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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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Back to Christmas season songs for a few minutes.  I hate to admit this but I love the barking dogs "singing" Jingle Bells.  I don't hear it often, but when I do I laugh throughout the song.  And thanks so much, GHScorpiosRule, for the video of Porky Pig singing I'll Have a Blue Christmas Without You.  That's another favorite.  I did hear a song, 12 Days of Christmas, that had stuff about being in debt thanks to going overboard w/ xmas gift buying and other things but I only heard it once and that was in the early 90's.  It was very funny. I never cared for the Grandma Got Run Over song.  Musically it's terrible and the lyrics, IMO, are stupid.


Katharine Ross doesn't look good to me.  She's not that old and her skin shouldn't be so damaged. She wouldn't be wearing that scarf around her neck if she were really proud of the way she looks.  I think there's nothing wrong with a little cosmetic surgery to "clean up" certain areas (as opposed to face lifts!) if that's what you want to do. There are some terrible plastic surgeons in Hollywood, though.  Priscilla Presley is the poster girl for bad plastic surgery.  No one so beautiful should have come out of surgery looking so bad.

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Katharine Ross doesn't look good to me.  She's not that old and her skin shouldn't be so damaged. She wouldn't be wearing that scarf around her neck if she were really proud of the way she looks.  I think there's nothing wrong with a little cosmetic surgery to "clean up" certain areas (as opposed to face lifts!) if that's what you want to do. There are some terrible plastic surgeons in Hollywood, though.  Priscilla Presley is the poster girl for bad plastic surgery.  No one so beautiful should have come out of surgery looking so bad.

I think I'm really glad that Sam Elliott disagrees with you.  



Yeah, there's the Priscilla Presley kind of work, and then there's the Teresa Heinz-Kerry kind of work.  Teresa looks her age, but she looks really good.  


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Mark Hamill looks like a troll in that picture--both the doll and the creature under a bridge.

May I add The Affair's craggy-faced Dominic West (born in 1969) playing lover to Ruth Wilson (born in 1982).

Here's an interesting article about Jennifer Lawrence's movies. Her character's paramours are generally much older than her, and she at her young age is playing characters much older, because we now think 40 looks like 25.http://bust.com/movies/15274-the-problem-with-jennifer-lawrence-and-joy.html

I have always wondered why she keeps getting cast in those roles because she looks like a child to me.

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Sam Elliot has been my celebrity crush for as long as I can remember. When my friends were crushing on teenyboppers, I was all about Sam Elliot. I think even now with his white hair the man is sexy as hell.

His voice alone does funny things to my insides.

Edited by Maharincess
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Katharine Ross doesn't look good to me.  She's not that old and her skin shouldn't be so damaged

It's not a flattering photo, particularly - but she actually IS that old.  Seventy five according to the IMDB.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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My pet peeve is talking about actors' looks (male or female) as if it makes a damn bit of difference.


Do you have talent?  Then you should get the role.  Do you want to get "freshened up"?  Then do it.  Do you want to skip surgery or botox or whatever?  Do it.


I am tired of people getting shamed over what they do with their own damn bodies/faces.  

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I hate that "Baby, It's Cold Outside" has become "The Date Rape Song" to some because of the line "Say, what's in this drink?".  Talk about twisting a flirtatious duet into something sinister.  If you really listen to the song, the female is just as anxious to stick around as the male is.  She's saying, she really should go to keep up appearances but she's in no rush.



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I hate that "Baby, It's Cold Outside" has become "The Date Rape Song" to some because of the line "Say, what's in this drink?".  Talk about twisting a flirtatious duet into something sinister.  If you really listen to the song, the female is just as anxious to stick around as the male is.  She's saying, she really should go to keep up appearances but she's in no rush.

I agree.  drinking alcohol with someone has often been a prelude to romance/sex.  Alcohol lowers inhibitions, but if two people are drinking together, that doesn't mean one is taking advantage of the other. 

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Going to have to be the voice of dissent. She asks what's in the drink because she doesn't know, i.e., she may have been given something stronger/different than what she thought she was drinking, at the very least, which is where the creep factor comes in. The verse could easily be something like, "Pour another drink," where she's aware of and in control of the situation. That's my take. I'm not necessarily saying the song should be banned. It IS from "another time"...which also doesn't excuse it.

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Sam Elliot has been my celebrity crush for as long as I can remember. When my friends were crushing on teenyboppers, I was all about Sam Elliot. I think even now with his white hair the man is sexy as hell.

His voice alone does funny things to my insides.


The first movie I ever saw him in (it might have been one of his first, if not the first) was 'Lifeguard'.  I haven't seen it in so many years.  I might have to try to find it again.  

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My damn cell phone just died. I just got it about 7 months ago. This sucks, the 6 month warranty is of course expired. I was planning on getting a new one in the next couple of months anyway but I wasn't planning on doing it so soon. It's hard for me to sit at a computer so I use my phone for most of my internet stuff. It's easy to hold on the days I have to stay in bed. I'm on my tablet now but it's a bit more cumbersome than the phone.

So I have no phone, I'm never scared living up here and being alone most of the time but having a phone made me feel a lot more secure. I can text on the tablet but I can't make calls, so at least I can text 911 if needed. The soonest I can get a new phone will be Thursday or Friday. My husband comes home on Friday so I'll probably get it then.

Sorry, I know this isn't a peeve, it's just me being pissed off, but cell phones not lasting very long is a pet peeve of mine so I'm kind of on topic.

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Sorry, I know this isn't a peeve, it's just me being pissed off, but cell phones not lasting very long is a pet peeve of mine so I'm kind of on topic.


That can definitely qualify as a peeve.  It seems like every time I turn around I'm putting new batteries in something or having to recharge something.  

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It's absolutely true that things are built for obsolescence now more than in the past. Not being one who enjoys burning through money, I try to make things last, and it's tough when they are made to break more easily than ever.

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So I have no phone, I'm never scared living up here and being alone most of the time but having a phone made me feel a lot more secure. I can text on the tablet but I can't make calls, so at least I can text 911 if needed. 

I'll find it later, but I have read that you should have a landline even if you don't have service because many states require a soft dial tone meaning you can still place a 9-1-1 call even without service.  The link is to a pretty dated Consumer Reports piece on it.


Plus, calling from a landline gives an exact physical address to responders.  Calling from a cellphone does not give them that (at least not always) and it is necessary for the caller to provide it (and given an emergency situation that might be a spotty issue).  Often, it might give the the location of the cell site your call came through on.  This was a decent article from the FCC on 911 Wireless Services.

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My Kindle Fire has a Skype app, although I've never used it so can't say if it works well or at all.


My pet peeve today involves smart phones. I've been attending meetings off-site and the place has guest access to their wifi. So I open my kindle, sign up and the message says they will text and email me the password. Well, they didn't text it and since I need the password to access email I can't very well retrieve it form my email, can I? I tracked down IT and explained the dilemma. IT: Well, check it on your smart phone. Me: 1. I don't have a [fucking] smart phone and 2. *your* system didn't [fucking] work so don't try to blame *me*. Eventually they logged me in to one of their PCs so I could access my email and get the password. Just text the damn thing like you claim you will. 

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Going to have to be the voice of dissent. She asks what's in the drink because she doesn't know, i.e., she may have been given something stronger/different than what she thought she was drinking, at the very least,


...or she could just be saying, "Hey, this is yummy!  What is it?" 



And now to a whiny grumble:


Years ago my mom got me a Welcome sign for my front door at a crafts show.  I never really loved it but if you want to seem like a nice person, you put out a welcome sign.  I didn't want to drive a nail through the siding so I tied it to a stone figure I had on the steps so it looked like he was holding it.


This weekend somebody stole them right off my stairs.


This wasn't a case of somebody taking something they needed.  I doubt it was personal.  It was just somebody being a jerk.  Again, I really wasn't attached to either item but it really made me sad.


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...or she could just be saying, "Hey, this is yummy!  What is it?" 



Glad I read the next page before I responded -- that's what I was going to say!


Not a pet peeve, per se, just a massive annoyance.  I had to push the "power" button on my remote 77 times before my tv turned on today.  Yesterday it was 62 times.  Everything else works just fine.  To make matters worse, the tv does not have a power button.  The only way to turn it on is with the remote.  Grrr.


ETA  I just turned my tv on with my phone.  Crazy.  But at least I don't have to worry about the remote now!

Edited by Demented Daisy
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I have long hated the lyrics to "Baby, It’s Cold Outside" because of how they could be read one of two ways and, given the time in which it was written, the rape interpretation (which would have just been considered "seduction") was just as likely as the consensual one.  So I prefer to just skip it.


I recently had to buy a new cell phone (and had to go to the back corner of the AT&T store to find it since I just wanted a basic flip phone), and the sales rep was astounded it had lasted ten years.  Since I make/receive at most a dozen calls/texts per year on it, I think it should have lasted longer than that.  I’m sure this new one will croak within two.


I hate our disposable society.  My (electric) stove is from the late ‘50s and works beautifully.  There is nothing mechanical or electronic that I have put in my house over the last ten years of fixing it up that will still be functioning 55 years from now, despite the fact I’ve bought the highest quality available.  My Casablanca ceiling fan from the ‘80s has never needed work.  The same model I installed in 2005, I have needed to replace the electronics on twice already.  And companies will come right out and tell you they don’t make stuff like they used to.  (Which is why warranties are now for ridiculously short periods of time.)


Something breaks/breaks down?  Just throw it away and buy a new one because it's not cost effective to fix it.  I have an easier time getting parts - and information - for something made 40 years ago than I do something made 10 years ago. 


It's all disgusting.

Edited by Bastet
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I agree Bastet.

My husband and I bought a 35 inch RCA console TV in 1991, that thing worked great. 2 years ago the kids and I decided to get my husband a new TV for Xmas. The old RCA still worked but we wanted to upgrade for him.

We bought him a 45 inch flat screen and moved the old console upstairs. The new TV lasted exactly 11 months before it died. We bought another one after it died and so far it's still working.

Meanwhile, about 25 years later, the old RCA is still going strong.

Edited by Maharincess
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I hate "Baby, It's Cold Outside." I also hate "Santa Baby." I guess I hate all Christmas/holiday songs with the word "baby" in the title.

And regarding old things lasting a long time, about 8 years ago we bought a snow blower off Craigslist that was built in 1965. Husband I were both born in the 70s. So the snowblower has 10+ years on us and is still going strong!

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I have a basic-level Kenmore washer and dryer that are circa 2000. I keep hoping they keep on keeping on. I had a service call for the washer once, because I thought it was leaking, but it had just badly gone off-balance (much like its owner). The repairman (an individual, not affiliated with any store) said I should keep the W/D going as long as possible because they really aren't made as well anymore. My sister has replaced two higher-end sets, I think, within a shorter timeframe. Her dryer beeps and whistles, literally. I'll take a dryer that keeps working over actual bells and whistles.

Insert obligatory line about kids and my lawn.

Bastet, my mother and stepfather got free iPhones, then complained about having trouble with them because of all they do. I asked Mom why she didn't just get a flip phone. "These were free!" Well, if you're pissed off at them all the time, that hardly seems worth it.

Edited by bilgistic
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I don't need all if those bells and whistles on my washer and dryer. I was at my daughter's house a while back and doing some laundry. She has one of those big ass front loader things. There were more buttons on that thing than an airplane has. It was ridiculous. I just need temperature and load size, I don't need all of that extra crap.

Another thing I dislike about the new kinds of washers is that once the machine starts, you can't open the door. I'm always turning around after starting a load and seeing a sock or pillow case that I missed. I would hate not being able to just toss it in.

We're planning on getting new machines sometime next year, I'm worried that I won't be able to find something I can reach from my chair, that's simple with no bells and whistles that I'll never use and that will last longer than a year.

Edited by Maharincess
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Today's washing machines have circuit boards.  Ours went out after 2 years so we had a new board installed.  Cost half as much as a new washing machine. I'm always nervous when I have towels, afraid their weight will screw up that circuit board.  We got a machine that isn't top of the line with all kinds of bells & whistles but not the cheapest either.

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I don't know if she moved it to her new house, but my 88-year-old grandmother had her old wringer-washer in the basement of the house they lived in for nearly 60 years. She had a break-in and moved a few years ago. I don't know what all made the move. There was A LOT of history in that old basement!

My late grandfather set up his trains at Christmas in that basement. That's for a different thread!

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I recently had to buy a new cell phone (and had to go to the back corner of the AT&T store to find it since I just wanted a basic flip phone), and the sales rep was astounded it had lasted ten years.  Since I make/receive at most a dozen calls/texts per year on it, I think it should have lasted longer than that.  I’m sure this new one will croak within two.

The last time I needed to get new cell phones, I ended up with iPhones for both kids and myself.  I did not originally intend too, because I did not want a data plan and only wanted talk & text.  The options for those phones were so few and so flimsy!  But pricey - cheapest one was about $130. 


My daughter's first cell was a Net10 phone (because if she lost/broke a phone I paid $20 for, I wouldn't care too much) and it felt much more substantial to me.


Anyway, the lastest version of the iPhone came out just before that and the old 4s were priced to move.  So both kids got iPhone 4S for $200.  I have to say I have been very pleased with their performance.  My son is studying live entertainment technology, and he is able to use it for a lot of his projects - recording sound effects, using different light applications and filters (downloaded), etc...


My smartphone has a dumb user, so it can do a lot more than I need.  But, it has an awesome camera.

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When I worked as a children's librarian, we threw a little Christmas party where kids could pick a gift out of a box. This one little boy of 4 or 5 happily plucked out a storybook about princesses. From his father's reaction, you'd think he'd plucked a dog turd out of there. Dad wasn't mad, but he acted so flustered and embarrassed by his kid's choice that it was over the top. And sure enough, Dad made sure to say "That's a girl's book."

Unfortunately, that kind of thing happens all the time. 


So how wrong am I? My two sons went to a summer day camp and were given a backpack full of school supplies at the end of the summer--the packs were randomly stocked, BTW. My 10 year old's backpack included a pink spiral notebook. I didn't make a big deal about it, but I traded the pink notebook for a blue one I'd already purchased. It's not that I never want my boys to like pink or use something pink. I simply thought he might be teased at school or feel uncomfortable about using a notebook with a "girl's" color.

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It was a random chance that he got a pink notebook - not a specific choice he made that you were overriding. So I don't think you are wrong at all.


If a kid likes something that is normally associated with the opposite gender, I wouldn't get too worked up over it.  I think explaining to them that the preference may be more difficult for others to understand (in age appropriate language) is fine - providing one doesn't make them feel it is wrong or disapproved of. 

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It was a random chance that he got a pink notebook - not a specific choice he made that you were overriding. So I don't think you are wrong at all.


If a kid likes something that is normally associated with the opposite gender, I wouldn't get too worked up over it.  I think explaining to them that the preference may be more difficult for others to understand (in age appropriate language) is fine - providing one doesn't make them feel it is wrong or disapproved of. 

Thanks, DeLurker. Now I don't feel like a bad parent. 


My grandmother used to call me a tomboy not because I would play with "boys'" toys, but because made my dolls play so-called boy games. Yes, I sometimes combed their hair and dressed them, but they also had cage matches and WWE Smackdown wrestling matches. 




The last time I needed to get new cell phones, I ended up with iPhones for both kids and myself.  I did not originally intend too, because I did not want a data plan and only wanted talk & text.  The options for those phones were so few and so flimsy!  But pricey - cheapest one was about $130.

I'm so sick of new iphones coming out every 18 months. I know I don't have to buy one, and I usually don't, but whenever a new iphone (or Samsung) is announced, I can't help but think about the factory workers in China doing mandatory overtime in sweat-shop conditions so that the greedy and entitled Americans (I'm talking about me, too) can have the latest gadget. 

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I hate how often the Android operating systems (and iGadgets) are updated, because the older ones (and the devices they run on) stop being supported. I'm not anti-innovation, but it's incredibly wasteful to continue to "innovate" while not supporting older technology. Supporting older technology would keep more people employed while reducing waste.

Edited by bilgistic
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I'm not anti-innovation, but it's incredibly wasteful to continue to "innovate" while not supporting older technology.

Don't even get me started about that. I spent almost a decade working in IT, and it drove me to ranting fits that companies wouldn't support their own technology from as little as a year and a half previously. "No, we no longer support the widget that you bought last year. No, we won't provide the free software that you need to configure it. No, we don't have the PDF manual on our web site anymore. Go suck it."


On a related note; I want to strangle web developers who insist that I upgrade my browser to something released just last week in order to access their unnecessarily complicated, script-heavy abominations. Makes me thankful for comparatively sane web sites like Previously TV.

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I resisted getting a smart phone. I had a cell phone, but it didn't access the internet. The battery died, and the phone company was going to charge $100 for a battery. I found a battery online for half that. A year later, that battery was Almost gone. What pissed me off was the attitude I got at the cell phone store. Like I was using some weird ancient device he had never seen before. It's a cell phone! And, yeah, I had it a few years, I don't replace stuff that works.

So now I have a smart phone. It works fine. It took me a while to figure out all the features, but I like it.

Recently my son looked at me on my phone, and said " I can't believe you're still using that phone! How long have you had that?" He's a guy who HAS to get a new phone every year. (He pays for it, not me).

I don't get it. When I pay good money for something, I don't want to get rid of it, I want to get my money's worth by using it as long as possible.

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What pissed me off was the attitude I got at the cell phone store





My wife and I are total Luddites and still have (gasp) both a landline and old time flip cell phones for emergencies. The cell phones do exactly what we pay for them to do: help. As in, call when running super late, or when you're lost and need to call a place for directions, or you need to call AAA for roadside assistance.


My wife had to replace her cell phone (can't recall why) and she encountered the same attitude you described at the store. It was ridiculous. The guy just could not believe she wanted a plain old flip phone. I mean, you'd have thought she walked in and asked for two soup cans and a string. The douche could barely bring himself to check in the back to see if they had the model my wife wanted. Way more stressful than a replacement phone trip needed to be.


I was so pissed when I realized I had no choice but to switch to an iPod because Sony Walkmans are not even being made, let alone repaired, because I tried like h*ll to repair my last Sony, walked in to every store I could think of and, nope..was told pretty much that my old fossil self needed to wakey wakey and get with the times. I like my iPod now, but man, that was a brutal reality. 




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I was fully expecting that attitude when I went into the AT&T store recently to get a new flip phone, but the woman I dealt with was the exact opposite, with a "Yeah, why get more than you're going to use?" mentality.  She showed me my four options, checked which ones would work with my SIM card (although I wound up needing a new one, anyway, as mine was a 2G and they're no longer going to be supporting that), told me the prices (I paid a whopping $15), and chatted amiably as we completed the transaction.  I wrote the store's manager an email praising her customer service.

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I only switched to a smart phone after Hurricane Sandy, and that was because I was cut off for 8 days when cell service was next to non-existent, but wi-fi hotspots were available in places with electricity. My iPhone 4S is still on OS 6 because it works fine, so why update it? I have no plans to update my phone until this one croaks.  I don't get the obsession with constantly needing the newest gadget. I also don't understand why phones keep getting bigger and bigger. First they were big bricks, then they got tiny, and now they're huge again.  How are you supposed to put that in your pocket?  I guess that's why you need the Apple watch, because the phone isn't portable anymore.  Shrewd. 

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I don't get the obsession with constantly needing the newest gadget. I also don't understand why phones keep getting bigger and bigger. First they were big bricks, then they got tiny, and now they're huge again.  How are you supposed to put that in your pocket?  I guess that's why you need the Apple watch, because the phone isn't portable anymore.  Shrewd. 


That's why I don't want another new phone. The one I have now is almost too big. It's the first touchscreen I've had. I still accidentally hang up on people a lot. When I first got it, I set it to lock so I wouldn't pocket dial people, but when it is locked, you can still dial 911. I kept pocket dialing 911, which was embarrassing, so I quit locking the phone. My last phone was one of those that slid up to show the buttons. I really preferred it, but the buttons quit working so I had to get a new one.


Now my problem is that my in-laws all have iPhones, and every time they send me texts, it arrives as some sort of media message that my phone refuses to actually get. It gives me the option of getting it, but then it won't actually do it, although it charges me for a text every time it tries.

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LOL! When I first got my smart phone, I was supposed to go to the store for some sort of training thing on how to use it, or I could watch a video online.  The guy at the store told me, its simple, it works just like any smart phone.   OK -   but it was my first one!     The next day, I got a phone call, and I had no idea how to answer it!   I had to slide to the side, I was used to just clicking. 

I still don't know how to do a lot of stuff.  I was trying to text a co-worker a link, and I finally just emailed it to her, because I knew how to do that.   It doesn't help that my entire department at work is 30, and they all live on their phones.  

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I remember getting my first text, probably ten years ago.  I'd given someone my cell phone number (which I'm normally pretty stingy with) because I was going to be on the road when she'd need to call to let me know whether she could attend a board meeting in my place or if I'd have to go.  Except she didn't call me, she sent me a text message.  I had this moment of, "Holy crap, I have no idea how to text back" panic, but thankfully it was very logical. 


If I had to answer a smart phone, I'd probably be lost.  A few years ago I had someone shove theirs into my hand, asking me to take a picture with it.  Um, how?  I mean, it's easy once you know, but I didn't even know which way it should be facing.

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Recently my son looked at me on my phone, and said " I can't believe you're still using that phone! How long have you had that?" He's a guy who HAS to get a new phone every year. (He pays for it, not me).


If I ever have a job that absolutely requires a cell phone (no, I've never had one of my own, despite the jobs), I want to get one of those giant bricks from the 1980s. Or a replica, if anyone is making them.

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I really liked texting on my slider phone, but it eventually wore out. I have to peck with my index finger to type on my phone now. I can't thumb-text like I could with the actual keys. I guess my fat fingers don't work well on a screen, or something.

Here's an iPhone brick cell phone case. It promises to be a "Great prop for fancy dress parties".


Edited by bilgistic
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I love Samsung too. That's the only kind of phone I've had.

Bilgistic, I agree about turning off auto correct, everybody bitches about it but nobody wants to turn it off. Ok, then stop bitching!

I turned my auto correct off after my daughter and I took my granddaughter to feed the ducks and have a picnic for her birthday a couple years ago. My daughter posted on Facebook that she "Had a great time having a pubic in the park" with her mom and daughter.

I never wanted to make a mistake like that.

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When the friend with whom I email most regularly got a smart phone, her emails became riddled with errors.  I knew it was auto-correct, but pointed out some particularly amusing errors and jokingly asked if she was drunk or had otherwise been struck dumb.  She had a good laugh and confirmed her new phone's auto-correct function as the culprit, but I had the same reaction: So turn it off; you sound like an idiot.

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This will sound absolutely ridiculous but when my childhood friend and I want to ask each other if we're OK, one of us will say "noom a nam" and if the other is OK, well respond with "I fall down".

It's from a song we made up when we were little kids and makes no sense to anybody but us. When I type noom into my phone nam is the next suggested word.

Also if one of us pisses the other off, instead of saying I'm sorry, we say "I'm the name of the game", which is from our favorite game as kids, Sorry.

I warned you all that it will sound absolutely ridiculous but you read it anyway!

Edited by Maharincess
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I'm so sick of people walking around staring at a tiny screen rather than interacting with the real world.  


I still have a flip phone.  It's of the indestructible variety.  I accidentally dropped a chocolate milkshake on it once.  All I had to do was put it in a bag of rice and let the rice suck out all of the moisture, power it on and it was good to go.  I am stubbornly resisting getting any kind of smartphone, ever.  I work from home over the Internet.  If I had a smartphone, my "employers" could get a hold of me whenever they wanted instead of when I want, when I'm sitting at my laptop either working or asking for work.  Until they come out with the killer app that I can't live without, uh, no.  I'll be the Luddite that people look at funny.  

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I was out with about 10 people from work the other day. I'm the old lady in the group. EVERY one of them had their smart phones on the restaurant table the entire time and would glance at it, pick it up, from time to time. I had mine in my purse. I don't get it. I don't understand the need to be connected to other people instead of the people you are spending time with.

As t auto-correct, I use it when typing on my kindle, because otherwise I'd have too many errors. And it amuses me when it "corrects" me, hence my post about germaphobe being changed to Germantown.

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