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Gilmore Girls Bests and Worsts

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On 10/10/2016 at 4:19 PM, Melancholy said:

However, the big problem with the season is Emily- she really got turned into a miserable shrill shrew to the point of character assassination. It really damages the show since the Lorelai/Emily relationship is at the core of the story. 


On 10/10/2016 at 4:19 PM, Melancholy said:

Lorelai is at the center and it's ostensibly her growth that we've been primed to watch and root for, so it's so disappointing that she is at her worst in the final season. 

Just had to give a big fat WORD to these two observations.  In the elimination game we are doing "aww" moments now and I'm having trouble finding any scene between Emily and Lorelai sweet past WBB.  And that is so disappointing for the reason you gave.....so disappointing!  Nothing to add to the second quote, just so true.  

My season rankings...

4 - Jason, Rory's roommates, Rory's wonderfully relatable freshman year, Lorelai opening the inn (love that stuff), meeting more of Luke's family thereby giving us more Luke, great Luke/Jess scenes, good storyline for Emily, and the fabulous trilogy at the end. I even was fine with Rory ending up in bed with Dean.  I thought it was a realistic mistake for her to make and they did a good job of showing us how she got there.  Plus we got Lauren Graham's reaction scene out of it.   I don't think there are any episodes that I don't like in this season.

2- Love Jess coming to town!  Stars Hollow needed some shaking up.  Like season 4, few if any episodes that are clunkers.  

1- It just fits here in the order of things....

3- Quite a few "meh" episodes, but there's still Chilton Rory and plenty to love.  

5- Enjoy watching Luke and Lorelai together, for the most part.  Rory and Dean should not have dragged on...so pathetic.  But, I guess I can see them trying to make it work so they didn't explode a marriage for nothing.  

7- As I've said elsewhere, I thought the new show runners captured the spirit of the show and even the dialogue well.  

6- Far too depressing.  So hard to watch.  That's not to say there aren't moments to enjoy.  

  • Love 2

Season 2: Yes, my favorite, the balance stories worked and even the early Dean and Jess Triangle was more balanced unlike what happened in season 3. 

Season 1: Great establishing of the characters and the stories flowed very well and many of the subplots and characters really grew into the following season. Very happy with that. 

Season 4: Jason up until the end was my favorite and I did like Rory early on not being to work in college perfectly was good up until the mid point leading to the affair and don't get me started on Nicole. I enjoyed the roommates and early Marty, but then they botched that by dropping the roommates and turning Marty into a doormat in season 5. Plus, Asther Flemming! Ugh! I hated that. It was like the year of forbidden and stupid affairs with AS-P and her husband.

Season 5: Way too much focus roadblocks being thrown at Luke and Lorelai and this was the beginning of my hatred for Emily despite some stupid moves in season 4. I did like Logan's introduction and progress, but the lead into the end with his family and Rory's melt down was just horrible. Also, too much Christopher for me.

Season 3: Way too much with Nicole, Paris's melt down was too much and something I didn't pick out was then her wanting to dump Jamie at the beginning of season 4. Which I hated and I was not a fan of Lane's moving towards: "Ok mom, I'll do everything you say and hate it so that way next season I will have an excuse why my life has gone out the door." Also, too much focus on why Chris and Sherry were great together and Lorelai should be pissed off.

Season 7: This was pretty much the fix up season and trying to fix up too much of the disaster that was season 6. Like the ending, but still they had to rebuild the GG world from the ground back up and sadly, way, way too much Christopher and the complete lost bonding that could have happened with Rory and Georgia. Wasted!

Season 6: Hate the season for so many reasons, Anna, April, Christopher, Luke being a moron, Sookie is a bitch, Michel should be fired. Emily and Richard are out of touch with the times and Rory. Oh Rory, Rory Rory. 'Nuff said. 

  • Love 3

I have a hard time ranking the seasons, mostly because my rankings can change depending on the day, and what I've watched recently. It is pretty fixed, though, that while seasons 1-4 may move around in my ranking, the bottom three spots always go to 5, 7, and 6, in that order.

If forced to choose I would say:

Season 2:  I have the hardest time choosing between 2 and 4, but 2 has the edge because Rory is still in Stars Hollow, the Lorelei/Rory relationship is in it's golden years, and yes, the arrival of Jess makes for some classic and rewatchable episodes.

Season 4:  I just love season 4..I find myself rewatching it more than any other season. I love to watch the construction and opening of The Dragonfly. I love the "trilogy" at the end. I also think it might actually be my favorite season for Rory. It's the only season where she is single for most of it, and I like that it has lots of "low drama" storylines ( like the study tree, and the ballet review) that focus on her as an individual. 

Season 3:  Has many of what I consider the most memorable GG episodes, but also has some things that annoy me. Gets the edge over 1 just because I tend to think of seasons 2-3 as the years when GG was in it's best, most natural, rhythm.

Season 1: Just ends up here because I like the overall "feel" of the other seasons a bit more, but I do love it, I think more than most.

Season 5:  Still feels like GG, and I love the L/L stuff, but the end of the season (Kropogs!), is where things start to turn.

Season 7: The beggining is a little rough, but it's heads and tails above 6 for me. In fact, the last half of the season, starting with I'm a Kayak.., started to feel more like classic GG then anything the show had done in quite awhile.

Season 6: I don't mind the rift..too much. It's the second half of the season that's awful for me. I am a Lorelai girl, and her spark, for lack of a better word, is gone. The episodes are painful to watch and it just feels so mean spirited.

I could never decide how the season rank for me, I think they're too different for me to choose. However, I think I have decided that my LEAST favourite episode is season 2's "Teach Me Tonight". I truly despise everything that followed Rory and Jess' accident, with the exception of Luke telling her off. It was so over the top. The way Lorelai behaved to the way they tried to paint Chris as this amazing father figure. My biggest issue with it was that it came across as if she was in the right and Luke wasn't. I'm not a fan of Jess, but it was an accident. And she saw Rory at the hospital and knew that she wasn't on her deathbed. There was also no self-awareness of how unreasonable she was. It makes me realize that too often Lorelai is in the wrong but does not apologize when she needs to. I really hate that episode!

  • Love 2

There goes my productivity. I am obsessed with this thread. I just got here so will try to go back and find all the questions I missed. 


For starters, how would you rate the seasons from best to worst---and why? Needless to say, there are no ties allowed ;)

Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. I might swap 7 and 6. It's hard because the sixth season is my least favorite Gilmore Girls season but the seventh season at times feels like a different show. I talked in the unpopular opinions thread about how much I love the first season. It's the season where I love Rory, Luke, Emily and Richard more than any other season. It's got most of my favorite L/L scenes and a lot of my favorite mother/daughter scenes too. I love the town and how much the community adds to the show this season. The Stars Hollow people annoy me later on but here they add to the show's charm. It just makes me feel good every time I watch it but isn't just sweet fluff; it's actually more nuanced than I had realized when I first saw it and gave me more to think about when it comes to family relationships and individual identity than any other season. I see most people here don't like the first season nearly as much as I do! I understand why, especially because Lorelai can be very annoying and childish for a lot of the season, but I like a lot of her scenes anyway. 


What would you guys name as your favorite 10-12 episodes of the entire series...and why?!

I don't know episode names that well yet, so I had to look up the list online and was surprised to see how many I wanted to pick. It was especially hard to leave any out from the first few seasons. I tried to just ask myself which ones I could see watching the most times and still love just as much. Even then I came up with over 20, but I don't want to break the rules! 

Rory's Birthday Parties, Forgiveness and Stuff, Double Date, That Damn Donna Reed, Run Away Little Boy, The Bracebridge Dinner, Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days, They Shoot Gilmores Don't They, Those Are Strings, Pinocchio, Ballrooms and Biscotti, Lorelais First Day at Yale, Luke Can See Her Face.  

If anyone wants to know why I picked any of these, please ask! I like to look for patterns, but the only thing I think a lot of these episodes have in common is that they have some of my favorite Luke/Lorelai scenes or some of my favorite moments between Lorelai and Rory. I'm not that surprised to find that none of them are later than Season 4.






I actually think Lane was an interesting counterbalance to Paris: always reflexively supportive and even admiring of Rory (even when she probably shouldn't have been, like after learning of the affair with Dean), while Paris 'got' Rory but perpetually challenged her (again, in ways that were both positive and taken to a negative extreme!) I do agree, though, that past S3 or so I didn't see much of a genuinely BFF-y chemistry between Rory and Lane---more often than not, they seemed to just sort of dutifully trade information about their lives rather than truly clicking.

This is a really insightful take on both of Rory's closest and in some ways only friendships and their deliberate contrasts. It's a little bit similar to Lorelai's friendships with both Sookie and Luke. Sookie is the very warm, sweet and supportive friend who gets visibly excited on Lorelai's behalf and is a cheerleader for almost everything she does. Luke is more like Lorelai's Paris in this scenario. He challenges Lorelai, can be more critical of her mostly because he wants the best from and for her, and can seem annoyed with her a lot even though underneath he's extremely loyal and would do anything for her. Another parallel is that Luke and Paris both have very few other friends and are very slow to trust people in general, so their friendships with Lorelai and Rory take on even more importance to them.

Order of Premieres: 

Ballrooms and Biscotti, Lazy-Hazy-Crazy-Days, Pilot, Sadie Sadie, Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller, The Long Morrow, New and Improved Lorelai. 

 Order of Finales:

Those Are Strings, Pinocchio, Raincoats and Recipes, Love Daisies and Troubadours, Bon Voyage, I Can't Get Started, A House Is Not a Home, Partings

Compiling these episode lists have me wondering if I love the fourth season more than I realized. 

Least Favorite Characters:

Liz and TJ. Until I read this thread I'd forgotten his name again because I always try to forget that these two characters exist. 

Logan Hunztberger and his godawful friends.



Zack (Not sure if I'm spelling it correctly?)


I had so much fun doing these! 





Edited by Blandings
  • Love 2

I agree with your Luke/Lorelai = Rory/Paris analysis, Blandings. (Although, I never thought to contrast it with girls' softer, more enabling, purely agreeable friendships with Sookie and Lane. Cool!) 

I haven't done some of these. I'll try order of finales for now:

1. Raincoats and Recipes: Superbly moves the story forward. Luke and Lorelai's "get together scenes" in S4 were epically romantic and fun and funny. The Rory/Dean plot started off VERY interesting, especially in the confrontation scene between Lorelai and Rory where their "best friend" relationship came off badly. 

2. I Can't Get Started: Primarily for that ending shot of the girls in such different places (in contrast to the S1 finale) with Rory looking forward to her future and Lorelai devastated that she'll never have the whole package. But really, the whole ep is great. I'm a Lorelai/Chris anti-shipper but I think their S2 story is well told. (LOL, perhaps because it's ultimately anti-romantic.) 

3. A House Is Not Home: Again, I think the early-parts of the later seasons "Rory's quite flawed!" storylines are great. They just fall apart later on with unsatisfying resolutions.  So the start of the Rory v. Lorelai split really works for me- particularly because I can sympathize with all players in the girls and the grandparents. 

4. Those Are Strings, Pinnochio: UO but Rory's graduation speech is too sappy for me and it doesn't seem like a good speech for graduating where you're supposed to say words with meaning for your graduating students as their representative. That knocks it down above its usual perch of #1 or #2 for many. But the plot about Rory renewing FND so she and Lorelai can have their dreams was great and thus, the portion of Rory's speech where she praises Richard and Emily bore particular resonance even though it was out of place to give a speech like that.

5. Partings: Actually, I like the Luke/Lorelai stuff. The S6 April split between them felt contrived and like it dragged (even though I like April and Luke/April). However, the payoff in Partings really DOES hit me very strongly emotionally. I don't believe that Lorelai would be silent and doormatty at being cut out of Luke's life with April but I DO BELIEVE that she'd flip out as she did in Partings. The car-session with the therapist, the ultimatum confrontation scene with Luke, and finally Lorelai's face in bed with Christopher all are a master class of acting from LG and hit me emotionally. The ep is actually dragged down a little because the "blind date for Chris" FND is annoying and I think unnecessary to put Christopher in Lorelai's orbit so they end up banging by the end of the ep. Also, the Logan/Rory goodbye scenes feel overwrought even though I like Rogan. (I think that's an UO?)

6. Love, Daisies, and Troubadours: This is suffers because the S1 romances with Max and Dean are easily the weakest part of the season- and they dominate this ep. I even think Max is a good guy but I can't buy into Dean and Max as "happy ending" guys for the girls and that's what the ep demands. My favorite part of the ep was the troubadour-war and it does have S1 charm but the A-B plots suffer.

7. Bon Voyage- I think this ep was in too much of a rush to deliver the endings of the girls. The series were so bent on keeping suspense for the majority of the series that the finale dumped the conclusive ending in Luke/Lorelai and Rory's new big career move without much exploration on what the ending would mean. I also usually like the townies unlike many here so I guess it's notable that they pissed me off by throwing a tantrum at not seeing Rory graduate.

  • Love 1

Ok, I'll bite. Off the top of my head:

Road Trip to Harvard. Girls+Rory freaking out about school and that map always makes me smile. 

Lorela's first day at Yale. Favourite episode ever. I love episodes that focus on the girls and their relationship. CopperBoom!

Christopher Returns. Chris, Lorelai, family drama, and Richard's speech to Lorelai make it an episode I never tire of. 

Unto the Breach. Rory graduates from college, the thing they were working for the entire series. Plus the Logan and Rory plot. 

Friday Night is Alright for Fighting. Just for the dinner scenes. Perfection. 

I Can't Get Started. Chris and Lorelai oof. They break my heart but it's done so well. Plus Rory gives in to temptation with Jess. 

And... Cinnamon's Wake. Babette's conversation with Lorelai, the town coming together, Luke and Sookie's funny rivalry (why didn't they continue with that?), Emily's reaction when finding out Lorelai skipped a funeral to go to a cat's wake. Plus, Rory and Lorelai talking about Max and navigating the sometimes murky waters when a parent is dating. 

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, hippielamb said:

Emily's reaction when finding out Lorelai skipped a funeral to go to a cat's wake.

"Hold on, I'm looking up 'aneurysm' in our medical dictionary to see if I just had one."  Bahahahahaha.  Literally just watched that one a couple of days ago.

My list -

1.  Double Date - I just adore this one.  Sookie and Jackson are adorable and I love the awkwardness.  Rune's reaction to seeing Lorelai is laughing-too-hard-to-breathe funny to me.  Luke and Lorelai playing cards over the counter.  Mrs. Kim's panic when she realizes Lane is not with Lorelai.  All good.

2.  I Can't Get Started - I've never been one to hate Chris so this will always be one of my faves.  Love Kirk singing with Morey on the piano and Lane drumming her sticks.  Sookie and Lorelai have a genuine "best friends" moment that I adore.

3.  Concert Interruptus - Pretty much love everything about this one and it's endlessly rewatchable.

4.  Run Away, Little Boy - Luke and Rory teasing Lorelai about her young date will never not be funny.  Everything about Paris and the play is hilarious.  The scene where Rory says goodbye to Tristan for the last time is pretty much the only time I find Tristan likable.  And it has Henry!

5.  Bracebridge Dinner - Like CI, I pretty much love everything about it and it's very rewatchable.

6.  There's the Rub - Just an all-around favorite.  Paris, Rory, and Jess all sitting around eating junk food and discussing literature is one of my favorite scenes of the entire series.

7.  Dead Uncles and Vegetables - Another all-around favorite, and since I've come to the end of my list and haven't even ventured past S2 yet I'm going to not look any further so I don't have to make any really tough decisions.

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, Taryn74 said:

"Hold on, I'm looking up 'aneurysm' in our medical dictionary to see if I just had one."  Bahahahahaha.  Literally just watched that one a couple of days ago.


6.  There's the Rub - Just an all-around favorite.  Paris, Rory, and Jess all sitting around eating junk food and discussing literature is one of my favorite scenes of the entire series.

I did too, Taryn! Emily gets some of the best one liners lol

Plus, Emily and Lorelai at the spa. I love seeing them trying to interact, with Emily doing her best to bond with Lorelai and acting like her daughter (being overly talkative, trying to be chummy) and Lorelai being annoyed. 

  • Love 1

I haven't managed to narrow down my list yet, but your lists so far are reminding me of how much I always loved S2. I hope a rewatch of it will help me fall back in love with the show :) 

And, Taryn, you know that I am SO with you on Double Date. It may have become my number one 'go to' episode when I just feel like a feel good rewatch. Don't even ask how many times I've watched it! And even as a non-LL fan, I really love their chemistry in this episode. 


Lorela's first day at Yale.

Okay, THIS may be the only episode of the series I've watched more often than Double Date! The Rory/Lorelai relationship was always the heart of the show for me, and their scenes here get me every time. I've kind of overdosed on it to the point where parts annoy me now--the scenes with Luke and the lawyers, the endless blathering about the infamous mattress---but it will always be a sentimental favorite for me. 

  • Love 1

Back in the Saddle

I always felt like this episode was very underrated and am glad to see it here! It wouldn't make my top 10, but it's definitely in that 'episodes you love way more than most others seem to' category for me :) 

And, wait, how does no one have Summer listed among their seven all-time favorite episodes??? I can only assume this was an accidental oversight ;) (Kidding, kidding...I deal with my disappointment over the revival with bitter sarcasm!)

Edited by amensisterfriend
  • Love 2

Mine are also from the beginning, season 2 is my love.

1.) They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? - Finally Rory is called for stringing Dean along (which was hurting both Dean and Jess), the little Luke/Lorelai moment about kids (sadly more progress here than when they were a couple), Sookie/Jackson, Lane/Dave, Kirk/the trophy, just great all around.

2.) A-Tisket, A-Tasket - It's the closest I get to Rory/Jess and Luke/Lorelai on "dates" at the same time.

3.) Lorelai's Graduation Day - Rory visiting Jess in NY, their final scene is like the basis of why I can't quit them. And Emily and Richard's pride at seeing Lorelai graduate business school.

4.) The Bracebridge Dinner - All the hansom cab rides, my favorite was actually Emily/Richard. The dinner itself was also light and fun without being overbearing.

5.) Forgiveness and Stuff - This one's sad in hindsight, especially with Emily demanding to go first, but it's nice when the Gilmores can come together as a family. Also loved Emily questioning Luke and, of course, the Santa burger.

6.) There's the Rub - I'm sorry there wasn't more Paris and Jess in the show. And Emily's attempts to bond, I think she makes a better effort for a relationship with Lorelai than she gets credit for.

7.) That Damn Donna Reed - From getting Luke to repaint his diner to calling on him to help her find Rory's chick, Lorelai's denial about Luke was not fooling me, even with Christopher arriving to be the conveniently timed roadblock.

  • Love 4

This is really hard. I think the desert-island really comes down to rewatchableness. For today, I pick:

1. They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They: The little details about the townies make this rewatchable. Miss Patty both co-hosting but also righteously judging the hell out of Taylor. Andrew always yelling at this date about Liam Neeson. Babette/Morey only dancing the first dance before Babette loses patience and hauls Morey off the dance floor. Jess is also particularly magnificent in this ep:

RORY: You think you’re bugging me sitting in front of me staring like that?
JESS: You think you’re bugging me dancing in front of me staring like that?
RORY: I’m not staring at you.
JESS: Then how do you know I’m staring at you?
RORY: I am dancing. I cannot control where my glance goes. And the few moments that I can control it, my glance goes to Dean, not to you.
JESS: So you can’t control when you look at me, but you have to force yourself to look at him? (to Dean) Sorry, man. That’s cold.

2. A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving: I love the contrasts between the Thanksgivings. Sookie's was particularly funny with a particularly hilarious performance by Melissa McCarthy. I kind of enjoy Lorelai being a horror at her parent's Thanksgiving because I think it's very in character and crystalizes some dynamics in the Gilmore family dynamic. There's very sweet familial details in Luke's Thanksgiving- the "buy a vase" argument tradition, Lorelai stealing marshmallows off Luke's plate, Jess opening his big mouth about Luke being excited for the girls' arrival. And Miss Kim's Thanksgiving has Dave- so it's worth all screentime!

3. Last Weeks Fights, This Weeks Tights: The parallel between the "FOLLOW YOUR HEART. SHARE YOUR LOOOOOVE" self-help book working perfectly for Luke and being a disaster for Jess (with Rory) but working in a unromantic way with Luke is very effective and poignant. 

4. Dead Uncles & Vegetables: Of course, I love the A-plot with Luke/Lorelai and the shared B-plots with Sookie/Emily and the insane wedding. However, this ep is particularly memorial for having ep-long comedic bits that work. Lorelai/Rory using old-timey diner language, Rory hectoring Jess to get up off his ass and help, and Taylor's vegetable wars with the Long Haired Freak are jokes that get repeated through the ep but it's always so funny and part of a genuine story. 

5. The Bracebridge Dinner: A hyper!quirky concept that truly pays off. 

6. Wedding Bell Blues: It was truly effective how many of the main characters own storylines and personality dynamics combined to make an explosion point. Richard's and Emily separation embittering Emily but then, their reconciliation on Emily's terms empowering Emily enough to release her worst self. Chris drawing back into the Girls' orbit finally on his own initiative because of his father's death and conflating their kindness to him and Emily's encouragement into enough entitlement to go a public event, get drunk, and then, try to do the verbal equivalent of dragging the woman by the hair from the guy that she's chosen to be with. How Lorelai clearly didn't to commit to her relationship anywhere as near as Luke did- but it's plainly not for a lack of love for Luke but instead, a persistent craving for love-triangle drama and Chris as a fail-safe option in the background. How Luke wrapped up so much of his expectations of future happiness in his relationship with Lorelai- and how every cut of hurt from all parties chipped away at those expectations to the point that it was just a little Fight but then massive Flight from heartbreak. Even, Logan/Rory's flirtation and Rory's more fractured and complicated relationship with Lorelai played its own role. 

7.  There's The Rub: The Paris/Jess/Rory scene is the best. Even more than other great eps, the Lorelai/Emily storyline in this ep is the classic distillation of their dynamic. 

Edited by Melancholy
21 hours ago, amensisterfriend said:

Okay, THIS may be the only episode of the series I've watched more often than Double Date! The Rory/Lorelai relationship was always the heart of the show for me, and their scenes here get me every time. I've kind of overdosed on it to the point where parts annoy me now--the scenes with Luke and the lawyers, the endless blathering about the infamous mattress---but it will always be a sentimental favorite for me. 

The Luke scenes do nothing for me, though I do admit to a perverse glee of watching Lorelai play mind games with him. The lawyers joke goes on way too long. 

I first watched it before my eldest went to university and wondered how we would deal with that big change. Turns out I was the Rory and she was the chill one, ready for some independence. That episode is so well done. Rory's panic, and knowing she can text her mom who will always come running. The howling scene, and her hug/conversation with Lorelai when she is panicking.

I have a soft spot for Rory losing her composure (whether it be in season 1 with telling both Tristan and Paris off, or her freakout in the revival). Alexis does a good job when Rory is stressed and flipping out about something. Or maybe it's just that I find her more lovable and easier to relate to when she's not Perfect Rory. 

  • Love 6

I'm trying to catch up but am sure I will miss a lot of what you've all covered already! 

Season rankings: 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 6, but games and conversations here have made me realize that S4 might be sneaking up on S1 for the top spot. 

Five favorite main characters in no order: Lorelai, Rory until S5, Luke, Lane, Richard

Five favorite minor characters: Mrs. Kim, Gypsy, Jason, Babette, Tana

Five characters I don't like whether or not it's for valid reasons: Logan and his friends, TJ, Liz, Kirk, Zach

Favorite romantic relationships: Luke x Lorelai, Lane x Dave, Babette x Morey 

Least favorite romantic relationships: Rory x Logan, Luke x Nicole, Lorelai x Max, Lane x Zach

Favorite non-romantic relationships: Rory/Lorelai, Lorelai/Luke before they dated, Rory/Lane, Luke/Jess, Rory/Luke, Rory/Richard, Lorelai/Sookie, Rory/Paris   


Suggestion for a new category: what are some non-romantic relationships you'd like to have seen develop more or at all?

Mine are  

1. Rory/Luke because even though we got some great moments between them I'm greedy and want more 

2. Lorelai/Lane because they had a real rapport and a very different relationship than what Lane could have with her own mom 

3. Lorelai/Paris because  their few scenes were terrific because Paris didn't have a close parental role in her life

4. Richard/Luke because the idea of them finding common ground and developing real respect for each other makes me so happy

5. Paris/Jess because like a few others I think they could have had a great connection and challenged each other 

I could pick a lot more than five but am trying to restrain myself! 

  • Love 3
On 30/12/2016 at 4:48 PM, amensisterfriend said:

Okay, so you're banished to an island for the rest of your life---but, lucky for you, it's one that happens to be equipped with a DVD player :) You're allowed to bring just SEVEN episodes of this show with you. Which do you pick---and why?!

I remember when you posted this, I started making notes in my phone as I watched the episodes, because unfortunately, unlike you guys here, I can't keep track of all the episodes names.... and I JUST came across the list in my phone!
So I didn't make it to 7 episodes (guess somewhere along the lines I forgot about the list) but these are what I think would be my 5 to be stuck on a desert island with:

1) Dear Emily and Richard: This has always been one of my favourite episodes as I feel like we got insight into the past which gave me a much better understanding of ALL the Gilmores.

2) The Sofa, the Hobbit and Digger Stiles: That scene where Sookie completely screws up the food at the kid's party is one of my favourite of the entire series. I know it's a bit on the ridiculous end, but I can't help but find it hilarious. "Sookie, where's the rest of the kids' food? ... They're small! How much can they eat?!"

3) The Incredible Sinking Lorelais: In this episode, I found myself really feeling sorry for both Lorelai and Rory. The fact that they were struggling made them seem a bit more human and not just have everything magically work out for them. It was also one of the rare times I found myself agreeing with Lorelai that she shouldn't have had all of the work solely on her shoulders and Sookie wasn't holding up her end of the partnership.

4) How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod?: I feel like this episode was when I decided how I felt about Logan. That was it for me. Spoiled, entitled rich-kid. I never forgave him after this.

5) I'd rather be in Philadelphia: I never liked Christopher and hated their marriage on a whole, so this episode was the peak of all of that hatred. He should've been there for his wife. I don't care for them trying to portray Logan as the perfect boyfriend (see previous point #4) but it was a good contrast to show how bad of a screw up it was for Chris to NOT be there. Also love Emily going into planning and preparation mode and telling Lorelai off for not knowing what it's like to stick with a man for so many years.

Peripheral adhering to the thread, only because during the last 10 minutes of "Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer",  something new occurred to me.

Who was the best at consoling  Lorelai when she dissolved into one of her weeping neurotic* jags? 


In this ep, he did it despite the fact that they were still officially on the outs (thanks to Lorelai's psycho-meltdown over the car accident).

She laid out her previously-unspoken Greatest Fear: dying alone.

And he gruffly, gently, told her that her fear was groundless.  

Then he gave her a donut, played into her joke (" 'Mimi', was it?"), and sent her on her way.


btw: autocorrect changed "neurotic" into "Be Ortiz".  Do I win for weirdest substitution??

  • Love 2

This place is way too addictive - I've done literally no work at all since finding it!

Favorite season - Season 2

Least favorite season - Can I count the revival? Otherwise, season 6

Season order if we can't have ties: 2, 3, 1, 4, 7, 5, 6, Revival, but at this point I really only rewatch the first three seasons and about 75% of the fourth

Five favorite episodes - There's the Rub, Lorelai's Graduation Day, I Can't Get Started, Dear Emily and Richard, Those Are Strings Pinocchio. Not that I have a really strong preference for seasons 2 and 3 or anything :-) 

Five favorite characters in no order- Rory, Lorelai, Emily, Paris, Jess, and like many of you I probably wouldn't like any of them very much in real life! 

Five relationships I care most about - Lorelai and Rory, Lorelai and Emily, Rory and Richard, Rory and Paris, Rory and Jess

Minor characters I would want to see more of - Mrs. Kim, Dave Rygalski, Tana, Brad, Brian  

I'm forgetting a lot of questions but can't go back into the thread without losing this post and have no idea how to save it! 

  • Love 2

Ugh to "Deep-fried Korean Thanksgiving".  It starts off charming and typical, then with the mention of "Yale" at the elder Gilmore's dinner, Lorelai loses her freakin' mind.

One of the lowest of low points for one of my favorite TV characters.  To apply to only ONE school?  And think that a lifetime of fixation equals sure admission?  Made her look like an idiot.

And a spiteful idiot, who (wrongfully) assumed her parents were behind it a.

And a rude spiteful idiot, who has this meltdown in front of guests.  She's in the hotel business.  She knows what "guests" means.

And an overprotective rude spiteful idiot, who, mid-rant, trots out how Rory is such a dear sweet special snowflake that she willingly bends to any kind of suggestion.

*hits a wall*

Sorry everybody.  But that scene really sets me off.  Had I remembered it was coming, I'd've switched over to the Doctor Who marathon.

  • Love 8

A discussion in another thread made me wonder- how would you rate the boyfriends on the show? (I'm only counting those we can reasonably judge; Chester and Tana were ok in their one episode but who knows beyond that.)

I think I would go something like:

1) Dave Rygalski- he and Lane were so cute together. He put up with her situation with her mom and handled it well. The way thy hid the relationship from the band mates was funny. 

2) Jackson - some passive aggressive communication at times, but overall, he was really sweet with Sookie

3) Logan - he was fun and he challenged Rory at times. He supported her when she wanted a break or when she was pursuing her dreams. However, he had some pretty big boyfriend flaws too- Colin and Finn being two. ;)

4) Christopher - much better boyfriend than husband, though he had the advantage of being able to plan extravagant dates due to endless money.

5) Doyle- he was probably one of the only people who could deal with Paris as long as he did

6) Alex- Alex, we hardly knew you.

7) Zach - he was really sweet to Lane at times, but other times was super immature and there was the whole "blowing the record deal" immaturity.

8) Asher- just because gross

9) Dean - he started off strong but then became so clingy and possessive. He could be ranked lower, but I give him some benefit of the doubt because of his age. Season 5 was pretty bad though.

10) Max- I blame Lorelei for a lot of their problems, but it still doesn't change their weird dynamic where he proposed to stop fighting and we never really saw him being a good boyfriend.

11) Jess- surly, possessive, non-communicative, disappears without a word? No.

3 minutes ago, lostandfound said:

Fun game, @deaja! Where do you rank Luke?

I knew I was forgetting someone!!!! I should not do lists while on my first cup of coffee. I think I listed him and went to move him, then forgot.

I think it's tricky because the more we see a character, the more we see their flaws. So it's easy to rate Dave high because he was (at best) a second string character. But with Luke, we saw highs and lows.

I'd rank him third or fourth as a boyfriend to L, lower as a boyfriend to Rachel or Nicole. Just in relation to Lorelai, he supported her dreams.  Even when they broke up, he was there when she needed him. He cared deeply. He tried getting along with E&R for her sake. 

However, he kept a major, life changing secret from her for months. He then excluded her from decisions. He stranded her at her parents vow renewal (again, like with Max, Lorelai is to blame for much of this). 

So, yeah. I think I'll go with 4.

I agree with your list, @deaja but would rank Dean (high school years) a little higher. Doyle deserves a medal for putting up with Paris for as long as he did. 

I was thinking about this, the characters all seem to think Max was a great guy, which I think is fair. But he made some missteps like the proposal. And the one that ticked me off is when Rory "ran away" and he made it about why Lorelai hadn't disclosed their relationship rather than comforting her. But we have Rory, Sookie, and even Lorelai herself saying how great he was, and it can influence the audience's opinion. 

  • Love 1

LOL, ranking the guys as purely boyfriends really hammer home how my affection for the characters barely correlates with Boyfriend Performance. I love Jess- but as an individual with varied relationships on his own journey. Certainly not as a boyfriend. I like Luke as a boyfriend but he really stands out as his own character. I read Max as generally a kind, wise teacher and good man- who famously got carried with the dysfunction that was his romance with Lorelai. Meanwhile, Chris was a failure as a father (certainly with Rory), husband, son, son-in-law, student, at most his jobs.... but he could date pretty nicely. But then, it's a chicken-or-egg thing for me. I have a pretty long-term relationship mentality. I don't regard fuck-ups as good boyfriends even if they're very pleasant to date. I find the quality of the man very hard to divorce from their role as a boyfriend. And that's unique to the "love interest" category. I can more easily say, "This guy's a great boss/innovator/son/friend/brother even though they're a failure in all of these other categories." But when I look for a boyfriend, I'm looking for a whole package. 

I also want to consider the non-Gilmore Girls in rating the guys as boyfriends. Yes, a guy shouldn't be solely judged on how he treats the Mary Sues of the show while every other female character is just meaningful stick-figure collateral damage. But it's very hard to do- but Jess/Dean/Luke/Christopher/Logan/Jason were all shady in how they treated the non-Gilmore Girls they dated or married. But it wasn't focused enough on the show to fully conceptualize. 

To add a love interest, TJ actually treated Liz very well. 

Edited by Melancholy
  • Love 1
20 hours ago, Melancholy said:

LOL, ranking the guys as purely boyfriends really hammer home how my affection for the characters barely correlates with Boyfriend Performance. I love Jess- but as an individual with varied relationships on his own journey. Certainly not as a boyfriend.

I completely agree. Jess is one of my favorite characters, but he was a sucky boyfriend. Definitely the worst. 


I think if I made a list (and I'd love to, but I'm going on vacation in two days and really shouldn't sit and ponder such things, lol!) I might put Doyle at the top. Or close to. He was really really good to Paris. She kept trying to push him away, but he was always ready to support her without indulging the crazy. Of course, their marriage didn't last, so.....

And Richard, should he be on the list? Not a boyfriend, but....

  • Love 3

I probably do agree with most of that list. I love Jess, but he really was a terrible boyfriend. I'd definitely put Doyle in the top five. He was super patient with Paris and he really did fight for her, even when she was trying to close all her walls from him. Revival aside, he really seemed to care for her, imperfections and all, and they oddly worked as a couple. 

I'd honestly switch Asher and Dean, though. Dean was a good boyfriend in season 1, and he did get hurt by Rory a lot. Asher, on the other hand, kept dating college girls and that's just super gross. He gets points for being a decent boyfriend, but I draw the line at his choices in love interests.  

  • Love 2

Dean's rating was definitely hurt by the fact that I had just watched A Tisket, A Tasket and I think his behavior is so terrible in that episode that Rory should have dumped him then and there. And if I were Lorelai, I probably would have tried to force her to.  He was jealous, possessive, went to Lorelai to try to undermine Rory, mocked Rory for wanting to do the right thing-  just so much yuckiness.

So, Jason.  I would probably rank him below Luke.  He had great boyfriend qualities - fun, they worked well together, he was supportive of her in many ways. However, he also dated other women without really having a conversation that that would be occurring (though I suppose you could argue that they hadn't had a conversation to be exclusive either...).  And there was the whole matter of him suing her family.  But I also felt he had no choice there- it really felt like to some degree they were being forced apart because he was doing what he needed to do (and what Richard absolutely deserved to happen) but Lorelai was doing what she had to do.

TJ was only in the show for 1-2 episodes as a boyfriend, and I can't be objective with my feelings for TJ, so I'm okay with the fact that I left him off the list. If only I could erase him from the show as easily. 

This is such a challenge in part because I feel like everyone on this show of either gender is more or less a mess when it comes to romantic relationships, which is a recurring theme of the show that's both relatable and irritating! It's also hard to separate how I personally feel about a character and who I might want to date from how decent a boyfriend they were depicted to be. 

This question also has me thinking about my best and worst GG kisses and dates! 

8 minutes ago, deaja said:

So, Jason.  I would probably rank him below Luke.  He had great boyfriend qualities - fun, they worked well together, he was supportive of her in many ways. However, he also dated other women without really having a conversation that that would be occurring (though I suppose you could argue that they hadn't had a conversation to be exclusive either...)

They weren't exclusive at that point. Plus, DID he really "date" someone else? From what I remember, he simply took A date to a function, because it was sort of expected. And he couldn't bring Lorelai because of her parents. I get why she was a bit miffed, but I don't think he did anything wrong. 


9 minutes ago, deaja said:


Dean's rating was definitely hurt by the fact that I had just watched A Tisket, A Tasket and I think his behavior is so terrible in that episode that Rory should have dumped him then and there. And if I were Lorelai, I probably would have tried to force her to.  He was jealous, possessive, went to Lorelai to try to undermine Rory, mocked Rory for wanting to do the right thing-  just so much yuckiness.


I didn't really see Dean's reaction as a big deal. There was, IMO, a romantic overtone to the whole basket thing, and I'd be upset too if my boyfriend ended up on what was essentially a date with another girl. I think Dean had also already been seeing a lot of signs that Rory was into Jess, and Jess DID deliberately poke at him. All of that combined is the perfect storm for an immature, hormonal, teenage boy. If it were a grown man reacting that way, I might feel differently. But this was ostensibly Dean's first real relationship, and teenagers aren't really know for being composed and mature about things. 

Now, Dean 2.0 definitely makes him fall way low on the list for me. But I mostly felt bad for high school Dean. 



Should Kirk be on this list? I mean, how does screaming, "My girlfriend's the whore! My girlfriend's the whore!" around down factor into your ranking???

(As you can see, I'm procrastinating with regards to my trip and putting too much thought into this stuff anyhow! )

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

They weren't exclusive at that point. Plus, DID he really "date" someone else? From what I remember, he simply took A date to a function, because it was sort of expected. And he couldn't bring Lorelai because of her parents. I get why she was a bit miffed, but I don't think he did anything wrong. 


I don't think he did anything wrong to take a date; I do think they were at the point of their relationship where (especially given the fact that he knew he would be around her parents) it would have been a courteous thing to be like "Hey, I know we can't go together so I'm taking Crystal."  He wasn't the greatest communicator, so it factors into his overall ranking. Just like I think he did nothing wrong in not wanting to sleep in the same room, but it would have been better to bring up "Hey, I can't physically share a room, but look at this guest room" before sex instead of just after. 

Should Kirk be on this list? I mean, how does screaming, "My girlfriend's the whore! My girlfriend's the whore!" around down factor into your ranking???

I guess I should have included him.  In reality, I should have not made this list before coffee while my children were running around. :)  Kirk is a hard one, because he's so unique and quirky, but so is Lulu. She probably would have thought he was cheering her on (which he was) by going around town yelling that she was a whore. And he was willing to be the whore instead when necessary. (A sentence I never foresaw myself typing...) That said, he gets marked down some for the whole playing-her-against-his-mother thing.  I'll put him as number 3.

Other people should make lists too.  :)  It'll be fun for comparison.

In summary, my new list:

1) Dave

2) Jackson

3) Kirk

4) Logan

5) Luke

6) Jason 

7) Christopher

8) Doyle

9) Alex

10) Zach

11) Asher

12) Dean

13) Max

14) Jess

I'm still leaving TJ off the list because I'm petty like that.

This is probably really biased given how deeply I've fallen for Rogain again, but I actually think Logan was a good boyfriend. As other posters have pointed out, he was probably the most clear, honest, direct and open communicator overall, and that is really important in a relationship. He always tells her from the beginning what he thinks he can give and talks about their issues even when she's trying to avoid them. He's very attentive, giving, expressive, warm, and respectful of her independence, letting her make her own choices. And while he's irresponsible in some areas of his life, he was consistently there for Rory and seemed surprisingly reliable in regard to their relationship. I'm not one to swoon over grand gestures, but Logan surprising her with things and his romantic visits in S7 showed a thoughtfulness and willingness to put time and effort into making his significant other feel special that not many GG guys do. (Because ASP not so secretly hates romance and resents ever having to write it, or at least that's my theory!) He's affectionate, he has a good temperament and almost never lashes out at her directly even when he's in a bad mood (another thing that's important to me which isn't true of most GG guys, who tend to be moody, pessimistic and angry), he's flexible and adaptable, he's supportive, and he tries hard to make Rory happy. All that is really important to me in evaluating the quality of a boyfriend and relationship :) The bridesmaid thing makes me cringe just typing about it, but he believed they weren't together, so I don't consider it cheating even though I also get why Rory was hurt over it.  There were other issues with him, but before the revival I was able to understand or forgive most of them, especially as he was just a college kid and I wasn't the epitome of maturity then either!  

I enjoy Jess and think he and Rory had great chemistry, but I think he was one of the show's worst boyfriends, unreliable, uncommunicative, making little effort to be pleasant to the famly and friends who Rory loved other than being decent for most of his dinner with Emily, dishonest about what was actually going on in his life while they were dating, moody and temperamental, retreating and disappearing when things get difficult, and then there's that thing with sort of pushing her to have sex at Kyle's party and getting annoyed when she doesn't. I've never been sure of sure how ASP intended us to take that scene, but it always makes me uncomfortable. 

Some of the above complaints apply to Luke too, though I think Luke was a better boyfriend overall. I think I'd put him somewhere in the middle of the pack. 

I'm not a fan of Dean at all, but the Dean of that first season was definitely one of the show's best boyfriends too. 

Interesting point about TJ! I despise him, but even I have to admit that based on what we saw he was a good significant other to Liz. I couldn't spend 10 minutes with either of them without committing an assault, so in a way I admire them both for being so patient with each other. 

Sometimes I think the only character from this show I could ever realistically cohabitate with day to day is Paul Anka :-) 

Edited by lostandfound
  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, lostandfound said:

I'm not a fan of Dean at all, but the Dean of that first season was definitely one of the show's best boyfriends too. 

I always think this, but then when I go to make my points I remember that he broke up with her for not saying "I love you" on demand.  He was young, and therefore immature, but this just is a really big negative to me.

See, I could never rate Dean above Jess as boyfriend material, ever.  We heard a lot about how Jess "treated Rory like crap" but I never saw it, honestly.  He was very closed off in a lot of ways, because he was dealing with his own less-than-stellar life, but he never took it out on Rory.  The closest he came to treating her badly was ignoring her first couple of "Jess, wait..." protests in Kyle's bedroom and then his reaction when they finally did break away there, but even then he wasn't angry with her, just sullen and annoyed.  And truth be told, I understood his reaction there, too.  Rory came looking for him at a party, found him in a bedroom, closed the door, got on the bed with him and started kissing him....where was he supposed to expect that was going to lead?  Now if he had really been pushing her for sex or had gotten angry with her when it didn't happen, that would have been different.  But he didn't.

And what sells me on my viewpoint of Rory with Dean vs. Rory with Jess, is I never, not once, saw her act afraid of Jess.  Not even in Kyle's bedroom.  She was hurt because she didn't know why he was withdrawn, but she wasn't afraid of him.  Dean on the other hand, she acted afraid of him several times.  Most notably to me, in There's the Rub when he was yelling at her (in front of Paris, even), and in Help Wanted when he was reading the letter she wrote him about the car accident.  She was genuinely afraid of how angry he would get, and with good reason.  (And I must point out, it wasn't just out of jealousy that he acted that way. He treated Lindsey the same way - the worst example being when she answered his cell phone when Rory tried to call after they'd had sex - and other than having too high of expectations about how married life was supposed to be right off the bat, Lindsey had never done anything but bend over backwards trying to be a good wife and make him happy.)

  • Love 4

I think he treated her badly in Face-Off where he was supposed to call, and he just never did.  He had good reason (he was working) but she had no idea.  And even aside from how he treated her throughout the relationship, he left without a word to her.  Just gone one day while they were still dating.  Then calling her, provoking all kinds of emotions in her, on what should have been a happy, triumphant day of her high school graduation.  And not only calling, but calling and not saying anything.  Multiple times.

I also thought he was a jerk at the Winter Carnival, which was somewhat understandable since Dean was being a jerk, but to threaten a little kid that your girlfriend obviously cares about was over the top. 

Basically, Dean and Jess were both awful that season and brought out the worst in each other, but I feel they got Rory caught in the crosshairs.

30 minutes ago, deaja said:

I think he treated her badly in Face-Off where he was supposed to call, and he just never did.  He had good reason (he was working) but she had no idea.

That one I just chalk up to different expectations and lack of communication, which I blame on both of them.  Neither of them was really at "fault", but their plans were very vague - they'd hang out after Jess got off work - but he didn't get off until midnight so he didn't call.  (And Lorelai would have birthed kittens if he'd have called that late expecting Rory to go out, but I digress.)  And then when he found out Rory was mad, he went and made a grand gesture to try to make it up to her, although since he was going to surprise her with it she thought she was being stood up for the second time in a row and went to the hockey game.  It was just a vicious circle of miscommunication and lack of maturity, IMO.

Even after 22 years of marriage, I've learned that I need to clearly tell my husband "Hey, when I say call me when you get somewhere I want you to call me even if it is 1 am" or whatever.  He just doesn't think the same way I do, and expecting him to read my mind and know what I want doesn't lead to anything but me being frustrated and annoyed.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, lostandfound said:

As other posters have pointed out, he was probably the most clear, honest, direct and open communicator overall, and that is really important in a relationship. He always tells her from the beginning what he thinks he can give and talks about their issues even when she's trying to avoid them

The bar for being open and honest was set pretty low by her past boyfriend, I guess, but I'm not sure I see Logan that way. Especially considering the bridesmaid debacle. She thought they were on a break, he thought they were broken up. Then they get back together, and he puts her in a situation to be in a room with a bunch of girls he "hooked up with" during that short hiatus, and he couldn't say anything? 

I also seem to recall that he kept Rory in the dark for awhile about his father's plans for him post-graduation. And then when he did go off to London, Rory didn't really know where they stood. She wanted to visit right away, he was fine waiting for Christmas. 

Some of this is on her as well, and I don't think Logan is the devil, but I'm not sure I'd call him and "honest and open communicator". 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Then they get back together, and he puts her in a situation to be in a room with a bunch of girls he "hooked up with" during that short hiatus, and he couldn't say anything? 

On this, I don't think he imagined she would be in the getting ready room - when he left her, she had her laptop and was planning on doing homework or paper stuff. It was only when Honor saw her that plans changed.


And then when he did go off to London, Rory didn't really know where they stood. She wanted to visit right away, he was fine waiting for Christmas. 

They both knew they were together - they just hadn't formalized plans to visit.  So I don't think this was a lack of communication on his part.  She could have suggested coming right away and didn't.

Going back to Jason, I don't think he owed Lorelai fidelity since they didn't discuss being exclusive by the time Jason took that underwear-less broad out. But it was SO predictable that Jason's dates to Gilmore Grandparent functions would get back to Lorelai. And even if it didn't, it's profoundly weird for Jason to lead two different dating lives with Lorelai and then with her parents without the two ever meeting. Jason really should have given her a heads up. It's so odd and so predictable that Lorelai would learn about the dates he was parading around her parents that it almost makes me wonder whether Jason was hoping to passive aggressively teach Lorelai exactly how stupid and dysfunctional this deception was and how it particularly puts Jason in a bad spot to lie to his business partner for no real reason at all. Of course, that passive aggressiveness is wrong but Lorelai sort had it coming. She was just that selfish and ridiculous in this story. 

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