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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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4 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

Recurring isn't exactly a big role it could be just 2 episodes or the writers could change their minds and have them in every episode.  

With two actors playing Jekyll and Hyde, they can get away with not having both actors in every episode of the arc, assuming they're not done away with early in 6A. It's rather ingenious, really. 

2 hours ago, Mathius said:

This was posted around, and Adam says on Twitter that it's fake.  I guess we'll have to see if he's telling the truth or not.  Personally, I agree and think that it's fake because of points 5 and 7.  I actually laughed when I read them.  Yeah, like those events would ever happen on this show.

Some of them do sound very plausible though.

21 hours ago, profdanglais said:

Well, it's Hook's own fault, he should have had the common courtesy not to come back from the dead at such a delicate time for Regina. Couldn't he have waited until she'd had time to grieve? Sheesh...

Hook had zero control over coming back.  Zeus told him that he was sending him where he belonged and then was zapped into Emma's presence.  Also, it was JUST as delicate a time for Emma, no?  She was grieving for Hook while Regina was grieving for Robin.  I hate that the writers have created a situation where sides appear to have to be taken:  Emma or Regina.  Emma absolutely deserves her happiness (as does Regina), but if I had to pick one, it would be Emma.  Regina did a LOT of damage as the EQ, including stealing 28 years of Emma's life, making her an orphan and also murdering her first boyfriend (remember Graham?).  Does Regina deserve some happiness?  Absolutely.  Does Emma after all she has lost?  Absolutely.  Also, Hook deserves a win himself.  If you remove Emma and Regina from this, Hook put himself on the line more than once over three seasons to protect and defend the people of Storybrook and Emma and her family.  He could have given in to the darkness when he summoned the Dark Ones, but in the end, he chose to die for the residents of Storybrook.  It had to be him or Emma who was going to die after taking in the darkness, and he didn't want her to leave her family.  All on his own, Hook deserved a reward for his actions.  So I'll be pissed if Emma and Hook get treated badly because Regina is upset.

21 hours ago, InsertWordHere said:

Okay, Hook dealing with an individual who is revenge-crazed about him would be kind of interesting. A shoe on the other foot situation.

That might be a great story, and you're right.  It would allow him to see it from the other perspective, although the situations would be different.  Hook didn't cause Robin's death at all.  In fact, it was Regina, Zelena, and Robin's actions that led to the final outcome.  Going to get Hook is not what got Robin killed.  Regina allowed Zelena to try and save Hades, which resulted in the crazy TLK which allowed Hades to return to the world of the living.  THEN Regina allowed Zelena to take the baby who in turn gave it to Hades.  Thereafter, Robin and Regina took it upon themselves to go after Hades alone to get the baby back.  None of this has anything to do with Hook and Emma.  Zero.  This is about choices being made that resulted in tragedy.  I still like your idea.

19 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

ETA - I wonder if Hook didn't run into the diner because he got worried about Emma. Maybe he thought the light display and ground shaking was Regina flipping out because Emma told her he was back.

I think that was part of it.  He's waiting outside for Emma to break the news gently, and he sees a light display, and he's probably thinking "Is Hades back somehow?"  His first instinct is to protect Emma - not to be disrespectful to Regina.

19 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:

I see Regina's point though. Emma never fully submerged herself in the darkness. Everything she did as the Dark One she justified for herself using good intentions. Yes, she understands the darkness and its temptations. But she doesn't know what it's like to be totally consumed by it. The show tried to make the point that she accepted it when she saved Hook, but that's really not on par with murdering because you had a bad day. The mind of a psycho is a much different place.

I agree.  Regina has spent a much longer time killing, enacting revenge and really reveling in the darkness.  She is similar to Gold (but not like him) in that the power is what drives her, I think.  I think LP said as much that as the EQ, she could just wave her hand and make what she want happen, whereas with the "good guys," it takes much more effort and time to enact a positive outcome.  Having super powers is intoxicating, and she enjoys it.  I think that's part of the withdrawal process

18 hours ago, Souris said:

I suspect that Rumple will have a hand in the return of the EQ. Maybe he's the one who slips her the Jekyll Juice without her realizing. Or presents it as something it's not (like a cure for evil impulses).

But under no circumstances will Regina choose to be the EQ again, because she can't be blamed for it.

Probably nobody will act happy Hook is back because Regina's feelings and "Will this upset Regina?" always take precedence over anyone else's feelings, especially Emma's.

I really hope that Hook isn't treated like the bad guy.  THat will really piss me off.  I am especially hoping for a great Charming family scene because he risked and sacrificed a great deal for that entire family, and he deserves some love and respect for it.  I won't mind if Regina is forced into being the EQ.  I don't want it to be of her own choice (much like with Hook) because it's another regression.  Regina needs to keep moving forward as a character into becoming a better person, like Hook.  The only evil character who can't give up the power and loves being evil is Gold, and it makes him an interesting character.  I don't need ALL the previous villains to do the same as Gold.  I want to see them try to become better.  Hook has already completed that journey.  Regina is still a work in progress, and Zelena is just starting the journey.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Mathius said:

This was posted around, and Adam says on Twitter that it's fake.  I guess we'll have to see if he's telling the truth or not.  Personally, I agree and think that it's fake because of points 5 and 7.  I actually laughed when I read them.  Yeah, like those events would ever happen on this show.

Honestly, it seems fairly plausible.  Robin coming back could mean just his letter that they find.  I'd be surprised if these weren't real finale spoilers.  Also, Hook and Emma moving in together?  Not good enough, they already decided to do that in 5a.

40 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

Honestly, it seems fairly plausible.  Robin coming back could mean just his letter that they find.  I'd be surprised if these weren't real finale spoilers.  Also, Hook and Emma moving in together?  Not good enough, they already decided to do that in 5a.

Yeah, but that was before Emma went "full dark" and before Hook became a Dark One, etc.  Anyway, a lot of stuff happened since then, so I can A&E acting like this is BIG surprise!  Even though it shouldn't be. 

Personally, I do hope 5 & 7 happen.  Especially the Emma lashing out about her own past and warning Regina against hurting Hook.

20 minutes ago, Mathius said:

No, "Robin returns" was a clear typo, just like the screw-up mixing Hook and Robin's name under the last point.

I'm not so sure that the last point is a screw up with Hook and Robin's names.  Hook did die.  And Robin did survive the Underworld.  So Regina could be saying that now it's not fair that Hook is alive and Robin is dead after Hook was already dead and Robin survived going to Underbrooke.


Why would the Dragon be able to destroy Magic in Storybrooke from New York? It makes more sense if Henry destroyed it with his author Quill. However, getting the kids of NY believe in Magic by throwing  coins into a fountain sounds exactly like the sort of corny plot the writers would give Henry. So, I'm not sure if the list is of real spoilers, or just very very good guesses.

I'm guessing the surprise return not mentioned in the PR is Mal.

Edited by Rumsy4

Henry did not seem to have his author quill with him in the promo where he destroys magic, he had something else. 

And besides, he's not supposed to alter reality with the quill, just record events. He already accepted that.

If Maleficent does return,  then I'm calling the Dragon as Lily's father right now. Why else would they bother bringing him back?

Edited by Mathius

I doubt those spoilers are accurate. Unlike the winter premiere, ABC has not posted the show on its press site. And leaking a photo or two is much different than leaking a two-hour episode. Those spoilers are so vague it's like a fortune teller telling you something that seems real because it's so open.

That being said, if Emma wants to tell Regina off, I am here for that. 


Why would the Dragon be able to destroy Magic in Storybrooke from New York?

And if the Dragon can destroy Magic from a distance, boy did Tamara mess up trying to kill him. She should have hired him.


If Maleficent does return,  then I'm calling the Dragon as Lily's father right now.

If they were going to do that, they should have cast an actress that was part Chinese. Adult Lily gets enough complaints because she does not look the same ethnicity as her younger self. Now she doesn't look remotely like the ethnicity of her father? But you know who is part Chinese? Marian. So, Marian can be his daughter and he's royally annoyed about how shabbily she was treated and that's his motivation for killing magic in Storybrooke.


According to Lily, she was conceived when Mal and her partner did in in dragon form.  I don't think the ethnicity of his human form matters. 

OK, Lana's interview....


It’s going to take more than the loss of a boyfriend for Regina to regress. It’s going to take more than just his death to cross back over to the dark side. 

Obvious potion foreshadowing is obvious.


Emma’s her best friend.

I'm sorry, Lana, I just don't see it.  At all. Regina seems closer with Snow than with Emma!


It’s the catalyst that opens the door for Regina to share all these feelings with Emma.

Great use of words there.  Wonder how the SQ shippers are gonna interpret it....not.


In Regina’s eyes, Zelena has been a broken record over the years. It’s like, “Stop blaming me for our mother’s decisions. This has nothing to do with me. Stop punishing me for it, too.” 

Oh my God, the lack of self-awareness.  It hurts.


That’s what Regina’s really trying to achieve, is finding that love within herself and that peace within herself where she can forgive herself for the things that she’s done in her life.

Again, I don't see that coming off on screen.  Since when has self-loathing and an inability to forgive herself been a thing with Regina?  This was an issue I had with 5x15: she brings it up as a similarity she shares with Hook, but we've seen that many times before with Hook and next to none with Regina.  Even when she knows all the things she did were wrong, she brushes them off with "I'm not that person anymore!" or "And then you found her!", crap like that.  Not to mention the complete lack of interest in trying to help her victims in the Underworld move on, instead feeling more concerned with getting out of there before any of them come after her.  Regina is many things, but self-loathing ain't one of them.

Edited by Mathius
  • Love 6

Honestly, I usually take what A&E say with a grain of salt anymore, because they like to misdirect and think they are being all coy and stuff. But coming from the actors PLAYING the characters, some things are just too much.  Do they even remember their own scenes/lines?

EW article: Upon a Time: How will Regina deal in the wake of Robin's death? (This is Lana answering)


ABC released some photos from Emma and Regina, who is holding some sort of paper. What’s going on in that scene?
There’s a lot going on in that scene. That’s Neal’s apartment, otherwise known as Robin and Marian/Zelena’s apartment. They go back there because they’re looking for Henry. Whilst there, they find other items that can lead them to Henry. It’s also a nice moment between these two women where Regina takes the opportunity to share some fears and concerns that she’s never been able to voice before. She opens up in a way that we’ve never seen. Emma’s her best friend. It’s a moment between these two women where Regina takes the opportunity to share some deep fears and thoughts. We’ve never really seen her have this confessional, I guess you would call it. It’s quite moving, it’s quite honest and vulnerable. She’s holding a piece of paper. I don’t want to tell you what that is, but you’ll see what that is. It’s the catalyst that opens the door for Regina to share all these feelings with Emma.

Yes, I always share the fact that I want to rip her boyfriend's neck out with my Bestie!  That's why we're Besties Forever!


So she doesn’t blame Emma then for Robin’s death given they made enemies of Hades by going to the Underworld to save Hook?
No. That’s not at all what’s happening.

Nah, she ain't blaming her Bestie!  She's blaming her Bestie's boyfriend!  That's right.  The man who helped them find a way to defeat Hades who would have killed her.


How do you think Regina’s relationship has now changed with Zelena?
Ultimately, Regina has been waiting for Zelena to come around and soften a bit. All along, Regina is not really threatened by Zelena. She never has been. Zelena has been more of a pain in her butt, just making things more complicated than they need to be. In Regina’s eyes, Zelena has been a broken record over the years. It’s like, “Stop blaming me for our mother’s decisions. This has nothing to do with me. Stop punishing me for it, too.” Regina is actually excited to have this new relationship with Zelena. She feels a bit relieved. They now have something different to talk about. Knowing that they both loved each other at one point really strengthens the bond between them. For Regina, we talk about this happy ending. She’s made amends and she’s reconciled with her parents and her sister. I think she’s really grateful to have a blood relative in her life.

Yeah, it's too bad she didn't have any blood relatives in her life after she, you know, KILLED HER OWN FATHER.


  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, Mathius said:

According to Lily, she was conceived when Mal and her partner did in in dragon form.  I don't think the ethnicity of his human form matters. 

Now I'm forming a mental image of dragon sex. Take the wheel Jesus. 

Emma is Regina's best friend? Wat? lmaooooooooo

Edited by Sarcastica
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Emma’s her best friend.

That part is true. Is there anybody else that is a better friend? It's like Pan killing Felix. He barely cared a thing about Felix, but since he didn't even care that much about anybody else, Felix was the one that Pan loved the most. And that just wasn't Pan talking. Magic agreed and the curse was cast. So, Emma fits the description of her best friend. Snow is the only contender, but she is her step-daughter.


“Stop blaming me for our mother’s decisions"

That's what everybody should have said to Regina for the last 60 years. I don't think A&E see the hypocrisy.


Yeah, it's too bad she didn't have any blood relatives in her life after she, you know, KILLED HER OWN FATHER.

It's like the man throwing himself at the mercy of the court because he's an orphan and the judge pointing out that is because he killed his own parents. Plus Regina had a blood relative to chat with in Cora a few times quite recently - and a step-daughter. Emma went 28 years without a blood relative and not a person to chat with about that either.

Edited by kili
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Yeah, it's too bad she didn't have any blood relatives in her life after she, you know, KILLED HER OWN FATHER.

Honestly, that's not the part that gets me.  What gets me is the "my mother abandoned you, I have nothing to do with it, stop blaming and trying to punish me for it!" exasperation.  That wouldn't be so bad if we had ever gotten just ONE scene where Regina makes it clear that she realizes now that Cora and Cora alone killed Daniel, Snow was not remotely responsible, and that those years spent trying to kill Snow for that was wrong of her.  Instead, what we got in 3x20 was Regina telling Zelena she too "sought vengeance against someone who wronged me" (not "someone I mistakenly thought had wronged me", but "someone who wronged me"), and that it was wrong only because if she had succeeded in killing Snow, she wouldn't have gotten all the goodies she now had in Storybrooke such as a family.  5x16 basically repeated this with the whole "my enemies became my family, and that's when I truly felt happy", implying she was in the wrong before only because succeeding against her enemies would have prevented her from becoming truly happy.  It's about the negative impact it would have had on her, not on them.

God, I hate having to complain about Regina's writing all the time, but A&E and Lana just keep on pushing my buttons like this! 

Edited by Mathius
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6 minutes ago, kili said:

Emma went 28 years without a blood relative and not a person to chat with about that either.

Maybe that's why they're BFF's now.  They can bond over their commonalities...

4 minutes ago, Mathius said:

God, I hate having to complain about Regina's writing all the time, but A&E and Lana just keep on pushing my buttons like this! 

I know.  I know.  And like I said, I don't even pay much attention to A&E saying crap anymore, because they do it all the time, but Lana?  Come on, sweetheart...

5 minutes ago, Mathius said:

That wouldn't be so bad if we had ever gotten just ONE scene where Regina makes it clear that she realizes now that Cora and Cora alone killed Daniel,

Yeah, this too.  


God, I hate having to complain about Regina's writing all the time, but A&E and Lana just keep on pushing my buttons like this! 

There's a lot of Regina complaining going around because there's not much else to talk about. Jekyll/Hyde aren't that interesting from what we know, Asylum World's nature is a mystery, and Henry's quest to destroy magic is just a stupid retread. Regina going back to EQ is by far the most controversial aspect of the finale.

I'm interested in how A&E are going to switch up the formula in 6A as they say.

Edited by KingOfHearts

Even though the Hades arc wrapped in the penultimate episode, producers said there is still a chance of seeing the Underworld again. “The arc of the Underworld story that we were planning to tell this year we intend to conclude this year,” Kitsis says. “Which is not to say that some elements of it may not come into play in the future, but this particular story has a set ending that we're planning to reach quite soon.”

Next season, they hope to bring back some familiar faces — like Ruby (Meghan Ory) and Dorothy’s (Teri Reeves) budding love story, which was detoured by Ory’s schedule — and bring back the other realms the show hasn’t dove into in a while.

I know this is A&E, but one way to combine the two would be to have Ruby and Dorothy go on a quest to the Underworld to free Auntie Em from the River of Lost Souls.

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I honestly believe the "we like to switch things up to surprise people" explanation is BS.  A switch-up in the way Season 6 goes (a potential slowed-down pace, quieter town stories, possibly no half-season arcs, dropped arcs resolved, the return of Bandit Snow and Action!Charming), just so happening to come after ABC gets a new president, one who famously had the good sense to get A&E to spare Charming in the pilot?  I think A&E obviously can't come out and say it, but Channing Dungey most likely has actually come down on them to make these changes.

ABC is hurting badly, and if it wants Once, one of their more successful shows, to stay on the air longer, changes need to be made.

Edited by Mathius
  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, Mathius said:

I honestly believe the "we like to switch things up to surprise people" explanation is BS.  A switch-up in the way Season 6 goes (a potential slowed-down pace, quieter town stories, possibly no half-season arcs, dropped arcs resolved, the return of Bandit Snow and Action!Charming), just so happening to come after ABC gets a new president, one who famously had the good sense to get A&E to spare Charming in the pilot?  I think A&E obviously can't come out and say it, but Channing Dungey most likely has actually come down on them to make these changes.

ABC is hurting badly, and if it wants Once, one of their more successful shows, to stay on the air longer, changes need to be made.

Thankfully Channing Dungey remains an advocate of Hook's and loves the character and CS. :) So the salty haters won't be getting their way IE them getting rid of them.

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I just saw some pictures of Jekyle/Hyde..the actor in his Victorian garb and roughed up face looks much more interesting then bland Robin...(I just never thought the actor and Parrilla has any spark..but then I don't see why people go gaga over Hook and Emma, though agree they have more spark.) Can we just hope that instead of the EQ that Regina becomes Mayor Mills again. I mean, who could not see the EQ coming a mile away and Mayor Mills was more sneaky and everyone thought she was above board so that would work better over the long run. But this is A&E and their over the top magic so we will have the EQ throwing flame balls down main street....(YAWN.) Speaking of chemistry, I think the only chemistry Parrilla had (with a guy) is with sweet pouty Jefferson. Too bad he is a movie star, those two were good together.

Why do I think that the Henry spoiler is true..it sounds just like how they write that little creep. What does he gather children and tell them the story of a town in Maine with magic..."BELIEVE" When are they going to write him his age? Or at least let Roland or some other kid have his stories! I can't believe that Emma is his bio mom and he was raised by Regina, he acts a bit like he scores low on his placement tests.

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I know Regina is not familiar with the word friend (yeah, yeah, lets blame Cora, she erased her memories of happy times with young Zelena), but it seems that she is quite intelligent to observe real world and notice how other, normal and kot deep evil people behave with friends. 

I think Regina and Emma share a bond: Henry. They are both his moms, they care for him. But friends... Lets give it another 5 seasons and talk again!

That 3rd sneak peek... Sure, EQ is coming. And dumb Henry is going to meddle and mess everything up. And why that sad face Emma? Hook is back, would it hurt give her some healthy face? She seems pale, too thin, washed out. Regina, who is apparently so deeply greaving, looks better and healthier. 

And why dont Regina enjoy this moment of loss to bond with her new found beloved sister? They both lost their TLs! These writers have been shoving down our throats this sisterly relation, so now it is a great time, and while they share sad faces,  I could enjoy some few minutes of Emma and Killian together, happy, maybe Snowing could join them, because we kbow later they'll be apart and we have Emma and Regina trying to put some sense into their son's head.

  • Love 2
45 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

New Sneak Peek. Regina literally said the exact same thing to Emma last episode that Emma was "too emotional" to help. And now, she's throwing it in Emma's teeth that she went to the UW becasue Emma was "upset". Well, if A&E wanted to draw the lines for OUAT--Civil War, I'm firmly Team Emma.

That was my first reaction too.  Regina tries to use "going to Hell with you" as a comparison point, and not when she told Emma to do the exact same thing just a day ago!?  I hope the writers realize how hypocritical they make Regina, but somehow I think they're blind to it and we're supposed to sympathize with her here and condemn Emma.  Well, it's not going to work with me, sorry.  Team Emma FTW!


Thankfully Channing Dungey remains an advocate of Hook's and loves the character and CS. :) So the salty haters won't be getting their way IE them getting rid of them.

If Hook/CS was going to be gotten rid of, it would have been this season.

That he came back from the dead instead and the ship goes on sailing is pretty much proof that it's endgame, period.

Edited by Mathius
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9 minutes ago, Mitch said:

Why do I think that the Henry spoiler is true..it sounds just like how they write that little creep.

Also because it sounds like the ending of Elf and half a dozen other Christmas movies. This would have been a nice ending to the Neverland arc, but it's two and half seasons too late.

40 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

New Sneak Peek. Regina literally said the exact same thing to Emma last episode that Emma was "too emotional" to help

Either this episode was written before they knew Regina would say that to Emma in 5.21 or Regina really is so self-centered she doesn't realize she did the exact same thing to Emma last episode. "When you're upset we follow you to hell, but when I'm upset I get a time out." Lady, Emma was sitting in a corner with books and she still managed to acquire the info that saved your life. 

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, InsertWordHere said:

Either this episode was written before they knew Regina would say that to Emma in 5.21 or Regina really is so self-centered she doesn't realize she did the exact same thing to Emma last episode. "When you're upset we follow you to hell, but when I'm upset I get a time out." Lady, Emma was sitting in a corner with books and she still managed to acquire the info that saved your life. 

It sounded like a knock against the whole Underworld idea even though Emma didn't twist anyone's arm to go with her, and gave Regina the opportunity to get out of there. 

But the whole that's why you were trying to be delicate makes me see red. Like my friend said, of course Regina wouldn't know what being respectful of someone's feelings means.

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1 minute ago, YaddaYadda said:

But the whole that's why you were trying to be delicate makes me see red. Like my friend said, of course Regina wouldn't know what being respectful of someone's feelings means.

And Emma didn't know Gold was going to mess with the crystal when she was trying to be delicate with Regina, so she likely didn't think Regina would need to be out fighting the latest crisis on the day of Robin's wake. Although maybe she figured something like this would happen, considering it's this town. The last time Regina was this upset about someone coming back from the dead, didn't she hide in her house and send out messenger crows?

Speaking of Gold, is he going to be called insensitive for causing trouble during Robin's wake or can he only perform his most recent ritual when the stars are aligned just right, it's just stopped raining, there's bread in the oven, and two souls have recently been extinguished?

  • Love 4

There's no reason for Regina to not help here. Their problem with Gold has nothing to do with the Evil Queen. Regina doesn't seem to be showing any signs of reverting since Robin's wake. Both Emma and Regina are being hypocritical here. The truth is that they're both stressed out and vulnerable to reckless decision-making. 

And of course we have to throw Henry into the mix...

Edited by KingOfHearts
4 hours ago, Mathius said:

I honestly believe the "we like to switch things up to surprise people" explanation is BS.  A switch-up in the way Season 6 goes (a potential slowed-down pace, quieter town stories, possibly no half-season arcs, dropped arcs resolved, the return of Bandit Snow and Action!Charming), just so happening to come after ABC gets a new president, one who famously had the good sense to get A&E to spare Charming in the pilot?  I think A&E obviously can't come out and say it, but Channing Dungey most likely has actually come down on them to make these changes.

ABC is hurting badly, and if it wants Once, one of their more successful shows, to stay on the air longer, changes need to be made.

All these spoilers don't sound like improvements. If anything, I expect the ratings to go down faster than usual. Jekyll/Hyde, Rumpel and Regina going through a season 2 redux, and CS joining Snow and Charming in boring couple land all sound pretty dire to me.

JMo's acting goes a little weird whenever she is playing Emma as Regina's "friend". She hunches up as if she is afraid Regina will blow up on her. I can't tell if it is intentional or not. 

I don't think Emma is being hypocritical. Regina and her parents all told her to stop running around and to help defeat Hades by staying at one place and looking through books. And it worked. So, Emma is just parroting back that lesson to Regina. Plus they all know what happened when "Marian" came back to life. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Mathius said:

I honestly believe the "we like to switch things up to surprise people" explanation is BS.  A switch-up in the way Season 6 goes (a potential slowed-down pace, quieter town stories, possibly no half-season arcs, dropped arcs resolved, the return of Bandit Snow and Action!Charming), just so happening to come after ABC gets a new president, one who famously had the good sense to get A&E to spare Charming in the pilot?  I think A&E obviously can't come out and say it, but Channing Dungey most likely has actually come down on them to make these changes.

ABC is hurting badly, and if it wants Once, one of their more successful shows, to stay on the air longer, changes need to be made.

Taking this to the writing thread. 

3 hours ago, Mathius said:

 That wouldn't be so bad if we had ever gotten just ONE scene where Regina makes it clear that she realizes now that Cora and Cora alone killed Daniel, Snow was not remotely responsible,

It's true that Cora is the only one responsible for Daniel's death, but Snow told Cora about Daniel, which, in turn, led to her killing Daniel.  THAT'S what Regina hated about Snow - that she revealed a secret that had been entrusted to her.  Granted, Snow was a kid who had no clue that Cora was a rampaging psychopath, but the reason Regina hated Snow was because she is the one who revealed Regina's love for Daniel to Cora.  

2 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

New Sneak Peek. Regina literally said the exact same thing to Emma last episode that Emma was "too emotional" to help. And now, she's throwing it in Emma's teeth that she went to the UW becasue Emma was "upset". Well, if A&E wanted to draw the lines for OUAT--Civil War, I'm firmly Team Emma.

Yeah, Regina really doesn't have self-awareness, does she?  She acts like a petulant teenager when she's hurting, but I can forgive it because it isn't a big deal (yet) and she's mourning.  I have a bigger problem with her blaming Emma for going after Hook.  For the record:  Emma asked NO ONE to go with her into the UW to get Hook.  No one.  They volunteered to come, and that point and fact was reiterated by both her parents.  Also, going to the UW is NOT what got Robin killed.  As I stated before in other threads, Robin's death is a direct result of Regina, Robin, Zelena, and Hades' actions and choices.  

2 hours ago, Hookian said:

This friendship is such a joke. Regina said the same thing to her the last episode. 

I don't think it's a joke.  I do see them as being friends, just not best friends - not yet.  If they can get through this journey without killing each other or Regina regressing, then I say they are on a good path.  I'm happy that LP admitted that Regina is not angry about Hook or that revenge is driving her.  She's jealous, which is natural, but I don't think she wants to hurt Hook or Emma.  I hope not anyway.

Edited by Bishop
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I do see them as being friends, just not best friends

That's not what Lana said, though I call BS on what Lana said.  

I do believe Regina considers Emma a friend to the highest extent a narcissist like her can have friends, though.  The power of their friendship at any given point is directly proportionate to how accommodating Emma is to Regina's wants and needs, with Regina not doing the same.


Jekyll/Hyde, Rumpel and Regina going through a season 2 redux, and CS joining Snow and Charming in boring couple land all sound pretty dire to me.

Rumple may be benched for most of the next season (Robert Carlyle may not have renewed his regular contract and would instead be demoted to recurring, which would explain why he doesn't seem to come back to Storybrooke at the end of this season's finale), and as I said, Snow and Charming would be exciting again, like they were in S1 (not as MM and David Nolan, but as Snow and Charming) and the first half of S2, with Emma and Hook being much the same  They'd be having adventures, fighting Regina, and doing interesting things, not just be boring.

Edited by Mathius
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Just now, Mathius said:

That's not what Lana said, though I call BS on what Lana said.  

I believe Regina considers Emma a friend to the highest extent a narcissist like her can have friends, though.

Well, to be fair - Emma probably is Regina's best friend.  The fact that Emma is probably Regina's ONLY friend factors in and by default makes her Regina's best friend.  So there you go...

Regina is probably not Emma's best friend, however.  Because Emma understands what real friendship is.

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24 minutes ago, Mathius said:

Rumple may be benched for most of the next season (Robert Carlyle may not have renewed his regular contract and would instead be demoted to recurring, which would explain why he doesn't seem to come back to Storybrooke at the end of this season's finale), and as I said, Snow and Charming would be exciting again, like they were in S1 (not as MM and David Nolan, but as Snow and Charming) and the first half of S2, with Emma and Hook being much the same  They'd be having adventures, fighting Regina, and doing interesting things, not just be boring.

Rumple will probably be back in Storybrooke at the very end of the episode to witness his handy work. 

holycrap bring back Elsa so Emma can have a friend who actually understands her. Do these people not realize Emma grew up in the streets and god knows how her foster parents treated her. Who ever said JMO plays Emma with Regina like she's afraid she'll attack is right. Its just never right in their scenes and as bad ass as Emma is she gets so small when Regina is being a raging ahole.

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2 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:

I don't know if that's true any more. Regina and Snow haven't really interacted since 4A.

Um, that's not true at all.

Snow came to Regina and told her her deep, dark egg-napping secret in 4B and Regina kept it.

Snow and Regina were constantly working together in Storybrooke in 5A.

And Snow and Regina interacting was the entire catalyst behind Snow ditching the Mary Margaret persona in 5B.

Not sure how you forgot about all of that, because I sure haven't and have been pissed that Emma hasn't had many scenes like that with her mother for a long time now.  Though she has actually had a few recently (the 5A finale and some in 5B), so I hope we get more in Season 6.

Edited by Mathius
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Just now, Mathius said:

Um, that's not true at all.

Snow came to Regina and told her her deep, dark egg-napping secret in 4B and Regina kept it.

Snow and Regina were constantly working together in Storybrooke in 5A.

And Snow and Regina interacting was the entire catalyst behind Snow ditching the Mary Margaret persona in 5B.

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