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The Doctor Blake Mysteries - General Discussion

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Goodness. I recently started watching and have finished season 2. I'm enjoying the show overall but it's grinding my last nerve how Lawson and the new guy blame Blake for everything. Always yelling and threatening to remove him from his job, plus constant complaints from citizens, spying from higher-ups in Melbourne, etc. Blake is a only police surgeon in a small town, fer crissake. Binging makes it worse, but people need to get a grip. Shouting at Blake every time he has a theory or asks suspects a question is getting old.

I'm also tired of the town being so appalled that Jean lives in as a housekeeper. She did when his father was alive; what's so different? (I assume at some point a romance will develop between them, so I have more snotty gossip to look forward to. Yes, it's the 50s but still.)

So far Charlie is a poor substitute for Danny, who at least had some personality.

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Just watched S4E4, the one about the jockey. 


I thought that Dr. Blake's personal situation was resolved WAY too quickly,  I am hopeful that the move to the hotel doesn't mean that this story line is resolved, because I am very interested in it and the issues raised.  I hope he stays married, and their family is (somehow) reunited, but I think that is unlikely. 

I have to admit that the mystery was ok, but the best part of the episode (to me) was that dinner party.  I love Alice, and it was nice to see her outside the morgue.  And her social skills seem to be pretty much at the same level of her cooking.  I always thought if Lucien was going to hook up (so to speak) with someone, she was a much better fit than



. Continue to love Frank, but I'm surprised how Bill Hobart's character has been rehabilitated - I thought he had previously been pretty awful to Lucien, and a bullying, toady to the-then superintendent.  He seems completely different now.

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14 hours ago, mjc570 said:

Continue to love Frank, but I'm surprised how Bill Hobart's character has been rehabilitated - I thought he had previously been pretty awful to Lucien, and a bullying, toady to the-then superintendent.  He seems completely different now.

I think he is still a toady, it's just that now he's toadying up to a guy who is happy to work with Lucien, rather than working against him like Munro was.  But yeah, it does seem a complete turnaround from Hobart's attitude in earlier seasons. 

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I think for everyone who works with Blake, after the shock wears off they see that he gets results. Not being stupid, they see how he shares his knowledge and gives everyone credit for success and realize he's making them all look good.  Everyone except Munro who would have needed major surgery to remove the bug up his ass, but sadly the only doctor available for that would have been Blake.

Edited by CoderLady
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18 hours ago, CoderLady said:

I think for everyone who works with Blake, after the shock wears off they see that he gets results. Not being stupid, they see how he shares his knowledge and gives everyone credit for success and realize he's making them all look good.  Everyone except Munro who would have needed major surgery to remove the bug up his ass, but sadly the only doctor available for that would have been Blake.

Well remember, Munro was put in there by the same people who had Charlie spying for them in S2, so from Munro's point of view, he's dealing with a police surgeon who he already thinks is out of control and - unlike Carlyle - he's not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. 


With Lawson, we didn't really get to see his initial reactions to Blake, as they'd already been working together when S1 started. (I'd love if they did a flashback episode to their first case!). But Lawson did tend to let Blake do his thing as long as he got results and didn't break any laws. 

(The episode where Blake got drunk and insulted all the local dignitaries, I found it telling that Lawson let him run his mouth off but only intervened when it looked like Blake was going to start throwing punches)

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S4E6 - the one about the golf course

Very good episode, although I found the people involved a bit confusing - I didn't realize that Edward's lawyer was the son of the club manager.  Well written and acted.  I had been wondering about Mei Lin - why wasn't she -rather than Jean - living int he doctor's house?  The situation is difficult for all 3 of them, but each has acted correctly.  As I've posted before, I'm not at all a fan of Lucien + Jean, but now I wonder if she and Frank (the superintendent) would make a good couple.  I wondered why Mei Lin was still in Balarat, since she clearly has no life there, but I guess the last minute visitor has something to do with that.

I thought the mystery itself was interesting, with all kinds of father/son references.  Really, any one of the various suspects could have done the murder, they were all reasonable as suspects.  the person I actually felt sorriest for: Patrick, whose character certainly has evolved over the series.

Does anyone know about Season 5? 

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2 hours ago, mjc570 said:


Does anyone know about Season 5? 

Season 5 is set to air in Australia from the 17th September. They're currently filming a telemovie which is supposed to close out the show. (There is speculation that that might not be the end of it, but nothing official so far)

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Not too much to add right now except that my wife and I adore this show! We both burst into applause and cheers at the end of S4 when


Lucien and Jean FINALLY kissed!!! WOOO HOOOOO!!!!!

I follow Craig (big mac) on FB and he's been dropping some serious hints that the series is going to a different network and continuing, I hope it does, it's a sweet show. Speaking of Craig, look him up on youtube, there are some AMAZING videos of him....oh heck, just LOOK at this hunk!

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I've been enjoying S% - especially now that the reason for Mei Lin staying (in addition to her husband, of course).  I'm glad she finally spike up - why is she stuck in the hotel while her husband and his housekeeper live in his house?  Why did she put p with it so long? 

I'm trying to avoid spoiling other viewers  (although I'm watching on PBS in the US,and personally like spoilers for this show at least)), but I hope they explain the reason CO. Alderston is interested in Lucien.

This is absolutely one of my favorite shows - one of only 2 I've ever actually bought. (Seasons 2 and 3, which were all that were available for streaming).

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On 5/28/2016 at 10:39 PM, whatsatool said:

Fell asleep again. Who killed the priest with the bees? And I still don't get the logic of painting over a painting.

I know i'm a bit too late to answer it lol

but they way I saw it, it was a gift from a painter who liked here, maybe even loved her. She probably had some sort of feelings/attachment to that painter and the painting. Her husband got jealous and sold it. She wanted to hold on to it so she "hid" it.

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Just watched S4E8 (the killing at the planetarium).  One of the better episodes, I thought, mainly because there was quite a bit of plot development.  Still didn't totally by the Alderston rationale, but I guess I can accept both Mei LIn and Lucien's opinions that Alderston's time in the camp "broke him,," that he became unhinged.  It didn't really make sense for him to go tot hose lengths to recruit Lucien back to the service - any agent can "acquire" an Asian wife, they don't have to be authentically married, but it makes sense that Alderston was trying to recapture the past.  As a mystery, I thought it was pretty obvious in a way - there were so many red herrings (some plausible, some not), it was clear it had to be someone else.  I wasn't really clear about when Frank developed his scheme (sorry if this doesn't really make sense but I'm , trying not to spoil).  From Mei Lin's statement about getting on with their lives, I assume there is a divorce in the future.

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Some excellent news from Australia. Channel 7 have picked up The Doctor Blake Mysteries for another season. 



It’s going to be for a series of telemovies rather than the usual 8 to 10 episodes. Which is good, because Channel 7 is a commercial station and an ‘hour’ long ep would have about 10 to 15 minutes of ad breaks whereas with a movie length ep it’ll likely be 90 mins of air time in a 2 hour slot. 

Well this has definitely brightened me up for the weekend!

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Thanks 2727. Just finished watching it and it was great. Really enjoyed it. I am sure it will be taken down soon so anyone who wants to see it should not wait (or download for later viewing.) I will definitely be watching this telemovie again since there was a lot going on and I'm sure I will catch some things I missed on a re-watch.  And I'm thrilled that the show was picked up by another station after being cancelled. ( I didn't even know it had been cancelled but I'm in the US so I don't know what's going on with the show except for what I read on this site.) This is a wonderful series and I'm glad we're going to get to see more episodes of Doctor Blake.

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Thanks, 2727, I also just watched the telemovie,  I enjoyed it very much, although I think that was because I've been watching the show from the beginning, so was able to appreciate how much the characters have changed over time (ir, {Patrick always trying to get Lucien fired, then being responsible for his reinstatement, Lucien being partially responsible for sending Edward to jail, etc.)  I didn't buy the whole Lucien/Jean thing, it came on way too suddenly for me to feel that there was any kind of basis for the relationship, but it does seem that they are a lovey-dovey couple.  The funniest thing to me is that Jean no longer walks like she has a stick up her a**, so thanks for that.  I'm very interested in seeing where the show goes from here.

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My only problem with Lucien/Jean is that it was just so predictable that they’d end up together, even back in the first season. 

Plus im not big on romance in general, although I will make an exception for

Matthew and Alice

which hopefully we’ll get to see next season. 


If if you’re on Facebook, the official Doctor Blake Mysteries page had a live Q&A session with George Adams immediately after the telemovie aired. As always he avoided giving too much information about what’s coming up, but he confirmed that they’ll be shooting round about March/April and making four telemovies. No word yet on when they’ll air, but they may be spread out through the rest of the year rather than on consecutive weeks. 

In terms of casting he said that Charlie won’t be back as the actor has moved on

presumably why Davis was only briefly in the movie

and as was onfirmed by Anna in an interview, she’ll be having a baby right around filming time, so she won’t be back next season - but hopes to return later. 

It’ll be interesting to see how they replace them. As the next season is supposed to happen two years later in 1963, they won’t be stuck in the same position as they were in S4, that is by the time the show starts any characters new to the audience won’t necessarily be new to the existing characters. 

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I'm usually not that keen on romantic pairings in detective shows, either, but I'd make an exception for Dr. Alice. Be nice to see her with a date sometime. Maybe even Lawson?

Jean looked lovely in her wedding dress. I'm still not sure what she sees in such a prickly, problematic workaholic to make her give up her religion, but I'm fine with them being married in the context of the show. I just hope she gets more opportunities to impart some common sense knowledge to help solve his cases -- that's always been my favorite type of interaction between them.

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Not sure where to post this. They are going to film four Dr. Blake movies, but without Dr. Blake. They will skip ahead three years to explain his absence. Jean will have a prominent role in the movies. The Dr. Blake actor was reprimanded for sexual harassment, but no official charges. He is out.

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2 hours ago, Pickles said:

Not sure where to post this. They are going to film four Dr. Blake movies, but without Dr. Blake. They will skip ahead three years to explain his absence. Jean will have a prominent role in the movies. The Dr. Blake actor was reprimanded for sexual harassment, but no official charges. He is out.

Earlier this year, Craig was accused of harassment on a production of The Rocky Horror Show back in 2014. Pre production on the show was halted. He’s now suing the media who broadcast the initial reports. 

At the moment the plan is to shoot just the one telemovie now (without him but reportedly with his blessing) and presumably wait and see the outcome of the litigation before continuing. 

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1 hour ago, Ceindreadh said:

Earlier this year, Craig was accused of harassment on a production of The Rocky Horror Show back in 2014. Pre production on the show was halted. He’s now suing the media who broadcast the initial reports. 

At the moment the plan is to shoot just the one telemovie now (without him but reportedly with his blessing) and presumably wait and see the outcome of the litigation before continuing. 

Thanks for the info!

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2 hours ago, Mercolleen said:

I just started S5 and cannot remember why Frank Carlyle would have been in trouble and replaced. Can anyone remind me? Thanks.

It was mentioned a few times during S4 that Frank had a gambling habit.  Presumably at some point between the seasons he got in over his head.

Luckily they had the ideal replacement for him :-)

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Frank was probably my favorite of the superiors. There was something about him that I found very interesting. I was disappointed the actor was only in one season. I did some googling and learned the actor left for his own series - where he plays a doctor. Has anybody here seen it? Is it worth checking out?

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On 14/01/2016 at 5:39 PM, Ceindreadh said:

Season 4 is scheduled to start airing in Australia on Friday 5th February.

yes but when is it going to hit netflix, is the real question of the day. all the other seasons are there.

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Meant to post before now, but season 5 has started airing on BBC1 in it’s usual 2.15pm time slot (started 14th May). 

Looks like they’re also going to air the telemovie as a two parter. 

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On 20/4/2018 at 1:04 AM, magdalene said:

Frank was probably my favorite of the superiors. There was something about him that I found very interesting. I was disappointed the actor was only in one season. I did some googling and learned the actor left for his own series - where he plays a doctor. Has anybody here seen it? Is it worth checking out?


19 hours ago, luvmylabs said:

It's A Place Called Home.  I enjoyed it.

Craig Hall (Munro) is in A Place to Call Home. 

Rodger Corser (Frank Carlyle) is in Doctor Doctor (also known as The heart doc). I think it was always intended that he’d only be on Doctor Blake Mysteries for one season while Joel was unavailable. 

(I haven’t seen either of the other shows)

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Just watched the episode (S5E8)  where


Supt. Munro returns (briefly).

I had a real problem with this - they identify the bad guy at the end, but how am I supposed to remember why he felt as he did?  I could have used a little exposition about why he blamed who he did (sorry, trying to avoid spoilers), and I do  remember from a prior episode  that he had left town but that's about it. 

I'm afraid they're turning Jean into a plot device at this point - does this woman have no faults whatsoever? 

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21 hours ago, mjc570 said:

Just watched the episode (S5E8)  where

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Supt. Munro returns (briefly).

I had a real problem with this - they identify the bad guy at the end, but how am I supposed to remember why he felt as he did?  I could have used a little exposition about why he blamed who he did (sorry, trying to avoid spoilers), and I do  remember from a prior episode  that he had left town but that's about it. 

I'm afraid they're turning Jean into a plot device at this point - does this woman have no faults whatsoever? 

Re the bad guy in ep 8

he appeared in ep 7 and I thought his history with Lucien was brought up then.

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Ceindreadh:  Sorry, wasn't sure how to respond to something in  a spoiler, but I vaguely remember his leaving in the previous episode , but I don't remember exactly why he was angry.  I guess my comment also applies to ep 7, then. 

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20 hours ago, mjc570 said:

Ceindreadh:  Sorry, wasn't sure how to respond to something in  a spoiler, but I vaguely remember his leaving in the previous episode , but I don't remember exactly why he was angry.  I guess my comment also applies to ep 7, then. 

I thought they’d made it clear enough. I may have to rewatch the eps to make sure. (It’s a dirty job but somebody had to do it! ?)

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I just added Britbox to Amazon prime and started watching Season 5.  Loving it, but have to say I really don't care for the cub reporter woman, and wish we had Maddie back.

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4 hours ago, jrlr said:

I just added Britbox to Amazon prime and started watching Season 5.  Loving it, but have to say I really don't care for the cub reporter woman, and wish we had Maddie back.

I wish Mattie hadn’t left, but Rose has grown on me. Mainly because I enjoyed her scenes with ‘Uncle Matthew’ in S5. 

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1 hour ago, Ceindreadh said:

I wish Mattie hadn’t left, but Rose has grown on me. Mainly because I enjoyed her scenes with ‘Uncle Matthew’ in S5. 

I'm only 2 episodes in, so maybe she will grow on me.

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Season 5, episode 8 is scheduled to tape on my DVR. It's on my local PBS station (WGBX/WGBH).  I have looked on their website and can't find any mention of the movie that concludes the series.  Does anyone know if PBS has it now or if we'll have to wait?


Never mind -- My much more internet-able son was able to find it for me.  It WILL be airing the week after the 8th episode airs.  Yippee!!

Edited by ShelleySue
new information
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Is anyone still watching? I saw the movie this weekend on PBS. I don't know how they will continue this show without Dr. Blake, unless they kill him off. Then Jean will be twice the widow. 

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2 hours ago, Pickles said:

Is anyone still watching? I saw the movie this weekend on PBS. I don't know how they will continue this show without Dr. Blake, unless they kill him off. Then Jean will be twice the widow. 

I am. Actually watching it for a second time. 

I am hoping they will come to their senses and bring him back. After all the accusations got sorted out he may return. 

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11 hours ago, Pickles said:

Is anyone still watching? I saw the movie this weekend on PBS. I don't know how they will continue this show without Dr. Blake, unless they kill him off. Then Jean will be twice the widow. 


8 hours ago, Reality police said:

I am. Actually watching it for a second time. 

I am hoping they will come to their senses and bring him back. After all the accusations got sorted out he may return. 

I’m working my way through a rewatch of the show. Getting a bit bogged down on S4 because it’s my least favourite season, but only a few more eps to go until

Matthew returns, yay!


From what I’ve heard about the telemovie that’s been filmed without Craig, they’re going to jump forward a few years and Lucien is going to have been missing for some time.  I’m thinking that by the time it airs, Craig’s situation will hopefully be resolved and we’ll know whether he’s going to return to the show. 

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3 hours ago, Kemper said:

Is this series still in production?  Because a couple of weeks ago my PBS station aired what looked like maybe the final episode.

Was that the Christmas episode or the one after?

They've made and broadcast 5 seasons (total of 44 episodes) followed by a feature length telemovie which was originally intended to be the final installment and tie up any loose ends after the show was cancelled by the ABC Australia network.  The show was then picked up by Channel 7 and the intention was to film 3 or 4 telemovies instead of 8 hour long episodes. 

So far one telemovie has been produced but there's been no airdate scheduled in Australia. 

this movie will see Doctor Blake missing believed dead and Jean taking over the sleuthing

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