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S10.E18: Book Of The Damned

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ut I also just couldn't figure out literally what he was doing. Ah well. It's destined to remain a mystery now, I suppose.



I think he doing a one-arm handstand....kick out...like break dancers. I'm going with Jensen was break dancing because I'm pretty sure that asshole would be able to do that too, becausee he can pretty well do ERRYTHING. 

So. Odd question. Is this the first time the boys have ever drank "Kingdom" beer at home?  It's almost always been that Margiekugel or whatever kind of beer. I ask this because there have been Kingdom beer signs in various bars that Dean has been to throughout s8, s9 and s10.  But I can't recall him ever drinking it at home. 


I just realized I called the bunker 'home' ....I'm verklempt now.


But really it seems significant to me

Edited by catrox14
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Also the book has been out of commission for I think it was decades?? now, so maybe the Stynes are a bit rusty in terms of supernatural goings on? I don't remember the exposition mentioning them using any other kind of supernatural means yet - though I'm not saying they haven't or that I didn't miss the explanation that they did  - but if they are, I would have expected a demon or a witch to show up by now either complaining that the Stynes messed up and wanting their pound of flesh or in response to Winchesters being involved. So I am wondering just how supernaturally savvy the Styne family is and how will this affect things to come?

I think of the Stynes as being the MoL counterpart. The MoL were snooty-tooties working on the side of "good" and the Styne's seem like "evil" snooty-tooties. I imagine they kept themselves out of the fray and unknown the same as the MoL did. Maybe they do know of the Winchesters, but not everyone in the family knows of them necessarily? Or maybe the guy who came after them knows of the Winchester--as in they exist--but doesn't know them by sight or something like that. Did anyone ever introduce themselves to the Stynes? Maybe they didn't know who they were dealing with, things kinda went down pretty fast from the time Dean walked into that convenience store to when they met up with them at the cabin.

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The longer the show goes on, the more often they have to come up with new evil that you'd expect them to have heard of in all those years.


Btw., who are the Duponts? An American pop culture reference I missed?


Even Metatron, who apparently spent a few millennia reading every book ever written somehow managed to miss the gospel of the Winchesters.

Edited by supposebly

I've been doing non-stop traveling (5 cities, 8 days) and haven't gotten to properly relish this episode.  With a new one on tonight, I'll mention some little bits that occurred to me on second viewing (spread out over days...dammit):

- I really want to see the workout scene, not just for the pretty but to find out if Dean is expressing his anger against a body bag or something else.  Random workout is kinda random otherwise.  Okay...but...random.

- I loved Dean being honest about Rowena/Crowley confrontation. 

- I was thrilled to hear Dean acknowledge he knows he won't die and that he essentially has NO plan for when he becomes a demon again.

- And WOOT! for Dean bringing up "The Purge" again.  They still haven't resolved all the issues.  I thought maybe the awesome support Sam has provided in S10 would have set that aside, but Dean still believes that Sam ultimately doesn't need him as much as he needs Sam.  More importantly, it provides a reminder that when Sam goes over the line (which it sure looks like he's going to with that Rowena conversation), that Sam AND Dean need to hash out some Rules of Engagement.  I have no idea what those rules would look like but both are just DANGEROUS when operating under panic conditions.  Not that I blame Sam for panicking right now. 

- Yay Charlie for summarizing Winchester fighting 101. 

- I will never not love that song montage.

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Charleston's being evacuated, (I blame Boogertron) so I'm waiting up for a friend to get in.  In the mean time...

  • Thought I was watching Arrow for a few minutes at the beginning there.  I had to check.
  • Oh look, he's got the Golden Compass.
  • Yippee.  Charlie Sue's back.  Apparently, she's been sneaking around Russia.  And breaking into museums.  (What the Hermitage?)  Because she's that awesome. Too bad she brought a knife to a gun fight.  I see she's even got her own Needle.  (cabin fight scene).
  • Who is this Dean who is honest and forthcoming and actually has a bit of a sense of humor?  And can we keep him?
  • I would think that finding out the Mark was a Curse would be a good thing, but Sam didn't look too happy about that.  Curses can be broken.  Or lifted.  They need to go talk to a voodoo priestess down in N'awlins.  
  • They've never been to the beach?  That is so incredibly sad.  I love the beach.  I like waking up early and going for a walk or jog on the beach while it's still cool outside and there's hardly anyone else up.  I just want to hug them.  And take them to a beach.  Seeing them in swim trunks has nothing to do with it whatsoever.  Honest.  ;)
  • Ok, Boogertron gets on my nerves.  That's not new.  But I did like that he was enjoying his waffle stack.  I also liked Cas slugging him in the car.
  • Bobby's got some prime lakefront property.  But that door wouldn't stop a  gentle breeze.  Not a wintertime cabin.
  • Slices of nun skin are the pages (ouch), and they're all just flipping through that book like it's nbd.  Ew.
  • I thought Hannah had Heaven running smooth as a baby's bottom these days.  So why was trucker cupid upset?  He should have been on assignment.  I don't know what purpose that entire interlude served.
  • I really liked the honesty in this ep.  The call back/reminder of what Sam said to Dean, Stanford, Jess.  Sam's still fooling himself about the trials though.  Dean might have talked him out of finishing the trials, but the final decision to quit and live was his and his alone.  
  • Cas getting his grace back was all kinds of wonderfulness.
  • Dean looked all kinds of wonderful in the gas station scene.  Thought I heard the actor's Texas accent peaking through though.  
  • Cas' face when he met Charlie was really sweet.  I don't know how long they were at Bobby's cabin, but neither of the guys took a look at Charlie's bullet wound?  That doesn't seem right.  Or maybe Cas just healed it the rest of the way.
  • Wow, that ending montage with The Who's Behind Blue Eyes was incredible!  Really well done.


  • ETA: Charlie calling herself a hunter made me cringe.
Edited by RulerofallIsurvey
amazing the random thoughts that occur on a lack of sleep
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Damn, Charlie was kind of badass with the stabbing and the alleyway. I really like her shorter hair. 

I love Metatron's rant about lyrics and Castiel just asking if he can kill him. Metatron's joy at Sam hanging up on Cas gives me much amusement. As does Cas repeatedly punching him. 

Dean looks good in sweats. They didn't know up to this point that Rowena was Crowley's mom? I like Charlie's distress at being in a phone booth. "The Boys Are Back in Town!" I've been waiting years for this and they play like 5 seconds of it? Mean! Sam was never on a beach? What's the point of living in California if you never go to the beach? I'm down for a beach episode. Picture it: the boys in board shorts. And douchebag sunglasses. I love Metatron waxing poetic about humanity. I like him so much better this season. "Can't we be besties?" How does no one in the diner notice Metatron's hands are tied? I can't really blame Angry Trucker Cupid for going after Cas and Metatron. "Dark magic always comes with a price." Misquoting Rumplestiltskin a little there, Dean. I didn't remember the speech Sam made came from this episode. I've seen it in many fanvideos and it never gets old. It's a good performance by Jared and it feels true. Heh. "Samatuer hour." I love that Charlie just hugs Cas upon meeting him. Love the "Behind Blue Eyes" use, even if Sam's eyes are rarely blue. Love that he's teaming up with Rowena.

This is a really good episode, even though I remembered none of it. Everyone was in character and I think this is the most I've ever liked Charlie.

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So I thought the book had been buried for over a hundred years, so how could the Stein family 'use the book' to help the nazis.  Did I misshear?

While I get Sam is willing to do anything to help Dean (which is certainly more than he's done in the past), going to Rowena really raised my eyebrows.  He'd better negotiate a damn good deal with her, to keep them both alive, since my understanding is that Rowena wants Dean dead more than anything because "he's whose made Crowley weak" (although really it was Sam with the human blood).

And yeah, why not go to Kevin?  Can't he still decipher languages while a ghost?  

And I guess we still have to deal with Metasuck and now get the demon tablet from him.  At least Cas is back to 100% (other than the burned wings).

On 16/04/2015 at 3:44 AM, SueB said:

Yep. Sam put it in the box.  And I think they showed Sam putting it in the box earlier just to make it stop bothering Dean. So I'm going to go with magic box hides it from Dean.

I assumed the box was one of the magic nullifying boxes the mum of the shopkeeper from Out With the Old put the cursed objects into prior to her death. Wasn’t the rabbits foot from Bad Day at Black Rock also contained in a box like this?

5 hours ago, Wayward Son said:

I assumed the box was one of the magic nullifying boxes the mum of the shopkeeper from Out With the Old put the cursed objects into prior to her death. Wasn’t the rabbits foot from Bad Day at Black Rock also contained in a box like this?

Yes, they're called curse boxes built specifically to contain the object that is cursed. 

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On 4/16/2015 at 1:56 AM, Rammfan said:

As Cas once said about hamburgers, "This makes me very happy."


There wasn't one wrong note in the entire episode. I was totally caught up and by the end, I was wriggling with joy and I can't wait until next week.


Cas was *awesome*!


Dean was *awesome* and gorgeous and badass and happy -- he looked happy for entire minutes! I know he's doing his best to repress, but still...he appeared happy.


Metatron and Charlie were both watchable, though I still want to kill Metatron in many horribly painful ways.


Sam, oh sweet, sweet Sammy. The brotherly feels were off the charts in this episode and I completely understand why he's done what he's done...and whatever he's going to do. I would do anything for my husband, I couldn't live without him, I wouldn't *let* him die even if he wanted me to let him go -- I would go with him. I don't care if whatever Sam comes up with is "stupid" because I understand the desperation.


And, yeah, those two OOC moments like Amelia and the Purge speech should be brought up because they weren't right and they weren't Sam and Sam and everyone else knows it. They were worse than Season 4, IMHO, and I see the reminders as promises that that kind of crap will never happen again. Tonight was proof that the real Sam is back.


I'm still so excited about the episode, the direction the story is going, and I'm sure I'll be in tears by the finale. God this show is kick-ass.


All of this. I can even take the fact that the happy and sweet pizza scene is a calm before the storm.

I would like to thank the good people who do the closed captioning because without "(cajun accent)" I  would not have recognized it as such. Despite the terrible fake accent from my home state. I loved this one so hard. Dean happy in the car and eating pizza. Castiel recovering his grace. Sam's emotional speech. This one was spectacular.

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On 1/21/2020 at 9:52 PM, The Companion said:


All of this. I can even take the fact that the happy and sweet pizza scene is a calm before the storm.

I would like to thank the good people who do the closed captioning because without "(cajun accent)" I  would not have recognized it as such. Despite the terrible fake accent from my home state. I loved this one so hard. Dean happy in the car and eating pizza. Castiel recovering his grace. Sam's emotional speech. This one was spectacular.

I even really liked Metatron in this one.  His love of waffles.  "it's like a buddy comedy without the comedy."  And it's hard not to love a fellow book lover, even if he is a villain:)

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

I even really liked Metatron in this one.  His love of waffles.  "it's like a buddy comedy without the comedy."  And it's hard not to love a fellow book lover, even if he is a villain:)

I don't know that I will ever like Metatron, but I wanted to stab him like 43% less so that is definitely a win. 😆

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7 hours ago, The Companion said:

I don't know that I will ever like Metatron, but I wanted to stab him like 43% less so that is definitely a win. 😆

I'd love to say something significant, but I can't, because: spoilers.

I'll sum it up in a spoiler with:


In the end, I loved Metatron's arc. He really comes into his own in season 11, with the pinnacle in one of my favorite episodes of the show where he really shined. First I loved to hate him, and then I just loved his arc and character growth.

I can't wait until you get there to see if you change your mind!

But then again I liked Metatron in this episode, too, so I could be biased.

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