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Season 11 Anticipation More Stabs, etc...

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Even with the CBS logo all over the place, I'm not convinced this is a real Criminal Minds promo from CBS. JJ is not an undercover agent who might wear something like that as part of a case, and "Reid" just looks like Matthew. Plus, AJ is not that tall, certainly not taller than KV. 


And I think Thomas Gibson would horsewhip anyone who would commit such an atrocity on a photo of him.

  • Love 5


I'm so excited I can feel it in my chest. A mole! Maybe that's the reason why one member is leaving, they were discovered as being a mole and now they're leaving. I doubt that would happen though and I know it's probably going to be someone we don't get introduced to until this season but that doesn't stop me fantasising about each main character being a mole. Since the mole is only tipping off one unsub it is possible that it's a team member who has a relationship with the unsub. It would be interesting if someone is a mole without realising it too. Still...I hope the mole is Reid. What are the possibilities anyway? Kevin? Anderson?

If they make a team member turn out to be a mole, I will stop watching.
  • Love 3

Didn't Erica Messer once say during The Replicator story that the killer couldn't be a BAU teammate because the profilers would be so good they'd snuff it out too quickly? Wouldn't that happen here too?

...and what happened to criminals who were simply so good at understanding police work that they were able to avoid capture for so long? When did our criminals start needing cliche things like a mole to evade capture?

  • Love 6

I don't know if you've seen this already, but just in case I am posting them.

I must say I love the look of everyone with the exception of JJ. Don't get me wrong: she looks great in that dress, but what does has anything to do with the show?


And I resent the need to photoshop wrinkles.

People ages.

What's the big deal?


Matthew and Shemar look like their off-duty selves. But why do Matthew's feet look so tiny? Is the angle?


I love Garcia's dress-it's so Ann Marie from "That Girl." However, I'd wear it just a smidge longer and pair it with black tights (I'm just dotty about black tights) and a pair of mid-heeled pumps. My feet just can't take super high heels.


Yes, AJ looks like she should be on a chaise lounge being fed peeled grapes, almost like she's Gloria Swanson from "Sunset Boulevard." I can imagine her saying, "I'm big; it's the unsubs that got small!"

  • Love 6

Everytime they mention the mole I think of the scene from an Austin Powers movie with Fred Savage and Dr. Evil being unable to stop noticing the mole on his face. "Moley moley moley". LOL.


If my internet wasn't sucking, I was going to take the pic of TG and circle the mole on his face and post it as "The mole in the BAU".


The pictures are so horribly photoshopped. AJ looks very pretty, I don't like something about that dress on Kirsten, not loving how they were slapped together and there are no shadows and just something about the positions and everything bugs me.


For those wondering what its from: screenshots from a video promo for CBS in which there was a very brief mention of Criminal Minds.

  • Love 5



I'm so excited I can feel it in my chest. A mole! Maybe that's the reason why one member is leaving, they were discovered as being a mole and now they're leaving.  I doubt that would happen though and I know it's probably going to be someone we don't get introduced to until this season but that doesn't stop me fantasising about each main character being a mole. Since the mole is only tipping off one unsub it is possible that it's a team member who has a relationship with the unsub. It would be interesting if someone is a mole without realising it too. Still...I hope the mole is Reid. What are the possibilities anyway? Kevin? Anderson? 


I can't stop laughing because of the storyline nickname "the dirty dozen", seriously?! 

not only it sounds crappy, the name is ridiculous, moreover I can't help remember the show Life with that storyline, I've already explained why so not boring you again

and now a mole? that's a storyline used in the last season of The closer! 


Oh my god what if it's Anderson

Edit: dude what if it's GINA SHARP


kind of a spoiler here!!


I do agree, I would say Anderson actually or even Kevin, the poor bastard, after being used as a doormat by García this could be the last nail in the coffin.


If it's one of these characters, it's a mix between The mentalist and The closer then, I mean, the storyline from The closer and guilty guy who has been around from the beginning but just here and there, well, that's Red John!

Edited by smoker
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I'm sadly pretty sure it's not going to be Kevin. The actor seems to be going through a rough spot at the moment, so I rather doubt he'll be working much for the foreseeable.


Either that, or being the mole gives CM a "convenient" way of getting rid of him, like CSI did when Gary Dourdan got into drug trouble.

  • Love 1

Either that, or being the mole gives CM a "convenient" way of getting rid of him, like CSI did when Gary Dourdan got into drug trouble.


I get it, but GD was a main character, Kevin's a guest appearance, the same as Will but the latter is supposed to be happily married, if they didn't show up Kevin again it wouldn't be weird

Maybe it's Will hahaha

Edited by smoker

I could buy Will being the mole...he was a former detective himself and I'm sure JJ has told him all kinds of tricks and secrets.

Plus, it finally gives the character something tangible to do and just might- finally- give JJ some meaningful adversity.

(...which may mean Messer won't do it because she doesn't want to “tarnish” JJ's reputation...*sigh*)

  • Love 2

I would actually love it to be Will. I really don't like him (nor do I trust him), and I think the storyline would be really interesting.


On the other hand, I think Kevin would make more sense, but they'd have to get NB to actually do the storyline and as was already mentioned, he's not likely going to be working much in the near future. Although, it's not totally out of the question. He might be willing/able to come back for an episode or two.

  • Love 2

I don't think it would make much sense for Will to be the mole. By definition it really needs to be someone who works in the FBI and specifically, in the BAU, otherwise there's no way for him to actually be a mole. Not to mention we haven't seen that character in about two years. Maybe he's in the Erica Messer mystery doghouse with Jane Lynch.

s it really such a bad things if he spends most of his time outside of work alone? Alone isn't a bad thing, some people just prefer it. We could probably make a list of things he does outside of work already with the things the show has shown us.


Amen! I hate the idea that 'allowing Reid to be happy' somehow has to automatically mean giving him a love interest, as if that's the one and only sign that someone is leading a full and happy life. Some people are genuinely happy single---happiER, even, and I could very easily see Reid as one of those people. Except when I see him romantically involved with Elle offscreen, that is :) 


Re. the mole: I kind of half-hope it's JJ. That would actually make her a lot more interesting to me than she is as a 'perfect' comic book-y heroine, and I've always felt that AJ Cook is far better suited to play someone who's a little shady/snotty/cold/closed-off-to-the-point-where-you-don't-know-quite-what-she's-up-to etc. than the allegedly 'sweet', warm and extraordinarily compassionate person she's supposed to be but IMO almost never (even in earlier seasons!) pulled off too convincingly. 

  • Love 5

I could buy it from Kevin, though not from Will. I don't see such an upstanding character (according to the show, that is - I don't care for him at all) risking his entire way of life and everything he believes in regarding the law for any reason short of Henry or JJ and that's already been played out with Hit and Run.


Maybe it could be one way to get Nicholas Brendon off the show (I can totally see CBS not having patience for his actions), though he has proven useful in pinch-hitting for Garcia when she had to be elsewhere. 


But I don't think it's going to be anyone we know well, even a tertiary character. It feels to me as if it will be someone new. I'd like it if it were Anderson, though. Finally something interesting for him to do!

JJ could be interesting if the actress wants off the show, but then people would complain that everything was all about JJ again. No win there.

  • Love 1

I will be thoroughly disappointed if it's nobody we've met before, or if it's someone that gets introduced early on in the season who then ends up being the mole.


Sadly, as Saje said, this is what I think will happen. I can already see the new team member, Doctor Tara Lewis, be used in this way. We already know she's going to have a four episode run replacing JJ. We already know that, coincidentally, at her fourth episode, someone "leaves the team". We know that the last time someone replaced JJ they were used as a prop to show how difficult JJ's job (at the time) was.


Thus, I wouldn't be surprised if Lewis is the mole- this way, the show gets to deal with "one of their own" betraying "the team" and creating "tension within 'the family'", forcing the BAU to kick someone out and face scrutiny...all while not having to sacrifice someone whom the audience would revolt if they were evicted. It's your typical executive cop-out move, and it'd be a groaner, but I can't imagine with Beyond Borders being an unknown at this stage that CBS wants to risk messing with a hit too much.

  • Love 5

I am just disappointed about the whole 'mole' business. Not only is an already over-used story line, but also unnecessary.

Serial killers, and profiling methods are interesting enough, if they would care to dig into them.

The whole ID (Investigation Discovery) channel is full of interesting, relevant stuff about criminal minds.

And yet, the writers team keep thinking about spies, conspirators, trickery and deceit, flashy explosions and team members in fake peril (or worse, fake team members).

  • Love 5

If CBS doesn't want Nicholas Brandon back, they simply will not ever mention him again. They would not have the actor come in and depict a character death spiral, that would just be cruel.


Unless! Nicholas, knowing that he was going to be fired anyway, requested an interesting and meaty exit. Something against the grain of his established character.

Unless! Nicholas, knowing that he was going to be fired anyway, requested an interesting and meaty exit. Something against the grain of his established character.

That would only work if he were a regular. I don't think an actor that recurs as infrequently as he does can get fired, he just won't be asked back. Even if he was a series regular, with the amount of legal trouble he has been in recently he is in no position to request anything.

  • Love 3

You could be right and they may just ignore his existence altogether, but we don't know that, do we?


His contract could have placed sanctions on him in case of relapse, or due to his previous troubles could have included clauses that allowed for a graceful exit. The character, though minor, isn't worthless. I can see the network going "Ok, here's your swan song. BYE NOW."

I don't think Nicholas has a contract with CM. In the past it would just be for a few episodes, and lately, I think he's been on 1 episode per season. He wasn't on at all Season 10, was he? Anyway, he simply will not be asked back.

I agree the tired old trope of a mole isn't making me tingly with anticipation. I also doubt they would use Dr. Lewis as the mole, as she will probably come back later in the year after Shemar makes his exit (I think).

Episode 4 is already in the bag, and no one has left - JJ is coming back this week (to filming). Matthew had said that a regular would leave in the episode he directs, which hasn't been announced yet, but that will probably be the 9th episode or so, the one they show before the winter break. I imagine it will be used as a mini-cliffie and a send off for Shemar, and then after the first of the year, they'll ask Dr. Lewis to come back permanently, if the character tests well.

This is pure speculation on my part, but it makes sense to me.

  • Love 5

Kevin was in one episode on season 10- "Burn"- when he filled for Penelope (and did a more professional job in my opinion).

Yeah, the regular character exit is supposed to take place during the episode Matthew directs, and that would be episode nine AT THE EARLIEST, though it could be a bit later. So it would not be Dr. Lewis who is departing.

  • Love 4

Oh, I thought any time someone appeared on a network show, they had to have a contract. Of course I could be wrong, who knows the semantics of how that all works?


I agree Aisha isn't the mole. They do play fast and loose with the term "regular" character, so it could be someone on the edges, but I agree it's bye-bye time for Shemar (even though I don't really think he's the mole, I do think he's the one going). That's where my money lies. 


We should have like a fake, fun 'office pool', everyone pitching in 5 bucks or whatever. Whoever guesses right from both categories (who's the mole, and who's leaving) gets to split the pot, and bragging rights. McCatry could chart it!

  • Love 2

I will be thoroughly disappointed if it's nobody we've met before, or if it's someone that gets introduced early on in the season who then ends up being the mole.

I understand what you're saying, but I sure don't want it to be one of the team, so....

I am just disappointed about the whole 'mole' business. Not only is an already over-used story line, but also unnecessary.

Serial killers, and profiling methods are interesting enough, if they would care to dig into them.

The whole ID (Investigation Discovery) channel is full of interesting, relevant stuff about criminal minds.

And yet, the writers team keep thinking about spies, conspirators, trickery and deceit, flashy explosions and team members in fake peril (or worse, fake team members).


  • Love 3

I'll say this much- this is all going to depend on how well Dr. Lewis tests. If she becomes a breakthrough, "fan favourite" after a few episodes, then she's likely going to stick around for the whole season and someone else will be "the mole" and leave at the winter break. If Lewis doesn't break through, then I'm pretty certain that she will be the one leaving at the break, because at this stage in the show's run, I doubt there are too many executives who want to risk losing the fanbases of a long time character without another set of fans "ready" to take their place.


Again, also, precedent has shown that CM is pretty conservative with their casting choices- major cast choices don't come without much notice, and, consistently, the "core six"- Hotch, Rossi, Morgan, Reid, Garcia and JJ- have always been pretty safe. I haven't seen any indication that anyone is leaving, and, again, Erica Messer has been down this road before telling us "a team member is leaving" only for it to be someone who hasn't been with the team for very long (Alex Blake and Kate Callahan) or a secondary character like Erin Strauss. We might "appreciate" it if it wasn't Lewis, but I strongly doubt she'd be brought on without the very real option of her being the one who leaves. What if she debuts and we all hate her? CBS would be mad to keep her around.


(I know...one of you will think "why is JJ still here?" but CBS seems to think she has fans...Lewis is an unknown at this point)


Lastly, and I believe it's been mentioned before, the "regular team member" could depart the team but not the series, much like how Hotch took a leave of absence from the team in "The Slave of Duty". It's very possible that the same thing could happen here.

  • Love 3

When CBS is bound and determined to bring in a new character, they will. There was certainly no testing of Alex and Kate, and even in the face of backlashes, they kept them. Both of them likely made the decision to leave on their own, because CBS certainly could have fired Jeanne after her first season, but they didn't. They also made Rachel Nichols a series regular before her supposed three episode arc (as it was originally billed when she was cast) even aired. And they likely would have kept Rachel if Paget's pilot had been picked up, because Rachel was certainly under the impression her option was picked up for the following year. Before she was fired on the Internet of course. 


There has been no other talk about a cast member leaving from other news sources. It's just from the one interview with Matthew, and he's not exactly known for talking stuff up for the hell of it, unlike Erica. So my money is still on a series regular (likely Shemar) until we hear something different. I mean, I think Aisha's arc is over now or will be soon. Today was the last day of filming episode six, and AJ should be back to work very soon since she's been on set. 

  • Love 3

Aisha Tyler is debuting with the option of becoming a regular, so it could still stand to reason that the cast is treating her as a regular and/or (at least) has been told she's a regular. I'm not saying that Matthew Gray Gubler is lying- rather that he's not privy to executive decisions or discussions, so he could be led to believe something that the execs have told him but maybe not have fully decided on yet.


I also see no indication- anywhere- that Shemar Moore is going to leave CM. He doesn't appear to be any more of a favourite than the other long-time cast members (I've looked all this stuff up).


The only thing I know is that Gubler said “There’s a special episode...I almost don’t want to give it away, but I might as well. It’s the departure of one of the regular team members.” We've seen that "regular team member" has a very fluid description over the years, and I still think, based on the vagueness of the quote (and the tone of the Zap2It article where it comes from), that it may not even mean someone is leaving the series.


Fact is, I don't think we're any closer today figuring out who is leaving than we were back in August when Gubler uttered the quote. Only thing I know is that it'd be weird (though I guess not unprecedented) for Gubler to direct his own exit episode, so I doubt Reid is going anywhere.


At the end of the day, though, what really bugs me is that CM seems to have no ideas on how to "spark" the series except by putting teammates in peril or kicking them off the series. It's emotionally exploitative and tiring (who likes the feeling that their favourite character could bite the dust?) and, at this point, isn't terribly creative. What happened to having special crimes and criminals? Isn't that what the show is supposed to be about?

  • Love 3

Well, yes, that is what the show's core mission was, but as we have seen since Erica came on board, that mission has drifted off course. That's why I have been wishing Erica would get replaced by someone who really does understand the show's mission, can hire good writers AND can push the writing in that direction. So many episodes haven't had to really deal with true profiling or real criminal psychology. The idea of a mole in the BAU is an overdone idea, and nearly what happened in the Replicator, since he was someone who had access to their cases. I can only hope if they are going down this road that they insert a lot of psychology into outing the mole, but this sounds more like an action oriented storyline, so I am not exceptionally optimistic. 


The main reason why I don't think Aisha is the one they are referring to, is that there really isn't much special about a recurring character leaving. Yes, yes we had Erica talking about Strauss's death, but that is Erica. She who basically sits on a throne of lies a good chunk of the time. They would have to do something really spectacular to make Aisha's departure exciting since everybody knows it is coming, and again, it would have to be episode nine at the earliest, since we are still not sure what episode Matthew is directing. But if Aisha's contract really does have an option for her to become a series regular, I have to think they were not planning her exit back whenever this story was first broached to Matthew. And if it is just a temporary departure, that is not very interesting either. 


If a series regular is leaving, it would have to be because THEY want off the show and not because CBS is firing anyone. So at this point, I really don't care if any of them choose to leave. Yes, even my beloved Matthew. And if it is a series regular leaving, they probably wouldn't hype it up until shortly before the episode airs. Why start now, when it is likely only going to cause consternation in the fanbase? Save it to whip up ratings. Unless they were going for something completely shocking, like Josh Charles's exit from The Good Wife. But now, you can bet that fans will be scrutinizing Matthew's episode closely and the behind the scenes photos to get a hint of what is going on.

Edited by ForeverAlone
  • Love 4

Does anyone have any ideas on how much Hotch was effected in Mr.Scratch? What are the chances of us actually seeing an episode this season showing what it did to him? 

Based on the following episode, he was completely unaffected. The chances of seeing an episode showing the after-effects are slim, but not impossible - they might decide to give him PTSD in the series' 300th episode or something.


As much as I watch the show for the characters, I think there's a problem if the departure of a given character means people no longer want to watch the show. Several other long-running shows have dealt with the departure of regulars (e.g. Grey's Anatomy, CSI) without half the fanbase deciding to jump ship. The fact that this is a serious concern for CM is a symptom of a much bigger problem, imo. There's a difference between being invested in the characters and being invested in a single character while not caring about (or actively disliking) the rest.

  • Love 4

I agree it's unlikely we will see any fallout from Mr Scratch, given past history of continuity on the show. Or lack thereof. It would take them a couple of years for the cogs to start turning and for them to think about it and I doubt the show will last that long.

As for me, I do watch primarily for MGG. if he left the show I might watch the odd episode if I chanced upon it but I wouldn't follow the show. Nor will I bother to follow Beyond Boredom.  I think this is one of the pitfalls of most of the cast having remained for such a long time - each character seems to have developed devoted fans who watch just for them, Other shows have thrived on the main cast changing often but it is probably too late for CM to successfully do that.

Edited by Old Dog
  • Love 5

Ok, here's a thought-- maybe its been mentioned-- but what if the mole turns out to be Garcia's boyfriend Sam. What if she mentions work stuff to him and he's reporting to someone?


Or what if it's Rossi's daughter?


Or, what if there isn't really an actual mole and someone has hacked in and is monitoring their correspondences?


As for whoever is leaving, my guesses: if its not a main character I think its either Kevin or Cruz. For a possible main character, Morgan (becuase Shemar said he only wanted to do up to season 10 and his tweets during hiatus seemed to foreshadow leaving) or JJ (not out of any desire to have her leave, but because AJ might want to spend more time with the family now that she has two little ones). Although, I think the latter is unlikely since AJ seems to be the breadwinner for the family.

Edited by zannej
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