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S31: Spoilers

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Riddler is saying Varner/Wentworth/Keith F3. I dont believe it but I like this more than the F3 with Tasha in it. It's been a long time since an overweight bitchy queen won Survivor.

Yea some guy on sucks hockey stick said not to believe it because of Wentworth/Keith is wrong, but don't know his credibility either, however, Varner was not one suspected in the weight loss group so thats good news at least if true.

I 100% thought that this poster was going to say "you've been punked" when he went to reveal his source.  Is there anyway that could have been faked?  Considering its a Hantz, it could go either way.  I know Russell would probably love to be ruin the season for TPTB or troll the fans with fake rumors.  But it's Brandon, not Russell, but still doesn't mean he's not trolling this poster or they aren't trolling together.  Maybe this Riddler character is Russell and he and Brandon are in cahoots.  


I don't know about Brandon, but I never got the impression Russell was popular in the Survivor community, but I guess it doesn't mean they still couldn't have heard.  I do think Monica was wished good luck by Russell and he was even stumping for her, so maybe she's the bitter snitch.  Or maybe Mikayla, who heard it all when everyone got back, and leaked it to the Hantzes.  I do remember that the event the contestants attended in Florida, Russell was texting Joe about something going on around that time and seeing him there.  I thought it was the same event, but I don't remember seeing Russell there.  So maybe he's on better terms with people than I thought.  This is a tough call.  Keith and Kelley were already heavily speculated to go far due to weight loss and family visit.  I figured there'd be a wild card thrown in there, especially since we were saying it'd be hard to believe this if it was someone also speculated to go far.  I find it believable and equally hard to believe Jeff Varner makes it this far, but out of this top 3, he would be my pick hands down.  However, I think Kelley could possibly win it.


Based on solid/circumstantial evidence, we have Vytas and Terry  pre-merge, Kelley Wentworth, Keith, Tasha, Jeremy, Spencer, and Kimmi as merge (and possible late merge).  Abi is speculated to be possibly pre-merge/early jury.  Monica, Woo, Kelly Wigles, and Kass are also all rumored to be pre-merge/jury, although I haven't seen any real facts to back that up (though Monica and Woo looked unchanged from when they left).  I don't know about Kelly Wigles, but I feel like I don't even need hard facts to believe Monica, Woo, and Kass are pre-merge.  It seems self explanatory.  We also know Jeff, and likely Tasha and Abi, form part of the new tribe at the tribe swap (thanks CBS!)  

Edited by LadyChatts
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I 100% thought that this poster was going to say "you've been punked" when he went to reveal his source.  Is there anyway that could have been faked?  Considering its a Hantz, it could go either way.  I know Russell would probably love to be ruin the season for TPTB or troll the fans with fake rumors.  But it's Brandon, not Russell, but still doesn't mean he's not trolling this poster or they aren't trolling together.  Maybe this Riddler character is Russell and he and Brandon are in cahoots.  


I don't know about Brandon, but I never got the impression Russell was popular in the Survivor community, but I guess it doesn't mean they still couldn't have heard.  I do think Monica was wished good luck by Russell and he was even stumping for her, so maybe she's the bitter snitch.  Or maybe Mikayla, who heard it all when everyone got back, and leaked it to the Hantzes.  I do remember that the event the contestants attended in Florida, Russell was texting Joe about something going on around that time and seeing him there.  I thought it was the same event, but I don't remember seeing Russell there.  So maybe he's on better terms with people than I thought.  This is a tough call.  Keith and Kelley were already heavily speculated to go far due to weight loss and family visit.  I figured there'd be a wild card thrown in there, especially since we were saying it'd be hard to believe this if it was someone also speculated to go far.  I find it believable and equally hard to believe Jeff Varner makes it this far, but out of this top 3, he would be my pick hands down.  However, I think Kelley could possibly win it.


Based on solid/circumstantial evidence, we have Vytas and Terry  pre-merge, Kelley Wentworth, Keith, Tasha, Jeremy, Spencer, and Kimmi as merge (and possible late merge).  Abi is speculated to be possibly pre-merge/early jury.  Monica, Woo, Kelly Wigles, and Kass are also all rumored to be pre-merge/jury, although I haven't seen any real facts to back that up (though Monica and Woo looked unchanged from when they left).  I don't know about Kelly Wigles, but I feel like I don't even need hard facts to believe Monica, Woo, and Kass are pre-merge.  It seems self explanatory.

Good post. We have been saying there had to be a wildcard I guess it could be Jeff Varner since Kimmi was speculated to go far and he claims they are friends now so maybe they rebonded a lot on the show? All of your pre-merge look correct to me, but today there was an article with abi on some brazil site http://ego.globo.com/famosos/noticia/2015/09/empresaria-brasileira-agrada-publico-e-volta-em-reality-show-americano.htmland someone said it translates to Abi saying  that she goes a long time in the game? Not sure what  to make of that since she got 5th last time so not much farther to go than her previous. However you are correct we dont really have heavy evidence on Monica, Woo, Kelley Wig, or Kass. 

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Something else that might add some truth to Jeff doing well; when the contestants first got home, there was a photo of Jeff/Kimmi/Joe that was supposedly taken at the airport.  Since it was strictly their faces (and Joe photo bombing in the background), Jeff didn't look like he had lost any weight in the face, but Kimmi's face looked like it did in those other post game photos she posted.  Since the pre-jurors and juror crowd take separate flights back to the US, that may lend some credibility to Jeff making the jury at least (as well as Joe).  I'm thinking if Shirin sticks with Spencer through the first tribe swap, she makes the merge.  Those two are close and took a trip together right after getting home, plus were in a pre-game alliance together.  I've heard Jeff and Kimmi made amends and worked together in the game.  I think Jeff mentioned in an interview he and Kimmi were definitely going to work together, but since this is Jeff we're talking about, it's hard to know when he's being serious.  Abi was another one that didn't look much different, but it's hard to say.  I'd have to think Abi wouldn't be able to come right out and spoil her placement, even if it is in a different language.  If that is in fact a gold buff Tasha is wearing in that promo, we know Abi at least makes the top 18.  I'm still going with the theory she's late pre-merge/early jury.


If the merge is at 13, we potentially have Tasha, Kelley Wentworth, Spencer, Keith, Jeremy, Kimmi, Jeff, Joe, Abi, and Shirin, which is 10.  I'm actually somewhat disappointed if the other old schoolers (Kelly Wigles and PG) are voted off early.  It's one reason I wanted more old school seasons represented on here; while I don't have a problem with some of the people rumored to go far, they're still so recent.  I love Joe, but I still think he (and Monica) are going to crash and burn.


I know it's up in the air right now who the first boot will be, if it isn't Vytas.  In the promos, if you look at them frame by frame, Ta'Keo looks more stressed and makes me think they are behind, but we know how much the show loves editing a comeback in these challenges.  I would say Joe talking to Monica about working together might be a clue that Bayon does lose, but the losing tribe goes right to tribal council.  We are getting closer, and soon we'll find out just how right/wrong the speculation has been.  I bailed on Big Brother this summer, and after last season's Survivor, I am so hoping this will be a good season with lots of good game play, nothing predictable, and a lot of big moves.

Edited by LadyChatts

Keith is a recently retired fire fighter, I have a feeling that he can handle the hot, humid awful heat better then most. Jeremy as well. Fire fighters are trained to operate in that type of heat. And while they do not operate in it 24/7, Keith and Jeremy are probably better mentally prepared to deal with the enviroment then pretty much everyone else out there.

Redmond on twitter

We have seen a lot of hoaxes. A question I have is do you think of all the hoaxes we have seen maybe 1 name here or there was correct but Redmonds source didn't say it was because the whole spoiler wasn't correct? Or do you think we haven't seen any correct members of the final 3 at all in any hoax?


We have had the following show up in final 3 hoaxes:










Are we to believe none of those 7 are in the Final 3? Or do we believe since the source didn't get the entire final 3 right redmonds source just called fake? 

My guess is the spoiler didn't have the F3 correct and Raymond listed the entire thing as wrong. I'd be shocked considering weight loss pics and vague hints about pre-game alliances, if one of those seven names wasn't in F3. But Raymond can't confirm without spoiling. 


Ok but even if they got it right would redmond even confirm or is his source just going to deny everything because the source knows redmond doesn't want game spoilers?

Edited by anthonyd46

You have all expressed some of what I was thinking.


Ultimately, I think Redmond values his rep too much to be ever be caught on record saying that the correct F3 is flat out wrong. If someone ever does get the F3 right, I bet Redmond doesnt say anything.

Right this is my thought too its very possible one of those hoaxes might be correct and the final 3 might have already been correctly spoiled. However liked you said would he call a correct final 3 wrong? This is what redmond said on reddit a while back which kind of skirts around that. 


I ran the list by a source and they said it was false. So, am I myself 100% sure? That's impossible because I don't know the boot order. But do I trust this source? Yes.

However, there is also the possibility that this source is saying they are false to stop them spreading (if they are true). Who really knows?


This was straight from Redmonds mouth in regards to a boot list on reddit. I kind of have a feeling what redmond said is happening. Even if someone comes up with the right list will the source even tell him its correct?


I have a feeling we have seen the final 3 and one of these hoaxes were legit. 

Edited by anthonyd46

there was an article with abi on some brazil site http://ego.globo.com/famosos/noticia/2015/09/empresaria-brasileira-agrada-publico-e-volta-em-reality-show-americano.htmland someone said it translates to Abi saying  that she goes a long time in the game? 


I translated it, and I have another one from a different magazine as well. The translation is rough.




The Abi-Maria Gomes businesswoman left Brazil 18 years in order to learn new languages. Years later, now living in the United States, she saw her life change after participating in 2012, the reality show "Survivor" (American version of "No limit" - that the eye of the goat). Considered the villain of the program, Abi fell in public taste, won a poll of the site and will return this year in the edition "Survivor: Second Chance".

First time on 'Survivor'.

Abi was discovered by the reality show team through your Facebook profile. The businesswoman recalls that the selection process is complicated and participants must be confined one week at a Los Angeles hotel. "It went very afraid because we do not know what will happen," he says.
The intention was that Abi participate version of reality in Tocantins. "It rolled because they thought I would be ahead of Goiania," says the entrepreneur, who has dual citizenship. But Abi was in the "registration" and was selected for "Survivor: Philippines" Villain.

And it has not gone unnoticed anything in the program. Abi played in earnest and was considered the villain of the reality show. "Americans like to 'cover the sun with a sieve' and I talked all in the face. I even said to a girl that she was forming cliques" he recalls. On the first day of recording, Abi ended up hurting his knee in the first race, which hurt the future of the game. "I could not run because my knee twisted," he says.

But the living was also not easy. "They put together very different people. My attitudes were strong, had my accent ... Everything starts to fill the bag of people," he says.

Prison Letters

Abi ranked fifth and gained "haters" and "lovers", as she usually explain using words in English.

"I won fans over the Internet. Even prison letters I received. I think if identified because I fought to survive in the game," he says.

'Big Brother Brasil'

Abi rule out any chance of participating in the "Big Brother Brazil" because "would go crazy stuck three months inside a house." Only inscribed in the "No limit" for being adventurous.

A very common practice in Brazil is pretty woman receives an invitation to pose nude. 35, Abi is in doubt whether would make a test. "I think it would pose, but depends on the cache," he says, soon to mend, "But my boyfriend would not leave."

Second chance

In 2015, Abi back to the "Survivor"! Fans voted in a poll program and she was selected to integrate the new edition of the reality. "In the US, they like villain. In Brazil, does not have a good connotation," he explains.

The program has already been recorded in Cambodia and will air in September in the US. Doing a lot of mystery, Abi does not reveal whether it will again be villain this time: "I do not know how they will edit, you may be girl or not."

Here is one translated from Marie-Claire. Again, it's sometimes hard to figure out since it refers to her as "he".




"An honor," says Brazilian who became the darling villain in the US program

Goias living for 18 years in the United States rose to fame by participating in reality "Survivor." She was called to the new season of attraction.

With voice gentle, but strong personality, Goias Abi Maria Gomes, who has lived for 18 years in the United States, has become the new darling of American TV villain. After attending the 31th edition of the reality "Survivor" who had baptized Brazilian version of "No Limit", aired on TV Globo, she was called back in online voting for the new season along with other participants from previous editions . The winner takes home a prize of $ 1 million.

In attracting recorded between June and July this year in Cambodia, and scheduled to open on September 23, she said that she kept the confident way mouthed. The option to openly declare their opinions about other fellow program was what earned him the villain of fame, a feature, she said, positive.

"I think any woman with a strong personality turns out to be a villain. Here the audience like a lot of it is different from Brazil," he told Marie Claire. "Being villain is an honor."

Although flee the Latin stereotype, she nevertheless had to answer a question on "Survivor" on how the Southern culture influences temperamental behavior. The Goias denied any relationship. "I do not want my attitude describing all other Latinos, not all are like that. Although my Brazilian friends are women of strong opinion, which does not degrade."

Of the 36 days we stayed in the Asian country during the first participation in the program in 2012, the Brazilian fought with her best friend, who until now has enemies, intimidated competitors eliminated powerful players, but found himself lost when your guild is already disbanded in finals. She finished fifth. "I made many mistakes. At the time the momentum was all very difficult, especially with the injured knee and hungry," he said. "A lot of people wished for me because I was underestimated," she pondered.

In addition to the obstacles, Abi Maria also won with the program. She received some figures of dollars in the bank account, the value could not be disclosed, and spawned a romance with the heartthrob of attraction, Pete Yurkowski model. Both keeps the romance out of the spotlight. "When I returned from Caboja he asked to move in with me. He is very cat, a tasty" praised. "But it's a boring American, want privacy, do not like to show up."

In California, where she lives with her partner, Abi works as a real estate agent in Los Angeles and owns the Xi-Acai, a liquor brand on the basis of typical Brazilian fruit sold in the US. The Goias used the money he earned in "Survivor" to open the company of which he is CEO. "The public loves to drink because it has very low calorie content, we do not use sugar now seek an investor.".

When you consider she cooked every meal the people ate when she was there last time, and after that one day reward and she says "I'm not going to cook anything tonight"... and the edit made it seem like she was being a diva, when in truth she was saying she was going to give herself the night off from the usual. I think that may be the type of thing she's referring to.

When you consider she cooked every meal the people ate when she was there last time, and after that one day reward and she says "I'm not going to cook anything tonight"... and the edit made it seem like she was being a diva, when in truth she was saying she was going to give herself the night off from the usual. I think that may be the type of thing she's referring to.

Good point

  • Love 1



Here are images courtesy of Survivor Fever from episode 1 (they are still updating this).  


One observation from those press photos is that lone bag hanging on a rope that is supposed to contain an extra supply of rice.  A poster at Sucks noticed it look like Ta'Keo beat Bayon to it, based on this photo:




Though that orange cloth sitting in the middle of the raft could be anything.  According to another piece out there, Kelly started swimming for the bag, then Woo took over for her, and Joe started swimming for his tribe.  Of course Jeff said something about it being "epic".  My vote is they edit it to look closer than it is.  An extra bag of rice is great, but if the other tribe winds up with better supplies because they took longer, that would be worth it to me.  Judging from some of these photos and promos I've seen, I don't think they will have any shortage of food.


Haven't seen much discussion here in the last week. Whats everyone's first episode prediction based on what we have seen and heard so far?



In the align/malign interviews with Gordon Holmes and Dalton Ross's Q&A about who they wanted voted off first, it doesn't look good for Vytas or Kass.  No one seems to really trust either of them, and we know from SM evidence Vytas may have been a very early boot (and if he really was blindsided, that could explain his bitterness).  If Bayon loses first, I can't imagine anyone other than Kass getting voted off first.  Ta'Keo, it's hard to say.  The images from that first challenge make it appear as though they are behind, but we know how much the editing likes to toy with that come-from-behind moment.  Quite a few castaways don't seem to trust Kelly Wigles because she doesn't believe in alliances and hasn't kept up on the show since her season.  I think there's a chance, as sad as I'd be, of her getting voted off first.  Spencer's got quite a few pre-game alliance mates on his tribe, so they may be able to swing the vote however they want.  I really hope pre-game alliances don't end up ruining the season.  Since the losing tribe heads right to TC, they may just have someone in mind and go with that person since they won't have time to discuss anyone else.  If Ta'Keo loses, I'm going with Kelly or Vytas as a possible first boot, outside chance Woo or Abi.  Bayon, as I said, I can't believe it won't be anyone other than Kass.  If I had to pick someone else, I'll go with Monica.


I've been trying to read into some of the pre-game interviews, to see who might be holding back on revealing strategy or alliances (though no one seems too shy to discuss pre-game alliances this season).  In addition, trying to see whose getting more time in the promos compared to others.  Not that that means anything much in a fan favorite season, especially since Joe and his manbun have been getting quite a bit of screen time in those.  But it could be those people really make a big impact on this season, or end up falling short early on.


My own opinion based on what's out there, is Kelley Wentworth, Kimmi, Tasha, Shirin, Jeremy, Keith, Jeff, and Spencer all make the merge, and that Vytas, Terry, Woo, Kelly Wigles, Kass, and possibly Monica and PG are pre-merge.  Undecided on Joe, Andrew, Stephen, Ciera, and Abi.  I could see it going either way for that group.  However, we merge at 13, so we would only need to lose 7 to get that.

Edited by LadyChatts

predicting what? the boot?


Good analysis Ladychatts. I agree with mot of it it seems like Ta Keo loses the first immunity and its Kelly or Vytas going home. Anti posted on reddit today saying he thinks a lot of these spoilers we have been told by people are fake and the cast is in on it. So all we really have is weight loss pictures. 


Good analysis Ladychatts. I agree with mot of it it seems like Ta Keo loses the first immunity and its Kelly or Vytas going home. Anti posted on reddit today saying he thinks a lot of these spoilers we have been told by people are fake and the cast is in on it. So all we really have is weight loss pictures. 


Oh, I can 100% believe that.  Just from things mentioned on SM, Jeff Varner having a cow over spoilers possibly being leaked out and circulated, and the cast trying to pretend they are giving stuff away but trying to be subtle.  I still believe there's a chance that someone helped Vytas with the SM stuff.  He seems just the type to do that, and maybe some of the cast were in cahoots with each other to do stuff like that.  Just like Spencer's girlfriend disappearing off of SM around the time of family visit could have been planned by him to make it seem like he went far (which, who knows if the family visit will be that late this year-maybe they had it earlier to throw everyone off).  It doesn't seem like there've been a ton of credible spoilers out there anyway.  The only spoilers I've seen are the weight loss pics, which actually makes me somewhat less convinced after seeing the episode one pics; the Vytas SM sightings, and Terry being pulled from the game due to his son.  I'll be most disappointed if Vytas does in fact last beyond the first couple boots over anything. 


Still, one thing is for sure: 7 people are going pre-merge, and only 3 make it to the end.  The fun is trying to figure out who that will be, based on what we know.

Oh, I can 100% believe that.  Just from things mentioned on SM, Jeff Varner having a cow over spoilers possibly being leaked out and circulated, and the cast trying to pretend they are giving stuff away but trying to be subtle.  I still believe there's a chance that someone helped Vytas with the SM stuff.  He seems just the type to do that, and maybe some of the cast were in cahoots with each other to do stuff like that.  Just like Spencer's girlfriend disappearing off of SM around the time of family visit could have been planned by him to make it seem like he went far (which, who knows if the family visit will be that late this year-maybe they had it earlier to throw everyone off).  It doesn't seem like there've been a ton of credible spoilers out there anyway.  The only spoilers I've seen are the weight loss pics, which actually makes me somewhat less convinced after seeing the episode one pics; the Vytas SM sightings, and Terry being pulled from the game due to his son.  I'll be most disappointed if Vytas does in fact last beyond the first couple boots over anything. 


Still, one thing is for sure: 7 people are going pre-merge, and only 3 make it to the end.  The fun is trying to figure out who that will be, based on what we know.

I think Terry is the only 100% one we know the story about his son was on NBC news here this week even. Even vytas could be a prank like you said. We know Vytas doesn't win, because he was teaching yoga before filming ended, but I guess its possible he could have lasted slightly longer than 3 boots. 

I am baffeled as to how Vytas was teaching yoga before the season ended. That would mean that he inisisted on leaving before final tribal so he either left the jury or left the pre jury. That would probably mean that he forfeited all money and that he would never be invited back again.


God I hope he went first. I really did not like how he played the game. People were complaining about Shirin and her using her past abuse as a sob story when it apprantly did not become common knowledge with her tribe mates until the tribal council when she and Will go into it. Vytas was playing up his addiction, fall so far that he went to jail, and his rehab pretty much his entire season. He openly discussed how he was using it to manipulate people. He was slimey, swarmy, and disgustingly manipulative. I would love to see him as a first boot and then never have to see him again because he refused to stay on the pre jury trip.

  • Love 1

I am baffeled as to how Vytas was teaching yoga before the season ended. That would mean that he inisisted on leaving before final tribal so he either left the jury or left the pre jury. That would probably mean that he forfeited all money and that he would never be invited back again.


God I hope he went first. I really did not like how he played the game. People were complaining about Shirin and her using her past abuse as a sob story when it apprantly did not become common knowledge with her tribe mates until the tribal council when she and Will go into it. Vytas was playing up his addiction, fall so far that he went to jail, and his rehab pretty much his entire season. He openly discussed how he was using it to manipulate people. He was slimey, swarmy, and disgustingly manipulative. I would love to see him as a first boot and then never have to see him again because he refused to stay on the pre jury trip.

Yea I remember that from BVW has there ever been a case where a cast member has left before filming ended other than Jenna Morasca ? I've never seen such a thing for a non quit. Unless Vytas is one of those vote me out I'm done with this game quits ? 

In the first season, contestants were allowed to go home (I remember B.B. and Gretchen both left after being voted off). Kathy from Micronesia and Brandon from Caramoan I believe went home after their meltdowns.  Beyond cases like that, I don't think they are allowed to leave.  Which goes back to a question I had earlier, was Vytas actually seen back home?  It seems weird that there'd be a post on FB about him teaching yoga if he wasn't going to be there, since that is something that could be proved/disproved.  Since it was so close to the end of filming, maybe he did go home, or had a reason for it.


I had rumors Vytas was in some of the bigger pre-game alliances, and yet he's one that people want gone early on.  I don't know why contestants would lie about who they want to target or work with, but I guess I can see them going that route.

Edited by LadyChatts

In the first season, contestants were allowed to go home (I remember B.B. and Gretchen both left after being voted off). Kathy from Micronesia and Brandon from Caramoan I believe went home after their meltdowns.  Beyond cases like that, I don't think they are allowed to leave.  Which goes back to a question I had earlier, was Vytas actually seen back home?  It seems weird that there'd be a post on FB about him teaching yoga if he wasn't going to be there, since that is something that could be proved/disproved.  Since it was so close to the end of filming, maybe he did go home, or had a reason for it.


I had rumors Vytas was in some of the bigger pre-game alliances, and yet he's one that people want gone early on.  I don't know why contestants would lie about who they want to target or work with, but I guess I can see them going that route.

I'm not sure if any photos or confirmation that he was actually physically at that yoga class exist or not. 


Yea I remember that from BVW has there ever been a case where a cast member has left before filming ended other than Jenna Morasca ? I've never seen such a thing for a non quit. Unless Vytas is one of those vote me out I'm done with this game quits ?

Kathy Sleckman mentioned in her AMA that she went home before pre-jury went on the trip. Also, Rob C. heavily hinted in his TEOS chapter of All-stars that Sue went home after the incident between Hatch. I think they do it if it is a special circumstance. I don't think Brad Culpepper went on his pre jury trip.

Kathy Sleckman mentioned in her AMA that she went home before pre-jury went on the trip. Also, Rob C. heavily hinted in his TEOS chapter of All-stars that Sue went home after the incident between Hatch. I think they do it if it is a special circumstance. I don't think Brad Culpepper went on his pre jury trip.

So vytas really would have to do something memorable or something crazy happen to him in order to just leave the island.

I'd be sad if PG was the first boot (even an early boot).  Again with the interviews, I try to keep an open mind that the castaways can be full of it when revealing pre-game alliances, strategy, etc, but given what PG said about being out of the Survivor loop for so long, that could fit.  In Gordon Holmes interviews, he's been asking everyone what twists they expect this season, and a lot of them fall back on tribe division and the fact that there is likely going to be 3 tribes at one point (which we know is accurate).  One twist they might consider is the fact that TC could happen right after the IC, and therefore the majority alliance could just throw a name out and say vote this person in case we don't get to talk.  PG might not be seen as needed for strength, and if they suspect a tribe swap coming up, they may figure they can do without her.  Of course, in this particular video, the Bayon tribe looks a little stressed at what I assume is the gate.  In other clips, Ta'Keo seems like they are behind.  One thing with Survivor, editors love making it look like an underdog wins when they really weren't far behind, and someone can completely bomb a challenge (several posters at Sucks suspect Kelly Wigles struggles early on with this and may cost her tribe) but still survive the first vote.  

Here are the first two episode titles (and the episode one description):


Ep #1 is titled "Second Chance" (very original)


For one tribe, old-school thinking battles new-school strategy when the two distinct groups try to take control of the game. Also, one contestant finds a clue to a hidden immunity idol that requires retrieving it in a way that's never been seen before



We already know where the idols are and how they are going to be retrieved.  Ta'Keo has more old school Survivors on their tribe, so I'm wondering if that first part could be talking about them.  Jeff mentioned in his cast assessment that PG was already on the outs socially, so maybe she's one of the ones struggling.  Could also include Terry.  I feel like the second group is probably Spencer's alliance.


Ep #2 is called "Survivor MacGyver"


The title piques my interest a little, because last season Joe said in some of his pre-season interviews people called him "MacGyver Joe" back home.  I wonder if that quote does refer to him, or is his own quote.  Since the contestants will likely discover the situations with the idols in the first episode (unless they were let in on it before hand), I wonder if he tries and gets crafty, or is in danger of leaving and hatches some crazy plan.  It's hard to believe Joe could be in danger of being the second one voted off, but who knows.  After the CBS webmonkeys screwed up that one promo showing Jeff with a gold buff (and then went back and edited it out), I wonder if they'll be proof reading their episode descriptions and watching their promos more closely.  Last season the ep description alone could give away what would happen.

Edited by LadyChatts

Here are the first two episode titles (and the episode one description):


Ep #1 is titled "Second Chance" (very original)



We already know where the idols are and how they are going to be retrieved.  Ta'Keo has more old school Survivors on their tribe, so I'm wondering if that first part could be talking about them.  Jeff mentioned in his cast assessment that PG was already on the outs socially, so maybe she's one of the ones struggling.  Could also include Terry.  I feel like the second group is probably Spencer's alliance.


Ep #2 is called "Survivor MacGyver"


The title piques my interest a little, because last season Joe said in some of his pre-season interviews people called him "MacGyver Joe" back home.  I wonder if that quote does refer to him, or is his own quote.  Since the contestants will likely discover the situations with the idols in the first episode (unless they were let in on it before hand), I wonder if he tries and gets crafty, or is in danger of leaving and hatches some crazy plan.  It's hard to believe Joe could be in danger of being the second one voted off, but who knows.  After the CBS webmonkeys screwed up that one promo showing Jeff with a gold buff (and then went back and edited it out), I wonder if they'll be proof reading their episode descriptions and watching their promos more closely.  Last season the ep description alone could give away what would happen.

Well just remember episode titles usually are a line that is said not always what happens in the episode. I would say something with Joe though.



Screen shots from the opening credits




Photos from the second challenge (a mix from Samoa/BvsW)


Some posters at Sucks picked up on a few spoilers from the opening credits that would likely confirm who isn't the first boot.  There are shots of both Kelly Wigles and Joe competing in the second challenge, as well as Terry, Jeremy, and Andrew carrying bags in what looks like another challenge that doesn't take place in episode one.  


In this shot of Tasha here (http://www.survivorfever.net/vc_s31/vc_s31_intro/vc_s31_intro_0084.jpg) Anti over Sucks believes CBS may have used the buff-o-matic to fill in the color of her buff to her original tribe color, because we know from an earlier promo Tasha swaps to Angkor, whose buff is gold (he said that pattern on the buff does not match the pattern on the original Bayon buff, but matches the Angkor pattern-and that the buff looks too bright to be her original buff).  Since Tasha is crying, there was some speculation that may be the episode where Terry is pulled from the game due to his son.  Woo is standing over to the side of Tasha.  On top of Jeff and Abi also surviving to the episode 3 swap, and the obvious weight loss of Kelley Wentworth and Kimmi, that narrows the first boot down to 9 people (Spencer, Stephen, Vytas, Ciera, Shirin, Kass, PG, Monica, Keith).  I'd rule out Keith and Spencer, since there's possible evidence they make it far (weight loss/family members missing around the time of the family visit, and Spencer's strong pre-game alliance on his tribe).  Since Shirin is aligned with Spencer, I kind of doubt she's going first.  I'm sticking with Vytas, Kass, or PG for the first boot.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I agree. Especially after Probst's assessment of PG as being sort of an outsider in the way she was behaving. Vytas and Kass for obvious reasons.

I think the same on PG, but the hardcore PG fans are looking for anything to say she isn't they claim in her intro shot she is sitting in another challenge, but I dont see any proof of that at all. Then they say oh but she had weight loss again we already know the conditions are bad and even people in ponderosa might not look too good. Anyway just going on what sucks said and what I read I came down to this based on that intro the following are people we have not seen solid intro pics showing them in a challenge other than episode 1 :



Keith Nale  Stephen Fishbach  Ciera Eastin  Kass McQuillen  Kimmi Kappenberg  Monica Padilla



Vytas Baskauskas  Kelley Wentworth


I would take out Kelley wentworth because I don't think one would look like a zombie only surviving 3 days. So Vytas is the only logical choice left on Ta Keo  (unless sucks is wrong about the PG shots which I think is a high possibility) if for some reason the challenge spec is wrong and Bayon loses there are still quite a few choices. Kimmi and Keith I think the weight loss shows more than 3 days of survival so take them off and you have:



Stephen Fishbach  Ciera Eastin  Kass McQuillen  Monica Padilla



Vytas Baskauskas  Kelley Wentworth


So its one of those 6. If Ta Keo in fact loses it can't be anyone but Vytas. However, like I said the PG spec could be wrong since its not conclusive and it could be her as well. Also CBS could be tricking us with the challenge picture and maybe Bayon doesn't actually win immunity then the other 4 open up as boot targets. 


So in conclusion only 7 people out of 20 have any shot at being booted.

Edited by anthonyd46
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I love PG and would be really disappointed if she was an early boot (let alone the first).  I can see it happening, though.  I'm realistic, even if it hurts lol  Bayon, I still don't see anyone but Kass being the first boot.  Stephen will likely be deemed a threat, but I think Kass being unpredictable is going to unsettle them a little more.  Of course, if they anticipate a tribe swap coming up maybe they'll say to heck with Kass and get rid of a threat while they can.  Monica and Ciera, while there hasn't been anything to indicate how they did since arriving home (calling pre-merge for Monica still), I think they'll be deemed non-threats in that first vote.  Unless one of them goes crazy and overstrategizes a boot pick.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I dreamed last night that Francesca was on this season and I was rooting for her to go home first again. Part of the reason is that it would save Peih-Gee, but the other part is that I'm just an awful person.


I will be crushed if she goes home in the first few boots, let alone first. But I can't see Jeff writing her off in the media if she does well, so I should start preparing myself. I picked her for my pool anyway out of blind loyalty, so I'm going to be losing some points.

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