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The Flash and Other Superheroes

Message added by Lady Calypso

This thread will be open for everyone to come discuss non-spoiler events related to the Crisis that have aired in the other Arrowverse shows that pertain to The Flash. Note that this isn't a replacement thread to openly discuss all of the Arrowverse shows; discussions should remain about The Flash. Anything spoiler related must be taken to our official Crisis thread. Thanks!

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I am just holding out hope that Jesse and Harry were multiverse hoping when Earth 2 got destroyed, or at least that when the Flash crew finds out what happened to Earth 2, they will get a mention. I know that people will die in the Crisis, but I hope that they can at least die on screen! 

Edited by tennisgurl
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20 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

The premiere was on Earth 2 and she left for Earth Prime with Diggle and Oliver just before it was destroyed. She’s changed her backstory a few times so we don’t know what’s true as far as personal connections but she’ll probably be upset if only because it was her home. 

 I’m sure Flash will have their characters learn E2’s fate and mourn/deal with the ramifications accordingly. 

From what i remember her dad was long dead, but she still had a sister and a niece. 

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On 8/28/2019 at 4:52 PM, Trini said:

Audio series from Serial Box featuring the characters from the TV show coming in November:


The initial announcement for this said it was coming out in November, but there hasn't been any more info since then. It looks like it's going to be delayed.


And more info here from Guggenheim:


OK first off, how did the Ezra Miller moment happen?

Marc Guggenheim: Well, I'll tell ya, we were wrapped on production of the crossover, all of the episodes were soft-locked. I'm driving to work one day and I got a phone call from [Warner Bros. head] Peter Roth, who says, "You're not going to believe that I'm asking this and I know you're wrapped, but would it be possible for Ezra Miller to be in the crossover?"

And I said yes, but then he asked how. And I said "I have no earthly idea, you just told me about it, but if you tell me that I have the opportunity to have Ezra Miller in the crossover, I am going to tell you right now, we are going to make it happen." And [EP] Greg Berlanti's first instinct was, and which I agreed with, that it should happen in the Speed Force. Our two Flashes should meet in the Speed Force.

And that that was really helpful because we already had Grant Gustin's Barry traveling through the Speed Force in hour four, which worked great because it was later in the cycle. That was a lot easier to work into the last two hours in the crossover because we had a little bit more time. I knew it would be a two-hander and I knew it'd be like a minute-and-a-half long, so I thought, okay, well we can shoot with The Flash crew ... and so I wrote the scene, and you know, went back and forth with the theatrical [team] about it.

I gotta tell you, the very first thing I did after I got off the phone with Peter Roth was to reach out to Eric Wallace, the Flash showrunner, and he reached out to Grant Gustin. Because the one thing that we knew was, we were not going to do this unless Grant was 100% on board. And he was, he was incredibly excited and incredibly enthusiastic about it.

And then the second thing we did, of course, was get on the phone with Ezra Miller, who, by the way, could not be more delightful and not be more of a fanboy. I mean, he's quoting Tolkien to us on the phone...his geek cred runs very, very, very deep and he was an absolute delight on set. We just had the best time. I think everyone just really, really enjoyed the whole process and I think it shows on screen.

Edited by Trini

And another Guggenheim quote here with more info:


ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: You tweeted that DC Entertainment CCO/Publisher Jim Lee played a pivotal role in pulling off the Ezra Miller cameo. How did he help it all come together? Also, did any of the people on the film side have input on the contents of the scene?

MARC GUGGENHEIM: Absolutely. Basically, I was really working hand-in-hand with Jim. From the moment we found out that this was a possibility, to once we knew Grant Gustin was cool and on board with it and Ezra was on board with it, I would send drafts of the scene to both Jim Lee and [DC Entertainment’s film VP] Adam Schlagman and we would just go back and forth. The trick with the scene is that I didn’t want to and they didn’t want me to do anything that stepped on the toes of the Flashpoint movie that they’re developing. So, we really worked hand-in-hand. Jim was really great about just making sure that all the parties were talking to each other, that nothing was getting stalled. He was a cheerleader when he needed to be, a diplomat when he needed to be. He really stepped up in every way one could do it. His enthusiasm really helped make this possible.

Edited by Trini

New quote about the COIE cameo and Grant Gustin here:


According to Guggenheim, there wasn't any pushback from WB theatrical regarding the content of the scene, including the twist that Miller's Barry Allen is inspired by Gustin's Barry to adopt the "Flash" name. If anything, Guggenheim said Miller himself was responsible for elevating the material and pushing it to a new level, comedically.

"Ezra and Grant ad-libbed some really fun material, like each of them are admiring each other's costumes," said Guggenheim. "It was there in the original draft, but it quite frankly just wasn't as funny as when they got on set and ad-libbed. Ezra, the way he's like, 'Oh, this is really comfortable,' and Grant's line... I think that the script just created the foundation for their interaction. Then Ezra and Grant took it the extra mile and really owned it."

Edited by Trini

Post-Crisis Flash mentions on the other shows:

Barry attended Oliver's funeral in the series finale of Arrow, and had a few lines.

STAR Labs is mentioned on the cover of the CatCo magazine featured in the mid-season premiere of Batwoman.

And in Supergirl 5.11, The Flash is one of the heroes on 'speed dial' at J'onn J'onzz's new hero headquarters.

ETA: Oh, and Black Lightning had clips from the Flash COIE episode in their 'previously on' in the mid-season premiere; and Jefferson/Black Lightning mentioned meeting the Flash.

Edited by Trini
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What a sign of the fall of DCEU that WB called to BEG a tv series to put its movie character on the show.  Wow.

I loved it - but wow.

I wish WB hadn't ruined the DCEU.  I'm still mourning the loss of Cavill's Superman (though I have a scintilla of hope he will be back?).

Anyway - that Ezra Miller Flash cameo was so unexpected but totally delightful.  I hope they do more of those.  Why not?  Why be so controlling over these characters?  The tv shows have a lot of traction so why not do more of this mixing?  


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Quotes from the CW president about the next crossover at TV Line, TV Guide, EW, and Deadline:


“We’re still working on it. It will be a smaller event than usual, we’re only planning a two-hour event. We are talking about doing Superman and Batwoman together. There’s a lot of characters coming from our other shows,” he said.


A smaller crossover is fine; but I don't know... this feels like even with his favorite gone, Guggenheim is still sidelining The Flash, the show that made these things possible and profitable.

Anyway, here's hoping that Wallace and the Akils can work out a Flash/Black Lightning crossover. Was also hoping for more Supergirl/Batwoman, but that doesn't seem as possible now with Supergirl pushed to 'mideseason'.

Loathe as I am to defend him, I really don't see that MG has anything to do with this. This decision is being made at the network/WBDC level and not about one producer's preferences or not. We've seen before that Berlanti has made many of the calls on the storyline for the crossovers even if it's MG we get the publicity from nearer the time as showrunner for the last two. He can't say "F the Flash" anymore than he could say "Let's make the crossover Superman&Lois, Batwoman *and* LOT". 

It does seem a little strange, if they want a World's Finest they already have Kara/Kate set up. Guess now they have *man* around no way the CW is missing out on that... I guess they're banking on a lot of Superman fans and L&C nostalgia showing up beyond the Arrowverse audience. Definitely a good idea for a smaller crossover after COIE. 

It also might cut down on potential risks of having such a massive set with the ongoing crisis and potential cross contamination. 

The writing for Barry is always so poor during crossovers I am not upset Flash is skipping this year event. When they bother to include her, Iris gets better material than Barry and that's saying something.

I am sure they want Grant to show up on either Batwoman or Superman and Lois and it'd be nice if Iris and Lois interacted again but a potential Flash/Black Lightning crossover sounds more appealing to me. I loved the chemistry between Barry and Jefferson in Crisis.

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I'd be way more into smaller crossovers for awhile - Just Barry/Jefferson on each other's shows, or Iris/Kara crossing over. Or Barry/any other paragon or member of the League. Something small that builds the relationships up so when they do a big crossover there's actually some emotional investment. The reason the first few crossovers worked so well is these people were actually friends who saw each other or communicated more than once a year. I'd like to go back to that.

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While I love the dynamic of Barry and Jeff in the crossover, I don't want any Flash character on Black Lightning. They just wouldn't fit the atmosphere. I totally want Jeff, Anissa, and Jen to guest on The Flash though.

However, I doubt it'll happen. They film in different countries. Neither would have the time to appear for a big role. Remember, Cress came to Vancouver for only a week to film his scenes as he had to get back to filming for Black Lightning. I imagine it would be the same for Grant and others.

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10 hours ago, BeautifulFlower said:

While I love the dynamic of Barry and Jeff in the crossover, I don't want any Flash character on Black Lightning. They just wouldn't fit the atmosphere. I totally want Jeff, Anissa, and Jen to guest on The Flash though.

I agree with you, both shows' tones are very different but I still would like to see certain Flash characters on Black Lightning because I think they'd get better writing. I would also like to see the reverse, but I'd need BL writers to consult!

DC and WB partnering with Spotify to produce scripted podcasts based on DC characters.

Bringing this up here since it might be the reason why the Serial Box project was apparently cancelled(?). Although, the page and info for it is still up at Serial Box.

I hope it's not gone forever and it gets released on one of the platforms; the synopsis for the story sounded interesting.


On 11/14/2019 at 7:22 PM, Trini said:
On 8/28/2019 at 4:52 PM, Trini said:

Audio series from Serial Box featuring the characters from the TV show coming in November:


The initial announcement for this said it was coming out in November, but there hasn't been any more info since then. It looks like it's going to be delayed.


On 6/18/2020 at 10:59 PM, Trini said:

Bringing this up here since it might be the reason why the Serial Box project was apparently cancelled(?). Although, the page and info for it is still up at Serial Box.

... And The Flash page is gone from the Serial Box site now.




Ezra Miller Flash cosplay promo for DC Fandome:


Characters for The Suicide Squad film have been revealed, and there will be new versions of King Shark and the Thinker.


In other multiverse news, it seems the next crossover is up in the air because of the pandemic.

And now that the DC TV and films aren't so separate anymore, it seems that there's a chance (TV) Flash actors/character could appear in the upcoming Flash film that will explore the multiverse.


"This film is immensely important because if you look around at the DC universe you have all these characters who exist in their own bubbles," Ezra Miller, who portrays Barry Allen, added. "We also have multiple people [playing the same characters]. By opening that [multiverse] door, all of these stories and characters can start to collide. It blows our minds the level of possibilities that exist with this character and this story."


15 hours ago, Trini said:

And to think, the crossover EP was setting up Kate and Kara as the new Oliver and Barry. They should hand over the crossover to Wallace and make it Flash-centered for once, since it's the show that's sticking around. He'd definitely bring in a new energy.

My hope for awhile has been that they chill on the crossovers a bit, and between shows ending and all the COVID restrictions I may be getting my wish. The big crossovers worked because Barry/Kara and Barry/Oliver had a friendship established from previous smaller crossovers. I hope they take some time to build some relationships across shows to actually give the big crossovers some emotional impact/actual stakes. 

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With news of Black Lightning prepping a backdoor pilot for a potential spinoff, it made me think what other shows they could have could have spun off from The Flash, and why haven't they already? (I'm counting Legends as a Flash spinoff.) You'd think they would have more with it being the most popular show on CW and with the backing of DC/WB.

If Helbing and AJK were still in charge, I'd bet that Season 7 would be at least tossing around the idea of a Sue & Ralph spinoff.

But what I'd actually want to see is a show centered on Vibe (and Cynthia?) traveling to different dimensions/universes having adventures, solving crimes, etc. I always thought it was a waste that Cisco had these breach powers and they could have used that to explore both the wider and more obscure DC multiverse.

Then I've also seen others who want to see something based on Barry & Iris' kids, the Tornado Twins. But I'm skeptical about them pulling off a show that would have to set in the future. Also I'd prefer to see them on the show now.

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15 hours ago, Trini said:

Also, what about Ryan Choi? I assume they introduced him in the crossover to lead to something bigger, but it's been crickets. I thought he feature on Legends, but it might be interesting have him in STAR Labs (after they get rid of a few extra people).

Totally forgot about Ryan Choi. What happened that they dropped him so quickly after the crossover? I remember there being a lot of hype around the character showing up, and spec on what show he'd end up as a regular on.

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'David Ramsey To Direct, Return As John Diggle'   -- With him guest starring on five* of the DCTV shows, it sounds like this year's crossover is just one character crossing over to (almost) everyone. Which makes sense, it'll be a lot easier to pull off in this year of Covid than previous crossovers that involved a so many cast members crossing over to multiple shows, sets, etc.

I wonder if the Diggle plot will be a subplot that doesn't really disrupt all the shows' current story arcs, or will it be the A-plot for each "crossover" episode?

I'm not really invested in the 'Diggle as Green Lantern' theories, or Green Lantern in general, but I'm skeptical that DC will let Diggle be a full Lantern on the CW. On the other hand, maybe they will; but only because he'll never show up on the HBO Green Lantern series.

*Disappointed that Black Lightning is being excluded; but maybe they'll be able to connect them to the other shows somehow.


The voice cast for the next DC Animated Universe movie has been announced:


The Justice Society is joining the DC Universe Movies family.

The upcoming Justice Society: World War II will feature an ensemble voice cast led by Stana Katic as Wonder Woman and Matt Bomer as The Flash. It is the first of the universe's 42 films to star the team of heroes known as the Justice Society, which in the comics first appeared during the second World War. Katic and Bomer first worked in the DC Universe Movies series together in 2013's Superman: Unbound.

The cast for Justice Society: World War II includes Elysia Rotaru as Black Canary, Chris Diamantopoulos as Steve Trevor, Omid Abtahi as Hawkman, Matthew Mercer as Hourman, Armen Taylor as Jay Garrick, Liam McIntyre as Aquaman, Ashleigh LaThrop as Iris West, Geoffrey Arend as Charles Halstead/Advisor, Keith Ferguson as Dr. Fate and Darin De Paul as Roosevelt.


What's notable here, related to the TV show, is that the voice actress for Iris West is a Black woman. No artwork of Iris in this movie has been released yet, so we'll have to wait and see if she's visually Black also.

Edited by Trini
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The third part of Barry Lyga's Crossover Crisis trilogy coming in March:


The Flash: The Legends of Forever (Crossover Crisis #3)

By Barry Lyga

Imprint: Amulet Books

Publication Date: March 23, 2021

Price: $13.99


The Legends of Tomorrow enter the fray in this epic conclusion to the Crossover Crisis trilogy

The Flash and his friends have defeated Anti-Matter Man, but the race to save the multiverse is far from over. As a threat looms large at the end of Time itself, Barry, his Kryptonian allies, and the Green Arrow seek help from the leading experts on time travel, the Legends of Tomorrow. Meanwhile, Cisco has been taken by a mysterious figure—and Owlman’s plans for Madame Xanadu come to a thrilling head. Picking right up where Supergirl’s Sacrifice left off, this action-packed adventure brings the Crossover Crisis to a dramatic conclusion beyond the end of the universe.

Flash and Vibe on the cover:


Trailer for Justice Society: World War II; no Iris, but Barry is there because he accidentally time travelled (because of course he did!):



Justice Society: World War II finds modern-day Barry Allen - prior to the formation of the Justice League - discovering he can run even faster than he imagined, and that milestone results in his first encounter with the Speed Force. The Flash is promptly launched into the midst of a raging battle - primarily between Nazis and a team of Golden Age DC Super Heroes known as The Justice Society of America.

Led by Wonder Woman, the group includes Hourman, Black Canary, Hawkman, Steve Trevor and the Golden Age Flash, Jay Garrick. The Flash quickly volunteers to assist his fellow heroes in tipping the scales of war in their favor, while the team tries to figure out how to send him home. But it won't be easy as complications and emotions run deep in this time-skipping World War II thriller.

This is the first film in the DC Universe Movies series -- of which this film will be No. 42 over the past 14 years -- to feature the Justice Society. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, DC and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, Justice Society: World War II will be available on Digital and home entertainment later in 2021.


Crossover alert! John Wesley Shipp to guest star on Stargirl as Jay Garrick/The Flash! So he will have portrayed the Flash in three different shows/continuities!


EW has exclusively learned that John Wesley Shipp will guest-star in season 2 of the CW's high-school superhero drama. Shipp will appear in episode 9, reprising his role as old-school speedster Jay Garrick from The Flash.

According to the official description, Jay Garrick plays a role "in a pivotal flashback episode" that establishes "the Golden Age Flash as a member of Earth-2's Justice Society of America." Per the CW, this miniature crossover will "officially bring Stargirl [Brec Bassinger] into CW's post-Crisis CWverse alongside The Flash, Superman & Lois, Batwoman, Black Lightning, Supergirl, and DC's Legends of Tomorrow."

This is the first time Stargirl will feature a character crossover from an Arrowverse show, as it wasn't possible before Crisis on Infinite Earths established that Bassinger's stars-and-stripes-clad teen hero resides on Earth-2 (with the Arrowverse shows all taking place on Earth-Prime now). This casting helps reinforce Stargirl's place in the greater post-Crisis multiverse.


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In last night's Black Lightning, episode 4.05 - "The Book of Ruin: Chapter One: Picking Up the Pieces", The Flash, Central City, and STAR Labs were mentioned. (Although not by name for the Flash.) Black Lightning's team needed a certain tech device quickly and The Flash delivered it (offscreen).

It was really nice to get a reference between the shows. It it wasn't for Covid, there probably would have been a small cameo, I think.

The references start at about 1:56 in this video clip:


Edited by Trini
Message added by Lady Calypso

This thread will be open for everyone to come discuss non-spoiler events related to the Crisis that have aired in the other Arrowverse shows that pertain to The Flash. Note that this isn't a replacement thread to openly discuss all of the Arrowverse shows; discussions should remain about The Flash. Anything spoiler related must be taken to our official Crisis thread. Thanks!

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