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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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The clock tower is smashed. I wonder what that's all about.


There was a rumor going around Twitter that yesterday's filming was them leaving the UW. Perhaps this is what the UW is like after they've left -- the clock tower has been destroyed. Though one would hope they wouldn't go to the trouble & expense JUST for that. I hope they also film the group arriving back in actual SB after they takethe clock tower away.

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This may bee too spoilery for you to share, Souris, but is it clear that Neal is "real"  - i.e., that he's a true apparition/really stuck in the UW and not just a way to toss in a 100th episode cameo and give Emma a way to manifest her resolve to find Hook even as she worries about the danger she might be putting loved ones, in or guilt she feels over not doing as much for others she's lost?  What they're describing as the lengths they went through to keep MRJ's filming under wraps (Sean and his Instagram aside), it doesn't sound like he was there for much more than a one-off, nor has he been seen back since. If he's a manifestation of Emma's imagination, they don't have to deal with a Henry-closure scene or put Rumpel in a position where he is trying to get Neal back.   

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Hee. That's the first time I've ever heard that about myself. :) (I think many of the posters here can concur that I can be annoyingly pro-Hook at times.)


Sorry, kelz. I think my sarcasm wasn't laid on thick enough in my post. What you quoted was me doing an impression of all the annoying comments I'm going to have to filter through on Twitter and Tumblr. I was merely poking fun at them for their over-the-top reactions.


LOL, well I'm an idiot.... I'm truly sorry. Your sarcasm was so on point, I believed you actually meant your argument.  I see it all too much and I reacted poorly. Again, I apologize.

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This may bee too spoilery for you to share, Souris, but is it clear that Neal is "real"  


Struggling with how to answer this, as I think it kind of depends on one's definition of "real." I believe we're supposed to take his message as real -- though I could see if someone wanted to take it otherwise, they probably could. Is that muddly enough, LOL?


Based on spoiler pic just posted, my guess is that Henry is recording everyone's story in the book so the world will know their side.

Edited by Souris
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LOL, well I'm an idiot.... I'm truly sorry. Your sarcasm was so on point, I believed you actually meant your argument.  I see it all too much and I reacted poorly. Again, I apologize.


It's all good! Welcome to the craziness that is the Spoilers Thread. :)


And it's about time Henry, AKA The Author, actually started writing something. 

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He is probably giving them their happy endings/helping them move on. If Operation Firebird is not about saving Hook, I guess it's about this, so it makes sense for him to do it in an episode called Firebird.

But what is he writing with? He doesn't have the magic pen anymore.

Like that is going to stop the writers. Regina probably made him a new one, ten thousand times more magical and more awesome that the other one.

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I think the magic pen was only required to alter events (which was forbidden, so why even have that pen, and where did they get Dark Savior blood to use as ink before Emma/Lily?). He should be able to record stories without changing them with any old pen.


The new info about the episode kills the theory I had during the night that maybe Neal's warning would be to Hook upon his arrival in the Underworld, since we didn't get to see that.


I figure that pessimism is the healthiest way to approach this show. If you come in to an episode with high expectations, you're bound to be disappointed. Come in expecting to be either bored or infuriated, and you might be pleasantly surprised to find it tolerable. The finale of Downton Abbey will be the same night, so I know now which to give more headspace. Not particularly interested in watching the All About Regina Hour.

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The writers almost always do not take opportunities to make logical emotional connections between characters. Having Ghost!Neal talk to Emma, and not with Henry and/or Rumple is like having Charming dance with Regina instead of his own daughter. And how is Ghost!Neal's warning any different from Merlin's pointless warning to wee!Emma? lol


ETA: Maybe poor Hook is being tortured because he let the dogs Dark Ones out of the UW.

Edited by Rumsy4
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Trying to stay optimistic:

-i still kind of look forward to everything that isn't Regina (which doesn't sound like much).

-i'm excited that we get to see Pan, Cora, and James again.

-interesting that Pan wants out, you'd think he and Rumple would plot to trade places with say, Emma, because that would get rid of the saviour, instead of possibly Zelena (if that's what the other spoilers point towards).

-i nominate that Pan stays a crappy father and tries to screw his son over by trying to swap places with him at the last minute.

-good to hear that Hades sounds like he's enjoyable for the most part.

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Is the clocktower like a traveling portal machine now?

Do we have any idea yet why the clocktower fell to the ground in the first place?



Ok the Clock tower is randomly in the cemetery?

It's a TARDIS?

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I don't know about the one in the cemetery, but I think the scenes they're filming today in Steveston are out of order. There's also a clock tower they are going to use for the night shoot, so it could be that something happens to the clock in the night shoot, and then the day scenes are the aftermath of that?

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Don’t get me wrong — I absolutely LOVE the fact that this episode was Regina-centric because Lana Parilla knocked it out of the park. However, it did seem rather odd that for a series built on Emma Swan (and plot being driven by her motivation to rescue Hook), the episode was pretty Emma-lite. Additionally, most of the other characters including Snow, Charming, Henry, and Robin Hood were relegated to background (or flashbacks, in the case of Snow). (X)


The writers want Regina to be front and center in 5A. So that's what they are doing. Who cares about continuity or logic, amirite. 

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I'm staying optimistic. I've looked forward to the 100TH ep for some time. I'm going to reserve judgement until I've seen it. I honestly didn't expect them to find Hook right away. I know I posted speculation where I said they'd have him back in Storybrooke by the end of the episode, but that was way before filming started and I wasn't sure how long they'd spend on a Hook arc. Even though it is about Hook, there are other stories as well so I'm just going to wait and see for myself.

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The fact that they made a milestone episode -- that they went out of their way via wonky episode number to make sure was the milestone episode -- focus so firmly on one character says a lot. If any episode was a true ensemble piece rather than a character-centric, it should have been this one. I'd probably feel the same way if it had been centered on any one character. It might have worked if it were centered on Emma, since she's the hub of the series through whom all the other characters connect, so centering on her essentially makes it an ensemble piece by showing her connections to everyone. Also, they could have used the milestone to show how she's changed and her life has changed from the pilot until now, from the bad "date" and lonely birthday candle to heading straight into the Underworld to get her man, with the full support of her family. But any other character, it seems unfair to focus on. I'd feel the same if the 100th episode had been all about Hook, as much as I like him as a character. But it should have been a true ensemble episode.


I suspect I may DVR while watching the BAFTA tribute to Downton Abbey, then watch after DA with liberal use of the FF button.

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A Dr Who Doomsday comparison isn't a particularly bad thing for this Once situation. It's been a while but, as I remember it, it was basically that Rose and the Doctor wound up in different dimensions. (In Who plot it was Rose's exit from the show, but she wound up with the alternate 'human' Doctor). Here I would think just do setup it's that Emma and Hook are 'in different dimensions' parallel. (Though in Doomsday they made it look like Rose could never show up again, she did in fact appear again at a later date). At any rate better Doomday's Rose scenario than what happened to Who's Donna (which I will never forgive) which was to have her memory permanently erased.

Edited by shipperx
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I can imagine Regina's meeting with her father to be something like...


Henry Sr: "So, did you get the happiness you desired after killing me for it?"
Regina: "Yes! I got a son, a True Love, and I'm a hero now!"

Henry Sr: "It's good to know my sacrifice wasn't in vain."

Regina: "Thank you so much, daddy!"



Or maybe we met her already and I just don’t remember. There have been 100 episodes, after all. Either way, I believe I know who she’s supposed to be and I’m welcoming the inclusion of more mythology into this fairytale-centered show.

Does anyone have any idea who could this be? Have we seen them before?



“Operation Firebird” is a new mission that Henry names (probably the first well-named mission of his in my opinion), and it’s not just a mission about Hook. Our heroes have all found a kind of purpose in the underworld, with Regina Mills leading the charge in a very significant way.

I can sort of see why Regina would be leading the charge on Operation Firebird. There are many people in Underbrooke (Henry Sr, The Blind Witch, etc.) she's responsible for killing, or she tormented them during their lives. So it does stand to reason that Redeemed!Regina would be attempting to make things right so they can rest in peace. However, and even though dialogue suggested otherwise, I doubt that's the angle they're going for. Regina will be in charge because she's Regina.



There’s a “lost” Rumple/Belle scene (which made me roll my eyes because of the show insisting that Belle’s completely naïve, but that’s neither here nor there)

What's this "lost" Rumpbelle scene people keep talking about? Is it a quick flashback in the episode or something?

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Henry Sr: "So, did you get the happiness you desired after killing me for it?"

Regina: "Yes! I got a son, a True Love, and I'm a hero now!"

Henry Sr: "It's good to know my sacrifice wasn't in vain."

Regina: "Thank you so much, daddy!"


Meanwhile, over with Pan/Rumple and Brennan/Killian...


Pan/Brennan: So, the last time we were together, you put a dagger through me.

Rumple/Killian: Yes, because you're a bastard and deserved it.

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I can imagine Regina's meeting with her father to be something like...


Henry Sr: "So, did you get the happiness you desired after killing me for it?"

Regina: "Yes! I got a son, a True Love, and I'm a hero now!"

Henry Sr: "It's good to know my sacrifice wasn't in vain."

Regina: "Thank you so much, daddy!"


More like:


Henry Sr: "So, did you get the happiness you desired after killing me for it?"

Regina: "Well... there's the issue of my pesky green sister..."

Henry Sr hightailes it out of there before Regina can send him to another level of Hell for her happiness.

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I think I hate these spoilers


--We'll only "see" Hook (or an apparition of him) briefly and he'll be bloody and burned?  So it's the 100th episode, the initial reason for going to the Underworld is to save Hook, be we won't actually see him.  Instead we get...

--Neal telling Emma to turn around and go back.  WHY DO WE NEED NEAL TO DO THIS?

--Regina reunites with her parents Yay?

--Rumple reunites with his dad Yay?

--And no one wants to eat at Granny's


After that crazy emotional finale I CANNOT believe their just going to brush it under the rug in favor of Regina's birthday and random guest stars.


Also, I don't think Sean is leaving Once, he's been in Vancouver this whole time.  Are they really going to give away Regina's happy ending?  I don't think so.

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Also, I don't think Sean is leaving Once, he's been in Vancouver this whole time.  Are they really going to give away Regina's happy ending?  I don't think so.


That article was total click-bait. There's no way he's leaving.

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--Neal telling Emma to turn around and go back.  WHY DO WE NEED NEAL TO DO THIS?

They might as well have stuck in an Oz reference with "I'd turn back if I were you!" graffiti'ed on the Entering Storybrooke sign instead.



If Once Upon a Time was the Star Wars franchise, this would be Empire Strikes Back. It’s going to get dark, it’s going to be scary, and there will be surprises.

Because 4B and 5A weren't dark enough? I was actually hoping 5B would lighten the mood (even though it's the Underworld) with some funny character interactions.

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They might as well have stuck in an Oz reference with "I'd Turn Back If I Were You" graffiti'ed on the Entering Storybrooke sign.


Well, given this is a Disney production, they should have the boat go under a talking skull that says: ""Ye come seekin' adventure and salty ol' pirates, eh? Sure ye come to the proper place." or "Psst! Avast there! It be too late to alter course, mateys...and there be plundering pirates lurking in every cove, waitin' to board. Sit closer together, and keep your ruddy hands inboard. That be the best way to repel boarders. And mark well me words, mateys...dead men tell no tales!"


Maybe Neal gives his warning and then passes on to the next level of Underworld because he's reached closure. Then Rumple can be denied his goal of rescuing Neal instead of Hook. He can rage about that a bit. Bonus points if Neal gives his warning in PoTC style.


-interesting that Pan wants out, you'd think he and Rumple would plot to trade places with say, Emma, because that would get rid of the saviour, instead of possibly Zelena (if that's what the other spoilers point towards).


Well, both Pan and Zelena have an affinity for green. Maybe that's how he plans on tricking Hades. Why would Rumple ever work with Pan when he died to kill Pan? Please let there be some logic.


Why does Hook get punished in the underworld and Pan gets rewarded by being Pan (instead of being Malcolm who he hated being)?


I should lower my expectations about logic...right?

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Why does Hook get punished in the underworld and Pan gets rewarded by being Pan (instead of being Malcolm who he hated being)?

Because this show's tagline is "No good deed goes unpunished"


There seems to be a lot of sad themes in the 5x15 soundtrack.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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If Regina's father forgives her for murdering him, I will flip a damn table.


What will you do when her father thanks her for killing him? And then admits that he was a spoiled brat who totally deserved it. And then, asks for forgiveness for making Regina have to kill him. "You had no choice."

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If Regina's father forgives her for murdering him, I will flip a damn table.


Head to IKEA now.


So, WTF, this costume article says that Emma will be wearing the Dark Swan costume in the UW. Did I mention WTF?


I'm guessing/hoping it's some sort of illusion. Or Eduardo misspoke & meant Camelot.

Edited by Souris
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It says it's a revamped version of the costume, so who knows what it will be for. The Underworld looking like it does, I wouldn't be surprised if Hades used that to make Hook believe that he failed, and this is what happened to the town, and to Emma.


I'm pretty sure they find him by the end of 5x13.

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Head to IKEA now.

So, WTF, this costume article says that Emma will be wearing the Dark Swan costume in the UW. Did I mention WTF?

I'm guessing/hoping it's some sort of illusion. Or Eduardo misspoke & meant Camelot.

The IKEA comment made me crack up.

I did wonder if Eduardo was speaking about 5a more than anything because beyond the red jacket talk his comments didn't make much sense...

Have there really been that many wedding dresses on the show? Why would Emma be wearing her Dark Swan clothes in the Underworld?

Also I find it funny that the Author's pen is in the Underworld. Technically Henry did kill it...

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It’s going to get dark, it’s going to be scary, and there will be surprises.


Oh man, really? Did they miss 4B & 5A? Because seriously this show has been pretty dark for a while now. When was the last light, pure fun episode? No one's ever really even been happy since 3B. Maybe they're talking literal dark? That red tint is going to get seriously annoying very quickly.

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Oh man, really? Did they miss 4B & 5A? Because seriously this show has been pretty dark for a while now. When was the last light, pure fun episode? No one's ever really even been happy since 3B. Maybe they're talking literal dark? That red tint is going to get seriously annoying very quickly.

Replying in All Seasons.

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I have to think the Walking Dead's law of averages screwed OUAT over because OUAT will now have to even everything out by being lackluster.


Ah well,  TWD taught me that miracles happen and maybe next time instead of being like Doctor Who Doomsday, they can do End of Time and Hook's missing hand re-generates into a second Captain Hook and Captains Swan end up in Bad Wolf Bay with a surprise guest appearance from Graham and Regina gets the memory whammy.

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It seems like the Blind Witch is back. I hope she has more of a role than just Underworld!Granny. I'd kind of love it if she ended up being the super secret uber big bad of the season. Mostly because I don't see her being at all sympathetic to any character and she eats children, so there's no redemption there. If anyone gave her a baby to "fix" her, she'd fix it for dinner.

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That S3 double finale was the last time this show attempted to be light. I hope we do get some light moments or even Cruella being snarky. I find her snark funnier compared to Regina's whose just a big ole butt.

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Where's Mary Margaret and Robin? Are they finally paired up on a side adventure where they can be archery bros?? (Eh, probably not. Most likely, the writers just expect us to assume they're off finding some MacGuffin off screen for the entire episode.)


Speaking of Robin...does anyone else feel bad for the guy? I think I might use a stopwatch this back half and time him whenever he speaks. I'd be amazed if he gets over 1 minute of speaking dialogue in total. Even in the heavily Regina-centric premiere, I read that he pretty much only has one line of dialogue. 

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Mary Margaret is probably off with Baby Snowflake. I think they sent her home early so Ginny could do planned promo for Zootopia (and also because it's not good for Ginny to stand around filming for hours when she's 6 months pregnant). They filmed that scene in the cemetery with Captain Swan and Snow a few weeks ago and I think she left then. Let's face it, Snow is not necessary to the show anymore.


I would not be at all surprised if Robin is reduced to recurring next season. Why is he even a regular? He didn't even get a decent role in an episode that's all about his soulmate. That just goes to show of how little importance he really is to Regina and her story. They've got no role for him other than to stand around and look constipated. 

Edited by KAOS Agent
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And with only three episodes left this season, I doubt Robin's going to have a centric somewhere in there. Which means he'll go the entire year without a centric episode. I guess Charming had a long drought too for a while, but at least he gets fun Sheriff scenes with Emma occasionally.


Huh. Maybe they are killing off Robin...

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I've always wondered if they would kill off Robin at some point. I don't think they actually will, but it wouldn't shock me. The writers have never seemed remotely interested in developing his character; he's a plot device for Regina. There have been a couple of comments from A & E that have made me think they want to bring back the Evil Queen at some point, and killing her boyfriend would be the most obvious way to do it. It would bring her story full circle. She could go evil for a bit, but this time her love for Henry would bring her back and 'redeem' her once and for all. 


This is the only explanation I can think of for the half-assed development of Robin and Regina's relationship. With Captain Swan, we've seen almost every step of the way. It's clear that the writers are invested in it. Robin and Regina, on the other hand, happened so fast. I know some fans think it's because A & E want to give Regina the happiest of happy endings without much struggle, but I'm not so sure in this case.


Maybe when it comes down to it, Regina's happy ending is actually Henry and the Charming family. By not having Regina end up with a man, A & E will be addressing the fan criticism that the female characters have become weak and overly dependent on their boyfriends--which I think they take to heart--and Emma and Hook can still have their happily ever after. The fact that Robin isn't particularly popular among fans also makes me think killing him is a real possibility, since A & E clearly take that kind of thing into consideration. I'm still not sure if they'll actually go there, but they did with Neal, and they do love their 'twists', so who knows...

Edited by Katherine
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I've always wondered if they would kill off Robin at some point. I don't think they actually will, but it wouldn't shock me. The writers have never seemed remotely interested in developing his character; he's a plot device for Regina. There have been a couple of comments from A & E that have made me think they want to bring back the Evil Queen at some point, and killing her boyfriend would be the most obvious way to do it. It would bring her story full circle. She could go evil for a bit, but this time her love for Henry would bring her back and 'redeem' her once and for all. 


The only issue with reverting Regina back to the Evil Queen mode at this point is Roland. If she goes full-on evil and dumps the kid off on The Charmings until her temper tantrum is done, I don't think that could ever be redeemed. How does one be an Evil Queen and keep track of three different children at the same time? (Oh no, did I just give Adam & Eddy their inspiration for Season 6?)

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