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The Reagan CPAC speech was used to really good effect in this ep. You could really feel how Liz found him to be EEEvil. I remember how certain I was when he was elected that we'd have a war with the USSR, but these days he's certainly held up as a saint in many quarters. The contrast is bracing.


Yeah, I'm not feeling nostalgic about the 80s. I think most people were feeling that the we were all going to go up in a mushroom cloud (a la The Day After). Star Wars, missile in Europe.  I don't understand the swooning over him. 

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CBS *cancelled* The Millers yesterday (the next ep will apparently be the last 1 to air). I know they've already written Frank Langella in as Gabriel, Philip & Elizabeth's original liaison with The Centre who comes out of retirement to work with them again, but I'm also hoping this bodes well for a reasonably quick return of Margo Martindale's Claudia.

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Are there any extras on the DVDs? I love outtakes. Especially on a drama, where everyone is so serious. I like to see actors occasionally break character during a serious scene.

I just rechecked the show's "news" section on tvshowsondvd.com (to be sure before I posted). Yes, both seasons have extras (both S1 & S2 are out now, but S1 is the only 1 available in Blu-Ray apparently); among the extras, each season does have a gag reel.

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I don't think this fits in any of the other topics, so I'll post it here. Has anybody watched the first episode of the new German series Deutschland 83 that started last week? It looks like something that appeals to the same viewers who watch The Americans. Short summary: in 1983 a young East German soldier is sent to West Germany to pose as the new aide of a West German general and find out secret information about nuclear weapons in West Germany.

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Has anybody watched the first episode of the new German series Deutschland 83 that started last week? It looks like something that appeals to the same viewers who watch The Americans. Short summary: in 1983 a young East German soldier is sent to West Germany to pose as the new aide of a West German general and find out secret information about nuclear weapons in West Germany.

No, I haven't seen it. Are the characters engaging? This is what draws me to "The Americans." The political stuff is just backdrop, IMO. I

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For me it was mostly the cold war undercover spy part that drew me to The Americans. In that time I was old enough to have some memories of the cold war, but not old enough to understand everything about it. So far I have only seen one episode, so maybe it's too early to say. But so far I don't find the characters as engaging as the characters on The Americans. The main character is very different than Philip and Elizabeth.


He is only 24 years old and has had no previous spy training. He was chosen for the mission because they needed someone on short notice who shared most of the interests of the real person that he replaced. That way he would not immediately be suspicious when someone would talk to him about those interests. The main character's job was as a border guard at a border crossing between East and West Berlin. They chose him because his aunt was a Stasi agent and thought of him when she read the profile of the real aide (the real aide was supposed the start the job soon, so they didn't have much time to find and train someone for the job).


He didn't want to take the job because he didn't want to leave his sick mother and his girlfriend, but of course the Stasi wouldn't take no for an answer so they drugged him and when he woke up he was in the house of his handler in West Germany.


The series is currently airing in America on Sundance channel.

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It's only 2 episodes in but I'm absolutely loving Deutschland 83. As a fan of The Americans, I especially love that the opening scenes of the pilot are the exact same moment that S3 of The American's just ended on, Reagan's Evil Empire speech. I can't help but think that Martin could have been the crossing guard who let Elizabeth's mother through to the west when she was brought to Paige and Elizabeth. It's a different series to The Americans in that Martin is not a committed professional spy and as such he makes mistakes and doesn't have the same level of commitment as even Philip. But the series is only 2 episodes old and I like it an awful lot more than I liked The Americans after the 2nd episode.

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Since this weeks episode is the Day After, I would like to recommend the film Threads. It came out at around the same time as the day after. It traumatized me when I first saw it. It's a BBC production and is very intense. It's better than the Day After.

I'm not sure if it's OK to post the link.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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1 hour ago, JennyMominFL said:

Since this weeks episode is the Day After, I would like to recommend the film Threads. It came out at around the same time. It's a BBC production and is very intense. It's better than the Day After. I think the whole thing is on Vevo.

I'm not sure if it's OK to post the link.

I will watch this tomorrow!!  Thanks!!

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Everyone probably already watches it, but Homeland is also a good one to watch with The Americans.  I've been watching the DVDs while this season is on, and although set in modern times, so many stories compliment one another, including Afghanistan and the history with Russians.

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I don't watch Homeland or Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones like I should!  I will someday, though!!  Between working and being back in school, I only have time for a few network shows, the crap on Bravo (lots of Housewives!) and The Americans.  

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I've been rewatching Gilmore Girls lately and I've started to wonder if there is any connection between the two as in the 6th season there is an appearance by a Pastor Tim and references to EST.

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I found the movie "Pack of Lies" online, after reading about the Portland Spy Ring, in Ruislip, England. They were just over Victoria Road, from my mother and her family, in 1961. I don't recall ever hearing about them, and googled after mum remembered yesterday. The couple who lived there, were apparently over here first, and escaped when others were arrested, tried, and even executed. 

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That was Morris and Lona Cohen, an American couple who were recruited by the Soviets. And in fact that couple, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were executed may well have been innocent of most of what they were accused of, especially Ethel, who's brother later admitted that he fabricated his evidence against her to protect his wife.

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On 5/13/2016 at 3:22 PM, AllyB said:

That was Morris and Lona Cohen, an American couple who were recruited by the Soviets. And in fact that couple, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were executed may well have been innocent of most of what they were accused of, especially Ethel, who's brother later admitted that he fabricated his evidence against her to protect his wife.

That is so sad. 

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Yeah, I was only reading about it during the week. The Rosenbergs had two little boys aged 7 and 3 at the time of their arrest and for the following 3 years until their parents' execution they were moved around to stay with various family members. Thankfully, after their parents were executed they were adopted by a couple who seemed pretty great. But when they grew up both boys studied their parent's backgrounds and the information the case against them was based on really extensively and have spent their lives campaigning for their mother's posthumous exoneration. Their father was definitely involved in some sort of espionage for the USSR but it's unlikely he gave them the atomic bomb specs and the only real evidence against their mother Ethel was the testimony her brother gave against her, which he has since said he did to protect his wife.

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On 5/13/2016 at 3:22 PM, AllyB said:

That was Morris and Lona Cohen, an American couple who were recruited by the Soviets. And in fact that couple, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were executed may well have been innocent of most of what they were accused of, especially Ethel, who's brother later admitted that he fabricated his evidence against her to protect his wife.


I'm pretty sure that when the Soviet Archives were opened, it was proven that Julius was guilty, but there was no real evidence against Ethel

Edited by JennyMominFL
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I figured this was the best place to put this, since it doesn't have anything to do with the show & we don't have threads for Matthew &/or Keri as individuals (or as a couple). If I still put this in the wrong place (my other choice was the Media thread), apologies & Mods please delete or move as you think appropriate.

Anyway, does anyone else think maybe we should've heard something about Matthew & Keri's baby by now? I thought I read it was due around her birthday, which was last month or something, but when Matthew was on Rachael Ray's show recently (& it could've been pretaped, perhaps farther in advance than a day or so of airing) he was talking like she was still pregnant. I've been keeping my eyes on the Twitter feeds I follow for the show & celebrity media outlets like People magazine &, so far, nothing's been posted (& I think Keri's about the only pregnant celebrity People hasn't posted a birth announcement for).

If they wanna keep the birth to themselves, that's fine. But everyone (at least their fans & fans of the show) knows they're expecting (& we're probably expecting at least a "the baby's been born, everyone's healthy & happy" announcement, even if they choose not to share more personal details like the weight, length, gender, &/or name), so it perhaps seems a bit disingenuous to acknowledge the pregnancy but not the birth.

I just hope the reason we haven't heard anything yet is because they never actually announced her due date & we still aren't there yet, as opposed to the birth happened but something unexpected occurred (given that Keri was in her late 30's when they conceived & she hit 40 during the pregnancy, it was likely considered a "risky" pregnancy due to her age even if she is/was otherwise healthy) & they don't wanna discuss it publicly (which is their right, of course). Hopefully we'll hear something soon.

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There was a paparazzi picture of them about a week ago and she was still pregnant. I remember reading that the baby is due in May or June, although I also remember reading that it was due in April. At this point, May or June seems more likely, lol.

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Thanks for the update on Keri's pregnancy. I guess my sources, such as they are (except for those connected to the show), aren't as up to date as they should be. Hopefully we'll hear something soon--since we're starting to "run out" of May, maybe in at least early June. I do remember reading birth announcements for her older kids, so hopefully there'll be 1 for her & Matthew's baby too.

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Heads up for people who rely on a DVR to get this show for them -- you may want to double-check your "to record" list. My DVR dropped tonight's episode from the list in favor of what looks like a 20 minute preview being shown early this morning.

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On 5/17/2016 at 1:28 AM, JennyMominFL said:

I'm pretty sure that when the Soviet Archives were opened, it was proven that Julius was guilty, but there was no real evidence against Ethel

Julius had done some spying for the Soviets but it's highly unlikely that he passed on specs for the atomic bomb, which is what he was convicted and executed for. He should have been facing 5-15 years in prison not execution. And the most Ethel could possibly have been guilty of, is knowing that Julius had done some minor spying for the Soviets, though there is no evidence of even that.

What's really interesting to me is how well known this was to the general public even at the time of the execution. Their execution was widely denounced and over 10,000 attended their funeral.

Edited by AllyB
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9 hours ago, Peanutbuttercup said:

Heads up for people who rely on a DVR to get this show for them -- you may want to double-check your "to record" list. My DVR dropped tonight's episode from the list in favor of what looks like a 20 minute preview being shown early this morning.

Thank you. I'll check mine - it's done that before (or just not to record anything at all, so I'll have to double-check later on).

Tonight is the finale, isn't it? That went fast. :(

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I was just coming here to post the same thing (I have Direct TV, so it may not be true for other services).  The 20 minutes wasn't even a preview--it was some infomercial.  Epic fail!

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2 hours ago, Anela said:

Tonight is the finale, isn't it? That went fast. :(

I think that the first half of the series was all about Martha and all happened in just a few weeks in show, followed by a time jump to the second half, somehow made this series seem very, very short.

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It's 10 pm on Wednesday... but there's no new episode.The long wait begins. 

I actually started watching the new season of Peaky Blinders this week and laughed out loud when I realized that there are Russian characters, speaking subtitled Russian in this season. It was like the television universe was looking out for me. But it's not the same, of course. 

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I saw this new show advertised on CNN's U.S. Homepage!!  I don't get Epix not plan to but I will watch the two free Eps.  try to watch it other places if I can!  It night help to scratch the itch just a bit!  Or maybe make if worse if it's really bad or really good!!    



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9 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

I saw this new show advertised on CNN's U.S. Homepage!!  I don't get Epix not plan to but I will watch the two free Eps.  try to watch it other places if I can!  It night help to scratch the itch just a bit!  Or maybe make if worse if it's really bad or really good!!    



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I'm watching now.  Not sure.....  Didn't like the very gratuitous nudity of a pole dancer. 

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A storm knocked the electricity out, and I threw an tantrum that would put a toddler to shame because I thought I was going to miss the season premiere. We have a generator that runs the heat, refrigerator and freezer, and I was debating what I could remove to hook up the television and cable box, (freezer by the way) to the chagrin of my family who thought I should just wait for the later showing or catch it online tomorrow.

WTH? How can that possibly be a solution? I watch the first episode, then the second episode to catch what I missed the first time, then read the forum at PTV, maybe some online reviews, then watch it again to catch the things I didn't catch myself before reading. You would think I was trying to watch a soap opera that you can miss for months and catch right back up in two episodes. They are crazy!

Fortunately, the power came back on with three minutes to spare, so no one got strangled in the tussle over the electric cords. However, the debate on who is the crazy person wages on.

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Has anyone seen an article about or found a link to the pattern for the gorgeous quilt that hangs behind Elizabeth and Philip's bed? I've tried searching/googling for it with various combinations of terms but nothing comes up, and nothing comes up in a search of the FX network site.

I love to quilt and that piece is so beautiful. I've had to back up and rewatch scenes to get the dialog because I got distracted looking at the quilt! There's always freeze-framing and trying to recreate the pattern on my own, but if the pattern is out there somewhere buying it would be a whole lot easier. Thanks!

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6 hours ago, LeesburgLee said:

Has anyone seen an article about or found a link to the pattern for the gorgeous quilt that hangs behind Elizabeth and Philip's bed? I've tried searching/googling for it with various combinations of terms but nothing comes up, and nothing comes up in a search of the FX network site.

I love to quilt and that piece is so beautiful. I've had to back up and rewatch scenes to get the dialog because I got distracted looking at the quilt! There's always freeze-framing and trying to recreate the pattern on my own, but if the pattern is out there somewhere buying it would be a whole lot easier. Thanks!

You could post on The Americans Facebook page. 

The best way might be to ask TV Critic Robert Bianco  http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2016/12/27/ask-our-tv-critic-anything-get-your-answers-facebook-live/95752834/

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On 3/11/2017 at 0:07 PM, LeesburgLee said:

Has anyone seen an article about or found a link to the pattern for the gorgeous quilt that hangs behind Elizabeth and Philip's bed? I've tried searching/googling for it with various combinations of terms but nothing comes up, and nothing comes up in a search of the FX network site.

I love to quilt and that piece is so beautiful. I've had to back up and rewatch scenes to get the dialog because I got distracted looking at the quilt! There's always freeze-framing and trying to recreate the pattern on my own, but if the pattern is out there somewhere buying it would be a whole lot easier. Thanks!



It's basically and 8 pointed star quilt pattern, then you turn them on end so they are diamond shaped instead of square shaped.

There are many.  If you google 8 pointed star quilt patterns, you can see them all.  Sizes may be different, but not the technique.


There are all kinds of patterns out there, and good quilter could duplicate the relatively simple pattern in the Jennings' quilt, and there are also instructions for how to re-size patterns on the web.  That style can also be called "lone star" but that is usually on huge star in the center of a quilt, easily re-sized.

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3 hours ago, Umbelina said:


There are all kinds of patterns out there, and good quilter could duplicate the relatively simple pattern in the Jennings' quilt, and there are also instructions for how to re-size patterns on the web.  That style can also be called "lone star" but that is usually on huge star in the center of a quilt, easily re-sized.

Thank you, Umbelina. I can develop the pattern, true, but I was hoping to be lazy and just find it for purchase :-).

Thanks for the link!

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Does anyone follow The Americans only on Amazon Prime?  Any idea how long it takes them to put an episode up?  I've finally had it with Direct TV, I've only kept it because of this show honestly, but with the latest rate hike for crappy reruns most of the time, I'm done.

I'd love to watch it in real time if there is any way to do that.  I wonder if FX has a way to do that as well?

Also, anyone know if they limit the number of times you can watch and episode?

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Do you mean only on Amazon Prime, i.e., included in Prime service? (That's just previous seasons, and they become available about when the DVDs come out.) If you're asking about the current season as it airs, I don't have cable or satellite and that's how I watch it. Once you purchase an episode or season pass, you own it and can stream as often as you like or download to a computer or device, and play it on that. (For Prime streaming, there are no limits on how often or how much you stream as long as it remains on Prime.) As for when the new episode becomes available, I usually get an email alert shortly after midnight, so not long after it airs. I'm on the west coast, though, so I don't know if it's available any at a comparable local time elsewhere or whether it's only after it's been broadcast in all continental markets. I don't think most networks offer any real-time web options, and most basic cable networks that have online options, including FX, don't let you watch their content unless you're a cable/satellite subscriber, anyway. 

Edited by caitmcg
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