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S05.E16: Video Killed the ALDC Star

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The ALDC competes in its last competition in Los Angeles that includes challenging solos for JoJo and Kendall. Meanwhile, Nia and Kendall shoot videos; and Holly and Jill allow their competitive natures to get the best of them.

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Nia looked absolutely beautiful in her video hair and makeup. It was also great to see her stand up to Abby so calmly and not get upset in the least over Abby's attitude. Holly should only behave so well!

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I thought they would make more of the kid judge thing. Like maybe we'd get some insight as to what they liked and didn't like, but they glossed right over it in the end. I do think that Jojo's dance was actually an interesting technical exercise that real judges would appreciate more than kids would, but yeah,the crazy person thing is pretty offensive.


I just don't enjoy Kendall's dancing. Her feet are weirdly turned out and overpronated and it has gotten to the point I can't look at anything else.


I loved the group number this week. I don't quite get the platinum theme and the CD hat was as stupid as last week, but I liked the instrumental music. And even though it was pretty sloppy, well, they just learned it.


I thought Nia looked beautiful and there was nothing more inappropriate than the LaQueefa stuff, or the fan dance, or probably half a dozen other things they've done. I do think Aubrey's tweet may have gone too far, but blaming Holly for it is unfair.

Edited by Law Mom
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Has LA inspired Abby to get off her ass and actually show the girls dance moves?  It's a miracle.


Regarding Kira's mole:  I originally thought she had it removed, but it looks like she covers it with concealer.


I'm having a hard time feeling for Holly.  She saw it happen with Kelly.  She saw it happen with Christi.  She started this season attacking those two women and defending Abby.  Holly's the only one in that group who has an advanced degree in children, yet she remains so clueless.  Nia has so much potential in life, but Holly's in tears of happiness because she's thrown her daughter in with the sharks?  Has she read even one story of what happens to children in show business?


I only know Aubrey O'Day from Celebrity Apprentice, and she was a complete ass.  She wants to work with Nia because Nia is on Dance Moms, and Audrey gets her face on camera.  Bottom line.  Holly's so naïve.


All these women spend too much time on social media, and too little time mothering their children.

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Just starting to watch but the whole thing is so fake. If Abby really was Nia's manager - contracts would have been signed and Abby would be involved in every aspect of Nia's video. Abby made it clear from the get go last year that she was promoting Kalani, Maddie and Mac in LA - the rest were to grab opportunities where they see them.


Melissa showing Abby the tweets or whatever on social media - what parent these days wouldn't want to post photos and tweets of your kids and their achievements - didn't the girls post pics and tweets last week when they meant Kendall's whatever and Nia wasn't invited? I am social media challenged - I have many friends that post every aspect of their kids and their own life - the highs, the lows ect.. - I don't believe that's a good thing as once it's on the net - it's always going to be out there - but that is todays society and in Holly's case - that is keeping Nia's fans informed. Jill had the same opportunities during Kendall's videos and I can't believe that she didn't post anything - unless this again was a producer setup for drama.


I also find it funny that Jojo is going to be in a straightjacket - when that was what Jennifer Ellison used when her girls did a competition dance in an upcoming episode.


I can't stand Jill - she's been bragging forever about every aspect of her and Kendall's life and now is upset because Holly is doing it. Then the comment of throwing names around and Abby doesn't know those type of people yet - well too bad - so sad - Abby was supposed to know all these people or so she said - and you believed her.


I personally get where Holly is coming from. Abby's comment about Nia's attire was uncalled for when so much has been made of the Chandelier video with the nude colored bodysuit and then the 2nd video with the cage and an adult male. Plus as stated above - some of those costumes those girls wore at competition were horrible and the moms questioned several of Abby's costume choices thru the years.


What was Abby thinking with that dance of Jojos? I felt bad for the poor kid. It was extremely tough choreography to learn in a week, especially not having the use of your arms for balance. When you're dancing for kids - you have to give your students something that kids like.


Well - I'm waiting on the release of Nia's video which is suppose to occur next Tues on Dance Moms according to youtube videos. I'm excited for her and hope it takes off. In fact - since it is going to be premiered on Dance Moms - the producers have really promoted it better than Kendall's. Kendall's was leaked ? while everyone is wondering where Nia's is - then there are little snippets on you tube and the net - but the whole thing isn't released yet - Abby downplaying it ect.. - seems to be done to promote more interest and suspense.

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I think Jill, Melissa and Abby were jealous because Nia's video shoot seemed so much more professional than Kendall's or Mackenzie's. Nia looked amazing with all those different hairstyles and costumes! I think they are worried that the actual video will be much better than the Abby-produced ones for Kendall and Mac. Time will tell, but I think that was the real reason they freaked out over the social media pics.

Personally, I hope Nia's video is the most successful one of the group, but I agree with those who don't feel sympathy for Holly after her lack of support for Christie and Kelly. I'm impressed with Nia's attitude about the whole situation.

Edited by EVS
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The girls really impressed me last night. Nia's attitude in talking with Abby was terrific, wish I could channel her on a bad day with my boss. And JoJo really gave it her all out there with that dance, I wanted to hug her when she was crying backstage fearing Abby's reaction, but I really applaud her for putting her heart and soul into making that performance-worthy.

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I will say maybe Holly was a little much with the name dropping, but look at the opportunity Nia was getting in spite of Abby trying to hold her back, I can't really blame her. Jill said it herself when she was saying she would do whatever necessary to keep Kendall as Abby's current favorite... Holly is doing the same thing, to keep Nia relevant, just not with Abby. The jealousy among them is crazy. And every girl does not need a music video. I bet Melissa is regretting her kid going first and just getting a music video filmed in the studio and her house... Mack was clearly now just a Guinea pig.

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It would all make sense like that if it weren't one big plot line and Holly did nothing to get the video made.  It was all done by Collins as part of making the episode  Neither the mothers or Abby are driving the bus, the production team is in control.  .  

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The straight jacket routine! I mean, really, Abby? What a scary, unpleasant dance routine, especially for a little girl. They showed one of the kid judge's faces when JoJo was performing it and she looked terrified. No wonder it didn't place. I think JoJo did the best she could with it and I am proud of her. I'm sick of Abby treating JoJo like crap, she is a beautiful, adorable child who may be a bit hyper but she does not deserve all the ill treatment she has received from this disgraceful hideous woman. Abby seems to hate JoJo just because she's blonde, and for whatever reason Abby is obviously EXTREMELY jealous of blondes.


She also gave Jojo that bizarre "Carrie" dance where she was covered in blood. Jojo and MacKenzie are about the same age, but you're never see Abby giving MacKenzie such creepy numbers. Jojo has been a real trooper doing her best with these kinds of dances. I felt bad for her last night when she crying backstage. I wanted to reach inside the T.V. and give her a hug.

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I don't feel any sympathy for anyone at this point.  The moms and daughters have all gotten their fair share of fame and compensation from this show.  I think any difference in production or quality is really due to stir up drama in the moms.  I watched a teaser for Nia's video a few weeks ago and saw it was produced by Collins, as I'm sure the final product is.  Mack has had three videos already, so Melissa has nothing to be upset about.  I'm not targeting these girls specifically when I say a truly talented kid can shine without high production values and autotune.  


Personally, I'm getting sick of this pop star stuff.  It has nothing to with dance and everything to do with reality tv stars "striking while the iron is hot", which the cast cannot acknowledge on air. 

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Putting aside that this whole thing is staged as hell, I don't understand why Abby is trying to make Kendall of all people a pop star.   I think I said this in another thread at one point, but it's like Abby chooses the people least suited to a venture and then pushes them into it.  At the end of the day I don't think Nia will be overly successful either, but at least when you put her in front of a camera she turns it on and knows how to perform in that way.  Kendall fades into the background in ALDC dances, so how is she going to be a pop star.  Kendall has a gorgeous face, but she is not cut out to be any sort of star.


I commend JoJo for committing to her routine, but it looked more like the child judges were terrified.  If you were going to try and do a number like that, the place to debut it was not at a competition supposedly judged by children.

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The ones I still feel sorry for are the original cast that are no longer there. Yes - they got their time in the spotlight but the ones who have remained have really cornered the market. Was the concept dreamed up by Abby or was it due to some of the original moms coming up with the idea? Abby has burned many bridges and I don't think a lot of the animosity is for the viewers.


Why the pop star stuff - that's the way it's done now - aka - Britney, Christina, Hillary Duff, Miley, Arianna Grande - they get their foot in the door somewhere and hope it leads somewhere else. Asia is now in a new movie " Sister Code " so things have opened up for a lot of these kids. What is sad is that Asia, Kalani and Jojo have gain the limelight since their stint on AUDC and I can't even remember either of the 2 that won it.

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The straight jacket routine! I mean, really, Abby? What a scary, unpleasant dance routine, especially for a little girl. They showed one of the kid judge's faces when JoJo was performing it and she looked terrified. No wonder it didn't place. I think JoJo did the best she could with it and I am proud of her. I'm sick of Abby treating JoJo like crap, she is a beautiful, adorable child who may be a bit hyper but she does not deserve all the ill treatment she has received from this disgraceful hideous woman. Abby seems to hate JoJo just because she's blonde, and for whatever reason Abby is obviously EXTREMELY jealous of blondes.



Jojo's dance didn't place because they had competition children judging it.  I would have pulled my students out if I found out they had 12 year olds judging.

  Jojo actually did a great job on it and it was a whole lot better than Kendall's. It was a creative and artistic dance, not at all scary.   Abby told Jojo that she did a good job and that the loss was the result of child judges.  Professionals would have appreciated that dance.  Abby gets annoyed by Jojo's personality, not her bleached hair. 


Kendall is getting worse as she gets older.  Her shoulders, her posture, her weak center.  Horrible.


Abby was right, that video didn't show who Nia is.  It was as if they could have taken any child and put on that same make-up and costumes, put them in front of professional dancers and it would have been the same.  It was a well produced video that had nothing to do with Nia.  As cheesy as Kendall's video is, it is who she is and her fans will love it.  They need to remember that their fans are 8 years old. 

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I'm beginning to think that Jill may just be the dumbest person on the face of the planet.  The things that she does and says are beyond comprehension.  I wonder if she understands what a fool she appears to be on a nationally televised TV show?  The difference between Kendell's video and NIa's illustrates the gap between lower tier video production and 1st tier production.  Nia's video was much slicker and more professional by quite a margin, including the stylists, hair and makeup.  Abby was "offended" by Nia's outfit but had no problem with Kendell riding the back of a man doing push ups? Hah!   Abby again demonstrated that she's a major bitch and pathological liar.  Did you catch her telling Nia that the other girls agreed that she had "betrayed" her (or however she phrased it)?  What BS!  It was nice to see Nia look Lard Ass in the face and calmly call BS in her own nice way.  Bet that stuck in Abby's craw.    Does anyone know if these kids actually go to school?  I don't see how public school would be possible with the travel and shooting schedule.

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Personally I don't see how Kendall's video is any more a true representation of who she is as opposed to Nia's.  The main difference to me is that there was more money and higher production quality behind Nia's, hence more hair/make-up/costumes.  Nia is 13, so I don't see the big deal.  Do people really think that Nia's video is too raunchy for 8 year olds to watch?  What exactly do you think most of them are subjected to on the daily in terms of the music artists they idolize?  I'm not saying that children shouldn't be shielded from things, but that?  Besides, Jill would have Kendall doing far worse if Abby snapped her fingers.  So everybody on this show can get off their high horse.  


The only people I have any respect for at this point are the children, particular Nia and how measured she was when dealing with Abby's insane ass last night.  She's more mature than her mother.

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I've heard that at least when they are in Cali they have set teachers and they have to follow the laws and regs regarding child performers. 

Edited by Absolom
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Personally I don't see how Kendall's video is any more a true representation of who she is as opposed to Nia's.  The main difference to me is that there was more money and higher production quality behind Nia's, hence more hair/make-up/costumes.  Nia is 13, so I don't see the big deal.  Do people really think that Nia's video is too raunchy for 8 year olds to watch?  What exactly do you think most of them are subjected to on the daily in terms of the music artists they idolize? 


Most of the pop stars are over 18.  And most of them weren't dressing like that when they were 12.  Ariana Grande and her type were on Disney and nickelodeon shows geared toward the under 12 set before they became pop stars as adults.   I do think there's a market for "wholesome" kid entertainment.  I don't follow these girls outside of the show, but I think they are very popular with the elementary school age set.  And their parents want to hold off on the "racy" stuff for as long as possible.  Not saying that Nia's video was raunchy.  It kind of looked like a rip off of an old Janet Jackson video. 

The only one raunchy in this show is Aubrey Oday.  gross.

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I've heard that at least when they are in Cali they have set teachers and they have to follow the laws and regs regarding child performers.

They do have tutors on set. Look at the credits. They showed three. I don't know to to post a picture on here but I screen shot it

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This whole episode was so over the top annoying.


Abby sucks at putting together videos. In the mainstream market, Nia's would do well if people can look her past being Nia on Dance Mom's. As for it being a true representative of herself---who is Nia anyway? Like seriously, what has Dance Mom's really shown us of the TRUE Nia beyond weird African dancers and LaQueefa. Literally almost nothing organic---she seems to have a kind heart, is a little teenager angst at the moment, she was sick as a child and likes to dance. That is all I really know about Nia beyond the games of Dance Moms. I hope she finds commercial success; she has been the underdog of this team since she started. 


Kendall's video made me cringe for a lot of reasons. If Abby wanting to try and do something with her video the cast wouldn't include Kendall's two sisters, Peyton, and Kalani. I'm not saying those four aren't good dancers, but this is in no way helping Kendall get away from the ALDC market. Also, the song sucks----I'm not a fan of her Kendall's singing at all, it's way too much autotune, but her voice and that song just don't fit to me. 


Jill looked like an idiot and while I don't feel sorry for Holly she was being honest when she said she's supported everyone else but no one is supporting Nia. Jill has to see, by this point, that side by side Nia's video is better. It's simply more polished and professional. 


The other moms were clearly playing the role of drama starters for the camera. Nothing more, nothing less. 

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I was hoping someone else noticed that Payton was in Kendall's video! I thought that was her, but I couldn't be sure.


I think that clinches the theory that the reason for the outburst/tattling over Holly's photos was because Nia's video looked much more professional. I'm sure both videos were set up by Collins, and probably even engineered to create that effect (to rile up jealousy). But seriously....Kendall's video was populated by ALDC dancers? I'd wager Nia's wasn't.


I also didn't think that Holly was bragging when she mentioned the folks who worked on the video. If I had been in her shoes, I would have been totally excited that "Katy Perry's hairstylist" and "Janet Jackson's makeup artist" were working on my kid. And they sure did pull off some incredible looks for Nia--she looked gorgeous and so mature.


And Nia SOLD the performance too, from the tidbits we saw. Way more than I ever recall Brooke or Mack doing. And I was super-impressed with her conversation with Abby, and reaction afterwards. She seems like a great kid. 


But the bottom line? Nia and Holly seemed to have an awesome time making that video, and I'm glad they got to do it--whatever the background. 


It's so sad that both Kendall and Jojo were more upset about Abby potentially yelling at them than they were disappointed in their performances or where they placed. 

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Most of the pop stars are over 18.  And most of them weren't dressing like that when they were 12.  Ariana Grande and her type were on Disney and nickelodeon shows geared toward the under 12 set before they became pop stars as adults.   I do think there's a market for "wholesome" kid entertainment.  I don't follow these girls outside of the show, but I think they are very popular with the elementary school age set.  And their parents want to hold off on the "racy" stuff for as long as possible.  Not saying that Nia's video was raunchy.  It kind of looked like a rip off of an old Janet Jackson video. 

The only one raunchy in this show is Aubrey Oday.  gross.


I'm not arguing that there isn't a market for wholesome kid entertainment.  But what constitutes wholesome is extremely subjective.  Nothing about Nia's video was remotely concerning to me, so I guess I just don't understand the pearl clutching.  I've seen worse in ALDC routines.  Abby had Kendall lying on the back of some dude doing push ups.  Abby cheered when little Asia did all sorts of moves and routines that were far too adult for her.  


Also I'd argue that lots of popstars have found fame before 18.  I'm not saying they were all wholesome or were as young as Nia, but somebody like Britney was probably 16 when she recorded Hit Me Baby One More Time and barely 17 when the video came out.  Christina was the same with Genie in a Bottle.  People like Selena Gomez had lots of bare midriffs and suggestive moves in her repertoire before being 18 and yet all of that was still comfortably played on the Disney Channel.  So I think it's a bit of a misnomer to say that all pop stars are going into this as adults and/or not doing anything suggestive until they get there.  Nor do I think 8 year olds these days are only listening to Taylor Swift.

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I think that clinches the theory that the reason for the outburst/tattling over Holly's photos was because Nia's video looked much more professional. I'm sure both videos were set up by Collins, and probably even engineered to create that effect (to rile up jealousy). But seriously....Kendall's video was populated by ALDC dancers? I'd wager Nia's wasn't.

Absolutely.  Collins hired the people to do Nia's video deliberately.  They brought in a director/choreographer who does videos for a living and who has choreographed for the Oscars.  They were using professional lighting and filming crews.  Abby was in a warehouse without half the equipment needed to even film decently.  No ALDC dancers for Nia, the director of Nia's video hired professional dancers for most of her video.  It was a total production set up.  


I'm watching and knowing it was all set up and either the mothers can't control their emotions once one of them gets going, production stirs them up very well, or they have gotten to be much better actresses than I'd give any of them credit for being.  

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LOL Could be.  I'm just now watching the episode and I'm kind of mad at myself.  If I'd known when it was I could have gone to the competition if they didn't charge too much.  It was held not far at all from one of my daughters' houses.  Rats.  My kids would have laughed at me though.  Maybe I'll recognize a studio or two.


ETA:  Ratings: 1.689 M viewers and a .7 rating.

Edited by Absolom
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They didn't even bother with showing dances or names of "winners" from other teams.  One of the "judges" looks like a cheerleader who sold us mistletoe at Ralph's at Christmas and one set of jackets looked like a studio in Montrose.  I would have enjoyed gathering spoilers and dirt.  Hmph.  

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Aww. Maybe we could've gotten good spoilers! On that spoilers wiki in the spoilers thread, it says that attendance has declined at performances so most of the "spoilers" come from production now.

Have you seen what they charge to attend these competitions? I pay a lot since CP does competitive cheer, but still, not even close to what I saw them charging a few times last season. 

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I googled the competition group ( can't remember the name now and too lazy to go find it again ) but all the judges are very well versed in all kinds of dance and have been winners themselves as well as almost all at the top of their studies. Despite their experience - kids do look at things differently than a trained adult with many more years of experience.


I found nothing wrong with Nia's video - it was entertaining - she looked gorgeous - and she has stage presence - something Brooke and Mac didn't have. Even if they had used professional services for Brooke and Mac's video - even Kendall's - those videos would look like nothing more than youtube self made videos because none of the girls have the confidence or presence that Nia has. I guess the painted dancers are well known - but when I looked at them - they were nothing more than The Blue Man Group dancing - I found it less sexual than the nude costume Maddie pranced around in - but then we all see things differently.

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Re: the dances

I found the subject matter of Jojo's dance to be extremely offensive. We live in a society that already stigmatizes the mentally ill and this dance doesn't help. I am appalled.


While I generally appreciate your concerns about this and agree that the subject matter was to mature for JoJo's age, she did a really good job of it.  Here's a creative use of a straight jacket used more creatively with a more mature duet:



So it's not unheard of and can be done very well.


Has LA inspired Abby to get off her ass and actually show the girls dance moves?  It's a miracle.



I only know Aubrey O'Day from Celebrity Apprentice, and she was a complete ass.  She wants to work with Nia because Nia is on Dance Moms, and Audrey gets her face on camera.  Bottom line.  Holly's so naïve.



I think Abby is starting move more because she actually can with her weight loss, just my opinion.  I don't think from a knowledge stand point that Abby is a bad teacher, it's her methodology that concerns me.


Audrey O'Day was in Dannity Kane a reality based competition looking for the next great girl band by Sean Combs if I remember correctly, she also at some point became involved with Robin Antin (Pussy Cat Dolls) who hired Mikey Minden (Pussy Cat Doll Choreographer) for her reality show, "Looking for the Next Pussy Cat Doll" or some such.  Mikey is buddies with Blake McCrath who choreographed for the Candy Apples last season and Robin Antin judged at least once for Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition.  So it's all a big circle - that Collins has been tapped into for awhile for this show. 


It would all make sense like that if it weren't one big plot line and Holly did nothing to get the video made.  It was all done by Collins as part of making the episode  Neither the mothers or Abby are driving the bus, the production team is in control.  .  


Yup, see above comment.


The straight jacket routine! I mean, really, Abby? What a scary, unpleasant dance routine, especially for a little girl.



I think JoJo did the best she could with it and I am proud of her. I'm sick of Abby treating JoJo like crap, she is a beautiful, adorable child who may be a bit hyper but she does not deserve all the ill treatment she has received from this disgraceful hideous woman.



Jojo has been a real trooper doing her best with these kinds of dances. I felt bad for her last night when she crying backstage. I wanted to reach inside the T.V. and give her a hug.


JoJo was too young for that dance, she did a very good job and I felt terrible for her when she got teary about not placing.


Was the concept dreamed up by Abby or was it due to some of the original moms coming up with the idea?


It was Christi's idea, she thought the drama of crazy dance moms would be great for reality television, she submitted a video of Chloe and it went from there.


Most of the pop stars are over 18.  And most of them weren't dressing like that when they were 12. 


Nope, not at 12 but the switch over was prior to 18.


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I cannot wait to see Nia's full video - the snips they showed of her were beautiful and powerful.  Clearly there is producer machinations involved that drove all the mama drama, one video having such high production value from the "names" and glitz involved while the other was supposed to be more "pure" but had to have had close to the same costs involved with using the location, I'm thinking anyways.


I do not believe for one second that photos weren't instagrammed from Kendall's shoot just as they were from Nia's, the jealousy and shenanigans were kicked up by the difference in glitz and glamour involved.


More drama is being created by "leaking" Kendall's full video and just tidbits of Nia's which is building up higher demand for Nia's.  I'm assuming all to keep the drama on high and the audience tuning in.  I don't doubt that part of Holly and Nia's reward for being the kicked dogs this season was getting the much better video.  Also, Nia has her own app, I think the other girls are getting them as well, but Nia had hers first.

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I have to say that moreso than anything else in this episode, I was amazingly impressed with Nia's attitude and demeanor in response to Abby's dismissal of her video.


Despite the way that Abby has been treating her for nearly the entire season, Nia was the bigger person and gave Abby a sincere invitation to her video shoot probably knowing full well that Abby would throw it in her face. She was calm and reasonable and demonstrated far more class and dignity than Holly or Abby ever have. It's sad when a young teenager carries herself with more maturity than all of the adults on this show combined.


Jill was a nasty bitch about the social media photos. I can understand why she was irritated by Aubrey's comment, but that's not a reflection on Nia, Kendall, or either of their videos; it's a reflection on Aubrey. The other moms are clearly intimidated by Nia's video because it was handled so professionally; too bad for them. Maddie has currently starred in 3 enormously successful music videos and has had guest performances on nearly every major daytime and late night talk show, not to mention HELLO, the Grammys. Melissa loves to brag about all of Maddie's achievements (as most normal mothers would) and Jill and Kira sit there quietly and clap with blank smiles on their faces. Suddenly when Nia has something to be proud of, it's an issue? Uh oh, Maddie might not be the center of attention for 5 minutes, call the press! If Melissa really believed in her child (as she should! Maddie is a very talented little girl!), she should be happily supporting Nia and have zero concern for anything else that is said.


But the truth is, Nia's video looks more polished and professional than anything Abby has produced (the truth hurts tho) and these catty, backstabbing old hag stage moms know it. I quite dislike Aubrey in general, but she was right when she told Holly that the moms' jealousy is just a sign that Nia is doing something right. Best of luck to you Nia, and props for always keeping your head up!

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I'm wondering if the nicer video is production's way of repaying Holly for looking like a fool this season.


That's what I'm thinking.  That the agreement was if Holly/Nia took the role formerly held by Christi/Chloe or Kelly/Paige or whoever, they got repaid via the glitzier, better produced video.  I guess Holly thinks selling her soul and looking like a crazy loon was worth it.  Then again, it's not like any of the other moms or Abby look any better.  If we want to take it there, it also might be why Jill is so off her rocker.  Here she is thinking Kendall is getting this big break and all of Abby's attention when really Collins set it up for Nia to get the better end result and now she's peeved.

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On second thought, isn't it also possible that Colllins used every connection possible to construct and hire staff for Nia's video, while Abby ruled over Kendall's with an iron fist and demanded that everything be done her own way? I can see that situation achieving the end result as well (as opposed to production setting BOTH videos up just to produce a storyline). 


That actually makes more sense to me, since it would explain Abby's reaction to Nia's video. She could clearly see that Nia's costumes and production values were higher than what she was able to produce on her own, so naturally her reaction is to say that Nia's costumes were too mature, she "sold out," blah blah. I also don't believe that Abby would want "her name" be associated with a video that she didn't handle herself, so I doubt that she wasn't 100% responsible for Kendall's.


I think Nia's stage presence in the video (and in the acting audition earlier this season) shows that her strengths haven't remotely been utilized, either by Abby nor her mom. Dancing is fine, but it's not her forte the way it is for some of the other girls. And as for Kendall, she is a gorgeous girl and she handles the group dances fine, but I can't think of one of her solos that ever impressed me. 

Edited by Moxie Cat
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They're all just jealous bitches. Man, these videos aren't gonna go anywhere they're just fun days for the girls to experience and remember. Obviously the production company behind the shows had something to do with both. I do think it's interesting that the one that Abby had nothing to do with was more professional with a better creative team and crew. Whether that's because Abby had to be more hands on or not, who knows.


But these moms need to realize that Abby is going to get them nowhere, if anything its their involvement in the show inspire of Abby that will help them with whatever it is they want the help with? Aubrey's comment may or may not have been inappropriate, but her comments about Abby are exactly what any other professional in the industry would say. Can you imagine if Abby had been at the SNL set? She would have been put in her place so fast. Or look at the reaction to her being on Dancing with the Stars? I hope these moms are just putting this all on as an act for the show and realize how toxic she is.

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Am I the only one who thought Nia was going to start laughing in her face with her convo with Abby? Clearly it was staged for the show, but on more than one shot I looked like Nia had a hard time keeping a straight face. 

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Nia isn't the best lyrical dancer, but I did notice that she's good at nailing accents in jazz (thinking of the Spice Girls dance). I don't want to sound like I'm saying this because Nia's black but she should consider hip hop since the emphasis is on that sort of thing, and feet don't matter much since a lot of it is done in sneakers. Not saying that black girls can't do lyrical/ballet (see Misty Copeland; it's not that black people can't do ballet, it's that racism has kept them out of the field, but I digress ) but I think Nia's talents may be in a different kind of dance. Jordan Jones (from AUDC) is doing a ton of hip hop and is very successful on her channel in terms of page views. https://www.youtube.com/user/StepsgirlI don't think she even pretends to be a lyrical dancer.


I agree with this. She's uploaded a recent video on instagram with the hashtag touring; honestly, she is much better at the hip hop style. Body type can play a huge role and being honest, she's not built like a lyrical/ballerina dancer. Most of the girls aren't. 

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The best part of the episode for me was when Abby told Jojo she did a good job on her solo and that she disagreed with the judges. Kid deserved a compliment for pulling of that hard solo in a few days. AND she's clearly been working on toning down the crazy....

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It could be that Abby's moods lately in filming have been because of the fact that the kids all have there own manager (Kendall/Jill ?) and she no longer has complete control of them - alas - all she has is the dance studio. While Abby has gained her own 15 min. in the spotlight - both of her shows AUDC and Abby's Studio Rescue went no where. She had to expand to LA and try to get a grasp out there while she still had some followers before the show goes kaput.


She lost a lot of viewers when Kelly and the girls left and even more when she lost Chloe. Despite gimmicks like the new competition team and additions of Sophia and well liked alum from AUDC - Asia, Kalani, and Jojo - viewers are still not coming back. She should have opened the studio when she still had AUDC and used the talent she found in LA - those creating a rivalry between Pittsburgh and LA at competitions.


Now I know that some think that these girls probably won't go on to do more but I remember watching American Idol Juniors the one season it was on - The Thompson Twins are still performing and Lucy Hale is on Pretty Little Liers - so any of them with the right promotion could continue in the business as they've had a lot more exposure than these kids. Thiei baggage is Abby tho.

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To play on that Tessa, I think Abby probably saw the loss of fans after Kelly left as a result of the physical altercation---not because they supported Kelly, but because they didn't want to watch that type of violence. Despite all the comments she made to Chloe or about Chloe, I don't really think she understood how losing Chloe would impact Dance Moms. 


And, as far back as I can tell, Abby has never been nor ever was any of the girl's Managers. Even Kendall, who hasn't done an update to her website since 2013 lists an actual PR person as a contact...Maddie and Mackenzie aren't, Nia's website also lists a real management team, and Brooke, Paige, and Chloe all went elsewhere while on the show, Kira recently mentioned being invited somewhere so by telling Abby it clearly didn't go through her, and Jojo's website lists a real PR firm as well. 


I agree that she should have gone to LA a few seasons ago. 


As for striking out big---it'll be interesting to watch what happens with Maddie now that Sia has publicly come out and said she's done with her for her music videos but has written a script for her. I read that and thought of Britney Spear's "Crossroads" movie...I'm not sure if it'll go anywhere, but if she wants to make acting work she needs acting classes badly---even voice lessons, she is way too monotone. 

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I think Maddie needs real life experience along with classes and junior theater if she really wants to act.  Keeping her home schooled and in the dance studio won't help her break out in anything else.

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The best part of the episode for me was when Abby told Jojo she did a good job on her solo and that she disagreed with the judges. Kid deserved a compliment for pulling of that hard solo in a few days. AND she's clearly been working on toning down the crazy....

I agree.  But the thing with Abby is she isn't just going to say something like that to make the kid feel better.  She's going to say it when she believes it's true.  In this case, JoJo should have done better.  It was a good job.  Abby didn't tell Kendall she disagreed with the judges because she didn't.  Kendall didn't do all that great.


  I appreciate teachers like that.  If they are constantly screaming about getting "robbed" every time they lose, then the kids will have incorrect perceptions about how they did. 

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  I appreciate teachers like that.  If they are constantly screaming about getting "robbed" every time they lose, then the kids will have incorrect perceptions about how they did. 

True, but she already pulled the robbed stunt once this season---when Maddie didn't place first. 

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That "robbed" stuff is so gross.  A good teacher will always say, different judges, different day, do your best and always work to do better against yourself not others.


And this recent plethora of perfect or near perfect scores lately?  Fantasy for the most part.

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I think Maddie needs real life experience along with classes and junior theater if she really wants to act.  Keeping her home schooled and in the dance studio won't help her break out in anything else.

What she needs is to get away from Abby and all of the forced, artificial adulation that she is getting.  What she needs is a clear understanding that for dancers, rejection is an everyday occurrence.  What she needs is to live the life of a teenager.  What she really needs is a new mother who understands that Maddie will never be able to recover everything that she'll lose if she stays on this "she's the best, she's a star" path.  Melissa just doesn't meet the needed requirements.

Edited by cali1981
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I presume many of Maddie's appearances are actually "product placements" paid for either by the producers or the mothers.  I've been wondering for quite a while how much these parents are spending to fly back and forward to all these competitions, to the coasts, and now these music video sessions, acting lessons etc.  I'm sure the recent couple of series have been paid for mostly by production, but in the earlier days I couldn't believe parents could afford all that "this week we're going to xxx competition" flights and hotels. I also wonder about the health of the marriages and other siblings.


Regarding this episode I too LOVED the way Nia talked and responded to Abbey and I swear I spotted a couple of tongue in cheek faces from her.  I think she's grown into a well balanced mature young 14 year old.  And yes, I loved her video -- shows just how lovely looking a girl she's become.

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That "robbed" stuff is so gross.  A good teacher will always say, different judges, different day, do your best and always work to do better against yourself not others.



To be fair, Abby didn't use the word "robbed."  The other dance teacher from LA used the word "robbed" when her group placed third.  And I do think that this was an appropriate reaction because they were using child judges.  Different judges, that's for sure.  They were too young to have the qualifications to judge. 

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To be fair, Abby didn't use the word "robbed."  The other dance teacher from LA used the word "robbed" when her group placed third.  And I do think that this was an appropriate reaction because they were using child judges.  Different judges, that's for sure.  They were too young to have the qualifications to judge. 

When Maddie and Kalani both took less than 1st, she used either robbed or rigged. 

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To be fair, Abby didn't use the word "robbed."


I didn't say that she did, I was speaking of the phenomenon itself.  It's not just some teachers that do it, it's parents and more often than anything, team mates, it's a sign of entitlement.  It's a shame too, because being able to appreciate a talented peer and what to strive for is an important lesson in humility.


Which is why the judges with tell you and the best teachers will reiterate, different day, different judges, different competitors, just strive to do your personal best and let the chips fall where they may.  What Abby does do that is insidious is go into a competition insisting that they sweep every time they walk in the door.

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Jojo dripped in blood for "Carrie", now Jojo in a straight jacket!!!


What next? Jojo as Linda Blair from "The Exorcist"?!


Actually, that would make an interesting duo, with a boy as a priest.

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I think that Abby wants to win and seems to be most comfortable with choreographing lyrical numbers. Jojo seems to excel at Jazz but Abby's jazz choreo doesn't do  as well in competitions. So she puts Jojo in these horror show numbers.

I really can't tell the difference between lyrical, jazz, contemporary etc.! Please enlighten me, thanks :)

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