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Grey's Anatomy in the Media: Incident Reporting

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I think we'll end up happily surprised and Henderson won't be a replacement love interest for Mer. At least not unless an opportunity presents itself for it to happen naturally later down the line. Shonda chooses to be oblivious to a lot of things but she's not stupid and if she wants the new character to have a chance at acceptance then he won't be going near Mer anytime soon.

Off the Map was awful. it was mainly the writing though the actors with the exception of Jason Winston George who now plays Ben could not rise above it.

It wouldn't have mattered if they cast Adonis or a 3 foot purple troll with bleach blond hair, any new male addition at this point would be referred to by the media as "McDreamy 2.0".  The hate is all over twitter, tumblr and so on with people calling him ugly, cheap & untalented. Its not at all shocking because just about every new cast member is hated on by a certain group of the fanbase, haters gonna hate and all that.  


I know nothing about Martin Henderson but I'm sure he'll be just fine. From all accounts the actors on Grey's are gracious and welcoming to new cast members and they'll probably warn him of the twitter hate since they were all on the receiving end for not giving enough praise when Patrick left. Actors are used to characters/actors leaving and new ones coming. Its all part of the job for them.  I just hope his character is interesting. I'd love for him to be the doctor competing for Chief.

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Ooh. He could be both (competing for Chief and Meredith's new love interest). Derek's death seemed like Shonda's takedown of inadequate medical care in rural areas. I could see her or her associates telling the story of What happens when an experienced woman of color goes up against a white man for a promotion?


Heh, as if viewers didn't hate Catherine enough if that's her choice -- to say nothing of if he gets it over Bailey.


Obviously all speculation at this point, but I do wonder.


Yes, it is all just speculation.


I think he will be the next chief of surgery,in the first half they will test his on screen chemistry with Pompeo, the same as they did with Scorsone and McKidd. Weirdly though Shonda sees in this Omelette pairing chemistry when there is none,so she might see some between Pompeo and Henderson and there might really be something or it won´t be, but if she sees something they will become a couple.


Amelia will most likely get back with Owen for her and him to have a child which they once lost in different ways.

Stephanie will have the new intern.

Maggie has the radiology guy.

Callie will get back with Arizona or have a new female love interest.They dropped the guy love interest from last season.

Jo has Alex.

April is married to Jackson although Shonda lives for cheating storylines.


The only woman available is Meredith,yet, if they drop Omelette,he might be for Amelia. But if he becomes chief, they won´t get Amelia together with another chief.

Again the only woman left at least for me is Meredith. Maggie´s love interest will more or less stay off screen. 


UNLESS his character will be gay and he is for one of the male doctors to shake things up. Now that would be something.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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I believe Joshua Jackson was originally cast as Owen but (I think) the writer's strike pushed back the timing of the role and it conflicted for him.

Interesting...I did not know this!  Funny I was going to mention that Cristina was single for a whole season (sarcasm) before being paired up with Owen.  But, now it seems like that was more of a production timing than an actual writing decision...so there goes that thought.  

Edited by Greysaddict

I liked Joshua on Fringe, I think he'd be good on Grey's but I can't see him as Owen.
Tbh it's good that he didn't end up on Grey's because that would probably mean more behind the scenes drama. As far as I remember he didn't have a good relationship with his co-star (Anna Torv) on Fringe. I remember people saying that they didn't even talk to each other. Perhaps he's not the best person to work with, but I'm just speculating here.
I like him, though.


Ellen interview


What is this event she is at in Italy and what was the award she got for?  I thought it was a film festival but it must be more since Ellen hasn't been in a film in over a decade.

It seems like they were celebrating 10 years of Grey's  Anatomy airing in Italy.  I don't know exactly what the award was for, but I think that had something do with why she was invited.  


She's getting a ton of flack on twitter for not fawning all over Patrick and his departure....but I find her words kind of refreshing.  She seems very honest and unscripted, to me at least...she is actress so who knows what she really feels.  I think she generally is pretty honest with her interviews always though.


I should add that I am huge fan of Patrick Dempsey AND huge MerDer fan.  I think his presence and their combined chemistry will definitely be missed next year, but the show WILL go on and I will continue to watch for Ellen and the rest of the cast I enjoy.  Ellen has an excellent point on how hard (both she and the rest of the cast/crew) work and I definitely see why she'd be hurt hearing the fans don't want to watch anymore because Patrick is gone.  

Edited by Greysaddict
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It seems like they were celebrating 10 years of Grey's  Anatomy airing in Italy.  I don't know exactly what the award was for, but I think that had something do with why she was invited.  


She's getting a ton of flack on twitter for not fawning all over Patrick and his departure....but I find her words kind of refreshing.  She seems very honest and unscripted, to me at least...she is actress so who knows what she really feels.  I think she generally is pretty honest with her interviews always though.


Right! I mean, what do people expect her to say? "I'm crushed, the show is going to suck now..." Be realistic! Grey's has lost tons of cast members over the years, and it's always done just fine. Ellen is right to say that it's an insult to be told people will leave with Dempsey - she's still there, still working, still committed to telling Meredith's story. She had no control over Dempsey's exist, and she continues to be gracious and kind with fans and when discussing the show. People need to give her a break. Dempsey is gone, they need to either accept it and continue supporting the show or get over it and just quit watching and complaining. I understand being invested for years; I've watched since the pilot first aired. If anything it's showed me that anything goes on Grey's, you need to take the not-so-good with the good. I'm personally excited to see where they go from here, and my issue isn't losing cast members, but gaining too many lol. 

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The  bonus features for the S11 DVD have been confirmed: 


SPOTLIGHT: CATERINA SCORSONE - Get to know long-time ShondaLand actress Caterina Scorsone. From her days on Private Practice to joining the cast of Grey's Anatomy, Caterina has fabulously portrayed Dr. Amelia Shepherd, little sister of Dr. Derek Shepherd. Find out how she came to the role, what it is like to be a series regular on two of Shonda's shows and what a typical day on set is like for her.
EXTENDED EPISODE - An extended version of Episode #1124 "You're My Home."
HOW TO SAY GOODBYE - Show Creator Shonda Rhimes reflects on the heartbreaking loss of the show's character Dr. Derek Shepherd, aka McDreamy.
DELETED SCENES - Back from the dead, these scenes have a new life on DVD.
IN STITCHES - Check out the cast cutting up in and out of the OR.



Gee, spotlight on Catarina... who would have guessed.

I guess it's interesting that Shonda is doing a feature on Derek's departure. 

Edited by BaseOps
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Of course there is spotlight on Scorsone. Yes, who would have guessed it......


"fabulously portrayed"  haha, that is a good joke.


"how she came to the role" - we all know how, by kissing Rhimes´s ass long enough.   


Sick of how they promote her. Not deserved at all.


It´ll be interesting what Rhimes has to say on Derek. I guess something like the show will go on as always. Or we might see her with a handkerchief wiping away a tear or two. Well, most likely not.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Clip of Grey's questions while Katherine Heigl was doing movie press: http://www.etonline.com/tv/166632_katherine_heigl_cant_imagine_greys_without_mcdreamy/


I loved how she couldn't find the words and just laughed saying "I don't know how to answer that".  I'm also glad she put a stop to the rumors of her coming back so there's no more speculating in the media about it. 


Watch for the 3 seconds of she and Justin dancing at 52 seconds, its great.


Thanks for the info, BaseOps.  Newer cast members being featured on the DVD is nothing new at all, for example:


Season 3 included a feature on the character of Ava (not even a regular character)
Season 4 included a feature on 3 new characters (one not even a regular) - Brooke Smith, Chyler Leigh and Lauren Stamile.
Season 5 had a feature with Jeffrey Dean Morgan talking about Dead Denny.

we all know how

No, "we" don't. Your opinion is not everyone's nor is it fact.

Edited by windsprints
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I feel bad for Katherine's costar who was doing press with her. Its bad enough that ET had to bring up rumors of her returning to Grey's that they had to know were nothing more than a website speculating but then he had to sit there while they ask about McDreamy. I guess any actor who ever worked on Grey's is now stuck with that question (Eric Dane got it a few days ago too) and Chyler back in May.  


Let's not stop at Caterina - every actor may only have their job because they are an ass kisser. Forget Linda Lowy casting who cast most of them and forget the network signing off on all of them.  Shonda tweeted in January how Patrick sent flowers to her for her birthday so kissing Shonda's ass doesn't seem to be any guarantee of employment hahahaha.


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There is absolutely nothing unusual at all for actors on long running shows being given an opportunity to direct if that is something that they have an interest in and the showrunners in charge have confidence that they can do.  Alan Alda, MASH; Laura Innes: ER; Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad; Jon Hamm and John Slattery, Mad Men; Chandra Wilson, Grey's Anatomy (all just off the top of my head).  That Shonda seems to promote her folks like other shows does not seem to me to be indicia of anything other than her being like other show runners.


ETA:  I left one out...Peter Horton....mentioned by choclatechip45, got his start as a director on a show he starred in as well (thirtysomething)!

Edited by pennben
  • Love 5

There is absolutely nothing unusual at all for actors on long running shows being given an opportunity to direct if that is something that they have an interest in and the showrunners in charge have confidence that they can do.  Alan Alda, MASH; Laura Innes: ER; Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad; Jon Hamm and John Slattery, Mad Men; Chandra Wilson, Grey's Anatomy (all just off the top of my head).  That Shonda seems to promote her folks like other shows does not seem to me to be indicia of anything other than her being like other show runners.


ETA:  I left one out...Peter Horton....mentioned by choclatechip45, got his start as a director on a show he starred in as well (thirtysomething)!


Of course it is nothing unusual for actors to be given an opportunity to direct, that is not what I was referring to with McKidd. The number of episodes and their importance increases with the crap he gets for Owen´s non-existing storyline. He gets to direct more and more in return for accepting crap for Owen. Fair enough. I guess he is satisfied with that. He has a  kind of weird barter trade with Rhimes in my opinion.

He does not have the guts to leave the show. He should have left with Sandra. In one interview  (during season 10) she said and he was right there with her that in her heart of hearts she wished for Owen to leave with Cristina and do badass surgeries around the world. So he knew what she wished for back then.


When speaking of Crowen - what kind of man lets the love of his life go just like that????  Only one kind of man. A coward.

Such irony, in Season 5 Owen came like a true brave hero - a war trauma surgeon - there is not an inch of being a coward in it, how odd he has become one since then.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Of course it is nothing unusual for actors to be given an opportunity to direct, that is not what I was referring to with McKidd. The number of episodes and their importance increases with the crap he gets for Owen´s non-existing storyline. He gets to direct more and more in return for accepting crap for Owen. Fair enough. I guess he is satisfied with that. He has a kind of weird barter trade with Rhimes in my opinion.

He does not have the guts to leave the show. He should have left with Sandra. In one interview (during season 10) she said and he was right there with her that in her heart of hearts she wished for Owen to leave with Cristina and do badass surgeries around the world. So he knew what she wished for back then.

When speaking of Crowen - what kind of man lets the love of his life go just like that???? Only one kind of man. A coward.

Such irony, in Season 5 Owen came like a true brave hero - a war trauma surgeon - there is not an inch of being a coward in it, how odd he has become one since then.

I don't really get the line of thinking that because one actor leaves some other actor should follow just because they are paired together. It was the same thing with wanting the whole production to shut down and the show to end because Patrick Dempsey left.

Personally, I thought that Owen outlived his purpose in the show long before SO left, but I certainly don't begrudge KMK wanting to keep a well paying job, with people that he seems to enjoy and that allows him to direct. Why should he leave?

I understand that storylines get screwed up especially if one half of a couple leaves. Alex was virtually ignored for most of seasons 7-8 and I would have been just fine if JC left, and in fact his character seemed pointless in those season as much as he is my favorite. But again it is a job to him and he gets paid the same for more time off. Why leave?

  • Love 4

Of course, he stays for the money in the first place. No doubt about that. No, no begrudging for me either, he does what works best for him. 


You can´t compare MerDer with Crowen, totally different situations. I will say Owen should have left with Cristina, Mckidd should have left with Oh. Owen was created for Cristina,so he should have followed her. Kevin once said that Cristina is Owen´s heartbeat, so with her gone, it can be safely stated - Owen is dead now.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I don't really get the line of thinking that because one actor leaves some other actor should follow just because they are paired together. It was the same thing with wanting the whole production to shut down and the show to end because Patrick Dempsey left.

Personally, I thought that Owen outlived his purpose in the show long before SO left, but I certainly don't begrudge KMK wanting to keep a well paying job, with people that he seems to enjoy and that allows him to direct. Why should he leave?

I understand that storylines get screwed up especially if one half of a couple leaves. Alex was virtually ignored for most of seasons 7-8 and I would have been just fine if JC left, and in fact his character seemed pointless in those season as much as he is my favorite. But again it is a job to him and he gets paid the same for more time off. Why leave?

All the actors on the show who have kids have flat out said the appeal of Grey's to them is that they don't have to work as much because of the huge cast and it allows them to spend tons of time with their kids and still get a pretty hefty paycheck.

People rag on Shonda & Co. but they are definitely lucky to be employed by Shondaland because there are many employers who would fire someone for *gasp* having a family or being pregnant or whatever. I can totally see the appeal for them as people with families even if it I/we sometimes think why would they stay from a show quality standpoint.

  • Love 6

All the actors on the show who have kids have flat out said the appeal of Grey's to them is that they don't have to work as much because of the huge cast and it allows them to spend tons of time with their kids and still get a pretty hefty paycheck.

People rag on Shonda & Co. but they are definitely lucky to be employed by Shondaland because there are many employers who would fire someone for *gasp* having a family or being pregnant or whatever. I can totally see the appeal for them as people with families even if it I/we sometimes think why would they stay from a show quality standpoint.


That´s true. I agree.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Jessica has a new contract:


I wonder if that's whythe Geena Davis SL and breaking Callie and Arizona up came about. Luring her to stay and having a backup for Callie if she didn't.

I imagine that SL had very little to do with SaRa and her future on the show and everything to do with giving JCap a reason to be excited about signing on for several more seasons.

I imagine that SL had very little to do with SaRa and her future on the show and everything to do with giving JCap a reason to be excited about signing on for several more seasons.


There's a very real chance that Ellen won't sign on past 12, so I think you're right in assuming that Shonda / the producers want to secure as many of the other most well-known characters as possible. In my mind, that would include Callie / Arizona, Alex, Jackson / April, and so on. 

I imagine that SL had very little to do with SaRa and her future on the show and everything to do with giving JCap a reason to be excited about signing on for several more seasons.

Oops, I wasn't very clear. That's exactly what I meant. I just meant breaking Callie/Arizona up in case Jessica didn't re-sign and having Callie try to date while Arizona basically did nothing from a personal standpoint was to test the waters for Callie sans Arizona.

I almost feel like Dempsey leaving gave Jessica a little more negotiating sway (keeping Callie/Arizona on the show as the last of the "big 3" more fan favorite couples on the show) and more money. This is the first time she's renewed from her original contract, so I imagine it was a substantial raise.


I hope this is Kevin´s last season and he won´t renew his contract after S12 is over. Doesn´t he see his talent is totally wasted on the show? Owen has become more or less a background character. I think I will lose all the respect I have left for him for staying on a show which has become a joke of low quality with every other line starting with "You don´t get to...." Kevin has sunk real low after being on brilliant Rome even Journeyman had some quality and S5 on Greys was magic, then onwards still powerful acting with Sandra but last season was AWFUL,AWFUL,AWFUL. He had some fine scenes with Sara and Ellen early on in the season before the whole OA crap started,nothing but awful copying of Crowen scenes. 


It´s odd because I have been thinking Jessica and Kevin are at the same level regarding contracts,they both came in S5 and then I guess they renewed after S8 for S9,10,11,12 ,but it must have been different for both. I have always thought they are at the same standpoint.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

It´s odd because I have been thinking Jessica and Kevin are at the same level regarding contracts,they both came in S5 and then I guess they renewed after S8 for S9,10,11,12 ,but it must have been different for both. I have always thought they are at the same standpoint.

Kevin became a regular in S5 and Jessica was just recurring. She didn't become a regular til S6. I think this is her first renewal from her original contract.

Norm for TV is a 5-7 year contract then various times when they renew. So, I guess Kevin signed a 7 year and Jessica a 5 year? Or has Kevin previously renewed? I think this makes Jessica the only one who doesn't have to renew after S12.


Kevin became a regular in S5 and Jessica was just recurring. She didn't become a regular til S6. I think this is her first renewal from her original contract.

Norm for TV is a 5-7 year contract then various times when they renew. So, I guess Kevin signed a 7 year and Jessica a 5 year? Or has Kevin previously renewed? I think this makes Jessica the only one who doesn't have to renew after S12.


I'm sure they signed Scorsone and McCreary for at least 3 years (11,12,13). Maybe more.

Edited by BaseOps

Jesse, Sarah Drew, Kelly, Caterina, Camilla and Jerrika's contract are not up at the end of this year. (Well, not entirely sure about Jesse and Sarah... if they officially became regulars in season 7 and signed for 6 years then they will be up this year as well.)


Kevin either had to resign after  9, 10 or 11, depending on if they gave him a 5 6 or 7 year deal. We just never heard anything about it.


The major contracts up this year are Ellen, Justin, Chandra, Jim and Sara's.

There's a very real chance that Ellen won't sign on past 12

I think there's an excellent chance of her resigning. Her recent comments that she doesn't yet know if she'll return are in line with how she comments every time renewal is coming up. In the past she's said she didn't know or that she's moving to Europe or retiring from acting. Then she signs back on and says she didn't mean the comments the way they were taken (paraphrase). I can only see her not signing back on if there is a financial dispute like if she asks for a huge raise and ABC balks. Other than that why wouldn't she sign back up? She does not appear to have any interest in other roles since she hasn't even done a cameo since being on Grey's. She's a mom with 2 young kids and works on a family friendly set that has a large cast so she gets days off to spend time with her family. ABC putting focus on the leading ladies of Shondaland/TGIT has put her more in the spotlight than she's been in years. Then add the very, very large paycheck to the mix.


I think the same applies for most of the actors and believe most will stay. Of all I could see Camilla leaving when her contract is up. She's under 30, doing other projects now, doesn't have children and has gotten decent exposure from Grey's. I can see someone in that position wanting to try to get other roles unless Grey's starts giving her some decent material.

  • Love 2

Jesse, Sarah Drew, Kelly, Caterina, Camilla and Jerrika's contract are not up at the end of this year. (Well, not entirely sure about Jesse and Sarah... if they officially became regulars in season 7 and signed for 6 years then they will be up this year as well.)


Kevin either had to resign after  9, 10 or 11, depending on if they gave him a 5 6 or 7 year deal. We just never heard anything about it.


The major contracts up this year are Ellen, Justin, Chandra, Jim and Sara's.


I think he resigned after S8,and Sandra resigned only for 2 seasons back then, he renewed until S12. Yes, there was not much buzz about his contract. Oh dear lord, how I wish S12 was his last season. It´s hard to watch the ridiculous caricature of who Owen has become. However, as I remember he tweeted when Greys got renewed for s12 something like long may we run,which points at the fact that my wish is flushed down the toilet. He clearly wants to stay, only heavens know why, does Shondaland really pay so well?He is not the big gun like Pompeo or Dempsey or Oh.

Kevin became a regular in S5 and Jessica was just recurring. She didn't become a regular til S6. I think this is her first renewal from her original contract.

Norm for TV is a 5-7 year contract then various times when they renew. So, I guess Kevin signed a 7 year and Jessica a 5 year? Or has Kevin previously renewed? I think this makes Jessica the only one who doesn't have to renew after S12.

So,there is a difference between them indeed.

Yes,Kevin has already resigned once.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I think most of them will return. I really hope all renewals are done quickly and quietly. I rather read about it afterwards (like with Jessica) than have every other article written about Grey's be about "will XXXX return?".

I think most everyone will return also.  I'm assuming Jessica was given a 3 year contract (rather than 2) to get her on the same cycle as Ellen, Justin, Chandra, Pickens, and Sara R.  Does anyone know if any one else contracts ended with season 11?  Based on Funnygirl's post above it seems like only Jesse and Sarah D are in question?


I believe we heard about Ellen (and Patrick's) contact extension in January of the year  they were expiring (and that was very early) so it will still be some before we hear anything from the rest of the cast.  I am guessing that ABC/Shondaland have been talking with Ellen and expect her to sign for 2 more years for ABC to say the show will continue for many more years.  I know most people don't even like Meredith but I honestly can't see Grey's continuing without her.  I mean, I'm sure it would do fine in the ratings but at the heart this is Meredith's story and without her it become a completely different show.  


I think (or hope) that if Ellen chooses not to resign, it doesn't come down to the wire. She knows that her contract is about expire, and ABC knows they want her back. I'd hope that if she leaves, we are warned early and Shonda has time to craft a proper exit for her like she did with Cristina. It would be a real piss-off for us to get a rushed ending for the series' namesake if she doesn't return. I don't think Ellen would do that to the fans, though. 

Edited by BaseOps

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