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Sherri Shepherd: "Is the Earth flat?"

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Thanks Lucky for posting link, I meant to say while googling for her twitter account that article popped up as a second hit ..not that it was on twitter. Just because I'm cranky I did ask her on instagram why she takes so many pictures of herself daily . I have not gone back to see if I'm slammed by her fans.

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Sherri is tweeting nonstop-

Hotel security checked in on her because she was screaming about the arrival of the script (she was screaming earlier today as well)


and this is for us


Didn't realize I would be going to so many casual dinners... I only brought only one pair of ripped jeans, two sweaters & three ball gowns

 I wouldn't call the short shorts outfit a ball gown (must be the Cinderella effect)

Edited by CuriousParker
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Sherri is tweeting nonstop-

Hotel security checked in on her because she was screaming about the arrival of the script (she was screaming earlier today as well)


and this is for us

 I wouldn't call the short shorts outfit a ball gown (must be the Cinderella effect)



come on, with all her helpers and minions no one could go pick out a new outfit for her, or at the very least a decent pair of pants or jeans??  I call bs on that.

Edited by CuriousParker
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Apparently false eyelashes are more important than clean clothes (who knew)



About to go to dinner w @dice30  & @gochasalon ... but they gotta pick me up some fake lashes before we can step out to get our seafood!

Thank god one of them has a salon:



On the way with the entire store of lashes...


I am in #heaven - look what dice3029 & @gochasalon brought me ... Now off to dinner w my ladies!


Looks like a lifetime supply!



Edited by springtime
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My gawd, Sherri, STFU!! And, GROW UP!


Btw, how nice of you to spend yet another long weekend away partying with your pals when you yourself just tweeted that you're about to start filming a movie in two days. You could have spent the weekend with your son before going off to work on the movie, and then the play.

Edited by LuckyBitch
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Are we supposed to care about Sherri finding eyelashes to wear?  She clearly thinks she is starring in a Twitter/Instagram reality show.


I used to think Elisabeth was immature but Sherri is just as bad.  Does she ever do anything without informing social media?

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her wonderful, loving friend Bitsy isn't coming back to her last show to wish her well.


After her recent comments about The View and Rosie producing Babs' Farewell Show (alluding to the fact that Rosie is in control at The View and has been for many months), she may not be very welcome there anymore!

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I love that Whoopi has been MIA....for Sherri. Although perhaps she has a valid reason....anyway SS will have JM. And Arsenio and her Gospel friends. Nobody else to thank her.  

Edited by maggiemae
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I used to think Elisabeth was immature but Sherri is just as bad.  Does she ever do anything without informing social media?



Didn't she try to explain to us recently that a celebrity's star power is directly related to the number of Twitter followers one has?    Helen Mirren?  Meryl Streep?   

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Sherri is tweeting nonstop-

Hotel security checked in on her because she was screaming about the arrival of the script (she was screaming earlier today as well)

This whole scenario begs so many questions: Why was the script sent to Atlanta, she couldn't get it in New York on her return like she was going to be "studying??" The screaming we know she does well but........Sherri you are 47 years old, grow up


This whole thing is just fodder for her standup, she truly disgusts me....

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Someone is traveling to NY in November and asked Sherri on twitter if she'll be in Cinderella then. (I think she starts around Sept 9th) She said she would be. The show will be on tour then, does Sherri know this?? If she's touring with the show, I really feel bad Jeffrey. 

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Sherri has traveled for years and should know better-  A pair of basic black pants (that don't need ironing) are a wardrobe basic- especially when traveling!




Or here is a thought, go buy an outfit.


Everything is always drama-filled with her.  Whether it is real or manufactured I don't know   Why can't she just have an uneventful function?  It's always something with her.  Wardrobe issues, her going off on people and of course her constant need for attention by her constant posting of selfies.


As so many posters have posted already Sherri needs to grow the fuck up.  The woman is looking at 50 in a couple years and she is acting like 16 year old.  Between the wardrobe that I'm assuming she bought at Forever 21 and the screaming and jumping around like she is at a Justin Bieber concert Sherri is behaving like a fool.


So many other celebs her age manage to act with class and dignity.  Why is that so difficult for her?

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Frances Childress Nashville Relationship Counseling Examiner


These 6 signs of childish behavior in adults (emotionally delayed) are used by immature people as their way to avoid making positive changes in their lives.

Usually, the emotionally delayed people will be so busy looking for flaws in you; they cannot or refuse to see the flaws in themselves. When confrontations arise, the person will act in childish ways instead of implementing problem solving techniques (conflict resolution).


Behavioral signs of being emotionally delayed include:
1.Doing spiteful things - giving the silent treatment, doing things to irritate, ignore when conversations are initiated, omit routine courtesies
2.Making excuses - playing the pity card, blaming others, was in a hurry, claims their feelings are hurt (any excuse to avoid accepting blame)
3.Selfishness - disregard to others' feelings and needs, places desires first
4.Twisting the truth - manipulating truths of an argument by leaving facts out (telling only part of the story to make others look guilty)
5.Hypersensitive - throwing a temper tantrum, showing anger, insulting, able to physically make themselves become emotionally upset, (over-acting to trivial matters)
6.Refusing to accept logic - denying their actions/behaviors are contradictory, purposely finding fault or exaggerating others' faults (shifting blame or changing conversation subject)

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So glad Sherri is leaving. I may be able to read her tweets (here), but at least I don't have to look at her everyday.  As a woman (LOL), I find her ignorance and desperacy (Bits) is disheartening. 


Sherri's attempts at putting out contrived situations as "comedy/drama" worthy of (hopefully for her) a reality show makes her seem delusional.  I am counting on her gradually fading away as other better (or younger, teehee) female "comics" or comic actresses get the parts. 


It has been great fun to read the clever posts here, although now I am looking forward to posts about Rosie, Whoopi, and other co-hosts, as well as more intelligent issues discussed on the view.  Babs has a great idea about women's views (only nice thing I can say about an egomaniac), and I hope the show will be done, most of the time, with  humor, and rational grace soon.  But then what would we snark on?  Oh, people are individuals with many emotions.  There will be plenty to look forward to in the fall.  Looking forward to reading you all. 

In addition to younger actresses, I should have also said, "or older, better actresses."  

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Some Broadway shows do a Broadway show and a touring show at the same time. For example, The Book of Mormon, The Lion King and Chicago have both had tours and current Broadway runs. I would imagine Cinderella is one of those shows as well.

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Some Broadway shows do a Broadway show and a touring show at the same time. For example, The Book of Mormon, The Lion King and Chicago have both had tours and current Broadway runs. I would imagine Cinderella is one of those shows as well.

Ahhh! Okay then!

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Going from the gospel church related segment, a Sherri retrospective and then to Bell Biv DeVoe singing their song Poison from 1990 was as confusing as Sherri can be herself. The last part where she was making her farewell speech it seemed kinda awkward to make those marriage/divorce jokes in front of Jeffery.

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My final visit to Sal's twitter is today. I hope I can quit for good.


‏@SalfromtheD   Day 5 of being a new Dad… I have to admit. My swaddle technique is bitching!!!!


What a genius this guy is.

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So tragically sad: Robin Williams death, such a waste, so tragic......... but what is unbelievable is that Sherri's last show is being compared to Robin's death. I cannot be "offensive" to her fans but this attitude is beyond comprehension.............

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If Sherri is still in Atlanta and was planning to eat dinner alone


about to go out solo to eat tonight in the ATL...

When did she watch Aladdin with Jeffrey?



Jeffrey. & I just watched Aladdin w robinwilliams - he brought joy to so many - young & old

(maybe she meant to say recently?)


btw- she did find a friend to dine with.

Edited by springtime
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If Sherri is still in Atlanta and was planning to eat dinner alone

When did she watch Aladdin with Jeffrey?


(maybe she meant to say recently?)


btw- she did find a friend to dine with.

Because Sherri HAS to make it about HER. She could have said,   RIP robinwilliams - he brought joy to so many - young & old. And left it at that.

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Oh, okay, thanks @CattyTiger . So, it was convenient for her that the event last weekend was in Atlanta right before she was due there to start the movie. Too bad she has to be away from her son the last few weeks of his summer break, though.


​I wonder how long she'll be there for the movie, considering she has a play to get ready for next month.


Btw, I see Sal posted a pic yesterday of himself and his goddaughter with the birthday cake she brought him:



Edited by LuckyBitch
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I said I was going cold turkey on Sal's twitter but since you posted the link....


Was trying to get a good look at this apartment. Notice the light fixture. Guess it is far cry from the NJ place he left behind.


Needs to work on his grammar "I love me some her". Is that even a sentence?

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I really thought photo(s) of the surrogate would be out ---TMZ?-- by now? Even though the egg could be anybody's --including the surrogate-- I just imagine Sal selecting some super hot babe to give up her genetic profile for Sal Jr! At some point someone is likely to say something, perhaps looking for a bump in her fee?

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I really thought photo(s) of the surrogate would be out ---TMZ?-- by now? Even though the egg could be anybody's --including the surrogate-- I just imagine Sal selecting some super hot babe to give up her genetic profile for Sal Jr! At some point someone is likely to say something, perhaps looking for a bump in her fee?


I think Sherri's handlers realize that this whole situation looks bad for her career. I wouldn't be surprised if they've already reached out to Sal to keep things quiet and to put together some sort of settlement. No matter how her team spins it, "Sherri abandons her child" is never going to go over well in the press.


As a New Jersey tax payer, I hope Sherri settles. If Sal is as broke as they say he is, there is no way he is going to be able to pay for the child's expenses. And there is no reason that child protective services/the state should have to step in to provide assistance when Sherri is more than capable of ponying up.

Edited by vanillamountain
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I dunno Vanila...Really why should she settle? Her case is strong and there is some sympathy for Sherri's position.

And if LS is struggling? Why can't he do what millions of single parents do? Get a job. Support himself and his son. Sherri did it....

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As a New Jersey tax payer, I hope Sherri settles. If Sal is as broke as they say he is, there is no way he is going to be able to pay for the child's expenses. And there is no reason that child protective services/the state should have to step in to provide assistance when Sherri is more than capable of ponying up.




Why would Sal need to go on public assistance?  He is an able-bodied man who should be capable of finding employment to support his child.  Just because he might not want to work doesn't mean he won't have to.  You make it sound like he has two choices, either Sherri supports him or the government does.


Really why should she settle? Her case is strong and there is some sympathy for Sherri's position.




I don't know how strong her case is.  She did sign a contract to be this child's mother. I'm not sure Sal's "defrauding" her will cause a judge to void that contract.  Although I can't imagine a judge ordering her to pay financial support and grant Sal's wishes that Sherri have minimal contact or involvement with the child.  If she chooses to not be a part of the child's life that is one thing but for a judge to order that she not is far-fetched.

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I am glad Sherri is gone from my tv. She was very fortunate to get two movie roles (pity casting from friends?), and Broadway--although I doubt she will be able to physically do the role for very long (I give her two weeks to 1 month before some other committment intervenes and she has to "reluctantly" bow out).


The new baby?  Is better off without her as well. Sal needs to step up and be a man--a man who supports his child. 


Can't wait for Rosie!

Also wanted to say that I bet the pity castings dry up soon, and Sherri gets less work.  She will probably try to get back more into the religious entertainment business again then.

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Also wanted to say that I bet the pity castings dry up soon, and Sherri gets less work.  She will probably try to get back more into the religious entertainment business again then.




I don't know if I would call it pity casting.  I think because her name is in the news right now she is probably on casting director's radars.  But that will probably change soon unless of course some other catastrophe strikes Sherri.  I'm still not 100% sure all the drama that seems to happen to her isn't manufactured.

Forget the jeans, WTF is the shirt about?


I'm not saying women have to dress matronly when they are in their 40's (Jesus knows I don't) but Sherri dresses like she is 18 yrs old.


And is just me or does  her face look a little off in that pic?

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I'm curious about the shirt, too.  I guess she's proud of it with her arms spread wide and her chest stuck out - smh.


Maybe her face looks different without all the dark liner she uses a lot, which I don't think looks good on her.  Her eyes appear to me to be wider set.  Maybe brows are different/lighter, too.

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Back to her packing skills for a moment


One pair of jeans, two sweaters and three ball gowns


This minimalist effort was an issue for a weekend in Atlanta...

Was she hoping the film's crew would outfit her for the duration of her stay?


(her packing list reminds me of Sesame St- the grocery store list the child tries to remember)


"a loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter"

Edited by springtime
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This minimalist effort was an issue for a weekend in Atlanta...



Sherri does everything over the top so I find it hard to believe she doesn't over pack.  Once again I think it's just made up "zany madcap adventures" with Sherri. 


Is there ever a day goes by that something doesn't happen with her? 

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