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S02.E14: I Love You, Goodbye

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With the final preparations for her union to Jackson underway, Hayley begins to question whether the ritual will actually work. After arriving at the compound, Elijah has a tense encounter with Klaus and quickly suspects that his brother may be up to something. Meanwhile, Kaleb, who is harboring a devastating secret from Davina, seeks help from Rebekah when he realizes time is not on his side. Lastly, Cami makes a startling revelation involving baby Hope.




Not Daniel Sharman's pretty face!  Nooooo!  Seriously, my mean, dark heart broke a little.  I hope they can do something for him.


Josh and his bf were awful cute and I'm pleased to see them having a normal (vamp-wolf) relationship.


The wedding was cute.  Haley's dress was lovely and it was nice to see the friendship chemistry with new Bex and Haley.  Jackson continues to be adorable. I don't know how much believe Haley's speech at the end, but he deserves to be someone's number 1!


While I agree with Haley's sentiment ("dude, you said nothing....why NOW?!"), I can't be on her side b/c she made Elijah cry.  Sacrilege!


Baby Hope is too sweet! Her reactions to Haley and Jackson were beyond adorable.  This is a happy, little cutie.

Edited by TrininisaScorp
  • Love 4

Phoebe Tonkin is a terrible actress with a wandering accent, but she is so unbelievably beautiful.  I feel like I could just stare at her face for days on end.  


Apparently casting directors are amazing at casting babies named Hope.  The twins on "Raising Hope" were perfection, and the Hope Mikaelson is adorable.  And so expressive!  Her reaction to Jackson was about the cutest thing ever.


Speaking of Jackson.  He's mortal.  All this epic love stuff between Haley/Elijah is pointless because in a century, Jackson will be dead and Haley will have sufficiently mourned and they can be together if it's what they want.  But I hope they do agree to stay apart, because Elijah joining Marcel's crew is an excellent idea that's full of potential and means Elijah and Gia ostensibly talking about classical music while throwing the each other's bodies around and literally holding one another's hearts in their hands.  Bring on that hotness.


And finally: I like Cami so much more as Hope's babysitter.  She's have really insightful conversations with both Elijah and Klaus and Leah Pipes is better at comedy than drama.  If she's going to stick around, I like her in these smaller, controlled doses.

  • Love 9

I know Klaus has a larger agenda, but I think a not too insubstantial part of him moved them in just to fuck with Elijah. All of which Elijah deserved for pulling his last minute almost declaration of love. You missed your moment dude.

If Daniel Sharman's Kol is dead, does that mean he can come back to Teen Wolf to play Issac the world's biggest submissive.

Josh and Aidan were super adorable. And the chemistry with Haley and Rebekah was easy and unforced.

Baby Hope is a witch? Even though she's 3/4 werewolf.

  • Love 1

They really did find the most ridiculously adorable baby to play Hope, didn't they. I suppose it's only fitting for the CW, Network of the Ridiculously Beautiful.


I see that my beloved Daniel Gillies went to the same Single Man Tear school of acting that Jensen Ackles graduated from. I love seeing him interact with Hope just because he's the only main member of the cast who actually has a child (and another on the way!)


That shot of Klaus overlooking everyone like the benevolent patriarch was possibly the most Klaus moment, ever.


The actor that plays Jackson talks like he has marbles in his mouth and it drives me nuts.


Good job, Finn. Pretty sure you've managed the one way to turn Davina's desire for vengeance from focusing on Klaus to focusing on you.

  • Love 4

Whenever Klaus gets that absolute shit eating grin on his face, you know something terrible and awesome is going to happen.  So I'm looking forward to whatever happens.  Aiden and Josh continue to be awesome and I love their story line.  Jackson does speak with marble mouth, but the actor has improved from his time on General Hospital where he was marble mouthed and speaking in an ill-advised Australian accent.  If Kol does die, he better get resurrected quickly, or Davina better scorch some earth because I always liked Kol.  I really like the new Rebekah too, and if we can't have Claire Holt, I'm glad we have a good actress to carry on the role in a believable way.  Should be interesting how things go now since it's now well known that Hope is alive.  I'm not into magical baby tropes, but it would be kinda awesome to see Klaus go nuts trying to protect her, and then she just jangles some baby plastic keys and blows up a building or something.  Seeing Klaus deal with the daughter he loves and realizing she's more powerful than him and how he's insane about being the most powerful supernatural being could create some crazy drama.  

  • Love 2

I loved this episode. 


Jackson perfect and I didn't think Haley deserved him, but she redeemed herself with her speech to him after the wedding and just how happy she was during the wedding. Stopping Elijah was great of her. Also loved the wedding, New Orleans dancing down the street. Jackson meeting Hope.


Rebeckha, Elijah and Klaus coming together for Kol. The scene of the 4 of them united and Kol getting their love which is what he always wanted. Couldn't they have made him a vampire though?


Josh and Aidan were wonderful. Coming together as a date in front of everyone at the wedding.


Klaus better not hurt Jackson. I did love the scene of him standing above everyone at the wedding like king of the castle. 


That baby is the cutest. 

  • Love 1
I'm not into magical baby tropes, but it would be kinda awesome to see Klaus go nuts trying to protect her, and then she just jangles some baby plastic keys and blows up a building or something.  Seeing Klaus deal with the daughter he loves and realizing she's more powerful than him and how he's insane about being the most powerful supernatural being could create some crazy drama.



I'm not a big fan of the magical baby tropes, but I'm just picturing Hope ending up protecting everyone by blowing up enemies and Klaus having an 'oh shit' look on his face while being morally dilemma'd with his daughter being more powerful than him. He'd probably love her and want to kill her all at the same time and that would drive him mad, and would drive me into laughter for days. 


It was really sweet that Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah all came together for Kol's death at the end. Having Rebekah confirm that there is a possibility of Kol coming back was nice to hear. I think it will happen, especially when she promised it would happen before she leaves her current body, so that bodes the question of when it will happen (up to Claire Holt, I guess) and which body will Kol reappear in? Daniel Sharman's? Nate Buzolic? Some other body?


I do now ship Hayley/Jackson so hard. I do think Phoebe Tonkin is gorgeous and was absolutely stunning throughout the episode. And her and Jackson were extremely cute with Hope. That baby seriously brings out the best in everyone and I'll say that I don't mind her sticking around. She is a baby, so her time onscreen will be limited to probably ten-fifteen minutes, max per episode so I think we'll be spared of a lot of magical hijinx.




Finn's alive in his current body, so that's cool.  Davina's gonna be pissed at you, man.


I spot a silent Marcel. 


Josh and Aiden are super adorable. I still think Aiden's dead by the end of the season. If so, I want to be surprised and have Josh go all crazy killer on his killer. 

  • Love 2

And now I have another reason to hate Finn.  I hope Rebekah is right and they can bring Kol back -- somehow in the same body. He was in a witch's body, and Davina came back into her own body, so....


I'm torn about Rebekah. I love Claire Holt and want her back, but Maise Richardson-Sellers is fantastic, and I would be all kinds of sorry to lose her. Maybe if Rebekah does jump back to her original body, they'll keep new-Rebekah's original witch around so the actress can stay.


Oh Elijah.


I know Klaus has a larger agenda, but I think a not too insubstantial part of him moved them in just to fuck with Elijah.




He looked way too happy with his announcement. Even if that wasn't part of the original agenda, it was a huge side benefit for him!


They really did find the most ridiculously adorable baby to play Hope, didn't they.



Or babies, but yes, absolutely!



it would be kinda awesome to see Klaus go nuts trying to protect her, and then she just jangles some baby plastic keys and blows up a building or something.  Seeing Klaus deal with the daughter he loves and realizing she's more powerful than him and how he's insane about being the most powerful supernatural being could create some crazy drama.



Hah! Yes please!

I know Klaus has a larger agenda, but I think a not too insubstantial part of him moved them in just to fuck with Elijah. 


Definitely.  But Elijah will get the last laugh because you know Klaus is gonna go simply batty when he sees Elijah bonding with Marcel.  I can imagine the whole gang having all their meetups at Marcel's now and Klaus alone in his mansion trying to drown out the sound of hot hybrid sex and wondering where the devil everyone is.


As much as I HATE the baby storyline and "snowflake" babies in general, I have to admit baby Hope is all kinds of adorable.  Her laugh made my grinch heart grow at least 1 size bigger.


And as much as I bemoan that a show called The Originals has lost focus on it's main cast and has slowly(not slowly) turned into The Hayley Diaries, I do love the addition of Freya.  That she is essentially trying to save her own ass just makes her that much more likeable.  I'd really like to see her throw anyone and everyone under the bus REPEATEDLY.


Sad abou Kol, but if this is the price of more Marcel and less Davina (I know I'm dreaming) then I'm ok with it.  I'm sure he'll be back eventually. 


Hayley said a lot of things this episode, some which I don't think the character quite earned.  Not that it matters I guess.  Her thing with Jackson is just a block in the road for her and Elijah and now that the cement is dry ("I'll never be able to make you happy", "You'll always put your family before your feelings for me") , Jackson's days are numbered.  My guess is he dies heroically trying to defend Haley/Hope from Dahlia, by the end of the season.


So hypothetically, if they (J&H) were to get divorced would the wolves lose their new found abilities?

Edited by wednesbury
  • Love 1

I'm not surprised Finn is okay and Kol is dead. I love both, so it was gonna be hard either way. I do hope they bring back Kol quickly, because half my enjoyment of the show is thanks to him. And I liked that they haven't forgotten Rebekah and Kol's bond back in TVD, like they forgot a lot of things, like Elijah having a personality. I liked that it was Rebekah who promised to bring him back. 


Romeo and Romeo are the only love story I'm invested in now that DS is gone (that Kol/Davina kiss was hot, angsty as it was). 


I had to skip past the Haley/Elijah scenes, I don't buy their emotional involvement to a point where it becomes painful to watch. PT looked did look stunning, which saved some of the cringeworthy moments. Despite all the things I liked, I thought it was a pretty boring episode. It could've used a lot more Kol/Davina and Kol/family scenes. 


Overall, I'm a bit bummed now that Kol is gone, possibly for another season or two. This show has a talent of killing interesting characters too soon, while keeping the boring ones around way past their due. And that's starting to get really grating. I think I might need a break. 


I know Klaus has a larger agenda, but I think a not too insubstantial part of him moved them in just to fuck with Elijah.



Seems to me that Klaus doesn't want to kill Jackson because Hayley and the wolves (and by extension Hope) will go against him. But Klaus does want Jackson dead, since he's not a Mikaelson and he can't use Hope to manipulate him. My guess is, Klaus is banking on the newly psychotic Elijah killing Jackson in the near future.

Edited by driedfruit
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I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of his contingency plans. He was definitely trying to push Elijah's buttons in this episode, from talking about how it must feel to watch the woman he loves marry someone else to reminding him that he went bonkers very recently. And when Klaus said that Elijah probably wants Jackson dead even more than Klaus does, the music got all dun dun duuuuuuuun so I was worried that Klaus was planting the seeds so that Elijah will be the one manipulated into killing Jackson at some point.


As much as I love Elijah, I don't buy that he and Hayley have this great love story. I know the show has tried to make me believe it but I just don't believe it and that is a problem for an episode like this that is supposed to revolve around Elijah and Hayley fighting their feelings for each other for the good of their families. The show wants me to see them as star crossed lovers who can't be together but there is nothing there, no matter how many times they stare at each other.


I see that my beloved Daniel Gillies went to the same Single Man Tear school of acting that Jensen Ackles graduated from.

Ha, I was cracking up at that too! But better the Single Man Tear than the Dawson Leery crumpled face man sobbing (or Jears, which I hadn't thought about in years!).


I love how Rebekah is just carting around all five of the wedding dresses she had made over the years. I thought it was sweet of her to tell Hayley she's part of the family but Hayley is smart enough to realize that's not really a great thing.


You guys, I have to confess that I love weddings, even weddings of fictional characters who I don't like. The house was decorated beautifully (I loved the tree branches standing in for the bayou), Hayley looked luminous during the ceremony/reception, and everyone was having fun dancing.


And then I had to get all sad because of Kol dying. What really broke my heart was when he was trying so hard to be brave, smiling and saying, "I'm not scared." I'm actually surprised that Klaus let Davina stick around to watch Kol die. I was sure that he would tell her that this was a family thing and that she could wait outside until it was over.

  • Love 2

You go to hell Julie Plec, you go to hell and you die! I will totally trade Cami, Tonkin, and Jackson for ONE Daniel Sharman. And and Davina did a "different" spell, and and Freya just brought Finn back soooooooo C'MON! Poor sad beautiful Kolvina. I will continues to hope that he's returned to his much superior Daniel Sharman body.


I also loved that his last act was to help keep his promise to Davina re: the dagger. From his perspective it's not like Klaus can kill him again (ha ha Kol, you don't watch this show or TVD, talk to the Germ about how many times you can get killed!) I wonder how this will land for Davina to see Klaus care for Kol in his last moment, to know that Finn caused it, maybe she will let bygones go, but at least she has it in her back pocket when ever she or anyone has need.


Seriously Jackson/Haley are cute enough but I so don't care about them in the grand scheme of things. I am enjoying Cami just being a baby sitter either for Elijah or for an actual baby.


Dizzam did NuBex and Marcel have a charge too. Yay. Dramaz, Marcel, Klaus is *never* going to be having that. Ever.


Something is very wrong with Elijah, he had *five o'clock shadow* at the wedding. He is throwing shade, by sporting shade, this wedding is not worth his impeccable hygiene standards.

Edited by blixie
  • Love 4

Dear lord, Jackson actually made Hayley bearable in the episode! 

... However I'm still willing to start a Kick-starter campaign for him to take Hayley, Hope, and babysitter Cami far far away... for safety reasons of course.

The thing about Julie Plec IMO is she doesn't give two shits about the natural progression of a character and how it reflects to the audience.  For example I REALLY liked Hayley's speech to Jackson and it made me in turn like (hmmm, that might be too strong of a word..) Hayley.  The problem is you just know in an episode or so she will be making moon moon eyes at Elijah and screw Jackson over. 

Which would be fine, except you had her give this awesome speech and now I think she's an a-hole again.  Hayley is not that popular of a character with limited acting skills, if you want her to succeed the writing for her should be stellar. 


I did like some of the scenes between Klaus and Hayley, but I wish people would stop referring to her as a queen.... and I just cannot trust JP and Co to not somehow turn this into another triangle between brothers.  Off topic but do you guys know there actually is speculation about Elena and Stefan being the endgame again??? That writing team gives me nothing but headaches!


As usual I loved all the family scenes and as everyone said I think it's become apparent Klaus would be happy to have Jackson dead at the hand of Elijah.  As far as Kol goes at this point I don't care if it's NB or DS who plays the part I just want someone being Kol! 


Joseph did a wonderful job of expressing love for his child but still holding back since he really has no idea how to be a normal "person" let alone a dad.


Shallow end of the pool- PT was breathtaking this episode, she should stand quietly more often. I don't like JoMo's hair this season but can't figure out why.

  • Love 1

Love, love, love that Finn is back. I can't wait to see what he and Freya will cook up!


Hope is the cutest baby I've seen on tv in a loooong time, her little laugh made me squee. 


I am still loving the Josh/Aiden love story, for me they were the best part of the wedding. 


Aw, Kol, you will be missed. It was so nice of Rebekah to gather Klaus and Elijah together to see Kol off. I really hope Kol returns somehow, I enjoyed DS's performance but with the awesome track record of the show re: recasting Originals, would not be averse to seeing Kol in another body (although I can always continue to pray for the return of NB…).


I still cannot be bothered with Hayley and the non-Aiden woofs. Jackson is no doubt a goner sooner rather than later thanks to Klaus, which is a shame since he seems like a good person. 

  • Love 1

Jackson is no doubt a goner sooner rather than later thanks to Klaus, which is a shame since he seems like a good person.

I agree that Jackson will be killed off soon. My guess is that the reason he is trying to manipulate Elijah into doing it is that it will effectively end any chance at a Hayley/Elijah romance. Klaus may be acting all magnanimous now, but you know that he is possessive and jealous enough to think that because he had sex with Hayley once, she will always be his and is therefore off limits to Elijah.

Jackson annoys me mostly because he talks using his throat instead of his chest and diaphragm which is like nails on a chalkboard for me. But they have finally given him some personality (even if it's just "I love Hayley 4eva!!!"). He is a nice guy which means he isn't long for this world. In the Plec universe the nice guys die (and the evil guys die but come back to life).

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

I agree that Jackson will be killed off soon. My guess is that the reason he is trying to manipulate Elijah into doing it is that it will effectively end any chance at a Hayley/Elijah romance. Klaus may be acting all magnanimous now, but you know that he is possessive and jealous enough to think that because he had sex with Hayley once, she will always be his and is therefore off limits to Elijah.


I actually think that he might have tried to bring Hayley and Jackson into the house -- and then had that big fight where he was unusually harsh toward Elijah -- in order to push Elijah away? It seemed like he was trying to drive a wedge between himself and Elijah, and between Elijah and the wolfpack. Maybe he was trying to push Elijah toward Marcel, or maybe he was just trying to push him away from himself or away from Hope for some reason? He also seemed to be stoking/testing Elijah's feelings toward Hayley, the same way he stoked/tested Hayley's toward Jackson in the previous episode.


Elijah is Klaus's go-to guy when it comes to protecting Hope. He was having Elijah go meet her and stay with her instead of going himself, even. And then in this episode, Elijah said flat out that he's spent as long as he can remember trying to protect Klaus (I guess we're supposed to forget about the trying-to-kill-him thing from TVD :P). So I'm wondering if Klaus is pushing Elijah toward Marcel because he wants that vampire community to really happen -- for some reason, that has to do with "rescuing" Hope or protecting her, and possibly Hayley, somehow?


I also wonder about Klaus's commitment to this wolf pack and how he feels about Hope being part of that pack. He was saying explicitly in the toast that that's Hope's pack, iIrc. The one big upshot of that, imo, is that if Hope is a member of that pack, I guess that means she has hybrid powers now, too!


But in this episode Jackson said *again* that Klaus isn't part of the pack himself. I can't imagine that Klaus is OK with that -- being the odd man out, when Hayley and Hope are both in that pack without him. I can't imagine that he's OK with anything but Hope being a Mikaelson, tbh, because the Mikaelsons are his family and he's extremely sensitive about that (and meanwhile he doesn't seem to want to be in solidarity with the wolves at *all.* He killed Ansel over that, and I remember the freakout when Esther offered to put his spirit into a wolf). He, and now Rebekah, made a big point about including Hayley in his definition of "the Mikaelson family," so I would think that Jackson drawing that line in the sand and saying he's *not* one of the Crescent wolves in any sense -- even while Hope and Hayley are -- is going to be an issue for him. I think the Crescents are going to be killed because of *that.* But he's going to try and keep the blood off his hands in order not to alienate Hayley, I guess?


Klaus keeps talking up the "Queen" thing with Hayley and telling everyone that Hope is part of that pack and it just seems like...he's trying to set the pack up somehow? He seems like he's positioning them all into place. When he said last episode that he trusts Hayley more than she knows, did he actually just mean that he trusts her to be predictable? I wonder if he's going to "trust" that Hayley will do anything to keep the Crescents' "stronghold," if she thinks of herself as their queen and the mansion as the seat of their power? So he'll get the Crescents settled there and then have an outside force lay siege to them somehow?


My idle speculation is that he's going to trap the Crescents in the mansion and find a way to kill them all -- but meanwhile trusting Elijah to come and rescue Hope and Hayley (as the big Protector), so that they're saved from whatever he's going to do to the rest of the(ir) pack.


Speaking of Klaus's plans, I also suspect that the wedding toast wasn't just a toast, or even just Klaus being a douchebag! Remember back on TVD when Esther did that linking spell with a toast? I feel like the toast this time was also some kind of spell, maybe linking the Crescent pack somehow? Or even linking himself to them, since he drank, too?

  • Love 1

I could not find it- but yes to Elijah moving in with Marcel & getting with the hottness of Gia.  That one training scene they had was full of more chemistry, passion, and desire than any scene he has shared with Hayley (including the sexy-times).   I need Elijah to be less emo- he is making me sad.  I don't want emo Elijah, one perfect manly tear or not.


I do so enjoy Klaus when he is being Machiavellian.  That shot of him above the ceremony was just pitch perfect.  If we could get that Klaus, along with the one the was with Kol when he died I would have nothing to complain about.  


I do echo the sentiments that the wedding was really beautiful and baby Hope is adorable!  Cami as babysitter is the roll she should stay in.  

Edited by gik910
  • Love 2
As far as Kol goes at this point I don't care if it's NB or DS who plays the part I just want someone being Kol!


I'm in the same boat. We need him to balance the melodrama, and play the wildcard. Josh is good for humour too, but he's not involved with the main plot the way Kol is, being a Mikaelson and fairly a clever manipulator. It baffles me that he had to die twice. At least Katherine got five seasons. 


Off topic but do you guys know there actually is speculation about Elena and Stefan being the endgame again??? That writing team gives me nothing but headaches!


Is death not an option for these characters? I don't even watch that show, but I would tune in to see them all die. Maybe Katherine can pull strings and sub them into hell in her place. 


I don't like JoMo's hair this season but can't figure out why.


He's starting to look very ginger, and I don't think it works on him. Didn't he have nice curly hair once? 

Edited by driedfruit
  • Love 1

I'm in the same boat. We need him to balance the melodrama, and play the wildcard. Josh is good for humour too, but he's not involved with the main plot the way Kol is, being a Mikaelson and fairly a clever manipulator. It baffles me that he had to die twice. At least Katherine got five seasons. 



Is death not an option for these characters? I don't even watch that show, but I would tune in to see them all die. Maybe Katherine can pull strings and sub them into hell in her place. 



He's starting to look very ginger, and I don't think it works on him. Didn't he have nice curly hair once? 

Apparently death is NOT an option over there.

I had a long pep talk with myself that I will need to quit that show if the triangle from hell is resurrected. My love of Bonnie and Caroline can only go so far....


The best part of my criticism of Joseph Morgan's hair.... I just had a baby and I'm sitting on my couch in 2 day old sweats with a side ponytail bitching about this hottie's choice in hairstyles! My husband had the good sense to not say a word, just gave me the side eye.

Oh the shame.... lol

Dear Christ, I hope not. That horse was beaten to death, resurrected, thrown off the Wickery Bridge, brought back from the Other Side and then beaten to death again.

From your mouth to Julie Plec's ears....

Apparently speculation rose again after season 7 was confirmed. In a word... Ugggg...

  • Love 2

Speaking of Jackson.  He's mortal.  All this epic love stuff between Haley/Elijah is pointless because in a century, Jackson will be dead and Haley will have sufficiently mourned and they can be together if it's what they want.

Exactly what I thought. If you have forever what do the next few years matter. Worst case it's 80 years, but considering what world they live in he'll probably be dead waaay beofre then.

Hayley is a hybrid who is awfully hard to kill and the same goes for Elijah as an original vampire.


Baby Hope is a witch? Even though she's 3/4 werewolf.

You can't be a vampire and a witch, not sure if that same rule was ever set for werewolfs.

If you can't be both, I guess the witch-gene (if there is such a thing) could be recessive. That would mean Hayley would have to have had one parrent who carried the gene, but with all this supernatural intermingeling going on that doesn't seem too far fetched.

Edited by Miles
  • Love 1

I dug this episode, mostly because I've really grown to enjoy Hayley and Jackson's storyline. The moment when she walked into the ceremony room alone, she looked so unsure, and then he came and took her hand and supported her. It was a lovely moment, and this storyline is written so maturely. And then of course, Klaus is standing on the balcony like the manipulator and egomaniac that he is.

If I were Elijah, I would let Hayley and Jack have their time, and give them joy of it. He's mortal and she's not, so let them have their forty years or so to be happy and allow Hope to grow in peace. 

Aiden and Josh! This is another storyline that is hitting note perfect for me. I also love cute guys in turned up collars.

The way it was shot, too, from his point of view, with Jack and Hayley walking up the stairs. The whole ceremony was beautifully shot and lit. It was so obvious that Klaus thought he moved these pieces into place. Won't he be surprised when he finds out that they aren't pieces but people, and probably even then he'll believe that he is the orchestrator of the long term situation.


ETA: I also liked that they mentioned Oliver, it was a nice callback and bit of continuity.

ETA2: I dig the spell construction on these shows, you can really tell the spells are specific to the types of witches casting them. The New Orleans witches have their spells with a French base, the Gemini on TVD start all their spells with "phasmatos," and Freya's spell sounded like Old English almost. It's pretty cool.

Edited by Smug47
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