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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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3 hours ago, Katy M said:

So, I called back, and spoke to someone else who said they could send me the correct splitter for a shipping charge of  $6 something.  Are you serious?  This was all supposed to be free.  So after arguing with him for a couple of minutes, quite loudly at the end, I asked to speak to a supervisor. He told me a supervisor was just going to say the same thing, but I insisted.  Anyway, the supervisor was quite nice.  He told me he had to charge the shipping,but he would give me a $10 credit on my next bill.  OK, so I'm happy.  But, I now have to hook up my old modem so I have internet while waiting for new splitter.  And, this is when I realized I already had a splitter on my old set up.  AARGH. OK, I set everything up and I called back yet again to cancel the splitter.  I'm sure I looked like quite the moron.  I'm just glad that's all over (bar returning the old one where I'm sure something else will go wrong).

Wait, you went to the trouble to cancel the splitter even though it made you look like a moron and it meant you forgo your $4 bonus?  Can't say I would have done the same.

I don't know how to make it show up in this post, but here's an animated .gif I found.  I downloaded it to my desktop and I look at it a couple of times a day to bring me back from the ledge.

How I feel about my computer.

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27 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Wait, you went to the trouble to cancel the splitter even though it made you look like a moron and it meant you forgo your $4 bonus?  Can't say I would have done the same.

I don't know how to make it show up in this post, but here's an animated .gif I found.  I downloaded it to my desktop and I look at it a couple of times a day to bring me back from the ledge.

How I feel about my computer.

It felt wrong not to.

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51 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

You're a better person than I am.  If nothing else, I would see the $4 as amends for that CSR trying to quash your request to speak to a supervisor by saying you'd get the same answer, which turned out not to be true.

I won't find out until next month, but I'm almost wondering if the two things were not joined together in the system, if maybe the shipping charge will be taken off, but not the credit.  That would be funny. 

I found it odd he didn't want me to talk to a supervisor.  I'm always more than happy to pass complainers up the ladder.  Often I'll suggest it before they do.

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Small nit-pick, but this morning I went for my usual daily run, which normally covers a few miles of streets, roads and countryside. I go running 5 or 6 times a week, and during the working week I have this route almost to myself in terms of  seeing other runners. But the weekends are different because obviously a lot more people have more time on their hands. So even at 5am it's not surprising to see at least another 10 or so runners/walkers on my route,

This morning was no different, but on this occasion - and not for the first time - I ended up with a runner who decided to spend at least 3 or 4 miles on my tail. Even when I deliberately slowed down to a slow jog he slowed down also, but never overtook or even got any closer. So I upped the pace to a full run, and he did the same. But after about 2 miles he couldn't keep up and I eventually lost him and that was that.

I don't know if I've seen this guy before, but in the past I've had similar things happen nothing came of it. There was never any communication, acknowledgement or anything. I don't know whether they were pacing themselves with me, or worse just wanted to stare at my Lycra-covered arse for a mile or two.

This morning's incident was no different, but worrying because you never know their motives (innocent or otherwise), and being out in the countryside with a stranger on your tail is a little unnerving (I did have my phone on me); and I didn't want to head back home because I didn't want to let this guy know where I lived.

Might try a different route tomorrow.

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57 minutes ago, Only Zola said:

Small nit-pick, but this morning I went for my usual daily run, which normally covers a few miles of streets, roads and countryside. I go running 5 or 6 times a week, and during the working week I have this route almost to myself in terms of  seeing other runners. But the weekends are different because obviously a lot more people have more time on their hands. So even at 5am it's not surprising to see at least another 10 or so runners/walkers on my route,

This morning was no different, but on this occasion - and not for the first time - I ended up with a runner who decided to spend at least 3 or 4 miles on my tail. Even when I deliberately slowed down to a slow jog he slowed down also, but never overtook or even got any closer. So I upped the pace to a full run, and he did the same. But after about 2 miles he couldn't keep up and I eventually lost him and that was that.

I don't know if I've seen this guy before, but in the past I've had similar things happen nothing came of it. There was never any communication, acknowledgement or anything. I don't know whether they were pacing themselves with me, or worse just wanted to stare at my Lycra-covered arse for a mile or two.

This morning's incident was no different, but worrying because you never know their motives (innocent or otherwise), and being out in the countryside with a stranger on your tail is a little unnerving (I did have my phone on me); and I didn't want to head back home because I didn't want to let this guy know where I lived.

Might try a different route tomorrow.

I watch WAY too much true crime to NOT be alarmed by this type of behavior, Z!  Even if he is just your average perv looking at your ass, that is all kinds of creepy.  And unacceptable.

Please be safe.

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On 8/9/2017 at 4:15 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

I do appreciate your effort, but from a non-cook's perspective:

1.  What is a "good" oil?  Like bilgistic, I have a years-old bottle of olive oil in my refrigerator.  I don't know if it was good when I bought it, and I'm pretty sure it's not better now.

2.  What is a "tasty" alternative to olive oil?  Actually, I don't even like olive oil.  Even the best stuff tastes rancid to me (I've gone to olive oil stores and tested it because I just can't believe I don't like any of it). 

3.  Thank you for the 1:1 ratio of lemon juice to olive oil.

4.  1/2 to 2/3 of red wine vinegar (I'll have to buy some) to olive oil, depending on potency of the vinegar (how do I know what that is?) and how much I like the acid taste (again, how do I know?).  And even if I like the dressing, will it be what I want on pasta salad?

5.  Good old "pepper and salt to taste."  I haven't the vaguest idea how much that is.  I never add table salt to anything I eat.  Or pepper, for that matter.  When I make pasta, I sprinkle some salt in the water, but I've read that it's supposed to be up to 1 tablespoon per quart of water.  The hell?

6.  Add garlic, "herbs you fancy."  I don't know if I fancy any herbs.  Well, I know I don't like cilantro, but I don't think that would go in there anyway.  And adjusting to "the dish on hand"?  I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to do that.

None of this sounds familiar from your non-cook days?  Or were you always a cook and just didn't know it? 

When I say I'm not a cook, I mean it.  I can follow a recipe, but will do so slavishly.  Which does bring up a peeve--when I look at the comments on recipes online, people will rate it, and then list all the changes they made to it.  Which makes it a different recipe.

If you dislike olive oil try safflower oil. It comes in a small bottle, isn't expensive (sometimes cheaper than olive oil) and then store it in your refrigerator. It won't go rancid as fast that way. 

On vinegar, consider an aged balsamic. It's naturally sweet and when I'm trying hard on the no cholesterol, I can use it in place of any dressing on my salad (or to dress up tomatoes, strawberries, roasted veggies etc) just plain. Just look for an aged one (18 years minimum). Most of those specialty oil shops sell an aged balsamic. 

Salt to taste. To everyone that is different. One of my pet peeves is how much seasoning a lot of chefs say or use in their recipes. For light seasoning use 1/4-1/2 teaspoon. I will forgo salt (I have trouble with processed foods and restaurants as sometimes their food is just too salty for me to enjoy or it burns my tongue). When salting water for pasta I will use 1-2 teaspoons. Pepper is a stronger flavor most chefs use half the salt ratio (2 parts salt to 1 part pepper) but I like pepper and use a 1:1 ratio. I put plenty of salt out on the table for those who are used to a saltier diet and/or don't use or reduce pepper for those who dislike it. 

Garlic...size matters. Chewing into a big bite is way more flavorful (or overdose) than if it's minced. Use a plane. That's a grater for small stuff. Or a garlic press. Those smaller bits will infuse into the dish more easily. Begin with one toe (small clove from the head...oh a head can last a month in a cool dark cabinet but like onions never store them near potatoes). You can always add more but not take it away. It you have a leftovers cut the top of of the garlic head leaving the original shape intact, sprinkle with a tablespoon of oil, wrap in foil, put on a baking sheet and roast at 400* for @ 45 minutes. It will caramelize  and become very sweet and tastes good on crackers or leftover toasted baguettes. Yum. 

Herbs..start simple with things like parsley, chives (oniony flavor) and basil (pairs well with anything tomato and your pasta salad). A tablespoon of any of them will be enough to give you a taste and not over power your dish and any of them can be combined together and/or with garlic in my experience. Then venture out to stronger flavors like rosemary  a little (1 teaspoon) can go a long way if eating raw but you can use more when using to flavor meats when baking  

I hope I've been able to answer some of your questions. Try watching someone like Ree Drummond cook (The Pioneer Woman on the cooking channel but has 'how to' videos free online) as she's not too complicated and some of her food is tasty. 

Best Wishes. 

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Here's a peeve:  I can deal with all the indignities of "old age" and being a post menopausal woman.  The Big Ones, that is.  But it's the littlest things that piss me off the most.  I know some ladies lament about the ubiquitous chin hairs (and yes, I've got those, too), but I want to bitch about the random wild eyebrow hair.  The one that pops up coarser and of a different color than all the rest, and is about 3 times longer than it has any right to be.  Just what in the holy hell is happening inside my body to make this freakish hair sprout from my right eyebrow (and yes, it is always the right side, never the left)?  The rest of the hair on my body is totally normal - hell, I don't even have the lovely grey hair on my head for solace - but this delinquent follicle is pissing me off!

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5 hours ago, Only Zola said:

Small nit-pick, but this morning I went for my usual daily run, which normally covers a few miles of streets, roads and countryside. I go running 5 or 6 times a week, and during the working week I have this route almost to myself in terms of  seeing other runners. But the weekends are different because obviously a lot more people have more time on their hands. So even at 5am it's not surprising to see at least another 10 or so runners/walkers on my route,

This morning was no different, but on this occasion - and not for the first time - I ended up with a runner who decided to spend at least 3 or 4 miles on my tail. Even when I deliberately slowed down to a slow jog he slowed down also, but never overtook or even got any closer. So I upped the pace to a full run, and he did the same. But after about 2 miles he couldn't keep up and I eventually lost him and that was that.

I don't know if I've seen this guy before, but in the past I've had similar things happen nothing came of it. There was never any communication, acknowledgement or anything. I don't know whether they were pacing themselves with me, or worse just wanted to stare at my Lycra-covered arse for a mile or two.

This morning's incident was no different, but worrying because you never know their motives (innocent or otherwise), and being out in the countryside with a stranger on your tail is a little unnerving (I did have my phone on me); and I didn't want to head back home because I didn't want to let this guy know where I lived.

Might try a different route tomorrow.

Please do and vary your clothing so they can't glance you from afar and know it's you. Hmm...pepper spray? I'm with Walnut Queen. Be very careful and if you need somewhere relatively safe maybe try a HS or college track. The scenery won't be as nice but it will look much better than hospital walls. 

Be well and safe. 

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6 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

I want to bitch about the random wild eyebrow hair.  The one that pops up coarser and of a different color than all the rest, and is about 3 times longer than it has any right to be. 

And it goes from non-existent to half an inch long I swear in a couple of hours.  How does that happen? 

I have almost no gray hair, and I can't say the rogue hair is never on my left side, but I can't be sure.  I'll keep an eye out and report back if I gather a data point.  Maybe wanting to get one in the interest of science will keep them at bay.

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7 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

And it goes from non-existent to half an inch long I swear in a couple of hours.  How does that happen? 

I have almost no gray hair, and I can't say the rogue hair is never on my left side, but I can't be sure.  I'll keep an eye out and report back if I gather a data point.  Maybe wanting to get one in the interest of science will keep them at bay.

Scientists need to study those magical sprouts (yes, they seem to appear in a matter of hours, not days) and turn that shit to gold in the form of an instant cure for baldness.  :-D

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24 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I hope I've been able to answer some of your questions. Try watching someone like Ree Drummond cook (The Pioneer Woman on the cooking channel but has 'how to' videos free online) as she's not too complicated and some of her food is tasty.

Thanks for the tips.

I think it's Ree Drummond's tres leches cake recipe that I use.  But that's only because using sweetened condensed milk is done by everybody.  My jaw dropped when I was watching her show once because she was making Tex-Mex enchiladas, and I'd love to make my own.  She was going through the steps, and said, "Add a can of enchilada sauce."  WTF?  I didn't expect a TV show to use canned enchilada sauce, and if you're going to do that, then at least say which one you're using because surely they're not 100% interchangeable. 

But mind you that I'm scarred when it comes to canned Mexican food.  I made the hideous, horrible mistake once of trying canned menudo, and it's made me frightened of almost anything Mexican canned.  I don't know what I was thinking--"fresh" menudo is kind of vile to begin with, so canned has to be beyond gross.   And Kroger has a deal where you can download a coupon for a free product on Fridays, and one week it was canned refried beans.  I figured I'd give them a shot because...free.  It tasted exactly like Frito Lay Bean Dip, and I'll confess that it wasn't so long ago that I could still eat that stuff, but I don't think actual refried beans should taste like that.

Anyway, whenever I do watch Ree, I think, "I could do that."  Even when she's not using canned enchilada sauce.

I'll try the safflower oil (am I the only person on the planet who doesn't like olive oil?) and aged balsamic vinegar.  I would like to have a salad dressing I like because I haven't found a bottled one I'm in love with.  Except when I'm near a Newk's (a Southern chain), I get a quart of their honey mustard dressing, which has a surprising kick to it.  But I'm not often in Newk's territory, and honey mustard should not be one's go-to salad dressing.

In all honesty, if they came up with a pill as a food replacement, I'd be happy.  You could either take the pill or have a meal--your choice. 

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15 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

In all honesty, if they came up with a pill as a food replacement, I'd be happy.  You could either take the pill or have a meal--your choice. 

They've done that with a liquid, but I surely wouldn't recommend it:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soylent_(meal_replacement)

My Mum used Andrew Lessman's Secure Meal Replacement for years, mostly as a supplement, because she didn't eat much, and she loved it.  I mixed the chocolate & coffee flavors in milk (and maybe a shot of booze!) and found it quite palatable.  It's supposed to help you lose weight while providing necessary nutrition ... hmmph!  :-)

Cooking for one is a drag - especially if you're a hermit and don't invite people over for a feast anymore.  :-(

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1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

Here's a peeve:  I can deal with all the indignities of "old age" and being a post menopausal woman.  The Big Ones, that is.  But it's the littlest things that piss me off the most.  I know some ladies lament about the ubiquitous chin hairs (and yes, I've got those, too), but I want to bitch about the random wild eyebrow hair.  The one that pops up coarser and of a different color than all the rest, and is about 3 times longer than it has any right to be.  Just what in the holy hell is happening inside my body to make this freakish hair sprout from my right eyebrow (and yes, it is always the right side, never the left)?  The rest of the hair on my body is totally normal - hell, I don't even have the lovely grey hair on my head for solace - but this delinquent follicle is pissing me off!

If it makes you feel any better (I doubt it), I am 37, and I too have chin hairs and a rogue, white eyebrow hair that sticks out perpendicular to my face.  I have a few grey head hairs too, and they're coarser and also stick straight up.  Yank those bastards right out.  All of them.  

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2 minutes ago, janestclair said:

If it makes you feel any better (I doubt it), I am 37, and I too have chin hairs and a rogue, white eyebrow hair that sticks out perpendicular to my face.  I have a few grey head hairs too, and they're coarser and also stick straight up.  Yank those bastards right out.  All of them.  

It IS comforting to know that tweezers are our friends, at any age.  ;-)

Also, "bastard hairs".  hee

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6 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I watch WAY too much true crime to NOT be alarmed by this type of behavior, Z!  Even if he is just your average perv looking at your ass, that is all kinds of creepy.  And unacceptable.

Please be safe.


1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Please do and vary your clothing so they can't glance you from afar and know it's you. Hmm...pepper spray? I'm with Walnut Queen. Be very careful and if you need somewhere relatively safe maybe try a HS or college track. The scenery won't be as nice but it will look much better than hospital walls. 

Be well and safe. 

Thanks for the tips. 

As for carrying self-defence "weapons" like pepper sprays - well we're very limited what we can carry legally in the UK. Even certain certain types of pepper spray are deemed illegal. So basically my potential attacker can be tooled up with a couple of knives while high on drugs. But if I'm carry a knife and I use it it self-defence and actually hurt him, I become the criminal that will be arrested while he will probably walk away as the innocent party.

Anyway, I can legally carry one of those personal alarm things that make a high-pitched noise when activated. Very reassuring. NOT!

I will take a different route tomorrow, and probably wear something a bit more "baggy" but not quite so comfortable. Of course I could be doing this guy a complete disservice, and that he just likes running.

ho hum: just another complication in a person's ordinary daily life :( 

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59 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'll try the safflower oil (am I the only person on the planet who doesn't like olive oil?)

No, I dislike it as well which is how I came about using the safflower oil. It gets bonus points from me because it can heat to a higher point than olive oil. So it's also good for frying anything. I do cook a lot for other ppl so I do keep olive oil in the house for the purists but I'm on your side of the fence. 

Would not touch menudo, fresh or any otherwise! 

Standard for making your own dressing is 3:1. Three parts Saff oil to one part acid (either lemon juice or any vinegar except white which would be too bland). Add a teaspoon to a tablespoon of your favorite mustard  1/4 t of salt, 1/4 t of pepper and and parsley (you can buy minced parsley in the veggie section of the grocery store in these little containers and it lasts about 4 weeks or buy dried at the Dollar store...won't be as fresh but it really won't go bad either if you don't use it all at once) Garlic or perhaps you should try shallots. They kind of look like garlic but have a milder flavor somewhere between garlic and an onion. If you add them either mince them with a knife or if you prefer use a small grater or cut into pieces that will fit into a garlic press. I make mine in a small Mason jar and then shake it until well blended. 

I have a foolproof quinoa salad recipe. As not to bore the others here on this thread PM me or hit me up on the recipes thread and I'll be happy to share it. 

@Only Zola  I think it's time for you to get a running buddy. Forgot you live in the U.K.  I used to live over there so I'm aware how there's little that you can do to protect yourself. Also you might consider a self defense class. You might even meet someone to run with who has similar concerns. 

Be well and safe. 

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30 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

They've done that with a liquid, but I surely wouldn't recommend it:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soylent_(meal_replacement)

I'm almost positive that's the stuff I saw a TV show about once.  It was for programmers who couldn't tear themselves away from their computers long enough to eat. 

And as if it didn't sound vile enough on its own, I noticed that it contains sucralose, which I can't stand.  I'm sure I've peeved about that before--having to be a Ph.D.-level language parser when reading labels to be sure that "no added sugar" isn't code for "made of Splenda" or "made of Stevia."  Yes, I enjoy rinsing my canned pears to get the "no sugar" off.

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24 minutes ago, Only Zola said:


Thanks for the tips. 

As for carrying self-defence "weapons" like pepper sprays - well we're very limited what we can carry legally in the UK. Even certain certain types of pepper spray are deemed illegal. So basically my potential attacker can be tooled up with a couple of knives while high on drugs. But if I'm carry a knife and I use it it self-defence and actually hurt him, I become the criminal that will be arrested while he will probably walk away as the innocent party.

Anyway, I can legally carry one of those personal alarm things that make a high-pitched noise when activated. Very reassuring. NOT!

I will take a different route tomorrow, and probably wear something a bit more "baggy" but not quite so comfortable. Of course I could be doing this guy a complete disservice, and that he just likes running.

ho hum: just another complication in a person's ordinary daily life :( 

OK, so just because you live in the land of banned weaponry doesn't mean you can't get a little creative with your own form of bear spray, that can give the authorities some cause for pause.  In addition to a stabby little nail file (because, a chipped nail is a jogging accident just waiting to happen), a Bic lighter and travel sized tube of hairspray (who doesn't stop for a smoke & fixin' their hair during a run?) can become a mini flame-thrower.  Heck, the hairspray in the eyes is enough to sting a little.  Keys held correctly can become a stabbing extension of your fist.  I could go on, but it's better that you get some REAL self defense advice from the pros (says the woman with a car console hatchet, recliner machete, and purse ulu!).  :-)


11 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'm almost positive that's the stuff I saw a TV show about once.  It was for programmers who couldn't tear themselves away from their computers long enough to eat. 

Probably the same show I watched - I want to say Vice News Tonight or VICE, but really can't rely on my memory much these days.  The guy who developed it was a bit of a creeper, though - that I DO remember.  :-)

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14 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

says the woman with a car console hatchet, recliner machete, and purse ulu!).  :-)

I have a tomahawk. In my last place I kept it at the top of the stairs. When ppl would ask me why I'd state because if a hurricane brought in a bad storm surge I'd have means to hack through my roof to safety (and keep water and an orange towel and a flare gun in the attic to alert rescue teams) but yes, it is also there as self defense.  Hmm...might need to invest in a machete. Seems the weeds are getting tall lol! 

This food substitute chat reminds me of the movie Soylent Green with Charlton Heston !! That was creepy too. 

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On the issue of body hair oddities that happen as one ages, mine has been the almost total disappearance of hair on my legs. I'm not entirely sure exactly when this happened, and it obviously wasn't overnight, but about 5-7 years ago I quit shaving my legs on any sort of regular basis. My work wardrobe was entirely pants, and at home I wore jeans, etc.  I wasn't in a relationship for a while and I hate shaving my legs or using some sort of depilatory anyway, so there just wasn't much incentive. I noticed over time that I wasn't getting a lot of leg hair; maybe every 6 months I would break down and shave my legs but there was definitely a reduced amount. However, about three years ago I needed to wear a dress and hose for some reason (probably a funeral) and resigned myself to shaving. Only, there was no need. I've got maybe 6 random hairs on my legs now; otherwise, my legs are silky smooth with no shaving, waxing, or other torture. 

As for other body hair, I look forward to the day when you can just go to a salon or something similar, and after one treatment, the only remaining hair is the hair you want, such as normal hair on your head and eyebrows.  Obviously, people who want hair in other places could elect to retain that. But when I think of all the time I've wasted over the years shaving my legs and so forth, a one-time treatment would be a great idea.

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3 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I know some ladies lament about the ubiquitous chin hairs (and yes, I've got those, too), but I want to bitch about the random wild eyebrow hair.  The one that pops up coarser and of a different color than all the rest, and is about 3 times longer than it has any right to be.  Just what in the holy hell is happening inside my body to make this freakish hair sprout from my right eyebrow (and yes, it is always the right side, never the left)?


1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

It IS comforting to know that tweezers are our friends, at any age.  ;-)

Also, "bastard hairs".  hee

I'm naturally "dishwater blonde". At 42, I have very few grays on my head, but I only see them when I go too long between dyeing (like right now). I, too, have a rogue white-as-my-grandpa's-hair eyebrow hair that grows half an inch long overnight. It showed up about 10 years ago.

I was at a stoplight recently and in the lane to my right was a woman plucking her chin hairs. I felt solidarity with her because I pluck my eyebrows at stoplights and in traffic jams. Natural light in the car is much better than bathroom lighting.

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'll try the safflower oil (am I the only person on the planet who doesn't like olive oil?) and aged balsamic vinegar.  I would like to have a salad dressing I like because I haven't found a bottled one I'm in love with.  Except when I'm near a Newk's (a Southern chain), I get a quart of their honey mustard dressing, which has a surprising kick to it.  But I'm not often in Newk's territory, and honey mustard should not be one's go-to salad dressing

Avocado oil has no discernible flavor or smell. It's not cheap but I like it because it has a very high flash point. Also I'd be very leery of cooking the way Ree Drummond does. The amount of fats and sugar in her recipes are off the charts.

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

Avocado oil has no discernible flavor or smell. It's not cheap but I like it because it has a very high flash point. Also I'd be very leery of cooking the way Ree Drummond does. The amount of fats and sugar in her recipes are off the charts.

That's true but I was suggesting her for techniques more than her foods themselves. I modify to suit my tastes and health. I'm a pretty clean eater. Glad you brought up that point tho! 

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I have a tomahawk. In my last place I kept it at the top of the stairs. When ppl would ask me why I'd state because if a hurricane brought in a bad storm surge I'd have means to hack through my roof to safety (and keep water and an orange towel and a flare gun in the attic to alert rescue teams) but yes, it is also there as self defense.  Hmm...might need to invest in a machete. Seems the weeds are getting tall lol! 

I have two big meat forks that came with one of those countertop utensil holders, haha! If I can't effectively use them quickly enough, at least I can create an unholy ruckus knocking over the other metal implements while trying to wrest my dual forks out of the crammed-full jar.

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4 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

It IS comforting to know that tweezers are our friends, at any age.  ;-)

Also, "bastard hairs".  hee

Thx for the paranoia ladies. I'm going out to dinner tonight with my neighbors and got the magnifying mirror out (eww...didn't really need to see the image looking back at me lol) but made sure I had no more pesky hairs than the one that was blatantly sticking out! 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

That's true but I was suggesting her for techniques more than her foods themselves.

You mean like, "Open a can of enchilada sauce"?  ~Sorry, couldn't resist~

I've read complaints about the amount of butter, in particular, that she uses.  I'm a butter fiend, and even I watch her sometimes and think, "That's a lot of butter."

We keep one of those giant Maglites with five D-cell batteries in it by the door of the RV to bonk someone on the head.  Next to it, we have two foot-long Louisville Slugger bats that they hand out as souvenirs on the factory tour.  If the Maglite doesn't do the trick, the hope is that being pummeled with tiny bats might make the intruder laugh so hard he becomes incapacitated.

But try convincing the Canadian border people that a flashlight and tiny souvenir bats are the only weapons this Texas-registered vehicle has.

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9 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Here's a peeve:  I can deal with all the indignities of "old age" and being a post menopausal woman.  The Big Ones, that is.  But it's the littlest things that piss me off the most.  I know some ladies lament about the ubiquitous chin hairs (and yes, I've got those, too), but I want to bitch about the random wild eyebrow hair.  The one that pops up coarser and of a different color than all the rest, and is about 3 times longer than it has any right to be.  Just what in the holy hell is happening inside my body to make this freakish hair sprout from my right eyebrow (and yes, it is always the right side, never the left)?  The rest of the hair on my body is totally normal - hell, I don't even have the lovely grey hair on my head for solace - but this delinquent follicle is pissing me off!

My pet peeve is when people tell me things I've never heard of that I will have to deal with in probably less than 5 years.  JK.  Sort of.

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My aging peeve is basically "damn being a woman!" Jeezalou, we have 40-whatever years of periods (and worries about becoming pregnant when we don't want to [or not when we do]) and when we finally get rid of that shit, we're not even in the clear for some smooth bodily sailing! Add in there the societal nonsense (and judgments and even threats) and shit simply for being a chick. Come on now!

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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

My aging peeve is basically "damn being a woman!" Jeezalou, we have 40-whatever years of periods (and worries about becoming pregnant when we don't want to [or not when we do]) and when we finally get rid of that shit, we're not even in the clear for some smooth bodily sailing!

You're forgetting @BookWoman56's legs.

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Continuing this TMI thread, I had laser hair removal on my armpits about 10 years ago because shaving every day caused terrible rashes. This was back when I cared about such things and had a romantic partner who maybe cared. I have maybe 10 hairs that still exist in each pit, which is annoying considering how much it cost and that it took five sessions, but I never pay attention to the stragglers. They are hardly noticeable.

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I still run a razor over mine here and there, regardless. It make me feel less lazy about ignoring leg hair--which is sparse and blond anyway, so who gives a damn (except when the sun hits it. Sparkly!).

And furthermore for armpits, how 'bout a damn deodorant that doesn't irritate my obnoxious skin? That would be nice.

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I had little to no body hair even before the chemo, so haven't shaved anything except those fucking chin hairs for years. I can't tweeze - it hurts, dammit! Was in an eyebrow-threading shop once and saw a lady getting her chin hairs threaded. She had more than my half-dozen, though. Hardly seems worth it, for me. I just keep a razor in the shower and if I feel anything while washing my face, I just shave by feel.

Edited by riley702
when you see the typo as you hit submit, and your OCD won't let you leave it
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7 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

My aging peeve is basically "damn being a woman!" Jeezalou, we have 40-whatever years of periods (and worries about becoming pregnant when we don't want to [or not when we do]) and when we finally get rid of that shit, we're not even in the clear for some smooth bodily sailing! Add in there the societal nonsense (and judgments and even threats) and shit simply for being a chick. Come on now!

I'm only 24, but I may as well kill myself now and save myself another 50 years of "being a woman" grief, lol

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On 14/08/2017 at 6:19 AM, riley702 said:

Edited yest. 06:21 AM by riley702. Reason: when you see the typo as you hit submit, and your OCD won't let you leave it

OCD reminds me of my university days when I would have to scrape every single baked bean out of its tin; in fact it wasn't just baked beans, but any kind of food that came out of a tin or packet - mixed veg, kidney beans, noodles etc. I just couldn't bare to leave even one piece of food behind!

I still do that from time to time, but now I have noticed another little annoying trait of mine: if I see a scuff on a painted wall at my home, I fret about it, even though it's not particularly visible. But I just KNOW its there! I then try to wipe/sponge it out, which only make it worse. So I go through my storage cupboard in the hope of finding the right tin of paint for the wall in question. If I'm lucky I will have some paint left and will paint over the scuff and leave it to dry.

However, because it's fresh paint it stands out against the slightly "tired" paint on the wall. So all of a sudden the scuff has now turned into a larger patch. And I have no other alternative but to paint the entire wall. Which means going out and buying another tin of paint (and brushes) and finding the time to do the job. 

But even after painting that one wall, I notice (either in my imagination or otherwise) that the other walls,and perhaps even the ceiling, contrast quite badly with the newly painted wall. I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but it does! So again I buy more paint etc. and spend a whole day emptying the room of furniture, throwing covers all over the floor and begin painting .....

Roughly 12 hours and two coats of paint later I start bringing my furniture back into the room, only to scuff the f**king wall again with the goddamn sofa!!

And despite the rage and all the bad language, my OCD won't let it go. And so I have to paint the f**king wall again...... AaarrrggghhhhHH!!!!




(It's just as well I live alone! lol) 

Edited by Zola
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For those with OCD, never pressure wash anything.  I can get a tad ocd (lowercase!) every once in a while, but when I pressure washed the driveway it came roaring out of whatever mind cave it resides in.

My therapist recommended that when I catch myself falling into it, to deliberately not give in.  I have all white plates in my house because of the ocd.  I have a tendency to want to ensure that when they are put away, the label imprint at the bottom of the plates are all aligned through the stack*.  I have to force myself not to check each time.  Over time, it has become less concerning that they aren't aligned, but it did take time.

@Zola - can you put a plant or a picture in front of the perceived scuff and try tolerating it for a bit?

* Yes, I realize there is no value in having the plates perfectly aligned.

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Jeez Louise, y'all need to have two disabled arms, grow old, and let it go.

I lived for nearly half a century in a world of putzfrau perfection; now I don't even see the dirt & mess that surrounds me.  It's a matter of self preservation at this point.  You do whatever your broken body allows, and let the rest sort itself out.  Blinders (like they used to put on horses) help a lot during the transition from OCD cleanliness to dusty demise.  :-)

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4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

@Zola  Have you considered a magic eraser (made by Mr Clean)? The scuff should come off in a jiffy. It also works great on my white reeboks. I use them regularly. 


2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Oh, YES! Those things truly are magic.

I haven't even heard of "Magic Eraser" until now, but have done some checking and it is available here in the UK, and has some very good reviews. So I will give it a try. Thanks

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I love the Magic Eraser!  It's what I use to clean anything painted, and also the fridge. 

When you have to paint a little patch, if you use a sponge (rather than a brush) and feather outward, that's your best bet at not being able to tell you have new paint in the midst of old.

When I had new windows put in my house, it was about 50/50 whether I could just repaint the wall(s) on which there was new plaster and have them look fine with the other walls (which had been painted nearly 10 years before), or whether I could tell the difference (no one else ever could, but I thought, "Are you blind?!") and had to repaint the whole room.

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Wait--not that it's necessarily my business but who here is diagnosed as opposed to using the now-colloquial, adjectival "OCD"? Not judging, I swear, just legitimately curious and interested...though I confess that some days, the slang usage sometimes gives me a peeve, but pretty much only on Facebook from people who clearly do not know OCD from a can of paint (call me a hypocrite or whatever but I don't mind it from people who have an actual clue about what it really is and entails). 

I am also generally a neatness-and-order enthusiast and I have actual diagnosed OCD*. To the surprise of many, those things aren't necessarily related.

While I have seen the great things that the Magic Eraser can do, I can't get in on it for a few reasons--one being that rubbing feeling of resistance and friction that is often accompanied by a faint squeak that actually sounds just like the feeling (if that makes any sense). Makes my shoulders and sternum cringe!

* According to my therapist "mild, but something to keep a close eye on" (especially as ol' menopause approaches).

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Tattle Teeny-


 Thanks for bringing up ANOTHER of my Pet Peeves- the need to tag everyone who has a quirk, foible or just follows their own drumbeat with   trendy acronyms- despite the lack of official psychological diagnoses.  What wrong with being a lovable eccentric or even a harmless flake?

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And the weird adjective format too--"I'm so OCD!" You can't be OCD just like you can't be polio, common cold, or broken leg. And while you can, say, be a bit rigid about arranging your linen closet or lining up your cereal boxes in descending size order, but those things in and of themselves are not a disorder, haha! 

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