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I like watching We Will Rock You just for Jacob's spins. But the actual song wasn't that great. I don't know who told Darren, Chord or Kevin they could sing Queen.

My cats could do a better Queen number than Blaine.

Chord didn't sing a Queen song. "We Will Rock You" was Jacob, Darren, Kevin, and Blake.


But yeah the Blaine solos were bad. I don't even dislike Darren's voice, but those were just....not. Plus, that puppet episode might actually be my absolute least favorite Glee episode, despite enjoying the Janet Jackson performance for the dancing.

Judging on pure technical ability as singers/actors/dancers and charisma I too don't rate the last batch of newbies less than the current ones. I do though think that this current group are more believable as underdogs. Jane as an African American girl trying to join an all male group or overweight Rodricke with a killer voice does interest me more than the poor girl Marley with a dinner lady mom or the catfished dyslexic Ryder did ect. However Jacob is a fantastic dancer and I liked Blakes acting.

This is a case of writing > talent for me.

Chord didn't sing a Queen song. "We Will Rock You" was Jacob, Darren, Kevin, and Blake.

There's a bit that's Kevin I always thought was Chord! I deliberately missed Jacob and Blake off because I thought they sounded great, and I really wanted Darren and Kevin to shut up and let them sing more.

Plus, that puppet episode might actually be my absolute least favorite Glee episode, despite enjoying the Janet Jackson performance for the dancing.

Possibly the best dance routine on Glee (Harry doing Cool comes close). My only quibble is I really want Marley and Bree to shut up and go away during the song.

Never got that as a criticism of Melissa. I never thought the writers made Marley like anyone. That was projection from Lea fans.

They may be new characters, doesn't make them better actors or singers, and they're definitely not better dancers. Even Melissa and Alex can dance rings round this lot, they make Lea look good.

Try again, I'm a Naya fan, so I wasn't projecting anything. I felt that way about all the new kids in season 4. They were all copies of other characters.


Also, mileage varies, because while you may be right about the dancing in a technical sense (Jacob and Becca are clearly excellent dancers, although I don't think we've actually seen these new kids dance extensively), I strongly disagree about the singing. With the exception of Alex, who I think has an amazing voice.

 Also, mileage varies, because while you may be right about the dancing in a technical sense (Jacob and Becca are clearly excellent dancers, although I don't think we've actually seen these new kids dance extensively), I strongly disagree about the singing. With the exception of Alex, who I think has an amazing voice.

The only decent performance has been Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. Mustang Sally was obviously too big a song for headphones dude, he has no power or emotion. Boy incest twin can hold a tune, I like Jane, I wish she had been around in season 4.

Hahaha most Lea fans did not project  that Marley was like Rachel.   Some Lea  fans and many other fans were  uninterested in Marley becasue she was boring.


People who say she was the new Rachel did not mean that literally but figuratively that she was being set up to be the new  female lead of that narrative.  But the rest were the bitchy cheerleader, the bad boy, the reluctant jock, the sassy black girl too close to other characters.

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Hahaha most Lea fans did not project  that Marley was like Rachel.   Some Lea  fans and many other fans were  uninterested in Marley becasue she was boring.


People who say she was the new Rachel did not mean that literally but figuratively that she was being set up to be the new  female lead of that narrative.  But the rest were the bitchy cheerleader, the bad boy, the reluctant jock, the sassy black girl too close to other characters.

Taking to the all episodes thread

Can't see who he played but I doubt he'd have the voice for Gallileo.

The new kids are a patch not on the season 4 newbies. I pity them having to perform with Becca's. She'll show them up big style.

I like him from what I heard on his UT videos, I think he's very good. I'm curious to hear him. 

Edited by fakeempress

Just moved almost 30 posts to the All Episodes thread. Some discussion of past seasons is obviously fine (as with the current Queen talk, as it relates to a spoiler), but if you find that you're getting into a long conversation about past episodes and not mentioning spoilers at all, please take it over there. Thanks!


(Feel free to PM me and let me know if I missed something that should have been moved/moved something that should have been left.)

So im guessing that Harry Hamlin is the 50 something cyberdate Kurt encounters next episode.

while i love Harry (the original Clash of the Titans, Making Love, all pre LA LAW) im amused how Kurt cant get a decent SAME AGE date post breakup. Then again, no bahing of Max Adler, but i'D say hes doing the better of Klaine. i mean i always had a thing for Hamlin, LOL.

There was actually a superb performance on the British X Factor. They ended up releasing the song early because her version was so popular.

But yeah, none of those voices work for that song.

Playing devils advocate, Jane might, especially with the way she handled Tightrope. Her voice handles those types of songs really well. 

but saying that, it should definitely just be Jane. (I did not expect to like any of the new characters the way I like Jane.)

Playing devils advocate, Jane might, especially with the way she handled Tightrope. Her voice handles those types of songs really well.

but saying that, it should definitely just be Jane. (I did not expect to like any of the new characters the way I like Jane.)

I listen to Tightrope again, so yeah she could probably do it justice. She'll probably sound like Fleur East on that X Factor performance I was talking about.

If I had my ideal lineup for that song it would be be Jane, Jake, Tina, Mike and Kitty. But Mike and Kitty just dancing.

Episodes stills for 6x06 "What the World Needs Now" are out. Looks like Santana, Brittany, Artie, and Mercedes are all back. Not sure if that was all common knowledge (I knew Mercedes/Artie were back). It looks like Mercedes performs a number with Rachel, Brittany, and Santana as backup. And there's also a guy's number (Sam, Blaine, Kurt, Artie, Spencer, Roderick, Mason), plus possibly a Sam solo judging by the photos. All Burt Bacharach songs.


Also, in 6x07, Unique will be singing "I Know Where I've Been" from Hairspray. Quite frankly, I'm surprised there hasn't been more Hairspray songs on this show. Surprised they never chose that as one of their annual musicals...


And apparently Jonathan Groff hinted he may be back this season, but that's nothing concrete. Just an interview he gave where he was being coy or something.

Edited by Craphole Island

Episodes stills for 6x06 "What the World Needs Now" are out. Looks like Santana, Brittany, Artie, and Mercedes are all back. Not sure if that was all common knowledge (I knew Mercedes/Artie were back). It looks like Mercedes performs a number with Rachel, Brittany, and Santana as backup. And there's also a guy's number (Sam, Blaine, Kurt, Artie, Spencer, Roderick, Mason), plus possibly a Sam solo judging by the photos. All Burt Bacharach songs.

Also, in 6x07, Unique will be singing "I Know Where I've Been" from Hairspray. Quite frankly, I'm surprised there hasn't been more Hairspray songs on this show. Surprised they never chose that as one of their annual musicals...

Unique's song sounds great, I'm sure Amber will do Burt Bacharach justice, the rest sound brutal. Who told Chord Overstreet he could sing anything but the most basic tune? Actually none of those guys, except possibly Chris could sing Burt Bacharach (no Kevin can't). Edited by jtrattray

If Jesse St. James shows up at the very end to whisk Rachel away I will forgive the majority of this awful season.

I'd actually love that too. I'm a big Sam fan but really don't care one way or the other about Samchel. It seems to me that Rachel belongs in NY and Sam really didn't like it there so I like the idea of Rachel/Jesse in the end, to be honest.

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Now a Sam solo with Sam singing "Jesse's Girl" (yes, I know it's been done, but supposedly he's "Finn 2.0" and it would be a callback to season 1) I wouldn't mind, if Jesse St. James comes back and runs into one Miss Rachel Berry (preferably on the Broadway stage--literally or not).

I thought Kurt expressed an interest in Bacharach songs and they would suit him, so naturally, he's not featured. I guess last year was enough.

Just no to anyone but Finn doing ever Jesse's Girl, especially Sam.  That was one of his signature songs and, while they are obviously pushing the Sam is the new Finn parallels hard, I would like them to leave one thing alone.  We have already used Will to push Sam as the new Finn and spoilers seem to indicate Rachel is up next. The very least they can do is leave "Jesse's Girl" out of it.  

Edited by camussie
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Will did appear in a still that appeared to be just after a big group song, so it's possible he sings but can't say for sure. It was a big group hug including everyone (Will, Blaine, Kitty, alumni,

new ND)

Will is definitely part of a group number IMO. I remember behind the scenes photos from a performance that included him. I just don't know if we'll actually hear him on the song.

I definitely see him coming back for the finale and pushing Sam out of the way and then singing "Broadway Here I Come" with Rachel all the way back to NY.


Okay well i highly doubt Groff will sing if he returns. He didn't the last time. As far as pushing Sam out of the way, not gonna happen. They're building up Sam and Rachel. Mercedes is probably gonna be the third interested party meaning Samcedes will get closure. Samchel's the story, sorry if you don't like it. 

Edited by Hookian

We are all free to speculate about what we think might happen.  Now I doubt Jesse/Rachel end up together and Sam/Rachel may very well be "the story/endgame/implied endgame" but at this point that is still speculation. You repeating over and over that Samchel is the story and condescendingly telling those who disagree sorry with an implied "thems the facts so you should just stop speculating on anything else" seems aimed at trying to shut down discussion about any other possibility.  To me that is strange given that this is a message board with the sole purpose of discussing Glee.  

Edited by camussie
  • Love 14

I agree with you about Bruno Mars. I also wish this show wouldn't try and fit square pegs in round holes. No-one on this show can sing that song. This is going to be worse than Sam and Blaine singing Destiny's Child.

Sometimes I am so happy I skipped anything in Season Four or Five that didn't involve Santana and/or the New York trio.



Also, they accidentally included the season summary in the 6.07 episode description:  "Meanwhile, New Directions rallies to help Rachel"

Edited by tab19
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So, do we have any idea why Hurt Locker is a two-part episode?  Isn't this Glee's first two-parter?  Just seems like an odd choice when you only have 13 episodes to blow two of them on one event.

 Pretty sure it probably has something to do with giving EVERYONE more time to rally around Rachel once again lol!

Edited by Ann Mack
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So, do we have any idea why Hurt Locker is a two-part episode?  Isn't this Glee's first two-parter?  Just seems like an odd choice when you only have 13 episodes to blow two of them on one event.


The tying plots of Samchel and Klaine within the 2 episodes and Sue's connection to both. Tied with the invitationals that Sue thrusts upon the Glee Club and them having to get more members. It wasn't enough to complete it 1 hour episode, so they split it into 2 episodes instead.

Edited by Hookian
While Will is euphoric over his new job coaching Vocal Adrenaline and all the perks that come with it, he still confesses to missing the camaraderie of New Directions. After learning of a mean-spirited prank his students pulled on rival coaches Rachel and Blaine, he tries to teach his kids about tolerance by making it his weekly lesson plan. But not everyone is willing to accept Will’s softer, all-inclusive style of coaching, forcing him to take a hard look at the choices he’s made in order to figure out his next move. Rachel must come to terms with the fact her family home has finally been sold and all her memories appear to be going away with it. While she is despondent over the turn of events, Sam recruits the other gleeks to stage an intervention of sorts in order to help her get past the challenging milestone with a fun, song-filled sendoff. A post-op Coach Beiste, who has changed his name to Sheldon, returns to McKinley to receive an uncharacteristically warm but typically over-the-top welcome-back from Sue. While his return has several supporters and a few detractors, it takes a bold move from several old-school gleeks to make him really feel at home again. And the romantic tension that has been brewing between Sam and Rachel finally boils over, while Kurt and Blaine find themselves in a familiar situation that brings back old memories.

Huh Mercedes in the episode even though she's singing. There's clearly a Samchel plot as well. Gee IDK but I think we just found our "interested third party" that gives Samchel a push. Probably means in episode 6 they're gonna have Mercedes approve Samchel and bury Samcedes.


Also it takes Sam and Rachel 4 episodes to get to this point, I think it's pretty clear where that storyline is going and it's to the finish line.

Edited by Hookian


A post-op Coach Beiste, who has changed his name to Sheldon, returns to McKinley

Okay, there better be some time jumps this season.  Because if they try to tell us that Coach Beiste, present in 6.03, has had surgery and transitioned by 6.07, I'm calling major fucking bullshit.  Especially when 6.04/6.05 are the same 'week' or whatever.  A week/episode would make that three weeks, which is just ridiculous.


I was assuming there was a time jump before 6.06, to explain why B&S would leave and return to plan the wedding.  But since for all we know they're living in Lima, okay, maybe no time jump before 6.06.  But for the Beiste storyline to make even a LITTLE bit of sense, there should be a time jump before 6.07.  Which would also add some reality to the wedding storyline, since people don't plan weddings and have them the two weeks later.


Sorry, it just really ticks me off to have them make it seem like transitioning is a snap of the fingers, when it most certainly is not.  I *GET* that it's a minor storyline, so we won't get the details, but a LITTLE bit of reality wouldn't hurt.

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According to some screeners out there, here are some song spoilers for 6x05


"It Must Have Been Love" is sung by Roderick mainly, with Madison on backup.

"Father Figure" is sung by Kitty, Roderick, and Spencer, which... lol? None of us predicted that ha.


Also, there's a Faberry reference. Specifically, Kitty says something to the effect of "If you're gonna go lesbian with a cheerleader, pretty sure the world is rooting for you and Quinn Fabray" to Rachel, which okay, I giggled.

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