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S26: Blair & Hayley

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Hayley reminds me of a few former students and various adults who try to manipulate those with whom they interact.  Throughout my career I've seen students who try to control their teachers by making them so angry that they will yell or respond in some other manner that shows that the students were able to successfully manipulate or control them.  There's an aspect of being superior to the one who they are manipulating (years ago I made a vow to never let someone manipulate/control my reactions).  In everyday life I've seen people who once they were able to get someone to yell/have an outburst, etc., walk away with a very satisfied look/smirk on their faces.  I think that Hayley is absolutely trying to assert superiority over Blair by trying to control the way he reacts and as he doesn't respond the way she wants him to, she keeps intensifying her own actions and words.  

I've read many posts in which the perspective is that Blair knows his lack of response sets her off so he should stop it.  I disagree in that his lack of response shows her that she can't control his reactions and thoughts.  Also, it seems that she has established patterns of behavior due to others giving in to her.  I believe that Blair tried to work with her earlier in the season (admitted his mistakes, asked her to make decisions, etc.).  

I do feel for both of them, but they knew the set up of the season when they agreed to it.  There are times I could barely make it through dinner with a blind date-I would never undertake a blind date of this intensity or length.  So, even though I feel for Blair I still enjoy watching all of this play out because they both agreed to participate.

  • Love 5

I dislike her intensely, but she really lost me when, after Blair had to stand on a ladder and serenade her with a freaking love song, and after he did so without penalty on the first try (the only person who did that, right?) her reply was, "well you got lucky."   That is like abusive.  I keep thinking what people would think if she were a man and he were a woman.


If their personalities were reversed and Blair was the abusive one and Hayley the stoic one, I seriously doubt that anyone would be saying that Hayley is also to blame or that they're both awful, and if anyone did, they'd be accused of victim-blaming. These two remind me of Jonathan and Victoria, with Hayley being Jonathan and Blair Victoria. The only difference is that Hayley hasn't actually gotten physically abusive yet and once the race is over, they don't have to see each other.


God forbid she should ever have children.  Can you imagine?


One time in a McDonald's, I saw a woman haranguing her four- or five-year-old daughter in exactly the same way Hayley pecks at Blair. It just went on and on, and it clearly wasn't the first time because the girl wasn't crying or shocked; she had her head down with the saddest expression I've ever seen on a person. That was almost 20 years ago, and I still think of that little girl sometimes when I see that dynamic between two people, which fortunately doesn't happen too often, but it's definitely what I see now with Hayley and Blair. So I can imagine her with children, and it's not a happy thought.


I have to say, seeing her nagging while wearing that dirndl and cardigan was a great visual.


That part did make me laugh, especially at the beginning of the bonus scene when she goes stomping back to the car in that outfit. She looked like an extra-angry Lucy Van Pelt.

  • Love 7
If their personalities were reversed and Blair was the abusive one and Hayley the stoic one, I seriously doubt that anyone would be saying that Hayley is also to blame or that they're both awful, and if anyone did, they'd be accused of victim-blaming.



I kind of have to agree with this when you consider how much he's still getting judged for what exactly - clearly appearing uninterested in Hayley at the start of the race and twice ignoring her suggestion to do something else that turned out to be wrong. This is really all we've been shown that Blair has done. He never insulted her, raised his voice at her, demean her, cuss at her like we saw with Jeff and Jackie this week, etc. And yet that still gets held up as proof of him being "just as bad" as the woman who has for the last two episodes yelled, belittled, snapped at, etc. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 12

The only difference is that Hayley hasn't actually gotten physically abusive yet ...


After that bonus clip I am seriously concerned that she could though. That was just very disturbing to watch.


But I have to say, I still don't think Blair is some kind of hero or even a great prize. But he definitely is being treated absolutely terribly by Hayley and I commend him for how he's responding to it.

  • Love 3

Hayley reminds me of a few former students and various adults who try to manipulate those with whom they interact.  Throughout my career I've seen students who try to control their teachers by making them so angry that they will yell or respond in some other manner that shows that the students were able to successfully manipulate or control them.  There's an aspect of being superior to the one who they are manipulating (years ago I made a vow to never let someone manipulate/control my reactions).  In everyday life I've seen people who once they were able to get someone to yell/have an outburst, etc., walk away with a very satisfied look/smirk on their faces.  I think that Hayley is absolutely trying to assert superiority over Blair by trying to control the way he reacts and as he doesn't respond the way she wants him to, she keeps intensifying her own actions and words.  

I've read many posts in which the perspective is that Blair knows his lack of response sets her off so he should stop it.  I disagree in that his lack of response shows her that she can't control his reactions and thoughts.  Also, it seems that she has established patterns of behavior due to others giving in to her.  I believe that Blair tried to work with her earlier in the season (admitted his mistakes, asked her to make decisions, etc.).  

I do feel for both of them, but they knew the set up of the season when they agreed to it.  There are times I could barely make it through dinner with a blind date-I would never undertake a blind date of this intensity or length.  So, even though I feel for Blair I still enjoy watching all of this play out because they both agreed to participate.

I think Blair has gone through a seminar on "How to Deal with Difficult people", and he is applying the principles to his interactions with Hayley.  He's listening, nodding, calmly asking "what do you want me to do?"  re-phrasing what she says, and agreeing to do it.   It might come across to Hayley as condescending, because she's trying to argue, and he's trying not to argue.  He's getting exasperated  because of the sheer LENGTH of their interaction .  it's the blind date from hell. 

  • Love 4
But I have to say, I still don't think Blair is some kind of hero or even a great prize.



This is the second time I've read this and I have to ask, who exactly is calling Blair a hero or considering him a prize because I have not read that. Some are applauding the fact that he's managed to keep his calm in the face of that kind of abuse and negativity but I don't think that equates to seeing him as some kind of hero or a prize. I personally think that Blair does seem a little bland and would likely have been a fairly boring racer if he had done the show with his dad but being boring does not make it okay for him to have to put with up with the shrieking nutjob. Honestly, far from anything else, I just feel sorry for Blair and kind of sort of want him to win because I feel like he'd have earned that money putting up with Hayley and still racing well. However his winning would mean her winning and just no...

  • Love 8

Well, people are wondering how anyone can still be harping on Blair's negative qualities and I'm just saying, well, easily because he does have them and IMO is partially to blame for why Hayley and him suck as a team. And because, especially on the ep threads, there's been Team Blair stuff all season and I'm just saying that Hayley being an abusive crazy person doesn't suddenly make me think Blair is actually a good guy. And there are certainly people who think and have said Blair is a prize. Which is fine. Everyone sees everyone differently. Hell, I was still defending Hayley until this very ep! And on the flip side, I don't think anyone is really trying to say that because they think Blair is partially to blame that they think Hayley is right now or doing any victim blaming.


ETA: Also! I'm just saying I don't think Blair is a hero or a great prize because I don't. It has nothing to do with anyone else's comments.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I agree, he does not need to be an angel or the best catch in the world for me to give him all my sympathy for putting up with Hayley.  You  don't need to personally like the victim for it to be wrong.


Since he's a physician, I'm sure he has had to develop behaviors to deal professionally with difficult people (either personality-wise, or people in dire straits). Many doctors I know have that low-urgency, low-affect demeanor.  It allows them to process things (even shocking, emergency situations) analytically and make rational decisions.  Doctors definitely need to exercise control over their own freaking out and emotions.   IMO, Blair has demonstrated that pretty consistently.  Does that make him the guy you'd want to date or marry?  Maybe not.   But it probably makes him a good racer.


What amazes me is that Hayley does not also have these same skills, given her profession.  Maybe she's the one they send back to the supply room for bandages when an emergency comes in.

  • Love 7
Well, people are wondering how anyone can still be harping on Blair's negative qualities and I'm just saying, well, easily because he does have them and IMO is partially to blame for why Hayley and him suck as a team.



YMMV but I know my comment about harping on Blair's negative qualities is that I feel the sentiment is that in a way he is deserving of how Hayley is treating him now because of what he's done and yeah, I disagree completely with that. I disagree that anything we have seen from Blair was deserving of how he's being treated by Hayley. That's not me saying he's perfect or doesn't have flaws, it's me saying that he has done nothing to her to warrant that level of nastiness and verbal abuse. And I stand by that. Being uninterested in someone and ignoring their suggestion once or twice is no way comparable to being yelled at, belittled and verbally attacked damn near constantly. I think the only time Blair gets some peace from Hayley's mouth is likely during the few hours of sleep they get at the pit stop. 

  • Love 10

I agree, he does not need to be an angel or the best catch in the world for me to give him all my sympathy for putting up with Hayley.  You  don't need to personally like the victim for it to be wrong.


I agree. But by the same stretch, I don't have to like Blair or think he hasn't done anything wrong just because Hayley is insane and abusive. It's not victim blaming to not like Blair.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

Hayley has actually made me like and root for Blair. 


Which I don't think I would be doing otherwise.


ETA:  Or perhaps the better world is "appreciate."  She's made me appreciate Blair.


There are so few examples in our society/pop culture of people restraining/constraining themselves or their emotional reactions, a quality I think highly of, that I am enjoying seeing it in him.

Edited by Special K
  • Love 7

YMMV ... I disagree that anything we have seen from Blair was deserving of how he's being treated by Hayley.


Yea, MMV. As to your second point, I personally never said that.


Hayley has actually made me like and root for Blair. 


I think my initial dislike of Blair is what made me like and root for Hayley. But obviously I don't anymore because she has taken it way over the edge. I still don't like Blair though, even if I do find him to be the hottest guy this season!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

I don't like either one of them.  At the beginning I felt Blair had no interest in treating Hayley as an equal, he was dismissive of her and he seemed actively annoyed by her.  Maybe he's an introvert and has trouble opening up to new people, but if that's the case he should have seriously thought about whether the whole "blind date around the world while on TV" thing was a good idea.  He created an initial atmosphere of dysfunction by essentially ignoring Hayley as a partner in the race.


Since then, though, Hayley has gone way over the top in her reaction.  I don't blame her for being upset at Blair in the beginning, but her reaction is far in excess of what is warranted.  And it's counter-productive to trying to actually win the race.


I'm not going to pick sides, though, and say one is worse than the other - they both pretty much suck this season.  I'm looking forward to their elimination.

  • Love 1
It occurs to me that one of Blair's worst habits is not looking at Hayley when she's speaking to him.  This isn't just when she's ranting--he's been doing it since they met.  If they're sitting or standing next to each other, she's looking at him intently, and he's staring straight ahead.  If they're facing each other, he's tall enough that he can, and does, just look over head.



That's not a bad habit, that's a defense mechanism. It's the same thing you do when confronted with certain wild animals while hiking. Don't make eye contact, don't make aggressive moves, slowly remove yourself from the situation .... except Blair can't escape. And with some people, you can tell right from the first meeting that you might be dealing with some crazy. I thought that in the opening episode about Hayley based on just the little bits we saw. Blair saw a lot more than we did, and seems reasonably aware and intelligent, so I have to assume he was in a defensive position from the start.

Edited by Ottis
  • Love 7

That rumor sounds like sour grapes to basically place Hayley in the "woman scorned" category as if she didn't have a valid reason at any point to get upset at Blair. She had a valid reason at some point but took it too far and became verbally and apparently emotionally abusive. I give Blair points for not snapping. Hayley is in the psycho category for me, there is no excuse for that. Blair should have made more of an effort at the beginning, I agree but she's been latching on to every slight, real or imagined and keeps putting him down to build herself up and it's sickening especially considering her job. She is the one that put on the ditzy blonde persona at the beginning and then got upset when he didn't take her seriously, I'm not saying that was right of him because he should respect his race "partner" because that word implies they are equals and they both need to keep that in mind. FREE BLAIR, she's lucky she didn't get stuck with anyone else especially Jeff since apparently he's into name calling, too.

In the first leg, I didn't like Blair very much - he seemed, in the intro package, to have the 'God complex' that's a stereotyped trope for surgeons, and he was clearly 'over' Hayley from the very beginning. I thought Hayley was kind of cute and game. By the second leg I was becoming truly annoyed by her, and by the third I began to agree with those who say 'the lady is nuts!'. Blair is doing the best he can, but some of his mannerisms don't cast him in the best light; still, what are you supposed to do when you're being belittled and screeched at around the world, on national tv?


I don't hate either of them, but I don't know that, based on what I'm seeing, I'd want to be friends with either of them either. They're two people who probably shouldn't be in the same room together for any length of time, let alone harnessed together for the Race.

Weird shallow note - in the intro package and first leg, Blair struck me as a very buttoned down Clark Kent type. With each leg, he seems to get a little more mussed, a little more 'natural' and he looks like a completely different person! This doesn't really mean anything, it's just... something I'm noticing.


  • Love 1

Which kind of disproves the rumor as supposedly nobody likes her. I buy that they're close in real life but I still think if they had to race together they'd be too busy arguing to get anything done.

Have we seen Jeff say anything on the race negative about Hayley? It was Tyler her called her the wicked witch and that he would rather be sitting waiting for his fanny pack for hours than spend any time with her.

Within the episodes themselves, we haven't seen too many racers interact with or say anything about Hayley, with the exception of Tyler, so it's hard to say what they think at this point. It's not like she's bickering with other teams thus far.


I think Jenny was joking or maybe she just didn't know what else to say, but Phil asked her in a bonus mat clip whether she thought if there was potential with Hayley and Blair, and she said yes, since they are so passionate which can translate into fire in a relationship.

Edited by Camera One

Hayley was better this episode but still was hateful when Blair was playing around (ninja, james bond, etc) after getting dressed up.

Blair is kind of a prize from what I have seen: good looking, intelligent, employed (good job), sense of humor, remains calm when being verbally attacked, kind/polite, generous, acknowledges his mistakes, not into ditzy blondes (stereotype), can sort of break dance, saves people's lives…. No one is perfect but he seems like a good guy (but he went on reality tv…lol).

  • Love 4

Ok, who are you people and what have you done with Hayley and Blair? No, wait, don't tell us, I like you two a whole lot better. To wit:


  • no useless sniping, no harpy-like nagging
  • Hayley offering - enthusiastically - to take the Roadblock and 'treat' her partner, then acknowledging that he carried them through the last leg
  • Moments of spontaneous joy
  • Doing the tasks efficiently and with a minimum of manufactured drama.
  • Both looked really good all dressed up, and Blair seemed to appreciate how attractive Hayley was in her Monaco-wear. (Of course then Hayley had to wreck it by comparing him to Pee-Wee Herman, but still...)
  • Not a love match, no, but acknowledging, on the mat "friendship chemistry" was still quite a leap for these two.

The bonus clips this week are an interesting contrast to what was shown on the episode itself. There are three that fit together: one where they're together in the Nice hotel and being awkward ('No Kisses'); another in the same place where Hayley is muttering to Laura about how everything Blair says is so embarrassing ('Embarrassing'); and one where Laura and Tyler describe their reaction to that exchange ('It's Just Sad').


The second of those is fairly revealing: Blair is getting his hair made up as part of the fitting process, and talks about how his family went on a boat trip to Bermuda when he was younger, which ended up on local TV news, and how the attention mortified him and he cut his long hair short. Hayley seems disgusted by Blair talking about something that isn't her; Blair loosens up so much when he's separated from Hayley.

  • Love 6

Hayley was better this episode but still was hateful when Blair was playing around (ninja, james bond, etc) after getting dressed up.

Blair is kind of a prize from what I have seen: good looking, intelligent, employed (good job), sense of humor, remains calm when being verbally attacked, kind/polite, generous, acknowledges his mistakes, not into ditzy blondes (stereotype), can sort of break dance, saves people's lives…. No one is perfect but he seems like a good guy (but he went on reality tv…lol).

I agree. And remember, he originally applied to be on TAR with his father, but was only offered the chance as part of the blind-date race.

  • Love 1
The bonus clips this week are an interesting contrast to what was shown on the episode itself. There are three that fit together: one where they're together in the Nice hotel and being awkward ('No Kisses'); another in the same place where Hayley is muttering to Laura about how everything Blair says is so embarrassing ('Embarrassing'); and one where Laura and Tyler describe their reaction to that exchange ('It's Just Sad').



I'm really starting to think the gossip posted on the previous page about Hayley coming onto Blair at the start of the race, only to be rejected, is true. It in my opinion, would fit perfectly with so much of her behavior. That shift to "everything about him is so awful and embarrassing and annoying", sort of as a proof of how not into him she is at all, especially if as the gossip states, the other racers knew about what happened.

  • Love 2

The bonus clips this week are an interesting contrast to what was shown on the episode itself. There are three that fit together: one where they're together in the Nice hotel and being awkward ('No Kisses'); another in the same place where Hayley is muttering to Laura about how everything Blair says is so embarrassing ('Embarrassing'); and one where Laura and Tyler describe their reaction to that exchange ('It's Just Sad').


The second of those is fairly revealing: Blair is getting his hair made up as part of the fitting process, and talks about how his family went on a boat trip to Bermuda when he was younger, which ended up on local TV news, and how the attention mortified him and he cut his long hair short. Hayley seems disgusted by Blair talking about something that isn't her; Blair loosens up so much when he's separated from Hayley.


Yes! I came into this thread to see if anyone else had posted about this, because it's so baffling.  At the start of that second clip, you can hear Hayley whisper to Laura something like, "Ugh, he's so embarrassing.  Everything he says.  Just listen to him." And Blair's telling the camera (and his stylist) how he was so embarrassed in bermuda because the local news station thought he was a girl because of his long hair.  And Laura and I appeared to be equally baffled by Hayley's commentary.  Like, is she embarrassed because he's talking about a time he was embarrassed?  Or maybe it's embarrassing because he's always talking about going on nice vacations with his rich family? That's the only thing I can come up with.


And OH, it just burns me up every time how they check into the pit stop and talk about how much they fight and they just giggle and laugh like they think it's adorable or something!

Edited by Lingo
  • Love 3

It is flat-out weird.  One minute they want to kill one another and another, they were demonstrating their levels of physical hugging in that goofy way.  This would have been moments after Hayley vented to Laura.  But it was kind of funny how you could hear Hayley saying in the background that "everything he says is so embarrassing", when she couldn't have been hearing that story about Blair being mistaken as a girl due to the long hair?  Or that other story he gave about how he likes French women who are cold and won't give him the light of day.   If she's referring to their fights, why would she describe that as "embarrassing"?  


Laura and Tyler also said Hayley and Blair reveal everything to everyone, like how easy various detours are, etc.  As if they were *too* nice and don't know how to be competitive?

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 1

I am absolutely repulsed by Hayley.  Not because she is mean, or particularly offensive, or the usual reality tv traits.  Every bit of between-the-lines editing shows Blair as being just exasperated with her, holding on for dear life, hoping she doesn't murder him in his sleep.  Anybody who is of two minds, "well he's bad too" or "I hated him in the first leg" needs to just seriously sit down and analyze this for a second.  She is fucking crazy.

Edited by pfk505
  • Love 5

Hayley acts like an elementary school girl who has a crush on Blair with all the "Ew, boys has cooties!" comments towards him. It's really juvenile. And someone said up thread that Hayley seems gleeful whenever she's laying it into Blair - so true! That's what makes me dislike her. Even when Aly was being frustrated with Steve, I can see how much she hates arguing with him, unlike Hayley who seems to instigate it all the time.

  • Love 1

Wow - the unaired scenes on the website really make me feel sorry for Blair.

Especially when I read that he had signed up to race with his dad. 

Yes, those scenes were just awful.  I just hope he doesn't look at those extra scenes himself, or worse yet, his family.  I would be pissed if someone talked about, and to, my loved one like that.

Bike riding to Amsterdam - 

Blair:  (Seeing a windmill)  that is awesome!

Hailey :  oh that smell!  it smells like poop.

B:  Beautiful day, huh?

H:  Oh my god it's so cold!

B: it feels amazing out right now

H:  I Need Gloves!!!   


Later -

H:  "Blair!  wait for me!  I'm going as fast as I can!" 

Blair:  Awesome job, Hailey! 

H: You have to wait for me!


And all that was BEFORE the  " Are we lost, Oh my god, I thought you knew directions!   Which way are we going and are you sure!  because we can't just be riding around, going in the wrong direction! Oh my GOD!   I asked you if you were sure!  you said, blah blah blah, yeah I'm sure.  Oh my god! this is Not a time to make mistakes, and i asked you if it was right, where the hell are we going?  

Blair:  You're not thinking, you're just screaming. 

Hailey:  you need to listen to me, you never listen, please listen to me you just don't listen.  I freakng told you this was the street, and you said no, I told you, from the beginning, and you rode past it like a freaking idiot!   


Yeah, Hailey, I wonder why nobody wants to listen to you? 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 5

Bike riding to Amsterdam - 

Blair:  (Seeing a windmill)  that is awesome!

Hailey :  oh that smell!  it smells like poop.

B:  Beautiful day, huh?

H:  Oh my god it's so cold!

B: it feels amazing out right now

H:  I Need Gloves!!!   


Later -

H:  "Blair!  wait for me!  I'm going as fast as I can!" 

Blair:  Awesome job, Hailey! 

H: You have to wait for me!


And all that was BEFORE the  " Are we lost, Oh my god, I thought you knew directions!   Which way are we going and are you sure!  because we can't just be riding around, going in the wrong direction! Oh my GOD!   I asked you if you were sure!  you said, blah blah blah, yeah I'm sure.  Oh my god! this is Not a time to make mistakes, and i asked you if it was right, where the hell are we going?  

Blair:  You're not thinking, you're just screaming. 

Hailey:  you need to listen to me, you never listen, please listen to me you just don't listen.  I freakng told you this was the street, and you said no, I told you, from the beginning, and you rode past it like a freaking idiot!   


Yeah, Hailey, I wonder why nobody wants to listen to you? 


I was with you when Hayley was yelling at Blair at first until the point when Blair ignored Hayley's suggestion to go down "this street" and insisted they needed to go in a different direction.  It turned out Hayley was right.  Did Blair say "sorry, I was wrong"?  No, he said "we need to figure this out together, we need to stay calm.


I think I'm back to my original feeling on this team - Hayley may well be a bit of a spazz and she talks way too much but Blair actively ignores her input and won't admit when he's wrong.  When he's wrong "they" made a mistake.  I can understand Hayley's frustration a lot more.  I still think she needs to let it go, but Blair needs to own his own mistakes as well.  And one of his mistakes is pretending their getting lost was something they both did.

  • Love 2

he got the directions.  She ASKED if it was the street, he said it wasn't.  when he realized the mistake, he turned around and when back.  She didn't KNOW it was the street, she thought it might be, and asked him.  To me, it seemed like a simple thing, that we do every day - oh shoot, I missed the street, turn around and go back.  On TAR, there's no time to discuss whose fault it is that you missed a turn, just correct it and move on. 


But Blair CAN'T listen to her.  he has to tune her out.  Her one little "hey, is that the street?"  is buried in a constant screaming/complaining/blaming barrage, so it would take a lot of concentration on her words to pick out the relevant information, while reading the signs, following the directions and bicycling.  

  • Love 13

But Hayley only said "there is a sign with an h-thingy which wasn't exactly a confident or logical explanation. Yes, she was right but she still defers to him and than only gets her voice when she is nagging that she is right. The time he told her to take the lead, she refused and told him HE had to make the decision and when he did she started telling him he was wrong. She is just the worst.

When they were riding bikes and she kept harping that he was too far ahead and they cut to the fact that he was only a bike and half length ahead, I wanted to smack her. That is the way you are supposed to ride on public bike paths, not side by side taking up the entire thing though since she couldn't even manage to put a helmet properly I guess I shouldn't expect her to know basic bike etiquette.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 9

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