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S07.E11: Castle, P.I.


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Ummm WHAT?????    So he can't be an assistant detective anymore and they have to find something for Castle to do so they make him a PI.   Well heaven forbid he go back to writing.   What did he do for all those years before he started shadowing Beckett?   Just stupid.   And she calls her husband "Castle?"   Really?   They're married now, isn't it time to call him Rick?

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To be fair, if he just goes back to writing ... they sort of have no show. They need Castle investigating murders somehow (while he's kicked out of the precinct).


I thought it was cute. It was nice to see Castle competent, and almost one step ahead of the police and their fancy means. Almost like old-school Castle. For half a second I thought Ryan was feeding him info, but it was nice to see that Castle actually could do things on his own.


I'll be glad when he gets to go back to the precinct, but for now, I kinda like this PI thing. Except for the fact they keep trying to ram it into my face - he's a PI! Remember, he's a PI!


I thought it was a nice was to integrate Alexis, too. She didn't feel shoehorned in.


Stana is pregnant, right? Beckett kept hiding her middle throughout the episode...


I can't tell if this is serious or not, so ...


There are plenty of full body shots, so I don't think there was any real effort to hide her middle. Beckett carries a folder a lot (it's a joke that's where Stana keeps her lines), and Stana tends to hold that around her middle, but that's always been the case.


And based on the dresses Stana's worn to events recently ... no, she's not pregnant.

Edited by McManda
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It wasn't so he would have "something to do", it was that he was hoping it would lead to being able to spend time with Beckett.  And he is still writing, he said he had several ideas for his new book.  And calling him "Castle" despite being married is hardly a new thing.  She called him "Castle" when they were engaged and when they were dating.  I agree it's a little annoying, I'd love some more Ricks, but I can accept that it's just what she's used to calling him.  Like a nickname.  Like 'babe'. 


And I thought this was really fun.  Very funny and even some sexytimes!  Don't we love loved-up Beckett?  And Perlmutter! 


And of course we're getting the PI thing shoved in our faces.  It's Castle and he has a new shiny toy, of course he's excited to tell everyone every chance he gets.


I must say I'm pleased they're not just reversing the whole out-of-the-precinct thing with a reset button after one episode.  They're actually going to take this and run with it.  Hasn't it been a long-held fanfic or wish that eventually the two of them would become PI partners?  Every year that Castle did NOT become a PI while continuing to 'shadow' the NYPD, was another year that we forum junkies complained about that.  Now he finally did it!  I'm happy.  :)


Maybe his first real client will be himself, and he'll investigate his disappearance last summer...

Edited by tankgirl73
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Was Beckett wearing Castle's shirt in the morning that he had on the night before?


Looked like it to me.  I just made the sacrifice of watching that really cute scene again just to check.


I thought this was a really cute episode.  I liked the competition angle, but that Beckett didn't mind that Castle really solved it and Castle wasn't annoying about winning.   

  • Love 4


I might be in the minority, but I loved Castle as a PI.


Me too! I thought this episode was incredibly entertaining. I liked that he got to almost all the same information in a different way, but that he and Beckett still ended up collaborating in the end. If they want to keep him as a PI for a while, I'm all for it. I do hope he keeps writing, though.



And she calls her husband "Castle?"   Really?   They're married now, isn't it time to call him Rick?


I kind of like that she still calls him Castle.....she has for years and she's used to addressing him that way. At this point, it's like a nickname. Of course, my first TV love was X-Files, so my opinion might be a bit biased on account of Mulder and Scully.


Also, Beckett's gifts to him were perfect.....and I love Kate's just-had-lots-of-sex-with-Castle hair! ;)

  • Love 6

I found the episode slightly on the boring side. There was something a little off for me, and I think it was because of the lack of interaction between Castle, Beckett, Espo, and Ryan. I actually started to organize my tax files towards the end of the episode. It isn't that I don't like the idea of Castle becoming a PI; I actually think it should have happened after season 3 or 4. I just think at this point in the show they need to keep what works best, and that's Castle in the precinct working with Beckett and the boys.


It was nice to see Castle competent, and almost one step ahead of the police and their fancy means.

That's one of the things I didn't like; he was always right where they were in the investigation or one step ahead. It takes me back to season 3 when Castle was smarter than the detectives. I like my tv detectives intelligent, and by Castle being one step ahead it makes the police look a little on the dumb side. I like competent Castle, but I also like smart detectives.

I like that Beckett calls Castle "Castle". Why change it up just because she is married to him now?

Edited by moodyblue
  • Love 1
Also, Beckett's gifts to him were perfect.....and I love Kate's just-had-lots-of-sex-with-Castle hair! ;)


Sex with Castle has magical hair curling properties. Clearly.


I like my tv detectives intelligent, and by Castle being one step ahead it makes the police look a little on the dumb side. I like competent Castle, but I also like smart detectives.


I don't think it makes the detective look dumb. I think it highlights that there's a lot of red tape that they have to go through to get what they need. Castle didn't have any of the administrative issues to hold him up, so his on-his-own, out-of-the-box thinking was actually useful. It's not that he was better at it, he just has less rules that he has to play by.

  • Love 4
I like my tv detectives intelligent, and by Castle being one step ahead it makes the police look a little on the dumb side.


I didn't really think he was one step ahead until the end with the dog allergy issue.  The rest of the time they were really tied....they both went to the school, they both figured out she had flown recently, they both zeroed in on the school in Boston (and then both got stuck with different info). 


Oh, but one nitpick.  They knew she had flown because of sedatives, but who takes sedatives for a NY to Boston flight? It's less than an hour long. 


I like that Beckett calls Castle "Castle". Why change it up just because she is married to him now?


I like it too.  She calls him "Babe" pretty often now, so that seems intimate enough to me.

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I don't think it makes the detective look dumb.

Dumb was too strong of word for me to use in this case because they weren't dumb here, but I didn't like that it was too easy for Castle to find the same information as the detectives. I liked that Esposito and Ryan beat Castle to the DNA evidence.

I didn't even care for the Perlmutter and Castle scenes, and I usually love them.

Tonight there was a "baby", which seemed odd to me. I don't know, because I liked the "babe". Maybe that's just my real life preferences? I don't think I have/would ever call a SO "baby", unless in a sarcastic way.


I thought the "baby" was weird, but I couldn't tell if she was trying to do some PI/Noir language thing because she was in his office.


Martha also called Kate "babe," which I thought was a lot weirder.

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Yay Hanning wrote a fun episode. It's like he took the Caskett interaction from Clear and Present Danger and put it in this one. I did love the Perlmutter scenes. I'll take snarky exasperated Perlmutter than mean for no reason Espo at Castle. Espo sort of rhyming in the sneak peek was kinda weird but I did like him calling Ryan "baby Castle" later on and the cute feed the birds between Ryan and Castle. In addition it was nice that Alexis wasn't creepy like in Hanning last ep. I figure the gift at the end since it didn't show up halfway thru the ep and all the hiatus promos had Castle in that hat. Tho I'm glad this show was spared the Galavant theme song promo cause that was super annoying at every commercial break last Sunday.


I kind of like that she still calls him Castle.....she has for years and she's used to addressing him that way. At this point, it's like a nickname. Of course, my first TV love was X-Files, so my opinion might be a bit biased on account of Mulder and Scully.


Me too. I like that they only call each other by their 1st name sporadically cause it creates different important meaning for them. Plus it would be kinda weird to switch all of a suddenly since they've been calling each other by their last names for yrs. X-Files was my 1st fandom so I have a lot of love for characters calling each other by their last name.

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Oh, but one nitpick. They knew she had flown because of sedatives, but who takes sedatives for a NY to Boston flight? It's less than an hour long.

Dude! I take them for every single flight, regardless of length.

I really enjoyed this episode- it was the most fun they've had together all season. I was just watching a Season 2 episode yesterday, and thus had that kind of feel (wxcept there has been a lack of 'Firefly' references in recent years. Thankfully).

They bought some light bulbs!!

Even the precinct scenes were reasonably lit, although still dimmer than any real life copshop would be, in my opinion.

Castle was allowed to be intelligent!!

Even when he was being goofy he was not being dumb, just having fun.


That must be some darn cold loft if they need night clothes. Not asking for full frontal or anything, just wondering...

And Nathan was overacting a little. Maybe even a lot. And I speak as one who really only watches for Nathan.

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Didn't live up to the hype of those previews but it was entertaining enough and a positive start to the second half of the season. Castle and Beckett were cute and I loved the moments when they were theorizing in his new office (before of course they get interrupted) and then trying to get information out of each other in the loft but why oh why do we need the PI business to get this kind of back and forth banter and teasing? Or the scenes in the loft and the morning after? It's clear they're making an extra special effort with the Castle and Beckett moments to pacify fans but I don't understand why the writers need to create contrived obstacles before they're willing to give me what I should be seeing all the time between them in any case. 


I sensed the separation and how hard they seemed to be working to try and cover it up, not always successfully. I don't want them working apart simple as that. There were periods when the episode sagged especially the first twenty minutes or so and I started getting fidgety and bored but it picked up thankfully. However, I can't wait for them to end this experiment and get back to the precinct. I guess I don't like change..LOL


Matt Mitovich was right when he said this competition idea and everyone finding out about Castle PI can only work the once. The novelty factor factor soon wears off.  They're going to have to be careful that they don't turn everything into one big joke because it's easier to play up the slapstick of the situation given the limitations of the story which to me seem obvious based on what I've seen this week. Like Rick having to sneak around the precinct and morgue for example getting told off all the time. The idea we could get weekly repetitions of this as they struggle to find ways to keep them in contact is going to get eye roll worthy real quick. 


Castle was allowed to show his intelligence for a change hooray!  Although I could do with the director telling Fillion to tone it down a wee bit as I think he's still overplaying in some scenes. I was fearing an endless star turn by Bumbling Castle thankfully they avoided that. I would rather Castle was shown to be competent but I knew they wouldn't be able to resist letting him have the odd pratfall, it's when they overdo it for cheap laughs that I get annoyed.


I thought it was odd that Beckett was happy in the end to just let the case go.


As for the promo for next week I wondered how long it was going to take before we got to hear one of them say "private dick" in an innuendo laden exchange.

Edited by verdana

I knew what the gift would be at the end because they were in the promo and we hadn't seen them yet.


I thought it weird when Martha called Katherine babe, glad it's not just me. I don't have problems with Kate still calling him Castle, that's the man she met and fell in love with. It fits, I think he's always going to be just "Castle" to her. 


Alexis was well utilised for once and her contributions allowed Rick to look smart and their scenes were funny.


So Kate had forgotten how creative Rick could be in bed. I had to smile, they're not an old married couple yet and she needed the reminder of his skills? I guess I wasn't meant to be thinking about it in that way. 


"Baby Castle" is doing his best but there is no substitute for Castle's presence in the precinct.


What is the point of this arc? To show that fundamentally they work better together than apart and miss the camaraderie and partnership they have when they can't be together? Because I already knew that.


Becksposito interviews - meh.


Enough already with the stupid, predictable phone interruptions.


Cringes in embarrassment, I'm guilty of using my dogs name as a password on things. 

Good to see them spending more time at the loft, I was starting to wonder if they had forgotten they lived there it had been so sparingly seen since they got married. And speaking of the loft it was nice to see the Alex Gross painting hanging up. I assumed they were going to forget all about that.


Nice office I wonder if we will ever see it again?

Gates annoyance about Castle hanging around and them sharing information on the one hand made perfect sense although her strident attitude was somewhat jarring after the way she was seemingly so sympathetic to his plight in 7.10. But hey ho she has a job to do so I get she has to make a stand as Captain. However, the bit that got me was Gates reading the riot act to Beckett and/or Castle yet sure enough he keeps showing up (how does he keep waltzing straight back into the precinct all the time?) and they both basically ignore her and carry on, at one point Castle is even conducting an interview. I thought this episode made her look ineffectual, if he was really in that much shit with the NYPD over this mob business there's no way Gates should be letting this happen on her watch. If she's going to be ignored by all and sundry as they carry on much as before I would rather she wasn't there because it doesn't make sense she keeps letting it happen. 

Edited by verdana

Castle Recap: Private Practice by Matt Mitovich at TV Line. 
I like the way she waved her ring finger in the air too when she was talking to Rick in his office about sharing things. 

The question, though, is how many of the above amusing themes/beats can be repeated in any way, as Rick continues on “separate” from the NYPD. Or was much of the aforementioned enjoyment born of the “first time” nature of the rivalry?

In the next, telenovela-set episode, I understand that Rick has an actual client, so that could offer a variation on the above, by having (a perhaps guilty?) someone to answer to. So, I could see this “Castle, P.I.” arc feeling sufficiently fresh for another two, maybe three episodes. But perhaps it’s the events of the February sweeps two-parter that pave a way for Rick to rejoin the team at the 12th?

Or does anyone think his solo act could possibly stretch on further, even to the finale?

No way this lasts longer than February sweeps. 

Edited by verdana

Who hired Castle? It was confidential...yeah right. Because without a client he's just a guy snooping around, the only reason he was on the case was so he could be close to Kate not because he was genuinely interested in solving a murder. So meh on that. At least next week they give him a real client.


"You said married people tell each other everything!" You didn't Rick so why the hell should she?


Is it possible Perlmutter hates Castle more than ever? Possibly. His reactions to Castle's presence and chasing Castle out the morgue in a fury was funny, he's worth more screen time than Lanie I didn't miss her at all.


I can't envisage Castle becoming an amazing PI if I'm honest as it doesn't play to his particular strengths as a crime solver but I don't blame him giving it a go in an attempt to stay close to his wife which was sweet. Pity he let himself down with his desire to keep the news from her. Beckett looked more sorry for him than anything else, she didn't seem bothered at all that he does things off his own bat without saying anything to her until after the event. In one way it's generous and shows the ability to forgive and forget (which is admittedly what Castle has been made to do in the past) but why do I suspect this will come back to bite her on the arse later on when something more serious happens?


It was nice to see Beckett misses having him around but the fact Beckett (and Gates) appeared to buy so easily into the idea he was going to just give up simply didn't ring true given what they should know about the guy. 

I wish during his absence from the precinct they had addressed in some small way Castle's disappearance. The mythology bores me but if you're going to start a story arc like this then put some effort into it. Sell to me as a writer that you have faith in your creative ideas for the characters and start giving me some answers. I've never bought into the idea that Rick was happy to let it go so easily. There are so many unanswered questions left hanging which they could be touching on and now would have been an obvious time to do it.

Edited by verdana
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I hope they keep him a PI - going back to the police would be redundant to me; I have always preferred detective shows over cop shows anyway so even if I get just a smidge of one, I'm happier.  Years ago, there were lots of fun detective shows on, now really none - it is cop cop cop and I'm bored bored bored with it.  


This was cute - 

  • Love 2
Did anyone else get a Veronica Mars feel during the Castle-Alexis scene? I'd so watch that show.


Me too.


Might be absence makes the heart fonder- though I don't think that's the reason here- but I thoroughly enjoyed this episode.  It felt fresh and fun.  Shades of S2, in a good way.  I also think that something's going to happen during the big 2 parter that is going to earn Castle access to the precinct again, but in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy Castle, P.I. The precinct exposition/interrogation scenes have been boring me for quite a while now so I am enjoying any scenes they have away from that.  Castle doing his own investigating is more entertaining than more exposition in front of the whiteboard or in the interrogation room.  


Loved seeing smart, competent Castle.  I didn't think anyone came off as less competent than any other person, except Esposito came off as more of a dick than anyone else (as usual now).  Gosh, he needs to get a sense of humour/charm. Perlmutter mocking Castle is funny (maybe because it's in smaller doses).  Esposito doing the same is really getting old.  


I thought the closing scene was strong for once and hit the right relationship notes.  Nice to see Beckett complimenting Castle outright for a change, and Castle seeking Beckett's consent to continue being a P.I.  The gift was cool and "sharing" is caring heh.  


I am a fan of Sherlock and hence, deerstalker Castle.  If anyone's read that Agatha Christie novel that I can't remember the name of, that has a fun married couple being P.I.s, they took on the personas/M.O.s of various fictional detectives in each chapter (short story) of the book to try out different detecting methods to solve mysteries, which I found entertaining.  Would be cool if Castle appropriated the methods of various fictional detectives as a research experiment, or at least referenced them.  Would make sense for Castle to be very familiar with the mystery genre.  It'd probably be too much work for the writers to incorporate literary references, but they could if they tried and it'd link up with Castle's identity as a writer.  They did include noir references in this episode which I liked.  Castle's V.O. at the end was a nice callback to the noir episode.  Didn't think ahead to think Castle would have a new office, but I guess it makes sense.  Not a good idea to see clients at the loft.  Can Beckett help christen Castle's new office desk for luck? :P


I didn't like that Castle kept his P.I. idea from Beckett, but I guess they had to do it that way to surprise her (and the audience). ;)  I did like that while she didn't care to be surprised like that, she did know that he did it to get to spend time with her, which was sweet.  Their relationship came across as fairly mature and solid.  I thought the chemistry was pretty good in this episode which was nice to see.  Theorising as foreplay is still good, but yes, I wouldn't complain if we got more making out before the inevitable interruption(s). ;)  Keeping them interacting for a lot of screen time even while working apart is still key.


Did Beckett's use of 'babe' somehow spread to Martha?  Not a fan of that in general.  But Martha and Alexis popping up was nice to see.  Ditto re Perlmutter.  Missed the grump even if the poor guy had to mention lividity.

  • Love 6

If anyone's read that Agatha Christie novel that I can't remember the name of, that has a fun married couple being P.I.s, they took on the personas/M.O.s of various fictional detectives in each chapter (short story) of the book to try out different detecting methods to solve mysteries, which I found entertaining.  Would be cool if Castle appropriated the methods of various fictional detectives as a research experiment, or at least referenced them.  Would make sense for Castle to be very familiar with the mystery genre.  


But Martha and Alexis popping up was nice to see.  Ditto re Perlmutter.  Missed the grump even if the poor guy had to mention lividity.

Tommy and Tuppence - yes that would be great! Also liked the family members involvement (and, of course, Perlmutter)

Castle mentioned that he got into the victim's financial records partly by finding out her mother's maiden name.  In case not everyone knows this, when you're opening an account and the bank asks for your mother's maiden name, all they really want is a name or word that you will remember.


Yeah, that doesn't always work.  Years ago I was at the DMV and although I had all the paperwork the guy behind the counter started asking me other questions as verification.  When he asked my mother's maiden name I simply blanked out.


There I was, blurting out "Well, Grandma's first husband died when my mom was about 20 because of ------, then Grandma married ------, but I never really knew her as anybody but 'Grandma'.  I should call my mom.  No, she's at work.  She works at a store called ------ back in ------ where I grew up."  This was before cell phones and the lines at the DMV meant a good hour's wait if you were lucky.


Anyway, as I was babbling along the nice man gave a small sigh, stared off to the side and gently turned his monitor around so I could see my file.  Suddenly I was able to remember the name!  After that, I always hoped when my number was called I'd get him and not the other lady who wore the same bouffant bun with what looked like a silver beltbuckle/turquoise stone hair ornament she wore every day until she retired.  She would not have hesitated to tell me to walk away and come back another day.

  • Love 4

 I really enjoyed this and Castle PI really worked because it was fun. Richard Castle proved why he was a great writer because he knows how to look at things in different angles and use what he's acquired. The only problem I still have is how the DA threw him off due to "mob connections" which was established way back in season 1. I don't see that any different than a police officer interviewing a known mobster who can be involved in a murder. While the known mobster might give up a name that leads to an arrest and then someone connected in a different way ends up killed by said mobster. Doesn't mean the cop is thrown off the force. Especially, considering how this case involved someone trying to sabotage someone from becoming surgeon general with another law firm. That makes the DA look like an idiot. Plus, who is to say the DA wants the position? See where I'm going here?

  • Love 1

I have to admit that I enjoyed this episode.

The highlights for me:

1. Perlmutter. So much better than Lanie.

2. Their banter together.

3. Semi competent Castle

4. Beckett saying no secrets & telling Castle he better cut that shit out.

5. Alexis was much less irritating in this episode.


Small nitpicks:

1. Gates was constantly chewing on Castle's ass with no results. It's like Castle was saying "la la la I can't hear you" & then did whatever the hell he wanted to.

2. Would have liked to see peoples original reaction to Castle getting kicked out.


Not sure of the timeline but out of the last 8 maybe 9 months show time Castle has only been at the precinct 2 or 3 months. I guess everybody has adjusted to him being gone.

I made the mistake of reading most of the previews.

It was a great episode, I loved it, but I think I would have loved it even more without having been spoilt. Some of the reviews tend to be a little too spoilery or too complimentary and give me high expectations. Had I not read them, this episode would have been a nice little surprise after the hiatus. 


I'd been looking forward to the PI arc, and so far, it hasn't disappointed. Found Martha's "babe" super awkward, especially since that is Beckett's petname for Castle, liked Alexis' appearance for the first time in quite a while, and also really liked the hug at the precinct. In my opinion, very often, either Castle or Beckett are is in a difficult situation, come out unscathed, and it's just shrugged off and never mentioned again after an "are you okay?". So this definitely added a very real touch for me. 

Wasn't terrible. I'd give it a C+

Just don't like this whole P.I. angle. It fundamentally changes the premise of the show. Also, Castle is a writer so he has a job already. I know it's so he can spend time w Beckett but I ask this question: what does it say about their relationship that they have to work together in order to work? Is that the foundation of their whole relationship ... and if they don't work together, that foreplay, it doesn't work? 


PS: Beckett and Castle's kisses are so pre-teen experimenting and awkward in my opinion.

Also, they'd just had a night of wild sex, yes? Why were they fully clothed? Castle shirt on Beckett? I get but did Castle get up in the middle of the night and put on a T-shirt? 


That must be some darn cold loft if they need night clothes. Not asking for full frontal or anything, just wondering...


They've always got heaps of clothes on, I guess we can't have any views of naked flesh in case it scares the oldies, especially in bed. They always have sex and put then put their clothes back makes me laugh every time, just once it might be nice if they were seen to wake up after a night of hinted at sexual hedonism to see a glimpse of his bare chest especially given she's was then wearing his shirt. 

Edited by verdana

Wasn't terrible. I'd give it a C+

Just don't like this whole P.I. angle. It fundamentally changes the premise of the show. Also, Castle is a writer so he has a job already. I know it's so he can spend time w Beckett but I ask this question: what does it say about their relationship that they have to work together in order to work? Is that the foundation of their whole relationship ... and if they don't work together, that foreplay, it doesn't work? 


PS: Beckett and Castle's kisses are so pre-teen experimenting and awkward in my opinion.

Also, they'd just had a night of wild sex, yes? Why were they fully clothed? Castle shirt on Beckett? I get but did Castle get up in the middle of the night and put on a T-shirt? 

I agree it changes the entire nature of the show and the success it was built on which is why it can't possibly last.  This episode seems to have garnered good reviews and most seem happy with the PI reboot so far, next week is going to be interesting to see what the ratings are and if they get a similar positive reaction. 


I enjoy the sense of playfulness, camaraderie and sheer chemistry they have when solving crime together its been the bedrock of the show but they need to flesh out other areas of their lives and prove that there's more to their relationship than simply bonding over crime solving otherwise it risks making them feel rather superficial as a couple. I just wish they would discuss serious things occasionally (on screen not inferred) rather than glossing over (or ignoring completely) anything that isn't COTW related. 


I agree with you about the kissing, I'd much rather see more of the kind of banter and teasing that they were doing this episode than the kisses they throw out.  

Edited by verdana

When Castle was getting involved with Beckett and the boys saying he was allowed to be there as a PI, I did wonder how it works in the real world, I'm sure there are times when investigators and the police cross paths and how much can they get involved?  Lee answered my question. 


Castle PI – A Good Cop/Bad Cop Review


Next, the whole “I’m a PI so I can tag along with the cops during their investigation” thing is not true. Not for a minute. PI’s are not cops and their presence at a crime scene could jeopardize the court case—evidence compromised, etc. Not to say it couldn’t happen from time to time, in special circumstances, but not as we saw in this show.


Edited by verdana


2. Would have liked to see peoples original reaction to Castle getting kicked out.


I realise it couldn't happen in this case because of the hiatus and they had to put in a time jump but I wish they wouldn't avoid these sort of things which could be interesting to witness, instead I get to see the aftermath and sometimes not even much of that. 

Edited by verdana
what does it say about their relationship that they have to work together in order to work? Is that the foundation of their whole relationship ... and if they don't work together, that foreplay, it doesn't work?


I don't think they need to work together for the relationship to work.  They seemed to be doing fine early in the episode.  They did fine during the DC arc.  They just also like working together.


At the crime scene in the beginning, Beckett pulls Castle aside to talk to him, she stops, takes a breath, then gives him a (fakish) smile before telling him the PI thing doesn't change anything.  I thought it was really cute.


I also loved the moment when Castle said people do crazy things for the kids, then added a "you'll see."

  • Love 1

I might be in the minority, but I loved Castle as a PI. Personally, I'm surprised he hadn't gotten that license sooner. I loved all the Noir shout-outs, throughout the episode, especially near the end when he was drinking alcohol while listening o his own voiceover! And then Beckett just standing in the office just listening.

I must admit the moment when he was listening to his own voice over made me cringe a bit, seemed a bit too much even for Castle.  


I also loved the moment when Castle said people do crazy things for the kids, then added a "you'll see."

I hope we don't see it, even though it's obvious they both want to have children at some point.  

<<I guess we can't have any views of naked flesh in case it scares the oldies, especially in bed.>>


Hey! I'm the oldies! First Year Boomer- 68 years old.

And my 77 y.o. sister is also a fan. I well remember her writhing on her chair in the living room, watching Elvis' first appearance on Ed Sullivan, then falling off and continuing to writhe, crying 'Go Elvis Go!'

Her great-grandchildren love that story....


Born in 1910? You were a flapper.

Born in 1920? You were Rosie the Riveter-- or a WAC.

Born in 1940? You were the first generation on The Pill.

Born in 1950? You were a hippie and into free love.


And of course -- The Raging Grannies


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