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She's Superman's Cousin!: And Other Supergirl Spoilers

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Press release for 2x16:


TERI HATCHER (“DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES,” “LOIS & CLARK: THE NEW ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN”) AND KEVIN SORBO (“HERCULES”) GUEST STAR; DARREN CRISS (“GLEE”) MAKES HIS DEBUT AS THE MUSIC MEISTER – A new villain (guest star Teri Hatcher) comes to National City, putting Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) on high alert. Meanwhile, Winn’s (Jeremy Jordan) girlfriend, Lyra (guest star Tamzin Merchant), gets Winn in trouble with the law. Maggie (guest star Floriana Lima) attempts to help Winn but old loyalties get in the way. The Music Meister (Darren Criss) attacks Supergirl. John Medlen directed the episode written by Katie Rose Rogers & Jess Kardos (#216). Original airdate 3/20/2017.

So Mon-El's parents show up to cause trouble and Lyra kind of plays the ~high school bad girl role of getting Winn in trouble? Not intriguing to me...though I won't mind getting to see Maggie actually do some police work for once!

And press release for the Flash half of the crossover:


DARREN CRISS (“GLEE”) GUEST STARS AS THE MUSIC MEISTER IN THE FLASH AND SUPERGIRL MUSICAL CROSSOVER – Barry (Grant Gustin) and team are surprised when Mon-El (guest star Chris Wood) and Hank Henshaw (guest star David Harewood) arrive on their Earth carrying a comatose Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist) who was whammied by the Music Meister (guest star Darren Criss). Unable to wake her up, they turn to Team Flash to save her. However, the Music Meister surprises The Flash and puts him in a similar coma, one that Team Flash can’t cure. Kara and Barry wake up without their powers in an alternate reality where life is like a musical and the only way to escape is by following the script, complete with singing and dancing, to the end. Dermott Downs directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing (#317). Original airdate 3/21/2017.

I'm sorry, but I call bull-fucking-shit that Alex lets Mon-El and Hank bring a comatose Kara to another dimension without her. No flippin' way.

Edited by stealinghome
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I'm sorry, but I call bull-fucking-shit that Alex lets Mon-El and Hank bring a comatose Kara to another dimension without her. No flippin' way

I agree. It's completely out of character that Alex would just stay on Earth 38 while Kara is seemingly fighting for her life. They really couldn't manage to put her in a few scenes on the Flash?

Edited by Oreo2234
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11 hours ago, stealinghome said:

Barry and team are surprised when Mon-El and Hank Henshaw arrive on their Earth carrying a comatose Supergirl ...

Well, he'd be surprised anyway, since he's never met Mon-El or Hank/J'onn. I wish it was Alex, James, and/or Winn that are making this trip instead.

And on Supergirl, they still haven't mentioned anything about Barry/Flash or Earth-1 onscreen to the other characters. I'm hoping they give a reminder before they crossover. They didn't for the last crossover. I mean, if they want to make the most of this shared universe.

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The producers have already addressed why Alex isn't crossing over yet again.  

Chyler is staying behind because the Supergirl crew still has to keep filming their own show. That means Alex and Maggie are getting an episode that is mainly about them, since they're the ones staying behind. 

Of course Mon El could be staying behind then the non-flash episode would be about him. I bet that'd make people really happy.  (Sarcasm)


We'll see how large a part J'onn and Mon-El have in the crossover episode--I suspect it's not going to be that big given that we know they're not singing--but I still think they could have filmed two quick ninety-second scenes with Alex at the beginning and the end of the episode bringing Kara to the Flash universe and then taking her home. Doing so couldn't have pulled Chyler Leigh away from Supergirl that much. Especially since we know Jeremy Jordan is definitely in the Flash half of the crossover--and singing, which will require substantial amounts of his time (which I'm super excited for, I'm still not a huge Winn fan but Jeremy Jordan has just a beautiful voice)--and yet is also playing a fairly substantial part in the Supergirl half of the episode, if the summary is to be believed.

I do hope that the crossovers become actual crossovers next season, and not just "Melissa Benoist guest stars on the Flash!" I actually don't really care about the crossovers much, as I don't watch the other DCTV shows, but if we must have crossovers, make them actual crossovers for the Supergirl fans too!

Edited by stealinghome
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EW Spoiler Room:


What can you reveal about Alex in next week’s Supergirl? — Charlie

Well, she’s going to some dark places in the wake of learning her father is colluding with Cadmus. “It’s hard because when they realize that there’s a deeper issue going on with Jeremiah, you don’t really know where his loyalties lie,” Chyler Leigh says. “When that’s questioned and Alex gets put in a position where she’s questioning it, it becomes this deep, dark intense realizing, her coming to grips with the fact that this isn’t in her control. Basically, Alex goes head-to-head with Lillian Luthor, so it’s a really powerful episode.”

Edited by Trini
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Press release for 2x17. I'm guessing Mon-El's evil parents put the bounty out on Kara. Wonder if that will overlap/intersect with the President Wonder Woman White Martian sl, which is clearly heating up again:


@stealinghome -- Based on your latest post over in this week's episode thread, I think you're going to enjoy this quote from Kreisberg (from here):

“Then there’s what’s probably my new favorite episode, that [Chyler] doesn’t even know about yet, that is a Kara/Alex/Maggie story, that’s sort of a ticking-clock story. Alex is in serious trouble, and it’s up to Kara and Maggie to save her. It becomes a story about the sister and the girlfriend [who] both love her and are debating the best way to save her. It’s a really great story. We’re really excited about it.”

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1 hour ago, Cranberry said:

@stealinghome -- Based on your latest post over in this week's episode thread, I think you're going to enjoy this quote from Kreisberg (from here):

Oh hell yeah, that sounds GOOD! It hits on so many things I adore: the lingering tension between Kara and Maggie over sharing Alex's attention, Maggie getting to be her own character, and of course both Maggie and Kara's MASSIVE love for Alex leading them to save her! Sanvers + Danvers sisters FTW. And Kara getting a storyline in general!

I do think Maggie is a character who has a lot of potential to kind of shake things up for Kara a little, because basically everyone else in the Superfriends group is there for Kara, but Maggie isn't. Maggie is there for Alex, and Alex is always going to be Maggie's priority. Kind of like how she's used to being the center of Alex's world, Kare is also pretty used to being the golden girl of the group, and seeing her interact with someone who doesn't revere her quite in the way Alex/J'onn/James/Winn do has the potential to be fun. It won't be anywhere near Siobhan levels of cattiness, of course, but I wouldn't mind seeing someone kind of push Kara out of her comfort zone a little bit.

My wild prediction is that, in a super cliche, as they work to save Alex Maggie will tell Kara she loves Alex but be like "you can't tell her, I haven't told her yet!" Then Maggie will tell Alex herself when they rescue her.

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It occurred to me. Why is Mon-El's name really Mon-El? He was obviously lying to Kara and the DEO about his real identity (since he came up with the coverstory/fake flashback about having been the Prince's bodyguard). So wouldn't he have given them a fake name, too? Especially since Kara had heard of the prince, so one would assume that she would have heard his name as well. 

And yet his parents also refer to him as Mon-El, both in the promo and when they were trying to track him down on the slave trader planet. 

Is Mon-El supposed to be a generic name on Daxam like "Carl"? 

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On 3/3/2017 at 11:38 AM, Oreo2234 said:

I agree. It's completely out of character that Alex would just stay on Earth 38 while Kara is seemingly fighting for her life. They really couldn't manage to put her in a few scenes on the Flash?

No cause it's more important that Team Flash meets Mon-el yet more evidence of shoving him down our throats 

Scans from the "SciFi magazine" from April 2017 containing an interview with Chris Wood are being circulated in Tumblr/ Twitter (see links to the source at the end of this post). If they are real scans from a real interview they contain some interesting information. Some of it is spoilery.

Big spoiler referring to Mon-El: “by the end of the season and into next season, he’s still growing and evolving and becoming the hero". So it seems that Mon-El will still be in the show in season 3 and will become a fully developed superhero. I for one am not surprised as Mon-El is clearly a hero in the comics.

Also the scans confirm what many of us have been saying about Mon-El's character for quite some time. He was written as a flawed character that would take a lot of time to show character development into a hero. Quoting from the scans:

"In this version, they wanted Mon-El to have a bit more of a hero's journey, where he starts almost incapable of being the person that everyone knows he is capable of being, and being the hero he will ultimately become. A good starting point for him is something that is the opposite of full hero, which is frat boy and selfish and self-centered. He has somewhere to go, so by the end of the season and into next season, he's still growing and evolving and becoming the hero". "In Season 2, they wanted to have someone take that journey and who is fully capable of becoming what Supergirl is already. And Kara having someone to mentor and then also be love interest.... All of that complicates the characters a little bit more and gives Kara a lot to react to".

This character evolution has also been mentioned in other interviews like this one:


I understand that others may not like him, his storyline or even his presence in the show, but as someone who is really enjoying Mon-El's arc and storyline and his relationship with Kara, I will be very happy if these spoilers are indeed true.

Source: originally posted by agualuna29 in Tumblr.

Update: The magazine is on the newsstands at the moment (in the USA) and in the link below we can see its its cover with a mention to an interview with Chris Wood:

Update: Link to the full article here:

Edited by emarasmoak
Update about the spoiler source
1 hour ago, emarasmoak said:

I understand that others may not like him, his storyline or even his presence in the show, but as someone who is really enjoying Mon-El's arc and storyline and his relationship with Kara, I will be very happy if these spoilers are indeed true.


I'm with you on that :) I love Chris Wood and what he has brought to the part. I found Mon El a welcome addition this season and never felt him as forced I was actually shocked to see the level of disdain when I came to post. 

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5 hours ago, Chas411 said:

I'm with you on that :) I love Chris Wood and what he has brought to the part. I found Mon El a welcome addition this season and never felt him as forced I was actually shocked to see the level of disdain when I came to post. 

Same here. I too was very surprised by what I found in the fandom. 

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22 hours ago, Xander said:

Same here. I too was very surprised by what I found in the fandom. 

I cannot understand why someone would be ok with a redemption arc for people like Oliver Queen or Captain Cold or even Nyssa or Sara Lance but not for Mon-El. Anyone should remind me what has he done so unforgivable and I could give dozens of examples of actions done by other good guys in the Flarrowverse whose redemption arcs have been cheered and whose actions before and during their redemption arcs have been much much worse.

Edited by emarasmoak
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Well, all I can say is that I hope that article is wrong or the CW changes its mind, because if Mon-El is here next year, stealinghome likely won't be. The show would have to do a massive about-face on him to entice me to stay and given the spoilers we have for upcoming episodes, I'm not optimistic.

I can't speak for others in the fandom on this but personally, I'm not opposed to a redemption arc for Mon-El. What I'm opposed to is a) the way Mon-El has taken screentime away from not just Kara's central relationships on the show, but *Kara herself*--she has been used to service his story and not vice versa, and she has not truly been given a story outside of him-- and b) the way that Mon-El imo has been written as consistently disrespectful to Kara in a way that the writers try to pass off as flirty or charming instead of, well, douchey and disrespectful. And it's one thing for him to treat her like that before they're dating (to a degree--though he was WAY out of line in how he spoke to her in the V-Day ep as well as whatever episode it was that he accused her of being a glory hound), but when the first thing she does when they've JUST gotten together is ask him to be discreet and the first thing he does is blurt out the relationship to the whole DEO? That's not cute or funny or charming to me, it's gross, no matter how hard the writers try to convince me it's funny.

If the show could consistently use Mon-El the way they did in 2x15--servicing Kara's story instead of vice versa, NOT being a jerk to her, and not taking up screentime (with or without Kara) that should go to other characters (generally, though I'm still pissed at the lack of a sisters scene to end 2x15)--I'd be okay with him sticking around. He'd never be my favorite but I could enjoy seeing Kara in a supportive relationship and I could enjoy Mon-El's "getting adjusted to Earth" humor, which hits more than it misses. But based on the evidence this season has provided, I just don't see that happening. 

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I see the point about the screentime that he has got, which is quite normal for a love interest of the lead character (does people remember all the time that we spent in the cringy and boring Lucy/James relationship drama which was not flattering for Kara or James? I do because I hated it). Also looking at the data Kara still has more than double screentime during the episodes than him. I happen to enjoy storylines related to Mon-El's character development and Daxam. The fact that they are related to Kara I think that it is made on purpose to have an impact on her. 

The reduction of time for other relationships such as Danvers sisters or Space Daddy are also caused by their new relationships such as Maggie or MGann. 

Regarding disrespect, what he did about telling everyone about his relationship at the DEO was not funny or ok. 

He has not been always respectful of her wishes but I could say the same about Kara and him or his wishes.

What he said about her in the V-Day was just after she made a negative comment about his origin because he didn't do what Kara thought he should do. As an immigrant myself I get extremely hurt when someone uses my country of origin to disrespect or dismiss my choices. I found this scene compelling as it made both of them real people with flaws and emotions.

Once they were dating, during the argument about Jeremiah she said that he had to learn that what she wanted counted, but she could also ask him what he wanted and take decisions together as normal couples do (e.g. is he ok about not making our relationship public? should I take into account his concerns about Jeremiah?). So in show Kara does not ask about his wishes. Which is what normally happens with supporting characters because they are there to serve the lead's story. Which in this case is Kara learning to lead, to trust and to overcome her prejudices.

Respect is for both partners in a relationship. I see them as two people that needed to learn to be good partners. I think that Exodus is the beginning of that and I am quite positive about their future. I like that him and their relationship are developing into something much better.

And I would also point that a female character (Cat) treated Kara disrespectfully for the entire season (Kee-rah was one of the many many examples) but her character and their relationship was loved by many.

I respect that you and others don't like him or his storyline or his relationship with Kara. I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm just trying to express what I think about what I see.

Edited by emarasmoak

Chris was signed on as a series regular. I hate people advocating for him to lose his job and not continue into Season 3 because they don't like the story the writers came up with. I find that unfair. And the truth is, just because certain viewers don't like the direction the show has taken doesn't mean the producers should change course to fit their needs. I am a viewer who enjoys Season 2 so should the displeased viewers take precedence over me?

And everyone is entitled to watch television however they please but its main aim is to entertain (and yeah, sell advertising). And writers often throw characters under the bus to force a plot or add some comedy to a scene. I don't take it seriously or hold it against the character but instead, enjoy the "spirit" of the scene even if the underlying message may not be the best. But that's just me. 

Some people liked Mon-El in Episode 15 because he was a supportive boyfriend but that was not his best writing. The Mon-El who said some scientific jargon in Episode 14 can pronounce "anonymously." Give me a break. I get not knowing what a blog is but that was ridiculous. He may become a more supportive boyfriend but I doubt that's what the actor signed up for. If the writing stays the course, he will become a hero and he will drive the plot sometimes. I personally believe that the character's journey has been stalled and he needs to get back into fighting in the field and into becoming Valor. I would love for them to exchange some of the blatant romance with him and Kara (and others) supporting each other in the field, fighting together. 

The show is meant to entertain. People calculating how many minutes each character gets is mind-boggling to me. Surely, the writers and editors know how much time they spend on each character and what story they are trying to tell. It's not a bad one but just different from what some expected after Season 1. But that's okay. And if it's not okay for you, that's fine too. There are so many other television shows out there. 

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I'm fairly sure we lost Cat because of Flockhat's interests/preferences (like where she would like to work and how much she would like to earn). 

Anyway, there are some shooting report videos floating around, Kara and Maggie, Kara and Mon-El, Guardian. There have also been spoilers for a quality Sanvers scene in an upcoming episode that involve a hospital bed. 

I have to say, even though I personally like Mon-El well enough and I actually like that his story might be continued in the next season, I'm a bit disappointed that he won't go off with his parents for at least a while (which I'm assuming less because of the interview and more because of the shooting report). I think the most recent Legends of Tomorrow arc with Rip showed that the absence and return of a character can be handled very organically by a show (of course there it was because the actor had a fixed-time outside engagement). 

IMO a lot of my enjoyment will be based on whether the Queen and King of Daxam storyline is any good. 

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10 hours ago, Trini said:

We'll see if he's a regular next season, but they really don't need to add another dude to the cast.

Mon-El is taking some of James' time as he replaced him as a love interest, and probably some of Cat's as the person who was influencing Kara's storyline last year the most (Kara is a much more assertive and confident person this season than last one, and I don't think that the way that Cat treated her was consistently respectful). We also lost a man (Max Lord) and gained a woman (Lena) in return and exchanged two villain women (Astra and Lillian). And lost another woman (Lucy) and added 3 women (Maggie, M'Gann and Lyra) and a man (Jeremiah) to the list of characters. The character that has really got less time to make space for some of these characters is James (he even lost a character related to him which was Lucy and I think that this made space for Maggie).

Alex is still the second most important character but they decided to expand Alex as a character and focus in herself and her sexuality and her love interest. As a result, the time dedicated to her is focused in Maggie and not as much in Kara. I also think that this is partially a plot choice so the sisters would act as they did in the last couple of episodes in relation to Jeremiah. I think that there is still a lot of story to tell about him before the end of the season.

The show has changed a lot as a consequence of moving it from LA/CBS to Vancouver/CW and the decision to change some storylines (love interests, aliens everywhere), so it is really understandable that some of us love it and some others don't (for example I love Mon-El as a love interest and a character, find boring James and Guardian, love Winn as a DEO agent, miss snarky Cat, loved Astra but found Non boring, Cadmus is not a really compelling story for me, I find Lena and Max Lord equally interesting but I love "aliens everywhere" and the idea of Daxam/ dominators/ other planets). Last season I liked Supergirl. This season it is the show I love the most.

Edited by emarasmoak

Full scans of the "SciFi magazine" from April 2017 containing an interview with Chris Wood here:

There is some interesting additional information (added to what I mentioned above) about prejudices between Daxam/ Krypton, Mon-El's relationship with Kara, stunts and punching, Mon-El's personality and potentially spoilery bits such as the Daxam storyline, discussions about Mon-El's supersuit or the possibility of the existence of the Legion of Superheroes.

"There is a suit. It is very true to the comics. (...) I think that fans will be very happy when they see it".

Edited by emarasmoak

From TVLine:


Can you tell us anything about Supergirl‘s “Sanvers”? —Emma
During my visit to that CW series’ set, Floriana Lima confirmed, “We’re definitely going to learn a bit more about Maggie and how she came out of that whole ‘coming out’ [experience].” What’s more, in the Monday, March 27 episode, “An ex-girlfriend (played by Cedar Cove‘s Hayley Sales) shows up, and it’s a shocking moment for Maggie to run into her — while Alex is with her,” Lima teased. “We are just walking outside of yoga class, and it was one of those moments where I was like, ‘Yeah, I’ve done that, run into an ex with a new partner!'” Scoop quiz: Now which half of “Sanvers” do you think is dragging the other to yoga?

Oh, it's definitely Maggie dragging Alex to yoga. I'm sure Alex made her "vegan ice cream" face squared at the thought of a yoga class! Not that she probably can't use some meditation these days.... Glad they're not totally dropping Maggie's disastrous outing either, as that's definitely worth following up on.

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I do think that this season has felt that outside of Alex&Kara a lot of Kara's development has been with/around guys. Not just because of Mon-El, but we also started the season with exploring how Kara interacts with feels about Clark (of course still in context of her relationship with Alex). And we have also had Jeremiah, though I consider to him be more Alex's story. 

IMO the biggest problem is that from where I see it, Lena and Lillian just don't hold a candle to Cat and Astra respectively. To me Cat was just a so much more fleshed out character and it was obvious that a ton of deliberate care went into crafting the relationship between her and Kara. To me the writing for Lena just doesn't have the same quality at all. Cat had her own small universe of storylines and challenges that existed to give her layers.

Meanwhile Astra was not just physically intimidating, she also had the benefit of having a deep emotional connection with Kara. Lillian has her moments of being scary (for example in the episode where Mon-El and Kara were captured by Cadmus), but she doesn't pack the same punch as Astra. To be honest, to me Jeremiah has kinda been stealing the show for me as far as the Cadmus storylines are concerned. Granted, part of that might be Dean Cain, but imo it's also Chyler acting the hell out of her scenes and giving some kind of emotional weight to the connection Jeremiah is supposed to have with Alex and imo it's just flat out more interesting to be sort of kept guessing about whose side Jeremiah is really on, whether he will turn on Cadmus, how torn he is about it. While Lillian's plans and motivations are just kinda eh to me. 

Anyway, back to spoilers. 

Behind the scenes of the flash crossover

Melissa says that there is a new villain coming up, who is closing out the season and that she is pretty scary. 

Is she referring to Terri Hatcher's character here? Because I thought Hatcher/Sorbo were supposed to only come on for 3 episodes. If this is supposed to be about her then closing out the season seems like a weird way to phrase it.

Musical Crossover Spoilers from the Flash POV

Edited by tofutan
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I can't believe Mon El will stay. If they wanted to build him from fratboy to hero that's fine but they could have used less screentime and waited until he was fully rehabilitated and into hero mode before getting him and Kara together. That way I could understand what she sees in him and I wouldn't have to continuosly watch him do everything she tells him not to do every episode while they become a couple.

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20 hours ago, tofutan said:

Behind the scenes of the flash crossover

Melissa says that there is a new villain coming up, who is closing out the season and that she is pretty scary. 

Is she referring to Terri Hatcher's character here? Because I thought Hatcher/Sorbo were supposed to only come on for 3 episodes. If this is supposed to be about her then closing out the season seems like a weird way to phrase it.

Could it be Lena? "New" as not known as villain before. That chess scene and the word "checkmate" used in the episode with young Lena seemed to be foreshadowing to me.

Speculation based in Smallville and Comics: I didn't watch Smallville, but I understand that Tess Mercer was a character similar to Lena (initially thought to be Lex Luthor's adopted sister but then resulted to be Lionel's daughter so a real Luthor, just the same as Lena), that was part of an organisation called "Checkmate".

According to the link below it was an underground government agency whose goal was to make sure that all metahuman groups were under control of the US government. In this universe, they might want to do the same with superpowered aliens. 

I don't think that Checkmate would be necessarily evil, but it could be antagonistic to Kara and would bring interesting stories given their friendship. If checkmate decided to act after the arrival of the Royal Daxamites to Earth they may take drastic actions that could be perceived by the narrative of the show as villainous.

The link below mentions other members of checkmate and one of them was Max Lord (Max was trying to keep Kara under control last season). The comics version of Checkmate mentions Snaper Carr as a member.


Edited by emarasmoak

Episode Pics

James at the DEO! 

I'm gonna predict the following interpretation of the pics + other spoilers: 

- Parents show up

- Mon-El says he was always expecting them to pick him up and that he is leaving with them

- Kara and Mon-El saying goodbye scene

- Kara gets whammied by the Musicmeister

- Mon-El freaks out and decides to stay after all

- Mommy Dearest is pissed and puts a bounty on Kara's head

For an episode that is supposedly Alex/Maggie heavy because everyone else on the cast was off filming the crossover--hence justifying why Alex ISN'T the one to bring Kara to Flash's world--those pictures, at least, do not exactly suggest the episode is Alex/Maggie heavy. Strong side-eye, 'cause I still 500% do not believe Alex wouldn't accompany Kara to another freaking UNIVERSE if she's injured and comatose.

I can't decide if I like the lilac dress costume on Hatcher or not. I THINK I like the top half and the bottom half individually, but maybe not together? (Getting a strong Hippolyta vibe off the top half.) I'm also wondering if the top half should extend down another inch or so...it kind of makes her proportions look odd. Like I get that they wanted the bottom of the armor-looking thing to hit at her waist, but in the full-length pic it makes her torso look REALLY short. The proportions seem much better in the zoomed-in picture. Sorbo's costume, otoh, looks like they just shopped at space LL Bean for it, heh.

out of context, picture #6 is cracking me UP. My imaginary caption is Alex saying "I don't know what to tell you, sis--next time a guy is interested in you, run a thorough background check!"

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