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S05.E17: Amster-Damn Slap

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But she didn't and it caused the others to go into tailspins and ruin their own good times. Makes no sense to me.

It caused others to have hurt feelings about what transpired because Kim failed to own up to her misdeeds from Poker Night, which hurt more than just Kim herself. Others had to endure that vile behavior. And we know since last week why Kim wouldn't admit to any relapse - her kids would disown her, as so she claims.

Edited by GreatKazu
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But she didn't and it caused the others to go into tailspins and ruin their own good times. Makes no sense to me.

I don't think the others went into a "tailspin" at all. I think they tried to make it work with her as much as Kim allowed but she refused to let anything go herself. The looks she gave LisaR and Eileen all the time were deadly and she could not even fake politeness, she had to have the final word and they were ugly, hate filled words to women that have only shown her compassion. Of course, had it not been for Brandi winding up LisaR's concerns in the first place about Kim and then lying to Kim about that conversation, this whole relapse would have been a 1 or 2 episode discussion at best. Instead, we have Brandi saying 1 thing to Lisar and then another to Kim all because she, Brandi, wants to keep the heat and eyes off of herself.

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I have spent as much time as I felt reasonable to steal from my real life to review the reruns and I am faced with the same conclusion time and time again: 


Kim is a totally nasty, arrogant, entitled piece of business and I would be MUCH happier to NEVER see her on my TV screen again. Once the reunion is over (and that ONLY because, in spite of everything I want to think Kim has SOME itty-bitty-teeny-weeny modicum of human propriety/sense/morales) I will never waste my time on her and will cease to watch this part of the franchise if she is still one of the (laughable) housewives.


Brandi, whom I once defended and was a fan of, is also nothing but a piece of shit - the entitled piece I can leave off as, as far as I can tell, Brandi has NEVER been considered to be a piece of BH/Hollywood 'royalty'  - is another one I will not waste another iota of my being following. If mention of her should accompany my perusal of other HW's goings on (by which I mean, Lisa VanderPump, Lisa Rinna, and [especially, since I have always enjoyed her character on Y&R although not so much on DOOL] Eileen Davidson) I will tolerate that mention only so long as one/and/or the others is part of the discussion, but otherwise, I rue the day I ever heard of Brandi.


I would LOVE to see a season of house porn, party porn, food porn (etc, you get the pic) about LisaV, LisaR, Eileen and - surprisingly - Yolanda.... BUT I just have NO USE WHATEVER for either of the Bitchard sisters!!!!!


It could well be that kim's over the top, druggy, addicted behavior has spoiled it, but I do recall season 1, where they BOTH (kim and kyle) came across as nasty, arrogant, entitled bitches - kyle may have the edge on physical beauty (yes, I would KILL to have her hair) - but they are both simply NOT that interesting, not in any way talented, and NOT worth the bother or waste of precious seconds of my life.




I'll just have to wait and see what satan Andy has in mind for next season...in the mean time, I have travels to enjoy and books to read and WHAT THE HELL and I doing wasting time on this crap?

Edited by becauseIsaidso
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I would LOVE to see a season of house porn, party porn, food porn (etc, you get the pic) about LisaV, LisaR, Eileen and - surprisingly - Yolanda.... BUT I just have NO USE WHATEVER for either of the Bitchard sisters!!!!!


It could well be that kim's over the top, druggy, addicted behavior has spoiled it, but I do recall season 1, where they BOTH (kim and kyle) came across as nasty, arrogant, entitled bitches - kyle may have the edge on physical beauty (yes, I would KILL to have her hair) - but they are both simply NOT that interesting, not in any way talented, and NOT worth the both or waste of precious seconds of my life.



Yes!  I'm seal-clapping to your post.  I would love to see a show like that. 


I didn't like last season, it just felt like a clusterfuck of stupidity.  And the new HW were given weird edits and became adversaries to the old HW too quickly.  So, when I heard that Rinna and Davidson would be joining the cast, I was thrilled, as both a soap fan and as a viewer who was tired of the usual bullshit.  But then we got the usual bullshit. 


I won't complain if Kyle is back next season if, if Kim and Brandi are gone.  My dislike for the HW are by degree.  Thought Kyle was obnoxious as hell, straight out of the gate in S1, but then Camille and Taylor happened. S2 had the trifecta of Taylor, Brandi and Kim.  Missed S3 but in S4, Brandi happened, a lot.  And S5 had me od'ing on my Brandi and Kim hate.


So because of the others, Kyle got pushed down on the list of people to complain about.  I'm curious if Kyle comes back in S6 without Kim or Brandi, if she would bug me to the same degree again as she had in S1.  I'm hoping she will have grown some between this season and filming for next season, but I'm not holding my breath. 

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I am still stuck on whatever "life damaging" comments anybody has made about Kim.  Why would Kim's kids put more stock in Eileen than their own mother?

What I love about Eileen is the fact that she didn't freak out when accused of this. She apologized if she had said anything "life damaging" and made it clear she never intended to do that. But the most beautiful part was when she asked them straight out what life damaging info she had revealed. They had no idea how to react because they had no answer.  Maybe Eileen accusing Kim of doing Meth in the bathroom might have been life damaging, but she isn't the one who did this is she? Huh, I wonder who did that. 

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What I love about Eileen is the fact that she didn't freak out when accused of this. She apologized if she had said anything "life damaging" and made it clear she never intended to do that. But the most beautiful part was when she asked them straight out what life damaging info she had revealed. They had no idea how to react because they had no answer.  Maybe Eileen accusing Kim of doing Meth in the bathroom might have been life damaging, but she isn't the one who did this is she? Huh, I wonder who did that. 

Hmmmm...Yes, I wonder. lol  The same person who mentioned Kim would kill herself if she were to find out what that person had revealed. On camera.


If Kyle leaves because Kim is booted from this show, then so be it. If that is what needs to be done to get rid of Kimmy, I am all for it. I am sick of this batshit crazy relationship all because Kim is warped in many ways and it can never be left on the back burner because, unfortunately, that is how relationships are with addicts in the real world. No matter how much Bravo manipulates situations and controls storylines, those addicts known as Kim and Brandi, will cause an inferno somewhere along the season. I suppose for the purpose of this show, the cast is just better off not reacting to Kim and Brandi's behavior. Just let them be fuck-ups and remember how they are doing this shit for the money because they have nothing else going on.

Edited by GreatKazu
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What I love about Eileen is the fact that she didn't freak out when accused of this. She apologized if she had said anything "life damaging" and made it clear she never intended to do that. But the most beautiful part was when she asked them straight out what life damaging info she had revealed. They had no idea how to react because they had no answer.  Maybe Eileen accusing Kim of doing Meth in the bathroom might have been life damaging, but she isn't the one who did this is she? Huh, I wonder who did that. 


Eileen is so even-keeled most of the time; it's refreshing.  A lot of the HW are so reactionary which just creates chaos to the point where I have a difficult time following what is being said, done, and why.  It's like watching COPS, with the LEO chasing and fighting someone and the poor camera guys have to try and keep up so the footage is all wonky and it's hard to tell WTF is going on. 


I loved how she shut down Kim and Brandi so easily by being calm and asking pointed questions (not giving pointed fingers, Kyle) and by responding with simple yet effective words. However, I am a little 'eh' at her response to Lisa R's tête-à-tête with Kim, only because I think Eileen is more astute than that, and she should have caught on that someone other than Lisa made the decision to reach a truce, while they were still in Amsterdam.  I think she was reacting with her feelings, more than anything else, though, so I get it.  Looking forward to her hearing about Brandi slapping Lisa since she already thinks Brandi is an asshole.  I'd like to see more Vince.

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Has there ever been a trip on any RHW show the DIDN'T DEvolve into a shouting match or fight as this episode did? These women (like all the other casts) can not have a conversation that doesn't devolve.


Brandi only started the conversation because Eileen said or hinted about the tension and there being no resolution about the night before. And Brady finally just said "OK if we're going to go there, and talk about it. Let's do it. I might as well go first." I think Brandy IS mis understood. True, she does inappropriate things. But that doesnt' mean the ladies don't misunderstand her. And Brandy was the person who at dinner suggested they go around the table and say only good things about people. Sorry, but I just don't think Brandi IS the witch or bad person that people make her out to be. As Lisa R. said brandi has a veneer of toughness but deep down is very fragile, and is hurting. That leads to her subsequent behavior.


I blame the dinner debacle on Eileen. SHE is the one who all day couldn't drop it.


And regarding the slap. LIS VDP is the one who says SHE would slap Brandi (if Brandi kissed her) so it was then than Brandi said jokingly, 'so slap me (chuckle chuckle) I'll slap you back. Go ahead, you slap me, and I'll slap you." Lisa then said no. Let's just go. And then Brandi slapped Lisa, to keep the joking around going. BUT Lisa VDP didn't expect that. Even then she was shocked, And said "No, not that's not nice. That's wrong. Don't do that."  So the slap while totally INappropriate. Wasn't THAT big a deal. It's not like Lisa went off the deep end or anything. LISA VDP said "out of no where" it wasn't  "out of no where" LISA is the one who brought up the word slap in the first place. Why didn't Lisa VDP, handle her thoughts about that with Brandi, and resolve it between THEM. But that never happens on ANY of these shows.

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What I noticed was that while most of them were playing nice at dinner, Kyle got PISSED that they were all behaving nicely, and walked away after someone snapped a photo of Kim and Brandi.  Then the cry talking started, again ALL about Kyle.


Peace was possible for that dinner, but Kyle earned her Bravo salary and made damn sure it was awkward. 

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What I noticed was that while most of them were playing nice at dinner, Kyle got PISSED that they were all behaving nicely, and walked away after someone snapped a photo of Kim and Brandi.  Then the cry talking started, again ALL about Kyle.


Peace was possible for that dinner, but Kyle earned her Bravo salary and made damn sure it was awkward. 

Peace was possible at the first dinner in Amsterdam too but Kim refused to just accept Lisa's apology. Why is Kim not being accused of earning her Bravo paycheck for making that dinner awkward for everyone? It seems like there's a double standard here IMO.  

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Has there ever been a trip on any RHW show the DIDN'T DEvolve into a shouting match or fight as this episode did? These women (like all the other casts) can not have a conversation that doesn't devolve.


Brandi only started the conversation because Eileen said or hinted about the tension and there being no resolution about the night before. And Brady finally just said "OK if we're going to go there, and talk about it. Let's do it. I might as well go first." I think Brandy IS mis understood. True, she does inappropriate things. But that doesnt' mean the ladies don't misunderstand her. And Brandy was the person who at dinner suggested they go around the table and say only good things about people. Sorry, but I just don't think Brandi IS the witch or bad person that people make her out to be. As Lisa R. said brandi has a veneer of toughness but deep down is very fragile, and is hurting. That leads to her subsequent behavior.


I blame the dinner debacle on Eileen. SHE is the one who all day couldn't drop it.


And regarding the slap. LIS VDP is the one who says SHE would slap Brandi (if Brandi kissed her) so it was then than Brandi said jokingly, 'so slap me (chuckle chuckle) I'll slap you back. Go ahead, you slap me, and I'll slap you." Lisa then said no. Let's just go. And then Brandi slapped Lisa, to keep the joking around going. BUT Lisa VDP didn't expect that. Even then she was shocked, And said "No, not that's not nice. That's wrong. Don't do that."  So the slap while totally INappropriate. Wasn't THAT big a deal. It's not like Lisa went off the deep end or anything. LISA VDP said "out of no where" it wasn't  "out of no where" LISA is the one who brought up the word slap in the first place. Why didn't Lisa VDP, handle her thoughts about that with Brandi, and resolve it between THEM. But that never happens on ANY of these shows.

The trip to Spain went very well. The call YoFo received about Bella was unfortunate, but overall, it was a nice trip and moment to watch without any damn drama. Note, no Kim and no Brandi.

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I believe it was done until Brandi stirred Kim up by giving her half the story of her conversation with LisaR just before they boarded a plane.


There are two things about the conversation Brandi had with Kim is that she completely ignored that she was also sharing her concerns about Kim to LisaR but mainly is what she reported to Kim wasn't the conversation we saw with LisaR (she did express concerns and wonder what could be done) but what Brandi actually stated was word for word the conversation she had with Jen on the beach about Kim. Seriously, it was basically direct quotes from Jen that Brandi decided to say came from LisaR.

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Many posters can't understand, "Why didn't so-and-so just go to the offending party privately and discuss the situation one-on-one?" Because this is REALITY TV. We don't want mature problem solving. We want rants and eye rolls and slaps!


Backpedaling a little bit, obviously the show is nothing without the public disputes, but I wish the editors were more selective. The reason Kim and Kyle's limo blow up was so dramatic was because it kind of came out of the blue. One thing set them off and it was just a waterfall of criticism back and forth. As sadistic as it is, this is what we tune in for.


This season we spent 10+ episodes building up to Kim's 'intervention.' By the time Lisa finally confronted her about it, I think everyone wanted the topic to die, maybe even more than Kim did. It's like give it to us, or don't but milking 1 fight for 20 episodes is a cop out.

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I have only a couple of announcements.

1) "Paging Kim Richards... Paging Kim Richards.... Last train for Crazy Town is now boarding."

2) Kyle Richards needs to get a spine! Blood relations does not trump bad behaviour. Cut Kim out of you, like the cancer she is, and get on with your life and family.

3) Would somebody please tell Brandi (and Andy Cohen) that her 15 minutes has now passed.

If I turn on the tv and see Kim and Brandi, once again, denying bad behaviour and pretending nothing bad has ever been said about them, I will flip to another channel. I am over Team Kimandi!

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I have only a couple of announcements.

1) "Paging Kim Richards... Paging Kim Richards.... Last train for Crazy Town is now boarding."

2) Kyle Richards needs to get a spine! Blood relations does not trump bad behaviour. Cut Kim out of you, like the cancer she is, and get on with your life and family.

3) Would somebody please tell Brandi (and Andy Cohen) that her 15 minutes has now passed.

If I turn on the tv and see Kim and Brandi, once again, denying bad behaviour and pretending nothing bad has ever been said about them, I will flip to another channel. I am over Team Kimandi!


Yes, yes, yes.


So over the 2 of them. Both are nasty, drunken, moronic fame whores.

Edited by BostonBlonde
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