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Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation: Benchmarking

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Whatever it is, I hope it is not what it seems to be.  Meredith having yet another near death accident is just too, too, too much.  Isn't being a widow with 3 kids, living in a house with two sex crazy adolescents enough of a tragedy?  JFC, Zola's therapy bill is going to take every cent of that raise Meredith just got.  Luckily, given the way they have her stashed in the basement or in some sort of off-site storage locker, she probably won't even see her mom injured, but still.

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Meredith Grey getting hurt again is like having baby Ellis Grey. We don't want it but we will still get it even though it doesn't actually shows any character development. If anyone can stand with a super hero pose on a disaster ruble, it's Meredith! We have been watching her do it since season 1 hello uh. It's only happening for the mid season finale fetch IMO. I don't know if they want to hurt a major character as hurting minor character won't hit the sentiments among fans than they should go for Callie . The only disaster she ever faced physically was car crash.

Frankly Meredith & Arizona has been hurt the most on this show and it's high time Shonda use other characters to hurt as death/disaster is the only way she sell her stories these days. Owen is a good option too. Alex even.

If all the doctors are involved, I hope it wipe out the extras like Jo, penny, Steph etc. The cast is too bloated.

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I mean I guess when the list of traumas is this long, they might as well keep adding.

Meredith Grey certainly has the most tragic life of any recent TV character: 


- Father walked out on her and started a new family

- Mother attempted suicide in front of her & was emotionally unavailable 

- Boyfriend turned out to be married... then went back to his wife (they all worked at the same hospital) 

- Had her hand on a bomb inside a patient and watched the bomb squad guy explode in front of her

- Mother became lucid after battling alzheimer's and told Meredith she wasn't good enough

- Nearly died after a patient pushed her into the water onsite at a ferryboat accident

- Her mother died while she was unconscious 

- Failed her intern exam after her father slapped her & blamed her for her step-mother's death

- One of her best friends battled cancer; her other friend died after getting mowed down by a bus 

- A shooter entered the hospital and gunned down her friends and husband; she miscarried her baby 

- Martial issues nearly compromise her adoption of Zola 

- A plane that she, her husband, her sister, and several friends are on goes down; they're stranded in the woods for 4 days (!!!). Her sister and her husband's best friend both die as a result

- She falls down stairs while pregnant; later gives birth to her second child in the middle of a power outage with major surgery needed

- Her husband leaves her with two children to work in D.C; while there he kisses another woman 

- Shortly after returning home her husband is killed as the result of poor treatment by surgeons after a car accident 

- She gives birth to her third child after her husband's death


Edited: I forgot the time she was in an ambulance crash with Alex in S7 lol

Edited by BaseOps
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Do we know if Owen's mom is back, or is it just the boyfriend? That seems sort of random. I wonder how he figures into the story. 

Just the boyfriend. I think in this fire situation he will be there on call.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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I also like to take every possible opportunity to remind everyone that Meredith's sister Lexie was EATEN BY WOLVES!!!!  In other words, Meredith should avoid all woods and zoos now that local wolves have gotten a taste of the Grey meat.  


Which further reminds me of another Meredith experience:  Lion on the Loose!

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But you guys, Meredith being hurt this time around is the perfect opportunity for "Perfect Penny" to save the day!


Very possible indeed or it will give her the opportunity to get close with Henderson´s character as her doctor possibly, maybe not.

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But you guys, Meredith being hurt this time around is the perfect opportunity for "Perfect Penny" to save the day!

I would not be at all surprised if that is what happens - after weeks of Meredith yelling at her that she's unable to do the job, Perfect Penny rises to the occasion by saving Meredith.  LOL, maybe Meredith will talk her through saving her like she did the last time a tried to save her.

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The way things are going, I'm a little concerned that Meredith will get in a car wreck and be taken to the ER where Penny is working. Penny will perform a head CT (because no way in hell will she ever forget to do that again), but she'll forget the abdominal CT, and Mer's lack of a spleen (which had to be removed in power outage/baby birth situation) will cause her to bleed almost all the way out until Alex/Bailey/Webber/anybody-but-Penny performs surgery and saves her life at the last possible second.

And while that's going on, the house catches fire. Since that's one of the few horrible life experiences she has not yet endured.

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Whatever it is, I hope it is not what it seems to be. Meredith having yet another near death accident is just too, too, too much. UIsn't being a widow with 3 kids, living in a house with two sex crazy adolescents enough of a tragedy? JFC, Zola's therapy bill is going to take every cent of that raise Meredith just got. Luckily, given the way they have her stashed in the basement or in some sort of off-site storage locker, she probably won't even see her mom injured, but still.

I 100% agree with everything you said but especially hoping that the video is not what it seems. Meredith was seen shooting in both scrubs and also a yellow trauma gown so Im hoping she doesn't go from working to injured like that. EP definitely sounded like she had something in her mouth so I guess that was due to the mask. I'm holding out hope that it's something unexpected and not Meredith in danger for the 900th time.

I also agree with some others that it's likely not an AU. I don't think they'd bring in Denzel and have the mid-season premiere be an AU but I guess anything is possible at this 'spoint.

Oh, and BaseOps, you said Meredith's scrubs look torn, but she seems to be dressed in street clothes not scrubs. Can anyone make out the video better?

Edited by Greysaddict
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Meredith's appendix was taken out by Bailey.


Also she had a miscarriage while taking care of Owen's bullet wound.


Meredith also had Zola taken away and Derek left her.  


Derek almost hit her with a baseball bat after hitting her ring into the woods.


Part of liver was taken out to save her bio Dad.

Edited by autumnhermit
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I think she has on torn scrub pants (left leg ripped away to make room for leg brace thing) and a very sweaty tshirt. Looks like she also had an iv in her arm, and that is what she asked about at the end, when it sounded like she was clenching something in her teeth.

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I am not worried about Alex/Meredith, because I really do think that someday if ever this show ends, Meredith and Cristina are going to "end up together", just be the two Spinsters who have their flings but the love of their friendship and Meredith and her kids is enough of the happy ending.


Or maybe it won't be that, but I don't think Shonda is going to go there with Meredith/Alex. I think she wants Jo to think something is going on in order to cause tension for Jolex's relationship, but I don't see Meredith/Alex being any sort of endgame. And I also don't think Shonda would play fast and loose with hooking them up and then not committing to them.


Maybe they'll try and do some sort of love triangle with Maggie, Andrew, and Nathan. Although I actually saw some chemistry with April/Nathan last night, so maybe he will be more of a romantic foil for Japril (even though I do think that Jackson and April will be reuniting sooner rather than later).

taking this over to the Speculation thread...


I agree, I really don't think Meredith and Alex are endgame.  I mean they've never had a spark of romantic interest so it would be totally weird.  Also, I accept the fact that Meredith (as most young widows in real life) will move on romantically, but having her end up with Alex would definitely diminish the love between Meredith and Derek, for me.  I think the Gizzie backlash was enough to stop Shonda from doing a romantic MerLex pairing.  


I did see some sparks between April and Nathan, but I think it was more to show the jealously in Jackson and bring Japril closer together.  I've seen some other sites saying they think something happened between them but I doubt that.  


I wouldn't be surprised to see and love triangle between Maggie, Deluca and Nathan.  I think that might be fun (as long as I don't have to hear about Maggie's vagina!!)

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I wasn't sure which thread to put this in, but I guess it does fall under speculation... I'm wondering what people think of the prospect of Grey's Anatomy without the Grey. Considering the current ratings (they're phenomenal), what are the odds that if Ellen decided to leave this year, ABC would continue? I'd like to think they'd allow Shonda to end the show should EP choose to leave, but I know that they'd try damn hard to do anything they could to continue on. I just don't see how they could conceivably call the show Grey's Anatomy without a Grey. 


I have a feeling Ellen will re-up at the end of this season, BUT she has said several times that she's not overly enthused about a future career in acting. So, what would they do? Who would fill in the lead role? Who would narrate? Would you stick around to watch if Meredith was gone by Alex, Bailey, Richard, Callie, Arizona, etc. stuck around? 

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I'd still watch, at least to see how it goes. I'm not a Meredith fan at all so it would be less of an issue for me than many others. Grey's has been "see how it goes at the start of the season" for me for a few years now and I think it will stay that way til the end. I've watched it for so long, if I'm half entertained I'll probably watch until the end. I watched ER all the way through but was way more attached to ER than I am to Grey's at this stage in the show.


I honestly don't think they'd continue if Ellen left. Just guessing but I think she's already agreed to multiple years when PD left, even if it was a verbal agreement for now.

Edited by windsprints
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I'd still watch, at least to see how it goes. I'm not a Meredith fan at all so it would be less of an issue for me than many others. Grey's has been "see how it goes at the start of the season" for me for a few years now and I think it will stay that way til the end. I've watched it for so long, if I'm half entertained I'll probably watch until the end. I watched ER all the way through but was way more attached to ER than I am to Grey's at this stage in the show.


I honestly don't think they'd continue if Ellen left. Just guessing but I think she's already agreed to multiple years when PD left, even if it was a verbal agreement for now.


I have a feeling too that when it came time to decide what to do with PD, Shonda likely asked Ellen about the possibility of her re-upping. I think if EP was unlikely to want to renew her contract, they would have kept PD around sporadically to end their story together this year. 

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I have a feeling too that when it came time to decide what to do with PD, Shonda likely asked Ellen about the possibility of her re-upping. I think if EP was unlikely to want to renew her contract, they would have kept PD around sporadically to end their story together this year.

I agree with you 100% here. I think they must have had preliminary conversations with EP before deciding how to write out Derek. It seems pretty silly to have killed him off only to have Meredith leave the show a year later. Surely they could have just thrown in a few Derek in DC references to placate the audience and then send Mer off to join him at the end of s12. I mean we've already had more refences to Derek in the first six episodes than the entire time he was off the show last season and he was actually still a part of the cast.


I think we've talked about this this before, but I think at one point Shonda was actively thinking about how the show could continue without Meredith (end of season 8 I think for sure). At this point though I think the show ends with Ellen's chosen departure. That being said I'm sure she knows this and is in an excellent spot for negotiations. I would not be supprised to see her get the "and Ellen Pompeo" in the credits.

Seperately she did say last year she might be done acting after Greys but I think that was more of a protecting of her ego type thing. Like in case she doesn't get any offers once this show ends. I've said before I think she is a great actress but I think she is often over looked because she is so synonymous with Meredith Grey. I think she plays the part so well that people think Ellen is Meredith. Also, based on her clarifying her "bash" on Daniel Craig (which was so silly) in that radio interview the other day , I think she knows she has it good and can continue to make really good money to take care of her family. Yes, working on 22-25 episode hour long drama is tough work, but I think she's able to manage her family life around it and it seems like the appreciates that.

Whew, this got long but I forgot one more thing. The show is definitely kicking ass in the ratings, but there have been many shows that have gone out/ended while still doing really well. It's becoming more common for show runners to want to wrap up the show on their own terms with a set ending in mind. I can probably think of a few more later but Breaking Bad comes to mind off the top of my head.

Edited by Greysaddict
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I'm not entirely sure that the show ends when Ellen leaves.


I'm also going to disagree with some of all of your thoughts about Ellen's status during the Dempsey mess.  I think Shonda wrote how she wrote Dempsey out without regard to whether Ellen planned to re-up her contract after this year.  Certainly they may have discussed it at the time everything was going down.  Even if Ellen was going to leave after this year, there was a treasure trove of stories to be told from Dempsey dying  that we are seeing that are much better than a holding pattern waiting for her to leave.


I do believe, however, that before this season, Shonda and Ellen have discussed whether Ellen intended this to be her last year such that Shonda could write to an end for Meredith if Ellen didn't plan to renew her contract, much like Shonda and Sandra Oh talked the season before she left so that Christine could be given a proper send off.

Edited by pennben
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Just throwing this question out there ... could Maggie be considered another "Grey" and carry on the name "Grey's Anatomy"?


That would give Meredith her out and they still be able to carry on the name?

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Absolutely!  I thought when Lexie came on she was the designated Grey spare, if you will, if Ellen decided to leave.  Ultimately, isn't Grey's Anatomy a textbook that Ellis wrote, such that the title could survive even if Meredith leaves?  I know it had double meaning at the start of the show (the mother's book/the daughter's life), but lordy it's been on so long, I'm not sure a Grey has to be in play for the show to move on.  


ETA:  I think I have a big whoopsie here, I think the real anatomy book is Gray's Anatomy (non-fiction) and Ellis was known for other things. Other than that rather large mistake, whoooops, I stand by my point that the show can survive sans Grey (or even Gray)!  !

Edited by pennben
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Nathan Riggs. April said he is leaving which we know he is not. What I am so bothered with is he will mold into 3 different story lines. He will rile things up in Owen, may foil japril drama and might still get linked to Meredith. That's 3 huge sls being thrown at a newbie while season veterans are used to prop a character.

Actually it's same as Penny. She got into Meredith Amelia sl, became calzona foil and became a incompetent petty resident.


Really how about they concentrate on jo instead? Or give Alex a story line. Or make arizona happy for more that 5 minutes? Or give Callie a story line that doesn't involve a love interest being the spine of her sl?

This is so dissapointing. penny and riggs are the new maggie.

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It is weird to see Meredith siding with Owen. Do we hate him? Since when are they a team? Why would she support Owen at all???

The last time she did was with the Ethan adoption, sort of. But now I do not see a single reason why she would support Owen.


I wonder if Nathan being a cardiologist has anything to do with Teddy,whether he knew Teddy,maybe they had a romance,Owen was jealous or something,therefore some hate coming from Owen.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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I wasn't sure which thread to put this in, but I guess it does fall under speculation... I'm wondering what people think of the prospect of Grey's Anatomy without the Grey. Considering the current ratings (they're phenomenal), what are the odds that if Ellen decided to leave this year, ABC would continue? I'd like to think they'd allow Shonda to end the show should EP choose to leave, but I know that they'd try damn hard to do anything they could to continue on. I just don't see how they could conceivably call the show Grey's Anatomy without a Grey. 


I have a feeling Ellen will re-up at the end of this season, BUT she has said several times that she's not overly enthused about a future career in acting. So, what would they do? Who would fill in the lead role? Who would narrate? Would you stick around to watch if Meredith was gone by Alex, Bailey, Richard, Callie, Arizona, etc. stuck around? 


It would really surprise me if the producers and/or Shonda didn't have a meeting with Ellen before or during everything with PD, to see what her situation was.  Not only because I am not convinced that they would have killed Derek off if Ellen was planning to leave, but also because the marketing of the whole show changed to an Ellen/Meredith-centric show from the more ensemble-focused publicity that had come before.  That may have been part of what they used to convince Ellen to stay.  The only cast member that I could see leaving voluntarily at this point is Sara Ramirez, which isn't to say that some won't be let go of involuntarily.  But I also think that given all of the drama over the years surrounding the various cast member departures, that Shonda, at least, has to have some idea of who is staying and who is going, even if it is just hypothetical conversations at this point.


As for me, I will most likely watch as long as Justin Chambers is on the show (provided they start giving him more material and don't hook him up with Meredith or Maggie), but I think that not having Meredith around would be a huge blow to the show.  I was never a Derek fan, so his absence hasn't affected my enjoyment, but I was a big fan of the original interns and I feel that the show has gotten worse with each of their departures, no matter how many new people they add.    My prediction is that the show will go to season 15 and the original cast (EP, JC, CW, JPJ) will sign on for those three years, plus SD and JW, but that maybe SR won't and maybe they will let go of CL, JH and the guy who plays Cross.


ETA - 


m also going to disagree with some of all of your thoughts about Ellen's status during the Dempsey mess.  I think Shonda wrote how she wrote Dempsey out without regard to whether Ellen planned to re-up her contract after this year.  Certainly they may have discussed it at the time everything was going down.  Even if Ellen was going to leave after this year, there was a treasure trove of stories to be told from Dempsey dying  that we are seeing that are much better than a holding pattern waiting for her to leave.



The only reason that I don't think that this is the case, is that I got the impression that Ellen was at least peripherally involved in some of these decisions.  From the various interviews and also what was not said in the interviews, it seems like Patrick may not have left under the best of circumstances and a rift formed between he and Ellen as well.  So maybe to pacify Ellen the focus of the show as far as marketing became more like Scandal and HTGAM in that it was a one woman show with a cast of surrounding characters, which I really don't think was the case before.  So I do believe that Ellen was consulted (or made her opinion known) every step of the way.

Edited by Deanie87
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It would really surprise me if the producers and/or Shonda didn't have a meeting with Ellen before or during everything with PD, to see what her situation was. Not only because I am not convinced that they would have killed Derek off if Ellen was planning to leave, but also because the marketing of the whole show changed to an Ellen/Meredith-centric show from the more ensemble-focused publicity that had come before. That may have been part of what they used to convince Ellen to stay. The only cast member that I could see leaving voluntarily at this point is Sara Ramirez, which isn't to say that some won't be let go of involuntarily.

As for me, I will most likely watch as long as Justin Chambers is on the show (provided they start giving him more material and don't hook him up with Meredith or Maggie), but I think that not having Meredith around would be a huge blow to the show. I was never a Derek fan, so his absence hasn't affected my enjoyment, but I was a big fan of the original interns and I feel that the show has gotten worse with each of their departures, no matter how many new people they add. My prediction is that the show will go to season 15 and the original cast (EP, JC, CW, JPJ) will sign on for those three years, plus SD and JW, but that maybe SR won't and maybe they will let go of CL, JH and the guy who plays Cross.

I'm not sure why people think Sara Ramirez is going to leave. Am I nervous until I hear about the extension? For sure.

I get she's busy, but nothing she's doing is impacting Grey's. Also, a lot of what she is doing was made possible because of Grey's.

Actually, I'm kind of concerned about what reason Justin Chambers would have to re-sign. They don't really utilize him a lot. Jolex are an afterthought.

Ultimately, until the extensions are announced it's going to be worrisome.

Edited by North
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I'm not sure why people think Sara Ramirez is going to leave. Am I nervous until I hear about the extension? For sure.

She's having her annual "I miss NYC" "I miss Broadway" twitter spiel.

Actually, I'm kind of concerned about what reason Justin Chambers would have to re-sign. They don't really utilize him a lot. Jolex are an afterthought.

In his words "I have 5 kids to put through college. The paycheck is nice."

Edited by CED9
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I have no idea who will stay and who will go. I never would have thought actors would have stayed as long as they have so I wouldn't be surprised if they all stayed. Obviously it can't be the hellish workplace some fans believe it to be if actors keep staying on (even just for money). 


I know the expense of long running shows is often the reason for cast departures but since Grey's is still one of the top moneymakers (and an ABC show) for ABC I think that's less of an issue.

I'm kind of concerned about what reason Justin Chambers would have to re-sign. They don't really utilize him a lot.

That describes half the cast.

Edited by windsprints
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I think it's easy to see why the cast loves the work - a) it's a stable job, which in hollywood isn't exactly easy to come by. b) they all seem to get along great and they've been together for years. c) Grey's still gets huge recognition. It's one of the top rated series on TV still, so it's not like most of these actors will easily be finding a job that will bring them more visibility. d) With a cast so huge, their hours must be pretty ideal. No one is on set 24/7, and they're making great money. So in addition to a job they enjoy, they also get to spend time with family and do other things. 

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She's having her annual "I miss NYC" "I miss Broadway" twitter spiel.

In his words "I have 5 kids to put through college. The paycheck is nice."


Yep this pretty much sums up my thinking.  I also think that as far as storylines go, I have been surprised by where they seem to be taking Callie.  A Calzona reunion doesn't seem to be on the horizon anytime soon and there doesn't seem to be a push to give Callie much teaching or mentoring focus like they had been doing with Jo. This could mean nothing or it could mean that the writers are keeping options open in case she doesn't return.  Alex never gets much ever, so this season isn't a dramatic change for JC.  He has said he's not ambitious, he likes the paycheck and doesn't really seem to mind that Alex is often an afterthought.  He gets paid no matter what, gets plenty of time off and clearly isn't interested in a lot of publicity.  

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Not sure if anyone listens to Betsy Beers weekly podcast, but Martin Henderson is her guest this week so he must be introduced in this Thursday's episode. The podcast is usually released Thursday night.


Did you listen to him, Greysaddict? I did.


I do not want to reveal anything in case you want to listen and find out for yourself. Let me know what you think.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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Yep this pretty much sums up my thinking. I also think that as far as storylines go, I have been surprised by where they seem to be taking Callie. A Calzona reunion doesn't seem to be on the horizon anytime soon and there doesn't seem to be a push to give Callie much teaching or mentoring focus like they had been doing with Jo. This could mean nothing or it could mean that the writers are keeping options open in case she doesn't return. Alex never gets much ever, so this season isn't a dramatic change for JC. He has said he's not ambitious, he likes the paycheck and doesn't really seem to mind that Alex is often an afterthought. He gets paid no matter what, gets plenty of time off and clearly isn't interested in a lot of publicity.

The thing is they are still giving her a storyline.

May not be the one we want to see, but it's there.

The other thing is they have never given Callie anyone to mentor save for Jo for a couple of episodes. They went away from that pretty fast though. It's the only time I actually found Jo tolerable. They should really think about revisiting that if they intend to keep Camilla around.

I'd be stunned if any of Sara, Justin, James, or Chandra didn't resign.

As stated above none of them have to be on set everyday, they get to spend time with their families, and can work on other projects.

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It is weird to see Meredith siding with Owen. Do we hate him? Since when are they a team? Why would she support Owen at all???

The last time she did was with the Ethan adoption, sort of. But now I do not see a single reason why she would support Owen.

Because Cristina asked her to. She asked her to look out for Owen and Alex and make sure Alex doesn't get too full of himself or else he becomes insufferable, LOL. She told her to make fun of him routinely to keep him on his toes. Yeah, I remember, this was in her last scene with Meredith. 


Of course I don't suspect these writers remember any of that, but it was in the dialogue so I'll go with it, as for why Meredith gives a shit when it comes to Owen.

Edited by represent
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I´ve been wondering based on the press release whether  Nathan could  be Owen´s half-brother or something.I don´t think it was mentioned whether Owen´s mum is a widow or his parents divorced.


The fact that the firefighter is back sort of as Owen´s step dad in some way now, what if Owen´s biological dad had a son with another woman, maybe even after cheating or he remarried.

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Taken from the Media thread - we know that Meredith is in every scene of 12x09. So I'm guessing our winter cliffhanger is her getting injured somehow, and then we'll follow it through 12x09 when the show returns. 

Edited by BaseOps
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Ugh the press release for the finale says Jo questions Alex's priorities (at last). Considering Meeedith is now slated to get injured it just looks like another excuse to crap all over Jo and have her reasonable concerns turned into the standard Jo is a bitchy unsupportive shrew direction the show keeps taking with her.

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Taken from the Media thread - we know that Meredith is in every scene of 12x08. So I'm guessing our winter cliffhanger is her getting injured somehow, and then we'll follow it through 12x09 when the show returns. 

Actually, Ellen said she's in every scene of episode 12x09, the one Denzel directed :)

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The explosion was during the filming for 12.10 according to the posts so I don't think its Meredith being injured unless its a flashback.

Considering Meeedith is now slated to get injured it just looks like another excuse to crap all over Jo and have her reasonable concerns turned into the standard Jo is a bitchy unsupportive shrew direction the show keeps taking with her.


Well I wouldn't find her to be a bitchy unsupportive shrew. Meredith has 2 sisters who live with her and her fake Daddy. Alex doesn't need to care for her 24x7. Jo taking issue with Alex's priorities is cumulative, its been building for over a season. I'm glad she'll be standing up for herself.

Edited by windsprints
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Meredith's hurt?


Then stick a nail in Jolex, cause Alex damn sure is going to be right by her side 24/7.

One can only hope. It was that heinous pairing (I admit I can't stand the character Jo) that was one of the reasons I stopped watching Grey's on a regular basis. Since McDreamy was killed off-- I say bring on the Mere/Alex love!

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I just do not find Nathan a villain like Hunt makes him to be with his self-righteous speeches - like he is the worst human of all. 

Not only does he diminish Nathan as a person,he also does it in front of his new colleagues and his superior. Very shallow thing to do of Owen.


Somebody who flies in a kid such a long distance with the aim to help the kid can´t be a bad human.


Also his whole demeanor, he seems a very cordial, nice man. 


Hunt holds a grudge,as always.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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