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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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Thank you so much. The morphine and this site are helping me a lot. The boredom is really setting in.

This girl screams for attention wherever she is. She and my daughter were roommates and my daughters boyfriend once said he thought curly hair was sexy. Next time he came over she curled her hair. When they all get together this girl has the smallest bikini and the biggest mouth.

I will just never understand taking pictures of one's self. I would feel so silly posing for a picture that I'm taking of myself.

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Yes, it does help to get the cat hair out of my throws. I saw it in a Good Housekeeping article and I asked my vet. I have heard it is often the fragrance of the products that people are allergic to.  It works pretty good. I sympathize with your son, because it seems like everything is scented.

What brand is it? (Maybe they make unscented.) We use unscented dryer sheets and still use the detergent recommended for babies even though he is almost 4. We have to take detergent with us when we visit family (except his paternal grandparents because Grammy has the same issue). We also always travel with his soap (CeraVe). He had really bad eczema as a baby, but I hope will grow out of it so he can use more regular and cheaper stuff someday.

When one of his shirts went home with another child from daycare, when we finally got it back, it was clean, but reeked of laundry soap or fabric softener. And the shirt was covered in towel dandruff (so they shouldn't have used fabric softener anyway). I washed it immediately. It took forever to get the shirt back. I had to put up posters (it was a shirt from Nana and not easily replaceable). What kind of people come home with something that is not theirs and don't take it back immediately? (Assuming they did not intentionally steal it.)

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I'm the opposite of most of you. I love the scented laundry soap and dryer sheets. I only buy Gain soap because I love the smell and I use tropical breeze scented dryer sheets.

Of course if anybody in my family had issues with the scents I wouldn't have used them. Its just my husband and I these days and we both like scented stuff.

I don't like when somebody smells like they took a bath in perfume. I've gagged before standing in a line with somebody who's wearing too much perfume.

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I very much enjoy some fragrances, too:

Meyer lemon soap- Williams Sonoma

Calvin Klein euphoria

Renewzit air odor remover- I think that's the name

Dove deodorant in the light pink stick

Those are my favorites right now

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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And, with social media I guess they think they'll get more likes than just a post saying they're drinking coffee.


This is what I just plain do not understand about the way Facebook, Twitter, etc. are commonly used.  Whence does the idea come that people should, or will want to, know someone's every mundane move and/or thought?  Let's go back just ten years -- only the most bored and narcissistic of people would have routinely sent out a group email saying things like, "I'm drinking a cup of coffee."  The ability was there - one could have set up a mailing list with everyone's email addresses, called it "My Peeps," and in one click used that to disseminate information just as quickly as they now do by making a Facebook post - but the mindset that such a thing would be appropriate wasn't.  And I'm truly perplexed as to the development of that mentality.    

Edited by Bastet
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Yeah, I don't really know why I got back on Facebook. Guess I was nosey and bored. Oh, and wanted to download some pictures I'd lost. But, I do secretly wish the whole thing would disappear. I'm sensitive to very strong opinions about hot-button topics, and I do sometimes feel upset. I don't say anything on there. I do have it plague my mind for a week or more. Ugh, my inability to let things go gets on my nerves. I want to just scroll through Facebook and say, whatever! Next! But, I think about it and worry and ponder and fret and cry in the shower about life.

Okay...exaggerating. But, still. Some people write some doozies of posts and comments there.

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I signed up for Facebook because all of my daughter's friends kept begging me to. I've known them all since they were kids, they all call me Mama B. so if it wasn't for them I would have never joined Facebook.

It has put me back in touch with a couple of cousins I haven't seen in years so its not all bad.

Some of the comments sections are horrible though. Some of the things people say to each other leaves me in shock a lot of the time. People can't seem to handle opinions that are different than their own and resort to name calling. It gets crazy.

I still don't do twitter, instagram or any of that.

Edited by Maharincess
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 I'm sensitive to very strong opinions about hot-button topics, and I do sometimes feel upset. I don't say anything on there. I do have it plague my mind for a week or more. Ugh, my inability to let things go gets on my nerves. I want to just scroll through Facebook and say, whatever! Next! But, I think about it and worry and ponder and fret and cry in the shower about life.

Okay...exaggerating. But, still. Some people write some doozies of posts and comments there.

Ahh...we all know that person with the social or political viewpoints that they must express!  I think a lot of people look at it as a pontification platform where they really don't need to engage in an honest exchange of ideas with people who disagree with them.  The like minded thinkers witll give them a "like" and anyone who disagrees will be blocked. 


In the days when personal email was just becoming common, we had family groups started out nicely as a way to touch base with distant relatives.  It soon devolved into religious, political or social commentary by a hand full of the group.  Eventually, a large group of us did a reply all stating we were opting out as we did not want to receive lectures disguised as family updates.  But, the lecturers (and those who dared take a contrary position) at least had to write out their own thoughts and not just cut-n-paste some extremist media outlet. 


I'm not on social media - no facebook, no instagram, no twitter, or anything else which makes me odd man out with friends and family.  I've poked around on someone else's a few times and find the majority of it trite (at best).  But I find it tends to make me more skeptical since everything on it is for public consumption.  My s-i-l always posts these comments and photos about the importance of family.  In reality, she has really strained relationships with both her kids and her and my brother have been divorcing since the day they got married.  So I don't know how much of what other people post are fact vs fiction too.

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This is what I just plain do not understand about the way Facebook, Twitter, etc. are commonly used. Whence does the idea come that people should, or will want to, know someone's every mundane move and/or thought? Let's go back just ten years -- only the most bored and narcissistic of people would have routinely sent out a group email saying things like, "I'm drinking a cup of coffee." The ability was there - one could have set up a mailing list with everyone's email addresses, called it "My Peeps," and in one click used that to disseminate information just as quickly as they now do by making a Facebook post - but the mindset that such a thing would be appropriate wasn't. And I'm truly perplexed as to the development of that mentality.

I'm more perplexed by the fact that people are willing to broadcast all of the details of their life that are necessary to steal their identities, ruin their lives, or otherwise turn them into victims. Want to burgle a few houses? Check Facebook to see who's on vacation. Did Nasty McDude hurt your feelings? Dig out that incriminating selfie he posted and email it to the police and his boss.
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Hmm...I usually think it's because the person thinks they look good. And, with social media I guess they think they'll get more likes than just a post saying they're drinking coffee. I'm trying to think back in my earlier twenties what I thought, and yes, I totally thought I looked hot in a few. I have one that I can't believe I took...with my body showing tan in a bikini at my pool. I'd never do that now! I mean- I still think I looked good (ha- better than now!) but the public sharing part? No!!! Though, really, it's the seductive nature that now embarrasses me more than the selfie aspect. Hope that's not too much information but want to answer the question honestly. It's not a truth I like, but it's what happened.

I don't think there is anything wrong with having a picture that you think you look hot in - in fact, given how self critical a lot of us are, that would be like spotting a unicorn! 


And maybe that is my problem with selfies - I'm too self critical about my looks in photographs.  I'm pretty comfortable with my looks in everyday life, but I've taken very few photos that I like how I look.  Putting them out daily or weekly shots on social media would be my idea of hell.

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I used to look better, but I remind myself that when I actually do my hair and makeup, I look fine. Sure, I used to be more active so tanner with more muscle tone. I used to get my hair colored more often and get my nails done each week. But, I'm choosing not to do those things right now, so there you go. It's not the end of the world.

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I have a cousin who I only see at funerals, and a few years ago she emailed a bunch of us in the family who don't use Facebook, inviting us to join "so we can keep in touch."  Give me a break; if you can't be bothered to send me an email from time to time (and, yes, I'd sent her some), you're not concerned about keeping in touch with me.   And, sure enough, several of us wrote back and said we weren't interested in Facebook, but it was so nice to hear from her and we'd love to stay in touch via email, here's what's going on in our world, how are the kids/grandkids, etc. ... bupkis. 


Maharincess, I suggest you stay out of the "What's for Dinner?" topic over in the "Food" section.  ;)


Heh; that was my first thought, too.  But at least that's what it's for; if you want to see what others are planning to cook (which I like to do because if often inspires me to make something similar, when I'd been sitting here thinking "I don't know what I want to eat tonight"), you go there, and if you don't give a crap what others are eating, you don't.  If you're getting someone's Facebook updates because that's the only way you get important news about their lives, and are stuck getting nightly pictures of their plate ... I'd have that on my peeve list, too.

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Ahh...we all know that person with the social or political viewpoints that they must express!  I think a lot of people look at it as a pontification platform where they really don't need to engage in an honest exchange of ideas with people who disagree with them.  The like minded thinkers witll give them a "like" and anyone who disagrees will be blocked.

My most active friends on Facebook frequently slip into this territory.  They are genuinely funny people, and I enjoy both their company and their updates.  But I can get really tired of when they use this form of social media to make a point.  At the moment one of them, a teacher in a suburban school district in NY, has been posting 1-4 items per day telling us why we should have our children not participate in the standardized testing.  I went from sympathetic to nearly blocking her updates. 


And on an unrelated note, Facebook actually loves these people. They don't have any content of their own. Their entire business model relies on the relatively few people who keep updating over and over again. They need people to upload lots of pictures of themselves and lots of BS updates that keep people checking back to see what is going on. 


Not my pet peeve, since I'm not on Facebook, but I've heard there's a trend to post your workout info. Not just "I went to the gym today and feel great" kind of things, but "I just did 50 burpees" and later "benched 200" followed by "got my heart rate up 20%" -- okay, good for you. Now go eat something healthy but don't post a picture of it.

Yes, there are some running apps that give me updates of some of my friends' progress. By that I mean, they run. They enter in how far they ran. Facebook puts "Tina ran 3.8 miles in 31:19 today!"  I will not relegate this to pet peeve territory, but it is not exactly the highlight of my Facebook news feed when I check in.

Edited by JTMacc99
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I'm noticing a lot of non parents lecturing parents about immunization on Facebook. The non parents saying some horrible things about parents abusing their kids by injecting them with poison.

I just don't understand how these people can be so mean to each other. I'm all for a debate about things but most of the comments are full of name calling and horrible insults. If I spoke to anybody that way I would feel terrible.

Edited by Maharincess
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Neil Patrick Harris has a great Twitter account, but apparently people were getting annoyed at all the food photos, so he created a second account just for his food porn.

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Wow - this has been interesting reading about all the stuff people post on Facebook.  Now I'm beginning to understand all the complaints about FB.  I only have 14 "friends" on FB.  We all have separate group sections (e.g., my stepdaughter, her mom and I have one so we can enjoy lots of photos of my little grandson and the funny things he says without boring other folks).  I've heard that the husband of one of my "friends" posts lots of political rants on his page so I'm glad I don't have to see that (if I did, I'd just drop him as a friend...he wouldn't even notice).  

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Its different if its something that's dedicated to food. I just hate random pictures of people's food along with "sooooo good".

Most of the time the pictures of the food look like somebody already ate it.

Right.  I get some posts from friends about their travels - not on FB, but on a yahoo group we are all on.  And I like when they include photos of fancy dining type things they've encountered -  special desserts, or a buffet display that's especially well-done. or some local dish that's unique.   that's the "food porn"  idea. 

 But photos of regular food?  like a piece of chicken and some potatoes?  I cannot understand why anyone wants a photo of that.    

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"Ex husband in trunk"


for the win!


Glad to see I'm not the only one not in love with social media in its many forms. Like some of you or not,


- I'm not crazy about myself in pictures - the only time I really feel I look good is when it was taken by someone I love and I'm looking at that person when the pic is taken or a candid one - no way a selfie would fit into any of these categories!!


- Teens communicate more by sending pictures than by writing - I see how many updates my 16 year old son receives on Instagram, so in that case, ok (not by thing but ok)


- When at a party I see people immediately taking picture of the food and hear later that they instantly posted them on Facebook, I feel sad for them - is sending probably badly taken pictures to people who couldn't care less really more important than enjoying the moment, people around you and - yes - the actual food?


- I'm actually a very good photographer (and I deplore the monopoly of digital that's crept over us, because the quality was way better with "old style" cameras and films, but most places don't do a good job developing them anymore, and I should have learnt to do so), and the thing that make my pictures great is that they reflect some unexpected quality, be it beauty, strangest, arrangement of shape or colors or textures, or an expression on a face that I was waiting to capture (if someone I know well) or was taken by (yes, I'm one of the "soul stealers" that don't hesitate to make a portrait of a face that strikes me of someone I don't know - that's when a good camera and 200mm zoom come in pretty handy), and all my pictures reflect what my eye first saw. As I don't walk around looking at a mirror, no way would a selfie reflect what I saw :-)


- Facebook killed meaningful exchanges for me. Being a nomad and having moved often and lived in various countries (I roughly spend a 1/3 of my life on each of threee continents, with as many as three countries in Asia), email was a way to keep in contact, personal contact, with friends from my past. Once they adopted FB, these emails disappeared. We still connect when we meet face to face, but not so much in between. I have so far refused to get on the FB, twitter, IG etc. bandwagon. I've been on LinkedIn since just after it was created though, kind of by accident.


Back to the topic of pet peeves: I find it sad when I see families or couples having lunch or dining out and each person in the group is on some electronic device and they don't talk. I wonder about the impact of technology on social interactions and I'm not very optimistic. It seems to me that for an increasing number of people "fantasy life", i.e. social media, is becoming something they spend more time on than on real life interactions. Recently I heard of someone whose significant other had become increasingly glued to a smartphone, turned out it was not a case of working constantly as was first alleged but of chatting up members of the opposite site on a hookup App and then meeting up with them at an increasing frequency, in city where they lived but also on business trips, to the point of having someone lined up before trips. And because so many people do it, or so it seems when you go there, it feels "normal". Down the drain went a c. 15 year marriage. I'd say the injured party is better off but I really got me wondering about the unforseen consequences that the overwhelming presence of technology from the last 10/15 years will have on us, our moral fiber, our kids, even the future of humankind. Sounds melodramatic, I know :-) it's my inner sociologist talking :-) 


Back to the topic of scented products: when I stay in a hotel, I usually wake up with a very swollen and weepy eye on the side I mostly sleep on. So I've started taking an old, soft T-shirt with me, and wrapping it around the pillow. Problem solved :-) no more one swollen eye and need to wake up early enough before first meeting to allow antihistamine medecine time to work.

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Oooh. So. Many. Things.




(I live in Melbourne, Australia, which means trams and a whole unique raft of complaints)


  • People who don't learn how to perform hook turns.
  • People who do not stop behind stopping trams on shared roadways. (To explain, trams run in the middle lanes of the road, meaning alighting pedestrians have to cross one or more road lanes to reach the footpath, some arsehole drivers shoot up the inside while pedestrians are boarding and alighting, nearly running people over.)
  • Two or more lanes merging down to one with zero warning.
  • People who honk at you while doing the speed limit.
  • People who honk in traffic jams.
  • People who drive like lunatics in the pouring rain.


Public transport-related


  • People who treat the train/bus/tram like their living room.
  • People who sit next to you even when the bus/train/tram is half-empty.
  • People who try and talk to you even though you have your headphones in.
  • People who don't offer their seats to people who need them.
  • People who swear and scream at each other, PT is not the place for your domestic dispute.
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@JacquelineLHope:  That person who sits next to you even though the bus/tram is half empty may have autism.  I just learned this recently.  They have issues with "space" and have no idea that what they're doing (e.g., sitting next to a person even though there are lots of empty seats available) is perceived as creepy.  Now I wonder if that applies to parking lots as well.  Whenever I've had a new car, I always parked way out in the middle of a lot to avoid dings.  Then, when I'd return to my car, almost always there would be another car parked right next to it, even though there were a gazillion empty spots all around the two cars.  Go figure!

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People who treat the train/bus/tram like their living room.
Like when they trim their nails.


Then, when I'd return to my car, almost always there would be another car parked right next to it, even though there were a gazillion empty spots all around the two cars.
How can one be sure that at the time the other car parked, there weren't tons of cars around?
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If there isn't a spot next to a curb (or pillar in a garage) available for me to park in, I generally will park next to another (well-parked) car rather than somewhere with empty spots on either side. Between two well-parked cars is even better.  I think it reduces the chance of some horrible/careless parker pulling in next to me at least slightly. I want to be next to another person who is as careful as I am.

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Yeah, I always park between two cars (or a car and a curb, etc.) if possible.  Sure, while I'm gone, those people may leave and be replaced by assholes who ding my car, but I figure my odds are good. 

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my biggest traffic peeve is when people wait to use their turn signal until they are actually TURNING. It's almost worse than not using it at all.

Have you been following me? ;)

I try very hard to use my turn signal appropriately. I sometimes fail. I don't like that I do this. I have I think a very odd turn signal. It's not broken...it just is sensitive and yet has to be manhandled at the same time.

Is that sexist?

Never thought of it until now. My dad uses the word in every other sentence. It's bleeding over.

Just like "that's good. That's good" has from my mother.

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When people exaggerate their anger. For instance, someone cuts them off in traffic- "I'm gonna slice their throat!"....really? Are you now?

Or on baby boards, "this woman told me to try ginger to cure my morning sickness. Like I'm an idiot and never tried that! I just want to drop kick her to the floor."...wow. Ok.

Just seems extreme and unnecessary. I get being annoyed but regularly reacting so aggressively makes me want to steer far away from that person. I don't want to hear things like that.

I mean, trust me, I've felt very angry or offended before. I don't hate the person for saying these things. I just wish it didn't have to happen, especially threatening violence even if I know perfectly well nothing is really going to happen.

My stepdad used to do this in long lines. He'd start cursing and saying all kinds of things. It was embarrassing and just put a huge damper on our afternoon. I knew my dad wasn't going to slap anyone, but why did he have no self control with what he was saying? This is so commonplace on the Internet now. Everyone is going to b*slap everyone. I simply don't care for it. At all.

Not trying to be a goody-two shoes. I've said very nasty things about my dad's girlfriends. But, I don't say them to a public audience and do try to take a deep breath and be fair and realistic. It's hard for me, but I don't think im a badass for it. Instead I feel disappointed in myself.

Btw, I think there's a difference between saying you felt like slapping someone (but didn't), and, in the moment, going on a rant about how you're going to kill someone or beat the poop out of them.

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Another weird imo thing happened today. A woman on FB made a post how she was loudly singing this uplifting/pop song from the 90s. Okay fine. Then hours later she writes how hearing any Taylor Swift song makes her want to stab her eyes (sic, lol) out and that only teeny boppers like TS. True, she doesn't have to defend her musical likes to me at all. But, it did seem odd to me.

I get liking music of your youth more than current teen favorites. Backstreet Boys v One Direction. But, it's weird to me that a 35 yr old wouldn't pickup on the similarities and not be so hateful in their dislike. I know nothing of one direction. I love Taylor swift. I don't write on FB that those who like any music are stupid.

Grrr. Guess I've just been annoyed at what I interpret as meanness lately.

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I watch a lot of Animal Planet and it really annoys the crap out of me how nobody on that channel, not the narrators, the animal services officers, NOBODY can pronounce the word veterinarian. I'm always yelling at the TV that "its not vet in arian". I know its stupid but it annoys me so much. The veteRinarians themselves don't even pronounce it correctly.

While I'm on the subject, same goes for the word realtor. It's not friggin realAtor!

Ok. One more. I noticed a lot of people do this. One of the former OC Housewives did it all the time and it bugged me, that's pronouncing the word relationship as though it only has 3 syllables. The word is relaTIONship, not relay ship.

I love coming here and being able to talk about my peeves and annoyances and reading yours.

Betweenyouandme, I agree about the music thing. I hate, hate, hate country music but my daughter loves it. I'm a classic rock girl with some 80s hair band love thrown in. We would never call the other one stupid over our taste in music.

She does think its hilarious to get her most country, twangy CD and torture me with it in her car though. My granddaughter LOVES Taylor Swift. She's 6 and can sing almost all of her songs.

Edited by Maharincess
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I haven't heard the veterinarian one, but hearing realtor pronounced with three syllables drives me crazy, too.  (As does hearing an imaginary third syllable added to athlete, or a fourth to triathlon.)

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Whoa, I'm a triathlon stretcher-outer.  Sorry!  I'll do better.


But now that we've veered into musical territory, it drives me nuts when people on The Voice or American Idol identify a song by the singer they're familiar with singing it.  For example, it's not Donny Hathaway's Song for You.  It's Leon Russell's.  He wrote it.  He sang it.  He owns it.  Likewise Kate Bush's This Woman's Work.  I can understand not knowing every composer out there but if the song was a hit by the person who wrote it, respect that even if someone else had a bigger hit with it later.


Although speaking of Respect, that's Aretha's.  No disrespect, Otis Redding.


I never said I was consistent.  Just peeved.

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Although speaking of Respect, that's Aretha's.  No disrespect, Otis Redding
I read somewhere once that Otis Redding said the same thing.


I hate when people say real-tore.  Do these people also say sail-ore and edit-ore?

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Another weird imo thing happened today. A woman on FB made a post how she was loudly singing this uplifting/pop song from the 90s. Okay fine. Then hours later she writes how hearing any Taylor Swift song makes her want to stab her eyes (sic, lol) out and that only teeny boppers like TS. True, she doesn't have to defend her musical likes to me at all. But, it did seem odd to me.

I get liking music of your youth more than current teen favorites. Backstreet Boys v One Direction. But, it's weird to me that a 35 yr old wouldn't pickup on the similarities and not be so hateful in their dislike. I know nothing of one direction. I love Taylor swift. I don't write on FB that those who like any music are stupid.

Grrr. Guess I've just been annoyed at what I interpret as meanness lately.

Might just be some of those fun pregnancy hormones kicking in.  I normally don't get angry a lot - my theory being that if I am not going to be mad about it next week, I don't want to waste the time today fussing over it*.  When I was pregnant with my son though, I had a hair trigger temper and I would just explode immediately.  It was oddly liberating even though it felt totally unnatural.


* The downside of this philosophy is if I am still upset in a week, it is far worse.


A lot of people feel pretty free to pass judgement on musical tastes, with their's always being right/good.  I don't mind if it is good natured and they understand that it is all a matter of preference but those who are more adament and actually have superiority complexes because they like "quality" are highly unpleasant.

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Yeah, I'm usually fairly calm in my expressions of anger. I've gotten 98% better on the road, which used to be my downfall. But, I do hang on to things a long time. I try to let them go, but they seep into my thoughts....it feels like for forever, especially when the other person has acted like I was the one in the wrong but I disagree. I keep going over it and over it in my mind. The other person likely doesn't even remember anymore!

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That reminds me of another pet peeve...I hate losing arguments because the other person is better at arguing than me, not because they have a better position.  I always lost arguments with my ex, rarely because I was wrong but because he was so good at arguing (despite being BSC).  The few times I was "winning" he'd go for the emotional sucker punch (e.g., It was more important to me to be right over such a trivial matter than for us to compromise).

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I get annoyed with myself when I can't formulate my thoughts into words. My ex would always talk over me and just be really loud. Yeah, that's not good communication!

Just rude and good for you he is an ex.  I have that problem and have been told it is my 'menopause brain'.  Whatever.  I like the idea of this thread because sometimes people just look at you with a blank stare when you state your pet peeve. I guess to me it is invalidation. Or dismissal.  It is always great to be around like-minded individuals.


I just don't understand rabid sports fans.  I can enjoy an evening baseball game, here and here, but this do or die attitude confounds me.  I don't personally know the players.  I don't have a stake in the game.  I don't understand bragging about someone else's victory.  I do not follow my alma mater as if it is somehow superior because they won a game.


In fact, I tend to say I went there for the education.  I think the only way I would actively root for a team is if I were gambling.  I'm not about to do that.

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Jumping into the discussion - I am peeved (today, specifically) by people on Facebook chastising the world to not post spoilers for a television show... that already aired. Because they aren't going to watch it until (Saturday, they catch up, it becomes streaming). And there are a LOT of those people very vocally upset after a certain episode that apparently aired last night. 


YOU don't go on Facebook/Twitter. That's how it works. 

I don't generally post about television shows on Facebook - I have here, and I like it better. But, if that's what you want to talk about, go for it! (I have the power to block you if you annoy me; I don't have the right to expect you to post differently because I might see it)

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I just don't understand rabid sports fans.  I can enjoy an evening baseball game, here and here, but this do or die attitude confounds me.  I don't personally know the players.  I don't have a stake in the game.  I don't understand bragging about someone else's victory.  I do not follow my alma mater as if it is somehow superior because they won a game.


In fact, I tend to say I went there for the education.  I think the only way I would actively root for a team is if I were gambling.  I'm not about to do that.

Yes, I remember when I was in college.  Relatives, my parents' friends, all sorts of people, when they heard where I was going,  would always remark on the basketball team, and ask me my opinion. It was their one comment or question  - basketball!  I'd always answer that I didn't make the team this year, but would try again next year. (I'm female, and 5'4" so it was clearly sarcastic)  

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I'm a rabid football fan, but I have no trouble imagining how it could annoy people.  Thankfully, most of my closest friends are the same way, and I take care not to bore the others with my obsessing.


Which brings me to … people who are really into genealogy and insist on regaling me with tales of their latest find.  I barely care about my own ancestors, so I surely do not give a shit that you found info on your great aunt Mildred’s first husband.  I have a close friend who is obsessed with this stuff, and when she finds something new I’m happy for her because I know it makes her happy, but I have to cut her off when she goes on at length.

Edited by Bastet
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Which brings me to … people who are really into genealogy and insist on regaling me with tales of their latest find.  I barely care about my own ancestors, so I surely do not give a shit that you found info on your great aunt Mildred’s first husband.  I have a close friend who is obsessed with this stuff, and when she finds something new I’m happy for her because I know it makes her happy, but I have to cut her off when she goes on at length.

I agree!!!!!!!!!!!   the ancestry commercials, and people totally obsessed with this - " I found the house, the actual house, where someone related to me, someone who died before I was born, used to live in that house! "  so what?  


My mother was born in another country and came to the U.S.  nobody from her side of the family ever showed any interest in me as a child. half of them I never met, the other half I saw once or twice, and never had anything in common with them.  I met my grandfather once.   I have no interest in finding out trivial things about the lives of these people or the generations before them.  

Edited by backformore
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YES! I have found another thread in which to complain!

Now that I'm all caught up on the thread, first I'll defend genealogy. I studied my maternal side of my family a couple years ago and it was interesting and fun. I enjoy research and wanted to do it as a sort of gift to my grandmother who is now 88. She is still very active--she works out at Curves and lives alone since my grandpa died in 2000. She travels some and drives. Anyway, doing my genealogy was also something that helped me with/through that particular round of depression, whichever number that was, as I've lost count. I kind of dropped my research once I was working full-time again, though.

I get people thinking it's boring. It's just what you like or don't. I think sports are incredibly boring, for example.

For another example, I dislike kids except for a couple to whom I'm related. Now to the crux of my post: I go to Trader Joe's and kids are running around like it's recess and the whole store is the playground. Parents are who-knows-where, and I'm literally being faceplanted in the thigh by a toddler or I'm tripping over an elementary schooler rounding the corner at breakneck speed.

OR...as has happened TWICE at the same store, kids hanging off the side of overflowing grocery carts turn them sideways atop themselves. What's a little brain damage among neighbors? Tomorrow's headline: Kid Killers! Grocer Bagged for Busted Buggies

Edited by bilgistic
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