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S03.E10: Left Behind


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I finally got around to watching this episode and it required so many logic leaps that it made my brain hurt. First off, as cool as the scene was, why were Thea and Malcolm sparring in her living room? Are they not rich enough to afford a training space? Ok, a limited budget means they can't afford a new set but um...why didn't they move any of the furniture?


Why was Laurel presenting a court case at the beginning of an episode like she was arguing with someone who was flirting with her boyfriend and not like, you know, a professional lawyer? Why the mean girl schtick? THIS is why I have so much trouble getting on side with Laurel as a character. The thing is, she was honestly not bad this episode but the delivery in the first court room scene was just so weird to me. I liked her scene with Diggle, I thought it was nice. But to go from that to putting on Sara's outfit to go fight the thugs was missing about a million and one steps.


Regarding Felicity: I'm a huge fan of hers and I felt for her but I do agree she was making some really bad decisions. The thing I hated the most was that she freaking went to Ray to APOLOGIZE for him being a jerk to her earlier. Are we sure he's playing The Atom and not The Mansplainer? Because that's all he does to her. Hey, I get that invoking the name of your dead fiancee can hurt, but how about you not snap at someone who is obviously in some very raw, very fresh pain?


I agree with everything. I understand that Oliver had been missing for three days and that Malcolm believed him dead, but did Thea not give a thought that he could walk in the door at any minute? He does live there. Do Thea and Malcolm often train in her apartment? 


Laurel's evolution into her sister has skipped so many steps that I'm just resigned to her being amazing and beloved by 3.20. It grates as a writer because there were so many more logical ways to do this that wouldn't have made me resent Laurel, but I have to let that go because this is the field they've decided to die on. I'll do my best to just fast forward and try to enjoy the parts of the show I do like. 


Spot on about Ray, and I'm tired of Felicity being an emotional mess around him. It's fine that she's an emotional mess, but she has friends in Diggle and Roy that she can turn to. It seems it's every other episode where she's crying and he has to comfort or explain her emotions to her. 

  • Love 5

I caved and watched today after reading the thread.  My brief thoughts:


Laurel:  The first and last scenes were laughable.  She didn't do the courtroom well and that last line was clunky as hell. Frankly I don't think Meryl Streep could make that a good line.  The middle surprised me.  That was the best I've ever seen KC act.  She was very understated, but emoted.  Good job KC.


Felicity:  I don't get the negativity.  It didn't really seem out of character nor did it seem to be a hateful or even rude thing for her to close the door or turn out the lights.  


Felicity & Diggle:  Loved them so much, but as others said, I would have rather seen more of them grieving together.  When Diggle gently grabbed Felicity's arm...brilliant and touching.


Roy:  I like Roy in general so I liked him in this.


Lance:  More Quentin please!  Damn!  And yeah, apparently his heart is just fine Laurel.


Loved Felicity and Malcolm. EBR did well against a pretty big scene chewer.


Thea:  Loved the fight practice and again, she is just being wasted.


Ray and Felicity:  I did think Ray was a bit too...strong?  when he told Felicity to not speak for his girlfriend.  Too much IMO.  I think saying so & so wouldn't want you to do (whatever) after someone dies is pretty common in a lot of circumstances.  Calm down Ray.




Thea find Roy drinking alone in her club.  She just worries because he's drinking alone?  How about the B&E?  It still amazes me that everyone walks in and out of Verdant at all hours and she doesn't blink an eye.


Yes, PLEASE stop sending Felicity to her office when she is upset.  She has an apartment for fuck's sake.  I totally agree with whoever said upthread that any normal boss would be worrying that he hired an unstable person who lets their personal life affect their work. Not a good look. 


Overall, I thought the episode was good, but kind of boring.  

  • Love 5

I agree with everything. I understand that Oliver had been missing for three days and that Malcolm believed him dead, but did Thea not give a thought that he could walk in the door at any minute? He does live there. Do Thea and Malcolm often train in her apartment? 


Not to mention that even though Oliver's been gone and she's so worried about him that she asked Roy to contact the Arrow to find him, the first thing she does when she walks in the door and hears a noise upstairs is to launch a letter opener in its general direction. That could be your brother, Thea. Get it together!

Thea find Roy drinking alone in her club.  She just worries because he's drinking alone?  How about the B&E?  It still amazes me that everyone walks in and out of Verdant at all hours and she doesn't blink an eye.


Haha, Roy's actually the assistant manager of the club.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 4

With regard to Oliver's wound, didn't Ra's actually stab him twice? Once on the left side and then more potentially fatal on the right? I'd have to go back and watch the episode again but I'm almost positive....


Yep, Ra's got two stabs in, one on each side. I haven't looked at the pic being discussed so I can't comment on whether the image is correct or flipped, but you are correct.

With regard to Oliver's wound, didn't Ra's actually stab him twice? Once on the left side and then more potentially fatal on the right? I'd have to go back and watch the episode again but I'm almost positive....

Yep, Ra's got two stabs in, one on each side. I haven't looked at the pic being discussed so I can't comment on whether the image is correct or flipped, but you are correct.


In 'The Climb', Ra's cuts Oliver just above his left hip, and then the fatal (or has we have found out, near-fatal) stab wound was below the middle of his right pectoral muscle and looks like if would have gone through his right lung.  But at the end of 'Left Behind' the chest wound appears lower down on his torso and more left of center.  


So yeah, looks like the continuity guys kind of dropped the ball.

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I remember when they did that in Smallville with a gunshot wound to Lana's shoulder. By the time she was in the hospital it had switched to the other shoulder, lol. Of course that show and wounds weren't so good. I remember Pa Kent getting shot in the leg one week and the next he was sprinting up stairs.

With Oliver I've also seen a difference between the CGI stab and him laying there in the snow. Its on the correct side but it's lower and at a different angle but I guess I shouldn't complain about wound placement when just the fall and exposure should have killed him.

  • Love 1

Felicity & Diggle: Loved them so much, but as others said, I would have rather seen more of them grieving together. When Diggle gently grabbed Felicity's arm...brilliant and touching.


Ray and Felicity: I did think Ray was a bit too...strong? when he told Felicity to not speak for his girlfriend. Too much IMO. I think saying so & so wouldn't want you to do (whatever) after someone dies is pretty common in a lot of circumstances. Calm down Ray.

The felicity/Diggle arm touch was the most emotionally satisfying thing in the episode. More of that please!

I feel the same as you on ray. One, I hate the trope of "don't mention my wife ever!" Which seems to be a thing that comes up tv shows. There is nothing wrong with telling someone that a loved one would not want them to throw their life away. Yes, that is the big guns, emotionally, but don't interrupt people when they are obviously upset if you don't want to hear emptional declarations.

Two, Brandon's crazy eyes made me think he wanted to ax murder her in that scene.

Three, I am tired of Felicitys emotional beats being constantly thrown at ray. Stop it show!

Edited by Shanna
  • Love 8

Two, Brandon's crazy eyes made me think he wanted to ax murder her in that scene.

Three, I am tired of Felicitys emotional beats being constantly thrown at ray. Stop it show!

I basically heard "don't ever talk about my dead fiancé again or you'll meet the same dead fate as she did, and I'll eat your brain too."

I get so much cognitive dissonance from the EPs saying the Crazy Eyes scenes are fun/banter-y/comic relief when Felicity has been upset or crying in almost all of them. It does not compute.

  • Love 15

I finally got around to watching this episode and it required so many logic leaps that it made my brain hurt. First off, as cool as the scene was, why were Thea and Malcolm sparring in her living room? Are they not rich enough to afford a training space? Ok, a limited budget means they can't afford a new set but um...why didn't they move any of the furniture?

What I would have said to this was - adjusting to field conditions and improvising while fighting are good things to train for too. BUT then I read the following: 


I agree with everything. I understand that Oliver had been missing for three days and that Malcolm believed him dead, but did Thea not give a thought that he could walk in the door at any minute? He does live there. Do Thea and Malcolm often train in her apartment? 

Aaand...I got nothing. Unless they've got a doorman who calls up? But why would he for residents. So, basically, no money for sets. 

Three, I am tired of Felicitys emotional beats being constantly thrown at ray. Stop it show!


This, very much. I know they are trying to give Felicity a sounding board also (since Roy's too young and Diggle is Oliver's), but they feel as isolated as Laurel in Seasons 1 and 2. However, in terms of her coming across to Ray as unstable, I'm fanwanking it as saying that it's been 3 months, and we've really seen her upset just the number of times we've seen on screen. As a female professional though, all the crying in her office makes me cringe (the mother thing was okay, she explained that her mother was in her apartment - but there was no excuse this time). On the other hand, Ray's the one who headhunted her, so she doesn't really have to try hard beyond being her usual self there. 

  • Love 3

As a female professional though, all the crying in her office makes me cringe (the mother thing was okay, she explained that her mother was in her apartment - but there was no excuse this time)


I think it was a case of she was trying to bury her heart in work but it didn't work and then she finally left. 


I basically heard "don't ever talk about my dead fiancé again or you'll meet the same dead fate as she did, and I'll eat your brain too."


I heard something more specific.  I heard "Don't put words in my dead fiancé's mouth and use them against me...or same fate/brain thing."


I think she would have gotten away with saying "It won't bring her back," but then saying what Anna would want is what made crazy eyes go crazy. 

  • Love 3

I think they are giving Felicity the emotional beats with Ray because they are trying to tie him in to the Arrow universe so that fans will be saying "we love this guy, please give us a show with him.  He's hot, he's supportive, and he's a superhero!"


IIRC, there are only two times Felicity has cried in her office:  in SOOFS when her mother was at her place so she couldn't go there, and now in Left Behind because as BKWurm1 said, she was trying to bury herself in her work until Crazy Eyes went crazy on her.  Okay, she shouldn't have said it but he shouldn't have reacted like that, he's had 8 months to process Anna's loss and Felicity's had 8 hours.  So all these comments about 'why does Ray still keep her around, she's an emotional mess?' are unfair.


The other thing is that with only one person in the scene (e.g. Felicity going home to cry), it's kind of dead.  Roy got to talk to Thea,which was great in the sense that he couldn't tell Thea that Oliver was the one he was mourning for and why, and Diggle got Laurel, partly so that Laurel would become a more sympathetic character (the hug worked, much better than if they had talked about losing siblings) and they didn't have to pay AMA for the appearance.

  • Love 3

I think they are giving Felicity the emotional beats with Ray because they are trying to tie him in to the Arrow universe so that fans will be saying "we love this guy, please give us a show with him.  He's hot, he's supportive, and he's a superhero!"


They should be trying to tie him into the Arrow universe by having him actually interact with the Arrow -- or with anyone else on the canvas. I don't even know what the writers have been thinking by having Ray interact with only Felicity to this point. WTH? Attaching him to just one character, even if it's arguably the show's most popular character, is no way to integrate him in the universe. More importantly, it makes for boring television. And because he's not integrated into the rest of the show, Felicity having most of her emotional beats with him feels totally unearned. Imagine if she'd had all those moments with Diggle, compared to Ray.

  • Love 12

I think it was a case of she was trying to bury her heart in work but it didn't work and then she finally left. 


I thought she was sitting in the dark crying? Or I'm mixing it up with the previous mother episode. Either way, I'd have preferred to have her leave at the first sign of tears / emotion and not waited to get there. But she doesn't have to fight those battles in the DC universe and she seems to find Ray genuinely a friend, so I can look past it. I still love her, I just wish she didn't cry openly in office. (And once is too much). 

  • Love 1

She was sitting crying in ep 5 because she couldn't go home since her mother was there, and then Ray with his usual lack of boundaries walked in and poured himself a drink.  (She has a bar in her office?  Being a VP is fine enough but you're really got it made when you have your own bar.)  But in this episode she didn't cry until Ray came in (again) and they got into the Anna stuff. And even then I thought she was just choking back tears as she left as opposed to opening crying her office.

  • Love 2

I think they are giving Felicity the emotional beats with Ray because they are trying to tie him in to the Arrow universe so that fans will be saying "we love this guy, please give us a show with him.  He's hot, he's supportive, and he's a superhero!"


IIRC, there are only two times Felicity has cried in her office:  in SOOFS when her mother was at her place so she couldn't go there, and now in Left Behind because as BKWurm1 said, she was trying to bury herself in her work until Crazy Eyes went crazy on her.  Okay, she shouldn't have said it but he shouldn't have reacted like that, he's had 8 months to process Anna's loss and Felicity's had 8 hours.  So all these comments about 'why does Ray still keep her around, she's an emotional mess?' are unfair.


The other thing is that with only one person in the scene (e.g. Felicity going home to cry), it's kind of dead.  Roy got to talk to Thea,which was great in the sense that he couldn't tell Thea that Oliver was the one he was mourning for and why, and Diggle got Laurel, partly so that Laurel would become a more sympathetic character (the hug worked, much better than if they had talked about losing siblings) and they didn't have to pay AMA for the appearance.

To be fair to Ray, he also had no idea why she was so upset. She declined to explain what made her so upset and then went off about his fiancee to him. I did not find his comments out of line. They actually made me like him for the first time as a 3D character. He might have made mistakes in how he recruited her, which were borderline stalkerish. But like others have posted, if she has accepted it perhaps we should as well... Ray did seem to change his response when he found out about O & S, so that is promising. I would like to see her have a friend beyond the foundry. Her emotional beat with Ray had more to do with proximity than choice. That's what grief does it just sorta hits you when it hits you. As much as I would have loved more a Delicity moment of grief, I think they might have been too close to O & TA for that to actually happen on that night. I think it will happen in 311, which is very realistic. When a loved one dies, sometimes the last people you want to be around are the people that remind you of that person & all that you both lost.

Edited by kismet
  • Love 2

(She has a bar in her office?  Being a VP is fine enough but you're really got it made when you have your own bar.)


LOL. When I was still at my law firm, a bunch of my partners had bars in their offices. It was a good way of enticing people into your office to hang out and break up the monotony of the day. I'm not sure that's why Felicity would have hers, but maybe.

  • Love 1

To be fair to Ray, he also had no idea why she was so upset. She declined to explain what made her so upset and then went off about his fiancee to him. .

She said she lost two friends in vigilantism basically iirc, and she thought his plan was suicde and she wouldn't help him with it but I don't remember how much of that happened in tr first conversation.

So, what are the odds crazy eyes actually murdered Anna himself and is keeping her corpse in his basement? #thingsithinkaboutwhenBRtriestoact. Why can't they just cast him as evil and get it over with? I cannot see him as anything else...

LOL. When I was still at my law firm, a bunch of my partners had bars in their offices. It was a good way of enticing people into your office to hang out and break up the monotony of the day. I'm not sure that's why Felicity would have hers, but maybe.

I think ray put it in her office so he would have an excuse to interrupt at inappropriate moments. Honestly, he seems to be the only one who uses it. Edited by Shanna
  • Love 4

LOL. When I was still at my law firm, a bunch of my partners had bars in their offices. It was a good way of enticing people into your office to hang out and break up the monotony of the day. I'm not sure that's why Felicity would have hers, but maybe.

Isn't she in Oliver's old office? I can see a bar for the purposes you mentioned, esp in O's case. I work in a hospital, no bars in there. I also thought that is why she returned to work that night. I think in someway she was also trying to connect to him. The foundry is where they have spent a significant time together, but Im guessing they had special moments at the office that she was trying to recapture subconsciously. So I think she thought logically if I work it will distract me, but emotionally her heart I think just wanted to be in a place that held happier less life&death decision making.

  • Love 1

Isn't she in Oliver's old office? I can see a bar for the purposes you mentioned, esp in O's case. I work in a hospital, no bars in there. I also thought that is why she returned to work that night. I think in someway she was also trying to connect to him. The foundry is where they have spent a significant time together, but Im guessing they had special moments at the office that she was trying to recapture subconsciously. So I think she thought logically if I work it will distract me, but emotionally her heart I think just wanted to be in a place that held happier less life&death decision making.


Thanks @Kismet you gave me a reason for Felicity to be at her office that doesn't feel like we need Character A here so Character B can interact.

  • Love 1

I also thought that is why she returned to work that night. I think in someway she was also trying to connect to him. The foundry is where they have spent a significant time together, but Im guessing they had special moments at the office that she was trying to recapture subconsciously. So I think she thought logically if I work it will distract me, but emotionally her heart I think just wanted to be in a place that held happier less life&death decision making.


Kinda doubt that. I mean, QC/Oliver's, now Felicity's, office were frequent crime scenes (and the Window Repair Guy's most frequent customer) during Oliver and Felicity's tenure as CEO and EA. Was she subconsciously trying to connect with Oliver at QC? Sure. Maybe. But that whole building just might be the one place that held more life & death situations/traumatizing/not so good memories for Oliver and Felicity than any other locations, including the foundry.


Things that happened at QC/Oliver's office:


  • Copycat-Hoods shooting up the place and trying to hold hostage/kill Oliver that led to window-breakage on two floors.
  • The Count breaking in and holding Felicity hostage that led to window-breakage when Oliver killed him dead with three arrows to the chest.
  • QC/Oliver's office was used by Slade and his Mirakuru army as a homebase that led to plenty of window breakage when the LoA and Team Arrow came to de-Mirakuru them.
  • Nyssa snapped Isabel Rochev's neck and left her dead body in that office. (I like to imagine Isabel's ghost roams QC, seething that Felicity sits prettily at the corner office now, just 'cause I think it's funny.)
  • QC was also the homebase when Thea was kidnapped by Slade, an event that led to Oliver signing away his CEO position on a legal pad to Isabel (which led to the still-baffling Queen financial crisis and Felicity losing her job).
  • And, IIRC, it was at the QC lobby when Felicity told Oliver about his mother cheating with Malcolm and that Thea was his half-sister.
  • Not to mention, Felicity was held hostage by Helena in her old office at QC.


So, Felicity choosing her office, or QC, as her safe haven after finding out that Oliver died, was kind of a 'huh, okay, I'll roll with it' moment for me. Although, I will concede that QC probably holds a significant spot in Felicity's memories since that's where she met Oliver, I think it would've, honestly, made more sense, especially for a fiercely private individual like Felicity, that she would choose to go home to deal with her grief/frustrations alone, like she intended to do in TSOOFS but couldn't since Donna was at her house.


I'm more inclined to believe that Felicity really was just at QC to try and keep herself busy with work to avoid dealing with her loss rather than her, subconsciously, reaching out to Oliver emotionally. That's giving the writers too much credit for character introspection. Because I think, and I actually understand the decision, that the real reason Felicity was at QC after learning of Oliver's death is because the writers needed her there precisely because they wanted her to interact with Palmer. They wanted to depict the progression of Felicity's grieving process (and it actually really worked, too, except it felt like a slightly unearned but not unconvincing moment between Felicity and Palmer) by showing her reacting to people around her (Diggle/Roy, Malcolm, and Palmer) rather than dealing with the grief alone at her house. It also served to "deepen" Palmer and Felicity's understanding of each other because of their similar losses. But YMMV.

Edited by SleepDeprived
  • Love 4

I don't recall her mentioning anything about losing them to vigilantism. I might have to watch the episode again.

I don't know if she stated it outright. Whether or not you think it was heavily implied (especially since she linked it to the possibility of ray dying as a vigilante) may depend in how much you think he knows about Felicitys other job. Considering he did his homework on her, I think there is a strong possibility he could link the two.
I'm more inclined to believe that Felicity really was just at QC to try and keep herself busy with work to avoid dealing with her loss rather than her, subconsciously, reaching out to Oliver emotionally. That's giving the writers too much credit for character introspection.

Yeah. And also that it would be so sad if she just went home and all by herself sat in the dark and cried. The Felicity who is light and strength would try to find something to distract her that she could succeed at rather than give way to grief.  If there is no "this" without Oliver, then there must be some tech thingy she could get right.

I don't know if she stated it outright. Whether or not you think it was heavily implied (especially since she linked it to the possibility of ray dying as a vigilante) may depend in how much you think he knows about Felicitys other job. Considering he did his homework on her, I think there is a strong possibility he could link the two.

I think I'll need proof that Ray does know of her history with the Arrow before I believe that.  We've speculated he knew and was targeting her for that reason but so far all he's wanted is her technical expertise. 

Kinda doubt that. I mean, QC/Oliver's, now Felicity's, office were frequent crime scenes (and the Window Repair Guy's most frequent customer) during Oliver and Felicity's tenure as CEO and EA. Was she subconsciously trying to connect with Oliver at QC? Sure. Maybe. But that whole building just might be the one place that held more life & death situations/traumatizing/not so good memories for Oliver and Felicity than any other locations, including the foundry.

Things that happened at QC/Oliver's office:

  • Copycat-Hoods shooting up the place and trying to hold hostage/kill Oliver that led to window-breakage on two floors.
  • The Count breaking in and holding Felicity hostage that led to window-breakage when Oliver killed him dead with three arrows to the chest.
  • QC/Oliver's office was used by Slade and his Mirakuru army as a homebase that led to plenty of window breakage when the LoA and Team Arrow came to de-Mirakuru them.
  • Nyssa snapped Isabel Rochev's neck and left her dead body in that office. (I like to imagine Isabel's ghost roams QC, seething that Felicity sits prettily at the corner office now, just 'cause I think it's funny.)
  • QC was also the homebase when Thea was kidnapped by Slade, an event that led to Oliver signing away his CEO position on a legal pad to Isabel (which led to the still-baffling Queen financial crisis and Felicity losing her job).
  • And, IIRC, it was at the QC lobby when Felicity told Oliver about his mother cheating with Malcolm and that Thea was his half-sister.
  • Not to mention, Felicity was held hostage by Helena in her old office at QC.

So, Felicity choosing her office, or QC, as her safe haven after finding out that Oliver died, was kind of a 'huh, okay, I'll roll with it' moment for me. Although, I will concede that QC probably holds a significant spot in Felicity's memories since that's where she met Oliver, I think it would've, honestly, made more sense, especially for a fiercely private individual like Felicity, that she would choose to go home to deal with her grief/frustrations alone, like she intended to do in TSOOFS but couldn't since Donna was at her house.

I'm more inclined to believe that Felicity really was just at QC to try and keep herself busy with work to avoid dealing with her loss rather than her, subconsciously, reaching out to Oliver emotionally. That's giving the writers too much credit for character introspection. Because I think, and I actually understand the decision, that the real reason Felicity was at QC after learning of Oliver's death is because the writers needed her there precisely because they wanted her to interact with Palmer. They wanted to depict the progression of Felicity's grieving process (and it actually really worked, too, except it felt like a slightly unearned but not unconvincing moment between Felicity and Palmer) by showing her reacting to people around her (Diggle/Roy, Malcolm, and Palmer) rather than dealing with the grief alone at her house. It also served to "deepen" Palmer and Felicity's understanding of each other because of their similar losses. But YMMV.

Valid points about the bad things that went down @ qc. I guess we'll never know her motivations, so whatever works for u. It might have just been plot servicing device. But id like to think it had a lil bit to do with her mourning Oliver & wanting to be in place that connected her with him, since the foundry was not working out. Albeit, it was completely subconscious decision on her part. Because she was trying to hide in her work.

Put off watching this ep because I was dreading the BC reveal (which wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but made me roll my eyes). Glad I finally sucked it up and watched because wow, Diggle is perfection. Ramsey was the MVP in every scene and seeing him in that suit made me squeal like a teenager.


Question though: why the hell is every baddie so obsessed with taking down/taking over the Glades? It's nearly as baffling as why every resident hasn't bailed from the Glades by now...

  • Love 6

310 (Left Behind) – No Oliver Queen voiceover intro.

310 (Left Behind) – Team Arrowless attempts to carry on crime-fighting in Oliver’s absence:
(Police cars, including Quentin, are chasing suspects in a van but lose them.  Then Roy on a motorcycle roars in pursuit behind the van.)
Roy: "This bike is sick."
Felicity (over comms): "Okay. Not supposed to be having fun right now.”
Roy: “Sorry!”
Felicity (over comms): “No, sorry is what you'll be when Oliver finds out you took out his motorcycle.”
Roy (over coms): “Okay, I've got him headed your way. Aim for the engine block.”
Suspect in Van: “There's the green one.”
Diggle (wearing the Arrow suit): “This suit is too tight.” 
Felicity (over comms): “If they make it to the tunnel, we're going to lose them.”
Diggle (over comms): “You're not helping.”
Suspect in Van: “I thought he was supposed to be good!”
(Suspects in back of van are pulled out onto street by ropes shot by Roy’s  arrows.)
Suspect on Ground: “Who the hell are you?”
(Roy punches him out. Diggle rappels down to the street.)
Diggle: “I'm more of a Glock kind of guy.”
Roy: “I didn’t say anything.”

310 (Left Behind) – It’s been three days since Oliver left:
Felicity: "One caught. One got away. But even Oliver bats .500 sometimes."
Diggle: “Any luck finding Oliver?”
Felicity: “Not yet, but I have every reconnaissance satellite I could hack -which is a lot - looking for him. So the second he steps outside, we'll know.”
Roy: “If he steps outside... It's what we were all thinking.” 
Felicity: “I'm not. It's only been three days. I have to head to my other office for a bit.” (Leaves)
Roy: “Okay, I know it's only been three days, but how much longer before we actually have to start worrying?”

310 (Left Behind) – Felicity talks to Ray Palmer about crime fighting:
Ray: "All right. This will be gauntlet pulse test, 37 Alpha. Two-second burst at 800 volts. In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… (Gauntlet short-circuits) Oh, damn it!”
Felicity (entering): “Clowns?”
Ray: “Practice targets. Clowns always freaked me out as a kid.” 
Felicity: “Well, you're showing them who's boss now.” 
Ray: “Well, I would be, if I could figure out how to modulate the stress-energy tensor.” 
Felicity: “Hmm. Ray, I've been thinking.” 
Ray: “About overclocking the magnetic coils? Because I tried that.” 
Felicity: “No. About what you're doing. And about me helping you do it.” 
Ray: “Save the city, you mean?” 
Felicity: “Risk your life. I know you think you're going to be safe inside that suit of armor. I know there's like a gajillion movies that make it look easy.”
Ray: “Well, the Arrow and his partner go out there every night, without armor.”
Felicity: “And… one night, hopefully very far off in the future, they're not going to come back. I don't want that to happen to you.” 
Ray: “Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Start small. Just see if you can get the Nanite chip to function.”

310 (Left Behind) – Felicity is still in denial about Oliver’s absence, and Diggle says that she needs to prepare herself for the worst:
Roy: "How'd it go at A.R.G.U.S.?"
Diggle: “Lyla tapped all of our worldwide contacts. No sign of Oliver. And no idea where he could be.” 
Felicity: “Well, he'll tell us when he gets back. Until then, we should focus on keeping the lights on. The two cop shooters we took on last night - I've been trying to find the one that got away. Jose Anton. Anton is attached to a new crew working the Glades, the head of which is this gentleman.” 
Roy: “I know that guy. That's Danny Brickwell. His street name's Brick. But I thought he was in Iron Heights.” 
Felicity: “He was. Until a week ago, when the case against him imploded – by which I mean, every single witness suffered some sort of fatal accident. Three guesses as to who the police suspect in those cases.”
Diggle: “Jermaine Fisher and the guy who got away last night.” 
Felicity: “Jose Anton.” 
Roy: “So they kill witnesses in order to get Brick out of prison, and then shoot a cop to do… what?” 
Diggle: “That's what we have to find out.” 
Roy: “I'll hit the streets.” (Leaves)
Felicity: “You have that look you always get right before you tell Oliver something… sagely.”
Diggle: “Yes, and this is about Oliver.” 
Felicity: “You think I'm in denial.” 
Diggle: “I think four days ago, Oliver challenged the world's greatest assassin to a duel.” 
Felicity: “He survived Lian Yu. And Hong Kong, and God know what else. He defeated Malcolm Merlyn and Slade Wilson. You have to believe in him.” 
Diggle: “Oh, I do believe in him, Felicity. It's just - I'm preparing myself for the possibility that things didn't go Oliver's way. Not this time. You need to prepare yourself, too.” (Leaves) 
Felicity (inhaling sharply): “Please, Oliver, where are you?”


310 (Left Behind) – Felicity tracks Brick’s burner phone to a warehouse in the Glades:
Felicity: "According to Laurel, Fisher's lawyer called Brick with the time and the place of the outgoing call.”
Diggle: “Can you trace that call back to where Brick is?”
Felicity: “At least where his phone is. His burner phone, to be exact. It's at a warehouse in the Glades.”
Roy: “We'll check it out.”
Felicity: “I'll have to talk you in from Palmer Tech. I'm crazy-late.”

310 (Left Behind) – Diggle and Roy find burned burners and some numbered blueprints in the warehouse:
Roy (over comms): "On the move. Thirty seconds."
Diggle (over comms): "Copy that. I've got eyes on the target warehouse. But no signs of life. Felicity, you seeing something I don't?”
Felicity (over comms): “The warehouse doesn't have any security cameras, but someone disabled all the traffic cams on that block, which probably means you're in the right place.” 
Roy (over comms): “You sure ditching the Arrow suit was a good idea?” 
Diggle (over comms): “Only if I need to move or shoot.” 
Roy (over comms): “In position.” 
(Roy and Diggle enter the warehouse.)
Diggle: “Clear. Yeah, I got something.”
Roy: “It's not big enough to be Brick.” 
Diggle: “Yeah, I know. What's this?” 
Roy: “They burned their burners.” 
Diggle: “Yeah, torching evidence, tying up loose ends.” 
Roy: “Evidence of what?” 
Diggle: “I don't know. These just look like numbers.”

310 (Left Behind) – Team Arrowless is surprised by a visit from Malcolm Merlyn:
(Diggle and Roy meet Felicity walking through Verdant.)
Diggle: "Found this. What looks like some industrial blueprints."
Felicity: “Hmm. These numbers look completely random. I can run a pattern recognition algorithm. (Sees door to foundry basement is open) Oliver? Oliver?!”
Malcolm: “Could you put the gun away? They don't scare so much as annoy me. I've only come here to talk. Would it be possible to do that?”
Felicity: “Talk about what?”
Malcolm: “Oliver. I need to know… Is he still alive?”
Felicity: “He's alive.”
Malcolm: “Have you heard from him since he went off to face Ra's al Ghul?”
Felicity: “He's alive.”
Malcolm: “If he were, I suspect you would have heard from him by now. Unless Ra's took him prisoner, and the Demon's Head does not take prisoners.”

310 (Left Behind) – Felicity is still in denial; Laurel learns that Oliver is missing but gives Felicity hope that he is alive:
Roy: "What are you doing?"
Felicity: "I'm running the pattern analysis on that list of numbers you guys found.” 
Roy: “No, I mean, what's the point?” 
Felicity: “Malcolm Merlyn didn't tell us anything we don't already know. Nothing has changed.”
Diggle: “You're right, Felicity. He didn't tell us anything new. But he may have been right all the same.” 
Felicity: “I know you guys think I'm in denial. But if there's one thing Oliver taught me - he taught us - is that sometimes, all you can do is keep pushing forward.” 
Laurel (entering): “All right. I've got the M.E.'s report.”
Diggle: “Did they ID the body?”
Laurel: “Jose Anton. Career criminal with ties to Danny Brickwell.”
Roy: “I think Brick severed those ties pretty thoroughly.” 
Laurel: “Is everything okay? Where's Oliver?” 
Diggle: “He went to fight the head of the League of Assassins.”
Laurel: “What?!” 
Diggle: “And we haven't heard from him since he left.” 
Roy: “There's something else - Malcolm Merlyn stopped by for a little chat. He says Oliver's dead.” 
Laurel: “And you guys believe him?” 
Diggle: “Look, Laurel, Merlyn said –“
Laurel: “There isn't one thing that Malcolm Merlyn can say that any of us should believe. This isn't the first time that I've heard that Oliver was dead. He's been back before. He'll be back again.”

310 (Left Behind) – Malcolm shows Team Arrowless a bloodstained sword as proof of Oliver’s death:
Diggle: "Any luck?"
Felicity: “The number pattern is consistent with cataloguing numerics.”
Roy: “What kind of catalog?”
Felicity: “If I knew, I would be telling you.”
Malcolm (entering): “I'm sorry to interrupt.”
Felicity: “We really need to change the locks.”
Diggle: “What do you want?”
Malcolm: “The League conducts matter of significance such as duels on grounds sacred to its beliefs. I went there. And found this. (Shows them bloodstained sword) It's Ra's' custom to leave behind the instrument of death as a memorial to honor the fallen.”
Diggle: “Merlyn, did you see… Oliver's body?”
Malcolm: “It fell into a ravine. His remains were unrecoverable, I'm afraid.”
Felicity: “Then how do we know that's Oliver's blood?”
Malcolm: “Because after I leave, you'll test it. And after you confirm that it is his blood, you'll exhaust yourself with conspiracy theories as to how I planted it or how it's all a lie. And after enough time passes, you'll be left with one inescapable truth - that Oliver Queen is dead.”
Felicity: “This is your fault. Oliver went there because of you - because of what you did to Thea. You made her a target for the League so he would have to challenge Ra's just to save her. You killed him.”
Malcolm: “You are right. And I will live with that guilt for the rest of my days. I am truly sorry. I can see how much you loved him.”
Diggle: “Save it, Merlyn. You're enjoying this.”
Malcolm: “Miss Smoak is correct. I orchestrated the matter to eliminate the death warrant Ra's placed on my head. Oliver was that way. His death means my own.”
Felicity: “Good.”
(Felicity’s hand reaches out to the sword. Cut to Oliver’s hand as his body is dragged on a litter by an unknown person.)

310 (Left Behind) – The blood analysis shows the blood on the sword is Oliver’s blood:
(Computer beeps.)
Diggle: "What's that?"
Felicity: “The blood analysis on the scimitar. It's Oliver's. 99.997% match. If Merlyn's lying, he's being thorough about it.”
Diggle: “Felicity.”
Felicity: “Thanks for not saying ‘I told you so.’ I got to go to work.”
Diggle: “You really don't.”
Felicity: “It's fine. I'm glad we know now.”

310 (Left Behind) – Grief-stricken Felicity tells Ray Palmer that he has to stop his plan to use an exosuit to fight crime: 
Ray: "Ah, I'm sure you're wondering if I ever go home. Unfortunately for my assistant, the answer's ‘no.’ Any luck with our Nanite problems?”
Felicity: “No.”
Ray: “Yeah, it's the transplex interface, isn't it? I knew my designs were off.” 
Felicity: “It won't… work.”
Ray: “Yeah, well, you've only been at it for a day, so –“
Felicity: “Not the chip. Not your suit. Your plan. It won't work.” 
Ray: “You - you make it sound like using an enhanced exoskeleton to fight crime and save the city is a loony tune idea.” 
Felicity: “It won't bring her back. Anna. Your fiancée.” 
Ray: “I know who she is.” 
Felicity: “She's not coming back. When we lose… someone, when someone dies, they're gone. Forever, and there is nothing - there is nothing, nothing that we can do that is going to bring them back. So you have to stop. You have to stop, because it's not what Anna would have wanted. It's –“
Ray: “You're upset. I can see that. And if you want, we can talk about it. But never tell me again what Anna would have wanted. You don't get to do that.” 
Felicity: “I am sorry. I shouldn't… be here right now. (Leaves) (Cell phone beeps) What?” 
Diggle (on phone): “We got something on Brick.” 
Roy (on phone): “The blueprints we found? They're schematics for the warehouse where the police store all their physical evidence and active cases.” 
Diggle (on phone): “And Brick has a list of case numbers. We think he might be looking to steal or destroy evidence to get those cases thrown out of court.”
Felicity: “Yeah. I'll call Lance, tell him.” 
Diggle (on phone): “A lot of these cases are on guys who were put away within the past eight months. This is everything we've been doing since we took Slade down. This is everything Oliver was working for.” 
Felicity: “I'll be right there.”

310 (Left Behind) – Team Arrowless fails to stop Brickwell:
Brickwell: "Three minutes."
(Brickwell’s men are at the warehouse grabbing evidence boxes. Diggle and Roy fight them.  Quentin and the police arrive.)
Quentin: “Seal off every exit. Give me a two block perimeter.”
Felicity (over comms): “John, shooter at your five.” 
Diggle: “I'm out!” 
Brickwell (knocking Diggle down to the ground): “Here, use mine. So here's the deal - you take me down, you walk out alive. I don't fancy your chances, though. (Diggle fires at Brickwell but only grazes his head) Smart man. Nobody thinks about going for a head shot.” (They fight)
(Outside, the police and Brickwell’s men exchange gunfire.)
Quentin: “Shots fired! I need ESU and backup here, now!”
Roy (over comms): “Felicity! Where's Diggle? I'm pinned down! Felicity! Felicity!”
Brickwell (punching Diggle): “Any… last… words? Or are my hands too tight around your neck?”
Roy (shooting Brickwell with arrow): “I guess arrows work a little better on this guy than bullets. You okay?”
Diggle: “Yeah, I will be, after we find the son of a bitch.”
(Diggle and Roy pursue van, but van leaves warehouse and door shuts behind it, leaving them inside.)
Diggle: “Damn it!”

310 (Left Behind) – Diggle and Roy learn that Felicity prevented them from chasing after Brickwell’s van; and Felicity quits the team:
Felicity: "Oh my God. John!"
Diggle: “It's okay, it's all right. I’m fine. I'm fine.”
Roy: “Brick?”
Felicity: “Got away. They put one guard in the hospital on the way out, but he's going to pull through.”
Roy: “If that door hadn't shut, we would have had him.” 
Diggle: “Just bad luck. Unless it wasn't.” 
Felicity: “You were pinned down. You both were. They were going to kill you!” 
Diggle: “Felicity –“
Roy: “You did that?” 
Felicity: “They had machine guns. You had a bow and arrow.” 
Roy: “You let him get away? 
Felicity: “I saved your lives.”
Diggle: “Felicity, it wasn't your call to make.”
Felicity: “It wasn't my call to let Oliver go challenge Ra's al Ghul to a fight to the death either!” 
Roy: “Brick has who knows how much evidence, Felicity.” 
Felicity: “And it was either that or the two of you. My friends being killed. So I made my choice. I chose not to let anyone else I care about die.” 
Diggle: “We've been in tough spots before and we've always managed to come out on the other side.” 
Felicity: “No. Oliver did. But he's not here anymore, because he's dead.” 
Diggle: “Okay. The point is, if we're going to do this without Oliver, Felicity, we have to trust each other.”
Felicity: “You don't get it. There is no ‘this’ without him. It's done. I'm done.”

310 (Left Behind) – Felicity tells Ray that she won’t help him:
Felicity: "I was out of line. And I'm sorry.”
Ray: “You want to tell me what had you so upset?”
Felicity: “I lost a friend of mine. He was more than a friend, actually. He was… (Exhales) I'm not sure what we were, but… he's gone.”
Ray: “I'm sorry.”
Felicity: “And three months ago, another friend of mine died. I'm 25 years old. I'm over my quota where losing friends are concerned. And you're a friend. So if you want to go out there - if you want to commit suicide, I can't stop you. But I don't have to help you.”

310 (Left Behind) – Laurel debuts as the Black Canary (per script):

Edited by tv echo

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