot of intense work.  I'm going to need white boards, markers, lots of post-it notes, several television screens to view all the programs - and a special team to keep up with the current goings-on of those convicted.

I will restrain myself and not ask for high-heeled sandals, leather jacket or a warehouse backdrop.  Priorities you know.

And you do know which one I was referring to Maizie - they were three sisters defending their father.  You're good. 

Are you sure you don't want to start the flow chart? 

Too funny!  LMAO!  Nope - chart wasn't my idea.  Hey - forgot to mention how much I enjoyed your recalling your Nana's use of the phrase "all dolled up" --  reminded me of my Dad, who used it often.  Must've been an expression of that era. 

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17 hours ago, smittykins said:

Statistically(and often actually), the spouse/partner is the culprit.  I admit I always feel sorry for the ones who are suspected and end up being innocent.

I'd say it's more that statistically they're much more likely to be caught, since the cops already know who they are.   Once the cops have to start looking for people who aren't family or friends of the victim, now it gets really hard.   It's one of the reasons it took so long for Ted Bundy to get caught - that he was  a Deliberate Stranger and had no connection to his victims. 

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Sometimes I do "compare and contrast" on the duplicates, and  while I don't remember it too well, I think the Forensic File was better than Murder U.
I think the title was something about occpational habit.
I will watch all on Col.Williams.

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6 hours ago, AKraven said:

What does everyone think of Las Vegas Law?  I will give it a chance.  The last episode featuring the convenience store clerk who shot the beer stealer was interesting, although if that fucking defense attorney was my only option, I would represent myself.  Was that asshole high, or just a cocky-cock-face?

Both.  I really despised that little turd!  :-)

But I am enjoying the show so far.

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Is there any doubt that smarmy guy will have his own reality show soon?  That's all I could think of during that episode, that he was treating it like one big audition. 

That said, I really liked Las Vegas Law. 

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7 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

Both.  I really despised that little turd!  :-)


Yeah, Walnutqueen, but he really did a nice job of plucking his eyebrows so he didn't look too sinister, like his client.  OH, I forgot - he explained to the jury that his client really doesn't look sinister because it was just bad lighting in the store that made him look that way.  Oh.My.God.  On the other hand - it was pretty damn funny watching the Judge's facial expressions during his closing.  Tee hee!

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Oh, loved that lawyer!  Endless amusement there.  When the two DA's met him in his office, and he thought he was the shit, with his "fancy" wallpaper and his money clip laying on the desk.  OMG, so much WTF.  Loved it!  You could tell they despised him.  I especially enjoyed how the editors didn't miss a chance to make him look like an idiot - long shot of him during his closing argument with his pants leg riding up.  Awesome!

Ooh, that defendant, though.  Why wasn't that POS in jail?  He not only shoplifted, he shoplifted like, "Yeah, I'm taking this beer right in front of your face.  WTF are you going to do about it?"  Hated him!  That would have been a really hard case to be a juror on.

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11 hours ago, AKraven said:

What does everyone think of Las Vegas Law?  I will give it a chance.  The last episode featuring the convenience store clerk who shot the beer stealer was interesting, although if that fucking defense attorney was my only option, I would represent myself.  Was that asshole high, or just a cocky-cock-face?

Oh, and I forgot to mention, AKraven - I am totally adding "cocky-cock-face" to my repertoire!  :-D

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I'm really liking Judgment Day: Prison or Parole.  Surprising myself with how many of those profiled that I don't think deserve to be  paroled. There was one profiled last night who conspired to rob an 85 year old woman and, when questioned, didn't remember his victim's name. Nor did he really take responsibility for his crimes. They paroled him, but he committed too many disciplinary infractions and got thrown back in.

They paroled an older man who killed a woman in a really grisly way. He'd never apologized to his victim's family.

Another guy paroled was arrested for domestic violence. Not only did he strike his girlfriend, but he struck his seven-month-old in the head several times.

Edited by AltLivia
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I like the parole show a lot, too.  I think there used to be one a lot like it on A&E years ago.  Each episode would feature the parole board of a different state and it was really interesting to see how each state handled it.

It just breaks my heart that some of these victims and/or their families have to relive the crime every few years when the criminal comes up for parole.  I know my family feels very fortunate - as fortunate as you can feel in such situations - that the people who murdered my uncle both received life sentences without the possibility of parole, and agreed as part of their plea that they were giving up their right to appeal.

I really hope ID does more shows like this one and Las Vegas Law.  I prefer "real" shows to the ones that are filled with terribly cheesy re-enactments by about a billion to one. (The bad wigs on Deadly Women should have their own forum at this point lol)

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I was looking at tomorrow's shows, and there are NEW shows, or at least with 6/1/ date, on in the morning.  11 and a few more.
I hate it when they do that, because I figure I'm safe not to look too closely at any show before 8pm, except on DIY.

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11 hours ago, Josette said:

If you mean Cause of Death, that's just old Forensic Files episodes.

LOL, they just keep sucking people in with those relabeled episodes!

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5 hours ago, AKraven said:

I enjoyed American Monster.  It was well done and, to me, an unfamiliar story.  I don't want to reveal too much, but somebody  pisses their pants!

Hmm, maybe things are looking up for ID; then again, maybe I've spoken too soon...

AKraven - Damn I'm sorry I missed that part!  Would you believe that my cable subscriber (Comcast), cut off the show TEN FRICKING MINUTES before the end?!?  I was sooo pissed (but I didn't piss my pants)!  It'll be on again this Saturday @ noon, so maybe I'll get to see the entire episode. 

P.S.  Did she really piss her pants?!?

Edited by Maizie131
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1 hour ago, Maizie131 said:

AKraven - Damn I'm sorry I missed that part!  Would you believe that my cable subscriber (Comcast), cut off the show TEN FRICKING MINUTES before the end?!?  I was sooo pissed (but I didn't piss my pants)!  It'll be on again this Saturday @ noon, so maybe I'll get to see the entire episode. 

P.S.  Did she really piss her pants?!?

Yes, she did really piss her pants.  And you get to see HER, not the actress playing her, walking in disgrace, handcuffed, with a wide area of wetness down her shorts.

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1 hour ago, Brattinella said:

Yes, she did really piss her pants.  And you get to see HER, not the actress playing her, walking in disgrace, handcuffed, with a wide area of wetness down her shorts.

Damn!  I missed the best part!  I'll be SURE to watch on Saturday - what fun!  Thanks, Brattinella

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8 hours ago, AKraven said:

I enjoyed American Monster.  It was well done and, to me, an unfamiliar story.  I don't want to reveal too much, but somebody  pisses their pants!

Hmm, maybe things are looking up for ID; then again, maybe I've spoken too soon...

The first episode of American Monster, "Home Video Hit," is about the February 2013 case of Janeene "Jan" Jones in Florida, but the channel guide said it was about the 1984 case of Texas pediatric nurse Genene Jones.

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I have no idea what Brattinella and Maize are talking about but I going to tune in on Sunday for sure.

I remember a few episodes of Cops where the (alleged) perp wet his pants.  After that happens I lose the rest of the story because I keep wondering who's going to clean the seat and two, do they change clothes at the precinct?  If so, where do they get the clothes?

So many questions.....

Also, apologies for forgetting to mention  AKraven who actually started the topic.  See, you mention someone peeing their pants and I get all flustered. 

Edited by PsychoKlown
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4 minutes ago, editorgrrl said:

The first episode of American Monster, "Home Video Hit," is about the February 2013 case of Janeene "Jan" Jones in Florida, but the channel guide said it was about the 1984 case of Texas pediatric nurse Genene Jones.

Editorgrrl - Comcast had the same description.  Was very confusing because I Googled "Jenene Jones" & read about a nurse who killed babies/children.  Altho I didn't see the whole program, I knew this had nothing to do with the episode I watched.  With a last name like "Jones," I figured there may be another spelling of the first name and finally found it - Janeene Jones.  What a difference 2 letters can make, ya think?  Baby killer:  Genene Jones; Husband killer:  Janeene Jones.  Confused?  So am I!  (And glad my name isn't Jones or Smith!)  [No offense to those of you who share those surnames!]

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Yeah, I saw the Miss Pee Pants episode, that was hilarious.  All big and bad until the cops came for that ass.  What was also funny was that I was looking at my computer for a minute, and then just heard "Peed herself" and when I looked up, there was the big wet spot on my TV.  I did like the show overall, and was glad that I wasn't familiar with the story, though I got tripped up on the Janeene/Genene thing while googling during the episode.

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I may be preaching to the choir here, but if anyone has not yet given Las Vegas Law a chance, you should do so. I read something that said it wasn't getting great ratings, and I don't know why. The article said something about the people being polled thinking it was a re-enactment show, because there was a show named similar that was re-enactments with bad actors. 

It shows the actual behind-the-scenes discussions of the attorneys and the victims. It's on Investigation Discovery, and I'm going to put this in the Dateline and 48 Hours forums too, so please forgive the duplicate postings. 

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All that and I forgot to mention how much I floved the defendant in the most recent Las Vegas Law shooting his mouth off and screwing up his own case. Floved the judge laying into him and telling him "You should have thought about that before" he sank his own case when he was begging to see his daughter. Watching arrogance get smacked away is one of my favorite things to watch on television.

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4 hours ago, AKraven said:

Ha, ha, I'm so gleeful when assholes get their comeuppance.  What would have made it even better is the defendant pissing his pants!!  And, yes, I'm juvenile.

Speaking of assholes, is that defense attorney (yeah, I'm bitching about him again) the only game in town?  I cringe every time he appears on my TV screen. 

AKraven - sure do love your comments!  Anyhow, about the asshole defense attorney -- is that his wife?!?  I did see he wears a wedding band.  Who the fuck would marry that cocky-cock-face?!?  (Sorry to steal your description, but it's just so perfect!)

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I'm a faithful viewer of Las Vegas Law.

Last night had a textbook example of giving someone enough room to speak and essentially hang himself with his words. 

Clearly a man who thought he was the smartest in the whole room.  Just like his attorney.

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Yes, we are loving Las Vegas Law in this house, too.  The defense attorney (yes, that is his wife) is just WAY too DRAMATIC!  God, even his FACE is acting!  I think he went into law directly from a midnight show on the strip!

Last night's EE-DEE-YOT defendant!  Wowie, smirking and grinning and thinking it is okay to bribe a juror if you don't get caught doing it.  Plus, he was a very bad man!  He was grinning right up to the moment he went to prison!  Wonderful to see the judge repeatedly geld him from the bench.  That one will remain a favorite!

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Finally watched American Monster, and it was OK, but not what I was expecting.  I thought it would be one of those "my brother is a serial kiler" ones, when they mentioned home video.
This show, and Murder U, both spend too much time setting up the crime, and I don't care for that.
In a murder mystery, I want someone dead by page 50, at the latest.
And Christina, I had to google "floved."  Learned something new.

Edited by auntjess
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3 hours ago, EllenCam said:

PLEASE stop that commercial for Vanishing Woman. "What happened to our

gurrrrrrlllls? Who is taking our gurrrrrllls?

Yeah, I keep seeing that commercial and what I always think is what the hell kind of accent or dialect is that?

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On American Monsters, couldn't they have tried to analyze the husband's cremated remains?  If she poisoned him, it might show up.
I can't remember the show, but I know some show the did this, and found some heavy metal of something, to prove murder.

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Did anyone have the misfortune to watch Scorned: Love Kills ("A playbook for murder") last night?  (I was really bored.)  Anyhow, yet another I.D. show that at least provided comic relief when I googled it after the show.  If you haven't seen it yet ... well, don't waste your time ... and I apologize if I didn't do the spoiler feature correct & gave away the ending.  Ya just can't make this stuff up.  P.S.  Yesterday I finally got to see the last 10 minutes of the Miss Pee Pants episode of American Monster.  EWWWWW!!!!  Hope the cops had a towel to put on the seat of patrol car!


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6 hours ago, Maizie131 said:

Did anyone have the misfortune to watch Scorned: Love Kills ("A playbook for murder") last night?  (I was really bored.)  Anyhow, yet another I.D. show that at least provided comic relief when I googled it after the show.  If you haven't seen it yet ... well, don't waste your time ... and I apologize if I didn't do the spoiler feature correct & gave away the ending.  Ya just can't make this stuff up.  P.S.  Yesterday I finally got to see the last 10 minutes of the Miss Pee Pants episode of American Monster.  EWWWWW!!!!  Hope the cops had a towel to put on the seat of patrol car!


Maizie, I watched it. I kept thinking that poor guy who was murdered also had to go through his life with the last name of Boob.  Yikes. I also googled. That lady was a piece of work. 

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6 hours ago, Maizie131 said:

 Yesterday I finally got to see the last 10 minutes of the Miss Pee Pants episode of American Monster.  EWWWWW!!!!  Hope the cops had a towel to put on the seat of patrol car!


You just gave me a million dollar idea Maizie....pads specifically designed for patrol cars that come on a roll and can be ripped off after each alleged perp sits on the seats.  A lot like the ob-gyn rolls but much more sophisticated - and costly.  Maybe even customized, with the towns logo on each roll out. 

This invention would also help to keep the seat clean from anyone wearing daisy dukes.  Not just pee. 

I think I'm onto something.

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45 minutes ago, PsychoKlown said:

You just gave me a million dollar idea Maizie....pads specifically designed for patrol cars that come on a roll and can be ripped off after each alleged perp sits on the seats.  A lot like the ob-gyn rolls but much more sophisticated - and costly.  Maybe even customized, with the towns logo on each roll out. 

This invention would also help to keep the seat clean from anyone wearing daisy dukes.  Not just pee. 

I think I'm onto something.

LOL!!!!  GREAT idea, Psychoklown!  You should call that company that George Foreman advertises for about 30 times a day --- InventHelp?  hahaha!  But first you have to think of a name for your invention.  C'mon....I know you can do it.  Anybody?  (I'm not that creative.) 

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Getting back to the Scorned Love Kills episode -- I can't believe nobody pointed out the obvious!  This show was so perfect for Scorned cuz, as we all so well know, this super-sleazy program is all about tits & ass!  (Sorry...couldn't resist!)  Seriously, what other I.D. program could it possibly be featured on?

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Boy, if there is anything that turns me on, it is having a lust-crazed man body-slam a woman into a wall, pin her there by her hands, and have his way with her.  Yeesh!  Good thing is, though, they usually show this titillating bit in the promo, so I just scoot on by and watch ANYTHING else. 

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8 hours ago, Maizie131 said:

LOL!!!!  GREAT idea, Psychoklown!  You should call that company that George Foreman advertises for about 30 times a day --- InventHelp?  hahaha!  But first you have to think of a name for your invention.  C'mon....I know you can do it.  Anybody?  (I'm not that creative.) 

How about Urine-Trouble? 

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Last week I put on Forensic Files so I could finally fall asleep listening to the wonderful dulcet tones of Peter Thomas, and woke up a couple hours later hearing a voice I'd never heard before (still Forensic Files), but I was SURE it wasn't Peter Thomas.  Of course, I couldn't get back to sleep until saw the ending credits to find out the narrator.  I was right!  His name is Peter Dean.  I'd never heard of him before (even tho I've said dozens of times I've seen every single Forensic Files episode ever made).  I lied.  There are at least TWO episodes I haven't seen (except now I've seen the one that woke me up out of a dead sleep! haha!).  Check it out:

From Wikipedia: 

"Not every episode of Forensic Files has been narrated by Peter Thomas, a well-known voice-over talent. The episodes "Payback" and "The Buddhist Monk Murders" were narrated by Peter Dean."

RIP, Mr. Thomas.  I sure will miss you! 

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I know the Buddhist monk was an hour one.  Was the other one long too?
Can't think of why that mattered, but maybe they were made at a different time.
I like Dion Graham on First 48 too.

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When one of the magazine shows has a 2-parter, and one's coming up, I only record part 2.
There's always a recap, and I find that on mysteries, sometimes even books, I don't have the patience I once had
Not sure if it's being spoiled by a DVR and ff, old age, or a combination of both.

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