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S05.E15: Robyn: Behind the Scenes

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It boggles my mind that these women refuse to acknowledge or accept that Kodouche is banging a different woman every night.

Of course they do. What do you think accounts for their jealousy bouts? But they're not stupid as they realize, as well, that this very imperfect man is their bread & butter supporting them better than they could do alone. And just WHERE can middle aged women with 1/2 dozen kids go off to? These are not college kids returning home alone to their parents.

I mean, who could resist a site that has products such as a GENUINE WATCH???


Is the website a project for some sheltered workshop?  A genuine watch as opposed to what?  A fake watch?  A virtual watch?   A tattoo?  A sticker?  Geez, louise, the people are beyond idiots.  


But definitely good for a laugh.  I have certainly had my share of chuckles from forum posters.

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Thank you, ginger90. This is precisely why I feel Robyn is the most selfish wife ( and now she's a REAL one, good luck Kodouche! )  If Robyn really wanted to help the clan, she'd get a regualr paying job with benefts. No, instead, she did what SHE wanted which hurt them even more financially. And Kodouche....instead of acting like

the head of his family...gave in to what he surely had to see what was coming. Gee, with now 17 kids, is vain desire more important than financial security?

Different woman every night? He probably stopped having sex with Meri and Janelle a long time ago. Christine was the third wife -- the cute and young wife -- for a while and got Kody's sexy time (as if it is a prize). They stopped having sex on the regular once Robyn became a wife. So, he isn't sleeping with a different woman every night, he's sleeping with Robyn -- his now legal wife and true delusional soul mate.

Well said! I have to agree. With so many kids, Kodouche is obviously a stranger to Trojans so the halt to 1/2 kids, or so, per wife is due to eventual celibacy. What I can not understand is why he had the hots so badly for a woman with a hooked nose, square face on a 12 year old's body. Yeah, she's young but so are attractive

woman her age without kids.

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Of course they do. What do you think accounts for their jealousy bouts? But they're not stupid as they realize, as well, that this very imperfect man is their bread & butter supporting them better than they could do alone. And just WHERE can middle aged women with 1/2 dozen kids go off to? These are not college kids returning home alone to their parents.

You have to wonder if the two breeder wives don't have very, very dark nights where they contemplate the realities of being married in name only to a narcissistic idiot who doesn't care about them in the slightest and being trapped with his six children to try to raise somehow.

As for crying over Robyn's anchor baby...they could be weeping for their own loss of innocence more than any sentimental attachment to this particular baby. When I was stuck in my first marriage I couldn't handle going to weddings because everyone was always so happy and it was such a reminder that I was so miserable.

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I guess the whole point of this is for people to see the "love story" behind Kody and Robyn and get people on Robyn's side. Not going to happen with me. Meri's my favorite, but his divorcing her and marrying Robyn is disrespectful to all his wives. Since he was married to Meri first, the other wives knew they would be 2nd or 3rd, but for him to make Robyn his legal wife, it craps over all of them. I don't believe it was for the sake of Robyn's kids. 


My personal theory is that Robyn wasn't getting the attention she needed or the support for the business, and she talked Kody into divorcing Meri. I would bet Kody and Robyn end up living together alone and the rest of the wives are put aside. I hope all three of them band together and refuse to give Kody and Robyn another tv season. 

Yes/no. I heartily agree that the divorce was solely Robyn's scheme. However, her sister wives are stuck. Where would middle aged women with 1/2 dozen kids and bad/no credit rating establish a life? Anything TLC pays them--if it's deposited in individual accounts & not just one for the family--has to be used for mortgage payments, doesn't it?

That's true, but I don't think Kody is supporting them anyway. They seem to live on a combination of what TLC pays them and whatever they can scheme in foodstamps, bankruptcy filings etc. The more I see Robyn, the more I'm convinced she thought the TV show would jump start her career as some kind of fabulous jewelry designer; too bad she is terrible at it. When that didn't happen, she threw a fit until Kody decided to legally marry her. Insurance has nothing to do with marriage status and they mentioned before how they didn't even have health insurance.

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That's true, but I don't think Kody is supporting them anyway. They seem to live on a combination of what TLC pays them and whatever they can scheme in foodstamps, bankruptcy filings etc. The more I see Robyn, the more I'm convinced she thought the TV show would jump start her career as some kind of fabulous jewelry designer; too bad she is terrible at it. When that didn't happen, she threw a fit until Kody decided to legally marry her. Insurance has nothing to do with marriage status and they mentioned before how they didn't even have health insurance.

I agree that Kodouche isn't supporting them now, but did you see how they were living in Utah pre-TLC days? Better than the average 1 wife family. I find it hard to believe that county/gov't benefits alone could pay for

it. I heard Kody worked, at that time, as an advertising salesman, driving around in a sports car.

Edited by youcantbeserious

Janelle's inheritance paid for part of the plyg house and she had a State job that paid around $66,000 a year. She also had a side business selling pantry inserts/containers (a big thing with Mormons). So the Kody's sales job wasn't the only income just prior to TLC. Now in previous years (the early Montana, Yoming and Utah years) things were different, and they have always relied on bankruptcy and welfare to supplement their income. Christine was on welfare for the first 10 months they were filming the show.

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oh jeeze,  RB's pinterest page. Is it just the way this app is made that makes it look kinda teenagery or is it the stuff she's into, like the cheesy quotes and just the whole thing pretty much. Maybe she is trying to be like that purposefully- you know, to stave off those pesky hands of time.  Loads of snark fodder. 



  • Love 1
oh jeeze,  RB's pinterest page. Is it just the way this app is made that makes it look kinda teenagery or is it the stuff she's into, like the cheesy quotes and just the whole thing pretty much. Maybe she is trying to be like that purposefully- you know, to stave off those pesky hands of time.  Loads of snark fodder.



Oh my gosh, her Pinterest is giving me a headache. First of all - "I'm great at relationships! I'm great at business" LOL, someone doth protest too much. 


But then she has WAY too many boards - some for the same same damn thing. She has a general food board, but then others for "sweets" and "appetizers". Condsense that shit, honey. "Words to Remember" and "Worth Remembering" both look like boards for passing on inspirational quotes those broads love so much. Then she has specific boards for "pitchers" and "dragonflies". What? Oh, and this is the best! A board for each kid AND Kody - with more ridiculous inspirational quotes! Gah. 


Now I know what these people do all day. Or at least what Robyn does all day. Pinterest. 

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 Christine was on welfare for the first 10 months they were filming the show.


I wonder if she, or any other sister wife with city/state/federal benefits, were made to repay it due to the publicity the show generated.I heard welfare is merely a loan,

not a grant. The TLC money probably doesn't go directly to her but it's well known she lives in a household.

Janelle's inheritance paid for part of the plyg house and she had a State job that paid around $66,000 a year. She also had a side business selling pantry inserts/containers (a big thing with Mormons).

If Janelle was as smart as so many give her credit for, she'd keep the money for herself or put herself as owner of the house. Why not? She paid for it. That'd be

excellent security in case Kody left her or she lef thim.

oh jeeze,  RB's pinterest page. Is it just the way this app is made that makes it look kinda teenagery or is it the stuff she's into, like the cheesy quotes and just the whole thing pretty much. Maybe she is trying to be like that purposefully- you know, to stave off those pesky hands of time.  Loads of snark fodder. 



Her taglines sound like Stuart Smalley.


"And DOGGONE it, people like me!" 

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Well, as the forum says " behind the scenes ", so we don't know everything that went on. I can't rule out Meri & Kody paying Janelle, later on, for co-ownership. Or perhaps Janelle saw the house as a potential liability she needed to shoulder with others. Economies tend to change. When my daughter was married in California, she co-owned a home she bought wth her husband. When they divorced, the stagnant local economy had a negative effect on businesses & homes. So she signed over the house to him, thus protecting her credit.

Oh my gosh, her Pinterest is giving me a headache. First of all - "I'm great at relationships! I'm great at business" LOL, someone doth protest too much. 


But then she has WAY too many boards - some for the same same damn thing. She has a general food board, but then others for "sweets" and "appetizers". Condsense that shit, honey. "Words to Remember" and "Worth Remembering" both look like boards for passing on inspirational quotes those broads love so much. Then she has specific boards for "pitchers" and "dragonflies". What? Oh, and this is the best! A board for each kid AND Kody - with more ridiculous inspirational quotes! Gah. 


Now I know what these people do all day. Or at least what Robyn does all day. Pinterest. 


Do you think all that crap is for projecting some kind of safe public image or is it 'riiill'? Cheesy affirmations, lame facebook picture quotes, awful grey rooms with pink furniture- 'guilty pleasures' section with all those random dudes, tiaras and princess stuff. It's just hard to tell what is real like time stopped before adulthood in some kind of lifetime movie purgatorio full of endless tears, superficial 'niceness', startling immaturity - very teenage girl - and these are people who are supposed to have deep roots in spirituality and be taking this all seriously. 


I'm interested to know how this world seems to sort of 'stunt' these women as far as emotional, intellectual growth whilst they believe it is 'making each of them better'...I mean, I'm really trying not to be a bitch and join the 'hate her for being the new one' but it's like one of those things where you try to give someone the benefit of the doubt, and they just rub you the wrong way, they're not trying to but they just annoy you just being themselves , they aren't terrible people but they just bug you, and it bugs that someone you like, likes them- and part of it might also be, wow this person is nothing like me and you're crazy about them, friend or otherwise- how do you even stand me when that is the type of person you think is so great? I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but you probably have had the experience of having a friend who is friends with someone you're not crazy about.

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Do you think all that crap is for projecting some kind of safe public image or is it 'riiill'? Cheesy affirmations, lame facebook picture quotes, awful grey rooms with pink furniture- 'guilty pleasures' section with all those random dudes, tiaras and princess stuff. It's just hard to tell what is real like time stopped before adulthood in some kind of lifetime movie purgatorio full of endless tears, superficial 'niceness', startling immaturity - very teenage girl - and these are people who are supposed to have deep roots in spirituality and be taking this all seriously. 


I'm interested to know how this world seems to sort of 'stunt' these women as far as emotional, intellectual growth whilst they believe it is 'making each of them better'...I mean, I'm really trying not to be a bitch and join the 'hate her for being the new one' but it's like one of those things where you try to give someone the benefit of the doubt, and they just rub you the wrong way, they're not trying to but they just annoy you just being themselves , they aren't terrible people but they just bug you, and it bugs that someone you like, likes them- and part of it might also be, wow this person is nothing like me and you're crazy about them, friend or otherwise- how do you even stand me when that is the type of person you think is so great? I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but you probably have had the experience of having a friend who is friends with someone you're not crazy about.

You have to realize that 3 out of 4 of the sister wives were raised in polygamy, so what other way do they know? By the time they married Kody, their expectations and self-esteem was set. And when you're not a polygamist ( I'm not ) their lives may look worse than it is.

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Janelle's inheritance paid for part of the plyg house and she had a State job that paid around $66,000 a year. She also had a side business selling pantry inserts/containers (a big thing with Mormons). So the Kody's sales job wasn't the only income just prior to TLC. Now in previous years (the early Montana, Yoming and Utah years) things were different, and they have always relied on bankruptcy and welfare to supplement their income. Christine was on welfare for the first 10 months they were filming the show.

About that side business - there is no evidence that business (EZ Pantry, I think the name was) existed other than in name only (there are other entities using the same name but it's not the Browns).

The Browns have had "businesses" off and on for years but there is nothing to show that they actually made a profit or got off the ground. Records also show that kody had a "gun shop" but other than registering the name...nothing.

Kind of like a few seasons ago when they had the "idea" to have their own fitness business - they registered the name "Fundamental Fitness" but did nothing with it and just let the permit lapse, after they decided to go with MSWC instead.

Kody and the Brown adults like thinking of ideas, (which usually suck) but their follow through is LAME.

That job of Janelle's was basically a paper pushing office admin job. Nothing wrong with that, except for some reason people think she's some kind of accounting whiz and go-getter when in actuality she was just in a comfortable sit on her ass at a desk state job away from the chaos of the house while Christine and Logan took care of the kids all day.

Edited by DakotaJustice
  • Love 6

If Janelle made $66,000 a year, I'm pretty sure that she had a college degree.  I know there has been some debate whether she had a four or two-year associates degree.


The comments about Robyn's Pinterest looking like the interests of a teenager remind me of the same problem with the Duggar girls.  They too seem to have the interests of a 14 year-old.


Robyn has put a lot of time into that Pinterest board I would say.  But she's so busy with her "fun" business!  What a crock that she has to work so much she can't have a baby!

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I was just responding to someone saying that prior to TLC Kody had the only job and the rest was grifting. Janelle did have the State job but I never said she was an accounting genius. But, her job was in the welfare/SNAP department, so I think it gave her the edge in learning how to work the system for the family.


I am of the opinion that the Browns used the various home businesses to run tax exemption scams over the years. Probably the only customers of the Pantry business were family members.

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That job of Janelle's was basically a paper pushing office admin job. Nothing wrong with that, except for some reason people think she's some kind of accounting whiz and go-getter when in actuality she was just in a comfortable sit on her ass at a desk state job away from the chaos of the house while Christine and Logan took care of the kids all day.

Edited by DakotaJustice, Today. 9:12 am.


Thank you!!!  I realize that in the Brown world, someone who holds a full time job for more than a year is considered a real go-getter, but in the real world, plenty of lazy people hold full time jobs.  And it never sounded to me as if she did anything at her state job that somehow made her a financial genius.  $66,000 per year is a nice salary, but wouldn't go far for Janelle and her children, much less begin to cover expenses for the entire "family".  


I tend to think of Janelle as the dumbest "wife", since she escaped once and then was lured back.  I wonder if she worked for the state long enough to be eligible for a pension when she reaches retirement age?  If not, then quitting was just another dumb move on her part.  

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If Janelle made $66,000 a year, I'm pretty sure that she had a college degree.  I know there has been some debate whether she had a four or two-year associates degree.

Robyn has put a lot of time into that Pinterest board I would say.  But she's so busy with her "fun" business!  What a crock that she has to work so much she can't have a baby!

$66k sounds like an awfully high salary for a boring State desk job. They usually have excellent benefits and are almost impossible to lose, but don't pay that much.


If Robyn wanted another baby, she would've had one by now. She's dangling the possibility of a baby as leverage over the other women to get Kody to convince them to do all the work in SWC. Robyn is what 37? The window for healthy babies only has another five years or so, so she better figure out her game plan for when her baby-making days are over. She's only 5 years younger than Christine, btw. 

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The Browns have had "businesses" off and on for years but there is nothing to show that they actually made a profit or got off the ground. Records also show that kody had a "gun shop" but other than registering the name...nothing. Kind of like a few seasons ago when they had the "idea" to have their own fitness business - they registered the name "Fundamental Fitness" but did nothing with it and just let the permit lapse, after they decided to go with MSWC instead.


Do you think these are patterns of profiting off the books? I would think the IRS isn't aware of every single business venture unless attention is called to it. Otherwise, it makes no sense why they'd spend money registering the name without intention of earning anything.


If Robyn wanted another baby, she would've had one by now. She's dangling the possibility of a baby as leverage over the other women to get Kody to convince them to do all the work in SWC.

I did recall Robyn saying she wanted another baby. If she is holding off, that indicates someone's using birth control, he-hee.

I did recall Robyn saying she wanted another baby. If she is holding off, that indicates someone's using birth control, he-hee.

Of course she is, or some sort of family planning is going on. She specifically said she can't have another baby unless she gets some help with Sister Wives closet. Something about too much on her plate, blah blah fake tearless crying, no mention on camera of needing her sister to come to help with her kids, but my gut says that was part of the equation, too. She's holding potential babies as her trump card right now.

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The Browns have had "businesses" off and on for years but there is nothing to show that they actually made a profit or got off the ground. Records also show that kody had a "gun shop" but other than registering the name...nothing. Kind of like a few seasons ago when they had the "idea" to have their own fitness business - they registered the name "Fundamental Fitness" but did nothing with it and just let the permit lapse, after they decided to go with MSWC instead.


Do you think these are patterns of profiting off the books? I would think the IRS isn't aware of every single business venture unless attention is called to it. Otherwise, it makes no sense why they'd spend money registering the name without intention of earning anything.

They definitely didn't do diddly squat with Fundamental Fitness. And look how awful MSWC is. How much does it cost to register a business name?

And their series of bankruptcies are public record.  They were living on credit cards, and walked away from multiple companies owing thousands of dollars - for each of the three bankruptcies of the original group.  They were living high off of a very short-legged hog.

Thank you, AZChristian. It very likely explains why most of the wives aren't working. They can't pass employers credit checks ( besides hardly looking for employment, anyway )

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