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Season 9: Spoilers, Speculation and All Discussion In-between

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For what it is worth here is a link to an IGN interview with Moffat where he discusses Maisie Williams' character.


Edited by call me ishmael

Official Series 9 promo picture ....




It shows the world’s greatest heroes in explosive form, dashing from danger but - knowing those two – running headlong into more trouble!



Edited by darkestboy

I like the adoring look. Why shouldn't Clara like the Doctor? I don't want to watch a series of them at odds with each other. I'd rather see them as friends having great adventures etc.


Also some news about Series 10, which may or may not be true. Hard to say to be honest. Sounds like crap though .....



  • Love 2

I like the adoring look. Why shouldn't Clara like the Doctor? I don't want to watch a series of them at odds with each other. I'd rather see them as friends having great adventures etc.


Also some news about Series 10, which may or may not be true. Hard to say to be honest. Sounds like crap though .....



Friends having a great adventure together tend not to gaze adoringly at one another. It's a pose aimed at shippers.


The series 10 news sounds plausible to me. It wouldn't be the first time. Honestly, though, if Moffat is over-committed he should hand over the reins to someone else. He's more than served his time and the show is ready for fresh blood and new ideas.

  • Love 1

The closest you can get to seeing the Eleventh Doctor under another head writer is his two-part appearance in The Sarah Jane Adventures.  Death of the Doctor was written by RTD and was quite good.


Sadly, if Moffat produces next season (Capaldi's third year) then I can't see him leaving until the end of the 12th Doctor era.

For what it's worth RTD did a lovely job writing Eleven IMO. It's some of my favourite Matt Smith work actually. He writes a tonally perfect Eleven whilst going for the emotional beats that Moffat doesn't go for. Eleven's serene smile whilst acknowledging Jo is airing her "you promised you'd see me again" speech was beautiful, as were all the scenes between him and Sarah Jane. Not to mention that the Doctor seemed to get a kick of out various £grand-companions" there.


If he'd written a full blown Who ep with Eleven things might have been very different, but it showed that a different showrunner could write other people's characters with care in the nu!who fandom

Edited by Featherhat
  • Love 2

Part of the deal they made with Terry Nation's estate to bring them back in the first revival season was that there had to be at least one Dalek appearance each season. The BBC weren't too confident about the revival and figured the best they could do was getting two or three seasons out of nostalgia, so it didn't seem so stupid a decision at the time. (Dalek Fatigue is actually one of the reasons they supported the ideas for both the specials and the split season, since they were essentially ways to keep the show on air without actually having new seasons.)

SFX Magazine (out Wednesday) have their Series 9 episode previews, courtesy of Moffat ....



Episodes 1 & 2


“This is the opening two-parter. It features lots of Daleks and this time we mean it! Clara receives a mysterious summons and has to team up with Missy to search for the Doctor in a very, very old place.”

Episodes 3 & 4


“This two-parter is written by Toby Whithouse and features an underwater base plagued by creeping ghosts and an island that is about to be submerged in water. But who or what is doing this and how can the Doctor stop it? It’s very scary, atmospheric and claustrophobic, much like some classic episodes.”
Episodes 5 & 6

“Those two are exceptional! Doctor Who meets Game of Thrones! Well, only because Maisie Williams is in them. The first part features Vikings fighting mercenary robots (and a dragon!) and the second one sees a group of Highwaymen dealing with a Norse god”.

Episodes 7 & 8


“This one is written by Peter Harness and Day of the Doctor acted as a prologue to it. In it, the Zygons made peace with the Humans, but not every Zygon decided it was okay so they’ve been raising an army, silently and now they’re rising against UNIT! We’ve been planning this forever and Osgood is in it! But how is that possible you’d ask? Missy killed her! Who knows? Well, we know.”

Episode 9

“This is a very unique Doctor Who story from Mark Gatiss. It wasn’t possible to do such an episode ten years ago, when the show came back and Mark has been rewriting it over and over again to make it perfect. It’s a beautiful story, very eerie and special, I think it’s going to be an instant classic.”

Episode 10


“An episode which leapt out as “why haven’t we done this already? This is so Doctor Who we should be doing this immediately”. And when Sarah Dollard walked in with the finalised script, it was even better! Really, this is going to be a fan-favorite, everyone will want to rewatch it.”

Episode 11 & 12 (Finale)

“A challenge. I won’t say anything else because it would be too spoilery, but when you’ll watch it, you’re going to ask how exactly the Doctor and Clara are going to pull it off.”


Some MASSIVE spoilers for episode 12, which is currently being filmed .....




Oh and this gorgeous cover for DWM, which is out on Thursday .....



  • Love 1

I like that they're following up on the "peace" between the humans and the Zygons.  I always thought that had potential for a future storyline.

I always thought it was absurd to even claim such a settlement was possible! At the time the attitude to that dropped thread was 'oh, they worked it out and everything's fine, why is everyone so bothered about it?' so I find myself wondering if this follow-up was planned all along (I'd like to say yes but doubt it) or if it's a response to all the fans going 'no way, that's never going to work, don't be ridiculous'.


I'm so over Moffat's hyperbole. "It features lots of Daleks and this time we mean it!" Yeah, right. We've heard it all and been burned before.

Every Dalek story since "Dalek" has featured lots of Daleks.  What about "Asylum of the Daleks"?  Not only were both versions of the new series Daleks in there, but also a bunch of the different models from the classic series.  So much for being wiped out in the Time War (which, when you think about it, means that no matter what the Time War Doctor did, all he really accomplished was the loss of Gallifrey and his people.  I wish someone would examine that in more detail on the show).

  • Love 1

Yeah, daleks are overused. I'd prefer a story like "Dalek" where there's only a few daleks (well, one in that case) because whenever we get "There are eleventy billion daleks out there to kill us!" you  know there's going to be some deus ex machina resolution. Keeping the threat small allows the Doctor to actually resolve the situation himself rather than stumbling upon the "Sink Plunger of Rasillon" that smart bombs all the Daleks.

Blogtor Who have more spoilers ....




9x01/9x02: The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar: Expect a Twelve/Missy team up of sorts and a snake creature made up of other snakes.

9x03/9x04: Ghost story in an underwater base.

9x05/9x06: The Girl Who Died/The Woman Who Lived: Maisie Williams, Vikings on a spaceship and highwaymen, one of whom played by Rufus Hound.

9x07/9x08: Invasion Of The Zygons/Inversion Of The Zygons: Direct continuity from The Day Of The Doctor, Twelve asks Osgood repeatedly if she's real, there's scenes in Mexico and chasing Zygons in a supermarket.

9x09: Unique episode that might not feature the title sequence and will use a style the show previously hasn't. A found footage episode.

9x10: This was simply described as "invasion of invisible streets".

9x11/9x12: Very little revealed about this one but it does seem that the first part might not actually feature Clara, has been described as a one hander for the Doctor.


There will also be an episode that features the returns of both Judoon and Hath.


Interviews with Peter Capaldi and Ingrid Oliver ....



That all sounds very intriguing.


I wonder if the one-hander for the Doctor (which means he's the only person in the episode) in Episode 11 will provide proper context for his Day of the Doctor cameo.  Calpaldi said that would be addressed.  Although it could be a part of the awesomely named Zygon invasion story.


I think Rigsy is going to appear in the found footage episode.  Either that or Episode 10.

Edited by benteen

That all sounds very intriguing.


I wonder if the one-hander for the Doctor (which means he's the only person in the episode) in Episode 11 will provide proper context for his Day of the Doctor cameo.  Calpaldi said that would be addressed.  Although it could be a part of the awesomely named Zygon invasion story.


I think Rigsy is going to appear in the found footage episode.  Either that or Episode 10.


I always thought it would be funny if, in the middle of some random story, Twelve would just suddenly run into the TARDIS, grab that lever, furrow his brow, and pull it dramatically to do whatever he was doing in that episode, and then just casually go right back to whatever he was doing.

Edited by Ringthane
  • Love 3

I'm not saying I don't believe that there will be Daleks or that I don't think there have been enough Daleks up till now. I'm saying I don't trust Moffat's hyperbolic statements, and that line was a good example of his meaningless hot air.

Showrunner uses hyberbole in run up to new season to try to improve viewing figures? Hang the swine!!! (yawn)

I'm uncertain where to put this discussion, but as clips of the new season were shown, I'll put it here.  Did anyone else watch The End of Time (super extended version) last night?  Two things for me:


1. I hated the commentator.  I'm sure she's a lovely person and all, but she grated on my nerves terribly.  Where do they get these people?  And then, the tweets for our first words as a Doctor?  I'm guessing there weren't many people catching the "live" version of the show.


2.  I'm really truly sorry, but, apart from a few scenes at the end, The End of Time is not that great an episode. Too noisy, too hectic, and just awful. 


Feel free to beat me up. 

  • Love 1

I'm uncertain where to put this discussion, but as clips of the new season were shown, I'll put it here.  Did anyone else watch The End of Time (super extended version) last night?  Two things for me:


1. I hated the commentator.  I'm sure she's a lovely person and all, but she grated on my nerves terribly.  Where do they get these people?  And then, the tweets for our first words as a Doctor?  I'm guessing there weren't many people catching the "live" version of the show.


2.  I'm really truly sorry, but, apart from a few scenes at the end, The End of Time is not that great an episode. Too noisy, too hectic, and just awful. 


Feel free to beat me up. 

No need for the beating up  ;0)


I like "The End of Time", issues and all.  I did find all the "extras" annoying and unnecessary.  Par for the course for specials like this.

Now, the obvious questions to ask ...


- When in River's timeline will she be meeting the Twelfth Doctor?

- Is Clara a part of the episode? The press release doesn't mention her at all and it does seem like Jenna Coleman could be stepping down from the TARDIS in the finale as well.

- Also, is River the only returning character in this Christmas episode? What if there are more to be announced over the coming weeks?

Edited by darkestboy

Yes, I found this part interesting :and Torchwood is getting its own series.


Are they coming back?


As for the rest of the article, there was that one throw away line from River about her birthday and 2 doctors, so...

Now, the obvious questions to ask ...


- When in River's timeline will she be meeting the Twelfth Doctor?

- Is Clara a part of the episode? The press release doesn't mention her at all and it does seem like Jenna Coleman could be stepping down from the TARDIS in the finale as well.

- Also, is River the only returning character in this Christmas episode? What if there are more to be announced over the coming weeks?


When River met Tennant's Doctor, she did say how young he looked.  Maybe we'll finally get to see the first meeting between River and the Doctor.  Although, if it is River from somewhere during the time we've already seen, imagine how agitated she'll get when she tries to get all touchy-feely with Capaldi and finds out how much he hates hugging... 


I also wonder if River will know that Capaldi is the first of a new cycle of Doctors, or if she knew Matt Smith's Doctor was the 13th incarnation.  Obviously she knows he has multiple regenerations, but will she be able to tell what happened?  Wasn't it CALRiver who showed up at Trenzalore?  Lots of questions.

When River met Tennant's Doctor, she did say how young he looked.  Maybe we'll finally get to see the first meeting between River and the Doctor. 

First meeting between River and which Doctor? In Silence in the Library she said that Tennant was the youngest she'd ever seen him, and Tennant's Doctor didn't know her - it was established then that that was his first meeting with her. And with Smith's Doctor we also saw her first meeting with him. If she does meet Capaldi's Doctor now, then it has to come somewhere between those two encounters in her timeline. The only first it can be is her first meeting with this particular Doctor - we've already done all the other firsts.

First meeting between River and which Doctor? In Silence in the Library she said that Tennant was the youngest she'd ever seen him, and Tennant's Doctor didn't know her - it was established then that that was his first meeting with her. And with Smith's Doctor we also saw her first meeting with him. If she does meet Capaldi's Doctor now, then it has to come somewhere between those two encounters in her timeline. The only first it can be is her first meeting with this particular Doctor - we've already done all the other firsts.


I meant the first meeting between River and the Doctor, period.  When he would know everything about her and she would know nothing about him.  Wasn't the original idea for her to meet the Doctor in the reverse order of when he meets her?  At some point there has to be that first time she encounters him, and it would make sense to have an older actor playing him when that happens.  I mean, it's possible that she could know several incarnations of him, but at some point she just becomes another Clara - having seen and been part of the lives of/influential in the lives of a whole slew of them. 


Plus, Alex Kingston's not getting any younger.  Not that she doesn't look good, but at some point it would be weird to see a story like that if she looks older in that story than she did in the story River dies in.


It would be interesting if being so close to the Doctor and time travel for so long maybe made her timeline more fluid and less linear than a regular person's, but I don't trust Moffatt to be able to write something like that without resorting to the old "wibbly wobbly, timey wimey" chestnut again.

Edited by Ringthane

I meant the first meeting between River and the Doctor, period.  When he would know everything about her and she would know nothing about him.  Wasn't the original idea for her to meet the Doctor in the reverse order of when he meets her?  At some point there has to be that first time she encounters him, and it would make sense to have an older actor playing him when that happens.

But we've already seen the very first time River ever met the Doctor - it was when she regenerated from Mels into River, with Matt Smith's Doctor. That was the very first time she ever met him. And we've seen the very first time he ever met her, back when he was David Tennant and she died in the Library. Like I said, we've already done all those firsts. If she meets Capaldi's Doctor now, it has to fall somewhere in between those two encounters in her timeline, which has never really run exactly in reverse of his, that was just a neat shorthand for them to use as a vague description. But if you sit down and plot out their timeline as we know it so far (which I'm not going to run through here, because I'm hazy on the details now, but back in the day it was done in some detail and can probably still be found online somewhere if anyone is interested enough to Google it) it becomes clear that they haven't run in exact backward parallel to one another, only approximately, with various exceptions disproving the rule. So her meeting Capaldi's Doctor somewhere in the middle wouldn't be a problem - in fact it makes more sense of her encounter with Tennant if she also knows later Doctors than Smith, because she talked as if she'd known more than one of him, yet can't have known earlier versions because she said he was the youngest she'd ever seen him.

Edited by Llywela

Not sure if the video game is "canon" but in The Eternity Clock video game River's diary entries reveal that she has gone back in time to meet doctors 1-9 and then wiped their memories so they wouldn't remember it.  


Also, Moffat has written in some of the script notes (I believe it was the script notes) that the Picnic in Asgard was with Doctor 10.


Just a little bit of info to stick out there.  This could conceivably take place while she is doing all that- which would roughly put it during the time she is having adventures with 11 and before The Library.   

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