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S03.E20: Time Changes Things

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My worlds collided last night when Bucky and Glenn got together.  They've been the same person to me since Season 1.

There s one crucial difference to me though and I think its going to come back big time next week. I think Bucky likes Rayna and respects her but he's not family. In fact I wouldn't be shocked to find that Bucky has a family we've just never heard about. Glenn would walk through fire for Juliette and doesn't really have anybody else I don't think its a knock on either of them Bucky's style works for Rayna and Glenn's works for Juliette. Also Glenn has that thing growing on top of his head.


Its also possible for Scarlett to designate where Beverly organs go if she dies.  So its possible that Beverly could get in accident driving to Nashville and Deacon could get her liver that way. Considering Rayna is Lamar's daughter I'm surprised she didn't think of arranging for Beverly to have an "accident" . It would have been a lot cheaper for one and its not like anyone would really miss Beverly anyway.  (I kid, mostly.   I know Rayna is paragon of virtue with awesome hair who would never consider such things, It would be totally soapy though)


Edited cause wok and works are two very different things.

Edited by Emily Thrace
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I can actually almost buy that Rayna would kill someone to save Deacon's life...or the lives of the kids. Her lustrous hair could distract people from her dirty dealings. Really, she should have just casually mentioned the situation to Teddy and had him and that creepy muscle guy of Lamar's "take care of it."

Edited by madam magpie
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There s one crucial difference to me though and I think its going to come back big time next week. I think Bucky likes Rayna and respects her but he's not family. In fact I wouldn't be shocked to find that Bucky has a family we've just never heard about. Glenn would walk through fire for Juliette and doesn't really have anybody else I don't think its a knock on either of them Bucky's style works for Rayna and Glenn's works for Juliette. Also Glenn has that thing growing on top of his head.


Agreed. I think both managers are good fits for their client's personalities. Bucky is a good friend to Rayna but I couldn't imagine her going to him for comfort. But then she never needed that type of person in her life. She had Tandy, her husband and Deacon to confide in if she really had the need. His style would never work for Juliette.


Glenn really is like Juliette's surrogate father. More than once she has gotten emotional when going against what he wanted her to do. Most notably when she was thinking of adoption and he was telling her he wanted her to be happy. He dotes on her and always figures out a way to meet her many demands. 


I swear I remember Tandy and Bucky going home together in S1. It was the night of the CMA party when Rayna and Juliette were both nominated. I suppose it didn't mean anything since she obviously left town later, but I assumed he wasn't married. Could be though, I'm inferring a lot from one glance. 

Edited by Soup333
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It was definitely hinted at in that season 1 episode that Tandy was getting a ride home with Bucky after the boat party. Wasn't it just a plot device to get rid of Tandy so that Rayna was on her own when Deacon jumped in the car? Whatever, as happens so often in Nashville, neither the characters or the story went anywhere. I see tend to see both Bucky and Glenn as single - with no life outside operating as foils for their female bosses. Although I like them. It would be cool if they were developed a little but there's already enough (far too much) going on in this show.

My overriding feeling about this episode is, as usual, how can it be so uneven? There are parts that I love (mainly relating to the original characters) and embarrassingly awful parts (everything with Luke and Jade St John, Gunnar's Kylie story, etc.). Now after those Deacon/Rayna flashbacks and what they are doing to Gunnar I'm scared that the embarrassingly awful is about to spill over into all the parts that I love. Fearful for season 4. Eeek!

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That CGI beach scene was tacky, but I don't mind as long as they use the money to hire writers who can keep track of their own stories and characters. 


I may be the only one to say this, but Beverly was really humanized for me last week. Especially the flashback scenes. It felt like one of those superhero shows, where you see the moment a good person turns evil. Beverly was probably always selfish. But all artists have egos, they all think they should be stars whether they make it or not, many many are obsessed about it. I can see that this brother-sister team meant everything to her. Then Rayna comes along. Rayna not only is more successful, she also took her brother and musical partner, then on top of that the humiliation of now working for the same person who has already diminished her life so profoundly? And she made the wrong call. She should have swallowed her pride but didn't. And probably too proud to go back and apologize to Rayna or Deacon, and let that pride destroy everything. She obviously turned that self-hate against Scarlett. I think there is a hell of a tragedy there if they wanted to explore it further. But she will probably die after donating her liver. BTW I doubt Deacon would care next year if he found out Rayna offered the money. 


Scarlett today is about twenty six (I think she said she was 24 in the first season somewhere). I am thinking there should be a little neglected baby in that flashback scene!

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I thought Rayna was going to offer Deacon's sister a record contract or something. She has a great voice but of course she is a bit old to be starting out.

Me too! In fact, they spent the whole episode setting it up, showcasing Beverly's talent, showing how she blamed Rayna for never making it... I would think a record contract would be more likely to sway her than $1 million, plus it would be an interesting story choice. It seems like the writers goofed here. 


Unless the reason is Rayna thinks Deacon is less likely to find out this way. 

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I figured out a way to handwave the apparent disparity or denial of the Rayna/Deacon canon timeline. The way it was shot, it would be easy to believe that this was the first time Rayna and Deacon had clapped eyes on each other and zomg fireworks. But then I thought, well they could already know each other and the reason she's so glowing is she's come to their performance to tell them about the tour. So they could know each other, already be in love, etc, and then it would make more "sense" for Beverly to flip so hard if it was an ongoing relationship rather than a first meet-cute.


Oh Beverly. You being you, it's definitely worse to take the money than to offer it. Deacon will be mad at Rayna but I think the show has finally committed to them being a couple, so he and Rayna will work it out. I (don't) look forward to Scarlett's chipmunk rage when she finds out. It's funny, when Beverly first turned Deacon down I had sympathy for her position. Now that it's clear that she's punishing him for not making her his priority his whole damned life - ugh, the blame-shifting rankles.


I did enjoy Deacon and Rayna's 90s hair and "freshened" faces. Somehow ole B didn't come out of the sepia-toned flashbacks looking as good.


Layla/Jeff/Luke/Jade: don't watch that shiz.


Teddy. Well. One thing I was grateful for was hearing that the feds knew Teddy got himself caught up in something that was not targeting him. I was also grateful that that revelation happened offscreen.

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And I know continuity isn't their strong suit, but couldn't they have at least pretended that Deacon was around when Lamar kicked Rayna out at 16 because Watty brought her a paying gig? I mean that's what I've been going on since season 1, given that's WHAT THEY SAID HAPPENED.


Well, the backstory may have altered, but time obviously hasn't changed Beverly's jaw-dropping selfishness. Good Lord.


And judging by the CGI-heavy "family" photo, Jason was Gunnar's evil twin. Honestly, that boy should be ecstatic: Gunnar the Tragedy Magnet already has enough material for a Lifetime Achievement Award's worth of hurtin' songs!

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I refuse to discuss Maddie and her crying face. If it wasn't for Juliette interfering I would've skipped through those scenes. Why does she get to not go to school? What kind of a normal reaction is that? I'm not a parent so I wouldn't know, but still thought it was weird...


While I'm glad that Deacon didn't give Maddie a big slut shaming lecture, he still needs to yell at her for (1) ditching school (2) to sneak off to his house (3) to make out with her boyfriend. Even if they weren't having sex, those three things are still unacceptable behavior. Gawd, just make out after school like normal kids!


A natural consequence of an overly indulged teenager, whose punishment is immediately lifted if they choke out a half-assed apology, is a girl who's going to ditch school and let herself into someone's house and get naked with her boyfriend.  It is possible to mess a kid up with all love and little discipline - see Paris Hilton.  Every time she acts out she is cosseted even more.  How about a little tough love? 


My dream scenario for next season:  Maddie is in trouble (again), and all three of her parents are ringing their hands, petting her, and telling her how much they love her.  At some point, Maddie screeches - "why are you always on my case, why can't you pick on Daphne for once?".   The adults look a little puzzled, who???  As if on cue, Daphne enters the scene.  She's wearing ripped up black clothing, dyed black hair, black eyeliner, black fingernails, combat boots, and a dog collar.  Her tongue, lip, and eyebrow are pierced, and she has a tattoo.  Finally realizing the extent of their neglect, the adults rush over to Daphne begging for forgiveness.  Daphne graciously forgives them before telling them to fuck off, then hitchhikes to her Aunt Tandy's house, where she thrives. 


Years later, Daphne sends backstage passes to her sold out world tour, to her parents, and Maddie (who dropped out of high school after an utterly predictable teenage pregnancy).  Maddie now has eight children and is married to good ole Colt.  She's happy, but always wonders what could have been.  She's also secretly jealous that Daphne's living the dream.  As sweet natured as ever, Daphne says that Maddie is the true star in the family, and spends her free time showering gifts on her nieces and nephews.  The end.

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Whoa, Maddie! I do think she's way too young, but the poor girl was so mortified when Deacon freaked. And poor Deacon -- like he doesn't have enough stress!

I did LOVE the rare, lovely Deacon / Juliette interaction, and Juliette offering to have a talk with Maddie. Juliette was awfully sweet with her.

I understand Beverly having some resentments, but she is truly ridiculous. She has to be begged (and apparently paid) to save her brother? Ugh.

Everything involving Jade and the LA scenes made me lapse into a coma.

At least we now know why Kiley is a little messed up. Not crazy about the Jason-was-a-rapist twist, though. I kind of hoped that whole story was over and instead it just keeps getting worse.

I liked Juliette's rooftop concert.

Oh, Teddy. You poor pathetic bastard.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Juliette Barnes. Welcome back you crazy girl. Her and Avery were HOTTTT. And she's so sweet with Maddie and Deacon. I love how she just does whatever the hell she want. 


Also loved aggressive Rayna in this episode. Getting it done as usual. 

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Oh, soooo much the doubting and the scoffing. Rapist Jason (his name was Jason, right?), jealous petulant gloomy-Gus Gunnar (compared to him, Eeyore is Pollyanna!), Luke and Jeff and Rayna oh my! Maybe Teddy grabs Daphne and they both run away to WASPy-town, Connecticut. And a million bucks seems a bit stiff for a PIECE of a living liver...you don't take the whole thing, since it regenerates itself in both donor and recipient. Please, Beverley and Kylie (it is Kylie, right?), just go away and never, ever come back. And take Gunnar with you, driving off into a horrible CGI sunset. And then into the sea.

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Oh, soooo much the doubting and the scoffing. Rapist Jason (his name was Jason, right?), jealous petulant gloomy-Gus Gunnar (compared to him, Eeyore is Pollyanna!), Luke and Jeff and Rayna oh my! Maybe Teddy grabs Daphne and they both run away to WASPy-town, Connecticut. And a million bucks seems a bit stiff for a PIECE of a living liver...you don't take the whole thing, since it regenerates itself in both donor and recipient. Please, Beverley and Kylie (it is Kylie, right?), just go away and never, ever come back. And take Gunnar with you, driving off into a horrible CGI sunset. And then into the sea.


Not that this show is ever going to talk about liver donation in a serious way, but yes, the liver does regenerate. The donor gives 60% and it takes a couple of months for the donor to recover. Its not an outpatient procedure by any means and Beverly is certainly right to be hesitant. Of course, those facts mess with the Bev is evil plot so the writers have glosses right over her legitimate concerns to make her a jealous evil hag. Also, Deacon looks like the picture of health for someone who only has a few months to live.

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Scarlett today is about twenty six (I think she said she was 24 in the first season somewhere). I am thinking there should be a little neglected baby in that flashback scene!


When we first met Scarlett, and when she was having her breakdown, didn't we learn that Beverly was abusive to Scarlett and not just neglectful?  I sort of remember lots of black and white flashbacks of a young Scarlett hiding while Beverly rages on at her for being stupid or something.  Was Beverly and addict, too?  Why is her liver just fine and dandy?

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Me too! In fact, they spent the whole episode setting it up, showcasing Beverly's talent, showing how she blamed Rayna for never making it... I would think a record contract would be more likely to sway her than $1 million, plus it would be an interesting story choice. It seems like the writers goofed here. 


Unless the reason is Rayna thinks Deacon is less likely to find out this way. 

I hadn't thought of that. I kept wondering why Rayna wasn't offering a contract, since clearly a shot at the big time is what Beverly wanted the most.


Was it just me, or did that stink-eye she shot Rayna in the flash-back seem awfully jealous for someone, presumably, she didn't know. She noticed Deacon's appreciative look, and the woman he was looking at. It felt semi-incestuous to me. Beverly's mind is a deep, dark, scary place.


  Was Beverly and addict, too?  Why is her liver just fine and dandy?

That's a good point. We don't really know that it is fine and dandy. We just know that it is a match - and in a hail Mary situation (which is what this is becoming), I imagine they'd go with it as long as there is no active cancer and/or cirrhosis (unlike the liver they rejected). 


I totally thought Teddy was going to run away with his youngest daughter - since Maddy was with Deacon. I couldn't believe how long he took to bug out - but then, plot developments.

Edited by clanstarling
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I just got to watch this episode. So much to talk about, but really, everyone has covered it much better than I ever could.


My one takeaway? Damn you, show, for making me feel sorry for dumb ol' Teddy, who I've invested so much time in being disgusted with. My heart just about broke from him when he looked back at the girls before he left the house. Whatever else he's done/been, he does love those girls. 

Edited by kirinan
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If only they kept Teddy as background Dad, it would be fine. If they need more storylines for him, he could date Emily or some other female on the show. 


Beverly definitely abused Scarlett. I didn't say abused because I figured perhaps baby Scarlett was only neglected, and didn't get hit until she could talk. But that's all me guessing. 


Interesting that, there but for the grace of God, Juliette could easily be a Beverly-type abuser. She still could be, of course, but I doubt the writers would have her be that evil. 

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Was Beverly and addict, too?  Why is her liver just fine and dandy?


I thought she was just mentally unstable. She spent time at the "horse farm" as Scarlett put it. I didn't think she was an addict. But she was definitely abusive and from what Rayna said in this episode, neglectful as well. It's interesting if we starting thinking about her childhood parallels Juliette's and what that may say about Avery "fixer of all things" Barkley as he had significant relationships with both of them.


If only they kept Teddy as background Dad, it would be fine. If they need more storylines for him, he could date Emily or some other female on the show. 


Emily deserves better.

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I don't think Beverly was an addict. She's never even been portrayed as a substance abuser.

She has definite mental health issues. In real life, I think that might be a problem, in terms of her being a donor, for her sake, not Deacon's. But, obviously, this isn't real life.

I don't like Beverly, but, I sure hope they don't have her die, as a result of donating. That's just lazy drama!

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The whole history with Kiley, Gunnar and his brother was enough.  Now they have to heap MORE grief with the child being conceived by rape! Please!  It's too much!  Totally unnecessary too. What's next did Gunnar's brother give her HIV too?  When will the stories stop?  It's been beaten to death. Leave it alone.  I can't stand to see Gunnar anymore. And the same goes for Scarlet.  Scarlet, please let Gunnar have his privacy.  Stop snooping and let him have some peace.  What's wrong with these people?  lol

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I really did not see them bringing Kiley back.

Layla's getting kind of bratty again. Like OG Layla.

Whoa. The Maddie/Cole? scene came out of nowhere.

YES! I love having another Juliette/Deacon scene.

I don't care about Luke and Christina Aguilera in green screen land though he is much more tolerable now.

I love seeing Juliette's mentor/maternal streak. I missed the Maddie/Juliette scenes too.

I think Alexa Vega's a good actress but this was a completely unnecessary plotline.

Not that I really care about this backstory for Beverly but she was right. Deacon did end up as Rayna's backup... for years.

Glen's "welcome to my world" to Bucky got a genuine laugh out of me. 

Oh my God could they be setting up Teddy to die or disappear even more? Tiffany necklaces?

Loved Juliette's stunt. She's at her best being fabulous and outrageous without hurting anyone else.

What happened to Layla? Who is running the writers' room?

I love Juliette and Avery getting along though I don't think we're out of the woods yet.

I don't think Scarlett/Gunnar compares to Rayna/Deacon... or at least it hasn't for a long time but that little rant of Scarlett's was exactly what I hate about Rayna so points there, writers.

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I hope we're done with this Gunnar shit by the end of this season. If he's supposed to be the mirror of Deacon when he was young, was Deacon that annoying and mopey in his youth?

I'm with you on all the Juliette stuff. As for this, Jesus. If this was what Deacon was like I might finally have sympathy for Rayna. Might.

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What happened to the Gunnar we met at first? The one who silently liked Scarlett and didn't make a move until she has broke it off with Avery?

They thought he was boring and destroyed his character trying to fix it. I mean, I get it. The actor's not great. But that's why you let him stay sweet and sing duets with Scarlett instead of trying to drag him into the drama and inventing characters to make him more interesting. 


Not only too much of the mentally ill, delusional Beverly...too much Beverly singing..ugh.  I just can't stand her face.

She's no Reba but I think she's a slightly better singer than Connie.

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Was I the only one bothered by Colt's throwaway line while Deacon was kicking him out - "it wasn't her fault, she didn't even want to!" Um, that's not a good excuse, that actually would make the situation MUCH worse if it were true.

Did we know Deacon's sister could sing? Are there aren't side characters on this show who can't sing? Is everyone in and around Nashville secretly a great singer who only wants a singing career? Do none of these people have any friends who like math?

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Was I the only one bothered by Colt's throwaway line while Deacon was kicking him out - "it wasn't her fault, she didn't even want to!" Um, that's not a good excuse, that actually would make the situation MUCH worse if it were true.


Not to mention the fact that they were AT Deacon's house. That required a bit of planning and Maddie's the one with the key. Of course she wanted to. And using that line to make it seem OK really just makes Colt look bad, and Maddie like some idiot who can't think for herself.

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I just put it down to Colt trying to not get mad at Maddie and blurting something out in an effort to help.  Teenagers under pressure often dig themselves a deeper hole when trying to talk themselves out of trouble.  I know I did.

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