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S05.E11: It's Just A Scratch

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Quite right that I got the order of bathroom entry wrong.  My bad.  These two sisters when they get going are like squirrels in a backyard tail spin.  I have trouble keeping up with all the goings on, the following, the squawking, the crying and froggy talking.  Kim was so delirious, happy-looking, and relaxed in the driveway in Brandi's arms after that conflagration that she looked like she'd just had sex.  That is some seriously messed up BS right there.


Every time we reach the end of one of these conflagrations and I get myself sucked into this vortex yet again I just want to kick myself really.  Kim, Kyle -- whatever! Why I do this to myself becomes the real question.  I actually get to missing Yolanda, her lemons, her daughters, her love, her leggings and decorating schemes.  I miss Joyce by now and Carlton too!


I don't see anyone as being at fault in any of this.  I don't think either Richards gal is very bright, never have -- just clever enough to have landed on this show.  I don't fault them really for not getting along and knowing how to help each other -- They don't have what it takes, as Lisa V might say.   I do think they're both irresponsible knuckleheads who are setting women with real issues back by decades with each additional installment.  Neither of them seems to have the first clue as to how serious the illness is and what a grave responsibility it is to represent.  If the aim was to help and educate, it's been an epic fail, prodded on by the misogyny and greed of Andy Cohen. 


I wonder if NBC proper and CBS have gotten in touch with Eileen by now to tell her to get off this clusterfuck of craziness after this season.  Whatever additional publicity for the soap operas she and they might have been going for has been achieved and there's only so much she can let fly as Eileen D, private citizen, because she's got way too much at stake professionally to waste on the bread and circus Bravo routines.  Lisa R I can see lingering -- here's to hoping she does. 


Just to sign off on a happier note, I noticed what gorgeous hands and nails Yo has when she was on the phone with Bella.  Am always envious of women with beautiful hands.   And a very simple and elegant wedding band.  

This is not to disparage anyone who follows them (look at what I watch!!), but aren't soap operas on a par with game shows -- actors who couldn't make it elsewhere spouting dialogue worthy of starting a good vomit? I haven't watched one since college many moons ago, and thought it was just a rite of passage at that age, but -- are there really milliions of women that consider them on a higher scale than the soap operas that are called "Real Housewives"? I'm not joking, just curious.

I have trouble reconciling the mother that prostitutes her oldest daughter and applauds a graphic sex tape of her granddaughter and the woman Kim and Kyle seemed to adore. Neither Kyle or Kim would want their children to be involved in that lifestyle so I just don't get why they are so longing and tender about a mother like that. She must have had some good qualities because there is reverence about the way they talk about her.

I have trouble reconciling the mother that prostitutes her oldest daughter and applauds a graphic sex tape of her granddaughter and the woman Kim and Kyle seemed to adore. Neither Kyle or Kim would want their children to be involved in that lifestyle so I just don't get why they are so longing and tender about a mother like that. She must have had some good qualities because there is reverence about the way they talk about her.

Again Big Kathy was dead when the sex tape was made and when it was released so she could in no way have applauded it.  I think a fifteen year old that has a crush on a boy she eventually marries is hardly a mother prostituting her daughter.  Granted I think Big Kathy very much wanted her daughters to marry well but I think they also loved their husbands.  I think Big Kathy was tough and I think she loved her daughters much of this stuff lately has been gravely misconstrued.

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Yet, both Kyle and Kim, who married as pregnant teens, divorced their first husbands in a very few years.

Whats really interesting to me about this is that both women are still really close to their exes or at least on very good terms. It makes me wonder if they truly did love them but were just to young and stupid to be married at such an early age. It also makes me wonder if part of the reason they married so young was to get out from other their Mother's thumb - only to go back to her to fulfill their need for approval by her. I think that a shrink would have a field day with that family.

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I don't think it was to get away from their mom, they obviously both still adore her.  I think mom wanted them to marry very wealthy men while they were young enough to catch them, and they did.  They followed their mom's habit of getting pregnant and THEN marrying.  I do wonder if that was deliberate, a way to "trap" the man?  Little Kathy was the only one of the four who wasn't pregnant first.  Unless she faked it or miscarried, always possible with one of Big Kathy's daughters I suppose.


I have two theories about Eileen and Brandi. Eileen was polite to Brandi's face but she snarked about Brandi in her talking heads, and while it can't be ruled out that those talking heads were filmed after the wine toss, it seems like Eileen was biased against Brandi from the giddyup, not as bad as Carlton and Kyle or Yolanda and Taylor, but still there was something. My first theory is that it's simply a case of Brandi's reputation preceding her. On and off RHoBH, Brandi has done numerous crazy and distasteful things that have been reported in the press and as part of Eileen "researching" her new job, she read / refreshed herself on Brandi's antics and came in with a certain view of her (understandable IMO), but again Eileen treated Brandi politely. And of course after the wine toss and then seeing Brandi proceed to get drunk and inappropriate at the next gathering, of course Eileen having an unfavorable view of Brandi after that point is totally reasonable and justified.

My second theory is relates to six degrees of separation. It's pretty much the same as the first in that Brandi's reputation preceded her, but not through the Real Housewives connection, rather through the soap opera connection. Eileen and Eddie Cibrian were both on The Young and the Restless, and Eileen was on Days Of Our Lives and Eddie's ex-girlfriend with whom he cheated on with Brandi, was on DOOL. I have not cross-checked the dates so I don't know if Eileen and Eddie were on Y & R at the same time, but even if they weren't I can see Eddie still being talked/gossiped about after he left. Also Eddie remained good friends with one of the lead actors on Y & R.



Even if Kim shared the limo with either Brandi or Kyle, she still would have been filmed and she still would have been seen high on film. Her getting high before leaving her house had nothing to do with who she was riding with. Not to mention her nasty aggressive behavior at the poker party itself or the fight/drama in the driveway. Her lack of sobriety was apparent without the limo scene IMO.

Brandi never says that Kim is suicidal...she tells Lisar that if Kim knew they were discussing her sobriety she would kill Brandi then herself. Brandi, the embellisher extraordinar was showing Lisar how upset Kim would be, not that Kim talked about suicide to her.

First, if devoted sister Kyle was in the limo with Kim and witnessed Kim's lack of sobriety she would certainly not have continued on to a poker game with her. Kyle would have had the limo take them back to Kim's house, called Mauricio to help drive them all to the hospital ER. I doubt Kyle or Brandi would have driven with her to Poker night ignoring her out of control off the wall behavior. At the very least, they may have told her to stay home in her condition and stayed with her till Monty came home. Monty of course did take her to the hospital that night.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
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I thought Monty gave Kim the 100% pain pill?   Wouldn't he have had to be at home to do that?  I'm still not sure WTF Kim was blabbering about that night.  Did Monty hand her the pill, convince her to go to the party, leave the house, thus abandoning Kim in her lifetime of need, and then come back home later that night, to take her to the ER?


Wouldn't he be more to blame for Kim getting into that limo and going to Poker Night all cracked out, than either Kyle or Lisa? 

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I'm basing my post on my observation from poker night that Brandi upon realizing Kim's deteriorating condition tried to get the producers to break from filming (fingers across neck) and when that didn't work tried to get her back home to safety where that night Monty took her to the hospital. If Kyle was truly concerned for Kim's health beyond how "rude" Kim was acting and how she hated Brandi, she could have worked with Brandi to remove Kim from the house and away from the cameras. Both Brandi and Kim could have taken Kim to the hospital. Instead Kyle choose to fight with Brandi upping her camera time at the expense of her sister's health.

I believe if Kyle or Brandi were riding with Kim she would not have shown up before the cameras for poker night (either left at home or brought to the ER for stomach pumping] and furthermore I believe Lisar riding with Kim was producer drivin...not an accident.




Brandi never says that Kim is suicidal...she tells Lisar that if Kim knew they were discussing her sobriety she would kill Brandi then herself. Brandi, the embellisher extraordinar was showing Lisar how upset Kim would be, not that Kim talked about suicide to her.

First, if devoted sister Kyle was in the limo with Kim and witnessed Kim's lack of sobriety she would certainly not have continued on to a poker game with her. Kyle would have had the limo take them back to Kim's house, called Mauricio to help drive them all to the hospital ER. I doubt Kyle or Brandi would have driven with her to Poker night ignoring her out of control off the wall behavior. At the very least, they may have told her to stay home in her condition and styed with her till Monty came home. Monty of course did take her to the hospital that night.

Monty Brinsom Took Kim Richards To The Hospital The Night Of The Poker Game/Night @ Eileen Davidson's House?


 >>> http://forums.previously.tv/topic/22502-season-5-reunion-spoilers-previews-gossip-etc/page-2#entry876236



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There are gifs of Vince watching all over the internet  Google and you will find.


I wish we knew what they cut out of the pot place footage, and after they went outside.


If I see Kyle's "confused" look or "angry cry talking" one more time, I may have to throw something.  Worst actress ever.

Edited by thewhiteowl
Trying to Mod
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Monty Brinsom Took Kim Richards To The Hospital The Night Of The Poker Game/Night @ Eileen Davidson's House?


 >>> http://forums.previously.tv/topic/22502-season-5-reunion-spoilers-previews-gossip-etc/page-2#entry876236

OMGoodness was that little devil Kim acting like she was high on poker night following the producer driven season 5 outline?

No wonder Lisar told Kim to "act" in the limo on the ride up?

She didn't need the ER for fuck's sake she wasn't that fucked up. She was a little aggressive and rude not much different than most slightly drunk people.

The talk about taking Kim to the ER came up because this was being used as evidence that LisaR was deliberately using Kim for camera time and didn't care what condition she was in when she came to the party. I wonder why LisaR is continually being held to a higher standard by some than Brandi is when Brandi has made the claims that she's trying to be there for Kim and that she's such a good friend to Kim. 


This episode showed perfectly well that Brandi's close friendship with Kim is not as important to Brandi as camera time.

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I definitely wouldn't describe Kim's behavior as "mild" during Poker Night lol, not by any stretch of the imagination, and "I've had my fair share of interaction with people who are on drugs." ;-) 


I personally would have been freaked out at having someone repeatedly call me a slut while saying "fuck you" all while glaring at me and kicking out at me. Kim couldn't take any of Lisa's subtle hints to dial it down a couple of notches when Lisa is like "Oh come one" to me it came across as "Come on. ]Are you serious right now or do you think we're playing a game? Get it together, it's not funny anymore...not that it was all that humorous to begin with.]"


I don't think the 'X housewife's behavior was worse' excuse so that Kim's behavior is supposedly not all that bad in comparison really makes the person who is stuck in a car or a room with Kim feel any better about going through it at the time. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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Definitely, she was rude and aggressive but so was Brandi and I've seen a lot of housewives just as bad and much worse. 


What do you think is the reason she acted that way if she wasn't that inebriated?  Why does it matter how other HW have acted in the past?  And if her behavior wasn't due to the disagreement she had with her pill, then why doesn't she just apologize for being rude and aggressive and be done with it?  Sometimes the fastest way to get someone off your back when they are bugging you about your behavior (right or wrong) is to apologize/make amends and remove all liability towards yourself. 

Edited by SwordQueen
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I thought Monty gave Kim the 100% pain pill? Wouldn't he have had to be at home to do that? I'm still not sure WTF Kim was blabbering about that night. Did Monty hand her the pill, convince her to go to the party, leave the house, thus abandoning Kim in her lifetime of need, and then come back home later that night, to take her to the ER?

Wouldn't he be more to blame for Kim getting into that limo and going to Poker Night all cracked out, than either Kyle or Lisa?

I dont believe Kim one damn minute that Monty, a person whos suffering with stage 4 cancer, gave his meds to her. He is in her care. And addicts are known to be liars and scapegoat others to cover their dirty little secrets.

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We have all seen that the other women, except for Brandi/Kim, can present themselves properly in social settings.

Brandi had no problem with Kim being as high as a kite while she and Kim were calling Kyle/LisaR "stupid" numerous times during the poker lesson itself. Brandi said that she knew immediately when she saw Kim "that something was wrong, really wrong" yet she did nothing to calm Kim down nor did she attempt to get her "off camera" at anytime. She did not try to do anything until Kim came out of the bathroom and at that point, Kim WAS calm. Brandi is also very well aware that there are cameras in the limos and if she was trying to remove Kim from the cameras, why didn't she call for a cab? Brandi wanted to ride home with Kim because she wanted the camera time that she was guaranteed to receive riding with Kim.

Actually Brandi's plan was to stick Kim in a limo solo and go back for more camera time.  The night was young and Brandi had a few more insults to get off her chest.  I think the producers wanted Kyle out in the driveway to talk to Kim.  What a pain - drive all the way to Malibu for 90 minutes of shooting.


I think in Amsterdam what we saw was an aborted plan of perhaps Yolanda, Kim and Brandi going out and the rest going to the pot house with Leo.  I think Kim was to exhausted or in 95.29% pain and threw a wrench in the works.

Edited by zoeysmom
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She didn't need the ER for fuck's sake she wasn't that fucked up. She was a little aggressive and rude not much different than most slightly drunk people.

Exactly...some viewers have said she was certifiable, acting crazier than a loon. Even Lisar had warned Kyle by text or cell phone that her sister was acting sick on the limo ride there. When Kim stood there rubbing the cigar case calling it a dildo..."Run Kyle Run" ran to the bathroom to get away from how rude her sister was. Then Kyle finds she took a pain pill for 100% pain from Monty.

At the very least if Kyle was in the limo with Kim instead of Lisar there's no way she would have walked into Eileen's house with her off the wall sister and embarrassed herself like that. She would have told Kim to stay home and screw the producers.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1

Brandi never says that Kim is suicidal...she tells Lisar that if Kim knew they were discussing her sobriety she would kill Brandi then herself. Brandi, the embellisher extraordinar was showing Lisar how upset Kim would be, not that Kim talked about suicide to her.

First, if devoted sister Kyle was in the limo with Kim and witnessed Kim's lack of sobriety she would certainly not have continued on to a poker game with her. Kyle would have had the limo take them back to Kim's house, called Mauricio to help drive them all to the hospital ER. I doubt Kyle or Brandi would have driven with her to Poker night ignoring her out of control off the wall behavior. At the very least, they may have told her to stay home in her condition and stayed with her till Monty came home. Monty of course did take her to the hospital that night.

Why exactly would Kyle or Mauricio be taking Kim to the ER?  She didn't OD.  They aren't going to pump her stomach.  Monty was at her house-he posted a picture of Kim and getting ready for Poker Night.  Kim claimed, and Monty denied, that he gave her the pill prior to her going to Poker Night.  Kim went to the hospital the night after Poker Night, or if you read her blogs the doctor then the hospital.  Also Brandi is saying she and Kim talked after Poker Night and Brandi convinced Kim to freeze Kyle out to teach her a lesson.  There is also a photograph of Kim at a party at SUR around the time of all this on Monty's Instagram.  This all belongs on another thread as it has nothing to do with Amsterdam.  Ooops.

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Actually Brandi's plan was to stick Kim in a cab solo and go back for more camera time. The night was young and Brandi had a few more insults to get off her chest. I think the producers wanted Kyle out in the driveway to talk to Kim. What a pain - drive all the way to Malibu for 90 minutes of shooting.

I think in Amsterdam what we saw was an aborted plan of perhaps Yolanda, Kim and Brandi going out and the rest going to the pot house with Leo. I think Kim was to exhausted or in 95.29% pain and threw a wrench in the works.

I caught that too ZM. She stopped and thought it through a little like,

'Do she go out and talk to Kim or let Kim go home?' The producers probably cornered her and made her change her mind she needed to talk to Kim at that moment (DRAMA). Because it looked like she was gonna go back into the kitchen and cry to Lisa R/Eileen then something (someone) made her go outside. I wonder what Brandi would had said if she stayed and Kim actually went home that night. Hmm.

Edited by BlackMamba
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I dont believe Kim one damn minute that Monty, a person whos suffering with stage 4 cancer, gave his meds to her. He is in her care. And addicts are known to be liars and scapegoat others to cover their dirty little secrets.


Oh, I don't believe for a second that Monty pushed his pill on her, or pushed her to go to the poker party.  Kim is a stage 4 liar and a user, so I can believe that she's lying and she helped herself without his consent.  So I don't blame Monty.  Kim should know by now that taking any meds might affect her sobriety and that's something that should be monitored by her doctor.  Her health is her responsibility.  No different than other people whose medical disorders precludes them from engaging in certain activities unless doctor approved/monitored or who are on meds that might negatively affect certain organs and it's their responsibility to get regular checkups.  I feel like a broken record with that, though, so I'll stop.  lol

Edited by SwordQueen
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Kim may have found out this was going to be a pseudo "intervention" share our stories of heartbreak with drugs/booze night.  I agree, she seemed to know what was about to happen. 


Maybe Brandi gave her a head's up, or she overheard wives or producers talking.

Good Point!!!   Makes sense that was the reason Kim was ready for action.  Brandi has spent this entire time putting ideas into Kim's head.   I can't wait for the reunion to see if Kim finally, after seeing all the episodes, calls out Brandi for talking behind her back - even more than Eileen or LisaR

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Why exactly would Kyle or Mauricio be taking Kim to the ER?  She didn't OD.  They aren't going to pump her stomach.  Monty was at her house-he posted a picture of Kim and getting ready for Poker Night.  Kim claimed, and Monty denied, that he gave her the pill prior to her going to Poker Night.  Kim went to the hospital the night after Poker Night, or if you read her blogs the doctor then the hospital.  Also Brandi is saying she and Kim talked after Poker Night and Brandi convinced Kim to freeze Kyle out to teach her a lesson.  There is also a photograph of Kim at a party at SUR around the time of all this on Monty's Instagram.  This all belongs on another thread as it has nothing to do with Amsterdam.  Ooops.

LOL, for 100% pain what else! Then after the ER doctors checked her out, they would know what drugs she took.

Thanks AnnA. I guess I was just so damn annoyed with what was going down with Kyle, Kim, and Brandi, that I had to look elsewhere on my screen. For a moment, I thought I was seeing things. Sort of like that supposed ghost they claim was in that movie "Three Men and a Baby" or the haunting figure in the background of the "Wizard of Oz". LOL  Vince was all kinds of awesome. And then it became even funnier when someone posted that Eileen had tweeted Vince was looking for some more pizza in the fridge in the garage. LOL  I am here busting a gut looking at Vince in the photos!

Edited by GreatKazu
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I caught that too ZM. She stopped and thought it through a little like,

'Do she go out and talk to Kim or let Kim go home?' The producers probably cornered her and made her change her mind she needed to talk to Kim at that moment (DRAMA). Because it looked like she was gonna go back into the kitchen and cry to Lisa R/Eileen then something (someone) made her go outside. I wonder what Brandi would had said if she stayed and Kim actually went home that night. Hmm.

Brandi was saying go, go, go we are going to get you out of here and was looking for the limo.  I thought it rude that Brandi was commandeering the motor pool.   I doubt Lisar and Kyle wanted to ride home with deep in the valley Brandi.  Brandi had no desire to lose camera time.  Much like this week in Amsterdam -Brandi's unhappy mug and this bizarre eruption in this street

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LOL, for 100% pain what else! Then after the ER doctors checked her out, they would know what drugs she took.

Kim didn't complain of pain until she made Kyle let her into the bathroom which was long after she was picked up.  She looked fine smoking and jumping up and down-far from the 100% pain she described.  Kim never said ER she said hospital.

  • Love 4

Thanks AnnA. I guess I was just so damn annoyed with what was going down with Kyle, Kim, and Brandi, that I had to look elsewhere on my screen. For a moment, I thought I was seeing things. Sort of like that supposed ghost they claim was in that movie "Three Men and a Baby" or the haunting figure in the background of the "Wizard of Oz". LOL  Vince was all kinds of awesome. And then it became even funnier when someone posted that Eileen had tweeted Vince was looking for some more pizza in the fridge in the garage. LOL  I am here busting a gut looking at Vince in the photos!


I want, like, an entire sequence of "Where's Vince" photo bombs, in the vein of "Where's Waldo", just hanging out in the background of dramatic scenes.  lol 

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I want, like, an entire sequence of "Where's Vince" photo bombs, in the vein of "Where's Waldo", just hanging out in the background of dramatic scenes.  lol 

YES!! I want that too!  Vince just lightens up the dramatic shit storms. We may need a separate thread for it. Vince's face just dropped in various scenes such as him peering through the window at the Amsterdam dinner. As you see LisaR talking, there is Vince right behind her!

Edited by GreatKazu
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