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She's Superman's Cousin!: And Other Supergirl Spoilers

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"Supergirl Lives"


Kara is moved by the story of a missing woman named Izzy (guest star Harley Quinn Smith) and decides to investigate despite Snapper Carr's (guest star Ian Gomez) order to leave it alone. Kara takes Mon-El with her to the last place Izzy was seen and the duo find themselves thrust through a portal to another planet, Slaver's Moon, where the downtrodden are sold as slaves. The leader of the trafficking ring is none other than Roulette (guest star Dichen Lachman). To make matters worse, Slaver's Moon has a red sun, which means Kara and Mon-El are stripped of their powers and stuck on the planet with no way home.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Alex blames herself for Kara's disappearance, fearing she's become too focused on her new relationship with Maggie (guest star Floriana Lima) and too complacent in watching out for her sister.

Kevin Smith directed the episode with story by Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Eric Carrasco & Jess Kardos

(#209). Original airdate 1/23/2017.


So... does this explain why there are so many aliens in National City? There's a smeggin' interstellar portal located there??

  • Love 4

EW Spoiler Room:


After his near-transformation, J’onn will have a new lease on life, particularly when it comes to Miss Martian. “His relationship with M’gann is an important one over this next batch of episodes,” EP Andrew Kreisberg tells me. “There is some really great stuff for David [Harewood] and Sharon [Leal] that we are really excited about. We love Sharon’s performance and we love seeing David and Sharon together, it’s some of our favorite stuff this season. We’ve been really lucky with our romantic pairings this season and we really think that J’onn and M’gann have a great storyline coming up.”

  • Love 2

From Kevin Smith's instagram:


The synopsis for the Jan. 23rd episode of @supergirlcw I got to direct has been released. Now I can share what for me was the most unsettling prop I've ever worked with: a Missing sign with my kid's face on it (which thankfully identifies her as Izzy Williams and not @harleyquinnsmith_). This alarming image has been hanging on Harley's bedroom door since we got back from #vancouver - so any time I go to ask her something, I encounter it and feel my heart sink for a millisecond, until I recall we never named the kid Izzy. Here's the official episode synopsis...<snip> #KevinSmith directed the episode with story by @andrewkreisberg and teleplay by @etcarrasco & @jkardos07.

Edited by Trini

EW write-up on the musical crossover;


“When we get to the musical episode, both Barry and Kara will find themselves at pivotal crossroads on their respective series,” Kreisberg says. “The experience of going through the musical will have a great impact on both series moving forward.”

In terms of the music, it’s unclear whether it will be original songs or covers. “We’re still working that out right now,” Kreisberg says. “We’re still writing the script and trying to figure out exactly what we’re going to do.”

I was hoping they were farther along in the process, I thought it would be episode 14 for Supergirl and 15 for The Flash, but it seems like it will be a little later? I'm more concerned about the writing/songs/performances than casting. I hope they can schedule extra time (for rehearsals, etc.) to make this project decent -- sometimes an extra week can make all the difference.

I just hope they're not so intent on getting a musical crossover in this season that it leads to suboptimal episodes. If you must, shelve the idea until next season and do it well.

I wonder if a Flash/Supergirl crossover is kind of annually scheduled for around episode 18 of both series, which iirc is when Barry crossed over last season.

On 1/8/2017 at 9:52 PM, stealinghome said:

I just hope they're not so intent on getting a musical crossover in this season that it leads to suboptimal episodes. If you must, shelve the idea until next season and do it well.

I wonder if a Flash/Supergirl crossover is kind of annually scheduled for around episode 18 of both series, which iirc is when Barry crossed over last season.

I think it's interesting that AK says the crossover will come at a time when Barry and Kara are at "a pivotal crossroads". It gives me hope that the episode won't just be a one-off, but push the story forward. One of the things I loved about last year's Supergirl/Flash crossover was when Barry gave Kara advice about dealing with the fallout of her Red K rampage. It helped move along that plot.

Also, I'd love it if episode 18 became an annual crossover. Barry is better on Supergirl than The Flash.

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A CBR interview with Kreisberg. Saying that the "pull" of the next few episodes is Mon-El and what he's hiding (which is obviously being the prince) is...not what to say to make me excited for the next few episodes, bro.

Promo pics for 2x09 are out. Also not particularly exciting.

Edited by stealinghome
  • Love 2
6 hours ago, stealinghome said:

I definitely agree that Alex and Winn going to Slavers' Moon is going to be the highlight of the episode. brotp road trip!

Is there any chance that in a role reversal, Alex and Winn might have superpowers on the other planet? That could be super fun to explore.

Do you know how much I hope they call themselves Nightwing and Flamebird if that happens?

  • Love 5

EW Spoiler Room:


Timing is everything, so James and Winn waiting to reveal to the Girl of Steel that they’re a vigilante duo is for the best. “I think that James was right to not tell her,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says. “He pretty accurately guessed her reaction to it, but what I think is interesting is while her reaction is explosive, it’s also one of out of concern and love. She loves James and Winn and when she does find out, she’s worried for her friends’ safety.” Bonus: Parasite will return in episode 13!

Multi-episode trailer!

Livewire! Yay! Hopefully, they find a different way to defeat her this time. I think she should have figured out a way to at least avoid getting shorted out by water by now.

Right; Mon-El in superhero training. Supergirl doesn't need a sidekick. But I guess that's the only other role for male characters besides love interest? Only J'onn is more well-rounded.

Way to re-use special effects, Armen! That drone training thing is from the 'Superhero Fight Club 2.0' promo. -- Unless you're telling me that Superhero fight club is canon...? I may not be opposed to that....

Not that I'm completely against James being involved with 'superhero-ing', but Guardian is his true calling now? (Again, Supergirl doesn't need sidekicks.) They ditched his love interest role, and now they're ditching his photojournalism career. Even with his promotion to CEO, they could have done something with him being (one of) Kara's mentor(s) for her newfound journalism career - but no.

The Dominators are back! Or here for the first time on Earth-38. I guess I don't mind seeing them again; but in general, I'm not really a fan of recycling villains between the shows.

Not enough Alex.

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On 1/13/2017 at 7:13 PM, stealinghome said:

We're just getting all the goodies today--press release for 2x10: http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/01/supergirl-episode-210-we-can-be-heroes.html?m=1

I'm going to have to double check; but I think this is the only episode so far where the writing and directing credits are only women.

M'gann in a coma? I wonder if this will resolved by the episode's end or will they stretch it out?

Edited by Trini
8 hours ago, Trini said:

I'm going to have to double check; but I think this is the only episode so far where the writing and directing credits are only women.

M'gann in a coma? I wonder if this will resolved by the episode's end or will they stretch it out?

Re: Coma.  Maybe the only way to help her will be to have J'onn do the mind meld thing.  She helped him in a way that she knew he wouldn't want to save his life, so might be a parallel the other way for J'onn to mind meld her to save her life.

  • Love 1

I suspect that M'gann's mysterious coma will be cured by the end of the episode, and will lead to a J'onn/M'gann reconciliation. My guess is that the DEO let her out of jail off-screen after 2x08 but J'onn has basically been acting like she's dead to him (we'll get a scene of him ignoring/being super icy to her at the alien bar), she gets hit by the attack and goes into a coma, he does the mind meld thing to save her and sees the depth of her regret/sorrow/guilt/pain/etc, and experiencing the depth of her emotions opens the door for him to begin to forgive her and them to begin to reconcile. I'm more interested in whether the psychic attack comes from Cadmus somehow, or if we're getting back to the President White Martian plot.

It's interesting that Alex isn't in the press release for 2x10--I wonder if she and Maggie have something important going on they didn't want to spoil in the press release, or if "Livewire attack( s) the NCPD but things go awry when Mon-El puts Supergirl before the citizens" (bold mine) is code for "Mon-El does something stupid and either Maggie or Alex gets seriously hurt as a result." Mon-El fucking up and getting Maggie hurt could cause some real tension between Kara and Alex; alternately, Kara would go absolutely ballistic if Alex got hurt. Or maybe they just wanted to give Chyler Leigh a break and it will be one of those episodes where she only has like 3 minutes.


Right; Mon-El in superhero training. Supergirl doesn't need a sidekick. But I guess that's the only other role for male characters besides love interest? Only J'onn is more well-rounded.

My concern is that the promo makes it look like Kara will continue to NOT have a personal storyline of her own. Instead, it's going to be all about how Mon-El grows. That's not good. At all.

Edited by stealinghome
fuck you, formatting!
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, stealinghome said:

My concern is that the promo makes it look like Kara will continue to NOT have a personal storyline of her own. Instead, it's going to be all about how Mon-El grows. That's not good. At all.

She's supposed to be exploring becoming a better reporter, which is kind of mentioned in the episode description. But I get the feeling that it's going to be just one scene:

On 1/6/2017 at 0:18 AM, Trini said:

Kara is moved by the story of a missing woman named Izzy (guest star Harley Quinn Smith) and decides to investigate despite Snapper Carr's (guest star Ian Gomez) order to leave it alone. ...

But I agree with you; the show has spent more time with her and Mon-El. Sigh....

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Trini said:

She's supposed to be exploring becoming a better reporter, which is kind of mentioned in the episode description. But I get the feeling that it's going to be just one scene:

Yeah, I suspect it's going to be just one scene. I think it's going to be a variation on what we saw of the reporter job in 2A: reporting will alert Kara to the crime, but then she'll spend the rest of the episode superhero-ing to solve it. So I don't foresee much exploration of Kara's job and how it's changing her (hope I'm wrong on this, obviously!).

I do think it's interesting that Kara in the sneak peek says she's feeling "betwixt and between" and then chooses to solve a missing persons case with a girl roughly her own age--not very subtle, but it lets me hope that maybe we'll get SOME kind of glimpse into her headspace.

  • Love 1

Someone on Tumblr pointed out that in most of the comics, Mon-El ends up with lead poisoning, trapped in the Phantom Zone. Normally, I don't mind when the shows aren't like the comics (because let's face it, with all the reboots/alternate timelines/alternate universes they do, the comics aren't like the comics), but this is one storyline I would be happy for them to keep.

4 hours ago, kalamac said:

Someone on Tumblr pointed out that in most of the comics, Mon-El ends up with lead poisoning, trapped in the Phantom Zone. Normally, I don't mind when the shows aren't like the comics (because let's face it, with all the reboots/alternate timelines/alternate universes they do, the comics aren't like the comics), but this is one storyline I would be happy for them to keep.

They're correct.  It's how he ends up becoming a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th Century, only interacting with Superboy and Supergirl when they visit that era.  I myself think that's probably where this show is headed, with Mon-El eventually landing in the 30th or 31st Century and hooking up with the Legion as the next DC Universe spin-off.

  • Love 1
40 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

They're correct.  It's how he ends up becoming a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th Century, only interacting with Superboy and Supergirl when they visit that era.  I myself think that's probably where this show is headed, with Mon-El eventually landing in the 30th or 31st Century and hooking up with the Legion as the next DC Universe spin-off.

I'm not super knowledgeable about the comics, so let me ask--is the Legion anything like the Legends of Tomorrow concept? I don't watch that show but I grasp its basic concept....

1 hour ago, stealinghome said:

I'm not super knowledgeable about the comics, so let me ask--is the Legion anything like the Legends of Tomorrow concept? I don't watch that show but I grasp its basic concept....

No; the Legion is a 30th (now 31st) Century superhero club and possibly the finest basis for a superhero soap opera ever devised.  Lots of action, plenty of room for romantic entanglements.... if the CW could afford to pull it off it would be perfect for them.

If you ever saw the Smallville episode Legion, those were the founding members who showed up.  We've also seen a Legion flight ring in the Fortress of Solitude.

  • Love 3

In a broad sense the Legion is basically a future version of the Justice League, though bigger in scope.

There is usually a "Superman" figure among the group, either a time traveling Superboy/girl or Mon El who has been waiting in the Phantom Zone for someone to find a cure of his lead poisoning. But they're usually dealing with problems based in their (relative) present. Usually they're not a group based on time traveling scenarios (outside of Superboy or girl being part of the team) or fixing problems with the timeline like the Legends team has been presented.

The Legion is a future team that deals with future problems while having their own soap opera style relationship issues like the classic X-Men or the Teen Titans teams.

  • Love 3
On 1/10/2017 at 5:29 PM, stealinghome said:

David Harewood is 51, Sharon Leal 44. So not a really significant age difference. However, I definitely think J'onn and M'gann have a LOT to work out before they can even think about maybe going on a date....

Ah I didn't know their ages so I thought they were further apart. 

Press release for 2x11.


looks like "trapped in the DEO with a rampaging White Martian!" might also be an annual tradition now. I'm guessing that 2x10's psychic attack on M'gann is from the White Martians, then, not Cadmus.

  • Love 1

Ask Ausiello:


Kara “finds out in a very dramatic fashion that James is the Guardian,” Mehcad Brooks previews. But in Monday’s winter premiere, the Girl of Steel still has no clue that her pal is the crimefighter as the two battle it out… on the page. “I’m writing my article on how amazing the Guardian is and how he stopped the crime, and Kara’s writing her article about Supergirl,” Brooks shares. “We’re having a secret war. It’s just a little funny scene where both of us are trying to push our agendas.”

Hollywood Reporter:


Returning villains: Supergirl may have put the head of Cadmus behind bars in the fall finale, but there is no shortage of villains returning to the series in the back half of season two. "She's still facing Cadmus," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells THR. "There's going to be another couple of returning villains. Livewire [Brit Morgan] is coming back, Parasite [William Mapother] is coming back, she's going to face off against Mr. Mxyzptlk [Peter Gadiot]. We've got a bunch of classic DC Comics characters."

High stakes romance: But what Kara (Melissa Benoist) should really be focusing on is her new love interest. After sharing a romantic moment with Mon-El (Chris Wood) in the fall finale, it was revealed that he may be hiding the truth about his past from everyone when an unidentified alien spaceship seemed to be hunting him down. "A lot of the pull of the next episodes is the mystery of Mon-El and what is he hiding and who are these people tracking him?" Kreisberg said. "That coincides with the two of them growing closer and seeing where that relationship goes."

Ugh, less Mon-El romance, more finding Jeremiah, please!

TV Line about the musical crossover:


As for which characters from the two shows will be singing, The CW also confirmed a few of those names: Glee grads Grant Gustin (Barry) and Melissa Benoist (Kara); Broadway vets Jesse L. Martin (Joe), Victor Garber (Dr. Stein), John Barrowman (Malcolm Merlyn) and Jeremy Jordan (Winn); and Carlos Valdes (Cisco).

David Harewood (Hank) and Chris Wood (Mon-El) will also appear in “Duets,” but they’ll be doing so amelodically.

So Kara, J'onn, and Mon-El are coming to Central City?

Edited by Trini
  • Love 1
40 minutes ago, Oreo2234 said:

And Mon-El too. Every regular character but James and Alex.  I understand James not being there but Alex's absence is puzzling with even J'onn being there. It makes me wonder if something is gonna happen to her.

I doubt anything will happen to her (at least not in a permanent sense), but I hope she's going to be in on the singing as Chyler also sings.  The wording in the quote makes me wonder if there are additional folks that weren't mentioned.

49 minutes ago, Trini said:

David Harewood (Hank) and Chris Wood (Mon-El) will also appear in “Duets,” but they’ll be doing so amelodically.

And now I want to hear and see Martian Manhunter, in full alien garb, doing "One Night in Bangkok."


“The Martian Chronicles” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)

WHITE MARTIANS ATTACK THE DEO — Armek (guest star Terrell Tilford), a White Martian, descends on National City intent on taking M’gann (guest star Sharon Leal) back to Mars to face her punishment as a traitor. Hank (David Harewood) and Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) determine the best way to keep M’gann safe is to bring her to the DEO. However, when it is revealed that Armek shape-shifted into M’gann and is now loose in the building, the team realize he could be disguised as any one of them.

David McWhirter directed the episode written by Gabriel Llanas & Anna Musky-Goldwyn (#211). Original airdate 2/6/2017.

"The enemy is among us! Trust no one!!" -- It's a trope, but it could be good. So M'gann gets set free in either 2.09 or 2.10.

  • Love 1
On 1/23/2017 at 0:28 PM, MarkHB said:

The Music Meister has been cast for the Flash musical crossover.  He will be played by another Glee alum, Darren Criss.

I find it strange that they are once again barely doing any of the crossover on Supergirl.

It seems like if they want Flash to always do the bulk of the setup on crossovers, then they need to change the schedule next year and have Flash lead out the week.

Edited by ParadoxLost

Supergirl #2.12 Description: “Luthors”

LENA IS ARRESTED – After Metallo (guest star Frederick Schmidt) breaks out of prison and frees Lillian Luthor (guest star Brenda Strong), the police blame Lena (guest star Katie McGrath) for his escape and arrest her. Despite overwhelming evidence, Kara (Melissa Benoist) refuses to believe her friend is guilty and fights to clear Lena’s name. Flashbacks reveal how Lena came to be a Luthor.  Meanwhile, Alex (Chyler Leigh) and Maggie (Floriana Lima) celebrate their first Valentine’s Day together. Tawnia McKiernan directed the episode written by Robert Rovner and Cindy Lichtman. (212). Original airdate 2/13/17. 

  • Love 2

It will be interesting to see their take on Lena's backstory, since in the Silver Age comics, she was always the biological younger sister of Lex Luthor. When she was a little girl, she touched a space brain that Lex had been studying (this was before Lex became a criminal), and as a result, she gained the power of telepathy.

After Lex turned criminal, his and Lena's parents were so ashamed of him that they completely disowned him, moved away, and changed their name by juggling the letters of their last name into an anagram of "Luthor," "Thorul."  Lena was too young to remember that much about Lex, so her parents decided that when she grew old enough to understand, they would simply tell her that Lex was dead.

When Lena was a teenager, her parents were killed in an automobile accident that also left her with partial amnesia, so she had no memory of her past as a Luthor.  This proved to be a problem later on when she applied to join the FBI, since there was no way she could pass the required background check.  Fortunately, Lena had met and befriended Supergirl when both were still in high school, and Supergirl went back in time to find out what she could about Lena's past.  It was then that she discovered who Lena really was and to whom she was related, and she disclosed this information to the FBI, but did not disclose it to Lena.  Lena only found out the truth years later when an aneurysm that was a delayed side-effect of the accident that gave Lena her telepathic powers nearly killed her, prompting her fellow-FBI agent husband's mother to share with her the classified file containing the information about her past and her true identity that her then-deceased husband had smuggled out of the FBI.  She later lost her telepathic powers as a result of the brain surgery that was performed to repair the damage caused by the aneurysm.

As I said, quite the backstory for the Silver Age Lena.  I know that after the 1986 reboot, she was originally recast as Lex's daughter rather than his sister, and she never had telepathy.  Still, I'd like to see at least some shout-out to the Silver Age Lena, and yes, I'd love to find out that she DOES have telepathy -- and that she uses it unbeknownst to everyone else!

Edited by legaleagle53
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