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You know, while I absolutely think that the Cousins are going to appear on BCS very soon -- I mean, with all of this Tuco and Hector business it is just about inevitable that we will see them -- showing the infamous "boots" that we all know so well in the preview for next week almost seems too obvious.  It feels like a fake out.  Gilligan and Gould know that we know who wears those boots, but would they actually just blatantly show us the boots to specifically let us know who would be in the next episode (assuming they have some control over what is shown in the previews each week)?


While I say the sooner the Cousins arrive on the scene in their menacing glory, the better, I wonder if the boots belong to another Salamanca family member -- http://zap2it.com/2016/03/better-call-saul-teases-breaking-bad-cousins-michael-mando-vince-gilligan/. Maybe the boots are worn by more than just the Cousins.

Edited by Sherry67

It could very well be a fake-out, but only to the extent of it not being the exact person(s) we expect to see in the boots.

With Hector already in the picture, I see Marco and Lionel showing up as pretty even odds. We almost certainly won't get their extended "getting there" routine, and their screen time might be brief. But if they do commit to bringing them in, it has to be meaningful, without retconning anything.

I wonder if the house in the desert where Tuco held Walt and Jesse hostage is already in play, as a sort of way-station for State-bound Salamancas?

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It could very well be a fake-out, but only to the extent of it not being the exact person(s) we expect to see in the boots.

With Hector already in the picture, I see Marco and Lionel showing up as pretty even odds. We almost certainly won't get their extended "getting there" routine, and their screen time might be brief. But if they do commit to bringing them in, it has to be meaningful, without retconning anything.

I wonder if the house in the desert where Tuco held Walt and Jesse hostage is already in play, as a sort of way-station for State-bound Salamancas?


I would not be shocked to see that house used for something, or for the weary Salamanca travelers to rest, make burritos and watch TV.


When the Cousins do appear - and I agree that it's pretty much a "when" and not an "if" at this point -- I actually wonder if they will be as ominous onscreen as they were in BB.  I mean, were they a bit chattier years before we saw them in BB?   They never had to speak on BB to be scary.  All they did was appear onscreen, quietly and calmly go through their motions, give each other that knowing glance, kill some people, and then go back to being an ominous presence once again. 


While I am interested in the back stories of several people who were on BB, including Hector and especially Gus Fring, I don't necessarily want to see the 2 Cousins suddenly chatting it up and having conversations with people.  I liked that they were always silent.  That led to the creepiness of it all. 

Since Tina Parker is supposedly going to reprise her Breaking Bad role in BCS this season (according to the rumor in that article I linked on the previous page of this thread), I guess that would indicate that she starts working for Jimmy/Saul.  She's only got 3 more episodes to appear, so I wonder if she will pop up in the finale and Jimmy will be full Saul by the start of Season 3. 


I am trying to ponder what sorts of circumstances could facilitate the first Gus appearance (since the article also mentioned that he is rumored to be appearing).  Maybe Mike will meet him at the Salamanca hangout?  I keep thinking that Gus might hire Mike to go after Hector (maybe causing a stroke) -- especially if he sees Mike skulking around, spying on the Salamancas from afar.  But wouldn't it be an interesting turn of events if Mike tries to get work (and more money) from Hector, only to have Hector assign him to go after Gus?  Maybe that's how Mike and Gus meet -- by Hector sending Mike after him?


I also keep thinking that the bulk of the Gus storyline would take place next season, to give him more than just a fleeting appearance in one episode, but I think we might get a Gus teaser before this season is over.

Edited by Sherry67

I think that SignGuy77's discovery of what lurks in the rearranged titles of the Season 2 episodes lends support to the spoiler/rumor that had already been put out there about Gus' return.  Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould may be totally messing with all of us, knowing that people study every frame, every object, every number, every color, every word to find meaning, but very little of what they do is accidental or coincidental. 


Vince has "played" with titles of episodes in the past -- he did a similarly clever thing with some of the episode titles in Season 2 of Breaking Bad, if I recall correctly, where the words in 4 or 5 of the titles formed a sentence.


In any case, bring on Gus!!  I'm excited to see Gus! 

Edited by Sherry67
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I saw this in a thread on IMDB -- http://entertainment.ie/tv/news/Pic-Hank-Schrader-and-Gomez-from-Breaking-Bad-are-filming-scenes-for-Better-Call-Saul/379060.htm.


And then I saw this on the Breaking Bad Twitter feed - https://twitter.com/BreakingBad_AMC/status/715312885199716356.


There is a hashtag that says #JustVisiting, so maybe they were just visiting, but... maybe they were also filming or having a meeting about filming!   For some reason, that article I linked above doesn't seem legitimate to me, and yet I think it would make sense for Hank and Gomez to appear in some sort of scene at some point, working on a case on BCS -- if not this season, then maybe Season 3.

Edited by Sherry67
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TV Line is out to burst the Fring bubble -- http://tvline.com/2016/04/13/better-call-saul-gustavo-gus-fring-giancarlo-esposito-season-2-finale/


Actually, they're not really telling us anything we don't know.  Gould and Gilligan said that a perfect cameo idea was scratched from the season finale because of the distraction it would cause.


And yet... we have the FRINGS BACK anagram for the Season 2 episodes (and Season 2 was when Gilligan got clever with the episode titles in BB as well).



So... there are a few possibilities. 


Perhaps Giancarlo Esposito filmed something in complete secrecy -- just a quick scene -- that is being held back until next season. 


Or, perhaps he filmed something quick and it will pop up in this final episode on Monday, with a more extensive story line in Season 3. 


Or, perhaps he didn't film anything yet, but has always been in the works to appear in Season 3.


Or... maybe we won't see Gus at all in this final episode, but we may get a teaser or hint that someone is about to make contact with him.  I think someone on IMDB said that it would be cool to see the Cousins or Hector look at a cell phone and see the word "POLLOS" or something like that.


Or... maybe Gilligan just decided to be cute by giving us the FRINGS BACK anagram and it means absolutely nothing.  No Gus, no how, no way.



And then... we still don't know if those pictures of Dean Norris and Steven Michael Quezada visiting the set of BCS (and seemingly holding a script) mean anything or will manifest somehow between now and Season 3.  Then again, maybe they were just visiting the set and Bob O., and that was the end of that.

Edited by Sherry67

The titles came late in the game. In the earlier podcasts, they often spoke of episodes but didn't have titles for them yet. And the podcasts were recorded after filming.

So if Gus was scrapped, they knew about it as they were naming the episodes or at least they knew early enough that they could change the titles. It would have been a weird choice to keep the anagram but dump the character.

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The titles came late in the game. In the earlier podcasts, they often spoke of episodes but didn't have titles for them yet. And the podcasts were recorded after filming.

So if Gus was scrapped, they knew about it as they were naming the episodes or at least they knew early enough that they could change the titles. It would have been a weird choice to keep the anagram but dump the character.


That makes sense to me.  I can't imagine wanting to mercilessly tease us with a FRINGS BACK and not even hint at a Gus appearance in the episode (even if he doesn't appear in this last episode, there should be a plan in place for him to arrive in Season 3).


I've seen some people speculate (it may have been on Facebook, but I can't recall) that the convenient anagram is just a coincidence, but we all know that Gilligan and Gould love their Easter eggs and wordplay.  It is highly unlikely those letters are just accidentally or coincidentally spelling out something that already seems to be foreshadowed in Season 2's stories anyway.

Edited by Sherry67

Well, Mike himself uses a small notebook.  Maybe that came right out of his own vehicle?  Cops and DEA agents use them, too.


What about the spoiler above about how the writers entertained the thought of inserting a BB character in a scene that would be an obvious place for that, but then decided against it?  I did not see where the obvious scene would be, did anyone else?  If it had been Hank or Gomez, did they leave the note?  It doesn't really make sense to me, but ?


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I am definitely wondering about who it was that would have fit perfectly (in a cameo) in one of the scenes in the BCS finale.  G&G said they didn't want it to distract from something else that was happening, but Gould really wanted the cameo to happen.


We spent a lot of time at the hospital in the episode.  Is there anyone who would have made sense in a cameo at the hospital?  Not Walter White, because he didn't find out he had cancer until several years later.  We've already seen Hector, so he wouldn't have been the one.


Maybe the Los Pollos Hermanos commercial -- which we saw on BB -- could have been shown on TV right after the "Gimme Jimmy" ad, but instead they went with the Weasel?  Maybe that was the "cameo" in question.


Otherwise, everything points to the desert and the Mike/Salamanca stuff.   If Gus is not the perfect cameo in question, then it would have had to be someone in Gus' camp that we know from BB -- like Victor or Tyrus -- spying on Mike.  Perhaps they just thought that showing anyone who is a known Gus associate would distract from the tension of the moment as Mike aims at Hector. 

Edited by Sherry67

Yes -- there is a question in my mind.   Fring can be "back" before being seen.  He can just be hinted at, or vaguely referenced, or his presence can be known through his people (or through a Los Pollos Hermanos ad).  That's what his other men are for -- to spy and send "messages" to people that Gus is keeping tabs on, before Gus himself appears. 

Edited by Sherry67

It could be that the plan was originally to try to get Giancarlo Esposito for a cameo at the very end of the season and he wasn't available, or Gilligan talked Gould out of the idea.  I think that GE will get a meatier role on BCS when he is ready and available to shoot, and if the contract gets signed.  But as Gilligan said on Talking Saul, Gus has a wide reach, with a lot of people working for him, so they could easily get away with the FRINGS BACK thing even if GE is not ready to appear yet.  Gus' presence will be known and felt in Season 3, I think we can be sure, but there may be more build-up to actually seeing Gus himself -- and that could involve seeing some of his men first. 

Wow.  It was Marie!


I just posted the interview link in the Media thread.


Good one Vince.


I just went to the Media thread and read it when I saw that you posted it.  Thank goodness someone asked them about that cameo-that-never-was (just as they have now been asked about FRINGS BACK), because it would have annoyed me until it was revealed!  Lol.


I was beginning to think that they were not referring to Gus as the cameo, but I never, ever thought of Marie.   That would have been fun -- and Marie was irritating much of the time on BB, but I still wouldn't mind seeing her pop up.


For some reason I was getting my "G" names mixed up, and I kept saying that Gilligan talked Gould out of the cameo -- when actually it was the other way around.  Gould talked Gilligan out of it.  In any case, yes -- due to the tone of the Chuck scenes in the hospital, it would have been distracting to see Marie there so I can see why they didn't do it. 

Edited by Sherry67
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Yeah, it's posted above.  Sherry found it on the 9th.  They are logical additions to the cast, so we probably will at least glimpse them, sooner or later.

I was avoiding spoilers and didn't see any other posts here.

Wasn't the actor who played Hank very nasty in the media wrap up of BB about his time on the show and wanting to close the door?  Somewhere I remember him not being a part of the end of series celebrations and send off, instead kind of being very dismissive of his time on the show.  If that's true, I'd be surprised if they taped him for BCS.

That would really shock me.
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Wasn't the actor who played Hank very nasty in the media wrap up of BB about his time on the show and wanting to close the door?  Somewhere I remember him not being a part of the end of series celebrations and send off, instead kind of being very dismissive of his time on the show.  If that's true, I'd be surprised if they taped him for BCS.

Not saying it can't be true, but I've never heard anything like that, and it seems unlikely; from what I have seen, every person involved with that show has nothing but great things to say about the experience.  And in particular, someone like Dean Norris had a golden opportunity to inhabit a fantastic, multi-faceted character for several seasons, including one of the most epic character endings you can wish for as an actor.  The Hank Schrader role would be like the finest grade heroin to an actor, so I doubt he'd be bitter or nasty afterwards.


Plus, Dean Norris made this funnyordie.com video "spoiling" the ending of Breaking Bad just before the actual BB finale aired, which is pretty good if you haven't seen it.  I doubt he makes this if he's got some inexplicable bad feelings about the show.

  • Love 3

I've never gotten the sense that Dean Norris was anything but positive about his experience on BB, but, admittedly, I haven't read everything there is to read.  I certainly could have missed something.


A couple of months before the final half of Breaking Bad Season 5 started up in 2013, Dean had already begun to appear in Under The Dome for CBS.   My impression was that he just kind of wanted to switch gears and start focusing on his new show and the future.  He couldn't really say anything in the media (when he was promoting Under The Dome) about what happened to Hank in BB because that episode had not yet aired, and I'm sure CBS didn't really want him going on about BB anyway when he had a CBS show to plug.  (I also wonder if Dean was unhappy with the way Hank's story played out.)


When it was announced that Better Call Saul would be a thing, I believe that Dean was asked if he would be appearing on the show and it didn't sound as though he was interested in that idea at all.   But he was still working for CBS.  By the time Better Call Saul began its first season, Under the Dome had not yet been cancelled.  UTD was just cancelled (and ended) in the second half of last year.   


So, my guess is that whatever answers Dean initially gave about the likelihood of appearing on BCS were based on:  A) The fact that he was involved in another series; and B) The fact that he didn't know much about BCS and how certain characters from BB would fold into the BCS stories.


Now that BCS has shown how characters from BB can seamlessly appear in a logical way, AND Under the Dome has been cancelled, I think that Dean's view of appearing on BCS might be a little more flexible. 

Edited by Sherry67
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Dean initially said he wouldn't be interested in reprising his role on BCS because he felt like the story of Hank had been told. I never got the sense that it was because he regretted his time on the show but rather that part of his life was over. I do think he asked to leave early so he could parlay his BB success into his next adventure.

However, I've read a more recent interview where he seemed more open to appearing on the show. My guess? He saw that the show was good and he likely wouldn't be used for a cheap appearance. If his character were to be used just for the heck of it, he'd rather pass but if he was given something worthwhile to do, he'd be willing.

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Not saying it can't be true, but I've never heard anything like that, and it seems unlikely; from what I have seen, every person involved with that show has nothing but great things to say about the experience.  And in particular, someone like Dean Norris had a golden opportunity to inhabit a fantastic, multi-faceted character for several seasons, including one of the most epic character endings you can wish for as an actor.  The Hank Schrader role would be like the finest grade heroin to an actor, so I doubt he'd be bitter or nasty afterwards.


Plus, Dean Norris made this funnyordie.com video "spoiling" the ending of Breaking Bad just before the actual BB finale aired, which is pretty good if you haven't seen it.  I doubt he makes this if he's got some inexplicable bad feelings about the show.

That was awesome!  I never saw it before.  Thanks for posting that one.


I can really see a role for Hank on this spin off, or at least a recurring role.  Sooner or later Saul, Gus, Nacho, and possibly even Mike would have reason to cross paths with DEA agents.  I think it will depend on his availability more than anything, he might not want to sign for recurring if that would stop him from getting steady work though.  Since he recently stopped by the set to hang out, I have a very hard time believing there are any bad feelings there.


Best death scenes EVER. 

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Dean initially said he wouldn't be interested in reprising his role on BCS because he felt like the story of Hank had been told. I never got the sense that it was because he regretted his time on the show but rather that part of his life was over. I do think he asked to leave early so he could parlay his BB success into his next adventure.

However, I've read a more recent interview where he seemed more open to appearing on the show. My guess? He saw that the show was good and he likely wouldn't be used for a cheap appearance. If his character were to be used just for the heck of it, he'd rather pass but if he was given something worthwhile to do, he'd be willing.


I kind of have that feeling about Giancarlo Esposito as well.  I don't know that either Giancarlo or Dean would become regular fixtures on BCS -- probably not -- but I have the sense that they wouldn't want to just do a fleeting cameo, where we don't get to see either one of them for more than 2 minutes.  I suspect they'd probably each do at least a full episode, or maybe a multi-episode arc of some sort, if the story was good and the schedule allowed.

It's weird, I remember Giancarlo really wanting to come back, I think it was on the commentary of his final episode?  He said something like he really loved all of it, and would come back any time with this group.  Maybe I'll watch it tonight and write down his words.  BB is my "right before sleep" thing now, not terribly wise.  I started watching the last season first this time, and am currently in season 2, damn there is some tough stuff in that one, just heart-rending.  Jesse and the dirty, hungry meth kid, and Walt belligerently giving his son tequila.  Very sad stuff, so switching to that one will be fun.

Edited by Umbelina

I kind of have that feeling about Giancarlo Esposito as well. I don't know that either Giancarlo or Dean would become regular fixtures on BCS -- probably not -- but I have the sense that they wouldn't want to just do a fleeting cameo, where we don't get to see either one of them for more than 2 minutes. I suspect they'd probably each do at least a full episode, or maybe a multi-episode arc of some sort, if the story was good and the schedule allowed.

There is an interview with Esposito out there in Internet land where he, in no uncertain terms, says he would like to reprise Gus but not for bit appearances. He wants to tell his back story, going way back.

Right now I think it's in the contract negotiation stages, as Gilligan and Gould suggested prior to the season finale that is why he did not appear yet.

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Has it really been close to 4 years since anything was posted in this Spoiler thread?  Wow!  I guess it's a situation where people don't want to be spoiled, combined with the fact that spoilers have been minimal over the last few years anyway.  There just haven't been any major spoilers rolling out, even if people wanted to see them.

Anyway, I posted a link to this Mashable article -- Breaking Bad's Hank is joining Better Call Saul's final season -- over in the BCS Media thread shortly after the announcement that we'd be seeing Hank Schrader and Steve Gomez in Season 5 of Better Call Saul (in fact, in that same Media thread, I think that Irlandesa posted a link to a good article that specified the exact episodes in which we'll see at least Hank, if not Gomie too).

I didn't get too into it at the time because I was confused, but the Mashable article I linked above seems to give mixed info.  I can't tell if they are trying to say that Hank and Gomie are appearing in both Seasons 5 and 6, or if they meant to say Season 5 and accidentally referred to it as the final season (even though the final season should be 6).

Whatever the case, we know that Hank and Gomie are appearing in Season 5, for sure.   AMC confirmed that on Twitter.  Whether or not they appear in Season 6 as well is unclear (to me).  

But the main thing I wanted to draw attention to is the reference to Robert Forster reprising his Disappearer role in Better Call Saul (I guess it's in Season 6 and not in Season 5??).  Hopefully Mashable at least got that info right.   The quote is:



Also migrating from Breaking Bad will be Ed Galbraith aka The Disappearer, played by the late Robert Forster. Though Forster wasn't a series regular, only appearing in a single episode, his character played a massive role in the show's endgame. The actor previously reprised the role in Breaking Bad sequel film El Camino, and shot his Better Call Saul scenes during filming.

"I was so excited to get him into the episode," said Gould. Though production on Season 6 isn't scheduled to begin until later this year, it seems Better Call Saul's writers already have a very clear idea of where their characters are going to end up.


I would like to think that Nacho will take his dad and disappear with Ed's help -- maybe somehow Lalo finds out about Nacho's involvement in Hector ending up in his current condition?  Or maybe Nacho is acting on some sort of order from Gus, and Lalo catches him?  There could be many reasons why Nacho would have to disappear, if he doesn't end up dead.

Or maybe there is a twist and it's Kim who suddenly needs to disappear, for some crazy reason. 

But we also might just see Ed interacting with Saul/Gene, and no one else.






Edited by TVFan17
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On 2/17/2020 at 2:54 PM, TVFan17 said:

But we also might just see Ed interacting with Saul/Gene, and no one else.

I think that's probably the case. But Nacho and his dad, or Kim, could still be shown going into the vac shop, no interaction with Ed, and the next we see they are in their new life/identity. I almost feel like it has to happen with someone, or why bother to show Ed, then have Gene change his mind.

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On 3/8/2020 at 10:36 AM, Jextella said:

I'm not sure where to put this but I'm just jumping into Season 4 after a health hiatus.  I'm wondering if anyone would be willing to share if the show has provided anymore background (beyond what was shown in S's 1-4) on Chuck and Jimmy's family - and how it is the two sons went in two different directions.


Sifting through my imperfect memory, I don't think so. Not sure what season but we saw him in flashback being kind to Jimmy, I won't detail it so as not to spoil, but we didn't see any rift or any more early history.

7 hours ago, PeterPirate said:

Here is a video covering the trailer for the S5 finale.  It's chock full of details.  


I am intrigued by the fact that Howard appears. And talking very seriously to Kim.  Last we saw Howard was that confrontation by the courthouse door - where Saul acted highly unprofessionally - publicly insulting and threatening a fellow attorney. Maybe Howard is forewarning Kim he plans to bring a disciplinary action against Saul - which could be fatal, especially on the heels of Saul only recently being restored to practice.  Or maybe he has found compelling evidence of Saul's involvement in the bowling ball or prostitute capers. If something like this is the case, I bet Kim talks him out of it.

Edited by Pike Ludwell
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18 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

I thought that was the aftermath of the attack on Lalo’s Mexican compound.

Could be, it’s just that it’s on a clip listed as looking ahead to Season 6.  I don’t have a DVR so I have to view on demand.  It’s not user friendly so I can’t lock on the scene.  

One of the AMC extras that is  a real TREAT is the one labeled American Greed.  It’s set up like that show is featuring Jimmy. Lol. Omg, it’s really good.  It starts out saying Saul disappeared the same time Walt and Jesse did in 2010.   So, I would assume that the people in the interview survive season 6.  Appearing along with the Kettlemans is Howard.  And, the narrator refers to Kim in the present tense and not as if she were deceased.  So…..not sure if that’s real proof of Howard and Kim surviving or not.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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36 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

In the AMC Season 6 Extras, second one from the left, they show a fast pic of a scene with lots of bodies laying on the ground.  Where is that house or building?  It appears to have a desert landscape, but it’s off so fast….

Can someone point me in the right direction?  I'm at AMC+, and when I click on Extras all I see is one trailer for Season 6.

6 minutes ago, PeterPirate said:

Can someone point me in the right direction?  I'm at AMC+, and when I click on Extras all I see is one trailer for Season 6.

Hmmm….I don’t have AMC plus. I go to the AMC app that I downloaded and gain access through my Firestick and Spectrum cable.  To the left of BCS homepage it says Extras for each season.  The seasons appear on the right side of screen.  So I click on Season 6.  Then all the various Extras appear…9 in total.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
10 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Hmmm….I don’t have AMC plus. I go to the AMC app that I downloaded and gain access through my Firestick and Spectrum cable.  To the left of BCS homepage it says Extras for each season.  The seasons appear on the right side of screen.  So I click on Season 6.  Then all the various Extras appear…9 in total.  

OK, thanks.  These things tend to get uploaded to YouTube sooner or later.  For the time being I'll have to go without.  

9 minutes ago, PeterPirate said:

OK, thanks.  These things tend to get uploaded to YouTube sooner or later.  For the time being I'll have to go without.  

Man….that’s too bad.  I’m not sure why it’s not available on AMC plus.  Could this just be a feature for spectrum?  Idk.  If I figure it out, I’ll post.  Those extras are pretty full of hints I think.  ………………

So, I found that if I go to the AMC website and log in on my iPad, with my cable provider, it displays those Extras. 9 in total.  I think they are under category Latest videos.  Hope that helps   If not perhaps someone else will chime in later with better tips for accessing it.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe

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