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Killian Jones/Captain Hook: One Handed Pirate With A Drinking Problem

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Snow and Hook seemed to be the only people not enjoying that Granny's night thing. How have these two not have a scene yet?


On a shallow note: I love Killian's bangs.


They had quite a few scenes together last season. And by quite a few, I mean maybe 3. I'm glad we are getting more!

Edited by pezgirl7
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I really liked the Captain Beauty scene where they're sharing a drink. I can't wait to see how the powerless Rumple is gonna react to that friendship.


The last time, Rumple reacted by pretending to be Hook and stealing the Dagger from Belle. Now that he is powerless, it will be interesting to see how he reacts.

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It's a shame they used Will for a useless one sided love triangle when it would've worked better had the show just made Rumple more angrier if it was her friendship with Hook instead. Once Rumple wakes up Hooks probably going to go all big brother on her I bet at least I hope because it be funny.

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Did they ever explain, is Hook supposed to be Gold's contemporary, or is he older than Gold? I know that he was in Neverland for a long time after Gold cut off his hand, but he did also go there briefly with his brother before that. Do we know if there were other shenanigans prior to meeting Milah and Smee, or are we supposed to think he's roughly Gold's age?

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I've always just assumed that he was a contemporary of  Rumple's, simply because he didn't seem to have a reason to go back to Neverland until Rumple killed Milah and took Hook's hand.  Before that, his motivation seemed to be to make life unpleasant for the king he'd served and found dishonorable.


His motivation for going back to Neverland seemed to be solely to get the means to kill Rumple.

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They're both around the same age range, Rumple is 15-20ish years older though.

And because casting isn't considered spoilers, I'm super happy about meeting Papa Jones, whether it be in flashbacks or present day. It'll be nice to actually see some of the stuff Killy has mentioned in passing (like his father ditching him for whatever reason)--assuming that's what A&E are going to show us.

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They're both around the same age range, Rumple is 15-20ish years older though.

That's been my read, as well. They're contemporaries in that they're from roughly the same era, but Rumple is quite a bit older, so probably from the previous generation. He tends to refer to Hook as "boy" and "laddie."


I imagine that Hook was likely Ensign Jones at the same time Rumple was going off to war and injuring himself so he could come back home (maybe Midshipman Jones, depending on how fast his rise up the ranks was and how long he was a pirate before he met Milah). I've wondered if maybe they were fighting on different fronts/theaters of operations of the same war -- like maybe someone in the Navy in the Pacific and someone slogging across France after D-Day but both serving in the same war. And both ended up deserting (in a way) but under very different circumstances and for different reasons, and with different outcomes.

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Hook/Colin's facial expressions this episode were epic.

I wonder when/where he learned to ride a horse?

We did see him ride off in the 3b premiere.  But he and Jenn really weren't on a real horse for most of that, there's BTS footage of a fake horse on those close ups and stunt double were used for the overhead shots.

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Happy Hookversary! Today is the third anniversary of Hook's first appearance on the show.


Never mind. It's actually Wednesday the 21st. That's what I get for not double-checking when I see something on Twitter.

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We did see him ride off in the 3b premiere.  But he and Jenn really weren't on a real horse for most of that, there's BTS footage of a fake horse on those close ups and stunt double were used for the overhead shots.


Thanks! So that's why the weird camera angles and cuts. I was wondering about that last night. I'm mostly unspoiled (as much as I can be while still being online) so I don't usually see the BTS photos.


Happy Hookversery, everyone. 

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Thanks! So that's why the weird camera angles and cuts. I was wondering about that last night. I'm mostly unspoiled (as much as I can be while still being online) so I don't usually see the BTS photos.

Here's a funny video of them riding the fake horse. Colin is being goofy and Jen can't stop laughing. It does look pretty ridiculous.


Edited by pezgirl7
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I was just wondering because Hook was all, "you have to trust the horse," etc. so someone taught him to ride a horse.

In a realm where horses and walking are primary transportation for non magical folk I imagine most would know how to ride. Particularly a lieutenant even if he was navy would need to travel by land on occasion.

He seemed quite competent when he was packing up the horse to ride off in the season 3b premiere.

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i wasnt sure if this was an episode issue or a more meta-Hook issue and I am erring on the side of meta Hook so putting it here.  i read the PTv recap for this episode and the recapper had a totally different take on the Captain Cobra scene and read it as Hook being totally pervy and leering, whereas I saw it as teasing and good natured, more for Emma's benefit than to be like "Go get laid, Henry."  I mean, I know recap and tongue in cheek, but it just struck a really wrong note with me.  I guess this leads to the more meta of interpretation of Hook.  I would never see that scene as something gross, but I guess there is room in the script and Colin's acting choices to leave it open to that interpretation?  I personally think many of the meta Hook issues you have to reach to get to the conclusions some people do, particularly something like Captain Rapist, which just, no.  I know this is a pretty Hook friendly community, but does that scene read both ways?  Or is it colored by dislike of the character overall?  I'm puzzled, though I shouldn't be in this fandom, by the extreme interpretation.

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^ I didn't have a problem with that scene either. I found it to be teasing in tone. Hook probably knows what Henry's in for concerning first crushes and how awkward it can be. I don't know.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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I didn't have a problem with it because of the ages of Henry and Violet. I don't think Hook was thinking anything sexual, he was just excited, like Charming was, of Henry having his first crush. I guess some of the facial gestures Hook was making could have come across as sexual, but honestly, those are just Colin's go-to facial expressions, and he was really turning on the camp in that scene.

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That scene was so obviously about Hook teasing Henry and his new crush that anyone who reads more into it are actually the ones who are being pervy and need to get their minds out of the gutter. 

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That scene was so obviously about Hook teasing Henry and his new crush that anyone who reads more into it are actually the ones who are being pervy and need to get their minds out of the gutter. 


THIS. There was nothing pervy about it. It was a cute, fun scene. They had to be looking for something pervy to get pervy.

Edited by Souris
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I don't read those recaps, because no offense to anyone who likes them or the person who takes time to write them, but they're not great.


I thought that Hook behaving that way spoke to how close he and Henry have gotten. I mean would Hook have felt comfortable doing that with Henry a year ago? I thought it was more something of an embarrassing nature for Henry, with Hook looking all excited and Emma looking somewhat "horrified".


Imagine if the roles were reversed and this was Hook's own child, say a daughter who was having her first crush? Think he would've been all excited? 


People have a way of turning something fun and innocent into something else entirely.

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I just saw another post, on this board, from someone who also construed Hook's giddiness as perviness, and the only common denominator I've found between the other two similar comments I've seen is that they're all guys. Not surprising that men would see something different than women. Since the episode was written by two guys, I wonder if that means anything?

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I don't think we need to analyze these comments too seriously. I've read off-color comments on almost any interaction in the show. For example, people were making gay jokes about Charms and Arthur after the last episode. IMO, it's just part of our cultural mindset to make jokes like that. ONCE's campiness occasionally lends itself to such jokes as well.

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I don't think it means anything. 


This is like every commercial we've ever seen on television about someone crushing on someone else, or a every television show where the father makes fun of his son, and the daughter he has a thing for.


That was Hook having a Phil Dumphy level of goofiness moment over Henry's first crush. 

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