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7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion

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Trying to take down that tree was about the dumbest thing going.  He is what, 4 ft. tall?  He did not want to spend $400-$500 on a tree service and now has to replace the car. If his car ins. co. refused to pay he is out $25k-$30k - bright idea. I guess TLC purchased a new car.  He should have cut the top branches off first then cut down the tree. He has a friend with a tree service and could have used him to begin with.

I agree with the above poster, the food looked catered. Also, I bet TLC paid for the redue of the kitchen and all the furniture.

Edited by NEGirl
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The mom did not seem to hug her with any warmth or love. I thought, there is a bad vibe between those two. My guess is that she is looked at as the bad kid in the family.  I hope that is not the case.

     If Anna is flirting, texting with boys, gee I wonder where she learned it?    The parents are extremely inappropriate a lot.   Irrc, the mother went as far to inform her daughters she would not be having sex one night and to tell their dad?      


          The new kitchen looked very small.    Also, I noticed there was no evidence of any preparation or cooking for Easter. Those serving pans are what catered food comes in, the same for the holders and sterno.       She didn't cook a thing. More TLC fake stuff.

I noticed that quickly too. My heart broke for Anna. She was visibly shaken. She was standing there, waiting for a hug. And the hug her mom gave was so weak. I think Anna has some issues. She is seen provoking the other kids at times.

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I noticed that quickly too. My heart broke for Anna. She was visibly shaken. She was standing there, waiting for a hug. And the hug her mom gave was so weak. I think Anna has some issues. She is seen provoking the other kids at times.


I have noticed Anna teasing Alex a couple of times on the show so I do see her as a provoker.  


And she did look really upset and neither parent was giving her much comfort and Amber really broke down.   

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn

So I notice that Alex has talked about needing to use the bathroom, saying "I have to poop," etc. When they stopped so he could use the restroom, they made it into a sort of joke. If it wasn't appropriate for the Arnold-Klein kids, it's not appropriate for Alex's bathroom habits to be the subject of national ridicule either. 

What isn't appropriate is that children, even more so, kids with special needs, are put on reality tv so their parent's can make money off them. To say that one of the participants is off limits, is unrealistic, in my opinion. The protection comes from the parents. If Alex has a bathroom problem, they could have kept him off the show, asked the producers to edit it out, or even coach Alex and remind him, this is tv, watch what you say. So far these parent's make so many blatant innuendos about sex, that I hardly think they care about Alex's poop.


Due to work I am a few episodes behind but I have a question. I've wondered this since the first episode. We know they bought this house a year ago as a fixer, ok no problem. But before that they had to have lived somewhere and had FURNITURE. What happened to it? (I know, nobody here can accurately answer). I have to say it's the one thing that irks me about the show. Heck, I have furniture from 14yrs ago still following me through moves, let alone a year or two ago.

          The new kitchen looked very small.    Also, I noticed there was no evidence of any preparation or cooking for Easter. Those serving pans are what catered food comes in, the same for the holders and sterno.       She didn't cook a thing. More TLC fake stuff.


Haven't watched it yet so don't know but can say I have a case of those kind of pans. Bought em when I needed all of 5 for hubs to take some food I made to a party his work was throwing. I bought them at Sam's Club and am no caterer so maybe they had them. Or maybe TLC had a caterer. Only they know for sure.

Edited by KarmaG
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Due to work I am a few episodes behind but I have a question. I've wondered this since the first episode. We know they bought this house a year ago as a fixer, ok no problem. But before that they had to have lived somewhere and had FURNITURE. What happened to it? (I know, nobody here can accurately answer). I have to say it's the one thing that irks me about the show. Heck, I have furniture from 14yrs ago still following me through moves, let alone a year or two ago.


Haven't watched it yet so don't know but can say I have a case of those kind of pans. Bought em when I needed all of 5 for hubs to take some food I made to a party his work was throwing. I bought them at Sam's Club and am no caterer so maybe they had them. Or maybe TLC had a caterer. Only they know for sure.

That's a very good point... they previously lived in a very nice house (nice middle class house) with nice furnishings. 

One of their older episodes they showed family coming over and Amber said she always had Trent do paint touch ups on the walls (basically repaint the entire wall....). So I'm sure having a house in constant remodeling status drives her incredibly crazy.

Due to work I am a few episodes behind but I have a question. I've wondered this since the first episode. We know they bought this house a year ago as a fixer, ok no problem. But before that they had to have lived somewhere and had FURNITURE. What happened to it? (I know, nobody here can accurately answer). I have to say it's the one thing that irks me about the show. Heck, I have furniture from 14yrs ago still following me through moves, let alone a year or two ago.



Good point. I can see maybe not moving certain pieces of furniture or clutter but the kids all had beds in the old house. Why not at least move the beds and dressers? If the remodel was going to last maybe 1 summer I could see starting over but this reno has been going on over a year. It is kind of unfair to kids to go through an entire year of school especially middle or high school without basics. I also don't want to sound mean but 3 kids are adopted. I looked into adoption oversees and the standards are high as far as income and that the kids have bedrooms and certain standard of living. I realize it has been years since they adopted kids and no one is watching them but I guess I feel like if you make a commitment to a child to provide them with a certain standard of living and then they are sleeping on a matress with 5 siblings on the living room floor for over a year, it isn't right. I know these kids have a great life compared to where they were but I think they deserve a little better. There is no way they could have adopted the kids living they way they are now. 


I wonder if they were really living in the old house the whole time? I guess we will never know with TLC edits.

Jonah seems a little slow maybe, or perhaps he is just depressed. He has this far off look a lot of the times, and seems immature for 15. 

I know this will sound very petty, but I seriously think some eyebrow shaping would change the appearance of most of them, especially the boys. Anyone with a unibrow is going to look pensive or depressed. Just sayin'...

  • Love 3

I watched the fan question episode, and Alex is so annoying. I seriously couldn't last a second in the same room with that kid.

He has a smart mouth and is always complaining, especially about being hungry. It's not cute and they should really discipline him better.

I also think that Anna is kind of violent. She starts a lot of the arguments and always hits.

I play fought with my siblings, but she does this full force and just starts it out of nowhere.

  • Love 1

I watched the fan question episode, and Alex is so annoying. I seriously couldn't last a second in the same room with that kid.

He has a smart mouth and is always complaining, especially about being hungry. It's not cute and they should really discipline him better.

I made it 20 minutes into the show before having to turn it off.  I do not care for that child. At all. 

  • Love 2

They really had their hands full with the 3 they adopted!  


Alex got super spoiled by the family catering to him to stop his crying and now live with the result.  I noticed he has gained weight since last season.  


I wondered if Anna had a developmental problem.  She looks vacant sometimes and I think she can be easily led down the wrong path without constant strict supervision.  Last season when she got grounded I thought it was because she watched the graffiti being applied but now they say she participated in doing it, WOW.  


And Emma did them in with her energy yet seems so quiet now.  


I wish Jonah and Trent would eliminate their middle brow too!  


Elizabeth is sweet and soft spoken.


I give Amber and Trent credit for their patience with the kids, it doesn't seem to get to them.  But I am not a fan of hearing about their sex life from them or their kids!!  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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Ugh one of the 'viewer' questions was 'where would you love to travel to.'  They are SO getting an all-expense paid trip this season.


Little thing I noticed:  When Anna was doing her homework on the computer, the other tab she had pulled up was 'TLC All Episode Guide' something-or-other.

No. I think it was the mom from this family. This show was on the OWN channel before it was on TLC. I'm pretty sure she wanted a tummy tuck.

Could be.  I didn't realize they already had a show.

At my school Elementary was K-6, Middle school was 7-9 and High school was 10-12.  We had dances once a month on Friday nights in Middle school, these were casual.  In High school we had Homecoming every Fall, the Junior Prom in 11th grade and the Senior Ball in 12th grade.


I like Trent and Amber as a couple. At least they show affection toward each other.  Michelle and Dan Hamill act like they can't stand each other.  Not one ounce of affection for each other at all.


Alex can go away.  He's a smart ass, just Jack Hamill.  It's not cute or endearing, it's obnoxious.


They made that beautiful kitchen, so why didn't they finish painting it?  It seems like all the rooms are like that, with unfinished or sloppy paint jobs.


How stupid do you have to be to try to take a tree down, without removing the upper branches first?  Answer: Unbelievably stupid.  Also, Amber is very lucky the truck didn't pull that tree down.  She was pulling it toward her with the truck, it would have crashed down right on top of her.  That would have been nice for the kids to watch. 

Edited by Honey
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They're back! They're my favorite little people family on TV right now. You could feel this couple loves each other, unlike Dan & Michelle. Trent was adorable "frosting" (who uses that term anymore?) Ambers hair.


Also thought it was nice they're honoring Anna's Russian heritage. Loved the BORSCHT! It takes like TOP SOIL!


And Alex will need a back up meal. Of course.

  • Love 2

Two things:


1. Dr. Fletcher was way too cute and seemed like such a nice guy.  No wonder the kids love him.


2. I felt so sad for Alex.  Regardless of how annoying I find him, no child should have to face the medical issues he's facing.  Poor kid.

Edited by woodscommaelle
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Kudos to Amber for putting in a great effort to honor Anna's Russian heritage for her birthday.  You could tell Anna appreciated it.  Not a fan of beets, so I'm sure I wouldn't enjoy it.  Also, even if the recipe didn't call for it, I'm with Trent that you should wash and peel the veggies first.


I got the feeling that Alex wasn't being 100% truthful about his back pain because he was scared and didn't want to go to the doctor/have surgery.  You can definitely tell that he walks hunched over though.  He has my sympathy, because he has already gone through "leg straightening" surgery when he was younger and now potentially back surgery.  Yikes!  Unfortunately the previews for the season that they showed after the episode shows him going under the knife again.


Dr. Fletcher is cute - I remember that Anna had a huge crush on him last season!

  • Love 4

Elisabeth is very mature for her age, I really like her.  Anna is a troublemaker and immature.  Jonah is the voice of doom but is quite funny at times.  


I am so sick of their sex talk but especially in front of the kids, even going into their bedroom and letting them know what they are doing.  I find it inappropriate. 


I did enjoy last night's show though.  I like Alex being so outgoing which makes up for the others being so laid back.  Emma is cute. 

  • Love 1

I enjoy watching this show while the Little Couple is on hiatus.  The girls seem like they do a lot to help out Amber which is good. 


I think the kids act like typical kids.  I think Alex is cute, but he would drive a sane person to drink.


The constant sex innuendos are funny to me and I'm sure really embarrassing for the kids.  That's how some people are.


I would love to hear their cousin (Trent's niece) who is not a little person, talk about whats its like to not be a little person, but have your mom, little sister, uncle and cousins all be little people.

  • Love 2

After seeing Trent bounce and roll every which way with his stocky body on that slip and slide, all I can picture in my mind is him trying to have sex with Amber...which he brings up all of the time...and bouncing off of her and rolling right off of the bed like he rolled on the slip and slide. There is nothing sexual about this couple at all...laughable and he needs to drop it.

  • Love 4

Have you ever watched a baseball game?  The camera picks up all sorts of nasty habits (nose picking, inappropriate scratching..etc).


All I'm saying is that they shouldn't have to change who they are for the camera.  Otherwise whats the point of having a reality show?  We might not like it or agree with it, but that's their life.  I'm sure the kids are embarrassed but that's parents for you whether their average size or little size.  Personally, I would never agree to a reality show with my house looking the way theirs does (under reconstruction).  But they don't seem to mind.  They seem to be a loving and nice family with little drama and that's what I like in my reality shows.

  • Love 1

After seeing Trent bounce and roll every which way with his stocky body on that slip and slide, all I can picture in my mind is him trying to have sex with Amber...which he brings up all of the time...and bouncing off of her and rolling right off of the bed like he rolled on the slip and slide. There is nothing sexual about this couple at all...laughable and he needs to drop it.

And he doesn't like getting his face wet, so we know what Amber isn't getting.

  • Love 5

I like this family and love how Amber is always so calm and collected, very natural and so is Trent.  Alex's face has gotten chubbier!  I know he drives many crazy but I like him.  Emma sure is shy and has a great spirit.  Jonah cracked me up again last night..."a project within a project within a project."  He is so deadpan in his delivery!  That house is going to be really nice when they are done.  Amazing they do all that work themselves.   

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn

Their town is so small and the kids seem to have a lot of friends. I think in this day and age, most kids think it's cool to be on TV so hopefully their classmates think the same. I enjoy this family so much. Trent is funny ("I don't want to go into the stool making business, that sounds gross"), Amber has her shit down. It's hard doing renovations. It's hard raising 5 kids. But to do both as little people can't be easy.


Elizabeth has her dad's humor. They need to get a few full length mirrors to put in the girls room so they don't use the bathroom for makeup time.

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Saw a preview last night..Trent says he can swim, and Amber yells "bull crap." Nice. Last week she made him return a power tool that she didn't approve of. Is he afraid of her that he doesn't stand up to her? Myself, I think both of them are border line slow. Also, the children mind her too well, and after seeing the fire in her eyes many times, I would not be surprised if she isn't physical with them.

Saw a preview last night..Trent says he can swim, and Amber yells "bull crap." Nice. Last week she made him return a power tool that she didn't approve of. Is he afraid of her that he doesn't stand up to her? Myself, I think both of them are border line slow. Also, the children mind her too well, and after seeing the fire in her eyes many times, I would not be surprised if she isn't physical with them.


Wow!  I don't get that impression at all!  I saw nothing wrong with Amber calling him out on his fib about being able to swim.  And he was returning a rental tool and was having trouble getting it back in it's carrying case properly so she did it for him.   

Re:  Anna and graffiti . . . I read somewhere her and her friend were caught smoking behind school. Whichever, punishment at home was extreme!



Anna apparently had joined in on doing the graffiti.  She is lucky she didn't get charged by the police and her punishment at home seemed appropriate for someone who seems to be easily led down the garden path by the sounds of it.  She could be headed to more serious trouble.  I foresee an early pregnancy.

I freaking love this family.  Trent cracks me up every time he embarrasses Amber.  And she looks GREAT with her new hair style. 

I'm not too worried about the kids because they seem to be pretty comfortable on camera.  They're old enough to where if they didn't want to do it we'd see a lot more acting out I think. (aka cara and Maddy).  Although it's sad that Elizabeth is home schooled because she was bullied.  But I liked when they asked the kids about it and Alex said he was bullied but never told and they all told him that he DOES need to tell. 

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