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Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation: Benchmarking

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I'm in the middle of a season ten rewatch hence my disdain at hearing she'll be returning. Of all the interns I liked her the least I'd have taken Ghost Mousey over this. 

When is Scorsone going on maternity leave? If she comes during that maybe there'll be less of a bloat and it could actually be fun rather then wstching Omelia overact whatever repetitive storyline they get. 

Nothing against the couple I just think they reached the end of their story when they got married last season. 

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15 hours ago, BaseOps said:

We can't really call it filler until we know what it is, though, can we? I mean it could literally be anything. If it's a story with Arizina it could actually be quite interesting. I've certainly been veeeery vocal about feeling like the cast is bloated and that I have no interest in quite a few characters (Amelia and Owen among them). Still, they've done a good job so far this year of giving a lot of focus to some characters who have been under-served (Alex). I don't think Leah showing up will take at all away from Meredith / Nathan or Alex working in the clinic. At least, for now, I'm open to see why they'd bring her back. I quite like that the universe is open for old characters to come in and out.

I wasn't a fan of Leah, but I'm open to a return if leads to a story arc for Arizona or other regulars. Emphasis on arc. I do not want another Penny on our hands here.

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In 1304 promo we see Meredith think that Nathan sided with her because of their "relationship"?

I fail to see why he would endanger the patient´s life and he himself looks at her in bewilderment and even says that in the latest promo.

Why does Meredith think he would endanger his career to get into something with her??? What does she actually think of his work ethic??? Why is she so full of herself?

I really find Meredith´s behaviour difficult to tolerate.

Nathan is also to blame, the way he chases her around as if she was the Queen of Sheba. Hard to understand what makes him chase her like that. 

However, if you have seen the latest promo (all shows together) does Nathan say "Do you think I would play around with the patient´s well-being in order to get into your PAST or PANTS????  Haha, both fit. 


Knowing it is Leah who comes back, I have to laugh how it is worded in the press release -  a familiar face throwing many doctors  for a loop.  The way it is written it suggests it would be Cristina or Izzie or maybe Callie coming back sb totally significant for the lives of many doctors but LEAH? I find it totally silly.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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Just finished season ten rewatch and I am looking forward to seeing Leah. I hope she is not a patient. She was emotional but that's Grey's. She had moments of strength and conviction. She showed up to help even though she had been fired. She didn't make a good first impression, being moony over Alex with Jo and Stephanie mean-girl-ing her about it but I ended up liking her. 

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The show would have been better off introducing a new character instead of opting to bring back someone who literally got the boot because they were largely disliked. There's nothing special about Leah, and she hardly left an impression to where she must come back. She's no Cristina, Callie, Izzie... etc.  IIRC, viewers actually cheered when the news broke that Leah Murphy (and Shane Ross) were not returning.  
Grey's Anatomy has turned into a free for all/dumping ground for Shondaland-approved actors who turn out to play less-than-stellar characters who take over too much screen time. 

It's like they miss the blandness of Penny, so they are replacing her with another irritating character. And she got fired from the surgical program, so is she going to be hired for the clinic? If it's at the hands of Richard, this would be the second time he's been behind the hiring of someone who, for all intents and purposes, shouldn't be there. (the first was Penny) 

And to suggest that Leah was that impactful of a character that her return will all of sudden throw all these doctors for a loop? Give me a break. 

Edited by funnygirl
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I didn't love Leah for her whole run, but I wouldn't say she's bland - she was quite the opposite, which is why I think she rubbed people the wrong way. Her affair with Arizona was major (and didn't she file a sexual harassment claim or something?), so I can see her return shaking things up for Arizona in particular. She also slept with Alex and was friends with Jo and Steph, so while she's certainly no Izzie or Callie, she does have a lot of hospital connections that could be interesting to play. 

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Why does Meredith think he would endanger his career to get into something with her???

Because she's self-centered.

I'm reserving judgment about Leah's return until I see it.  I didn't really care for her but its been years.  People change, Leah may have as well.

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I wouldn't call her bland - she was very aggressive and almost pathetically needy but I felt the writers changed her character between 9 and ten as most of season 9 she was a lot meaner. I vaguely remember her harassment case and that she filed it against Callie and made a big aggressive speech about it. I couldn't stand her though and was glad to lose her. 

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I'm excited for Leah to come back. Out of all the interns in that group, she was the only one who brought a vibe no one else did.

I'm also looking forward to her return. Tessa has a great screen presence and timing (girl can sing, too), and I thought she and Capshaw worked well together.


She also slept with Alex and was friends with Jo and Steph, so while she's certainly no Izzie or Callie, she does have a lot of hospital connections that could be interesting to play. 

Didn't Leah's mom supposedly date Mark? Maybe she's Mark's daughter - that might would throw the others for a loop, especially if Leah was entitled to some of Mark's share of the hospital.

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3 hours ago, jaync said:

Didn't Leah's mom supposedly date Mark? Maybe she's Mark's daughter - that might would throw the others for a loop, especially if Leah was entitled to some of Mark's share of the hospital.

Why would that come up now years later? Plus, the impact would be lost because the people closest to Mark, Derek and Callie, are gone. And it was never confirmed if Mark dated her mom, it's just that he knew her. 

Also, Jessica and Tessa's chemistry was about as stale as Sara and Samantha's. 

Edited by funnygirl
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I really have no idea how Leah would work as Arizona's love interest. Arizona clearly didn't have any real interest in her, she mostly used her as a distraction and easy validation. While that kind of thing does happen quite often in RL (and causes some real heartbreak), it's also something that would typically lead to long standing resentment and bitterness, not some epic love story because the other person came around and saw the light.

I hope her storyline will deal with something else. If they want to bring back a character as Arizona's new flame, dr Boswell is a no-brainer, but I think it would probably be too controversial. 

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It wouldn't shock me if they'd already tried and the actress wasn't available. If the returnee is going to be Arizonas new love interest then I don't believe Leah would have been the first choice. 

Then again if Shondo likes the actress then maybe that was the deciding factor.

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Why would that come up now years later?

I don't know...just throwing out a little speculation. It wouldn't be the first time a daughter of Mark's has popped up years later, and it's not as if it would be too soapy for this show.

Edited by jaync
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If Mark were alive I could see them doing this even though he already had a popup daughter. But now there's not really anyone left who was really connected to Mark and he's never mentioned.  

My guess is that she brings a sick relative in or something to bring her back in then they offer her a job in the clinic.

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My guess is that she brings a sick relative in or something to bring her back in then they offer her a job in the clinic.

Yeah, that would be a more reasonable way of incorporating her back into the hospital (and Arizona's bed, hopefully).

Edited by jaync
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On October 12, 2016 at 6:29 AM, Chas411 said:

It wouldn't shock me if they'd already tried and the actress wasn't available. If the returnee is going to be Arizonas new love interest then I don't believe Leah would have been the first choice. 

Then again if Shondo likes the actress then maybe that was the deciding factor.

I do not like Leah's character at all, especially as a love interest for any of the characters that I like. I thought she was a good obstacle for Callie and Arizona, but I don't really see myself cheering for her. She seemed delusional in season 10 with regards to Arizona and in season 9 with Alex. I didn't buy her as a lesbian or as someone who is bisexual. I felt like she was a character who was written and portrayed to be disliked. I remember at the beginning of season 10 thinking that Grey's should have killed off Leah instead of Brooks. I hope that her character isn't featured a lot but is there to round out the background characters, much like LaCross was last season. I'm not really interested in watching storylines that center around her.

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That would be too obvious if Amelia was pregnant. Because we all think, oh yes she is pregnant because we see her with April and Meredith. And then see how she wants to say something to Owen. No, Shonda does not make that easy. I think she is not pregnant.

And what's also noticeable in the promo to 13x05, that Meredith suddenly had a pregnancy test ready and gave him Amelia. Did she just have it in her smock? But honest people. Amelia and pregnant? No, that's too fast for me. This was a false alarm. And she was never unpunctual with her menstruation? My God can also be a bit late, that is far from that she is equal pregnant. I mean, why does she suddenly want to get pregnant so suddenly?

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Yes, as we know, pregnancy usually happens unplanned. If you are planning a baby then you are putting yourself under too much pressure and under stress and stress it is very difficult to get a baby. Babies and pregnancies happen unexpectedly and unplanned.

So I think it was a false alarm at Amelia and I think even the Meredith might be pregnant. But does not have. But how long is sex with Nathan? And when Amelia tells Meredith that she is overpowered, Meredith thinks "true, she is also overdue with her menstrual bleeding" and hopes not to be pregnant.

Who knows people. Grey's Anatomy is the drama badly.

Edited by Maukie99
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Episode 13.07 - Why Try to Change Me Now
The arrival of a new consultant puts the doctors on edge; Amelia and Owen bring their personal problems into the hospital; April explores some unfamiliar territory.

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Amelia and Owen bring their personal problems into the hospital

As does every character, in every episode.

I don't think Amelia will be pregnant unless they decided to write in Caterina's pregnancy and have a time jump of a few months before she's due.  That would need to be a fairly recent decision since Caterina had said the show wasn't writing in her pregnancy.  I think it will end up she's not pregnant.  She thinking she is pregnant could be setting up her telling Owen about her baby that died. Or, maybe they will do an infertility story with Owen being unable to father children. That's a pregnancy angle the show hasn't done yet.  

I really can't see them giving Meredith yet another baby. She has 3 kids she basically ignores.


The arrival of a new consultant puts the doctors on edge

Could this be Leah? If not then its likely Arizona's new love interest.

Edited by windsprints
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37 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Could this be Leah? If not then its likely Arizona's new love interest

I might be wrong but I think I remember seeing tessa farrar or whatever her name is listed as a guest star so I'm assuming it's her!


As for Amelia and Owen, good grief..I honestly wonder why I'm still here watching when every single synopsis leaves me thinking,  GOD this is boring. How about showing us some of Jo's secret?? I know people have different interests in the show, but how many people, realistically, would be drawn to watch an episode with MORE Amelia/Owen nonesense? I can't think of anything less appealing. 

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I'm constantly saying this but Omelia had their happy ending in the season finale and should have been written out. Anything additional with them is just beating a dead horse at this stage. Both characters have run their course.

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I thought Leah would be "the familiar face" in episode 6. Of course, that familiar face and the new consultant in episode 7 can well be one and the same person. Although it would be weird to have Leah in such a role, can she really be a consultant already? Has enough time passed? Jo and Stephanie are still residents, although it doesn't seem to mean much, as at this rate, they're going to be residents until the end of the world show. 

Anyway, I hope the new consultant/Arizona's love interest is someone completely new. She should start over with a clean sheet. 


I'm constantly saying this but Omelia had their happy ending in the season finale and should have been written out. Anything additional with them is just beating a dead horse at this stage. Both characters have run their course.

I agree and for me April and Jackson are almost in the same category. The show seems to have run out of stories to tell about them. 

Edited by Joana
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I'm constantly saying this but Omelia had their happy ending in the season finale and should have been written out. Anything additional with them is just beating a dead horse at this stage. Both characters have run their course.


I agree and for me April and Jackson are almost in the same category. The show seems to have run out of stories to tell about them. 

More than anything else I think it highlights the writers lack of desire to write for couples. Is there any couple that had great storyline after marrying?


I thought Leah would be "the familiar face" in episode 6. 

You're correct, I forgot about the familiar face. The promo pics show Leah back in episode 6 so I guess the consultant is someone else. She's wearing a scrub cap & resident scrubs so I guess she suddenly a surgeon again.

Edited by windsprints
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Oh god.. I hope that this is something they explain...continuity errors are one thing but this would REALLY annoy me if they just forgot about the fact that she left because she CAN'T be a surgeon!! I mean this show is taking a slide down hill in quality every season but come ON! Let's hope there's a good reason lol


or maybe this is when we find out that Leah is really megan, Riggs long lost fiancé lol 

Edited by Rose-1
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In show time, the end of S10 was years ago. So Leah could have easily continued on her education elsewhere. I'm sure they'll catch us up on where she's been. I wonder if Shonda is going to try to make her a regular again or if this is just a small arc? I'm actually intrigued to see how it will pan out. As for Owen and Amelia, I'm hoping that Shonda is getting all this angst out now so that Amelia can be written lighter later in the season to accommodate Caterina as her pregnancy progresses. I'm so not interested in another full season of back and forth between these two. 

Edited by BaseOps
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17 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

I wonder if Shonda is going to try to make her a regular again 

Another character being forced into the middle of an already overcrowded cast... I 100% see her as a regular by the end of the season. 

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2 hours ago, Chas411 said:

I'm just on the season ten episode where she filed the harassment lawsuit. It's infuriating how she tries to make herself the victim in a situation she brought completely on herself.

 "Roar" A familiar face returns to Grey Sloan, throwing many of the doctors for a loop.

The  harassment lawsuit lead to: Owen announces to the entire hospital staff that the board has passed a “non-fraternization” policy." This hospital has to be a safe work environment where our focus remains clearly on providing the best patient care possible. Moving forward, all relationships with co-workers will be discouraged. And all relationships between superiors and subordinates is strictly prohibited"

I think Leah could make the staff thinking about the the non-fraternization policy. I can`t understand how Arizona can intiate a relationship with  her after what she did to Callie and her in season 10.

Edited by Ilovemydog
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3 hours ago, Rose-1 said:

Oh god.. I hope that this is something they explain...continuity errors are one thing but this would REALLY annoy me if they just forgot about the fact that she left because she CAN'T be a surgeon!! I mean this show is taking a slide down hill in quality every season but come ON! Let's hope there's a good reason lol


or maybe this is when we find out that Leah is really megan, Riggs long lost fiancé lol 

IIRC, it wasn't that she couldn't be a surgeon, it is that Webber felt she didn't have the instincts or that her skills weren't where they should have been at that point in her residency.  Truthfully, this felt like expediency and an excuse to write the character off because up to that point, she hadn't really been shown to be any worse than anyone else.  IMO, Shane was about the worst there was.

I think it would be hysterical if the show made a point to acknowledge that she went some place else got some real teaching and came back an excellent surgeon.  LOL.

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Leah was actually shown to be hitting her stride and doing well right before she was written out. 


I remember thinking that Leah was at her most interesting when she was unhinged over Arizona and her unfair treatment. 

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  IMO, Shane was about the worst there was.

Alex's dad aside I thought he was the only one who was shown to have any good instincts of promise.

That was the problem with that group of interns though. They kept having them mess up for the Lolz in season 9 and in season 10 they were just there as love interest for each attending. With the exception of Shane a few times they never showed them have any great surgical moments like they did with Magic in the early seasons.

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I never liked any of that group of interns.  It seemed to me that the show didn't quite know if it wanted to be a show about interns, or a show about the original cast.  Tina Marjorino's character was at least interestingly quirky.  It seems as if Stephanie is now doing the Cross comedy bits.  I'm ok with that.  I feel as if, going forward, they should have more characters who aren't full time, but who appear occasionally and then fade into the offscreen background for a while, like Richard's wives.

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Interns: The New Batch was a weird two-season experiment, the failure of which the writers seemed to acknowledge by sending Shane and Leah to the parking lot and greatly reducing the roles of Jo and Stephanie at the end of S10.

I'm not sure why they would feel the need to bring back Leah now, seeing as she didn't even make the cut back then, but installing her as a regular sounds like something Shonda would do. Especially since the character is bisexual and can be slotted in as a plot device to any number of romantic relationships.

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Interns: The New Batch was a weird two-season experiment, the failure of which the writers seemed to acknowledge by sending Shane and Leah to the parking lot and greatly reducing the roles of Jo and Stephanie at the end of S10.

Agreed to a certain extent.

Shane I think just ran his course and they exhausted all storyline potential. Leah was awful and I think that's why they sent her off. Jos lack of storyline was dictated by Oh and Dempsey's departure and the writers deciding that Alex could only exist within Meredith and the sisters orbit. Stephanie... I have no idea why they've kept her around because they've had little to no interest in doing anything with her. 

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I thought Bridget Regan was busy with various projects and that's why her appearances on Jane the Virgin have been sporadic. Has her schedule cleared up? I think whoever they cast to be Arizona's new love interest would be committed to a longer story arc. 

Edited by Joana
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Here's the full 13x07 press release: 

“Why Try to Change Me Now” – The arrival of a new consultant puts all of the doctors on edge, especially once she starts stepping on toes in the OR. Amelia and Owen bring their personal problems into the hospital, while April explores some uncharted territory. Guest starring is Debbie Allen as Catherine Avery and Tessa Ferrer as Leah Murphy.

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I thought Bridget Regan was busy with various projects and that's why her appearances on Jane the Virgin have been sporadic. Has her schedule cleared up? I think whoever they cast to be Arizona's new love interest would be committed to a longer story arc. Leah is in the pictures for episode 6 (I think, could be confused again) so it doesn't seem she is the consultant.

 Marika Dominczyk is the more likely candidate IMO.

Thanks, BaseOps.  We know Leah shows up in 6 (pictures) but do we know how long Lean is slated to be around?

Edited by windsprints
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17 minutes ago, windsprints said:

 Marika Dominczyk is the more likely candidate IMO.

Thanks, BaseOps.  We know Leah shows up in 6 (pictures) but do we know how long Lean is slated to be around?

I agree, I think that this will be the love interest, Bridget Regan will be the love interest and Leah will be there to....work in the clinic?  I have no idea.  My outside hope is that one of these characters will be brought in as a therapist for Alex, but that probably won't be the case.  At least not this soon.

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25 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

Boo. A friendship makes sense. A romance makes zero sense for either of them. Why would Deluca get involved with Jo knowing she's married? Also, the fact that her relationship with her live in boyfriend just ended? 

As an aside, are they ever going to address Jo's marriage? 

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Apparently not - and the writers could try and make it seem as organic as possible but there's no way I'd buy this as anything more then a step closer to accommodating the Mer/Alex romance the writers seem to be caving towards. If they have Jo move on with DeLuca it'll fit the poor Alex theme they have going this season and Meredith can continue to be his only support **eyeroll**

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But according to the article, it's not happening.  I don't know when the interview took place but they have read the script for the mid season finale and are filming some of episode 13.  He basically says that they are just friends.

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2 hours ago, Chas411 said:

Luckily, it doesn't sound like a definite thing...so there is hope.  But ,yeah...a Jo/Alex/DeLuca (Andrew!) triangle is even less appealing to me than the other love triangle they have going (which I also don't like).

Gianniotti does sound like an awesome guy, though....

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