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They didn't even ask her? What the hell is that about. Even if she had said last year she didn't want to go past S8, you'd think they would just check in and see if she changed her mind. You'de also think that ABC would be leaking that she walked...it makes them look better.

And the saddest part is they are doing this for a shortened season? Are 13 episodes worth that much that they can just get rid of her?

It kind of makes me wonder if there was any truth to the rumor Nathan said he'd only sign if Stana was out. I'm not saying believe that or that I blame him, but the news does make me wonder.

And poor Tamela because no one cares about the news that she's leaving.

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For me this show hasn't been great for a long time, and that is mostly because it was obvious the leads didn't get along and wanted to get our of working together as much as possible.  Nathan is the bigger draw, he has the fan following, so ABC is banking those are the folks that will tune in. If they re-tool it correctly, I think Nathan, the boys and Martha in LA would be fun.  Get rid of everyone else, and really re-boot the show.   

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My guess is this is to make Nathan happy. Not placing blame on him, but it makes sense. There's no reason they wouldn't even negotiate a shortened season with Stana for "budgetary reasons." There's too many other options. And with Tamala they're probably just doing what should have been done years ago.

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They really should have ended the show after last season, when they had a really good season finale that could have served as a series finale.  This reminds me of the recent situation on Sleepy Hollow, with some difference and the fact that Castle was a way more successful show than SH.


In any event, not even asking SK to come back is further proof about how the so-called evolved, enlightened and feminist Hollywood studios and networks really view their female stars.

Edited by benteen
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FlickerToAFlame, on 18 Apr 2016 - 3:12 PM, said:

My guess is this is to make Nathan happy. Not placing blame on him, but it makes sense. There's no reason they wouldn't even negotiate a shortened season with Stana for "budgetary reasons." There's too many other options.


I don't think ABC's interest is to close out the show with a shortened season 9. If it were, then they'd strip the show as much as they could to save money - meaning cut everyone but SK, NF and the boys, maybe have SS a recurring character, keep Alexis alive by mentioning every now and then how she's doing with her graduate degree or whatever, promote Lanie to Chief ME so that they can use rotating ME's if they need one.

I think that the plan is to test out a spin-off, possibly an Alexis and Haley one and use a shortened S9 as a transition into it. Otherwise, a S9 without Katic would make no sense. You don't consider ending a show without one lead when you can just end it now with both leads on board. If the finale had already aired on a cliffhanger and they wanted to give it a proper send off, then yes, a shortened season would make sense even with one of the leads. But the show is prepared for a series finale, has prepared for it with filming two endings, so a shortened season only makes sense if it's the spring-board for a spin-off.

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I'm sorry, but how can Huertas even mention an integrity of the show when Katic and Jones, apparently, didn't leave on their own but were basically fired for monetary reasons? That right there tells me that there is no integrity to be kept intact. 

If he wants to talk about integrity then the actors should decide collectively to not re-sign. I'm sure they can afford not to (and I'm sorry, but this 400 job argument doesn't fly with me either because a) if there's a shortened season then they'd be out of a job by Christmas anyway and b) if I look at Hollywood and LA then I would assume that the majority will either easily find a new job or will have earned enough to make do for a little while, otherwise Hollywood and LA would be crawling with homeless people because there are a ton of shows which end every season)


ETA: Is that tweet Huertas posted about he and Dever not having been asked either supposed to make light of it?

And that he found out online does suggest that ABC deliberately leaked the story.




Ok, for me, it defies logic and flies in the face of common sense to believe that the cast had no idea.  None.  That they read it on twitter and in the rags.  That's right up there with the magical story lines and, well, being Alexis.  


A quick scan of this board and twitter will tell you that:


1) The cast surely knew she wasn't negotiating and probably not coming back - if the crew did.

           -She tweeted something about "end of an era", LT tweeted about nice double entendre.

           -Whatever Susan did or said on whatever radio show I read about that got the fans going..... she wanted them to part ways.

           -Someone tweeting an instagram from a crew guy's wife saying how he'll miss Stana

            etc., etc.

2) Toks being EVERYWHERE...on twitter, doing rinky dink little fan shows, and the Yahoo thing.  Obvious PR effort for the show to raise her profile.

3) This WHOLE season....trying to morph the show into something else, like they were willing to go through short term pain to get out the other side with a show that can hold Monday nights for them.  

4) Nathan live tweeting several episodes and pulling the cast into his circle....minus Stana.  It was clear he was in for another season.

5) The speculation that the leads can't stand each other, the stupid stories in the trade rags, interesting timing.


The "dismissal" word though in the press, that's cold.  Either she IS a giant diva that no one can stand, or someone at the network or the studio is punishing her for something.   "Agree to part ways, wanted to pursue other projects" etc....they could have done it very gracefully.  That shit is deliberate.  Makes me wonder.  Although, now she's a victim, instead of the villain. 


I always got an interesting contrast from the leads in their interviews.  Nathan's style seemed to be get in, get it done, get home.  He has spoken often about his days on the soaps where they grind out scene after scene because they have to.  Stana always talked in lofty terms about her character, what she was going through, the journey, the heroism.  I always assumed whatever tension was rumored came in part from working with someone who had the polar opposite view on how the work should be done.  One always feeling rushed, the other feeling delayed.  After 8 years that can't be fun.  


Well, it's over now. The year of wondering, speculating, ignoring the obvious signs on the wall.  I'm with the majority of you....they should have ended the show last year.  I don't really care to watch Castle the goof ball and his magical daughter and their adopted orphaned MI6 agent.  


Oh, and hey, Jon Huertas.  If you want to save 400 jobs, bitch at the writers, the show runners, and your fellow actors who apparently can't get their shit together day in and day out to just show up, get along, and make some TV.  Castle could have gone on forever.  I feel for the crew, the caterers, the logistics people, all the support staff who have no control over their employment.  I've heard the whole speech about the long hours and how exhausting the season is.  I'm guessing that however long it is for the actors, it's worse for the crew.  If anybody owes those folks their loyalty, it's not the fans, it's you people.  Fans are here to watch your work.  If we like it, we watch more.  If we don't, we watch something else.  It's not on us to keep a crappy show floating.  If you really found out on twitter, that's sad. Unbelievable really. Someone should tell Nathan.  He shouldn't be the last to know.  



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Welp, y'all who thought Katic was out were right, and I was wrong. My condolences and sincere apologies. But I'm SHOCKED SK wasn't "asked" back.


Much less so Tamala Jones.


I guess we know the ending being used now.

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Since most scenes between NF and SK have become painful to watch because of their IMO obvious rift, this news doesn't come as a surprise.

I also believe that it was her or me on NF's part. Too bad for the people who still care. The fun and charming show I used to love deserved a better ending.

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I don't think it was all about money.  I got the feeling that there was some bad blood between ABC and SK after last year's contract negotiations. Add to that, she took a lot of time off this year (way more than NF) and maybe they just decided it was time to move on.  The fact they didn't even offer to negotiate tells me it wasn't so much about money, or they would have at least tried to give her a low-ball offer to come back.


If the show's going to work without her, it's going to have to be a very, very different show.  Completely re-vamped.


And poor Tamala, all of those years Marlowe promised her her own episode and it just never happened.

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Well that's one less show for me to watch next year. I certainly don't want to watch widower Castle moving on to the PI group in LA and then another love interest. That's not the show I fell in love with.

As far as I'm concerned Castle ended with "Still". I can just imagine that the two characters I grew to really enjoy watching sailed off into the sunset!!

Edited by axj73
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Ok, for me, it defies logic and flies in the face of common sense to believe that the cast had no idea. None. That they read it on twitter and in the rags. That's right up there with the magical story lines and, well, being Alexis.

You hear about things like that a lot though...actors hearing things about their show from the media. I can believe that Jon didn't have an official answer on what was happening. I also believe hasn't been approached by ABC yet. If they are going with Castle PI, he and SD may have a reduced role.

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When Nathan fails to even mention the announcement and tries to do his live tweet tonight as usual, we'll have our confirmation that he hates her.


Not really, no. Maybe he just doesn't want to get in on the fray and get ire that should go to management. And IF he hates Stana, we don't know, likely never will. Ditto her feelings about Nathan.

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You hear about things like that a lot though...actors hearing things about their show from the media. I can believe that Jon didn't have an official answer on what was happening. I also believe hasn't been approached by ABC yet. If they are going with Castle PI, he and SD may have a reduced role.

Not buying it.  The decision was made, probably a long time ago.  Someone decided to release it to the press today.  You don't think they gave her and her PR people the heads up so they could have a statement ready?  You don't think maybe she called her "friends who are like family"-Jon, over weekend....or that the studio did, so they could all get their stories straight for the inevitable onslaught of cries from the fandom?  Nope, not buying it.  They all knew....some chose to take to social media and proclaim ignorance and dismay, some are just hunkering down.  There's no good answer....I just object to them claiming it came out of the blue.  #notanidiot  I feel bad for Toks thought....why does she go on twitter?  So toxic..  Wait, I WONDER IF THE SHOWRUNNERS KNOW?  They aren't on twitter much..... oh NOOOOOOO

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I agree - I think it would just ignite things even more if he mentioned something about it in a tweet.  Nothing he could say would go over well.  I'll be he's wishing he'd chosen a different episode to live-tweet though.

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Not buying it. The decision was made, probably a long time ago. Someone decided to release it to the press today. You don't think they gave her and her PR people the heads up so they could have a statement ready? You don't think maybe she called her "friends who are like family"-Jon, over weekend....or that the studio did, so they could all get their stories straight for the inevitable onslaught of cries from the fandom? Nope, not buying it. They all knew....some chose to take to social media and proclaim ignorance and dismay, some are just hunkering down. There's no good answer....I just object to them claiming it came out of the blue. #notanidiot I feel bad for Toks thought....why does she go on twitter? So toxic.. Wait, I WONDER IF THE SHOWRUNNERS KNOW? They aren't on twitter much..... oh NOOOOOOO

Oh, I believe Stana knew earlier, but I can buy Jon didn't. He certainly could have, but it's not unheard of for some cast members to be out of the loop.

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Not really, no. Maybe he just doesn't want to get in on the fray and get ire that should go to management. And IF he hates Stana, we don't know, likely never will. Ditto her feelings about Nathan.

Susan, Molly, and Toks have posted rather insensitve tweets about tonight's episode and attracted the wrath of the upset part of the fandom so Nathan might want to rethink his plans to live tweet tonight or things could get ugly. Perhaps his internet connection could diplomatically fail. LOL

 Wait, I WONDER IF THE SHOWRUNNERS KNOW?  They aren't on twitter much..... oh NOOOOOOO


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Toks plays the martyr so well.


I get being upset, but I can't blame the actress here. Her job is also to drum up interest. Granted, it may not be an ideal time, but her only crime as far as I can see is signing up for a paycheck and not being Beckett.

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Jon Huertas ‏@Jon_Huertas  2h2 hours ago

And if I’m a part of the cast, I’ll work hard 2 continue 2 keep the integrity of our show intact… #ConsiderThis #400JOBS


Yeah the 400 JOBS remark grates on me. Stop with this kind of bullshit, when people in the real world face a career change whatever the circumstances they're primarily thinking of themselves and their families and quite rightly so.  Stana is doing what's best for her, the network will do whatever it wants to make money. It's not the responsibility of fans or anyone else to be made to feel responsible, especially in Hollywood where from the tea boy/girl up you must know that your job could be gone very shortly ended on the whim of a network exec, negotiation failure or star fall out BTS. If you're relying on other people to safeguard your future and that of your family then you're asking for trouble. 


When Nathan fails to even mention the announcement and tries to do his live tweet tonight as usual, we'll have our confirmation that he hates her.


I don't see it as confirmation that he hates her, I don't believe he does...but I do think that if he remains silent it will reinforce the belief of some fans regarding his clear indifference to his co-star,  and I'm not ragging on Nathan here it is what it is and I've accepted I'll never know exactly what went down between them but something sure as hell did and it's had unfortunate repercussions for the show. 

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westwingfan, on 18 Apr 2016 - 4:00 PM, said:

Susan, Molly, and Toks have posted rather insensitve tweets about tonight's episode and attracted the wrath of the upset part of the fandom so Nathan might want to rethink his plans to live tweet tonight or things could get ugly. Perhaps his internet connection could diplomatically fail. LOL



Or he could be stuck in traffic again, coming from wherever he might have been today even if he was home all day. ;-)

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The decision was made, probably a long time ago.


Season 8 Beckett and SK's unusually distant portrayal of her as well as the focus on Castle (without Beckett) sure seemed to indicate that.

But why did ABC have to make it more dramatic than it already is by dismissing her prior to the show being renewed unless NF wanted a clean cut before even considering coming back.

Whoever has a tell all book ready within the next couple of days can make some serious money. 

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When Nathan fails to even mention the announcement and tries to do his live tweet tonight as usual, we'll have our confirmation that he hates her.

no if that happens we'll have confirmation that he didn't mention the announcement and then went on with live tweeting the show, from that we'll have fans reading things into it and going off on their pet theories.

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I'm not a fan of the character, Hayley, but I have followed Toks on Twitter and to me she comes across as likeable and fairly diplomatic, especially given that plenty of fans had a kneejerk negative response to her.

It's hard to pin down where it went off the rails for me. The show has had continuity issues (lack of a show runner's/writers' Bible) for years but it may have taken its deepest dive with the crappy Vegas first wedding, at least for me. If the show is renewed and if some of the OTT lunacy goes away i suppose it could be entertaining. It just won't be Castle.

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Susan, Molly, and Toks have posted rather insensitve tweets about tonight's episode and attracted the wrath of the upset part of the fandom so Nathan might want to rethink his plans to live tweet tonight or things could get ugly. Perhaps his internet connection could diplomatically fail. LOL


So here's the "I know nothing " scorecard:


Joh Huertas - knew nothing - found out on twitter.  #morose.

Toks - knew nothing, read it in one of the rags.  Very, very sad.

Juliana Dever - knew nothing, just landed in a plane.... love to tamala and Stana.

Seamus Dever - didn't say, assumed he knew nothing on the same plane, thanked Stana and Tamala.

Sunkrish - knew nothing - glad he got to work with Stana


These guys STILL don't know....


Molly Quinn - promoted tonights episode with a picture of Toks.  Maybe STILL doesn't know.  

Susan Sullivan - tweeted some uplifting advice to seize the moment and watch tonights episode.  Obviously, doesn't know.

Nathan Fillion - not a peep.  Probably doesn't know.  Hasn't been on twitter or read the rags. Planning a live tweet tonight.  God Bless. 

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But why did ABC have to make it more dramatic than it already is by dismissing her prior to the show being renewed unless NF wanted a clean cut before even considering coming back.


This brilliant insight is the only thing that makes sense!  It's public, it's final, and it was a little nasty leaking she was "dismissed".  

 Well done KSB!

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Blackrock1, on 18 Apr 2016 - 4:31 PM, said:

So here's the "I know nothing " scorecard:


Susan Sullivan - tweeted some uplifting advice to seize the moment and watch tonights episode.  Obviously, doesn't know.


She now knows and has given the most diplomatic response so far. (which makes it sound like it was SK's and TJ's choice which I'm not sure I like)

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I don't think it was all about money. I got the feeling that there was some bad blood between ABC and SK after last year's contract negotiations. Add to that, she took a lot of time off this year (way more than NF) and maybe they just decided it was time to move on. The fact they didn't even offer to negotiate tells me it wasn't so much about money, or they would have at least tried to give her a low-ball offer to come back.

If the show's going to work without her, it's going to have to be a very, very different show. Completely re-vamped.

And poor Tamala, all of those years Marlowe promised her her own episode and it just never happened.

But we don't know how much of that time off was at her request. It was reported she negotiated one break in filming for that episode in October. I think it's likely they knew she was leaving and chose to lessen her screen time. She may have been willing to do a lot more.

I'm just surprised it is being reported as ABC's decision when there have been signs she wanted out.

Well probably never get the full story.

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Yeah the 400 JOBS remark grates on me. Stop with this kind of bullshit, when people in the real world face a career change whatever the circumstances they're primarily thinking of themselves and their families and quite rightly so.  Stana is doing what's best for her, the network will do whatever it wants to make money. It's not the responsibility of fans or anyone else to be made to feel responsible, especially in Hollywood where from the tea boy/girl up you must know that your job could be gone very shortly ended on the whim of a network exec, negotiation failure or star fall out BTS. If you're relying on other people to safeguard your future and that of your family then you're asking for trouble. 





Also it is very self serving because jobs aren't really being lost, a new show will replace Castle so other people will get a chance to work. So I guess Jon wants people to be loyal to the show indefinitely so he can coast by with a steady paycheck. Kind of sums up the shows mindset in a nutshell TBH.


I haven't watched a full episode since 8x03, only flicking to watch bits and parts of a few episodes, but  I am sorry for everyone who hung in with the show this season just to have the Stana news come out now. It is not surprising that it seems likely the show is going to try and limp along for another season despite having nothing left creatively. The only thing that matters is the bottom line so if syndication can keep the show profitable, it doesn't really matter if they put out a high quality product or care about the fans. I will try my best to keep the fond memories of the show early run, but it has been sad to watch the decline of the last few years and see the greed and callousness of TPTB on full display.

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It seems it's a shoot out that sees Beckett's demise, and not the big bang that took out Hayley that I'd been hoping for, but my appetite for speculating about what happens on the show anymore has dramatically diminished over the past couple of hours and I'm now more in a "who cares" mode, not even sure I'm going to bother watching the rest of the season, I was already not going to watch tonight, now that we know how it ends. Only thing that would probably get me to watch would be if ABC decide at this late stage not to proceed with a S9 so it's a series finale.



The link won't work right so you need to scroll back to picture No 8


I wonder how many of the 6.5M who are still tuning in are aware of today's news, and if they will remain ignorant until S9 starts.

Edited by westwingfan
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Interesting THR article, which says ABC considered writing Stana off last year, that NF won't sign without his bros, and that the season 8 breakup was testing the waters for a Becket-less show. How could they deem that test successful after all the outrage?!

@Snoodit Inside Stana Katic's Shocking #Castle Exit


Edited by FlickerToAFlame
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I love the Grim Reaper, ready and willing to splash a bit of cold reality when needed and to remind those with their heads in the clouds about the realities of this business and it is a business. 


TV Grim Reaper ‏@TVGrimReaper  3h3 hours ago
The reaper is amused by fans and idiots in the TV media who think TV is about “story” or “art”. It’s about selling ads and syndicatiion.


TV Grim Reaper ‏@TVGrimReaper  3h3 hours ago
If ABC thinks they can sell more #Castle ads and make money, they’ll make more #Castle. “How the story works” is irrelevant.


TV Grim Reaper ‏@TVGrimReaper  3h3 hours ago
C’mon, ABC couldn’t care less about “how #Castle works without X”.


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Poppping back in with this developing news ...


I'm so confused.


Stana wasn't even approached for a potential season 9?


ABC is dumb if they think Castle could survive without a HEA for Castle and Beckett, so if they kill Beckett to continue the show without Stana ... that's a dumb, dumb move. Testing the waters for a Beckett-less Castle was a giant fail.


Plus the rest of the cast finds out online? No way. What a crappy way to go about it.


Things don't add up at all but with Stana gone air the series finale ending and just be done. I've always maintained they built a show around the relationship between Castle and Beckett and the spark between Nathan and Stana. Both were professional enough (IMO) to deal with whatever BTS drama might have happened, but if either one of them left it was over.


It's not even about the story they're telling. I was sticking with it provided Castle and Beckett were together, through the fake breakup crap. The reality is - and the ratings reflect - people don't really want to watch just one of them. A season 9 without Beckett might get a few viewrs out of curiosity, but in the end ratings will tank harder than they have. And that does have to do with the story and as a result their ability to sell ads to make money.

Edited by McManda
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The Stonekettloe Station blogger had a lovely terse comment on his Twitter feed: "It's like the people responsible for New Coke and Battlefield Earth took over Castle at the beginning of Season 8"

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De-lurking temporarily - because how often does the internet explode so spectacularly?  


It's kind of sad reading the comments where the faithful (unspoiled) viewers, sitting through S8, waiting for their Caskett pay-off, almost unanimously want the show to just end.  Maybe 1 out of 20 posts are willing to see where the show goes next.  That doesn't seem like a good basis for a S9 or a spin-off.  


I never buy Hollywood tell-all books but would be willing to spend some serious cash for the Castle BTS true story.

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Interesting THR article, which says ABC considered writing Stana off last year, that NF won't sign without his bros, and that the season 8 breakup was testing the waters for a Becket-less show. How could they deem that test successful after all the outrage?!


NF won't sign without Jon and Seamus, but obviously has no problem signing without Stana? That's.....telling. And I'm not saying he shouldn't sign just because of Stana, it's his job and they both need to do what they both need to do. But still.


Weird that that article says writing off Beckett would allow them to do more COTW and less ongoing romance drama. The show hardly had any continual romance drama until the writers added it this season. The romance was always completely in the background, that was a complaint a lot of people have had for years.

Edited by KaveDweller
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I don't want to assume too much either, but I wonder how much pull Nathan has. I mean, if ABC didn't even approach Stana to re-sign he might not have had much of a choice if he wanted to keep his job. I guess he could have always threatened to walk without her, though.


I always knew Castle was going to end, sooner than later at this point. It's just so, so, so unfortunate that it's under these crappy circumstances. And it's crappy for everyone involved; the fans, because they got/will get screwed, the cast because they had to find out this way, Stana (and Tamala), if she(they) didn't get approached for more, TPTB is their hand is forced more by business than they wanted.


That unofficial poll at the end is also telling. "Will you watch season 9 without Tamala and Stana" ... is overwhelmingly no.



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My goodness, that is a shock! I could see ending the entire show, but continuing without the female lead seems strange.


But then Seamus posted this:

Oh man. @Stana_Katic has been a good partner and a good friend for the last eight years. Thank you, Stana.

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I wonder which small minion leaked the info that it wasn't Stana's choice. Whoever forgot to collect that person's NDR is probably also on the chopping block. Oops. And seriously, I don't think 400 jobs is bullshit. Good for Jon in making that point. The 400 jobs includes his own, so he has every right to mention it.

Stana will get another gig, probably a juicy one. It would be foolish not to cash in on the outrage.

I am so curious about how they're going to pull this off. I honestly can't wait to see it. Popcorn popped.

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I think this show ran out of gas ages ago. But - and it is a rotten time to drive the point home now, but the truth can hurt - ABC is, as TV Grim Reaper points out, a business. Hence show business. Not saying it's right. But the truth is, a network likes pleasing fans as long as, in the process, it coincides with money making.


So if ABC thinks there is still money to be made, with or without various cast involved, so be it; happiness is no longer a factor. As long as enough watch, whether out of actor loyalty, hate watching, or some combination thereof.


I don't necessarily agree in this case, but will say ABC seems ballsy enough for even considering it.

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I still think ABC is delusional if they think saving money by letting Tamala and Stana go is going to fly. If that's their bottom line, and early S8 was a test to see if audiences would respond to a show without Beckett ... they should have noticed that it was an epic fail.


I haven't followed the ratings this season, but other than hearing they weren't good (yet upticked a little after Christmas (when Castle and Beckett were back together)) ... I'd be curious to know, were the lowest rated episodes the one where Castle worked primarily with Slaughter and went to LA with Hayley?

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I don't necessarily agree in this case, but will say ABC seems ballsy enough for even considering it.


With ABC taking the brunt of the outrage over the direction for any potential S9, it's quite possible that the producers and NF will get a pass when/if a revamped show finally does air. 


Honestly though, while I'd watch either star in a different show, a Beckett-less Castle with even more Alexis sounds hideous.  I might pity watch an episode but that's about it.   

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What is it with TPTB this year? After the Sleepy Hollow debacle, I posted here that I hoped things didn't turn out similarly, that the network was paying attention to the absolute HELL TPTB at SH were getting and would give them pause. But nope. I wonder if Beckett will have all her agency stripped from her too. If she'll say, with her dying breaths, that it's really Castle's story and she was just here to help him learn sumthin. Help Castle grow in his journey, dig?

All Hail the Penis. Hollywood certainly still does.

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I do agree the ratings sucked, but strictly numbers wise, I'm not sure this was a fail, not when you consider new programming like The Catch is garnering a 1.0. Heck, most 10:00 p.m. shows on any given night save for ABC's successful TGIT lineup on Thursdays on all networks are basically in "1" territory now. Since Castle stabilized, maybe that was enough for Dungey and Company.


Assuming the radically-altered S9 does happen.

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I could see TPTB thinking that their drama pilots are so bad that they are willing to accept a re-tooled Castle with lesser ratings rather than take a flyer on a new pilot. 


I have zero interest in watching Castle without Beckett. I didn't even watch the Season 8 episodes where Beckett was mysteriously absent. 

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